hauntingblue · 9 months
So roger gave the hat to shanks(to become pirate king after him I guess?) But didn't make it??? Lmao
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windvexer · 11 months
On what I'm going to call "peer positioning" in witchcraft, and the scary empowerment it can bring you
I think a lot of people who get into witchcraft have a problem with being able to see themselves as peers & equals to the powers they cultivate around them.
I see this most often discussed when it comes to gods. "Just because your god asks you for something doesn't mean you need to do it!" Etc. I think we've all heard that.
But today my thoughts are on the tarot, and how some people seem to treat tarot readings as "the truth" or "the answer" that then must be followed, even if they (the living, breathing, human practitioner) don't really agree or don't really want to do that.
I'm really big on the analogy of a witch as a monarch, and the concept of various powers (like gods, spirits, tools, and spells) being counselors in the throne room.
In this context, it's easier to adopt the mindset that all of these powers have their own personalities, abilities, and goals - and that they can & will provide conflicting information when you ask for advice. (Especially ancestors - so opinionated!)
Imagine Captain Picard sitting in the meeting room with Geordi, Riker, and the rest of the space nerds.
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Captain Picard is like, "the power core is failing and the away team is stranded on the planet. I think we should use the nebula to hide until the Gromflomites stop searching for us." And then Geordi is like, "but Captain, the engines would never make it! We have to go rescue the away team immediately!" And Captain Picard is like, "damn... Wow. I really wanted to go to the nebula, I thought it was the best choice :/ but if you're saying we literally don't have to worry about the Gromflomites..." Then Riker is like, "Captain, no. Geordi isn't saying the Gromflomites aren't a problem, he's just expressing his top concerns as Chief Engineer." And then Picard is all, "oh, so... this is conflicting information? Did that mean I did a bad reading on Geordi, or that negative spirits are stopping me from being able to communicate? Is Riker possibly a trickster?"
If you're captain of the ship, monarch of the kingdom, (etc.), then it might be important to ask yourself:
Am asking for input from my counsel of allied powers, and then making choices for myself?
Or, have I inadvertently signed over my decision-making process to these powers?
And I think it all kind of comes back to "peer positioning," or, witches being able to develop a spiritual framework within which they are equals to the powers around them.
Since beginning practicing witchcraft in earnest, I have often demanded a course of direction. Instead of asking, "how do I accomplish this?" I would ask, "what do I do?"
And the answer was the same every time, deeply infuriating, but also very scary: "Do whatever you think is best."
I think that's the problem of being the captain of the ship. Once your counselors are done giving their input, you are the one who has to make the final call.
Lately I've really been on a kick about witchcraft as a path of empowerment, and I think that viewing spiritual input as just that - input - is a vital part of the process.
Even if you are a true-blue believer in the magical power of tarot, tarot is still just one counselor sitting in your throne room.
Even if you have tutelary spirits, guardians and guides, gods and angels, providing blessings and support - they are not sitting at the head of the table.
You are.
I think that a framework of allied powers as peers and equals is relatively basic, and does have its flaws. But I also think it can be helpful in a variety of ways:
It can provide a system of understanding why allied powers can give conflicting advice, or even seemingly bad advice that doesn't align with our personal desires.
It can provide a tool for processing spiritual input.
It helps restore a sense of personal authority to a practitioner.
It can help a practitioner reclaim control of a path that's grown a mind of its own.
It aids in practicing that most oppressive of skills - liberated autonomy.
I just think it's something to consider. At the end of the day, most of us have probably got to make our own calls.
[I'm making this post because in the past few months I've been helping witches consult the tarot, and they've been giving feedback like, "so this is what I should do, right?" or, "what is it telling me to do?"
I can basically see the huge reblogs where people are explaining that a period of time where they signed complete personal autonomy over to their god was the most empowering and spiritually electric time in their lives,
and I want you to know, I'm not speaking about vows and oaths made to entities that gives them control over your life. I'm talking about situations where witches put down their autonomy so they can have both hands free to shuffle tarot.]
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thinking about Emma Frost again. let's imagine for a second X-Men matters and my opinion must be shared.
When I was a kid I really respected and liked Professor X. I thought his stances on issues were calm and reasonable and I thought his efforts were, while ultimately fruitless, the best ones in the fictional conversation about inclusivity and race and all that. this is a subtle reference to the fact I only watched the cartoon and the movies as a kid.
When I grew older and learned English I started engaging with the comics and realized that oh, turns out the adaptations are superficial at best and fladerizing at worst, and there's a lot more to Charles than Being Correct. He's actually in fact a scathing critique of control and flawed leaders of good faith ideals, and how you're supposed to grow over those who created the words you use to free yourself from tyranny. Professor X is a jerk, Magneto was right, all that.
But over time I realized how much that erases Emma Frost, villain turned voice of reason extraordinaire.
Emma starts her tenure in X-Men as Claremont's personification of everything that is bad with high society, accosted by Sebastian Shaw, which is that but male. Emma is genuinely awful when Claremont writes her; a GOOD awful, on purpose, but she's not supposed to be relatable. She has her own mutant school, her own team of mutants, her own answer to Cerebro. She's the most genuine Evil Xavier we get for a full two decades. and she's great at it! Even if the hellfire club almost always truces with the X-Men for the sake of fighting a more important battle, there's no question that you're not supposed to root for Emma.
And then in the 90s something changes, Claremont goes away for a second, other people approach the character, and the question becomes, why are we treating her like evil Xavier? She's building community. She's giving a voice to the disenfranchised. She's training them and she's caring for them and at no point is she asking of them things they actively disagree with, which can't be said of Charles. And so starts the process most every X-Men villain goes through: humanization, complexity, redemption. And fuck does Emma redeem herself.
Ten years into not being a caricature of high class, Emma has accrued a tragic backstory, several positive projects in canon, renown as a genius, positive relationships to several characters, and a main team spot in a highly acclaimed, influential run as of New X-Men. A whole new generation of readers introduced to Emma, new powers, new MO, new everything. Other characters are changing drastically, usually backwards, to accompany the movie's success -- Magneto is evil again, Jean goes back to being the Phoenix, Charles is a lot more like Captain Picard. But Emma? Emma gets to keep going. She changes things wherever she goes.
She hooks up with Cyclops, her daughters become their new Cerebro, she becomes the new heavy-hitter, the Hellfire Club becomes more Shaw and Shinobi's deal than hers... obviously, this isn't consistent. She's got low points and moments that don't agree to her new character. But this woman, who started as commentary on how the rich will destroy you for fun, is now a key positive portion of the world because at some point in time, she had a point -- Charles *isn't* the end-all-be-all of the matter of teaching young mutants, Erik *isn't* the best way forward as far as mutant armadas go, there *is* nuance to their dualistic conversation, the dichotomy is only enforced because they're loud, but she can be louder, she can be louder than any of them--
And then Krakoa hits. Yes, there's a full ten years of bad X-Men stories, many of them including Emma, at least one of them including Emma genociding a few Inhumans. But then Krakoa hits, and every character gets a new project.
Cyclops? Seeing the world move on in ways he might not approve of. Wolverine? Being happy, and realizing he means to fight to keep it going. Erik? Charles? Apocalypse?? Seeing how strong their "dreams" are when they compromise, and realizing oh, I am willing to do *anything* to keep this going, quite literally anything, there is no crime predicted by man or god that would be beyond my reach if it meant paradise would not be lost.
Emma? Emma keeps doing what she's been doing from the word go. Keep it fabulous. Keep the children safe. Don't fall for the lies. At some point someone will invade your privacy and try to take everything away from you. Your job is not to simply destroy them. Your job is to showcase to them how this too was accounted for.
Emma, alongside her planning, her alliances, her leading of the resistance, her unfathomable internal strength and her willingness to see the world for what it is, won the war for Krakoa. Charles wanted things to stay the way they were, Erik wanted things to be the way he dreamed they could be, Apocalypse wanted things to impress him.
Emma wanted them to be safe and sound. Emma wanted the children to be safe. And when Krakoa rose and left, now fully developed and having outgrown her as well, she picked herself back up and went to train a new generation.
There's always children to keep safe. There's always a new generation. The work is never finished.
Yes, the O5 have their own version of Xavier's dream fulfilled, but Emma is the only one who managed to keep herself genuine while evolving. In a room with religious zealots, war criminals, villains and ancients evils, Emma could always look at Kitty Pryde and think to herself, look at what we're doing, my friend. Look at what we have to work with. We're not saving them from themselves, we're saving everyone they're willing to sacrifice.
I wish those adaptations would make Emma Frost sound like she does to me. She's not just a third option to the Professor X-Magneto dichotomy. She's a person asking why is this a dichotomy in the first place. She's too busy actually caring about people to bother with the bickering.
