neverchecking · 1 year
I think the idea of the links fighting to be dads is one of the best things I have ever read and I'm so glad people are interested in it enough to send ask I cast appreciation spell on every single one of you. I just wanted to share my own thoughts.
I picture Sky's kid just being a mini sky tbh. Not necessarily on features so to speak, but the idea of a small sleepy baby that likes to take naps all of the time so 🥰. I imagine that it's also a bit chubby, no particular reason just to give it that little 'cute' push. Sky taking little naps with his baby, and the kid is swaddled up in his sailcloth while he holds them in his arms (reader (and the rest of the chain) get worried and watches over him in the beginning bc they were worried that he'd accidentally drop them, lemme just say his grip does not slip). Better yet, Sky swaddles the baby to his back so that he could have his hands free, and Sky just walks around with this cute little tater tot looking over his shoulder curiously. Call 911 anon died in aisle 6. I picture sky's first born being a son who's just as in touch with their emotions as he is. Imagine the baby inherits the soft hair texture I could cry.
Legend <3. I can only picture legend having a girl, I don't know why there's just no way that man is not a girl dad. I don't really have any ideas on what his kid would look like, but I like to imagine they get his eyes bc I'm really biased and love the lavender (periwinkle?, light purple bitch) eyes. I swear his pros and cons are just
'con: has unresolved trauma, kinda mean tbh, house is filled with dangerous items, might have to share house with weird rabbit guy (seems nice), does he even like kids??
Pro: really pretty eyes, has a lot of stuff and experience protecting/housing things, doesn't wear pants/easy access'
I know you say all of his kids end up really snarky and mean, I offer you 'baby takes after reader and is the literal personification of sunshine'. I'm talking full social butterfly, it would normally makes him sick, but that's his baby, it's different. He would absolutely gently tell his kids to cover their ears/go play elsewhere before going for someone's throat (verbally or physically).
I agree with the whole Cal/Safe/Wild have no clue which one is the father whenever their baby is born because it's like 'they have my nose' 'dude we all have that nose'.
I'm going to get a lot of backlash for saying this: but the only reason why Sage would ever get a 'pro' from me is because he would take his shirt off. And I'm sure if reader ever asked any of the chain to take their shirt off like 'skin to skin contact is good for the baby' 'say no more' you would never see a shirt I'm that household ever again. I'm sorry no I'm not, but Sage to me is the type of father to look at reader breastfeeding their infant and get jealous because it's not him. I hope you all sleep good with that thought.
Lastly on the trio, I imagine their kids to be the trouble makers. Absolutely no one is surprised to hear that, but their kids are guaranteed to give them and reader a few early grey hairs. It's almost like karma for them being so chaotic in their time, Twilight is laughing because Wild finally understands. Wild is still absolutely living up to his name still, but he's also not irresponsible either, he would never forgive himself if him and his antics were ever the reason his kid got unnecessarily injured, even if it's a part of growing up (This also applies to Sage as well, Cal lets them get the childhood he never got but is much more watchful of his babies than the other two, old habits and everything)
Offhand thought. I imagine Wild, Sage, Time, and *shudders* Koridai's kids to be the escape artists. I'm not necessarily talking teenagers sneaking out of windows, I'm talking about toddlers getting into everything. These kids without a doubt always find a way to get out of their crib by themselves, either sliding under the bar, learning to climb early, or doing something, to crawl into their parents' bed unannounced, scaring the mess out of the pair. That little sliding door you put on the pool ladder? They learn how to climb onto the side. You put something out of reach? They get a stool. They're so smart, but only when it's to get into something guaranteed to greet you with a huge mess with them sitting in the middle innocently.
Finally, the person I was originally here for: Hyrule my beloved. Okay so you know how I went on about Sky's baby having certain features because I thought it was cute, I also have certain feelings about Hyrule's. I'm a very big fan of Sky and Hyrule with freckles, and the idea of Hyrule's baby being absolutely littered with freckles is so adorable.
