#TF lore
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soooooo here's the concept of what i was rattling on about in the last post. I'll redo it tomorrow when I can, this was done in kleki and was rushed.
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rescuebabiesau · 1 year
So I noticed something today...
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...Of the five terrans currently in existence, four of them maintained the "Lit up sclera with lighter pupils and irises" aspect to their optics once they scanned an alt mode... Nightshade on the other hand-
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-Does not, their sclera becoming dark and starkly contrasting against their pupils and irises, much like the bots in Transformers Prime.
It's probably got something to do with their alt mode being nocturnal and therefore their optics are more sensitive to light for better night vision, but it's still an interesting difference.
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Wanted to try some redesigning for the Thirteen Primes. First Up:
Thirteen: The youngest of the Primes, Thirteen is a ball of sunshine. He literally glows! His glow can show how he and others feel. This is one of his many Empathic abilities. His main duty in the group is to ensure they all get along and are emotionally stable. He has a “given” Prime name, but he does not like it, so he asks his siblings to simply call him Thirteen.
Liege Maximo: Never trust a single word coming out of Liege Maximo’s mouth, they’re almost always lies. His siblings are well aware of that, thus tend to keep far away from him. Megatronus and Quintus Prime are the only ones that seem to give Maximo the time of day. Thirteen tries, but Maximo finds his younger brother incredibly annoying. Pure hatred is saved for his sister however, as he find Solus Prime to be an aggressive perfectionist, he does not get the hype around her at all. He is the strategist of the group, which is often a problem due to his scheming. He will often cause drama for his own amusement and is more interested in looking pretty then being a good Prime.
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what would the terran's reactions be to like.... megatronus prime/the fallen or liege maximo?? or any of the 13 originals tbh, and that in alot of continuities op is kind of implied (if not straight up said) to be the thirteenth?
Yknow, actually this gives me a great opportunity to somewhat explain how my AU has the Primes.
I may write a fic off of this, actually.
Anyway: here we go.
All are somewhat enamored with the whole concept of them basically being their god. Finds their rumored appearance quite cool, and finds it cool that the Matrix is in their sword.
The Fallen/Megatronus Prime
Not quite so fond. Weird, creepy, none of them like him. Thrash genuinely could not roll his optics any harder at his ‘tragic backstory’ that people wrote to make him sympathetic.
Alpha Trion
Kinda interesting. Kept track of history, ran an archive, held onto the matrix between Primes after the others were all dead, originally thought to be basically immortal with how long he lived? Even though he wasn’t actually a true prime, apparently. And did eventually die, but body was never actually recovered. Mysterious, and kind of interesting, overall.
Nexus Prime
Cool as balls. There’s not much else to say, they just think he’s cool as hell. Still don’t quite understand the whole combining thing, but it sounds a little cooler now.
Vector Prime
There are so many possibilities, that it simply blew their tiny newspark processors. Probably the coolest so far.
Solus Prime
Tied with Vector. Originally from the original myth, they weren’t too interested. But hearing the bit from Optimus completely separate from myth, they immediately loved Solus. Thrash loves the hammer, Hashtag thinks it’s very girlboss of him to even exist, Twitch loves the whole ‘can make really cool weapons with the hammer’ thing, Jawbreaker thinks the story overall is pretty inspiring, and kinda cute (albeit somewhat tragic) that he died very quickly after his partner, and was the one who caused the ‘partners/conjuxes come to the hall as well’ thing, Nightshade is very enamored with him being trans. Overall, it’s a hard tie with Vector.
Amalgamous Prime
The shifting bit is awesome. They understand the Decepticons a bit better, and understand better why they even exist in the first place. HT also thinks he has mad rizz for having seduced an Autobot like that.
Liege Maximo
The fact that this bitch is meant to be like their version of satan is kinda… they’re honestly perhaps 5% impressed, at most. And the whole ‘point of origin for all decepticons’ is really laughable to them.
“…at least he’s kinda sexy…?” - Jawbreaker
Alchemist Prime
Kinda boring, but also super cool in that chill uncle way. Also fun that he fucked off from the war and ran a bar. Amazing. Quality decision making skills.
