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we-re-always-alright · 1 year ago
any time I see people tying minor world events to economics I’m like. that’s not how economics works. I know you want it to be how it works so you can blame someone. but that’s not how it works in any country or global economy.
#it’s like saying gravity only exists on Tuesdays#this is directly looking at two things:#one: saying the FFR (federal funds rate) is why ‘start up’s’ in the gig economy are failing#and two: someone saying we should cause a bank run (multiple bank runs) when we’re still in pre-recession waters#per point one: the FFR is for banks and credit unions and determines what rate at which lending happens#it effects things like housing; car loans; savings accounts; etc because it sets a floor at which interest rates have to be#it does not affect how much money VCs pour into companies they think are going to be worth billions#which VCs pour money into them so they get a % of the company as stock#so they’re incentivized for the company to do well and make them a profit when they go public#not to say these companies might not have traditional bank loans but it’s very unlikely for the amount they’re spending#additionally as we all should have learned from the Glass-Stegel act and the 08 crash#banks need to keep their commercial investments and consumer investments separate#so yes these companies are failing…. but for other reasons like increased regulation; changing preferences in the consumer and economy;#but MOSTLY they were unsustainable businesses at the onset; they didn’t need to be profitable; just go public and make billions on stock#now for point two this one is simple: IF YOU CAUSE MULTIPLE BANK RUNS#THEY BECOME A SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY#AND THEN MORE BANKS FAIL AND WE GET A RECESSION#all caps were necessary here#if you look at the Great Depression (a great example of a banking panic)#not all of the banks were initially failing#but by people panicking about their money (and a lack of the FDIC at the time)#but because people panicked and pulled their money out the banks failed anyway and caused the worst recession in US history#so yes feel free to cause a banking run and tank the economy#it’s likely Europe will enter a recession in the next 6 months so please exacerbate the situation#(which because global economy will push us further into possible recession)#I’m sure people will have plenty of time to feel smug and superior while sitting on a mattress of cash and looking for jobs#ugh anyway bad economics bothers me#just cause you watched a dude rant about it on YouTube (when he doesn’t know what a Phillips curve is) doesn’t mean you know economics#thoughts? thoughts#or: wHy DoNt YoU jUsT bAlAnCe ThE eCoNoMy LiKe My ChEcKbOoK
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months ago
Fenton, the Ghost Hunter Hero
So! When Danny first saw a Ghost attacking his school, he was still terrified of his parents finding out about his Powers.
He looked exactly the same in his Ghost Form, sounded the same, he even had the Hazmat Suit his parents had custom made for him on as a Ghost. There was no way anybody wouldn't immediately find him out if he tried to stop Lunch Lady with his Powers, it was so obvious!
But he couldn't just leave her there. She had crossed through the Portal that he opened, and was attacking his friends. He needed to stop her somehow!
So he tried, he just didn't use his Powers. He stole a bunch of his parents Inventions, fixed the broken ones so they actually worked, and ran in to stop Lunch Lady as a Human. The battle lasted far longer than he would have liked, but eventually he managed to stop her and shove her into the Thermos.
And from there on out, he just kept doing it. Danny became the Town's defacto Hero, since his parents were too Incompetent and he had the ability to actually beat the Ghosts, he had to protect the people he had endangered.
Soon enough people began to notice his Heroics. Mr Lancer didn't stop him when he ran out of the classroom, Dash stopped shoving him in Lockers, and his parents were Ecstatic when they found out he had gone into the "Family Business".
He still kept his Ghost Form hidden from his parents and the Public though. It was still too dangerous.
He only ever used his Ghost Form while in the Ghost Zone so he could blend in, and avoid being attacked by the multiple Ghosts who he had forced back in there. Danny Fenton was a Ghost Hunter, Phantom was just another Ghost wandering the Ghost Zone.
(Though he did gain some infamy by defeating some powerful ghosts, like Aragon or Plasmius)
Years down the line, Fenton remained the respected Ghost Hunting Hero of Amity Park, his greatest accomplishment being the defeat of Pariah Dark, the Ghost King.
That battle had actually drawn outside attention to the town for a change, and it wasn't long before Danny was offered a spot on the Justice League's Junior Team. It wasn't every day when the evil Ruler of another Dimension was defeated by a non-powered Human, so it actually sparked some interest in the Town.
Unfortunately, Danny couldn't accept the Invitation.
If he joined the Justice League, it ws only a matter of time before one of their multitude of Magic Users realized the truth and outed him as a Ghost. He couldn't take that chance.
He was content staying as a small town Hero dealing with a "minor" Ghost Problem, no need to overcomplicate matters.
