#Sylph of Light - Heir of Space - Witch of Space - Page of Doom - and Bard of Hesrt
Rising from my burrow to say I've been hit by a slight bit of inspiration to work on some Classpect stuff!
I worked on almost 3 whole sections of a Rogue of Void analysis yesterday, and plan on doing a little bit on Thief of Breath today!
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giftofclasspects · 8 months
Hey, could I get a session analysis with:
A Derse Page of Time (She/They)
A Prospit Heir of Blood (He/Him)
A Prospit Witch of Heart (She/Her)
A Derse Knight of Void (He/Him)
A Prospit Rogue of Hope (She/Her)
A Derse Thief of Mind (He/Him)
A Prospit Sylph of Life (She/Her)
A Prospit Mage of Rage (He/Him)
A Derse Seer of Space (She/They)
A Prospit Bard of Breath (They/Them)
A Derse Maid of Light (She/Her)
A Derse Prince of Doom (He/They)
None of them knew eachother prior to Sburb, they kinda got isekai'd into it (It's an AU)
WOO okay this is a lot so again, i'm going to be brief
a page of time is definitely a strong time player to have, however, they're going to have to grow into their powers. if they can tap into their full potential!! holy shit lotta damage
a knight of void is too cool.... i'd imagine they can like,, travel through shadows and stuff? or pull weapons out of the dark... they'll be a scary opponent they are NOT someone to fuck with
witch of heart can be SCARY!! they can manipulate the soul and the desires... i'd think of someone like makima from chainsaw man... HOO you do not want to be on their bad side!!!
a heir of blood is probably going to go around and bring the group together methinks.. INHERITING the relationships and such.
a rogue of hope might be.. very interesting??? could see them as a mean girl type. they can make or break you!!!
a mage of rage GOSH they're definitely going to be. i think they're going to be super mean and grouchy HOWEVER this will probably mellow them out as the session continues on.
a sylph of life is TOO GOOD! they're one of the best healers you can have!!! they will be ON TOP of things!!!
seer of space is TOOOO FUCKING GOOD and too cool. they'll click together nicely where the page of time might fall short.
a bard of breath is probably going to start out very "i do not see it"... they're goingto need MAJOR character development my friend
keep the maid of light on your good side they WILL be important during this session!!! once they godtier they'll just be this BEACON of knowledge and is probably why the session will go so smoothly
a prince of doom!! i think they'll almost be like.. a secondary healer? methinks i could spot a relationship between them and the sylph for sure....
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techtakesoff · 2 years
Could you analysis the Session me n one of my friends made plz and thank u (๑>◡<๑) Seer of life, page of blood, thief of hope, mage of time, heir of Rage, maid of breath, bard of void, prince of doom, Rouge of light,knight of heart, Sylph of mind and witch of space.
Session Size
Seer of Life, Page of Blood, Thief of Hope, Mage of Time, Heir of Rage, Maid of Breath, Bard of Void, Prince of Doom, Rogue of Light, Knight of Heart, Sylph of Mind, Witch of Space. Not too bad.
Space/Time Players
Witch of Space and Mage of Time. Pretty common choices for those two players.
In case of a Scratch?
The Mage of Time knows a lot about Time, so I personally doubt that they'll have much issue with the Scratch.
Genesis Frog Breeding
The Witch of Space should be able to handle this fine, but if there is help needed, the Seer of Life could come in handy.
How about the situation on The Battlefield?
Offense: Thief of Hope, Bard of Void, Prince of Doom Defense: Heir of Rage, Witch of Space, Knight of Heart Support: Seer of Life, Page of Blood, Mage of Time, Maid of Breath, Rogue of Light, Sylph of Mind
For your offense, we start off with the Thief of Hope. The Thief of Hope is an interesting player, considering how they steal Hope from themselves. They could steal Hope from you, or they could steal Hope from literally anyone, but why would you fight someone if you've lost all motivation to? Next, is the Bard of Void. The Bard of Void is someone who passively uncovers secrets. Whether that be by prodding at someone until they spill, or guessing based off of flimsy conclusions, the Bard of Void is great at that, even in their rejection of Void. The Prince of Doom, on the other hand, is a classpect that be taken two different ways. When they destroy Doom or destroy with Doom, that could mean that they're destroying something until there's no hope in the world to ever repair it again, or they're fixing it into pristine condition. No in between.
And now, your defense. The Heir of Rage is someone who becomes Rage. To summarize, because I don't want to drag this out super long, they can drive people insane because they can become the negative emotions, they have that power. The Witch of Space is a classpect I've talked about a thousand times over, so I'll keep it short and say that the Witch of Space not only has all of Space at their beck and call, but they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. And finally, the Knight of Heart, another classpect that I've talked about way too much to be considered normal or okay. The Knight of Heart, while they are relationship issues if it were a person, carries a very powerful ability on their back, and that is the ability to exploit feelings. They could use how someone feels about something to their advantage. It's scary.
