#System Subsitute
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the-silent-fellowship · 3 months ago
System Substitute and Assistant Occuden
[PT: System Substitute and Assistant Occuden]
System Substitute Occuden, an occuden(link) term for those who are a System Substitute occudens.
System Assistant Occuden, an occuden term for those who are a System Assistant occudens.
(Terms Listed are PLURAL/SYSTEM exclusive)
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[Substitute ID: in Alt text]
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[Assistant ID: in Alt text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @plurchive , @occuden-archive
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xincountry · 4 months ago
Why and How Kunigami Rensuke Can Still Score in BM vs PXG
mega copium by certified kunigami glazer aka me... spoilers until ch 283. if 284 leaks come out right now and disprove this entire essay please pretend i never posted it
Like. This is Copium Supreme. I do not genuinely believe this is realistic, it's just what I want to happen, so I'm trying to find evidence to back it up.
The evidence, since BM vs PXG started.
1. Chapter 248.
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In the entire NEL arc, this is the first encounter we have directly with Kunigami in what is assumed to be Wild Card. Right before the PXG vs BM match. Based on descriptions he himself, Noel Noa, Reo etc have given us—quotes like "The Wild Card... was an experiment to create a "vessel". Someone with the same physique as Noel Noa.", and Noel Noa himself explicitly referring to Kunigami as "wild card copyman". To me, this is some kind of foreshadowing that Kunigami may actually do something in this match, because I just cannot understand why else this snippet of Wild Card will be given here otherwise.
I wonder what on earth could've broken his resolve for him to become like this after it. But interestingly here also, Ego explicitly says "Abandon your ego." And then:
2. "Kunigami's ego is still burning" — Isagi Yoichi, Chapter 255.
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They're dangling the Kunigami character development right in front of me I swear. Since Wild Card, this match has been the most clear-headed (for lack of better word) we've seen Kunigami, when he's always come across as conflicted or unnecessarily (almost pretentiously at times) obnoxious and rude, especially when he didn't have the skill to back it up sometimes. (Like in chapter 213 with the Egoist 4 and going "I'm not interested in that reunion shit" etc—but when you see how they treat him, despite how much he's changed, it should've been more obvious that he's never changed at all. Maybe) In a way, I perceive this as his ego "reawakening", or at least morphing to fit the limbo between the old hero him, and the him now, changed by Wild Card.
As I'm writing this, for all we know, this is just another "build up" to the Wild Card reveal in the post-NEL/Japan U20s arc, and I wouldn"t even be surprised. But to that, I ask, again and again: why now? Why bring up the idea of Kunigami's ego "still burning", the memory of them sharing steak together after Isagi's assist during their Team Z days, now?
I think there's definitely an impending chemical reaction with them happening at some point—again, remember that this happened Before Kaiser/Rin's awakenings in chapters 260 and 271 respectively, but I think there is potential for them to team up again if the three minutes for Star Change System runs out/a Kunigami subsitution—and for their chemical reaction to actually be successful.
3. Noel Noa subsituting Kunigami out for Igaguri
Really, this match feels like the perfect time for Kunigami to awaken, properly. He's playing against Shidou, and his time on the field to keep him at bay is being replaced by the person he's supposed to copy and Igaguri. Arguably a character which is not liked because he really just feels like the lowest of the lows—and yet during 2nd selection he took up a spot that could've very much been Kunigami's. Which, well. Just Kunigami's bad luck.
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Chapter 276
Narratively, I get it. Igaguri here is being used to contain Rin—in a way, the way Kunigami was marking Shidou. But at the same time I just really think its neat how they're really making Kunigami face up against his second selection rivals—the people who ruined his life.
4. What happens after the Star Change timer runs out?
In the Barcha match, Kunigami is subbed out for Isagi after he fails to contribute to the team's attack, and after that Noa subs himself in when Lavinho does—as he always does, but crucially, this is the event we're facing now in BM vs PXG. After the Star Change timer runs out, Noa subs in Kunigami and says this:
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Chapter 167
Somehow, I think after the events of Chapter 255, and Kunigami having to play against Shidou, he'll have a different feeling when he's told to mimic Noa. That could be a segue into Kunigami's awakening as his "new ego", or it could be me just being copium.
Another thing that is similar from the Barcha match and PXG is Isagi's chemical reaction/assist to Kaiser. In chapter 283, we see Isagi try to defeat Rin by intentionally putting himself in a "supporting role" for Kaiser to block Rin's shot. This is explicitly stated as a "talented learner x talented learner" chemical reaction.
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Chapter 283
Now, parallel to the very first match in the NEL with BM vs Barcha, where Isagi passes to Kunigami instead. The scores are perfectly identical right now: 2 - 2 on both sides, and Kunigami scores.
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Chapter 167
Specifically, Isagi tells Kunigami "Awaken your flow. Let's destroy Kaiser and this team." In a way, this is very much what is happening in the match against PXG, where Kunigami entered flow while defending against Shidou—instead of "this team" the destruction could be redirected towards PXG instead?
