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kermitthesog · 10 months ago
spoilers hehehehehhhe (pjo + toa deaths)
literally stop. literally stop. stop. stop. stop. i can’t. I was just reminded of how there literally is no main character privilege in pjo other than for percy, annabeth and idk grover? LIKE STOP. you cannot trust rick riordan like other authors because guess what? One of the main characters? Like in the Titan’s Curse with Zoe? nope. dead. Luke? No returning to the good side, no! had to kill himself to stop kronos. Dead. STOP IT. Jason, who was there for a whole series? dead! Silena who was there the whole series and was a secret spy for kronos but redeemed herself by sacrificing herself? oh yeah also dead. Beckondorf who was also there the whole series and helped percy so much? oh you liked him? that’s funny. dead. And yeah you could argue that, at least in that particular series, that character might not be a “main” character, but come on.
it just hurts so much more when you’ve gotten a backstory, personality, fears, motivations, growth, even a redemption arc of a character and you have to watch (well, read) them die. and when that character was so well loved by the other characters and the audience. when the character dies and you have to endure everybody’s reactions. when you cry because someone is screaming out in pain for them like piper for jason, screaming he’s not dead. when they describe their anguish like clarisse with silena. when a character has to walk away after the other sacrificed themselves like percy and beckondorf. when they have to cope with them being forever gone.
i cannot deal with the fact that there are so many deaths of important people. and they still weigh so heavily on everyone else. they made an impact. want some examples?
Zoe: percy still thinks about her.
Luke: he made an everlasting impact on everyone who met him or fought against him.
Jason: the whole rest of the series after the burning maze, apollo/lester dedicates his actions to jason and promises to be human like jason had pleaded for.
Beckondorf + Silena: Are fought for in the end during the final battle against kronos.
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 9 months ago
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(Gamora and Little Gamora being cute on set).
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stra-tek · 4 months ago
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Zoe Saldana selfie, filming Star Trek Beyond
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xxskycrystalxx · 2 years ago
Starmora nation rise up, we’ve got crumbs ✨
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hekatiane · 1 year ago
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A doddle I did back then about one of my favorite moments from the 2022 Star Guardian VN
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sapphiredhearts-a · 2 years ago
new pjo muse tags .
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percyjackson-post · 9 months ago
"I could make out all the constellations Annabeth had taught me: Capricorn, Pegasus, Sagittarius.”
Let me explain why every time I get to this scene in Battle of the Labyrinth, I have to fight back tears. In the Titan’s Curse, Percy knows absolutely NOTHING about the stars, even going so far as to call Ursa Major the “bear thing." However, by the time he’s on Calypso’s island, Percy is able to identify the constellations with ease. It’s such a small scene, yet it manages to tell us so much about Percy as a character. This is a 15-year-old boy who, after losing someone he knew only for a moment, has gone out of his way to learn about something that was important to her. He's made the effort to learn about this so he can preserve her memory and know exactly where Zoe is now that she's no longer with him.
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omgthatdress · 30 days ago
omfg. I was going out a limb trying to defend Emilia Pérez and Karla Sofía Gascón sawed it off. Turns out she's a huge racist.
Like okay, here's the thing about Emilia Pérez as a movie: you have to accept that it's gonna be weird and kind of ridiculous. I mean it's a fucking drug cartel trans woman musical. It's a very bold artistic choice and it's the kind of bizarre shit that I will always love. Once you make peace with that, it all kind of works as a movie. I actually rather enjoyed it.
I thought a lot of the transphobia claims were over-blown but I've shied away from saying a lot about it because most of the people saying that are trans and I don't wanna cis-plain movies to them. But also like I think people are waiting for the perfect trans representation movie, which somehow perfectly captures their experience as a trans person and is still universal to every other trans person on earth, and that is never gonna happen. Sometimes a movie is just a movie. It's a sympathetic portrayal of a trans woman as a human being, and Karla Sofía Gascón may be a shitty person but I thought her acting was lovely.
As far as the "Vaginaplasty" scene, you read the part about how it's supposed to be camp and maybe a little ridiculous, right?
And as for its portrayal of Mexico..... yeah it's pretty bad. I think it seeks to humanize a bunch of stereotypes and deal with a lot of heavy duty social issues but in the end says very little about them, and that's the movie's biggest shortcoming.