“Like Tarantulas, but in a holy way. And a lot more popular/intimidating.” - Nightshade
Onyx Prime
They think he’s kinda cool, being a big beastformer space pope. Nightshade and Jawbreaker especially like him.
Micronus Prime
Twitch thinks he’s kinda cool, being probably as little as her. Really shows that someone as small as her can be great like that.
Quintus Prime
They all have a unique fascination with him, even if pretty boring. Nightshade is especially interested by the fact that he’s the scientist of the bunch.
The original written myth of Thirteen is incredibly bland to them, and Thrash remarked that clearly they didn’t do a good job. However, when brought the idea of them being Amalgamous’s sparkling, a shifter just like him, and agender, they were all far more interested, and found them a little bit cooler. However, with still so little known, they’re not very interesting compared to the others.
Nova Prime
The fact that he’s known for having not been the best person, yet still respectable enough as ‘The Master Kindler’ and having reintroduced Kindling to table now that the wells were dying, really interests them. Also find it cool how Nova is genderfluid.
“Girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep. 👌” - Hashtag
Sentinel Prime
They’re pretty confident that the very fact that Optimus refused to say his name is enough to say he’s clearly not a very good person, and being told of all that he’d done in his time, they all decidedly hated him.
Optimus Prime
Optimus refused to share very much about himself, beyond his own achievements throughout his reign. They think even higher of him than before. Megatron later revealed that a downside is that he is a loner/introvert & a/antisocial, and usually rather cold/not very personable with people outside of his personal circle of ‘loved ones’.
Rodimus Prime
Nothing was said to his current location, but was noted that he is currently ‘in-training’/not fully a ‘Prime’ yet (won’t be until Op steps down/passes), generally quite polite and sweet if shy, quite strongly religious but really quiet about it, Captain to a crew on a neutral ship, remains neutral himself rather than aligned, a peacetime leader compared to Optimus being a ‘wartime leader’, and technically the true Prime of the reign the Terrans were born under, so they’d be Rodimus’s rather than Optimus’s.
Twitch is even more fond of him, and the others a little more impressed/interested into the prospect of doing a little research into him and those comics.
This is canon divergent, so things don’t completely align up with canon.
I happen to HC Solus as TransMasc/FtM & had a female lover, Amalgamous as the original Decepticon leader & have had an ex-Autobot lover + two sparklings, Alchemist as being a ‘peacetime leader’/kept the peace until he died (of old age), and Nova as having revived the practice of Kindling and very protective over sparklings + genderfluid.
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twinflames-rewrite · 8 hours
ThunderClan Culture
The Strong: ThunderClan’s old-growth forest protects them from enemies, both Clan and predator alike. They are strong and formidable fighters, believing that fighting for their Clan is the best way to serve it. Unlikely to retire until they have to, they believe that dying in battle for their Clan is the best way to go.
Below the cut are the following expansions to ThunderClan's culture:
Territory Powers
Territory Tales
ThunderClan's Council
ThunderClan's council is made up of 3 members who hold their positions until they step down or retire. They are chosen from the winners of the Clan's Greenleaf Holiday Competition, to ensure that the best warriors are filling the position.
ThunderClan's council often leads border patrols. They are responsible for helping to make big decisions, representing the warriors within the Clan. The council members are often expected to complete special assignments given to them by the leader, such as establishing and maintaining trails, monitoring prey animal populations, and other as-needed responsibilities.
The deputy is chosen by the leader from the current council members.
Clan Holidays
MAJOR ThunderClan’s main holiday is in Greenleaf, during the longest day of the year. The Clan participates in a day of competitions for everything from hunting and fighting to climbing and races. They end the day with a feast, with the winners of each competition getting their pick of the prey. If any council positions are available, the new council member will be named at this feast.
MINOR While ThunderClan's major holiday is in Greenleaf, they still celebrate the holidays of the other seasons.
