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fanaticsnail · 2 months ago
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LOOK AT THEM. LOOK AT TEAT. MY GOSHHHH. I'm obsessed. They look like superheroes, and I'm just looking at Heat & Tobiuo's face and physically screaming.
@skullfacedlady took my concept and knocked it completely out of the park. Just RAAAAAAAAAAH.
The concept: Arcade by Duncan Laurence. Tobiuo is a Heart Pirate, Heat is a Kid Pirate. Their loyalties draw them apart, but their souls cry out for one another. The locks on their wrists showcase their allegiance and bond with their crew holding them back.
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thenotsofantasticlifestory · 7 months ago
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A silly meme redraw I ended up coloring for @fanaticsnail and her OC Tobiuo
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meta-holott · 2 years ago
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2014 India, Kerala, Munnar, tea plantations
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littlewriter19 · 8 months ago
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(via The Fierce Fighter Teenager | What Type of Protagonist Are You In A Horror Movie?)
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caesarsaladinn · 1 month ago
it turns out there are a lot of americans who think the federal government spends more money on services for other countries than it does at home, and who think the government has never provided them with anything. and I don't really think that's true
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fanaticsnail · 22 days ago
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Heat's nail polish, his tattoos, Tobiuo's webbing, her hair, his hair, their eyes, pouty Muppet face, THEY'RE SO CUTE!! I JUST WANT TO SQUISH THEM!! I love the way you've done her lips too, the shiny glossy look is just 🤌. Your art is just gorgeous.
Thank you so much for this. I'm going to be thinking about these two all day now 🥹
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babyblankyerror · 12 days ago
You know what would be nice? :3 If Caryn wasn't the best mother at first, she wasn't bad but she wasn't great. The twins loved her the same but she'd turn blind eyes at the way their father treated them, drink and be a bit irresponsible at times or try put herself first because Filbrick never did at others.
Then, after Stan is kicked out and they already have a younger brother, maybe Stanlwy comes to contact with his mother... Maybe he passes by her and his own mother doesn't even recognise him, why would she? He is homeless, looks dirty and smells rotten but- Oh, he recognises her. He recognises that smile and rare laugh but...something is different...
Because she's with Shermie and Filbrick is tagging behind, because she's playing with Shermie and smiling with him and being motherly. She looks healthier, younger even despite the few gray hairs.
Maybe...Maybe the problem had been Stanley all along.
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nibbelraz · 1 month ago
Skin creature Moshang...but it's Mobei-Jun's spoiled ass demanding the teat. He would just carry that little thing around like a juice box.
>pick up the peak lord
>ignore complaints
>you know, hot girl shit
He latches on, lifts his head and startes suckling from each nip until he's drained. Shang Qinghua doesn't mind one bit.
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intriga-hounds · 1 day ago
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she was very cooperative for her booty trim
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fanaticsnail · 3 months ago
I am in love with all of this. I adore their expressions. I love the little kiss from Wire to Quincy, and I love her eyes - my word! And the way they're holding one another is so beautiful with that strong grip from Wire.
AND THEN THERES TOBIUO AND HEAT?! TEAT CONTENT? ON A SATURDAY MORNING? OVER BREAKFAST? I'm in love with this so much, Lxshoxk. The way they're looking at us, and the pose with one another - I just can't today. I love everything. And I'm crying with little, unfeminine sobs. Absolutely gorgeous and completely unexpected. Thank you so much for this beautiful art. I'm just in awe.
Holiday Headcanons
Part of the Holiday Headcanon Advent Calendar 2024
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Door 27: Romance Pt. 1
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Characters: Heat x Tobiuo, Wire x Quincy
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Tobiuo belongs to @fanaticsnail
masterlist | headcanon masterlist winter dividers by @steddiecameraroll-graphics
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elycetellsall · 4 months ago
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“if the king will not seek justice the queen will”
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cherryclitgirl · 4 months ago
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The Gods
Maegor x reader
*No use of y/n
Warnings: Child loss, Targaryen incest, mature content, young pregnancy.