For the children, they said when they wanted her to join their little utopia. For the children, she sighed back, realizing that if she didn't say it, quite literally no one else would.
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darklinaforever · 22 days
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I think this kind of person really doesn't understand the Star Wars community to compare to this kind of other case... Star Wars is a huge franchise that is being inspected from all sides by a bunch of sick people. Also, if this person thinks that there are racists who haven't watched The Acolyte, it's really because they don't know this community. We all know that there are tons of sexists and racists who consume Star Wars, including the latest Disney shows. This person greatly underestimates the self-destructive side of certain people in fandoms... And comparing The Acolyte's hate campaign to Captain Marvel will always make me laugh. Fans have been asking for several years for her to finally be treated properly and get her own movie. We're talking about a fictional character established for many years who has finally had the right to an adaptation (not crazy but not ultra bad either). The Acolyte was a completely new product with new characters in an already established franchise and was almost revered as a bible by some fans. It's not the same context at all, nor the same type of community. Not to mention the pathetic second campaign trying to prove that no one wants a renewal of The Acolyte which... actually proves the opposite. And I think once again that kind of person doesn't really understand the Acolyte community. I haven't seen any fans of the show so far claiming that it was great. The show has undeniable flaws. But he has very good potential. Shit.
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moiteneia · 1 year
Federation Report: Experiment 0010.
The two guinea pigs, 0001 and 0010, have shown themselves to be very promising. Being twins, we were able to closely observe the changes in their bodies upon contact with Perfection. However, they still demonstrate serious personality flaws.
01 is an intelligent and calm girl, observing her surroundings before making any decision and can distinguish puzzles from false riddles. However, it shows weakness with animals and is aggressive towards physical experiments.
As for her brother, 10, he is an unsociable and protective boy, showing high levels of anger when we approach his sister. He demonstrates the same level of intelligence as his sister, spending hours on our puzzles to deliver them perfectly solved.
Given their levels of aggression, we decided to separate them, promising each other that if they obeyed, the other would not be being attacked.
From there, we were able to move on to the ARENA experiment.
There, we put the best cobals we collected to face each other in pairs. By uniting 10 and q!Bbh, one of our oldest guinea pigs, we achieved spectacular results.
This was the first time the experiment was given a "name". q!Bbh seems to have become fond of the child and named him "Dapper".
0010 doesn't seem to show the exact feeling of affection or protection for q!Bbh, just being understanding and calm. The two seem to get along well and q!Bbh managed to use 10's aggression to capture and kill his opponents more easily. This seems to have made the child crueler than Perfection would have liked.
The Federation then determined that 0010 would be sent to the prison where we send the rest of our failed experiments, while we will erase part of q!Bbh's memories so that he does not remember the experiments accurately and hinder our efforts to achieve the perfection.
0010 in prison demonstrated irrationality. Having had contact with cruelty, he became manipulative and used fear to obtain protection and what interests him. So much so that he used a fake cell phone to attract and win over gangs who, interested in contact with outsiders, approached him.
This cell phone gave him a new nickname, "Cell". The Federation has not yet decided whether names are bad aspects for our experiment, but momentarily it seems that this will not affect our experiments.
However, two failed test subjects managed to manipulate 0010. Although he managed to escape from our prison, he demonstrated confusion numerous times and his irrationality, along with the intensity and impulsiveness of his actions, blinded him.
Last time we saw him, the duo, along with a third individual, they had arrested him in a type of cave on a small island. He only had in his possession a gun with a single bullet.
Fearing that we would lose one of our most promising results, the agents rushed to rescue him. However, upon arriving on the island, he had somehow escaped.
The Federation determined that we must get it back immediately before we lost everything we had gained in years of experimentation. The agents have been thinking about using 0010's sister to lure him, as we did to keep him obedient, however, we don't know exactly through which channels we could do this.
For now, our main mission is to continue the experiments with the other test subjects and track where "Cell" or 0010 could be.
Report Update: Arrival of Brazilians and "q!Cellbit/0010".
We managed to track down the location of experiment 0010. He was on his way to Australia on a boat with the prison duo and two other test subjects.
We immediately tried to attract the ship with our mechanisms, however, we were surprised. Subject 0001 managed to reach communication and sent a message to the ship's captain, trying to warn them to stay away from the island, as they were heading towards danger.
It appears that 0001 has been following the investigation for the past few years, looking for her brother and a way to join him by escaping. Luckily, we managed to find out before she arrived to meet her brother. We immediately erase all her memories involving him and will keep her locked up until further notice.
Now, we need to revisit the experiments of 0010, or q!Cellbit, as he appears to have given himself, and find out how far he is from his latest progress while still in our domain.
We also need to know if it is still of use to the Federation so that we can achieve Perfection.
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liam-an-siorc · 5 months
Essay/Rant on why the captian is good repensentation which is now in one part not two because it was character limit per block of text so I just put spaces.
Hello, I have seen a few diffrent opinions on him in regards to repensentation most of it is good but some people don't like it which is perfectly fine but sometimes when I see complaints about him as a queer character it's missing something very important a key word which is context,I see the point that he never says he's gay outloud and the coming out scene is not explicit coming out I suppose which yes if he was not a very repressed man who was living during a war in a time when it was illegal to be a gay man and he died tragically in a way he is ashamed of that is also connected to his military position which is also very important to him and of course his love his gay, illegal love who he died trying to see, then yes that is a great point but in this context I think it was done very well like everything I just said there is traumatic and he is extremely repressed it's not going to be a big party with flags everywhere it's not him it's not where he's at right now, and yes a very repressed queer perosn who only comes out at the end of the show and has a tragic love story is a commonly used thing in the wrong way because of censorship and things if the captain lived now as a character in a TV show set now where he is alive and well now then he would not be very good repensentation but like I said context is so so important, I also think while he's not the ideal because as some points get made his coming out scene was not really explicitly coming out it was at the end of the show and he's played by a straight man (as far as Im aware), it's important to have repensentation of all queer people those who are loud and proud and those who are not there yet or can't be because of things like safety it's also important to represent people in history, queer history, the war was real and there would have been queer people in it we have always existed we always have been here and there could have been a man just like him who was scared and repressed and lost his love and that story deserves to be told too. Aside from the context points I think his journey with his identity was good subtle but good he trusts the ghosts enough with it now and that took A lot to get there, you can see it in the show I don't think the character development in ghosts is bad in general but I don't think it's amazing it's flawed it has huge mistakes but that's for another time the captian dose have character growth and he dose become more comfortable one detail I love is how after he comes out he then dose not try to hide that he is attracted to the weather man like he did try to hide before he acts just like all the other ghosts do about something like that and that shows that he is more comfortable now and all like that detail, speaking of details another thing that went into his character is details what was it he said some beach a quuer sort of beach I don't know you know what I'm talking about though all like references they have to "gay things" gay culture? Maybe idk what to call it, but not in a stereotypical for the straight audience to laugh at way but in a way that it's showing he's gay showing that it's an important part of who he is it's part of him you know and the queer audience will catch all that and it's ment to be like that it feels like they had this character becuase they wanted queer people to see themselves in it to feel included and represented not just to have a gay character who they can make puns about,
stereotype heavily and use for the straight cis audience to laugh AT work was put into him to make him a queer character for queer people to see and to see themselves and there community and to love but at the same time as this they don't make it his whole identity his whole character he's not just a sterotype with a "perfect coming out story" he is a real person he is a complete complicated character like we all are who had struggles who has a story a personality his coming out story can not be perfect because it never is being queer can be really hard with the world we are in especially in that time his story is complicated and not perfect to you because it's not the situation is not he is not it was not a good situation but he has a new family now and they are all amazing and love eachother, he is a real character not a template for writing the perfect coming out queer storyline, another point now this one is absolutely fair enough (they all are you ofc can have your opinion I'm sorry if it sounds rude here it's currently 2 am and I tired) is that he is played by a straight guy (which just a question do we know that Ben is not lgbt because just cause he has dose not mean he can not be queer it's Lgbtqia+ yk, should not be assuming someone is anything) which I understand some people don't like this they want our community repensented by our community but if there is a straight actor to play queer roles Ben is a great one for it he obviously takes so much care and love with the characters to do there gay justice. Ok that's it I'm so tired but I'll defend my lovely ghosts any time please don't get annoyed at me I just want to put my points out there you can disagree all you like 
Also just to clarify I am queer also trans and not sure of sexuality but it's not straight gay or bi I think just in case you though I was a cis straight person giving such strong opinions on repensentation which ig they can do and no one ever has to tell you there identity on a tumbler post that's not your business but in this case I prefer to put that as a note 
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twothpaste · 7 months
wellll i gotta ask about our boy Bronson wiiith 12, 21, 25??