Leaf-fall: To prepare for the upcoming cold season, ThunderClan sets aside the leaf-fall holiday for making large den renovations. While cats do den maintenance the rest of the year, this holiday is dedicated to big projects such as expanding a den that is too small or replacing a roof.
Leafbare: On the shortest day of the year, each ThunderClan cat will find some alone time between patrols to go on a silent walk through the territory. During their solitary walk, they will reflect on the past cycle. They will decide what things they want to leave behind, and what they want to carry forward with them into the new cycle.
Newleaf: To celebrate the new growth, ThunderClan sets aside the newleaf holiday to clean out the old from camp. All dens are cleared out and thoroughly cleaned; the camp clearing is swept of all leaves and debris. After everything is fresh and new, cats will spend time decorating the camp and their nests. Cats will often coordinate their decor with friends and family.
ThunderClan's Territory
A lush old-growth deciduous forest. Greenleaf is warm and mild, and the large trees protect the Clan from precipitation in the rainy and snowy seasons. There are plenty of birds and squirrels living in the ancient trees.
Territory Powers
ThunderClan's territory lends them strength, but also the ability to grow.
Plant Growth: Can cause small burst of growth in a plant, such as increasing leaf cover or making a flower bloom.
Thunder Strike: A battle move that causes a loud sound, and often staggers or concusses an opponent. Not good for stealth, and often halts a battle while everyone recovers from the noise.
Lightning Leap: Adds a supernatural boost of strength. Useful for moving debris off of trails, or making an extra-big leap from tree branch to tree branch.
Territory Tales
OWLBEAST While the other Clans believe the Owl Tree is named for the owl that lives within, ThunderClan cats know the truth: the owl in the Owl Tree is not an owl at all, but a half-owl half-cat creature. While most of the year it’s not viewed as a threat, during cold Leafbares it may steal kits or apprentices for a meal. Apprentices may sneak out of camp to try and catch a glimpse, and many have claimed to be successful. Skeptical cats insist that it is just a big owl. They think the disappearances of young cats during the cold months can be blamed on Twolegs luring them into their dens, or simply catnapping them from the territory.
THE WILD HUNT When the full moon is especially large and bright, a collection of ghostly cats roam all four territories. Named the Wild Hunt, the group catches prey and chases off predators. ThunderClan cats believe these cats are warriors slain in battle who could not find peace in StarClan. They roam the territories hoping to find and end their killer.
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
Which Star is Which?
a lore breakdown !
First up Prime Starscream!
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In my story Prime Starscream is there. He just doesn't go by Starscream, because having multiple starscreams and adressing them all as such can be confusing in writing and even speaking about them in the content of the story.
Because of that I have given him a different name. He goes by StormChaser (for his very grey appearance mostly but just sounds cool and looks like it could also fit him). He is still very much himself , the same prime starscream kind of attitude. With the acception now he's a "father". He's a mentor to Riot!Starscream (see below for him) this also includes Thundercracker and Skywarp by proxy.
His "son" Starscream being 2nd in command and StormChaser is Starscream’s personal advisor (aka dad follows me to work) and active commander of the seekers when he's not around. Stormchaser has taught Starscream everything he knows. Even the more...less diserable traits. But he does care for his seekers. He is less scheming for his own sake (sorta kinda) and more the sake of riot Starscream. Which lands them both in alot of trouble.
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This is Stormchaser's Vessel. I also refer to StormChaser/Prime Starscream by his human alias i gave him. Sterling! He can have a more white sclera,but prefers the black when around other bots in vessels and not out and about.
All my vessel/human formers have tattoos like this to resemble their alt mode/bot mode. Some can be in chunks some can be more thin lineded
He also has a Conjunx who is a flyer like him, who's name is Fulminato. A younger very shamless bot who loves this goofy old man alot. No worries he is taken care of ♡
Next up! Riot Starscream!
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Now my Starscream, who I dub Riot! Starscream because of the context of my story and just to remind ppl WHICH Starscream I'm referring to.