Note: This has been sitting in my drafts since the b&c episode, sorry for some mistakes I made:)
Anyone who had a mouth would always say the gods did not favor the king. Although the four pregnancies his niece wife had been blessed with said other wise. It raised a large concern among the Maesters since the girl had been young when she bore Maegor’s first child, and within months, she was pregnant once more with his second. This happened two more times, ultimately she bore three boys and one girl, yet, the king was but satisfied. Despite obviously favoring their oldest son Aegon, Maegor wanted more children. Wanting for his legacy to carry on, he pressed his wife for one more child.
His wife refused having just given birth to their daughter, Rhaella . She had been warned by the midwife and the grand maester that she would not be able to birth another child. King Maegor however, did not take this lightly. He reminded her once more about her position. She was there to provide him with children.
Being the youngest of his wife’s, the princess was often sheltered by Ceryse Hightower. The oldest of the queens. Having seen Alys tortured and killed by Tyanna , Ceryse was more protective of the young girl. Suggesting the young girl to spend her each of the four pregnancies at Dragonstone with the queen mother Visenya. The princess agreed after all, her mother Dowager queen Alyssa and two youngest siblings were wards of queen Visenya.
Upon her return to the almost finished Redkeep, the princess was greeted by Ceryse. Aegon the oldest came running to his mother, his brother Baelon by his side. They adored their mother, more than anything, always following her around.Their youngest son Rheanor who was still a babe was brought in by his wet nurse. “They’ve missed you” Ceryse smiled to the princess, helping her take a seat on the sofa. Ceryse cradled Rhaella in her arms, a beautiful baby girl with light purple eyes and small silver curls “She’s beautiful “ Ceryse whispered more to herself than the princess. “My only girl” the young girl smiled at the tiny girl “she’s so quiet”. As Ceryse held Rhaella, the princess paid her attention to her three boys. Aegon she had when she just five and ten, Baelon came next in that very same year. Maegor believed he had defied the gods who failed to grant him a child. When she was six and ten she gave birth to Rhaenor, following his previous act, Maegor got his wife pregnant again.
“I’m afraid” The princess voice took Ceryse out of her thoughts. Ceryse looked up bewildered not entirely sure what the princess meant. She stayed silent for a moment, then spoke “Don’t be” Ceryse reassured her “Tyanna would be foolish to harm your children “. The princess shook her head “not Tyannna” she paused looking away from Aegon for a second “The gods” she said softly, placing a soft kiss on Aegon’s head.
Ceryse did not know what to say, she simply looked back at Rhaella “Tonight I’ll tell the guards to stand by your door” she told the young girl.
That night, the wind blew hard, the whistling of the air was heard like hushing voices. The rest of the royal apartments had yet to be finished and with Rhaella still being a new born babe, the princess moved her bed to a single room. Where she could be closer to her precious children.
After her sons were fast asleep, the princess turned her attention to her daughter, but as she was about to pick her up from the cradle ; two figures emerged from the shadows. The princess let out a small gasp, but before she could do anything a man grabbed her and pointed a sharp dagger to her throat. His voice raspy and deep “Stay still” he commanded, his spit getting on her frighten face.
The other figure stepped out, he wore the robes of the Faith of the seven and held a small sack in his hand. The man holding the dagger laughed, a wicked and bloody laugh “we’ve got the queen!” he sneered his sharp blade tightening deeper into her throat. The man with robes spoke with a stoic face “they asked for son”. The man with the dagger scoffed “pick one” he said nudging his head to three beds in the room. Aegon, Baelon and Rhaenor slept, unaware of the immense danger they were in.
“Please-“ the young girl begged softly, tears swelling up in her eyes. She did not want to wake up the children, but she needed to be a bit louder so the guards could hear her. “Shush” the man with the dagger hissed “we need to get at it and get out” . She tried to speak louder but the man covered her mouth muffling her sounds while he pulled her closer. The man with the robes looked at then three sleeping boys “Which one is the oldest” he spoke coldy to the young girl. “I-“ she tried to speak but no words came out her mouth. She looked at the man with her dagger who held her with a firm grip.
“I have a necklace” she spoke softly reaching for her neck “It’s of great value-“ she was cut off by the man with the dagger who he snatched the necklace right off her neck. “That’s not a son” he sneered shoving it into his pocket.
