r3v0lver-0c3lot · 2 months
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featuring dante from devil may cry series🔥🔥🔥
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ahmednser · 26 days
Hello, I am Ahmed Zandah from the Gaza Strip, Palestine. I feel as if my life is unfolding. Despite all my efforts, I remain stuck in a never-ending cycle of misery after my home was destroyed, my Jeep car was destroyed, and the factory that I, my brothers, and my father owned was destroyed, and we were left with nothing. I never thought I would have to ask for help, but I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel. Everything I had has been destroyed. My family and I are in desperate need of support. If you can, please consider helping me through this difficult time. Any support would mean the world to me
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cryptocism · 5 months
I 100% get it, I had started writing a script for a comic (developed off of old fanfiction that I revamped then revamped again in the DC universe) and immediately got Really Defensive because if I were to pitch it to DC and it got picked up that's just There now for Editorial and other writers to fuck with because they're a product of their own story and I feel would get turned into this certain flanderized (or worse since these characters are not White) over time. It hasn't gotten far/probably wouldn't have but I do think if I go forward it's gonna be indie route because I think once the character's story is through it needs to be left where it ended.
The defensiveness really blindsides you its wild!
tbh I think everybody who reads comics knows of at least one run that completely ruins a character, or a famously bad editorial decision or retcon that has negative consequences on canon for decades. The idea of that happening to your story or your characters is a genuine shot of anxiety that can really take the wind out of a writers sails.
I think about the Mark Waid interview where he talks about Flash: Fastest Man Alive and what they did to Bart's character, and how he openly said he'd rather Bart be dead than misunderstood/mishandled. Which is probably a lot of writers' sentiments about the characters' they created decades ago turning into something unrecognizable before their eyes.
But it's also an unavoidable reality of writing comics in an interconnected universe manned by corporate interests. It feels like if you want to commit to writing the characters you grew up loving or create new characters for that existing universe, there's some level of letting go that needs to be done. which is why i think despite not necessarily being as financially successful/stable or mainstream, the indie comics scene is still thriving with cool stories and amazing writers.
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gaytobymeres · 8 months
i think the point of a university-level education is a bit lost on some of my course mates...
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
MY BAD it has taken me a little while to get to every fic writer question ive been asked pfft but i appreciate all of them and theyre really fun to answer :o and alright ok common things—character psychology is a big thing in all of my work :o aa every time i write a characters pov i try to do at least some research into their personality, backstory, etc etc bc my writing is almost always like?? character study type things?? i Really like delving deep into how characters think!!! :o so a lot of my works are like. you Will hear almost every thought in their head HAH. ive been told i have a very recognizable writing style widndnd but i do try to switch up internal dialogue at least a little bit depending on the pov character. i dont know how effective i am at that but i try HAH plus i think its fun trying to capture how someone thinks in the same way that youd try to capture how they speak in their dialogue. i think the most obvious example is probably my recent reinhard stuff—i tried to sound more formal with him? even with little kid reinhard i wrote his internal dialogue kind of formally because i figured that Might be able to create that bit of Dissonance that reinhard has as a character, you know? hes uncanny.
and uh because i focus on internal dialogue a lot, by the nature of things i kind of Have To slap the unreliable narrator tag on the vast majority of my fics HAH but unreliable narrators are fun and i love playing with them!! and i think its realistic in the sense that even a character thats very fair and just and honest may still have the wrong information at times or have emotion cloud their judgment or be a little unreliable for those reasons. that and i tend to pick the mentally fucked characters (which is pretty easy with the rezero cast HAH) whenever i write Very detailed internal dialogue so!!! unreliable narration and spirals into madness it is!!! i just really like exploring like. the humanity behind each character and all their nuances <3 and i Love having to squint at internal dialogue and add that up with a characters thoughts and actions and figure out who this person Actually Truly Is Like?? its like a puzzle :o !!