Finally, support. We start this off with the Seer of Life, who sees Life. They know how it happens, and when it will happen, and all the nitty gritty fun facts about it, too. Then, the Page of Blood. Someone who starts off knowing approximately jack shit about maintaining relationships, but as they go on, they quickly become the driving force of the session to keep everyone together, they hold the bonds in their hands and they tie them together. They use the bonds of others to their advantage, as well. And the Mage of Time, someone who knows all about Time, how it works, and a definite user of timeclones. Enough said. You also have the Maid of Breath, someone who creates freedom, someone who is able to create a feeling of freedom in others. Someone who can get you out of something. And the Rogue of Light, a perfect spy. Someone who can steal information and luck and give it to others, empowering your team while nerfing the other. And finally, the Sylph of Mind. Someone who heals/fixes Mind, someone who encourages you to get your ideas out there. The Sylph of Mind can heal and fix a damaged mind, literally, kind of like a therapist, but on weird game crack.
The Thief of Hope I can see being the biggest issue here. The Thief of Hope is someone who steals Hope, which means that if you piss them off and it gets bad enough, say goodbye to your entire session.
Player advantage.
Balanced O/D/S
Very good player choices.
Turbulent session as all hell.
Thief can doom session single-handedly.
Chance at success?
I think it's alright for a session of this size. Good luck.
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bronzecats · 7 months
BLOOD: Knight and Seer.
BREATH: Heir, Page, and Rogue.
DOOM: Heir and Mage.
HEART: Mage, Prince and Rogue.
HOPE: Bard, Page and Prince.
LIFE: Maid, Thief and Witch.
LIGHT: Seer, Sylph and Thief.
MIND: Knight and Seer.
RAGE: Bard and Prince.
SPACE: Maid, Muse, Sylph and Witch.
TIME: Knight, Lord, Maid and Witch.
VOID: Heir, Page and Rogue.
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eridude · 25 days
sorting classes and aspects by dreaming moon majority !!!
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this is just based off of the sole number of characters with named classpects and dreamselves in homestuck proper! ie - both sets of kids, both sets of trolls, and the cherubs.
sylph - prospit only
seer - prospit leaning
knight - prospit leaning
page - prospit leaning
maid - prospit leaning
bard - even split
heir - even split
thief - even split
witch - derse leaning
rogue - derse leaning
prince - derse leaning
mage - derse leaning/derse only - depends on whether or not you count sollux's prospit dreamself.
(we only have the one for muse and lord- so by default they are prospit only and derse only retrospectively.)
breath - prospit
space - prospit
rage - prospit
mind - prospit
blood - prospit
light - prospit leaning
doom - even split/potentially derse leaning, for the same reasons as mage.
life - derse leaning
hope - derse leaning
time - derse
void - derse
heart - derse
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 3 months
i just spent the last. several hours. fiddling with the classpects for Sburb Life because im a perfectionist
im still not 100% happy but i think this is a lot better
Grian - Session leader, Prospit dreamer, the Sylph of Dream in the Land of Bread and Sand. Client player Jimmy, server player Scar.
Scar - Prospit dreamer, the Thief of Heart in the Land of Rock and Cacti. Client player Grian, server player Mumbo.
Mumbo - Derse dreamer, the Seer of Flame in the Land of Sparks and Current. Client player Scar, server player Pearl.
Pearl - Derse dreamer, the Witch of Hate in the Land of Love and Snow. Client player Mumbo, server player Gem.
Gem - Prospit dreamer, the Aide of Space in the Land of Blooms and Frogs. Client player Pearl, server player Scott.
Scott - Derse dreamer, the Rogue of Time in the Land of Stars and Bridges. Client player Gem, server player Joel.
Joel - Derse dreamer, the Saint of Rage in the Land of Cliffs and Carnivals. Client player Scott, server player Etho.
Etho - Derse dreamer, the Mage of Truth in the Land of Wool and Secrets. Client player Joel, server player BDubs.
BDubs - Prospit dreamer, the Priest of Void in the Land of Keeps and Clocks. Client player Etho, server player Impulse.
Impulse - Prospit dreamer, the Guide of Hope in the Land of Coal and Bones. Client player BDubs, server player Tango.
Tango - Prospit dreamer, the Sage of Mind in the Land of Heat and Bulls. Client player Impulse, server player Skizz.
Skizz - Prospit dreamer, the Maid of Blood in the Land of Lakes and Cherries. Client player Tango, server player BigB.