Now you're probably also wondering "that's just IDW Starscream" you are correct! However riot Starscream only LOOKS like IDW Starscream, his personality is completely different (some what). While Starscream is a schemer and a liar, he reassembled alot for Armada Starscream. This Starscream has never truly betrayed or attempted to kill Megatron at all. He is Acutally very loyal.
His schemes however has been more so to buster his own position and make him look good to Megatron. (Because we all want dad Megs attention in this army for better or worse). The biggest thing Starscream wants is respect from Megs and well , Megs isn't handing out respect like candy. So he does get upset and yes he has boosted maybe he could be more powerful than Megs. But never has he still tried to over throw him.
Certain events happen where Starscream is left perplexed about the Decpeticons as a whole. I won't go i to super detail but that how he ends up with the organic alien Ula!
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this is Starscream's vessel! His alias name is Erza ! For the most ironic reasons. I kept a bit of G1 style in this despite being based on IWD. I have him a hairstyle more leaning towards that.
Both Riot Starscream and StormChaser exist in the same au world!
Last but least, TFA Starscream
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First thing first. Tfa Starscream is not in my au with RiotStarscream or StormChaser. He exists purely on a TFA au I have (unamed) and he is just Excatly how he is normally almost 0 changes. Besides having a Techni Organic as a partner (it's complicated lol)
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His vessel is aquire differently than my main story. But he goes by Cyrus for a human alias! This mfer has no chill when having this form. He is a extremely tall looking human about 6'4 to 6'6. Megs would be almost 7ft if he had one.
And that's it! Thats all the starscreams I have for now! Aks questions if ya want :3
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xiphiaarts · 1 year
Frays lore ft; Starscream
❗ No explicit mentions of death
I'm back to spam more daydreams
Fray probably heavily dislikes Starscream for several reasons
One, he sweet talked Megatron into using more unethical and gruesome war practices
Two he slowly but surely took her place as megatrons right hand and advisor
Three he's literally the cause of a bulk of the decepticon ranks dying resulting in megatron going to dire measures to get more soldiers
Context: Starscream was working for the council as a scientist and was the first to crack to code for an experimental version of synthetic energon, it worked but it also had some very negative drawbacks,
though before he could warn his colleagues someone else he was working with took credit for it's creation and it was set to be debuted at a public event
The same public event that the decepticons crashed with the intentions of stealing the formula for the synthetic lifesource and the processor of whoever wrote it
At first they were going to take the theif hostage but they threw Starscream under the bus, and from their be became an official decepticon
But he didn't think to TELL anyone once they started USING the synthetic energon for a BOOSTED POWER SOURCE that it caused spark burnout and scrambling if taking in too high or too frequent dosages
And so after winning a few straight battles against the council and the autobots, Mass amounts of decepticons began to DIE. And after fray conducted her autopsies she realized Why
Rather than punish or excommunicate Starscream for his detrimental mistake Megatron instructed fray to use the same synthetic energon to try and bring the empty husks back to life, but as puppets more than as people
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transformers-synergize · 10 months
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This was made for a fan community I am working on. If you would like to apply these as headcanons to your own work, go right ahead
All the human stuff is real btw, I have a source linked below that goes into much more detail on the topic.
I was planning on doing the cybertronians body language or anatomy post first but decided to go with this because the info it provides helps with the other two. its also a lot shorter than the other two so I knew I could get it done a lil faster.
Sources I used while making this lore below  
Sources I used while making this lore 
https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication/■ (had to break the link because tumblr would blacklist my post just remove the cube)
Several Wikipedia Articles about em fields and magnetoreception
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mechanoize · 1 month
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bw au. jazz cat & prowl bird :P
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huanted-dennys · 2 months
Lil comic thingy and a wip of Jazz and prowl (Jazz was kinda a scribbly mess so i drew a lil jazz instead for now)
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Wow scavenger that’s a big catch ya got there
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
Yesterday for the first time I saw a post in a public forum that actually points out Marika has every reason to be so cold & distant towards Maliketh... thanks God.
The Two Fingers/ EIden Beast stood aside & let her entire family die, then when it successfully entrapped her in a literal divine prison it said “here we gave you a brother lol” like istg WHAT are you even saying. Her entire real family is already in a ditch !!! No prayers to the Gods help them! And now these Godlike beings are like take this random guy as your bro???