You also mentioned that the baby would probably also be part fairy and I get that, lets add more. You'd think with reader not being a fairy, and Hyrule only being part, that the baby would only be like 25% right? Right? Hyrule's genes kicked in again, this baby is very much a fairy. I like to imagine that since they'd be raised by a non-fairy and a fairy that's very good at masking, they'd be very cute and mostly 'normal', but because they're not human the baby's just a bit... off. What trait did I assign this fictional fairy child? Eye contact. It's not really noticeable when they're a small baby, but as they start to grow up a bit their eyes look a bit different, in a way that almost no one can pinpoint. That's not what really gets them though, what gets most people is the almost unwavering gaze of this small child, as if analyzing their every move at all moments, studying them like they're test subjects. Because of this, Hyrule's kid gets really good at mimicking the people around them and blending into hylian society really well, the eye contact problem is never really fully solved though.
I picture reader not even noticing this though, like this is my baby, isn't it cute🥰? I made this all by myself, look at their freckles! And the baby is staring at you with the wrath of god. Hc can also apply to Courage since he's based off of Hyrule, I gave Kori one and it's only fair. Courage absolutely is aware of his kid's special trait, and absolutely uses it to intimate people either for fun or for information.
Last thought bc Hyrule's blood curse is a thing: where is reader giving birth? I hope for them it's in a town because if not? I hope Hyrule (healing) and Twilight (probably knows the most about birth, granted it was animals but still, can also take reader squeezing his hand) are going to be really close with reader soon.
I pick them out because I absolutely don't think that reader would want like 11 men and a teenage boy around them while they go through egregious amounts of pain.
I bring this up because if Hyrule still has the blood curse and it extends to his child, how is that going to work when reader inevitably gives birth (since, y'know, blood). I know the easiest answer is just 'baby doesn't get the curse' but imagine Hyrule just silently dying the entire pregnancy because he's the only person that knows about his curse. I feel like at some point he would tell reader, just so they're aware and can be cautious if it turns out to be his.
Also labor is also like really dangerous, especially in medieval times where mortality is high. I imagine if anything when wrong at any point imagine sunset but cranked up to 11, especially if Sage is there. The group better hope it ends up being his kid because if it's not, he's picking a fight immediately, pinning reader's injuries on the Link in question. Reader's hurt, he's stressed, and he can't fight the problem so he's going for the next best thing.
That's it bye.
gently cradles the spell and gives it a little smooch. thank you <3
Sky's kid absolutely takes after him in every way. The sailcloth is turned into one of those baby wraps and it never leaves his person. Actually, it only leaves Sky when it's on Reader whose cradling their baby <3 They probably sleep all the time with their chubby little cheeks and their chubbier little fingers. Sky was totally a chubby kid and so is his baby. I'm making it canon bc I'm actually nintendo isn't that crazy (I'm not I'm just delulu). Imagine Sky just rocking in place, cooing gently at his kid as the sun cascades over him fdnfofhig MY OVARIES ARE SCREAMING- (His grip is iron clad and that kid doesn't so much as slip.) When they get older, I can see him doing the back swaddle, but when their so little and so fragile, nuh-uh. He's keeping them front and center no matter what. In his direct line of sight. His first born is probably a son with his same doe eyes and his same perfect cheeks. I am also crying.
Legend. That gorgeous rat bastard. I can also only picture him having a girl. Look at him. He screams girl dad. With the bows in his hair and the tea parties and the dresses and the painted nails. All him. His kid probably has a light strawberry blond hair, yk, and the most gorgeous periwinkle eyes. His trauma is kinda bad, but it gives him flavor. And his mean streak means his kid also gives zero shits and is just as mean as him. Like, have yall seen that meme where the dad is like visibly angry and the baby turns, sees the dad, turns back and mirrors his expression to a T. That's Legend's kid. Also, sharing house with weird rabbit guy? You mean you have a free babysitter??? He doesn't like other peoples kids. Just yours and his <3
Okay I'm reading this as I respond and I just got to this Reader and baby are literal sunshine to Legend's asshole motive and vhnoffofo YES. His baby is the type of kid that forces him to be friendly with other kid's parents. Its so different when its his baby. Because it's his. Duh. He is so gentle with his kids, gently urging them along before decimating Kathy and her turd-stomping, shit-stained, crotch Goblin Anthony who dared to push his kid. (I have nothing against Kathy's or anthony's I swear) He eventually becomes the PTA president. Calling it now. Just to spite Kathy.