But Zoe Saldaña was fucking amazing and I really want to see her win an Oscar for it. FOR REAL.
Anyway I hope The Substance wins fucking everything this year.
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anxresi · 4 months ago
Check out Chloe's 'new design'...
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... According to a post on X by Thomas 'born liar' Asruc.
His idea of a joke, I guess... are all French people this funny?
Personally, I think it looks more like Zoe...
The same way Soquerline was the spitting image of Marinette.
Do these character designers have ANY imagination? AT ALL?
Seriously. I want to know. This is not a rhetorical question.
And allegedly, she has prosphetic legs! So of course, she's a track star. Normally, I'd applaud the oft-neglected representation...
But this is Miraculous Ladybug we're talking about here.
I guarantee it'll be badly-written, self-congratulatory pandering to those undemanding types for whom just SEEING a character with them is enough.
I have a simple statement to throw to these tragically easily-impressed individuals...
Remember when they made Zoe and Miss Bustier gay out of nowhere? (for no reason than to make these unpopular character likeable to certain communities) .
Remember when they made an entire episode about 'racism'? (where no-one faced any consequences at the end, and no-one could even say the word).
Remember when they finished the last season with an unbelievably clunky message about recycling? (like they recycle the worst parts from other formulaic superhero shows, I guess).
It's all about the optics, nothing else... and you don't have to be a born cynic to see it that way.
They could care less about the underlying issues, they just want to tick as many 'fashionable cause' boxes as they can in lieu of making a good show.
Don't believe me? Here's a few predictions for you.
Feel free to come back after it's aired to tell me how correct I was.
*After this girl's introduction, we will NEVER see her again.
*Her ENTIRE persona will be based around her 'disability', and her personality and popularity will put Zoe's to shame to 'compensate' for it.
*She'll get akumatised, and it'll stem from a lack of confidence due to you-know-what. Afterwards, she'll learn to accept herself more, and...
Look, does anyone else feel somewhat insulted, looking at the patronising tripe the writers look like they're going to be serving us up with in the future?
S5 was bad enough, but the next one looks like they're REALLY doubling down on giving us superficial 'life lessons' instead of a half decent story.
Believe it or not (and you wouldn't by watching this shallow load of condescending trash) there IS a way to squeeze a satisfying plot and well-drawn characters around a healthy message that DOESN'T bash you over the head with it's self-worthiness repeatedly in every painful scene.
In case you hadn't noticed, Miraculous Ladybug isn't that show (CHLOE BAD, anyone?).
And, if you think I'm a heartless bigot for pointing out the highly obvious agenda of the shameless charlatans behind Miraculous Ladybug, then you're an idiot.
And you really need to reread my post again, more carefully this time.
Here, I'll even start you off from the right spot. 'Check Out Chloe's New...'
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auras-moonstone · 2 years ago
hello there could i request jack x actress!reader where they’re co-stars on a show or film and they obviously have feelings for each other but it’s like “everyone knows about it BUT them” kinda thing lmao they act like a couple but neither of them has brought the subject up
let’s just say they were nominated for an oscar and at the vanity fair after party jack’s talking to a girl when he sees the reader talking dancing a little too close to an actor (who’s literally just a friend) and he just goes up to them like “hey can i steal you for a second? great thanks lets go” and just drags her to a more private part (maybe a romantic balcony?) and he’s like “wtf was that???” and she’s like “well i can ask u the same mr.” and it’s just angry love confession and they kiss (no smut pls!!) please and thank you so much 😁
angry confessions are the best😫 hope you enjoy it! 🫶🏻
you belong with me — jack champion
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word count: 1,729
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack belong together and, while everyone knows it, they acknowledged it. though, at the vanity fair party, the very awaited thing happens.
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EVERYONE JUST KNEW Y/N AND JACK BELONGED TOGETHER. And every person who knew them agreed in something—it was very frustrating to see them act like a couple and completely deny there was something going on between them.
The cast of Avatar watched their bond born and blossom. It had been two years since they finished filming that movie, and the cast thought that, by now, they had already admitted their feelings, as they continued to work together after Avatar. And, by the way they were acting around each other throughout the Oscar ceremony, they were sure they were finally a couple.