It’s confirmed in the base game Shadowbeast is like sleeper agent that the Two Fingers put there to monitor their Empyrean & off them if they try to rebel, no matter how earnest the Shadowbeast sounds. Ranni and Blaid literally grew up together & we still have to get rid of him at the end of her questline 💀 Marika was a young woman who had lost everything then forced to recognize some stranger as family. To her that must be some fucked up joke.
And get this, I do believe Maliketh and Blaidd care for Marika & Ranni genuinely, it’s a tragedy that they were born to bring “nothing but bale” to the person they love. Just like how Messmer, the beloved son in the Shadow, also became a curse to the person he loves the most in the end. That’s the doomed narrative they are trying to portray.
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ihatebrainstorm · 4 months
More Rogues Gallery AU designs and doodles weehee o)-(
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Doodle stuff + further context stuff below:
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Freeze Nautica doodles ^^ (yea,, sorry Skids and Nautica.......)
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Riddler Brainstorm and Deadshot Percy roommates lore lmao ^^
They build weapons and upgrade stuff together frequently- Deadshot Percy is a lot more focused on efficiency and getting the job done as fast as possible, so she really doesn't get Brainstorm's motives or reasoning behind her incredibly elaborate traps. Also Percy is frequently out on days long contract missions so she usually comes home to, (and has to sit through) BS's evil pajama plot rants a lot.. they seem to get more elaborate over time?
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Batman Prowl and Catwoman Jazz doodles ^^
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twinflames-rewrite · 3 days
Territory Powers
Clan cats now have special Territory Powers. These are magical abilities gifted to them by the land in return for the cats' stewardship. They are not particularly strong, often just a small ability that helps the Clan to thrive in their home.
Each cat has their own connection to the land that they can draw on to use their Territory Powers. A cat who is very connected to the territory will be able to use them more often. Kittens typically can't use these abilities, and will begin to gain access to them during their apprenticeship.
Each Clan has different Territory Powers. They are based on the environment the Clan lives in, and will change if the territory changes. Since they are born from each cat’s connection to the land, cats who join the Clans (such as our protagonists!) are still able to use the Territory Powers.
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syntiment · 6 months
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Did a bit of a redesign for my designs for Skywarp and Thundercracker !!
Skywarp looks a bit more like a jester to match the circus flier they're supposed to be and Thundercracker has more of an imposing frame for the elite guard prospect he was pre-war. A bit of frame diversity amongst my seekers too! Better shapes I'd say.
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Not Blue, Black
Everyone always assumes that Danny's eyes are blue. He’s shown pictures of his family before and his dad’s eyes are blue, and so are his twin brother’s and his daughter’s, and his big sister’s. So his must be too! Well, his mom seemed to have this weird purple thing going on so no one was too sure. And no one seemed to care either way, especially not Danny. Besides, why would anyone care about eye color when they had such an amazing young man working alongside them?
Danny was the perfect intern. He’s always on time, never giving trouble, always giving helpful suggestions, and good at not only his job but everyone else’s too, making it handy to have him around the office. He was also the workplace hottie, with many guys and girls hovering around him, desperately trying to make him theirs despite him announcing himself happily married the first day he got here. (Everyone knew who his husband and wife were since he couldn’t help but show them off every chance he got. Everyone knows they’ve got no chance, but one can dream.)
He also seems to light up just about whatever room he happens to be in. Just his presence alone made even their shittiest days in the office seem like just tiny inconveniences in the eyes of the universe. Unless he himself was pissed, which didn’t happen too often. But when he was, everyone felt it and knew to avoid him like the plague. But, other than that, Danny was an all-around good guy and was for sure going to get the job after he graduated from Gotham U. 
You, on the other hand, weren’t too sure about your position in the company, as you were Danny’s antithesis, everything he was not. You were always late for reasons no one cared to understand. Just about every issue in the office was pinned on you whether you were involved or not. You couldn’t ever think about helpful suggestions and just rode off the backs of others. And compared to everyone else's good looks, you were the workplace monster. 
