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occasionallynotwatchingroger · 10 months ago
You can only preserve one of these three eps. Which do you pick? "For the world is hollow..." or "Gem" or "The Man Trap"
I’m sorry, this is a delightful question
“Gem” being The Empath?
Ok we can throw The Man Trap out straight away, he’s not nearly pathetic enough in it.
For the World is Hollow [etc.] is a damn good episode in its own right (putting aside the delightful patheticness of Bones) but it loses points for the terminal illness that lasts a couple of days*. But what it has! This girl sees Bones looking a bit woozy and falls in love. I get it. Spock finds out he’s (temporarily) dying and grabs onto his arm as if he can hold him the right side of death. Kirk watches with a little smile like, my boys. They abandon him to his inevitable death. He has a pain generating machine inserted into his body. Willingly. For the promise of a warm body to snuggle up to whilst he dies. But then he changes his mind and goes back to (not) die with his pals.
The Empath… is not the best episode of TOS. But it has such patheticness. SUCH patheticness. The moment Bones says “I think we should call her Gem” and he sounds drunk. And spends the rest of the episode very nearly calling his new pet Jim. He knocks out Jim and whilst Spock’s congratulating him he stabs him with the hypospray too. He goes bravely to his death. He tells Spock he has a good bedside manner. He tells Spock he has a good bedside manner. He tells Spock he has a good bedside manner. That’s a declaration of love. Spock holds him. Spock doesn’t say it’s ok, I always knew it was your way of showing affection, and I always took it personally.
And Jim and Spock are together, as they’re always together, as they belong, watching over him. Moving together… this episode is about love
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gravedigg · 6 months ago
"oh god i need it / i was wrong again / take me to the river / and make me clean again" crazy lyrics that make me DIZZY. is it cool to ask how they relate to angel?
Oh yeah absolutely!
The River by Manchester Orchestra is the second song in the war segment of Angel’s playlist, and it really symbolizes a big turning point in Angels perspective, from the military ideal he had in his head to the unpleasant truth of being stationed in a volatile desert, protecting oil investments for millionaires tucked safely in their mansions thousands of miles away.
When he joined the army he was just a kid in high school and he was fed this romanticized version of what the military stood for by the people around him, especially the army recruiters and jrotc instructors at his school.
And he was excited to be deployed, really felt like he was doing something good and important. But after a few weeks of scorching heat in the deserts, of watching the slow-building tension between the coalition and Iraq’s forces, he came to realize the reality of his situation, that he wasn’t really there to protect people, he was a pawn placed to protect certain peoples investments.
But his growing distaste for his role in this conflict was in a sort of dissonance with the relationships and brotherhood he was building with the men in his squad. They bitched and moaned about the heat and the food and having to hoof it through the sand, but they were still sold into the illusion of honor and duty that the army provides.
Angel felt, in a way, that he was betraying them by doubting all of it. But despite that, I think he found himself fantasizing about ways to get himself sent home, even though it was a cowards move. I think he knew in his heart that the army wasn’t right for him and that he would get out as soon as he could.
“Cheat, wanted a way out, crack my rib, wait to die”
“Me and my brothers, we have tongues sharp as knives. I found a way out, make a noise, close your eyes.”
“I'm gonna leave you the first chance I get”
And then, as the conflict progressed into 1991 and Angel started to see the devastation of the scud missile attacks and increasing assaults, as he saw the casualties of both troops and civilians, the cold horror of war really settled on him, and he found himself seeking absolution from a God that, as he would find, had no interest in answering his prayers.
“Oh God I need it / I was wrong again / Take me to the river / And make me clean again”
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Hello hello <3
I need your expertise!! I’m thinking about writing for dc characters, especially titans, but I’m not a dc specialist, my knowledge is very little :(
Should I try or wait to be more educated, and what are your tips on writing dc characters ??