“Please” she begged her tears falling down her terrified eyes “kill me” she sobbed “not my boys” she pleaded in desperation. But her pleads were to no avail. She looked back at the door hoping for a guard to hear her, come bursting through the doors and put an end to this madness.
The man with the dagger followed her gaze and mockingly spoke “There’s no one out there”. The young girl’s heart dropped even more. The air had left her stomach, her mouth had gone dry, for a second her tears had stopped. Simply standing there in a paralyzed state, her mind had gone blanked.
“Pick the oldest” the man with the robes spoke . “Or we’ll kill them all” his harsh words snapped her out the shock, like a fish out a water she gasped and pointed at Aegon’s bed.
Her first born, her first babe. The child that had made her a mother.
“She could be lying” the man with dagger said skeptically to which the man with the robes corrected upon seeing the young girl’s expression “No” he spoke solemnly “she’s telling true.”
The man with the dagger pushed the young girl away from him “Hold him down” he said moving to Aegon. The young girl watched in horror as the man with the robes covered Aegon’s mouth “mommy-“ was the last thing she heard as they began to cut his throat.
She moved quickly, picking her baby girl from the cradle, she moved to Rhaenor’s bed pulling up to her. The sleeping child woke up confused, the room was filled with the Aegon’s muffled cries. She reached in for for Baelon but she could not carry three kids at once. She was in despair and unsure what to do, “run” she told Baelon who was still woozy from his sleep. She had a one year old in one her arm and her girl in the other. She hurried after Baelon whose small foot steps were barely heard.
The man with the dagger was right, there was no one guarding her door. She ran, catching up to Baelon making sure not to drop the children, her arms trembling and her voice soft and frighten she begged “please …. please “. Her soft rapid breathing was filled with anguish and terror. She stopped in the middle of the hall, then turned to rushing. The castle was dead silent, the only thing she could hear was the whispering of the hair.
Making her way through the unfinished halls she hurried to Maegor’s chambers. Surely he would protect her, he would understand. He could keep his three children safe from the men’s harm. “Mommy” Baelon’s tiny voice spoke trying to hold on to her. It only made the young girl more desperate, as she had no free arms left. She placed Rhaenor down close to Baelon as she ushered them forward to keep on walking.
She pushed though the doors of Maegor’s chamber to see Ceryse’s naked back on top on Maegor , her back moving on him while their moans filled the chamber. The young girl moved forward crouching down on the far end of the room.
Maegor pushed Ceryse off quickly sitting up, looking at his wife with a horrid expression Ceryse gasped “Your grace-“ she tried to speak but was cut off by Maegor who noticed his young wife pulling the two boys closer while still holding her daughter. “What’s happened “ he demanded loudly.
She didn’t say anything simply stared into the ground still clutching her children “The killed my boy” she spoke solemnly a single burning tear falling down her cheek. The child held her children closely wishing for it to be a nightmare, a nightmare her mother would soon wake her up from.
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maybe-im-dark · 4 months ago
Picture this: Logan and Wade lie on the couch, Logan in Wade's lap. Wade is running his hands over Logan's abdominal muscles. And under the layers of hair growing over them he feels...nipples?
"Uh, Logie-bear, what are those?"
"Oh, my teats."
"Yup. Part of my mutation. They're for breastfeeding on females. But males have them too."
"Could you breastfeed me with them?"
And then Wade begins to lick and suckle at them, even though nothing comes out. It drives Logan insane, it's so intimate and beautiful and he never had anyone appreciate his body like that before.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months ago
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This is the exact moment where Heat realised Tobiuo loved him as much as he loved her. Actions speaking more words than her tongue could ever produce: fingers to his scarred lips and expressing the same delicate touch he gives to her hair.
Rolling the strands in his hands, he wonders truly how long she's felt like this, and where to go from here.
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yourbasicqueerie · 24 days ago
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patti lupone, wth her mere 1.57 meters, was born in the perfect height to be face to face with tits
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crosbyism · 19 days ago
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“…MacKinnon was almost like Crosby's shadow.” —Chris Johnston about Nathan MacKinnon and Sidney Crosby at the Four Nations Face Off
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