YEAAA BRONSON!!!! (Putting answers below a readmore because they're long 🕺)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I assure y'all I'm very normal and not at all unwell regarding All The Shit I Made Up About Bronson. The blundering apocalyptic naval admiral who accidentally got his own fleet destroyed, defected like a coward, and never faced the consequences. Who tried to make amends by serving as the White Ship's captain, but never washed his hands of blood. Dude who has no clue how to navigate grief, 'cause he couldn't face it himself when folks who trusted him died on his watch. So wracked with subconscious guilt he just wants to stuff his head in an amnesiac hole and spend the rest of his days as a humble bumfuck Nowhere blacksmith. Again, normal about Bronson. Nothing to see here.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love making him lowkey pathetic when push comes to shove. He's a capable leader if things are running according to plan, an easygoing and sensible person generally, people do respect him, etc. But when faced with truly difficult dilemmas, he ends up floundering uselessly. Falls back on old habits, like feigning control over the situation, trying & failing to order people around, throwing up his hands and hoping everything works itself out. There's several situations in TSS where Bronson, despite all his barking bravado, is clearly the least effective team player - and it cracks me up! (Deep down, after a lifetime of shit flyin' disastrously off the handle despite his best efforts, he's painfully aware of how little control he really has… 🥲)
I'm having a hard time thinking of anything I don't like about writing him. He comes off a little stiff & stagnant sometimes I guess (granted I've been writing him at the grizzled & curmudgeonly age of 61 dfgdfhg). Not certain I've managed to convincingly convey the value he brings to his community, since he's often bumbling about, or giving lukewarm advice. In TSS I wanted him as a sort of linchpin, holding the whole operation together with his steady & familiar presence, even though he goofs up a lot? I've def had a lot of moments with him where it's been hard to thread that line, and I'm not sure I pulled it off. But even still, Bronson's never been unfun to handle as a character ❤️
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When I first played Mother 3 as a clueless little 17 or 18 year old, Bronson was one of the few Tazmilians who really stuck out in my mind. He leaves a pretty strong impression in Chapter 1, huh! Still in high school, I was embarrassingly bad at relating to or connecting with adult characters. But even back then - and definitely now - I think what I liked about him was how flawed he is, how human his writing felt. Dude tries so hard to help find Hinawa, ends up too late, and absolutely blunders like a jackass when it comes time to relay the news. He fucks up royally by throwing Flint in jail, too, but you can tell by the way he talks to Flint that he bears no ill will or animosity. Puts up no protest against the Pigmasks & Tazmily's industrialization, but he's one of the few villagers who remains neighborly as ever toward Lucas. He's really just some guy tryin' his best to do right by his community, handling shit in the only ways he knows how. His failures are so honest, I can't really bring myself to blame him too harshly. Throughout the game he always somehow feels like a trustworthy ally, even when he's just lounging on the beach while the world goes to hell. The most lovably ineffectual Real One ever.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
OP, as an Ana support main, I'm loving your headcanons and theories/thesis. Can we discuss her skins and voicelines? I'm extremely fond of 'Captain Amari' and 'Sniper' skins. More importantly the way her biotic rifle looks in every one of them.
Alright, I've been meaning to update my Analysis on Ana.
Ana is such an interesting character to me because of how flawed she is, combined with the fact that she's one of the only character who self corrects and admits to her mistakes.
I have made it obvious that I think the fandom tends to forget about Ana's flaws and the mistakes she made in the past. There is a reason we never see any pictures of Ana with a teenage/young adult Pharah, there is also the note that she is very much a parallel to Sojiro;
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She knows from experience.
Ana is a very flawed character, but she's one of the few of the old guard to fully realize where she messed up. Though it isn't without pushing from both Cassidy and Jack, she meets up with Pharah, in person, and makes amends with her. She indirectly apologizes to Cassidy about how he was treated, how his life turned out. She acknowledges that she has caused damage both to the people around her and the world at large.
We see in a lot of voicelines and interactions that a lot of character look up to Ana and I think that was the main cause of a lot of her mistakes, she needed to be the example, the person to follow and that lead her to having a very bad work-life balance. Not only that but we see that her reluctance to let Pharah follow her dreams not only effected her relationship with Pharah, but with Cole as well;
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This interaction to me depicts a distance between Cassidy and Ana. I think people forget that both Cassidy and Pharah are in the same boat of only recently rekindling their relationship with Ana. Something we are seeing Ana struggle to do because, out of Ana, Jack and Gabe, Jack is probably the most in touch with emotion and people. While Ana tends to isolate herself.
But I think what's important about this aspect of Ana's character is again, the fact that she is willing to change;
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She openly acknowledges when and how she messed up, not only that but she wants to make up for lost time, she just can't at the moment (because Talon are being bitches).
Now as for skins I can't really do anything in depth because I don't have the skins but;
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I do really like both skins but I do have a nit pick for the Ana skin. From what I've seen of it there are no notches in the gun counting how many people she's killed, which is something she canonically did, again this is a nit pick but I wish this skin had that. Other than that I just like how the skin looks, specifically the outfit itself, it's practical, it fits Ana's personality and the set out of the colours is nice!
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As for the sniper skin this is essentially the pre-Overwatch skin for Ana. Like with that Captain Amari skin, it's very practical, more so since it camouflages with the environment of Egypt. It does a good job of communicating what Ana was doing before Overwatch!
Sorry this took so long to answer, needed a lot more time then I realized to put this together.
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healbellls · 2 years
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NPC - The other members of the Elite
Meta: What is Drake's relationship with the other E4 Members like?
Reminder that this is all being based off the games. The idea of Steven being the one, who put them together comes from the manga, meaning that idea is irrelevant here. Yes, he may have had a hand at picking the members, but it wasn’t something like just putting people together.
And on that note, I’m writing this with ORAS in mind. However, with a little divergence in the shape of: Each elite four member had their own keystones and mega evolutions, before Steven was even a thing in their lives.
Short answer: strictly professional.
Drake has always stood as the elite four members leader. By the time emerald rolls around, he has been keeping his title for almost over 10 years. The way he saw, and treated the other three elite members never changed.
Obviously, when he joined the pokemon League things were drastically changed. He stands amongst the oldest employees of the organisation, and he has seen countless overhauls to the composition of the Elite four sector.
Also I’m going to say it: But Flannery’s grandfather, used to work with Drake for a handful of years. Until he lost his title, to the one that succeeded him. The grandfather, isn’t Ka.bu.
Many have tried to claim Drake’s title, but none ever came close to defeating him. There are a handful of factors that also contribute to him, keeping his place there, the biggest one being his skills as a leader.
All his life being the captain of his own shipcrew, only serve as a testimony to these skills.
As such, he sees his colleagues no different from a subordinate of his shipcrew, he treats and talks to them in the same exact way he would do it on board of his ship. Albeit, with some limitations that are expected in this sort of environment.
One of these limitations - hinderings, is his illiteracy. This is a flaw, that many other members of the League, have pointed out, and use it against Drake, in an attempt to question his position;
Even though these critics haven’t done anything, to bring him down. It is easy to tell and safe to assume, how humiliating it is for him to ask for someone’s help in order to read something for him
Needless to say, but still important to mention: Not all of his time and experience as a captain, translated well - is helpful for him in the League. Drake doesn’t know how to use words, he is brute and has no filter while talking, all that he knows is to be as intimidating as possible. He isn’t someone, anyone would like to get on the bad side of. But that tactic, is bound to fail in this context
Actually, here is a difference between his shipcrew, and his elite member colleagues. And it is the fact that: Drake has never bothered or even showed any interest in getting to know his colleagues. He only knows their names, ages, their type specialties, and that’s all he needs.
Under read more, a quick view over each one of his current League colleagues
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Sidney: He’s a punk, young with a lot of attitude - someone who showed signs of defiance towards Drake’s orders and his figure of a leader, for their start at least. Drake makes no attempt, to hide the fact that he doesn’t fully trust on him. But, seeing how Steven still keeps him around, then surely there must be something worthwhile.
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Phoebe: Because of his superstitious beliefs, he feels a tad intimidated by her ability of communing with ghosts (even though in reality, it’s just the pokemon itself and not the actual ghosts- spirits of the deceased). For the most part, he tells himself that isn’t real, and never shows any signs of fear in front of her. However, it isn’t uncommon for him to feel chills run down his spine while around her.
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Glacia: They just can’t get along, no matter the situation. They don’t seem to agree on anything, and make it very clear that they only barely tolerate the other’s presence, a third person is always needed to try and make them stop. She’s a lady- always so graceful, whereas Drake is the exact opposite of her. This is something mostly driven out of spite from Glacia’s end, she challenged Drake in the past for his position - and despite having a type advantage, she lost. Instead of being completely dismissed by the League, she managed to land as the 3rd elite member there. She is one of the biggest critics, about Drake’s position because of his illiteracy. Needless to say, but she never got over her deafeat, and is still trying to take the leadership from him.
