twinflames-rewrite · 10 hours
ThunderClan Culture
The Strong: ThunderClan’s old-growth forest protects them from enemies, both Clan and predator alike. They are strong and formidable fighters, believing that fighting for their Clan is the best way to serve it. Unlikely to retire until they have to, they believe that dying in battle for their Clan is the best way to go.
Below the cut are the following expansions to ThunderClan's culture:
Territory Powers
Territory Tales
ThunderClan's Council
ThunderClan's council is made up of 3 members who hold their positions until they step down or retire. They are chosen from the winners of the Clan's Greenleaf Holiday Competition, to ensure that the best warriors are filling the position.
ThunderClan's council often leads border patrols. They are responsible for helping to make big decisions, representing the warriors within the Clan. The council members are often expected to complete special assignments given to them by the leader, such as establishing and maintaining trails, monitoring prey animal populations, and other as-needed responsibilities.
The deputy is chosen by the leader from the current council members.
Clan Holidays
MAJOR ThunderClan’s main holiday is in Greenleaf, during the longest day of the year. The Clan participates in a day of competitions for everything from hunting and fighting to climbing and races. They end the day with a feast, with the winners of each competition getting their pick of the prey. If any council positions are available, the new council member will be named at this feast.
MINOR While ThunderClan's major holiday is in Greenleaf, they still celebrate the holidays of the other seasons.
Leaf-fall: To prepare for the upcoming cold season, ThunderClan sets aside the leaf-fall holiday for making large den renovations. While cats do den maintenance the rest of the year, this holiday is dedicated to big projects such as expanding a den that is too small or replacing a roof.
Leafbare: On the shortest day of the year, each ThunderClan cat will find some alone time between patrols to go on a silent walk through the territory. During their solitary walk, they will reflect on the past cycle. They will decide what things they want to leave behind, and what they want to carry forward with them into the new cycle.
Newleaf: To celebrate the new growth, ThunderClan sets aside the newleaf holiday to clean out the old from camp. All dens are cleared out and thoroughly cleaned; the camp clearing is swept of all leaves and debris. After everything is fresh and new, cats will spend time decorating the camp and their nests. Cats will often coordinate their decor with friends and family.
ThunderClan's Territory
A lush old-growth deciduous forest. Greenleaf is warm and mild, and the large trees protect the Clan from precipitation in the rainy and snowy seasons. There are plenty of birds and squirrels living in the ancient trees.
Territory Powers
ThunderClan's territory lends them strength, but also the ability to grow.
Plant Growth: Can cause small burst of growth in a plant, such as increasing leaf cover or making a flower bloom.
Thunder Strike: A battle move that causes a loud sound, and often staggers or concusses an opponent. Not good for stealth, and often halts a battle while everyone recovers from the noise.
Lightning Leap: Adds a supernatural boost of strength. Useful for moving debris off of trails, or making an extra-big leap from tree branch to tree branch.
Territory Tales
OWLBEAST While the other Clans believe the Owl Tree is named for the owl that lives within, ThunderClan cats know the truth: the owl in the Owl Tree is not an owl at all, but a half-owl half-cat creature. While most of the year it’s not viewed as a threat, during cold Leafbares it may steal kits or apprentices for a meal. Apprentices may sneak out of camp to try and catch a glimpse, and many have claimed to be successful. Skeptical cats insist that it is just a big owl. They think the disappearances of young cats during the cold months can be blamed on Twolegs luring them into their dens, or simply catnapping them from the territory.
THE WILD HUNT When the full moon is especially large and bright, a collection of ghostly cats roam all four territories. Named the Wild Hunt, the group catches prey and chases off predators. ThunderClan cats believe these cats are warriors slain in battle who could not find peace in StarClan. They roam the territories hoping to find and end their killer.
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twinflames-rewrite · 3 days
Territory Powers
Clan cats now have special Territory Powers. These are magical abilities gifted to them by the land in return for the cats' stewardship. They are not particularly strong, often just a small ability that helps the Clan to thrive in their home.
Each cat has their own connection to the land that they can draw on to use their Territory Powers. A cat who is very connected to the territory will be able to use them more often. Kittens typically can't use these abilities, and will begin to gain access to them during their apprenticeship.
Each Clan has different Territory Powers. They are based on the environment the Clan lives in, and will change if the territory changes. Since they are born from each cat’s connection to the land, cats who join the Clans (such as our protagonists!) are still able to use the Territory Powers.
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twinflames-rewrite · 4 days
Clan Structure
Leader A Clan's leader is responsible for the safety and well-being of their Clan. They are in charge of appointing cats to new ranks and making decisions for their Clan. They receive nine lives and the suffix -star from StarClan.
Deputy The deputy is second in command of a Clan. They are chosen by the leader to be their successor. They are responsible for organizing daily patrols, and will take over for the leader if they are sick or injured.
Healer [formerly Medicine Cat] Healers have two roles in Clan life: healing disease and injuries, and being the Clan's spiritual leader. They are responsible for receiving direction and guidance from StarClan, and interpret omens as needed. They are also responsible for healing their Clanmates, and keeping the supplies required to do so. Healers are not allowed to have a mate or kits.
Council Each Clan has a Council, made up of respected warriors. These cats, along with completing their warrior duties, are responsible for providing advice to the leader, as well as bringing concerns from the warriors to the deputy and leader. Each Clan's chooses their council members in different ways.
Warriors Warriors make up the bulk of a Clan. They have worked hard to learn the Warrior Code. Warriors are responsible for feeding and protecting the Clan.
Apprentices At six moons of age, a cat becomes an apprentice. They are given the suffix -paw and a mentor, and begin training to become a warrior or healer. Once they have proved themselves capable of completing the responsibilities of their chosen role, they will receive their full name. Apprentices are often tasked with camp upkeep and helping to clean the elders.
Caretakers [formerly Queens] Caretakers are cats currently expecting or caring for kits. They stay in the nursery and do not complete warrior duties, instead watching over the kits and teaching them Clan history and the basics of Clan life. Many cats return to warrior duties after their kits become apprentices, but some cats choose to remain as Caretakers and help raise the Clan's kits.
Kits When a kitten is born, they are given the suffix -kit along with a prefix chosen by their parents. They must stay in camp until they reach six moons of age, and become apprentices.
Elders Elders are warriors and healers that have chosen to retire from their duties. While often a cat retires due to old age, they can also choose to retire early. Elders are cared for and respected by their Clan. They often enjoy helping watch over and teach kits.
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twinflames-rewrite · 5 days
wildfire alone can save the clans
As young kits, Princess and Rusty dreamed of the open moors. Their mother Nutmeg took them to WindClan, one of the four warrior Clans that lived in the wild. WindClan's leader, Magpiestar, accepted them into his Clan, setting their paws on the starry path of destiny.
The Twin Flames Rewrite has three main focuses!
Connections - expand and explore the connections between characters and the Clans themselves.
Territory - the Clans are now based in the Northern Cascade Mountain Range, allowing for consistent - and new! - ecology and environments.
Culture - expanding the many facets of Clan life and culture, including some changes to Clan structure, as well as fantastical Territory Powers for each Clan.
Ask box is always open - I love to answer questions and chat!
Clan Structure A guide to the updated Clan structure for Twin Flames!
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