You had a scar on your face and body you got as a kid. You got it in an accident and it deformed your right side quite a bit. It was challenging to adjust to yes, but over time you learned to live with and accept it. Others not so much. The stares you got almost daily, from everyone in the office to school, even random strangers on the street. All of them made you feel scared and sick. Like you wanted to dig off your skin and rip off your flesh and replace it all with something newer, better, more normal. But you couldn’t and had to live like this for the rest of your life. You had to live with the stares for the rest of your life.
Your only saving grace was this job, the one you were assigned to when you first got the internship. You were awful at it at first, resulting in many scoldings from the manager. But throughout the year you were here at this company, you dedicated your time and effort to be good at at least this one thing. And now you were proud to say that you were damn good at it. The best even! So good in fact that everyone decided that they would drop their workload onto you and let you handle it even if it meant extremely late nights at the office.
And that’s how you got to be here, on the company roof at 1 a.m., debating whether or not going home to actually sleep and eat would be worth the scolding you would get from the manager when you arrive to work ‘late’ again..., among other things.
You know having these kinds of thoughts was bad for your mental health (your therapist grilled it into you every time you even mentioned them to her), but it was freeing in a sick sort of way every time you thought of each scenario that could play out if you just-
Jumping back to your senses, you turned around and saw none other than Danny Fenton standing right behind you. You two were never all that close in proximity before now so you only knew that he was big. You weren’t expecting the absolute unit that was standing behind you. You knew you were short but having to crane your neck to look at his face only put shit into perspective.
“Another late night?”
You only nod dumbly as he moves from behind to stand next to you, looking down at the bustling city below. A deep sigh came from him as he pulled a candy from his back pocket and popped it into his mouth. He was always eating candy. Did he have low blood sugar or just a sweet tooth?
“Same. It’s like we can never go home, huh?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Mr. Perfect’s suffering just a bit until you realized what he meant. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
“Come on Fenton, just because you’ve done a few late nights doesn’t mean you ‘never get to go home’.”
You settled next to him, also looking down on the city as well. He was on his phone now, the blue light illuminating his features.
“She really never sleeps does she?”  He says laughing to himself.
You were kinda pissed off now. Who was he, Mr. Perfect Intern, Daniel Fenton, to compare his suffering to yours? You practically lived at this job now, once you weren’t busy with school or something else! You even bet that after this he’s gonna go home to his nice apartment and be met by a wrapped-up dinner on the table made by either his husband or wife. (HE HAS A FREAKING HUSBAND AND WIFE FOR FUCKS SAKE!) He was probably talking about his little girl just now, and how she’s up waiting for him. Maybe she was half asleep on the couch with the TV on since she was so determined to see her Dad come home. It’s Friday after all of course she’d get to stay up way past her bedtime. He’s gonna get a hot bath and wash off dirt and grim of work, and-
Danny’s laugh was low and deep, rumbling through the air, sending chills down your spine. He turned to you and smiled his pearly whites glimmer-  Wait were those fangs?
“Dude you know you mumble out loud… right?”
There was silence between you two until a bright red crept up your neck, and ever so slowly engulfed your face. Shame flooded your entire being as you cradled your face in your hands. You sighed, feeling like more air wanted to come out but your very human lungs were empty and in need of oxygen. So sucking in a breath, you looked him in the face (why can't you see his eyes?). He was still smiling, his fangs (he has freaking fangs how had you never noticed before!) poking his bottom lips making little dimples.
“I’m so sorry, I’ve been stuck here for three days doing everyone else's work. I haven’t slept or eaten or taken a shower. I-”
“I know, I know. You’ve been busting your ass for a while now so of course you’d be grumpy.”
You don’t think grumpy is the word you’d use but it was close enough. 
“So how long have you been here Fenton?”
“A week.” He replied cooly, popping yet another sweet in his mouth. (Okay he needed to stop, at this rate, diabetes would be the next one to put a ring on his finger) But you were surprised nonetheless.