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joejoeba · 2 years
Aight bet-
Spill your thoughts on p.4. I need to know your thoughts on the characters, opinion on the story, literally a n y t h i n g to brainrot with you over pls
Here is my thoughts on the part itself bc Josuke and Okuyasu need a whole post to themselves lol also THANK YOU for enabling me also this is very long and rambly
Thoughts on part 4 Diamonds Don't Break Baby:
What i like the most about the part is how minor the conflict should feel, but doesn't, and how it keeps that feeling til the end.
Ok so part 1, we have Dio the super evil Vampire and his huge army of minions, and only super sunlight powers can stop him.
Part 2, super EXTRA evil MegaVampires that will dominate the world, sunlight powers aren't enough, only hypergenius Joseph can stop them.
Part 3 oh fuck it's DIO again but capitalized now, and he's even stronger now and there's Stands involved and only Jotaro with his Star Plat- you get it. High stakes throughout, every villain needs to be a worldender to challenge our incredibly strong protagonists!
Part 4 is... a serial killer in a single town, targeting only young women with nice hands. Comparatively, it doesn't matter on the same grand scale; it'd be tragic for the families if women kept disappearing, but it hasn't garnered specific attention thus far, and it's not as bad as Dio murdering infants or what have you. Should be boring!
But it's not, BECAUSE;
Part 4 is way more slice-of-life than the other parts and it really works in their favour (though it deeeeefinitely has pacing issues). Yeah it IS only this one specific small town that's at risk by Kira, but we get to SEE the town through the episodes and get to know it more as a community. I don't want bad things to happen to this small town because its very charming and I like the people that live there and the fun adventures they have. I couldn't care less about the Island in part 2 (Air Supplena?) or Jotaros home town, but Morioh becomes sort of dear to me throughout part 4.
The risk is also a lot more relatable, because I can't imagine an immortal world stopping vampire taking over my town, but I CAN imagine my best friend disappearing because some creep decided to stake a claim on her. It's "less important" than The Actual World, but not to *me* in this hypothetical scenario.
It's like if parts 1-3 were Avengers movies with respective protagonists (captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk is what comes to mind for the first 3 Jojos lol), part 4 is a Spiderman story. The first three are the Thanoses up to no good and it's very action oriented and less emphasis on downtime and character interactions, and part 4 is Spiderman and his best friends try to keep this one part of the city safe from a single elusive murderer.
The huge grand stakes Avengers movies aren't BAD, but I just can't get into them when i can't relate to the stakes as much (they were BARELY even friends dont get me started). I feel much more imvested watching Spiderman try to juggle homework and chores for his mom while he tries to defend innocents.
THE PROTAGONISTS Josuke my beloved etc
I don't know what more to say really; Spiderman type hero! The previous Jojos (and some later ones) felt a lot like power fantasies, with how much stronger and smarter they are than their obstacles. Josuke is much less so (he doesn't even have authority over his bank account!). He gets to be goofy and have skewed priorities, and he gets a lot of help from his friends along the way. Being a flawed helps him be way more human (he gets it from his daddy, Joseph gets to be a loser too sometimes) and getting help lets us know other characters and root for them via Josuke.
Josuke also isn't, like, the lazer focus of his part, everyone gets a bit of spotlight! Knowing more characters properly makes the stakes a lot higher imo -like, I like Caesar, and Avdol and Kakyoin, but we BARELY got to know them as characters, terribly under-utilized, and therefore their deaths didn't hit as hard- what hit much harder was the reaction to their deaths. I started out hating Rohan, but when he sploded (unbeknownst to anyone) i was UPSET, because, i mean.... he's a part of the town!
It also helps when Josuke cares so much himself. His mom? Obviously loves her, in 4ad he lists her as a specific reason for his grudge against the protag-antag. Koichi? That's his friend! Josuke helps him with girl problems and has it out for Yukako for a while for how she acted towards him. Old man Joseph? Heck Josuke is probably pissed as hell, but from the first time they meet he STILL cares about his shitty new dad. Okuyasu? Well....you already KNOW-
Okay so another favourite part of DiU is Josuke and Okuyasu and their friendship, i mean OBVIOUSLY, i don't shut up about it lol. But lemme just-
Okuyasu follows a pretty standard Jobro script at first. He's evil, gets beat by Jojo, not evil anymore also they're friends. The difference to me is that after their initial meeting, nothing reqlly keeps them together except the fact that they enjoy each other's company. That's it! No trip to foreign lands or training together, just two dudes who genuinely like each other and want to spend time together. We don't really get to see that with most other duos, except Johnny and Gyro in a way (and Johnathan and Speedwagon? Mostly just Speedwagon lol). So in true jobro fashion, Okuyasu was going to die to further his Jojo in some way, which he did. EXCEPT, this is part 4, its Morioh! This is the season where we get to have nice things and hope pays off and love takes you higher and whatnot! This time we get a little miracle and Okuyasu gets to help save the day and be happy (and so does Rohan, and Koichi etc etc!), and THAT'S how I think the part sticks the landing. You invest yourself in the characters and the town and DiU in general, and it pays off and you get a feel-good happy ending. Part 4 was NEEDED for some levity, especially in between part 3 and part 5 (part 5 being a veritable fuckin tragedy). All the other endings (part 2 is debatable) are pyrrhic victory, but part 4 feels like you REALLY won and it's all worth it.
And during the final fight -bear with me this is corny as hell- it kind of feels like you're one of the background characters, part of the town? I wanted Kira to go down!! And when he DID go down it was thanks to group effort (and, eventually, it was a small part of the town that killed him! Fittingly!) Woo yeah, we did it! Kira's dead and you get to feel the joy of it, and I love the final shot of the boys squatting outside a konbini because I was so glad they got to return to their funky daily lives. What a bizarre summer!
It just hits a good spot of being like, relatable, not as bleak as Jojo can sometimes be, mundane (but not), and kinda nostalgic of being a teenager doing crazy shit.
Also the Great Days OP is just ACES
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Hello, I was wondering if you could do a quick thing on some of the popular Gintama men and why they would get broken up with based off of actual bad traits they have in the anime. Like Hijikata would probably get broken up with cause of his dedication to his job. Just why you think they’d get broken up not a headcannon or anything. Came to the realization that Gintama has no decent datable men 😅
I'd actually argue the gintama men aren't 'undateable' but just difficult when it comes to dating. It's only a slight difference and why I constantly say in hc's that they require a special kind of lover.
This also just further proves on why I think Sorachi-sensei never intended to make a canon couple. He created such flawed characters (both men and women), it's no wonder they're all single. It takes a lot to be with these men.
But anyway since they're difficult, here's why someone might break up with them.
(some reasons overlap due to characters having similar experiences/lifestyles).
Breaking Up w/Gintama Boys
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• laziness - there are very few people who would put up with laziness. even the people close to gintoki run out of patience at times with how lazy he is.
• gambling - gintoki has multiple unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with his trauma. gambling is one of them. while gintama uses gintoki's gambling addiction for humor purposes, the sad truth is it's considered a disorder.
as well as something veterans and those with substance abuse being more prone to. this is also behavior that requires a lot of patience to handle. some may find it exhausting in a romantic setting.
• alcoholism - another unhealthy coping mechanism. I cannot stress enough that a relationship with gintoki requires an incredible amount of patience. dealing with these addictions can be very stressful, for everyone.
• trauma - he snaps at others easily, he still has nightmares, he has a hard time expressing his emotions, ect. trauma does a lot to a person.
• sadistic - sadism is all fun and games in the bedroom. but gintoki still has his sadistic tendencies outside of the bedroom as well. he says pretty harsh things at times. if his partner ends up being emotionally sensitive, they won't be able to handle gintoki's sadistic nature.
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• trauma - we may not have seen how the joui war affected him. but it'd be no surprise that losing friends in battle, never being able to wield a sword again, and finding gintoki and the devastating impact of losing shōyō had on him, katsura, and takasugi would haunt sakamoto. we at least know he's always reminded by the physical scar on his hand.
• stupidity - at first glance as a merchant, one would think sakamoto is really smart. but as we got to know him, we know that's not true. even those close to him get annoyed at having to correct his errors. especially when he makes pretty massive ones (renho arc for example).
trauma is a heavy weight to carry and can be overwhelming when someone doesn't know how to help.
• irresponsible - mutsu. mutsu is constantly annoyed by his behavior. he's always going off to host clubs and ignoring his duties as captain.