Lots of love ;)
hi hi !!
honestly this is such an exciting ask to get, I'm honoured that you thought of coming to me for advice <3
I would say go for it !! I think a huge part of writing is learning as you go and developing skills / knowledge as you practice. I'm not a dc expert either !! there are a lot of times when I pause my writing to open one of my comics to fact-check or to text a friend who I think knows - honestly, my biggest piece of writing advice (and life advice let's be real lmao) is to never stop yourself from doing something because you don't feel like you're good enough / smart enough / whatever <3
oh oh and tips !! hmmm let's see
for me, personally, I'm much more character driven than plot driven, which I'm sure you can see in my fics ahaha so I always make sure I have a firm image of the character's personality, the reader's personality, and their relationship. most of my planning goes into that dynamic and making sure that I'm pairing the character with a reader who makes sense for them and can give them a compelling story specifically, I always want a reader who will challenge them in some way - i.e. Timmy's reader being, in ways, smarter than him and tripping him up bc of that, Jason's reader having that devotion that he doesn't think he deserves and challenging his lack of self-worth, etc. - I hope you get what I mean !!
to circle back to not being a dc expert, it's still ok !! if you aren't sure about certain aspects of a character's personality, genuinely I always think it's ok to just,,, fill in the gaps by yourself, ya know ? I'm a firm believer that it's fanon, not canon, and if people don't like your characterization / don't like you diverging from canon, then you're writing probably just isn't for them ! and they should read canon content lmao. you're the writer !! you're allowed to take some creative liberties and bend the characters a lil bit to fit your ideas <3
ok ok I know that was a lot !! but I hope it helped a lil <33 and I am always always around if you wanna swing by and ask for input / second opinions / talk abt ideas / whatever !
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mochiwrites · 2 years ago
which dynamic do you think scarian is in the Fairy tale vers? me personally? im thinkin a bit like jerza but also not? mmmaybe gajevy (its impossible to pin their dynamic into any ship obvi but this is just a lil fun thing lol)
ohmygod okay okay okay. I’m apologizing SO hard in advance for how nerdy I’m about to get.
jerza and gajevy are 100% valid answers!!! I can see scarian’s dynamic in both those pairs and I 🥺
if we take scarian at their CORE dynamic, ignoring the angst (we’ll get to that >:3) and with the two of them at their rawest form as characters, my answer is nalu.
and no it’s not just because they’re my favorite fairy tail ship I promise — well, maybe it does play a small part :3
let’s look at natsu and lucy first here, and then apply scarian.
SO. natsu and lucy. very much the dynamic of “a follows b around and tries to stop b from doing something Stupid” but there’s more! natsu and lucy hold a lot of respect for one another, as well as trust. there’s this bond between them that goes a lot farther than any kind of label. it’s the way they know one another like the back of their hand, and their communication doesn’t even need to be verbal for the other to pick up on the message.
natsu can read lucy like an open book. lucy can Mostly read natsu like an open book.
lucy is the One person who can pull natsu back before he goes too far. and natsu encourages lucy when she’s close to giving up.
and their banter???? the way lucy tries to keep natsu from doing something dumb but somehow gets roped into whatever he’s going to do anyways?
lucy is very much natsu’s home, as evident by the number of times he’s snuck into her apartment. and lucy is Not quiet about her complaints about natsu. but at the end of the day, they have each other’s backs and I’m going to stop before I go Any Further or else I’m going to derail this ENTIRE thing.
ahem. right. so. Scarian.
already you kinda start to see the similarities between the two pairs, yeah? grian tries to stop scar from doing stupid thing, somehow gets roped into it anyways. and he very much complains the entire time, even as he helps.
scarian trust each other a lot. and you can see that in third life and double life. I know people seem to get on scarian about their “lack of communication” but in actuality their communication in double life was just fine. they’ve done this rodeo before. they know how to trust and communicate with one another without needing to do it verbally.
they know how to trust each other.
they hold each other as equals, they joke and banter and grian knows how to read scar very well. scar can… sort of read grian? but grian is a very complex character to begin with.
also scar just…. fits as natsu so well? dorky, lovable himbo who likes to burn things. also early ft!natsu with his chest out. gestures to scitties. enough said
and grian Mostly fits in that role as lucy. he’s the one pulling scar back (or at least trying to), complaining whenever scar tries to do something dumb but still helping him anyways.
scar and grian have a mutual trust and respect for one another, much like natsu and lucy do.
and I mean. C’mon. grian killing scar in third life? natsu seeing future lucy die? OR OR OR natsu and happy disappearing for like a year without telling lucy in person because he wanted to become stronger? grian pushing scar away after third life without telling him why because he didn’t want to hurt scar again?
also !!!!! grian and scar are ALWAYS attached at the hip, much like natsu and lucy.