“Holy shit, Jack, Andrew Garfield is two tables away from us” she said excitedly. “Oh god, is that Margot Robbie? Jack please pinch me I think I just saw Robert Pattinson, also known as the love of my life”.
“I’m not going to pinch you, and your fan girl side is absolutely adorable” Jack said, leaving a kiss on her nose. Y/N laughed and hid her heated cheeks on Jack’s neck.
“I’m so happy for you two!” Zoe told them. The whole table was looking at them as if they were the most adorable creatures in the world.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked confused.
“It was very obvious, you two had always acted like a couple around set. We all knew you would eventually get together” Sam said.
“Oh! No, we are not together. We’re just friends. And we do not act like a couple” Y/N said. The whole table let out a groan.
“I can’t with these two anymore” Stephen sighed.
Jack and Y/N exchanged glances, but said nothing, letting the ceremony continue.
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AT THE END OF THE CEREMONY, THEY ENDED UP GOING TO THE VANITY FAIR PARTY. How could they not? Especially after Avatar won an Oscar. They had to celebrate. And above all, Y/N and Jack wanted to get Zoe’s words out of their minds.
“Y/N?” a voice that sounded familiar asked. The girl turned her head around to see one of her ex co-stars, Nick.
“Oh, god. Nick! Hi. It’s been so long” she said excited. He was one of the first people she worked with, and one of her first friends.
“You look amazing!” he said, looking at her emerald dress.
“Thank you, you too” Y/N smiled politely.
“Wanna dance?” Nick asked. Y/N looked around, Jack was supposed to bring some drinks, but he was nowhere to be seen. She was about to decline, when she caught his figure. Jack was talking with a very gorgeous girl, who had her hand on his bicep and was smiling at him in a flirty way.
“Actually, I’d love to” she clenched her teeth, eyes not leaving the scene as Nick led her to the dance floor.
“You okay?” Nick asked. Y/N blinked, finally looking at him. She faked a smile and nodded as they made a conversation.
Hearing Y/N’s laugh, Jack’s head turned around and closed his hand in a fist at the scene in front of him—his Y/N dancing with some boy and laughing at something he was saying. And his hand was on her waist. Her. Waist. Not caring about being polite to the nameless girl—who can’t seem to get her hand off his bicep—anymore, Jack marched towards the dance floor.
“Hey, can I steal you for a second?” Jack asked, not bothering to greet the boy dancing with Y/N. “Great thanks, let’s go” he said before Y/N could even open her mouth.
He led her to the large window at the end of the room, which led them to a beautiful antique balcony. “What the fuck was that?” Jack spat angrily once he closed the door, blocking the sound of the party. The chilly wind of the night embraced them.
Y/N looked at him in surprise, then in annoyance and crossed her arms in front of her chest “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That… in there” his tone was hard “You were dancing with him, and giggling and flirting… what was that?”
Y/N scoffed “I could ask you the same question, mister. I mean, what was going on there between you and Mrs. Clingy?” her nose scrunched as the image of the girl touching Jack crossed her mind.
“Nothing was going on between me and-” he paused and frowned “Mrs. Clingy? What?”.
“Oh, Jack your hair looks so pretty tonight! Oh Jack, your suit is very stylish and the fabric is so soft! Can I touch it? Oh Jack, have you been going to the gym lately?” she imitated the girl’s pitched voice, while touching his arms “Holy fucking shit, the mice from Cinderella sound less annoying than her”
“That is not what she was saying at all!” Jack rolled his eyes. Lies, that kinda was how the conversation went “What about your boy, then? As if he wasn’t being all clingy, with his arms on your waist and showing you his charming smile, which in my opinion isn’t as charming as the girls on twitter say”.
The girl furrowed her eyes “The girls on-? never mind” Y/N sighed “We were literally dancing! What was he supposed to do with his hands?!” she exclaimed in a loud voice.
“Well, why were you dancing with him in the first place?” Jack asked, his tone matching hers.
Y/N moved her arms frenetically, it was something she did when she got frustrated “He’s my friend! We did a movie together a long time ago, we were catching up”
Jack let out a dry laugh “He sure as hell doesn’t want to be your friend”
“Oh, you read minds now!” she said sarcastically.
“I’m not stupid, I certainly can tell when a guy wants a girl”
“You’re totally wrong, but if he did, what is the problem?”