Kunigami's ego
We know Isagi has been trying to categorise the people on the field into different "ego types." I'll like to talk about this first: world-type and self-type, and how this plays into the "genius" vs "prodigy (talented learner)" ideas that Isagi/Ego brought up.
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Chapter 267, Chapter 282
By this definition, Kunigami is a genius: someone who has strong beliefs in their own talents, born with extreme physical abilities, etc. "Self-style/genius" people also feel what they believe in/like is of the most importance, emotions which help them further develop their ego, which is evident in people like Shidou ("my soccer"/"it's a biological need"/"explosions"), Itoshi "I Need To Surpass My Brother" Rin, etc. This is also evident when in chapter 255 where Kunigami manages to completely shut down Shidou, motivated by the desire to get some sort of redemption for what he did to him:
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Chapter 255
As a prodigy (world-style ego, someone who can adapt and "use" the talent of geniuses to do good. Where the geniuses are concerned about the one goal they score, the world-style ego prodigies are more concerned about the environment and the circumstances that lead up to that goal, and their attempts to contribute to it.) I think Isagi will need to learn that he has an arsenal of geniuses (Kunigami) on his team, and more than just trying to beat a genius like Rin through the nature of being a genius (aka: fixation on certain emotions and obsessions to improve), or the prodigy x prodigy chemical reactions he wanted to form, he needs to make use of a genius. Kunigami being one is really important, because I think he's gonna get subbed in after the Star Change timer runs out, given that there's really only 10 seconds left on the clock.
Chapter 284 and beyond
The title of chapter 284 is titled "Soul". I am literally hoping for the love of all things bright and beautiful and amazing that this is referring to Kunigami's soul: trying to resolve his conflicting two halves of being an emotional hero and being a cyborg. Like please. This is all I ask for—given that the timer on the Star Change at the start of 283 was literally 10 seconds I hope in the time it took for Rin to scream Isagi Isagi Isagi Isagi and shoot and when Gagamaru blocked it I hope the ball went out of play and now they have to subsititute people or something. Please.
Also, with the U20 Japan arc coming up and Sae probably being on the team with the other bluelockians hence revealing Sae's (S)Pain Backstory I can't really find a space where Kunigami would have his true time to shine as a Wild Card survivor—given that Noel Noa, the guy he's supposed to be a copy of, will only be here for this arc presumably like he'll go back to Germany after the NEL. I think. There's also the impending Chekov's gun of Chigiri's ACL reinjury which I'm not looking forward to and I'm really hoping it doesn't happen (my shipper brain has turned it into "Kunigami sees Chigiri injure his ACL on the field, is reminded of all the times they spent together, and has an awakening" and now I'm trying to avoid that scenario) so. Really. Please.
@ Kaneshiro, when you say Kunigami has a focus/awakening, I hope you mean in these next couple of chapters.
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vilecrocodile · 5 months ago
let me give an example re: those tags. october is "fair trade month", apparently, wherein a lot more suppliers can pretend they gaf about the people who grow their product. my co op usually buys bananas, among other things, from Equal Exchange, one of the oldest and most reputable fairtrade organizations that works with farmer-owned co ops in various countries. But sometimes our supplier will subsitute our bananas with other brands when they run out, and there's nothing we can do about it. Recently we recieved del Monte brand bananas that were labeled "fair trade". Very hard to imagine what a brand like del Monte, or Dole, or Chiquita considers a "fair trade". Likely that they've met a set of parameters that were set and definied by the imperial core, so that they could market their product as thus. The point being, don't blindly believe the "fair trade" label. If you have options re: the produce and groceries you buy, I would encourage you to do research into specific distributors and supply chains. Equal Exchange, that I have mentioned, is a reputable source for avocadoes, bananas, coffee, tea, and chocolate, even olive oil from the West Bank. But despite all their efforts, they only represent a fraction of a fraction of the product imported into the US. No matter how many people buy and support them, they are inherently limited because they operate fully within the system of Western imperialism. Still, it's a good starting point, if you're interested in learning about supply chains, EE has a lot of information on their website about how they operate.
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the-chosen-fanfiction · 2 months ago
Can I ask why you have a schedule? I don’t mean to be rude! It’s just other creators just post when they finish writing, although I don’t know if you write each like the day before , I was just wondering when it become a thing since I’m kinda new
Hi friend, good question! ☺️
About a year and a half ago, I bravely took on a huge bunch of requests right before a very busy year at university, during which I had to do an intense internship that left me no energy to write at all. As a result, I had a 6-month long hiatus during which I didn't write a word and left some people waiting for over a year for their requests. Of course I couldn't help it that I was super tired, but I felt guilty nevertheless.
I don't want that to happen again, so I thought of a system that works for me.
To take only 12 requests at a time gives me space inside my head to work through them at my own pace without feeling like I'm having a whole pile of work waiting for me. And since taking small amounts of requests leaves me with more energy, I'm going through them faster.