ITS SO FUNNY LIKE- "those are definitely my eyes." "For the love of Hylia Sage WE ALL HAVE THOSE EYES-"
:( Damn you for being the only one of us reasonable enough to see all of Sage's red flags. And it's not like I paid ninety dollars for TotK to see him with clothes on. That's crazy talk. But you bet Sage is burning all of shirts in the back. No questions asked. He absolutely does get jealous just a little and I sleep great with that though :) (I'm so delusional. Red is just such a pretty color :)) But, Sage is also the kind of dad to take the quiet moments with his kid. He's sitting in a rocking chair, gently cradling his son (He'd have a boy) and practically crying. Like there are tears in his eyes because he finally got his family. And he is so, so grateful.
Their kids are D E M O N S to Hyrule. Wild is living up to his name in the sense that he has to out crazy his kid to cancel out his kids crazy so they don't kill themselves. Like if their kid is launching themselves off a tree, he is literally shield surfing down a hill, catching his kid mid fall and angling it so they land in a pond. All while his kid is screaming again again!. If the urge to do something crazy hits him, he's far away from home where his kid would never ever see him and not get inspired by his dumb shit. Cal lets them do a little more, but he's quiet in the background, waiting to pounce and save them as opposed to pulling off some great save (Cough Sage and Wild cough) He's stopping the danger before it has a chance to happen.
The disrespect on Koridai's name...Totally valid. Nah, Wild, Sage Time and Koridai's kids are all the toddlers whose playpens need lids that are weighed down with boulders and still manage to sneak out. (Sage's kids eat through the pen). All of the Links' kids are smart, it comes with the territory, but something about those four? Their just...?!?!? Fours kids are also really book smart, but so common sense stupid. And it only applies when it's a guaranteed mess.
Lmao I can see it now. One time, Sage's kids decide to hide under their parents bed and send them in mass hysteria bc they can't??? Find??? Their??? KIDS?!?!? Sage is screaming, crying, freaking out that it was all a dream and pulling at his hair, crying over the loss of his babies and they just pop out like 'what's bitchin' papa?'
They don't sleep in their own bed for six months after that incident.
Hyrule has freckles. For sure. His kid has freckles. For sure. Why? I'm nintendo. Duh. OKAY OKAY IM HEARING YOU OUT- Like instead of his gene's getting watered down, it's being amplified. Even as a baby, the kid is just staring like it knows what your thinking. It's kind of off putting, but bc its Hyrule's baby it's fine bc their so cute. When their a toddler, their watching any visitor without fail. Like O-O the whole time. Hyrule's kid is the best at charades bc they are so good at mimicking ( I feel like he's also a girl dad idk. Or a really soft boy like Sky). This kid is just the O-O kid for the rest of their life sorry not sorry.
Reader loves all their kids whether their freckled O^O kids or kids that eat through wooden bars to get to the cookie jar. Because it's a case of I made them! :) Their all mine. No one cares about a dad. N O O N E.
Courage absolutely holds his baby up and is using them as a threat. "Oh, you don't wanna talk? That's fine. I figured you'd wanna meet my kid. They eat souls :)" And the kid is just OuO
Look...The town idea is cool, but imagine them on the road and Reader goes into birth. That's so funny to me. Like it's eleven heroes, who have faced Death themself and won and their all freaking out. Sage is shaking Wild, making even hitting him a little. Sky is crying and squeezing Wars, who is also crying. Hyrule is freaking out on the inside along with Twilight bc omg their the only ones who can actively help? Time is the backbone, holding Reader and letting them squeeze his hand. Four is one look at blood away from fainting. Cal is paler than pale. Legend is the one pacing and cursing and What are we going to DO?!?
Wind is caught between 'My mom is so metal-' To 'Oh my goddess above is that NORMAL?!"