• dangerous lifestyle - he's a literal terrorist. it's one thing to be prepared to be with a terrorist. it's another to actually be in the relationship. if a partner cannot handle katsura always putting himself in danger, but also putting themselves in danger just by being with him, it won't work.
• most likely to cheat - sorry sakamoto stans, this goes in line with his addiction to host clubs. it's become routine at this point. he has to be head over heels madly in love with his partner for me to see him stay loyal. otherwise if he eventually gets bored, he'll fall back into old habits.
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• trauma - katsura's nickname on the battlefield was 'runaway kotarō'. so you can probably guess how he handles his trauma. this means lack of communication in terms of this topic by deflection.
if a s/o feels that they’re distance to katsura by not knowing him, it could lead to a break up. though really some unwanted topics should be respected. this only applies to a nosy s/o who doesn't respect privacy (just saying I'm not going to act like a s/o is always innocent, everyone has their negative traits).
• dangerous lifestyle - again, a literal terrorist. one that's even worse than katsura. he's even willing to go off by himself as a means to not be hesitant in his actions by those close to him.
• stupidity - similar to sakamoto. having to constantly solve issues that really shouldn't be problems at all can be tiring. katsura lacks common sense at times, it takes some patience to deal with.
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• smoking - someone can get into a relationship knowing their partner smokes. but it's another thing when you're actually in the relationship (like the terrorism). he'll blow smoke in his partner's face because he finds their reaction funny. second hand smoking is a thing, and smoke stinks.
people have broken up with others due to smoking, so this one's not really a surprise.
• workaholic - it's as you mentioned, he's always busy with work. he'd have little time for dates or even things like dinner together since he comes home late. not only does he work so much, but he won't talk about it (I'll get into later).
• trauma - takasugi handles his trauma in the worst possible way. violence. I'm not saying I think he'd be violent towards his partner. but imagine seeing someone constantly killing others for revenge purposes. if his partner isn't already desensitized to violence, they'll never survive being with him.
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• smoking - same thing as takasugi. either his s/o smokes themselves or can handle him smoking for it to work.
• dangerous lifestyle - hijikata gave up on the woman he loved because he was going into a dangerous job. it'll take a lot for him to feel comfortable enough to be in a relationship tbh. considering this, he's also likely to never talk about work.
• sadistic - think of gintoki, but worse. even if his partner can handle harsh words, sōgo has a bad habit of bringing s&m outside the bedroom. not everyone is into public humiliation. his s&m fantasies may be overwhelming.
never, he doesn't want his s/o worrying about the dangers he's in. so if they don't feel comfortable accepting this, the relationship will eventually fail.
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• dangerous lifestyle - he doesn't talk about work like hijikata. mostly because it just doesn't interest him. the most his s/o can get out of him is 'what do you think? you want me to tell you I killed someone? that's pretty sadistic of you.'
• dangerous lifestyle - he's constantly on the lookout to get stronger. constantly seeking to fight new opponents to gain more fighting experience. he's a yato, abuto can handle it because it's literally in his blood to feel comfortable on the battlefield.
his condescending attitude could be a turn off and something a s/o doesn't want to deal with.
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but say he's with a s/o who doesn't come from a fighting clan. they can be strong but if their love for fighting isn't as strong, a burn out could end the relationship.
• ungrateful - if someone doesn't live up to kamui's strength standard, he will consider them weak. the moment a s/o falls behind he's not going to wait for them, he'll leave them in the dust. mock them and say things like 'if you can't keep up, you must be weak. 😊'
it's harsh and if his s/o doesn't have a competitive spirit, they may just leave.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 6/2021) - Prime Path Renovations
Ponk experiences a setback. He and Foolish discuss Plan 69 together. It’s only a matter of time.
Tommy decides to clear some of the crowded area along the Prime Path by working with Foolish, Antfrost, Ponk, Sam and Bad to tear some unused buildings (and Pride decorations) down. 
After Puffy discovers that her L’Targay was one of the builds destroyed, she decides to retaliate.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk tests out his TNT launcher and attempts to fly
- After one of the test runs goes wrong, Ponk dies in an explosion and loses all his items, including the trident. Sammy Wammy is lost forever
- It may be time to activate Plan 69. As Ponk says, it’s all about leverage...
- Ponk retrieves some items, puts on the creeper head and grabs Warden’s Will, Sam’s sword, from his underground base 
- Later, Foolish comes online and Ponk meets him at the bank, doing his best Sam impression in the creeper head. She informs him that the plan is coming together, but there is a setback (Ponk claims she was testing the security system on the bank with Sam’s voice)
- The time is soon for Ponk’s arm plan. They show Foolish a chest. Foolish opens it and looks at the contents -- the leverage -- with his screen hidden. He’s shocked
Ponk: “Foolish! It was never in vain! I am twenty steps ahead, Foolish! I am a master of chess! I am the master!”
Foolish: “Do you realize that thing -- that is nuts! Does anyone else know about that?”
Ponk: “No! No one knows, Foolish! No one knows!” (laughs)
Foolish: “And that was like -- I guess I may have to ask you later to explain where you got it, but...”
- Foolish gives Ponk some resources
Ponk: “Our time will come. We will meet again. Very soon, hopefully.”
Foolish: “But you realize -- like, what you have, though -- there’s more than just the thing that we could do, like there’s a lot more--”
Ponk: “Foolish! I am a self-centered person, Foolish. It is only for my gain! And maybe yours!”
Foolish: “Yes, but we could also do it for other gains!”
Ponk: “No! No, Foolish. No, Foolish...Some people are meant to be, in the places they are meant to be. Okay? Alright. I will see you -- I’ll see you later, Foolish.”
- They part ways
- Tommy establishes Spud Lore
- He meets Foolish on the Prime Path and asks about BadBoyHalo’s promo codes. Tommy takes down the charity sign
- He gets Foolish to take off his armor as they continue. He has figured out that no one likes rich people
- They make it back to Tommy’s house. Tommy takes his riches out of his Ender Chest and puts them in a chest
- To clear out some room, they start taking down the gingerbread house and Antfrost logs on, telling them to get away. Ant meets them at the house and they talk
- Tommy informs Antfrost that it is no longer Christmas. Ant is willing to help them take down other things, and Tommy claims partial ownership of the gingerbread house
- Next, Tommy sneaks into the Targay. They decide it’s suitable to bulldoze
- Mario interrupts. Tommy informs him that Targay has been “opening soon” for half a year. Yoshi arrives as well, but they quickly start taking it down
- Technoblade logs on just to suggest they tear down the prison
- Tommy asks Ant about his love life and how it’s going
- Tubbo joins the call and informs him of the copious amounts of TNT in his possession
- Tommy cleans up the Definitely Not Blood while Tubbo pokes Ranboo
- He also wants to make a trapped Freebies Chest
- Sam logs on while Tommy burns down the rainbow wall. Since Antfrost is there, it’s allowed
- The biggest challenge is the flag above the Community House, which is immensely prideful and an unfortunate image to destroy. Tommy takes down the Pride Flag. Antfrost simply watches
- They put the blocks in the Freebies Chest
- Next, they go to inspect the prison. Tommy hates the prison. Antfrost states that it would be a conflict of interest for him, since he works there
- Sam appears at the prison entrance and tells them to stop. Foolish tries to bargain with scaffolding
- Foolish puts on Sam’s head and they face off with Warden Sam. Tommy puts on his own creeper head and proclaims that they should get rid of this prison, as the prison system is flawed! 
- Foolish brought pot. Antfrost brought weednip
- Tommy and Foolish go through the prison entrance portal and it gets deactivated by an explosion
- Tommy has a flint and steel and Sam begs them to try and re-light it. Tommy has leverage. Sam says he has something on him that Tommy would like. Tommy takes the deal and they go back through the portal
- Sam gives Tommy stacks of TNT and the group heads off again to the obsidian Nether Portal cube
- They start deactivating it and Ponk logs on
- Tommy takes down Dream’s honeymoon resort (the iron door structure)
- Sam suggests they take down Ninja’s house, but Tommy protests. This is iconic. He tries to call Ninja
- Foolish starts taking it down to test how it feels. They explode the rest and Tommy keeps the bed for good luck
Tommy: “i’m not gonna Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Ninja Fortnite Blevins, Sam! It just wouldn’t work! I’m no girlboss. I’m merely a manloser.”