“There’s no problem!” he forced a laugh. “Why would there be a problem? You can flirt with whoever you want, dance with whoever you want, date whoever you want!”
“Then what is this discussion for?!” Y/N looked at him, she was basically breathing flames when she talked. “There clearly is a problem—you can flirt with girls but for some reason I can’t flirt with boys?? And you have to drag me away to cause a useless fight and can’t even tell me what’s the real reason”.
“So you were flirting!” Jack pointed an accusatory finger at her.
She let out a groan of irritation “That’s what you got from all that?! Really?! Why are you being so insufferable right now?”
“Because I fucking love you!” Jack’s statement was as loud as the beats of her heart when she took in his words. “And I can’t stand seeing you dance with him, looking so fucking angelic. It drives me nuts how he gets to hear you laugh and your sweet voice. I want you to dance with me, I want you to laugh with me, I want the hand on your waist to be mine… and you know what else I want?” he asked, his voice gradually lowered as he spoke, and now it was soft as silk. And his face was only inches away from hers. Y/N was speechless, so she just shook her head “I want to kiss you, and I want everyone to see—especially him”.
“You are so… frustrating” she sighed, now her tone was calmer “He is just my friend, I promise. And I don’t want anyone but you, Jack. Ever since I met you on set, you have been the only boy on my mind. I don’t care how charming his smile is” she said, and Jack whispered ‘not that charming’. “He is not you”.
Jack smiled at those last words. He brought his hand to the side of her face, to pull away a strand of hair that fell from her ponytail “I’m sorry for acting like a jealous boyfriend. I had no right, it just… it pissed me off as much as it scared me”.
“Scared you?” she asked confused, leaning into the softness of his palm.
“The thought of you being with someone else, and losing you before I even got to tell you how I felt… it scared me” he confessed.
Y/N basically threw herself in his arms “I love you, Jack. And I’m sorry too, I also acted like a jealous girlfriend. And if it makes you feel less guilty, I was two seconds away from leaving the place with brunette strands of hair as a trophy”
At that, Jack bursted out laughing “You remind me of that villain bunny from The secret life of pets”
“Jack!” she laughed, pushing his shoulder gently.
“You’re so cute. I love you” he smiled as he left short kisses on her cheeks.
“Just for the record, you are also the least intimidating-looking guy ever. You are literally a golden retriever”
He grimaced “I’m a cat person”
Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling from ear to ear “Just kiss me, dork”.
Jack’s hands grabbed her cheeks as she raised her head to meet his lips. Their chests tightened as they became addicted to the softness of each other’s lips and the taste of cherry that Y/N’s chapstick provided. Her fingertips lost between his long curls as his traced circles on her blushed-covered cheeks.
They cursed the oxygen as they pulled away, breathless and complete mesmerised by the other, as if there were under the influence of some kind of spell. The magic broke with the sound of an opening door, and Y/N couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the sight of the brunette girl.
“Jack! I have been looking for you” her high pitch tone made Y/N’s jaw clench. “Oh, sorry. You don’t mind if I steal him, right?” she asked Y/N, a fake smile plastered on her face.
Y/N mimicked her smile “He’s busy right now. Come back never”
Jack tried not to laugh “Sorry, I want to be here with my girlfriend. There’s a guy on table 5 called Nick who is totally your type, though, you’ll like him”
The girl, clearly confused, turned around and left them alone. Y/N looked at Jack “Can we get out of here? I hate parties”.
“Sure, love. Movie and ice cream?” he asked, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. Their hands, as always, fitted just right. Like they were made to go together, like they belonged together—just like Y/N and Jack.
Y/N smiled and kissed his knuckles “You know me so well, I love you”.