Instead of spending six months on 30 requests, I can take about 12 every two to three weeks. It simply just works better for me this way 😌
As for my posting schedule, I like posting consistently (about 3-4 days a week) so that people know what to expect from me.
At the moment I don't work, but there is always a huge risk of me having to start working fulltime again at any given moment. (Long story short, I work as a substitute teacher who also gets paid if I'm not on a job, but my boss can always call me and say that they are in need of a long-term subsitute).
Once I start working fulltime again, I'm afraid that I won't have the time and energy to write as often as I do now, if at all. My current system helps me to build a buffer so I can work on other projects on the side and it enables me to keep on posting consistently for a good while, even when I have to work again fulltime. This is to prevent going MIA for a year again just because I'm too tired to write.
TLDR; Taking small batches of requests makes it less overwhelming and enables me to work through them quicker. Working with a schedule enables me to build a buffer to keep on consistently posting even when work gets too busy to put time and energy into writing.
Hopefully this wasn't too disjointed, hahaha 🙈 God bless!
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star-vessel1237 · 2 years ago
I'm just imagining Crowley both accidentally and purposely taking advantage of Metal!Yuu's need to please/always follow orders nature whenever it comes to certain things. Like, during Chapter 3 he orders them to deal with Azul and to not sign any of his contracts no matter what Azul, Jade and Floyd try to do to get them to sign one. Meanwhile during the prologue he makes an off-handed comment about needing a magic gem from the Dwarf Mines for something and due to still figuring Metal!Yuu's personality out he didn't know Metal!Yuu would go to said mines and so he had to send Grim, Ace, and Deuce after them to retrieve them.
Meanwhile Lilia and Trey would totally try to prevent that very thing upon learning this robot is basically a hyper need to please child. Meanwhile Idia and Ortho are probably just vibing with them.
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The reason that Metal!Yuu has this mentality of "following orders" is mostly due to how their program effects them
Metal!Yuu's reasoning is that they are a machine that is supposed to be a weapon, that was their only use according to their programming
However, aside from overblots, there was no other need for a weapon at NRC. So with their growing AI they thought that helping others with tasks may substitute
Not to mention it felt nice to them to be of use to someone and to help when they can, it made them feel more content with their situation
Crowley didn't really question this as they thought it was just part of their system so that's why they'll ask them to do certain tasks
Crowley only found this out with offhand mentions, such as getting a magic gem back from Dwarf mines or an offhanded comment one of the teachers made about Metal!Yuu doing something they mentioned once
Crowley doesn't use this knowledge maliciously (for the most part) and only asks certain tasks of Metal!Yuu since Metal!Yuu can take any tasks they take quite extreme in some cases
As to how Trey and Lilia found out about this, it was something both of them had asked off-handedly on why they go through any task they're asked of
Metal!Yuu's response fell on the lines of, "After coming to this world, my processing began to wander to my purpose. I have been programmed, or taught, that I am a weapon to be used. However, since NRC has no need of one, I try to be useful in other ways so that way I can subsitute being of use to my creators. Is that not the proper way to handle this? If not, then do you know why I feel this way?"
Trey and Lilia then realized (with other instances of Metal!Yuu's behavior) that they are a "need to please" child
They now try to prevent this behavior with more malicious students as they've grown to care for Metal!Yuu as if they were an actual child
Bonus for the last statement made in the ask: Idia and Ortho vibe with Metal!Yuu since they get along well with both of them.
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(Sorry if any of you saw the post early. I tried to save to drafts but clicked "post" and ending up posting on accident. Either way, I hope you enjoyed.)
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blueiight · 1 year ago
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my mother was actually illiterate until her adulthood. ‘illiteracy’ is not a catch-all phrase for people who are stupid& read corny books. illiteracy is an actual inability to read words on a page, and/or to write words. to use ‘illiterate’ as a subsitute for ‘stupid’ is an insult to all the people far smarter & far more well versed in the world than u will ever be, people whos only ‘fault’ is that they were deprived of an education and intentionally neglected by the systems they were born under.
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zorceus · 11 days ago
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Name: Madisa Fathi
Gender: female
Age: 18
Hair color: brown with a mint green streak
Eye color: bright aquamarine
Height: 5'04"
Weight: 137 pounds
Nationality: half Turkish, half Egyptian
Strengths: - sharp eyesight
- incredible focus
- Attentive to her duties
Appearance: - streaked hair
- Gold and red necklace
- Aqua eyes
Inventory: surgeon tools
Biography: Madisa Faithi was born to the Faithi family, which are among the Organization families for the Phoenix Society. This family is of a lower status compared to the Frosts, Embers, Halloways, and Leongs, but managed to have some influence.
Madisa being born in a family with ten siblings, all they were meant for was to apread the good name of their family by joining the organization. Because of the high expectations her family have put her through, Madisa would start feeling pressured into doing training missions and self-doubt grew within her.