- Tommy goes to mine dirt in sorrow. Ponk speaks to them, arriving in his Robin outfit. They explore the invisible staircase
- Next, they go to take down Ponk’s pumpkin trap
- Foolish wonders what would happen if they tried to kill the dragon. He says if you kill the dragon, you get “XD” in your name and get Creative mode. Tommy doesn’t want to risk it
- Foolish kisses himself on his elbow. Self-love
- Antfrost’s eyes turn red from the weednip and he hands some to everyone. Foolish gets high and turns into Batman
- Tommy towers up and gets rid of the last of the Y:7 sign. They start talking about Tinder
- Tommy gets Phil to join VC, asking him to tell them about Big Russ
- He calls Bad to ask about the YouTooz codes. Bad says to ask Sam. Sam does not know
- They go to the Hall of Fame and debate killing Drista’s dog. Drista’s dog dies
- Everyone goes to the graveyard by Punz’s backyard and stand on the grave. Foolish says it would be very spiritual for Tommy to blow up his own grave
- Tommy suggests they bring back the Socializing Club. Ponk says it’s the essential oils shop
- Sam runs over to blow up Wilbur’s ball (owned by Tommy) but Tommy refuses, saying he would kill Sam if he did
- Tommy leaves the group to go get some more dirt
- Ponk tells Sam that he lost the trident today as well as all his things
- They chat some more and Sam tells Foolish that Bad is "on grinder.” Foolish asks him if he’s verified on it. Sam asks if he’s spoken with Skeppy about it
- Tommy joins the VC again with a “’sup, bitches.” Sam tells Tommy that Bad is “on grinder for the experience”
- Tommy says he wants more people to be on the server more often and Foolish and Sam start comparing their server statistics. Tommy has 13 days on the server. Sam has 95 days
- Tommy concludes that he must be Foolish’s father figure and calls Foolish “son”
- Once Tommy leaves, the three go to destroy the ball but Phil joins VC to tell them that if they did that, Wilbur would cry, so they don’t 
- Bad tells Ant they should go to Foolish’s summer home to destroy the things that aren’t being used there. They discuss what to destroy and destroy a red tulip
- Then they destroy Ponk’s essential oils shop 
- Bad and Ant argue over who gets claim to Alyssa’s house. They go around various areas debating what to destroy
- They go to L’manburg and take down Fundy’s election whitehouse
- Afterwards, they go down into L’manhole and clear the Blood Vines off of the flag
- Foolish and Antfrost go back to Las Nevadas
- Puffy has heard that some damage has been done. She’s been told that there were several people there, including a certain muffinhead, a furry, and most importantly, a child (and also Foolish and Sam)
- Puffy turns on the slow Able Sisters Theme and logs on, immediately seeing the cleared-out L’Targay plot
Puffy: “What in the corporation is this shit?!”
- She walks down the Prime Path, surveying the damage, until she sees that they got rid of the flag as well
- There is now room for retribution. This seems to have been targeted at her
- Puffy goes to Tommy’s house. She could either destroy Tommy’s base, or cover it in rainbows...or...
- She spies the Big Innit Hotel in the background. They could take it a step further...
- She pulls up the stream footage for receipts. She sees Tommy start to destroy the gingerbread house and learns that Antfrost stopped it. Puffy is enraged
- She wonders what Tommy’s favorite tower is and makes her way to the Disruption Tower
- Puffy gets disrupted by the Disruption Tower and then takes part of it down. She gets Disrupted for a few minutes mining before finding out that it was the wrong tower, and it was the Power Tower that was Tommy’s favorite
Puffy: “Blackstone? I thought Tommy hated blackstone.”
- After walking past it several times, Puffy finally identifies the right tower as the Power Tower
- She gets some TNT and explodes Tommy’s house. While storing the dropped items in chests, she notices that Tommy has Schlatt’s bones
- She still remembers when she was living out of a turkey and the turkey was destroyed. While others helped, Tommy was the one who incited it. The others will get repercussions as well though
- Puffy builds Tommy’s house into a mini L’Targay so that when Tommy uses his house, he will finally be using L’Targay as well
- Next, Puffy takes down Antfrost’s gingerbread house and comes across the bathwater chamber 
- She goes to Foolish’s summer home to put mustaches on all the statues, but is disappointed to find that they already have mustaches. She starts putting a brown hat on the sphinx when Quackity joins VC
- Quackity asks why Puffy is putting hats on all of Foolish’s builds, and Quackity tells her to leave him alone. Puffy informs him that Foolish is her son. They go back and forth about Puffy’s full name (Puff Big Daddy)
- Quackity is not BadBoyHalo’s mistress
- Puffy tells him about Tommy blowing up all the rainbows, so she blew up Tommy’s house. They chat a bit
- Foolish logs on, Puffy asks him why he helped in the destruction of Targay and Foolish says it was character development
- Then Quackity tells Puffy about how Tommy got exiled. Namely, that Tubbo betrayed him (he does an impression of Tubbo). Foolish sneaks around behind them
Puffy: “Do you think it would be wrong to kill my son on the server?”
Puffy: “Like do I pull a Philza?”
- Quackity says not to even think about touching Foolish. Puffy invites Foolish to the call and Quackity tells Foolish that he is Quackity’s beloved and then starts talking about metabolism articles
- They continue chatting. Puffy shows Foolish the top hats and Foolish says they actually used to have hats not too long ago
- Foolish shows off his Batman skin and Quackity becomes the Joker. They roleplay until the Joker suggests they have a threesome and abruptly cease the bit
- Foolish and Puffy head over to Las Nevadas. Foolish shows Quackity the progress he’s made on the sand and the hotel. They keep doing the Batman impressions, now with an added Bane impression
Quackity: Imagine Bane and the Joker kissing
Foolish: Can we do that?
- They talk quite a bit about Wattpad
- Foolish changes into his Superman skin
- Quackity leaves and Foolish and Puffy continue to talk in Las Nevadas
Upcoming events remain the same.
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rebelpeas · 3 years
captain puffy lore q&a!
notes taken while listening to her stream tonight (july 14 stream, “[DreamSMP] Lore School and Lore Q&A!”) feel free to add on if i missed anything - i probably zoned out a bit and missed some questions!
- she stressed multiple times throughout the q&a segment that her character was never intended to play a parental role. while she’s happy with a sort of guardian/protector role, she isn’t as much a fan of her character being a parent. the reason she’s not a huge fan of c!dream (or other characters besides c!foolish) being c!puffy’s child is because people then get angry about c!puffy making chaotic decisions because they view her in a purely responsible/parental role. she likes for her character to be there as a mentor for the younger characters, but still wants the freedom to make chaotic decisions for her character without being criticized for it!
- she doesn’t like when anything her character does is immediately related to other people’s characters. an example she offered is that if she were to blow something up, people would say “that’s not something a good parent figure would do.”
- if she were to have take a different direction with her character, she would’ve done a “chaotic girlboss” character type.
- when asked whether she prefers unplanned lore or big lore streams, she says she enjoys both. she finds semi-lore very fun because she loves interacting with chat and likes how community-focused unplanned and improv lore can be. big lore is fun for her too, but because of the high expectations and having to be zoned in to the story, she doesn’t get to interact with the chat.
- thinks of her chat as if they’re “looking down on” the dream smp universe rather than a physical being within it. referred to it as celestial beings and the dream smp being “the universe that we control” - chat is the stars that the captain navigates by.
- puffychu - “i don’t know. we’ll have to find out about that.” she says puffy and niki’s characters have ended up on completely different sides, so now they are trying to figure that out.
- her character’s skin has something more to its design than just being half sheep, half human. she says there’s an element that has more to do with her character’s “personal struggle” than with her species.
- she gave a hint about the next c!puffy lore stream: “it relates in a way to a billie eilish song. i can’t say which one because it would give too much away!”
- something in lore is going to greatly affect c!puffy eventually. “she’s going to have a switch sometime soon”
- quite a bit of c!puffy’s personality is influenced by cc!puffy’s personality. the character is evidently based quite a bit on how cc!puffy grew up as a child, which we will see more in later lore!
- c!puffy’s character flaws are that they’re a perfectionist and doesn’t want to disappoint people, and in turn ends up not being able to do things for themselves. they also have lots of patience until she’s pushed too far and then will snap.
- she would like to be more involved with the las nevadas lore!
- she was asked about tommy’s therapy and whether it has been happening “off-screen” as tommy has implied, but she said she was going to save the question for another day.
- c!puffy doesn’t necessarily agree with being an anarchist. they aren’t big on titles or labels, but they do respect order. they’ve taken on titles not because they want to but because it’s necessary to keep the peace of things.
- c!puffy uses any pronouns, but usually she/her mostly because so far no one has referred to her otherwise in lore.
- c!puffy’s alignment is chaotic good!
- c!puffy, c!ant, and c!bad have made up since the red banquet and there are few hard feelings between them. c!puffy felt less hurt by c!hannah since she was a new member to the smp and they hadn’t had any chance to form a relationship.
- when asked which character’s development surprised her the most, she answered that she really likes tommy and tubbo’s arcs, but bad’s caught her the most off-guard because of how different c!bad’s arc has turned out from how cc!bad is.