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thealexchen · 2 years ago
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Life is Strange: Forget-Me-Not alternative cover and synopsis
Alex Chen returns in this graphic novel sequel to the award-winning videogame Life is Strange: True Colors, written by rising star Zoe Thorogood. It’s been a year since Alex and Steph Gingrich left Haven Springs, Colorado, at the end of Life is Strange: True Colors. Though Alex might have found control over her psychic powers, she struggles with knowing when to use her powers and when to let those around her battle their own demons, if they’ll be strong enough to do so. Touring across the states in their band Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls, and preparing to meet with an interested record label, Alex and Steph find another lost soul on the side of the road – Lily. A mysterious girl in the middle of nowhere, Alex and Steph take the teenager under their wing to uncover the truth of what she’s running from. But there’s more to Lily than meets the eye – who silently struggles under the weight of heartache and memories from lives she hasn’t lived, to protect those around her from the truth of pain. An all too familiar story to Alex, but is there time to save the Lily from a similar, lonely, fate? A graphic novel about found family, confronting demons, generational trauma, and living, loving, & losing the best you can. Life is Strange: Forget-Me-Not collects issues 1-4 of the comic series of the same name, written by Zoe Thorogood (It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth, The Impending Blindness of Billie Scott) and drawn by fan-favorite Life is Strange artists, Claudia Leonardi and Andrea Izzo. Featuring bonus behind-the-scenes content about the development of the series.
Link to pre-order on Amazon
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 7 months ago
Genuinely hated how TA turned Mylène into a mouthpiece during Derision especially since even if we ignore the fact that everyone responds to trauma differently, Mylène's situation is no where remotely close to Chloe's
For starters all we know about Mylène's mom is that she abandon her meanwhile if we look at Audrey she not only is absent for a good amount of Chloe's life but during the rare few time she is actually present she's nothing but verbally abusive for crying out loud just look at 99% of Audrey screen time during Queen Wasp alone, hell Audrey doesn't even get Chloe's name right 90% of the time either, which seems to be intentional given how she has no problem remembering the names of people she likes/ respects.
And that's only just half of the puzzle when it comes to Chloe's shit, the other half is arguably the worst father on the show outside of Gabriel himself, Andre.
While he only has one focus episode, Fred Haprèle actually cares about his daughter, unlike Andre, who not only would rather throw money at the problem than actually parent Chloe but during Collusion reveal that he not only things the daughter he failed to raise his "heartless" but blames her as one of the two sources for all of his problems, that's not even mentioning the thankfully deleted scene where seconds after calling out Audrey for being abusive towards Zoe he TRADES Chloe for Zoe while saying Audrey and Chloe "deserve each other"
It's almost like different people have different experiences that shape their personalities and worldviews.
The thing is that "Having an absent mother can affect a person's development" and "Bad things happening to you isn't an excuse to be terrible to others" aren't mutually exclusive stances to take. Unfortunately, this show decides do go with both in one season, only apply each one to different characters.
Yes, we don't know what Mylene's mother was like or if she was really as terrible as Mylene said she was, but we don't know enough to really compare her to Audrey. And that's not even getting into how Mylene has a father who actually acted as a parent to her, compared to Andre "Rectonned Into Never Loving His Daughter" Bourgeois.
There's an scene from an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that really explains the moral high ground the show loves to take when comparing its heroes to its villains and never understands how not everyone's situation is the same.
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lee1504 · 1 year ago
guys if the percy jackson tv show is cOnTinUiNg heres what im excited for
season 1/book 1/the lightning thief:
percy's dreams
the scene where percy jumps of the st. louis arch thing (or whatever its called)
fight with ares
percy, annabeth, and grover's interview (where percy talks about gabe's kindness lmao)
season 2/book 2/sea of monsters:
grover in a wedding dress
clarisse with her ghost shipp
the siren scene
annabeth and her nobody scene
season 3/book 3/titan's curse:
zoe's 'i can see the stars' T-T (and artemis)
the boar scene
the fight against the general and luke
apollo hehe
season 4/book 4/battle of the labyrinth:
the empousa scene
the labyrinth
percy vs briares in rock paper scissors lol
grover finding pan
season 5/book 5/last olympians:
beckendorf's death T-T
manhattan alseep
sally and paul fighting
luke's death
river styx
been a long time since i read the books
edit: holy shit 42 notes already?!
edit 2: 92 ALREADY?!
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maeraevokaya · 2 years ago
Awwwwww 🥺💚❤️
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Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana share the Captain’s chair
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forgemill · 1 year ago
You know how evryones talkingabout season 2. About grover in a wedding dress.
I dont feel particularly excited for season 2. I wanna see the Titan's Curse getting adapted. Heck I wanna see the beef between Thalia and Percy. Their fight after loosing Capture the flag from the hunters....percy making the whole creek rise and Thalia zapping him with lightning
I wanna see who they cast as Artemis and Apollo.