When three of her older siblings graduated the Phoenix Society's private academy, her parents would pressure her even more into becoming a member, which further threw Madisa into a deeper chasm of expectations. Because of these high expectations, Madisa would fall into a depression.
When she attended the academy, she would meet Cheng Leong who was a subsitute for her health class. With his kind guidance and knowledge of medicine and machinery, Madisa would find a new path in life and wanted to work underneath him. She would work hard, day and night, with Cheng helping her with any question she would have.
She would graduate from the academy with flying colors, and soon she was to be a surgeon alongside her teacher, becoming his apprentice.
Madisa finds happiness in her work and with Mr. Leong, and has slowly been getting the hang of making trackers and preforming surgery with Mr. Leong's watchful eye.
Detailed appearance: Madisa Faithi is a young lady with a light brown skin tone and bright aquamarine eyes. She wears a light teal turtleneck sweater with a light tan colored business jacket over it. She wears a long, knee-lengthed blue skirt and light teal tights and pink slip-on shoes. Madisa wears a golden necklace with a red gem, which is a gift from her parents. Madisa has short, brown hair that is in a bob with a mint-green streak on the left side of her hair.
When she is preforming her duties as a surgeon, Madisa puts on a white lab coat with a white medical mask.
Personality: Madisa Faithi is a sweet young lady who loves to help with anyone who needs her assistance. She has a calm demeanor, and has superb focusing skills, able to perform surgery without any distraction. She looks up to Cheng Leong as a father figure and a mentor, always turning to his advice when she isn't sure of what to do next. When she was younger, she was depressed and barely talked due to the high expectations her parents put on her shoulders. She has a dislike to the family hierarchy of the Phoenix Society, as it forces those who were born into it to develope unreal expectations from their parents, and shun those who were not born in an organization family. Madisa secretly wishes to overthrow such an oppressive system, but is unsure of when to start.
- Her birthday is April 20th, her zodiac is Taurus.
- she is a surgeon in training, going under the tutilage of Mr. Leong.
- She sees Cheng Leong as a father figure.
- Her favorite food is chocolate
- Her favorite drink is coffee
- Her least favorite food is anything sour
- Her least favorite drink is ice tea
- She doesn't have much contact with her family. So for father's day, she gives Cheng Leong presents.
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xailinsjournal · 7 months ago
A lot of thinking n harmonizing has been done in this place of mine. It feels holy to me. I’m so grateful for it.
I dont think theres any subsitute for CBT but the aspects of personal growth that tend to accompany it are still useful when ur not actively engaged in it.
Writing and journalling, utilizing ur support system, doing ur own research on issues u may be going thru and further self regulation techniques like those.
You cant be the only support in your life but you decide whether or not u seek it.
I love myself and i love my growth and i love the journey. (Ofc not all the time, but its still one i wouldnt trade for anything)
With luv,
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green-square-anon · 3 months ago
Was undergoing inmense brainfog while writing this but forced it out because fuck it. I want to be better at putting my ideas out there instead of just thinking about it. So sorry if this dosen't make any sense.
If I may add on to this, albeit going in a different direction. The complete oppisite direction actually. Because I've beeen having some thoughts about this that very much do involve fanon due to the romance and slight idealism but the overall story beats still apply. (just subsitute lover with friend/brother/parental figure aquired at adult age)
Canonically, emps said he only needed to see him one more time to fix his insanity so that's that for mental problems. Atleast the more "genetic" ones. But Konrad both needs kindness personally AND is a cynical asshole who thinks people will inheriently turn on each other cause nostramo. So my idea for redemption is he possibly gets chucked to space norway prison system or something (because that would just be funny) but no matter what he is bonds with someone who shows kindness to both him and others. To avoid mary sue this one person does not fix everything but really acts like the "snowball effect/crack in the facade/ disproving his theories". In fanon this would be a romantic partner, in canon.
Now that got way too long. What I wanted to say was. I really like the idea of "undoing" what you've done by fixing the problem (or rather trying). Konrad going to clean his mess. Konrad dosen't apoligize for his crimes to a court of nobles, he dosen't apoligize for his crimes to his brothers, he dosen't apoligize for his crimes to his lover. He apoligizes to his VICTIMS. He goes directly to those unamed civilians he hurt (or perhaps rather the loved ones of those he killed). Tries to pay for their therapy or new housing or whatever. Insert some scifi warp bs that can erease memory or something and it was given to konrad to help with his visions but in an act of selflessness he gives it to people he's hurt to cure them of the trauma of the nighthaunter. (and because the "dose" for a primarch was more powerfull he can use it on multiple baselines or some bs). And then we get the moral question of WHO should Konrad apoligize to? Should he apoligize to that wannabe rapist for torturing them? Would te rape victim want their rapist pardonned?
And they don't forgive him. Atleast not all of them do. And part of his character arc is this man, with such a black and white morality, learning to live with that. Some of them will never forgive him.
There's already (valid) discourse about Konrad having a much lower kill count than his more popular brothers and Konrad further "undoing" his body count in a way his brothers didn''t would cause the fandom to explode.