I think out of all the fairy tail ships, scarian most closely fits nalu, nerd rant over LMAO
god one of these days I’m going to write such a self indulgent hermitcraft fairy tail au
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i23kazu · 1 year ago
how i feel when someone reblogs my stuff with a really really nice tag
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junglejim4322 · 1 year ago
do you think a 5'4 and 6'2 height difference is predatory?
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batbabydamian · 10 months ago
Obsessed with little Lima Bean Baby Dami. I feel like Bruce would pass out from cuteness if he witnessed his child looking like that.
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Talia should send Damian's baby pics to Bruce lol
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superpyodan · 7 months ago
Why is Simon Spier from love Simon the only cis man who writes fanfic? I want to see your vision
I am going to assume you haven't read the book / the sequel, so apologies if you have & this comes across as... mansplain-y? idk😭
it's canonical that Simon used to read and write fanfiction!!!
In Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda (the book of Love, Simon), Simon talks a couple of times about how Leah introduced him to Drarry fanfiction when they were younger (this has been swapped out in recent pressings though i'm pretty sure! to something star wars related I believe) 😭And then, In the sequel to Simon vs. The Homosapien's Agenda, Leah and Bram manage to find Simon's old fanfiction.net account, on which Simon has a gay Love Actually fanfiction uploaded!!! It's a ridiculous little detail but it's a super cute lil interaction between Bram & Leah :')
Other than that though, I seriously have never met a cis man who has read/written fanfiction, which is why I asked in the first place LOOOL but. Yes. Simon canonically used to read and write fanfiction. I love him.
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months ago
Your phineas & ferb + gravity falls art brings back so many nice memories from my childhood, thank you so much for sharing <33
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“You listen to Icelandic pop sensation BABBA? I… I love BABBA…”
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erinwantstowrite · 4 months ago
Halloween AU!!!
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hey so. i put SOOOOO much effort into this au and for what? at least it ended up looking cool? anyways Halloween is my favorite holiday and i just HAD to make something for them!
i had a LOT of ideas for what everyone would be, but i really wanted to stick to a certain theme cause it's based around Halloween. i knew i had to have a vampire, werewolf, and a witch. cause like... obviously. iconic Halloween stuff!! but i took some liberties with everyone else and i think they turned out pretty cool!!
Jason was originally a fox shifter (which i still love and might draw art for some day) but i went with a bear in the end. is that because i thought about tiny bear cub Jaybin and wanted to cry? yeah. yeah it is. i KNEW Steph was going to be my werewolf though i started doubting myself when i went to draw her. turned out to be my favorite drawing on here which makes sense cause she is my light my love my daughter my will to live and all that jazz
Tim was actually gonna be a harpy but thank god i didn't go for that in the end. Duke was the one that was a bitch and a half trying to figure out BUT!! comments on the post asking what y'all thought led me towards Psychic so THANK YOUUUU everybody that commented!! (specifically those who thought of ghost!! Duke and Tim ended up being a perfect duo in this au)
Babs was pretty easy to figure out what I wanted for her. I read somewhere that they are seen as protectors of forests/ are considered spiritual authority figures and also.... she looks cool as fuck. Did not expect how easy it was to find a ref for a deer in a wheelchair though? I can never find the right hand or face angle reference but that was super easy???
For Bruce there was literally no question he HAD to be human. it's literally so funny that everyone who knows Batman thinks he's a spooky vampire but he's human. his first son, however?????? THAT'S the vampire. I knew Dick had to be a vampire too. A little nod towards that one comic run but in my au nothing bad happens ever 🥰 Damian also being a bat shifter is very on purpose because how funny is it that he's a bat man. Literally not a single person in the League thinks that Bruce is telling the truth about being human. Bruce you are NOT beating the secretly a vampire allegations.
adding in Jay's hilarious joke it's so fucking funny:
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Alfred is actually a demon. I CAN NOT remember who made this post so if someone can help me find it, it would be appreciated!! because this was inspired by them!!! but somewhere i saw someone talk about Alfred being a demon that Thomas and Martha made a deal with (i think it was for an au idea?) and I just HAD to put it here. Alfred looks so human and everyone expects it, but he's definitely not. I put the ??? because it's so fucking funny. see if you can spot the 1 hint i put on his drawing that something is amiss!!