Thalia totally crushing on Apollo
"He's hot" "He's the sun god"
oh and Apollo flirting with the rest hunters of Artemis.
I wanna see how much Zoe and Thalia despise each other.
no kidding the classic hoover dam scene.
I want a dam t-shirt.
I want to see Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
I wanna see Nico and Bianca.
I want to see Annabeth holding the sky for Luke bcz she cant bear to see him like that even tho Luke betrayed her and then Artemis taking it from her bcz she cant bear to see a maiden in pain. And Percy taking it from Artemis so she can fight Atlas.
I want to see Thalia fighting Luke. After all they've been together. "Family Luke You promised"
And the last moments of Zoë Nightshade . in Artemis's arms
When she becomes stars. I want to hear her say.
"Let the world honor you my huntress live forever in the stars"
"I can see the stars again m'lady"
I want to see Thalia joining the Artemis's hunt. I want to see bessie. The sea cow.
I want to see the young Nico excited about evrything. Playing mythomagic. jumping up and down full of energy.
I want to see Percy promising Nico that he would look after Bianca.
Nico's reaction when he finds out about Biancas death. The last gift of Bianca to Nico the only one he didnt have a miniature of Hades.
And the matching gray streaks in both Percy and Annabeth's hair.
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youre-ackermine · 11 months ago
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Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin // Attack on Titan
Fanfiction, headcanons & moodboards posted here on Tumblr
Fanfiction & headcanons posted on AO3
English is not my usual language
Posted: 03/30/2024 || Last update: 06/09/2024
©2022/2024 youre-ackermine || Do not use or repost my works || Do not translate without permission
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Under the Mistletoe • Tumblr // AO3
Don't you dare! • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Sunburst • Tumblr // AO3
Belated Birthday • Tumblr // AO3
Echo • Tumblr // AO3 • for @dont-f-with-moogles
Dumbstruck • Tumblr // AO3
Night Out • Tumblr // AO3
Flushing • Tumblr // AO3
Lips like Sugar • Tumblr // AO3 • fanart by wolfstar13_ on Instagram
Troublée (part one) • Tumblr // AO3
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Erwin Smith (Eruri)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Miche Zacharias (Rivamike)
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Erurihan)
[coming soon]
Hange Zoe x Pieck Finger (Pikuhan)
Behind the Scenes • Tumblr // AO3
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
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Levi Ackerman
Levi's Birthday 2023 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
[coming soon]
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Our First Christmas + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Sunday Walk • Tumblr // AO3 • inspired by @ashh-ketchup 's fanart
Hange Zoe x Erwin Smith (Eruhan)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + moodboard • Tumblr // AO3
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons • Tumblr // AO3
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Levi Ackerman
Love Bites (NSFW) with @leviismybby • Tumblr // AO3
Levi's Fingers (NSFW) • Tumblr // AO3
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Levi Ackerman / Levi Week 2023 Event
for @leviweek2023
Day 1 Tea Shop
Day 2 Underground City
Day 3 Affection and Fondness
Day 4 Dad / Family
Day 5 Vampire AU // No Name Band
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Levi Ackerman x Reader
TattooArtist!Levi for @stellar-smth || fanfiction Under your Skin
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Mursa" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Postwar!Levi fanfiction inspo "Postwar Fort Salta" for @sixpennydame || fanfiction North Star
Levi Ackerman x Hange Zoe (Levihan)
No Name #1
No Name #2 [coming soon]
Postwar!Levihan Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Our First Christmas + headcanons
Student!Levihan for @smol-lydia || fanfiction I Wanna Make a Couple Bad Decisions (with you)
Scouts!Levihan for @this-is-krikkit
Valentine's Day 2023
Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral (Rivetra)
Rivetra for @love4-bunny
Levi Ackerman x Farlan Church (Levifar)
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Reader
[coming soon]
[coming soon]
Erwin Smith x Miche Zacharias (Mikeeru/Erumike)
[coming soon]
Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman (Eremika)
[coming soon]
Jean Kirstein x Reader
Jean x Fem!Reader Valentine's Day 2024 + headcanons
Historia Reiss x Ymir (Yumihisu)
Yumihisu Band AU + headcanons
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Header & dividers: @youre-ackermine || Do not use without credit 💟
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