His support animal is already the reader
Hi I have thoughts about Night Haunter to no one’s surprise.
Obviously there’s a lot of debate about redemption or becoming better or healing. His narrative position is that of tragedy, a self-fulfilling prophecy that he believes he has no power over and walks himself to his death willingly. I think that’s interesting, I think that’s fun, I like characters who justify their terrible actions over and over again to others and themselves no matter how awful the action is.
I think the interesting thing to do, and the thing I’ve kind of been trying to do, is play up the horror aspect. Okay, say he comes back now and he’s healed, whatever that means for you.
The things he did still happened. He’s a clear-headed man and he can look back on his life with absolute horror. The pain and suffering he caused to others for very little reason- these cardinal sins that are forever marked down in history and his memory. His maladies aren’t enough to justify what he’s done.
I don’t exactly know where I’m going with this one. I just think the question of redemption is interesting, I don’t think he’ll ever come back. His narrative is done, his tragedy has played out and the curtains have closed. There’s no rhyme or reason for his return in canon.
Fanon however: go crazy go stupid make him get married And! give him some kind of support animal. Maybe a cat. He seems like a cat guy.
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demonicseries · 5 years ago
typo in your blog description. 'substitute' spelled wrong
Wait there was a “t” after the s the whole time????
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katerinaaqu · 2 months ago
You are the most welcome! As you see I care for these more than what's healthy hahaha!
Hehehe that is because I think especially for Athena people wanna translate one over the other. The word γλαύκος (glaukos) means "light blue" short of like a grayish blue or almost white blue. That is also used to express "shine" so people prefer to say "shiny eyed Athena" instead. Personally I do not think the one cancels the other. Now it is the OTHER meaning of her eyes that is more interesting. That the word γλαύκα (glauka) means "owl" so that could also be "owl-eyed Athena" or "with the eyes of an owl". That could also be "wise" or smart-eyed as well in one way. Again in my mind the one is not mutually exclusive of the other (unlike the word "xanthos" that is referring to colors of a general spectrum oftentimes, the word "glaukos" as grayish light blue can still be translated as "shiny" and the "owl" part could be descriptive of the way her eyes look as well. If that makes sense. As opposed again to another color; cyan, which means of course "very dark blue" but it also is used as a subsitute for "black" which was also used in ancient greek art as well. So when someone for example reads the text where Odysseus's beard is described as "cyan" obviously the logical assumption is that it is called "black" and not "blue" hahahaha but artists go wild on Poseidon who is also referred to "of cyan hair" As for the amazingly poetic form of "wine-colored sea" one only needs to look at a cup of wine to realize what that means;
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(Yes that is my cup and yes I drink wine from ceramic cups because I think the taste fits better and yes I poured it for demonstration and not sorry! XD)
Anyways as you see the color and the texture especially when seen through a non-diaphanous cup is this black, dark color, the essence of no end to its depth. That is what the Greeks saw when out the sea; a black-deep color and Homer couldn't find a better word for it honestly! There even was a guy swimming out the sea in the rain and made a short reel on instagram or tiktok about it and man it really fitted! Oh no doubt for centuries indeed! Poetic words, the way they fit with the metric system and all!
He really did and man yeah people often forget right? Agamemnon was his brother and arguably a father figure given the heavy intrigue between their family members in particular Agamemnon and his twin brother Thyestes. The family was a mess and cursed through the line of Tandalus. Their family is an endless rouse of betrayal, incest, murder and even cannibalism and the cycle of violence didn't end there for Menelaus also suffered the disgrace of his wife running away with Paris, his only daughter Hermione sent to Clytemnestra for keeping but Clytemnestra also lost her own interest in all other of her children and family when Agamemnon was forced by the gods to sacrifice his own daughter Iphigenia. She neglected or straight out abused all her other children. In Euripides Orestes we even see Orestes, Menelaus own dear nephew, going mad, he killed Aegisthus and Clytemnestra and in the play by Euripides he even takes Hermione hostage before the very eyes of Menelaus, holding a sword at her throat and he even went to kill Helen as well. Yeah the family was not doing okay! Yup! Aegisthus was the son of Thyestes with his own daughter. Thyestes was furious because Atreus, the father to Agamemnon and Menelaus, conspired with Thyestes's wife and killed his children and fed them to Thyestes! Yeah I am not kidding. Thyestes found out and was furious! Thus the whole thing with his daughter. Aegisthus was nourished with hatred for the Atreides and exiled them. They found shelter in Sparta and Tyndareus where Tyndareus helped them to get Mycenae back. Agamemnon married Clytremnestra as an arrangement to seal the deal and Menelaus was of course one of the suitors of Helen. Aegisthus was sent away and basically he came back as a lover to Clytemnestra and as a help to the murder of Agamemnon and later he ruled Mycenae for a little while till Orestes came back and killed him. So yeah Menelaus had no real slack in his life either! I even made a random post about him and Odysseus:
So...point and case. I even made some random thoughts on how TRULY DEPRESSED Menelaus was you can see here:
Yup it does make sense doesn't it? The Homeric Poems are first and foremost two giant songs that were meant to be sung in public thus the repetitive lyrics (pretty much like refraign and couple nowadays) and the whole thematic here and there that takes into consideration people who arrive later and need to be pitched in the plot. Yes I believe people make the mistake to think that the homeric poems were somehow books or novels thus they do not like literary choices such as the ones above. But once you see it as a song, all becomes clear doesn't it?