Peter is from an alternate dimension still, but it is not a world of creatures like him, it's just the same as LoF canon except Peter grew some extra limbs and eyes. He finds that it's actually pretty easy to fit in with the Waynes. Hard to feel like a freak when a guy can turn into a fucking bear, or your dad is a vampire, and the teenagers in the family are trying to summon ghosts or make potions.
additional doodles for this au:
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i am still debating whether i am going to draw something for this au or write a oneshot, but i DO want to do something with these for Halloween
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
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Vanny finally meets FNAF tape girl in person...
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
When I followed you earlier today and then realized this blog wasn't even two days old it made me feel like I invested in a startup.
Do you think if you did the lyrics for Fireflies by Owl City, your database would give us fireflies? (Will also accept owls. And there's a line about sheep too).
String identified:
t t t t a a 'Ca t' t a A a ta ' t t t ta a ta ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t 'Ca ' gt a ta g t ta gtg g A t t t tac t ac A tt a a A c at A c a t agg a ta ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a a t a cac (a ta aa ) 'Ca c a ac (a ta aa ) t ctg (a ta aa ) ' a t t t a a T t ' 'ca at g gt t a t a a t ' a a a gt a a 'Ca a a a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a 'Ca tg a t a a ' t a Tat at at t t' a t a tat ' at ta Aa ' a ca a a tg at t a
Closest match: Sepia lycidas genome assembly, chromosome: 36 Common name: Kisslip cuttlefish
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datcravat · 6 months ago
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Ace Attorney Investigations Collection X Among Us Collaboration promotional artwork by Datcravat (me haha)
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batbabydamian · 8 months ago
Gonna need to see either brother Kon and Tim try to calm their little brothers down or perhaps even Lizzie getting a taste of her own medicine from a shrunken down Bat and Sups 🤭 (only if you want to though)
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i imagine if they play peek-a-boo, Damian makes this expression every time Tim uncovers his face
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frownyalfred · 9 months ago
Green arrow, getting into a fight with batman because he insulted bruce
“No, I want to hear you say it again,” Ollie said, leaning over the conference table and past Dinah to jab a finger in Batman’s face. “Insult him again, I dare you.”
Batman, for his part, looked entirely unperturbed by Ollie’s chest puffing. “I said, Bruce Wayne isn’t exactly known for being intelligent. That’s common knowledge, Green—”
“Do you know what he’s been through?” Ollie exploded, “Do you know how fucked up his childhood was? It’s a miracle he’s functioning as an adult. I knew him in school — do you know what he was? Sad. And you have the nerve to sit in your stupid little angst suit and lecture me about Bruce Wayne?”
Dinah swallowed, giving up on holding Ollie back. She glanced at Batman out of the corner of her eye, prepared to size up an opponent, but the other man’s posture was still relaxed.
He seemed…taken aback, if such a thing was possible for the Batman.
“I…apologize,” Batman said quietly. “I hadn’t realized the extent of your feelings toward him.”
“Pick on someone your own size next time,” Ollie grumbled, as close to an apology as he would get. “Bruce does so much for Gotham. More than you’ll ever do. So yeah, if he’s a little air-headed sometimes — that’s fine with me.”
With that, Ollie turned on his heel, exiting the conference room with a huff. Batman stared after him for a long moment, steeped in stillness.
“He cares about his friends,” Dinah offered, breaking the awkward silence. Batman gave her an odd look, jaw tensing.
“I know.”
“Now you do,” Dinah said, putting enough emphasis on the first word for him to look up at her, acknowledging the hint. “I’d better go check on him.”
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months ago
JESUS I LOVE YOUR JAYVIK. I hope it brings you as much joy as it does to us, we are all collectively crying from happiness when we see your art ✨️❤️ if you ever decide to draw a quick sketch of them with an adopted puppy AAAAAAA that would be very amazing :) but honestly whatever you draw is just 10/10 I'm here for MORE I HOPE WE GET MORE HAVE A NICE DAY YOU CHAMPION AND AN AMAZING LIFE YOU DESERVE IT
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They’d call it “Spanner” or something
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