That is, until the JL contacted him again a few months later. Apparently, their Time Travelers had warned of an Evil Ghost known as Phantom, who would one day grow so powerful he would destroy the world and leave it in ruins. They needed his help as an expert Ghost Hunter to track down Phantom, for the safety of the world.
Problem. This version of Danny had never actually met Dan, since his history went so differently. Now he is terrified of what event could have led to him becoming the Worst Supervillain in History.
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thirdtimed · 11 months ago
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double life pearl in this fit..
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adhd-merlin · 2 years ago
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I am obsessed with this
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brucie-baby · 6 months ago
anyways steph is doomed by the narrative, jason is haunting the narrative and bruce is narrating the narrative. does this make sense.
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loveforaninstant · 24 days ago
sometimes you think too hard and you realize that nocturne!richter belmont (particularly s1 richter) suits "oh no!" by marina and the diamonds. way more than he should. and thats gonna be in my brain forever now
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dr2-hell · 27 days ago
komaeda low-key does have a lesbian flag colored hair, even without my saturations... think about it... pink/orange on the tips and white on the front... maybe they were up to something
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abyssal-ilk · 2 months ago
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thinking about an inquisitor who looks like andraste,, thinking ab her so bad
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metanarrates · 3 months ago
shoutout to yjh for overcoming failed stories btw. very cool character. continues to be Transgender As Hell
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rollforjackass · 2 years ago
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i could KILL him for this. motherfucker's every interaction with children has him being, if not nice, then at minimum kind and forgiving and genuinely invested in their wellbeing.
he asks crying kids what's the matter, he's afraid to hold a baby because he's worried he'll drop it, he goes after people who are mean to kids without a second thought. his whole mentorship with timothy hunter is him trying to do right by that kid no matter how he feels about it at the time. man would be the most loving dad in the world but because of his own awful goddamn father and the ways he thinks he takes after thomas, he doesn't think that's true. i hate.
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teen-heart-throb-mr-hyde · 1 year ago
oh you hate tgs book inaccurate adaptations? do you want an award? should we throw a party? should we invite robert louis stevenson?
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poison-into-positivity · 10 months ago
I won’t lie it’s depressing the hell out of me that people on my dash are literally begging others to watch certain queer shows in an attempt to stop them from getting cancelled.
Neil Gaiman is on here asking people to tell their friends about DBD so that the likelihood of the show getting axed becomes lower. That show hasn’t even been out for two whole weeks - people have barely even had time to enjoy it before worrying about whether it’s going to be renewed.
It just really sucks that we’re finally getting good, diverse queer representation on TV but now we have to learn how to play the game and fight for it to stay there.
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entities-of-posts · 9 months ago
I found a gutted crow on the sidewalk, and my life and mental health started going to shit almost Immediately.
No way that just happened to that crow naturally, so I've felt like something was trying to tell me something. An omen, if you will.
I couldn't stop looking for these "omens," and I couldn't go outside without trying to read a message in the clouds.
Lately, though, it began to clear up until
Yesterday, when we saw a hawk essentially beheaded,
And now I'm genuinely worried again
The End
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firesidefantasy · 4 months ago
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a lil aawiab snippet bc i am endlessly amused by this idiot
taglist: @serendipminie-writes, @sparrow-orion-writes (mssg/comment to be added/removed <3)
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buttercupart · 11 months ago
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i destroyed the bond of friendship and respect between the only people left who'd even look me in the eye now I laugh and make a fortune off the same ones that I tortured and the world screams; "Kiss me, Son of God"
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aquickstart · 1 year ago
choosing to answer the question of "what was oliver doing all those 16 years" in perhaps dumb but sort of poetic way drawing from brideshead revisited where charles paints old houses of the rich and noble before they are demolished. i choose to think that at least in some way, not as the main stream of income of course, but to pass the time and heal his ego, oliver wrote and published novels and novellas. i mean, he was a (failed) oxford english major after all. but anyway, they definitely weren't that good. cheesy, derivative, uninspired and mimicking the gothic romanticism of the classic stories but i think he could write of rich families and young bright fellas making use of the dying upper class and setting things right. the stories weren't good because they lacked the substance and clinged to the aesthetics, because he wrote to convince himself of his righteousness, not see into the heart of what infatuation with status really means. it's also very much an undergrad thing, to sort of get the basics and the tropes but not really understand what makes them work yet, and i sincerely don't think he ever graduated. but yeah. he probably sought catharsis before he could encounter elspeth again, he probably craved resolution immenseley. i choose to think he wrote it out.
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