You’re sure you would’ve noticed if he was here for the entire week. He must have been playing games with you.
“Am not.”
Okay, you needed to stop thinking out loud.
“Look, just trust and believe that if I didn’t want you to notice me, you wouldn’t have. But I did so…” He shrugged and looked off into the distance once more.
You think that what he said is impossible, everyone notices Danny Fenton. But the office was pretty small compared to bigger companies. And if he really was there for the entire week you should have noticed him at some point of the three days you were here. You didn’t hear him coming up behind you a few moments ago either. So maybe there is some merit to his words.
“What’s got you here for so long anyways Fenton?”
He sighed, his face looking more tired than before. 
“You know the project that my group has, the one we got two months ago?” You nod and he continues, 
“Well, it was fine at first. Everyone was pulling their weight, excited to get it done. But then it started, again, with ‘Hey Danny, I’ve got something important to do this afternoon, can you finish this for me?’. Then, ‘Danny I'm not coming in today, do this for me? Thanks!’. And ‘Hey, Danny’s good at this let him do it!’. ‘Danny I need help! Wait no…, I actually meant that I want you to do this for me.’ 
Danny’ll do this, Danny can do that, don’t worry Danny’s on it! Danny, you’ll finish the project… right?
That along with the other workloads that are trusted upon me by the managers and other employees, ON TOP OF MY OWN ASSINGED WORK!”
By the time he was done, you had already recognized that voice all too well. Danny was struggling, right on the edge of his line, using the shirt on his back the make just a little more. Danny was breaking and just barely holding it together, just like you were. You never realized it before, but you notice now that, Danny’s fucking tired. Just like you.
A wet laugh broke your train of thought. His face was a bit wet, his eyes (?) red from held-back tears.
“People think that I’ve got no flaws-” A pang of guilt shoots through you as you were one of those people, “- but I do. Metric shit ton in fact. One of them is that I can’t help but to help people, even if it’s detrimental to myself. And if my sister finds out about this she’s gonna slap me upside and force me to stay home for a month!”
Another laugh rang through the air, sounding just a bit too crazy for your liking. Even so, you couldn’t help but wonder, you just needed to ask-
“Why are you telling me this?”
His laughter stopped and he turned to look at you. Like really look at you. You realize that Danny’s eyes weren’t blue like you and everyone else were assuming. His eyes were black. So black. Blacker than the night sky and deeper than any ocean. And within those oceans swam thousands of bright lights, each burning 10x brighter than the earth’s own sun! Yet they could never shine through that great abyss. It was beautiful. Danny’s eyes were so beautiful. 
“Because I’m gonna quit.”
“What?” Well, you weren’t expecting that.
“Yeah, I’m going to quit. And as your good friend-” Good friend? Since when!? “-I’m going to advise you to quit as well! I predict that this shabby ass company is gonna collapse in a few months and I DO NOT want to be there for that shit show, doubt you want to be there either.”
You feel conflicted. This is the first time that you and Danny Fenton have actually spoken to each other and after basically trauma dumping on you he tells you to quit! This has to be a prank! Some sick twisted joke!
“It’s not.”
Danny smiled. He looked noticeably less human now that you could see fangs and eyes, and were his ears always pointy? Dear lord is he a part of the Fae!?
“Close but not quite.” 
At this point, you were pretty sure you weren’t speaking out loud and he was just straight-up reading your mind. He handed you a piece of paper and clasped his hand over yours.
“Just think about it ok? The first one is my number, so just call when you need a friend to talk to. The second is my brother’s, he thinks you’re cute.”
“What?” You look up only to see him gone as if he was never there. Looking back down you expect to see the paper gone too. But it was still there, the flirtatious message next to the second number making the tips of your ears turn red. Once again you remember that, Danny if a fucking giant, one who was now gone without a trace…
“What have I gotten myself into?”
You decided to quit the next day.
Three months later the company ends up in a scandal so bad, that even the bats are investigating it.
You decide to give Danny a call.
All I wanted to do was write a prompt about Danny's eyes... The fuck!?!?!?
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