- she says tubbo’s character has gone through just as much as tommy even though people tend to focus more on tommy, and c!tubbo is one of her favorite lore characters.
- her favorite character dynamics are puffy and bad (she finds it fun how they go from a fun friendship duo as ccs into polar opposites in lore), tubbo and ranboo (she likes the very different dynamic they have from tubbo and tommy, saying tubbo didn’t replace tommy with ranboo but rather has a different kind of relationship to explore his character in), and tommy and techno (she likes how techno is a big and powerful anarchist and still was protective of tommy).
- her favorite canon character is c!dream. she says while his character arc always involves manipulation and dark aspects, they’re very clever and there’s always an interesting reason to be found behind what they do.
- as for her character’s thoughts on c!dream, c!puffy feels more disappointed in dream than guilty about his actions. puffy says she’s “always seen the underlying good” in dream and so is disappointed in him for what he’s done.
- she says sam’s character is very difficult. he tries to do what in his mind is the lawfully correct thing to do, even if it’s a bad thing to do or might hurt someone else.
- her favorite build is foolish’s summer home area!
- she thinks c!wilbur has been the best villain so far.
(( there might be more q&a later as she’s still streaming, but this is all i’ve got tonight! i’m off to bed, i’ll skim the rest of the vod tomorrow for any other tidbits i missed! ))
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koo-zy · 4 years
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don’t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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candycityy · 3 years
based on @pufferssss' discord headcanon of levi taking care of petra while she's on her period. just fluff, because my babies deserve it, sue me.
(You can also read this on AO3!)
She's off her game today.
He'd noticed it earlier that morning, during PT. He'd assigned them to complete a circuit, and most of the squad had groaned and complied, but she'd remained silent, just turned a shade paler.
"Something wrong, Ral?" he'd asked, when her face twisted into a pained expression. For a second, she'd looked at him entreatingly, like she was trying to communicate something with her gaze.
When he just stared blankly back, she'd sighed and shook her head. "Nothing, sir," she'd grumbled, before turning around and going off on the ten-kilometre jog.
But now – something's definitely wrong, he's sure of it. She looks distracted and self-conscious, her eyes flickering between the guys and him, and she keeps adjusting her uniform even though as far as Levi can see, every strap is perfectly in place. She's pale, too, looking far too drained for one measley circuit –for all her flaws, Petra's never been one to back down from a challenge, let alone show a sign of weakness.
He watches as she maneuvers robotically towards the end-point, slicing at the rubber-foam targets in an almost absent-minded way, wearing that pained, distracted expression. When an Abnormal emerges suddenly from the side, plywood arm raised for attack, he waits for her to snap to attention and dodge.
Instead, she turns, much too slowly and goes, as if in a daze, "Huh?" The arm slams down on her wires, and she lets out a shriek as she struggles to recalibrate her position while dangling mid-air. His irritation mounting, he swiftly swings over and plucks her out of the air, ignoring her protests, and dumps her unceremoniously on the ground. Following his lead, Eld, Gunther, and Auruo alight on the ground, expressions tight and wary.
"What the hell was that?" he demands. But instead of looking sheepish like she usually would, she shoots him a venomous glare. Like it's his fault she failed to dodge a damn piece of plywood.
"Sorry," she mutters, sounding not the least bit apologetic. Levi stares at her in disbelief. They've been together for a while, sure, but she's never been insubordinate like this, let alone in front of their squadmates, in the middle of drills.
"Ral." His tone is frigid. "I'll say it once more. What the hell was that? You're being out of line, and your drills were atrocious." His tone is harsh, and her gaze snaps to his, bright with fury.
"I said," she hisses, "I was sorry."
He's angry, now. "Well, you sure have a fucking funny way of showing it."
"Oh, fuck you, Levi," she spits, and there's a sharp intake of breath all around – Petra never curses, and she never calls him by name during training.
"Petra!" Eld exclaims. "Sir, as second-in-command, I'll take care of this – you can continue with the drills –"
"Fuck you too, Eld." She gets to her feet, dusting herself off, and glares around at her squadmates.
He's had enough. "Ral, I don't know why you think it's okay to speak to us this way, but –"
"I'm on my period," she finally bites out. She spins around, eyes flashing, and everyone but him takes an involuntary step back. "And I don't know what I did wrong but this time it feels like I'm being stabbed in the abdomen by a thousand daggers and I'm pretty sure I've bled through these stupid fucking white pants and God help me I'm so done with all of you insensitive fuckers."
There's a beat. He finally finds his voice, and says, lamely, "You should have spoken up earlier. You could've gone to the sick bay if it was that bad."
At that, she honest-to-goodness snarls at him, baring her teeth and curling her lip like a cornered animal. "Then. I'll. Go." The words come out in a low growl, and it's all he can do to keep his expression flat and unreadable.
"Go, then." For a second, her mask of fury cracks, and her eyes fill with tears.
But then she turns on her heel and stalks off, her boots crunching in the dust. He notices, belatedly, that there's a smudge of red on the back of her pants.
His squad stands there, shocked into silence. "You go tell her, Auruo," Eld says finally.
"What? No way, you do it, you're second-in-command –"
As the guys argue between themselves, Levi presses his head into his hands and wonders briefly why the universe seems to hate him.
Later, when he knocks on the door, he's not surprised when he doesn't get a reply.
Steeling himself for the worst, he pushes the door open a crack. She's not on the bed. Maybe I'll just go in and wait for her, then, he thinks, before a soft moan makes his gaze snap to the ground.
It's Petra, curled up into a fetal position on the ground. She's sweating despite the mild temperature, and her skin has taken on a deathly pallour.
She groans again, and the sound startles him out of his reverie. He opens the door and steps in. "What the hell, Petra?" he mutters under his breath, kneeling on the ground next to her. Her eyes are closed, and he thinks he hears a muffled fuck off before she sighs, turning onto her other side and pulling her knees even more tightly to her chest.
Despite her mumbled protests, he lifts her carefully back onto the bed and pours her a glass of water. "Open," he orders, gently lifting her head and thumbing her lip. She bites his thumb halfheartedly, and he lets out an irritated grunt.
"Dammit, Petra, it's just medicine for the pain. Quit being a stubborn brat and open up already." She mumbles something unintelligible, maybe another curse, but obediently opens her mouth and swallows the small white pill dry, ignoring the glass of water and grimacing as she does it.
Her eyelids flutter weakly, and she looks up at him through half-lidded eyes. "Go away, you ass. Don't wanna talk to you. Ugh, it hurts." She lets out a high-pitched whine, the sound somehow both irritated and agonised at the same time, and he snorts – it's just so Petra for her to be frustrated at her own pain.
"Lie down," he orders, pulling a hot water bottle out his bag and tucking it roughly into her arms. She presses it to her abdomen and curls into the warmth, making a small, pleased sound, and even though her hair clings to her damp forehead and her clothes are a rumpled mess, it's still inexplicably, ridiculously cute.
"Better?" he asks. She nods sleepily – and then, a few moments, just as she seems on the verge of dozing off, she sits up abruptly, almost shoving him off the bed in the process.
She looks at him with wide, panicked eyes. "You – oh, no," she groans. "You can't be here. My room is a mess, I'm a mess, there's a pile of bloody laundry in the corner..." Levi inwardly recoils at that, but manages to keep his face carefully composed, "...and – ugh – just, get out get out get out." She collapses back into bed, throws a pillow at his general direction (he dodges), and lets out a cry that's somewhere between exasperation and embarrassment.
"You're welcome," he deadpans, and she drapes an arm over her flushed face, covering her eyes. "I'll leave soon. Just as soon as you tell me you're okay."
"I'm okay, now get out." Her words are muffled from underneath her arm. With an irritated sigh, he gets up, pausing only when she peeks out from under her arm (again with the ridiculous cute) and asks, "where'd you get the hot water bottle from?"
"Nifa." He frowns, recalling the thinly veiled disapproval on the girl's face when he'd confided in her the morning's events.
"Oh." Her voice is small. "Um. Captain – Levi," she amends, and hesitates.
"Thanks. You know. For everything. And, uh, sorry for freaking out earlier." Her arm goes back over her face.
"It's fine." Levi lets out a short exhale, and against his better judgment, leans back over her slight figure to gently brush the tangled hair out of her face. Her face is still fever-hot, and she sighs at the coolness of his touch.
"Feel better, Petra," he says, quietly. As he gets up to leave, his eyes flicker to the pile of laundry at the corner at the corner of the room.
Every cell in his cleanliness-obsessed body screams in protest.
Oh, what the hell. Without making a sound, he lifts the bundle into his arms – keeping it as far away from his face as possible – and leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
Levi Ackerman, he thinks grimly to himself, as he makes his way towards the laundry room, you are such a fucking loser.