Sure, Wind is a teenage boy but he's also mom's favorite. I don't make the rules. He's gonna be there. In the back. Behind mom so he doesn't have to see it. But he's there! :D
Hyrule probably freaks out over the whole blood bit and when panic questioned about by others (Bc he probably does let Reader know early pregnancy), he just blurts it. Like lays it right there on the table.
Labor is super dangerous. Even with things like fairies, and potions and magic. Sage is one thousand percent more dangerous during this times. If it's his kid? He's demanding the absolute best for them and Reader. If not? Then how come that Link isn't doing more? This is their kid, is it not? Then he should be ensuring the utmost safety for Reader. His stressed energy has to go somewhere and their just the unfortunate outlets.
Ugh this is all so delicious I love it sm anon
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artistmarchalius · 8 months
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I wanted to try drawing them with tails to see what the hype was about. I get it now.
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the-daily-dreamer · 1 month
Ryan Condal you are so fucking stupid and I hate you so much.
Because how are you going to sit there and say Alicent recounted a fabricated version of Blood and Cheese to historians to make Rhaenyra look bad and that’s why you changed it.
The very same Alicent that you say has been humbled this season and betrayed her sons to help Rhaenyra.
How are you so stupid that you can’t even keep her characterization the same in your own brain when you rationalize your butchering of the story you were tasked with adapting. Which one is it? Is Alicent the humbled Rhaenyra helper who wanted to doom her male relatives. Or is Alicent the bitter Rhaenyra hater who destroyed her reputation in the histories. SHE CANNOT BE BOTH RYAN.
And if this is some weak attempt at saying Alicent will change again…FUCK YOU. Because you threw out her season 1 characterization completely for this season 2 humbled Alicent arc. Only to apparently throw it all out AGAIN for a queen in chains who hates Rhaenyra and will ruin her reputation arc for seasons 3 and 4. In which case WHAT WAS THE REASON. WHY DID YOU EVEN DO THIS. JUST KEEP THE CHARACTER CONSISTENT
I’m just saying. That Ryan Condal is not even capable of figuring out who he wants Alicent to be. So he just uses his weird misinterpretations and hatred of Alicent to excuse every bizarre and stupid creative decision he makes. And all that does is make Alicent a character with absolutely zero consistency. Because she is Rhaenyra’s best friend, then she’s Rhaenyra’s biggest hater, then she’s Rhaenyra’s supporter again (the toasting scene???), then she’s a usurper, then she helps Rhaenyra, then she’s apparently going to hate Rhaenyra all over again and recount fabrications to history. And on and on it goes.
At this point just let Alicent hate Rhaenyra and be done with it. I’m tired
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rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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chyarui · 4 months
It could have been SO good
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I just feel like their dynamic could hold just as much if not more mutual understanding than even that between aizawa and shinsou
anyways dadmic and shinson forever 💜💛
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Chat what do we think about the Lamb wearing TOWW's skin like a hooded cloak after having eaten him
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lunarharp · 4 months
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..polly pocket au.. (<- a type of doll.)
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weepingtalecowboy · 5 days
Fanfic prompt: the chain talks about bad relationships
Like time mops about Ruta
Warriors entire love life gets mentioned
Twilight is crying over Midna
And Legend mops in the corner
and when it’s four's turn
He tells everyone about his “brother's” relationship with a demon
“that poor thing doesn’t deserve that nihilistic and pessimistic attitude 24/7 no idea how he has managed to stay sane…wait he has willingly endured the worst person ever for years no way he is sane”
Everyone feels bad for the brother because obviously the demon is in the wrong and the bad guy
(the colors overpowered Vio in that one not that he did anything to stop them because he was busy mopping about not getting to be with shadow )
And for weeks they feel bad and extremely uncomfortable that four never did anything about the situation
Demons are no joke and bad partners can be damaging
When they see the brother in question they immediately realize that the demon was not the bad guy in this
Vio really is this bad
Shadow(to the chain): “You know, I find his eternal pessimism... kind of charming.”
Sky *pointing to Vio who is laying face down on the ground*: “Wait. You find that charming?”