I couldn't have said it better and you brought yet another beautiful example with Sherlock Holmes! Yes it oftentimes pains me that nowadays we read these contexts and immediately people assume "ha! Homoerotic themes!" or "ha! Gay!" while we can as you said, might as well lament on the fact that platonic relationships are not written as warmly anymore! As if being warm with someone means romance only! And I love it how indeed people assume that the past was just a cold and unfriendly place where people were afraid of their emotions and then Homer is there like "REALLY!?" Honestly I have seen more emotion pouring freely in these old stories than anything written nowadays that we claim that we learn to express emotions! And these ancient texts use the most beautiful language ever! I couldn't agree more! Which is why I try when I write my fanfictions and retellings to bring it back! Dunno it bothers me as much as it bothers you!
It is only mentioned in one or two parts in Odyssey so it is understandable. It is easily forgettable given that even Homer didn't elaborate more for that and we have more post-homeric sources talk on that but yup! Prophecies are thrown on the table here and there and even then there is some talk in regards to that and yes given the situation maybe that wouldn't do much indeed because as you said someone came to Telemachus, Athena herself and Telemachus KNEW in the end that it was a god that was advising him and still he had his douts. It was SUCH a depressive moment to him.
Oh absolutely the law of Xenia was the primary reason! In fact I had replied to someone a long time ago on that. You can see my reply here:
it is that as well as the combination of the fact that technically Telemachus was not yet the official ruler so the suitors, ironically, were in theory ODYSSEUS'S guests rather than his own. Plus I remind you that Telemachus was 20 years old. The suitors arrived when he was much younger, at the age of roughly 16 years old, maybe 17. Telemachus has no experience in warfare despite the fact that it was proven he was a capable warrior and he had no real authority. He couldn't do much and obviously he couldn't start murdering people in his own house no matter how much he often wished to. Odysseus arrived, a man baked well in violence and war, experienced war veteran and strong warrior and above all with the blessings of a goddess for it so that made the slaughter possible.
I couldn't have said it better! It was in one way the return of Odysseus (although arguably not his last trip unfortunately for him since he has to go to the mainland and fulfill the prophecy of Tiresias) but it certainly was the first for Telemachus and this parallel traveling I think as you brilliantly stated is a beautiful and sweet thing and the way they both met after the end of their journey as well, like meeting in the middle! Man it absolutely is worth the tears!
You are very sweet! Thank you!
Oh I understand and arguably tumblr is a jungle! I understand completely!
I am honored to hear that! If anything it is the greatest reward to hear that someone gets inspired so! ^_^ I honestly hope to engage with you in conversations in the future because you honestly show great sensitivity and deep will to understand! And explore on your own and form your opinions as well which is the most important part when you read the texts; be aware of their context, open your mind to other horizons and finally form your own thoughts and feelings on them! That is what alltime classics do!
Telemachus is so much stronger than me for real. Cause if I had traveled for days, by sea AND land, arrived at the palace of my father's friend and my mother's cousin to humbly ask if they know anything about my missing father and instead of just fucking telling me already, this mf started a monologue about how gay he is for my dad and about the time he captured a God that granted him wishes three, I'd already be telling him to Hurry The Fuck Up. IT'S BEEN TEN YEARS, I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY.
But if the same motherfucker then turned around and told me that he had known FOR YEARS NOW that my dad is trapped on an island AND THE MOTHERFUCKER DIDN'T TELL ANYONE!!!! NOT A SINGLE LETTER!!! I would have already strangled Menelaus with that fucking blond hair of his in front of his wife and children, unhelpful son of a bitch.
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summoned-anima · 5 years ago
@pawkyhumored​ / from stater call!
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     ‘MY DEAR, finally!’ Ruler didn’t give other even a moment! even a single moment to recognise situation she found herself in. The moment Chaldea Summoning System finished its operation, Holmes allowed himself to rush towards newcomer. Mash was quite good subsitute but nobody fed his ego as such as Watson.
    ‘It’s blessing to have you there!’
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sfmuniverse · 6 years ago
"The transportation oversight board that oversees San Francisco’s Muni system — and hires and fires its executive director — is set to see a shakeup in its leadership.
"The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors is poised to vote among its members for a new chair and vice chair next week, the agency confirmed. The move comes during a time of great scrutiny for the agency."
Last summer's Twin Peaks Tunnel closure didn't go as well as it could have and the public's been looking for someone to punish.