as for themes. i went into this a lot in another fic writer ask thingy but Definitely like. when characters change as a result of shit hitting their fan and/or their own choices and now theyre Different from the person they used to be. they came back wrong so now what are they going to do? how are the people around them going to treat them now? how will they treat the people around them? i just really like going into like. identity crisis… and um…. suffering that triggers massive self searching bc. the character changed in some way in order to survive through it physically and/or mentally. like seeing characters change for the worse and seeing them either try to crawl their way out or they. keep going down. it can be hopeful or very tragic!!! (bc i love hurt/comfort and tragedy a lot ajdnd) and complicated relationships are a huge favorite of mine to tackle. fascinating multi-layered stuff that i want to study under a microscope!!! i like when multiple contradictions exist within a dynamic or like. a character and their journey. the complexity feels very real to me and i find it intriguing :o
i also love queer themes but due to um. some of the toxicity in this fandom i do hesitate to do stuff with that in this fandom but i DO love queer themes its just not in most of my work atm but thatll change eventually 👍 ill at least slip in a little bit every chance i get 👍👍 (i have exactly one fic with queer themes atm wjdnd)
motifs/random imagery i use a lot also!!!! mostly bc i find them cool and fun but. yes theyre there for a reason. in my first pride otto fic i used second person pov and avoided using his name at points to emphasize that hes 1. being dehumanized and 2. hes dehumanizing himself too as a result. i uhh have also used star related things for subaru a lot bc Of Course. butterflies and moths for emisuba things…. economics themed titles for my pride otto multichap…. bugs for general pride if things…. comparing the knights uniform to bird wings in my reinhard and heinkel fic… i like to describe outfits in general too (pride otto vs main ottos outfits, also felix not wearing blue in the 2 seconds of screentime he has in my pride if fics atm wkdndn) etc etc :o
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biancabelairs · 2 years
pUnK wAs BoOkInG tHe SuMmEr WiTh tOnY 😡 is such a funny thing for people to get mad at, like it's not common knowledge everyone in aew is expected to come up with their own storylines or they get stuck in generic "i wrestle more good than you" feud #547
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deathfavor · 11 months
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We're just a little late it's fine. pirate & siren tag drop for multiple muses. time to go tag the verse description posts-.
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moe-broey · 1 year
Gustav would probably bitch about Alfonse and Sharena trying to be retainers and that’s how you know it’s great and funny and I love them
Gustav rolling in his fucking grave for his eyes to snap open about it like
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miraclemaya · 2 years
i had this one setting of this infinite city in which humans barely manage to survive with all the weird eldritch monster and cracks in reality and i was gonna make a game with it but i felt like the setting didn't fit as much with the themes i wanted and i have now found out the solution to this and that is to make it cyberpunky and about fascism
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writing dreamstuck dialogue is so fun. ranboo leaves the group chat for two minutes to translate an alternian message and comes back to aimsey and tubbo singing mickey mouse clubhouse and tommy makes fun of him for not watching it as a kid. i do not know how this happened. the dialogue just runs away from u its like a dog without a leash shits runnin away and before u can grab the leash it's GONE
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Title: Corium University
Author: C. Hallman, J.L. Beck
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, romance, fantasy, contemporary
Blurb: She came here for protection, but that’s the last thing she’s going to find. Welcome to Corium University, where the most dangerous criminals in the world send their offspring - assassins, mafia leaders, arms dealers, and art thieves; you name it, this college houses them. Here, nothing can touch them. Upon arriving, Quinton knew Aspen would be here. She was the daughter of his enemy, a snake in the grass like her father. He had no intention of sparring with her...that is, until she opened her pretty little mouth. One sentence and she became his next target, and a woman that he would do anything to see on her knees at his feet. If she thought the university was the only nightmare she would have to face, she was wrong. Quinton was the king, and this was his kingdom.