Shadow : “Oh, sure! Most demons are all fire and brimstone, but Vio? He just sits in the corner and contemplates the futility of existence. It’s nice to have someone who’s not all about chaos and destruction for a change because trust me I know bad relationships”
Warriors:“But... he’s so depressing. How do you live with that?”
Shadow *shrugging*: “Oh, it’s not so bad. He says the same things every day, so I know when to tune him out or else I would have lost it already”
Green (pretending to be four at the moment)*mock whispering to the chain*: he is in fact insane don’t let his charming demeanor fool you…,probably because of Vio”
That was an experience nobody forgot
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artkaninchenbau · 10 months
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illustratinghan · 6 months
i felt zachary and alexander needed their own flower cards so that’s exactly what i made them 🤍
Zachary Carstairs ~ Baby’s Breath ~ Everlasting Love
Alexander Lightwood ~ White Lily ~ Purity
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one-vivid-judgment · 26 days
Tan proposes by making a list of 100 reasons why Fang should marry him, and it ranges from the sweetest love confessions to "So I made a bet with Phum and if I don't marry you before he marries Peem I'll owe him 1000 baht, and I'd rather spend my money on you so please?"
Q proposes by putting up a house worth of sticky notes explaining everything he loves about Toey, including the art comparisons he made while talking to Peem about him.
Phum proposes by taking Peem on a road trip to every lake/river/beach/general water space in a ten kilometer radius. By the time they come back, he's already on one knee, waiting for Peem to come out of the shower, and he says something like "I want to make you feel as happy and safe as the water forever."
Chain proposes by buying a penguin plushie and leaving it on their bed with a note that says "Guin says it's confusing that his two dads have different last names, you should take mine instead."
Mick proposes super casually. They're playing video games together and he just has an epiphany—because Matt's hair looks super greasy and he has pieces of popcorn stuck between his teeth and yet Mick still thinks he's the cutest thing ever, and he simply cannot let this man go.
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mooncalf87 · 5 months
I can't believe they took the most optimistic and kind Ghost and just threw him right into NYC
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weepingtalecowboy · 22 days
Fanfic prompt: Wind is actually a baby god because the use of a god's life force during phantom hourglass has consequences
Like using something this powerful would definitely change someone fundamentally
You couldn’t stay a mortal after something like that
And it would make his beyond broken skill set make sense
He can command someone with the command melody
He can control day and night (song of passing)
He can change the direction of the wind
Can control seagulls and has extreme strength that a kid shouldn’t possess (he can easily hold a struggling pig over his head and throw that poor thing)
And has fire , ice and even light magic (fire and ice got gifted by the fairy queen and the light magic was found in a chest but the fact that he uses his own magic for all of the arrows is just crazy to consider)
Can create hurricanes to bring him to other places and probably destroy the world with them if he wanted too because those are literally just hurricanes)
And after phantom hourglass he Was in constant contact with a god's life force
Had three spirits follow him and killed a deity like demon bellum
And Cielia consideres him her brother (and she is conveniently related to a god ) and she promised to forever protect his dreams form nightmares
He can see ghosts
Stop time
And the spirits are three but the elements of wisdom, power and courage
And time is the fourth and belongs to Cielia
She promised to protect him forever and that means that he would have to live forever
She would happily give him one of her elements to keep her promise
And that would make the spirits be balanced with a fourth one
Wind main while hasn’t noticed it but the chain sure has and is very much going crazy in the background
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I’ve been scrolling through some of the Linked Universe tags the past few days and every so often I’ve come across your art, mostly of Warriors and Time and I just wanted to say I absolutely love it! Your art style is really cool and I love the way you colour the pieces you draw, it’s very nice! I hope you’re having an excellent day!
Thank you so much!! I’ve had so much fun drawing Warrior and Time shenanigans and it’s really helped push my art wrt character interactions
I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! 🥰🥰🥰
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Time: So, what’s going on here?
Warriors: Not sure, but it definitely seems like something you should deal with.
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jarofalicesgrunge · 2 months
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Layne Staley ♥️ during a photoshoot in Boston, MA; most likely a day in November circa 1992-1993.
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alpha00zero · 4 days
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Did some gremlins for Lythero's new Shenanigoons video.
Think it came out pretty good!
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