The next morning, Petra wakes up to a pile of clean, perfectly pressed laundry outside her door.
There's a note. Ral, it says, in a familiar, elegant script, you owe me a new bottle of bleach. Let me know when you're better, because I'm still giving your insubordinate ass a week of latrine duty. C.L.
Carefully, she folds the piece of paper and closes the door behind her. She flops onto her bed, feeling an irrepressible smile spread over her face – and somehow, all of a sudden – the ache in her abdomen doesn't feel quite so bad.
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doeeyeseddie · 4 years
Eddie Diaz Week Day 4: “I don’t deserve this.” + guilt
buck/eddie, 1.7k. [read on ao3]
Somehow, it’s always in the middle of the night halfway through a gruelling shift that Bobby finds Eddie going through some shit.
Their last call was a nightmare, more people DOA than still alive, and even more they lost on scene. It’s been silent at the station since they got back, most of them trying to find comfort one way or another, dispersing to call their loved ones if they can, or into the bunk room to try and block everything out.
Buck has stuck close to Eddie’s side the whole time, both to comfort and to be comforted. It should be scary, how well Buck knows him, that he knows exactly what Eddie needs without ever having to hear him say it.
Eddie never wants to talk after these kinds of things, doesn’t see the point in rehashing things he can’t change anymore. And he’s never been particularly great at talking about his feelings, still isn’t.
Buck knows all of that and respects it, even though he’s way more of a talker than Eddie is. He hasn’t tried to broach the subject with Eddie at all, but he’s been by his side since they got back to the station, a solid warmth at his shoulder, reminding Eddie that he’s here and alive. So Eddie knows Buck hasn’t talked about it either.
Earlier, they’d been sitting at the table next to each other, touching from shoulders down to their ankles, and Buck had taken out the notebook his therapist had suggested he get for when he can’t talk about what’s going on in his head. Eddie sat next to him while he scribbled into it, and something ugly twisted in his gut.
Here he was, right next to Buck, having gone through the same damn thing, making him write his thoughts down instead of just talking to him. And Buck never even seemed to hold it against him.
Now he’s asleep with his head pillowed on Eddie’s lap, curled in on himself and one hand gripping the fabric of Eddie’s pants tightly.
Eddie can’t sleep. There’s a war going on inside of him, two equally big emotions fighting for dominance.
On one hand, there’s the tenderness and love he feels for Buck, the wish to protect him from everything coming their way. On the other, there is the guilt and self-loathing he feels for putting himself first anyway, for prioritising his aversion to talking over Buck’s need to. How can he do that to the man he loves?
“Eddie,” Bobby’s quiet voice interrupts his thoughts as their captain sits down opposite him, a worried frown on his face. “Are you alright?”
And maybe it’s that they’ve had these middle of the night conversations often enough already for Eddie to be used to opening up eventually, but Bobby doesn’t have to do any prying before it bursts out of him. “I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve him.”
Bobby’s eyebrows raise. “Buck?”
Eddie gives an aborted shrug and can’t quite look Bobby in the eyes. He’s spilled his guts to the poor guy so many times, he shouldn’t be embarrassed anymore - but he doesn’t want to see the pity on Bobby’s face. Doesn’t deserve that either.
“Why do you think that?”
“Because,” Eddie swallows, trying to find words for what he’s feeling, “he’s too good for me. I mean...you know how he is, Bobby. He gives so much of himself to make other people happy, to make me happy, and I...I can’t even meet him halfway. What do I have to offer?”
“I think you’re being a bit hard on yourself, Eddie.”
“Am I, though? I take and I take without giving anything back. I was a bad husband to Shannon, I’m a bad boyfriend to Buck, he would be better off without me dragging him down-”
“Have you talked to Buck about this?” Bobby interrupts, and Eddie lets out a bitter laugh.
“No, because I can’t even do that, can’t do it when it comes to my feelings or his, and now he doesn’t think he can talk to me about things like what happened tonight, but what would I even say, Bobby? I don’t know how to help, I never have the right words anyway.”
Bobby sighs. “We had a rough call tonight, Eddie, and everyone deals with it in their own way. And that’s okay! I’m sure Buck doesn’t expect anything more than what you can give from you. But for what it’s worth, I think you should try to talk to him about this anyway. If only to hear it from him.”
“Why are you so sure of what he’ll say?”
“Because I know him. And so do you, when you’re not too busy feeling guilty for things you aren’t guilty of.”
Eddie purses his lips, trying to keep the tears he can feel welling up at bay. “So you don’t think I’m acting like an egoistic asshole? Cause I’m pretty sure I am.”
“If you really think you only take from Buck and don’t give anything back to him, you need to talk to him even more than I thought you did.”
Bobby sounds almost disappointed, and it kind of knocks Eddie off balance. He seems to think it’s so obvious that Eddie is wrong. It makes him want to consider that maybe he isn’t looking at things very objectively right now.
“You make that man so happy,” Bobby continues, and his voice softens. “He has had to go through so much, and you were there for him through it all. He felt like he didn’t belong anywhere, and you gave him a family.”
“We all did that, though.”
“Yes, and we mean it - but it’s different with you. You gave him Christopher, and not just that: you gave him your trust with your son, and I think you quite literally saved him with that.” Bobby also has tears in his eyes now and Eddie swallows thickly. “My point is, you don’t have to talk about everything, Eddie, that’s not who you are. But some things need to be talked about, especially if they make you sit here and hate yourself if you don’t. You don’t deserve that, Eddie.”
Eddie wipes his eyes and gives Bobby a small smile. “Thanks, Cap.”
“Try and catch some sleep too, hm? I’m sure you’ll feel better after.”
Eddie nods and watches as Bobby walks away, feeling much better than before. He still doesn’t feel great about essentially leaving Buck alone to process, but hearing Bobby say that there are things he’s given Buck - maybe it’s not as bad as he thought it was. Clearly, he’s a work in progress, and clearly, he still needs to work on both communication and self-image.
Buck’s hand on his knee uncurls from the fabric of his pants, and Eddie sighs, running a careful hand through Buck’s hair.
“Did you hear any of that?”
“Most of it,” Buck murmurs and sits up, looking at Eddie. “I wasn’t sleeping very deeply when you two started talking.”
Eddie looks down at his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry. For leaving you alone to deal with it.”
“Eddie,” Buck says, scooting closer and taking Eddie’s hands in his, squeezing until Eddie squeezes back. “Eddie, listen to me. Is...is that what you think happened? Cause it’s not what I remember. You haven’t left my side since the last call, have you?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t talk to you about it.” He sounds ashamed when he says it, and still feels the guilt heavy on his chest.
“Did I ask you to talk about it? No. I know you don’t like talking about the rough calls, but that’s not even why I didn’t say anything. You were there right next to me, and that was all I needed. All I need. You always give me exactly what I need.” He lets go of one of Eddie’s hands and places his free one at the back of Eddie’s neck, leaning down until he can meet Eddie’s eyes. “If I wanted anything else, I would’ve asked, or gone to someone else.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, reaching out until he can get a hand on Buck’s shirt, wanting to be closer still.
“I love you, you idiot,” Buck says softly, following the pull from Eddie’s hand and pressing his forehead to Eddie’s. “And like Bobby said - you’ve given me so much, and you make me so damn happy. You’re the one person I trust with absolutely everything, and before you, no one’s ever given me that kind of trust back. When all that shit was happening with my parents, you were the only one I felt like I could talk to about everything, and you listened, and understood. You know me, Eddie, and I know you. And even when we deal with things differently sometimes, I know you’re always there for me. Do you know how long it took me to accept that I was deserving of your love? Many therapy sessions, you can believe that. But I learned that we’re both imperfect people with flaws and with baggage, but all that matters is that we make each other happy.”
Smiling, Eddie brushes their noses together softly. “You’re so smart sometimes.”
Buck snorts. “Asshole.”
Eddie presses a kiss to his lips, then another. “I love you, too. And thank you. For putting up with me and my moods.”
“It’s not “putting up with you”,” Buck says seriously, leaning back a little so he can look at Eddie. “I love all of you. Insecurities and self-doubts included, even though I wish you didn’t feel them. And you deserve that love, Eds.”
“God,” Eddie groans, squeezing his eyes shut against the tears that are threatening to spill again. “I love you so much.”
Buck laughs a little and pulls him all the way in, holding him close. “I know, but you definitely need some sleep now, you’re not usually this teary. Come on, we can even share a bunk and endure the inevitable teasing tomorrow and probably for the rest of our lives.”
Eddie grins and cuddles even closer to Buck. “I can live with that.”
With Buck by his side, it sometimes feels like he can withstand everything.
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