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queencvbra · 2 years
thinking about how there are so many normal teenage things Tory doesn’t understand because she’s been basically living unrestricted since she was 13, even more so after her mom’s sickness got worse and there was no way she could enforce any kind of parenting on Tory
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ahmednser · 26 days
We live in a border area that was considered dangerous in gaza strip. At the beginning of the war, we stayed in the house until the situation became more dangerous, so we moved to another, safer area, leaving behind everything we owned. The duration of our first displacement was two months. During that time, the Jews entered our neighborhood, our house, and our land, and burned it completely, with all of its possessions, furniture, and clothing. Nothing was spared from him. Even the earth has been destroyed and ruined After they left the neighborhood, we returned to our damaged house and repaired a small apartment that was not enough for the whole family, but it was of no use because there was basically no other option. Meanwhile, the famine intensified in our sector, as there was neither flour nor anything to feed the young, the old, or the newborn. Despite this, we remained steadfast. However, aid began to enter and another kind of torment began because it was another war that almost killed Anas,He went that day to get something to satisfy our stomachs or calm our hunger, but the occupation betrayed him and at the Kuwait roundabout, Israeli soldiers and a tank came out to him and opened fire on him, so he escaped from them, but he did not succeed. The Quadcopter hit him and opened fire and directly hit his hand. He was injured in January or at the present time. His hand did not improve for a number of reasons: no treatment, no tonics, no food.
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Zakaria was also injured by a bullet in his ear due to the aid One day we were all in the house and were surprised by the sounds of aircraft approaching and bombing everywhere. We stayed until the situation calmed down a little and we went out. For the second time, the quadcopter shot at the child Tala, but this time it was worse. It hit her in a critical place and it might have been fatal had it not been for God’s will, as it betrayed her back and the bullet came out. From her chest
And another bullet in her hand. She stayed in the hospital for several days, then God bless her and she came out in good health. We returned to our house, as it was the only shelter for us and our large family. Day after day, week after week, the Jews invaded us again *the invasion of Olives*, but we could not get out, as we were literally surrounded, and there was no one around us except us.
Tanks on four sides and planes above us. You can imagine hearing the sounds of houses being bombed and thinking that your turn will inevitably come. And you hear the sound of confrontations around you. Even the sound of the helicopter coming to rescue its dead. We did not think that we would get out of there alive, but God is with us. The Jews bombed us with a tank shell, but thank God nothing happened to us and we remained in this state for 12 days without any breath or food, of course. When the siege ended, we left it and were no longer there for those reasons, but the Jews invaded again a third time and targeted the entire house.
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angelkwill · 8 days
everyone will face trapsof darkness, they are to overcome those who shine the brightesthave either done so, or have yetto face their traps so judge not, lest ye be judgedcondemn not, lest ye be condemned for judgment and condemnationare themselves traps, andmany get entangled -akw- ___©2024 Angel K WillBlog Photo by chivozol from PexelsBe Peace. Flow Love. Life Joy.Check out the bookstore;…
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taiwantalk · 4 months
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yoonyia · 7 months
I have said again and again that the United States of America has one of the worst propaganda programs I have ever seen
the worst part is that it works perfectly
#this has nothing to do with the citizens of the country#its just that the government is built on a primarily flawed fondation#its power is built on the idea (or more realistically the promise) of freedom and opportunity#so anything that goes against this idea can be used as propaganda material#and we mean everything#because in a international world you can not have free reign over everything by one country#like all healthy relationships you sometimes have to compromise or support eachother#this sometimes means you will have to give up your resources or make diplomatic decisions that arent always in your favor.#but whenever something that is “unfair” or “a risk to our nation” which can range from a balloon to a flipping war#they can just touch on the nerve that is freedom and make people believe or atleast think they believe in them long enough#to justify the countries actions#its such a horrible way of using propaganda and its honestly easily broken down IF the USA wasent a global super power#i dont know why i needed to talk about this but i had too#there are people who justify the Isreal attack on gaza and Palestinians by calling it a defensive response#and the idea is unfathomable#genocide? as a defense response?#are they hearing themselves? is what my immediate reaction was#but its deeper then that#its more then that#its so#so much more then that#its a foundational belief within the nation that some people cant pull themselves out of because how could they?#its like trying to unlearn everything your parents thought you that you later learn is horrible#for some its easy#for most its hard#but for some its impossible#thats the same with systematic life long propaganda like this#patriotic citizens are plentiful in any country but the thing that makes america so distinct is that their patriotism is so deeply rooted#the word of the motherland is golden to some and you cant just reverse that#i wish them well and i wish palestine the best.
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