"...the summer Muni meltdown, ongoing Muni train 'switchbacks,' and an agency contractor laying 3 miles of the wrong type of steel track as mounting grievances that it lays on the shoulders of the current SFMTA board."
Perhaps a political action committee shouldn't be making transit decisions if they are going to fault SFMTA for catching a contractor subsituting lower-grade rail in the Central Subway?
Further reporting on the matter indicated SFMTA staff had known of the issue earlier; which would again suggest current SFMTA leading is actively working to correct problems and prevent a repeat.
At least in the case of the Central Subway, shouldn't we find out the entire story before deciding the current senior leadership is at fault for what might (we hope) turn out to be the type of leadership we want.
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crystal-jack-asripines · 5 years ago
I ranted way too much in the tags but YES YES I NEED IT
So like ultimate happy ending ? Nott & Caleb & Jester Nicodranus school and temple.
#YES!!!!#caleb teaches normal wizardry but also fundamental education#nott teaches alchemy with her hubby and also sharpshooting combat stuff#jester teaches art but also divine magic. and especially teaches students about her tarot deck#beau comes in for fundamental combat training. maybe history class if she can stay out of a stuffy classroom#cady can teach about herbs and plants and stuff. gardening practices. what is a deadly poison and what is a harmless flower#fjord can teach sword-training specifically with beau! and about sailing practices and ocean nations if thats a thing people want#HE ALSO TEACHES GEOGRAPHY. fjord may be fjorgetful but he’s our resident map guy and knows his shit#yasha can help fjord with sword training. cady with gardening. beau with regular combat classes#yasha is more of a subsitute teacher or classroom helper. shes too busy reading her own books outside in solitude#im sorry i know this is a jester-caleb-nott school but.... i just really want a teacher AU tbfh#they all have such excellent teacher-type personalities too#caleb is soft-spoken and passionate about his subjects. can get annoyed with rowdy kids but knows how it felt to be like them#nott is a wild card. either the soft-spoken veth teacher or SUPER LOUD hyperactive teacher. maybe both#either way nott is a beloved teacher because shes either very patient or super fun. also leaves students in awe with her marksmanship skills#jester is definitely a fun teacher. can be hyper but (SOMEHOW) more mellow than nott. and cmon NOBODY can NOT love jes! students sure cant!#cady is the resident hippie teacher. SUPER laid-back. no real grading system. but rowdy kids know better than to good off in his classes#cad just gives them a ‘im not mad im just disappointed :)3’ glance and they feel immense guilt and pay attention#fjord seems like hed be a strict scary teacher but hes also laid-back. low-key his passion for his work shines through his calm demeanor#fjord and nott still have the back-and-forth bickery friendship and that makes the students love him#the students and fjord bully each other like friends. hes just a fun guy to joke around with and to be around#beau is definitely more strict with the students but after a while she loosens up and jokes too. gives fjord shit constantly#she definitely takes a shine to the rowdy bunch of kids and they fucking ADORE her. isnt patient with their antics but they still love her#yasha scares the students when she towers over them in the halls. but someone made her a flower crown in cad’s class and her face lit up#ever since the students happily greet her and give her flowers they found or grew. she’s basically hagrid but with flowers lol#the rowdy kids definitely dont trouble her though. her sparring matches with beau are plenty warning for them#tag rant#sorry i just.... REALLY WANT A TEACHER AU#critical role#cr
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human-monodam · 3 years ago
What's your go to metal band or bands? Mine are Metallica and Ozzy Osbourne
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"System of a down, baby! I am taking no subsitutes!"
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bowcook03 · 4 years ago
The Fact Regarding Cryolipolysis Results.
Awawrd Winning Fat Freezing Brighton And Also Hove 3d Lipo
Fat Freezing Faqs.
Karidis Center Nutritionist Yvonne Wake Comments On Adeles Weight Loss For Everyday Mail.
Arise From Fat Freezing.
This can be because of the gadget, uneven air conditioning within the suction mug or the massage therapy technique at the end. Cryolipolysis is perfect for clients with company skin over excess pockets or rolls of persistent fat. Cryolipolysis will damage the fat cells implying people with normal skin tone will certainly observe their skin shrinks following the fat freezing. However not all patients have normal complexion or firm skin, especially older individuals that may have a substantial amount of laxity in the skin over the area of fat dealt with.
Cryolipolysis is not a subsitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise. For our bigger customers we often include a combination of our weight-loss program together with a bespoke therapy programme.
Fat Freezing Frequently Asked Questions.
Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Henley-on-Thames Lipo Sculpt behind Cryolipolysis, was designed and established by dermatologists at Harvard Medical Institution. Their evaluation revealed that fat cells are more receptive to the effects of cold as opposed to the surrounding tissue. Fat cells crystallise at various temperature levels than other cells. It is specific in damaging down the fat cells whilst saving all the other tissue like the skin, muscle mass, and nerve fibres. It is not uncommon for patients to notice as well as suffer irregular results following cryolipolysis. Typically the location of skin adhering to a fat freezing therapy should be strongly rubbed for a substantial time. Then patients ought to wait a minimum of 3 months to see the results.
elements of a Local lipo Sculpt Reigate ='border: black solid 1px;padding: 15px;'>
Does Fat Freezing and Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Work? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic
Does Fat Freezing and Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Work?.
Posted: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
There is no downtime as well as you will have the ability to return to your typical activities after that, including returning to function and working out. On the other hand this with liposuction, where you can anticipate swelling and bruising later on as well as you will require a long time off job to recuperate. Throughout the procedure individuals can rest or exist conveniently and also read, work with their laptop or even have a sleep during the procedure.
Karidis Center Nutritional Expert Yvonne Wake Discuss Adeles Weight Reduction For Everyday Mail.
These cured cells crystallise after that shrivel and also die over the coming weeks; your body metabolises them and also simply throws away them normally. This leads to a noticeable and also long-term decrease in the unwanted fat bulge, causing a much more sculpted and shapely you. CoolSculpting safely supplies precisely regulated cooling down to carefully and also successfully target fat cells beneath the skin. The cells are crystallised then shrivel as well as pass away over the coming weeks 1, with your body dealing with the dead fat cells naturally via your body's own lymphatic system. The therapy has been carefully evaluated with research study as well as has actually several published peer-reviews as well as professional documents 1 that demonstrate its efficiency and also performance. The excellent candidate for cryolipolysis has a BMI of 30 or below, that has persistent areas of soft subcutaneous fat that does not react to diet regimen and also exercise. That stated, fat freezing does service customers with greater BMI's yet with the understanding that multiple treatments on the exact same area will certainly be required to attain the wanted results.
If you wish to attain more enhancements, added therapies can be provided to the original treatment area after 12 weeks. The variety of placements called for relies on the area you intend to deal with as well as your objectives. If Lipo Sculpt Witney have further questions, please call us to publication in for a free assessment. We can after that discuss your individual goals and also examine the variety of placements called for.
Cryolipolysis will certainly ruin the fat cells but will certainly not treat skin laxity. Older patients or those with loosened as well as drooping skin will considerably benefit from a cells tightening treatments later on. Body SculptingEven one of the most regimented diet regimen or exercise routine might not suffice for those impossible-to-shift locations of undesirable fat, excess weight and skin laxity. CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared cryolipolysis fat decrease therapy 1. It safely delivers regulated cooling to gently as well as properly target and also decrease undesirable fat cells under the skin's surface. With over 7 million CoolSculpting treatment cycles performed worldwide, the treatment is proven to be risk-free and efficient for non-surgical fat decrease. CoolSculpting ® safely supplies precisely managed cooling to delicately and efficiently target the fat cells beneath the skin.
Can fat freezing make you fatter?
Instead of gradually shrinking, the bulge after CoolSculpting actually gets bigger and usually becomes firmer than surrounding tissues, sometimes having a “stick of butter” appearance that resembles the shape of the CoolSculpting applicator.
Whilst some individuals see instantaneous results, fat freezing is not an immediate, one quit treatment. Unlike lipo, your body needs to naturally throw away it's own fat cells, and this can take up to 12 weeks after therapy, so you'll see even more changes as time goes on. It will vary from person to person, however we advise 4 therapies to guarantee the full effects.
Outcomes are not instant with cryolipolysis, as well as areas might need several therapies. The body can occupy to 6 weeks to remove these dead fat cells which is why it is incredibly crucial to comply with a healthy diet both pre, as well as article treatment for ideal results. Body brushing twice a day can additionally speed up the removal process as well as your therapist will explain the best method to do this at the therapy. As a whole, you can anticipate to slowly lose 20 to 30% of fat in the treated area after simply one session. A lot of individuals see recognizable outcomes within three months, however some might see cause as very early as a couple of weeks. If you are severe concerning body contouring, you must stay clear of weight gain during treatment or your results will certainly be poor.
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On arrival at the facility I was normally a bit nervous however I was quickly put at simplicity by the cozy pleasant personnel. I had my examination as well as therapy on the same day, I was travelling as well as had actually decided beforehand that I desired the treatment done. Dr Willis went through my medical history as well as reassured me as to just how the treatment would progress. Whilst on the machine the team were extremely conscientious and offered me refreshments throughout, I also had some reflexology that made me really feel silent unique and pampered.
The procedures last generally 1 or 2 hrs relying on the area, so can be completed with marginal disturbance to your day. The results show up and also you can see the benefits, typically in between regarding 6-- 12 weeks after treatment. Areas can be pulled back for additional improvements as well as most individuals report moring than happy with between 1 as well as 3 treatments. Whilst it is advisable to use a compression garment after surgical lipo, this is not essential after 360 Cryolipolysis - fat freezing. You will certainly accomplish as much as 40% decrease in the fat layer of the treated within 8-12 weeks after treatment.
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