BigB - Derse dreamer, the Heir of Ice in the Land of Fissures and Chocolate. Client player Skizz, server player Cleo.
Cleo - Derse dreamer, the Bard of Breath in the Land of Wind and Marble. Client player BigB, server player Lizzie.
Lizzie - Derse dreamer, the Knight of Life in the Land of Trees and Axolotls. Client player Cleo, server player Ren.
Ren - Prospit dreamer, the Prince of Peace in the Land of Shadow and Stillness. Client player Lizzie, server player Martyn.
Martyn - Derse dreamer, the Dame of Light in the Land of Eyes and Coral. Client player Ren, server player Jimmy.
Jimmy - Prospit dreamer, the Page of Doom in the Land of Clay and Dust. Client player Martyn, server player Grian.
also explanation of the custom classes and aspects under the cut
Truth - Truth is the aspect of discovery and revelation. The Truth-bound are difficult to fool, and keep their focus on what is in front of them. They act with practicality, and the aspect itself is tied to rational thought. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Dream. At their best they are rational and calm guides for their friends; at their worst they are uncaring and judgemental.
Dream - Dream is the aspect of lies and imagination. The Dream-bound live in worlds of their own, and their goals are not always obvious to those around them; the aspect itself deals in the nature of falsehoods. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Truth. At their best they brighten the room with their imaginative nature; at their worst they are frustratingly absorbed in their fantasies.
Peace - Peace is the aspect of calmness and protection. The Peace-bound are dedicated to maintaining the status quo, and preventing quarrels amongst their friends. The aspect itself deals with stagnation, love, and comfort. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Hate. At their best they are mediators and lovers who hold their allies together; at their worst they are resistant to change and even oppressive.
Hate - Hate is the aspect of emotion and strength. The Hate-bound hold grudges easily, and will tear down the things they see as being in their way. A Hero of Hate would rather die than allow something that hurts them to continue. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Peace. At their best they are firebrands and leaders, working against oppression; at their worst they are spiteful agitators unwilling to let things go for the greater good.
Flame - Flame is the aspect of change and discovery. The Flame-bound are seekers of the truth, though they are prone to flying too close to the sun and being hurt by that which they seek. They would rather burn the world down and build a new one than try to fix the one that exists. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Ice. At their best they are great artists and leaders, inspiring their allies to change that which they must; at their worst they destroy themselves and those around them with their quests for things beyond their reach.
Ice - Ice is the aspect of isolation and steadiness. The Ice-bound put up walls around themselves, pushing people away to protect themselves and cutting their emotions off. A Hero of Ice is likely to have few true friends, and none who they allow to see every facet of themselves, out of fear. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Flame. At their best they are reliable and steadfast, a source of stability for their allies; at their worst they are cold and unwilling to stand up for themselves, locking away their true thoughts.
Saint - Saint is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Priest. A Saint lives their life by the rules of their aspect, using the structures it sets up to climb to the top of a world they see as ruled by its teaching. As the role of a Saint is highly tied to their aspect, their role in a session varies heavily - A Saint of Life or Space, for instance, will likely be a strong driving force behind the group's success, while a Saint of Doom or Ice may spell the end for the session by their very nature.
Priest - Priest is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Saint. A Priest allows the rules of their aspect to spread out from them, allowing themself and their allies to use its nature to their advantage. A Priest's aspect will often come to typify much of the session as they spread its teachings amongst their fellow players.
Dame - Dame is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Aide. The Dame defies the very nature of their aspect, and often bear little resemblance to the archetypal player of that aspect. Their journey through the session is often highly personal, a struggle directly between them and their aspect, though once they are at the end of their journey, they are a force to be reckoned with, having taken the aspects of it that benefit them and left the rest behind.
Aide - Aide is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Dame. The Aide is a gateway for their aspect, letting its nature out through themselves to defy the enemies of the group. They are highly in tune with their aspects, though not always in a way that others will immediately recognize. An Aide's involvement in a session is often as an unlikely leader, giving the other players something to rally behind when they feel devoid of the Aide's aspect.
Sage - Sage is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Guide. The Sage is a student of their aspect, seeking to understand everything about its nature; rather than having the information to understand their aspect, like a Seer, a Sage is restricted to seeking understanding through more traditional means. Sages often become the most knowledgeable within their sessions, throwing themselves into their personal quests and embracing the role of the tactician with gusto.
Guide - Guide is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Sage. The Guide seeks their aspect in order to bring it to their allies; they will often be a confidant and a source of aid or comfort for their allies. A fully realized Guide released into Paradox Space will often come to act as a sort of tutor for another player of the same aspect. Within their sessions, Guides are a centerpoint for the group, assisting other players wherever and however needed.
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superxstarzz · 4 months
Another long ask— could you do Mage of Mind/Thief of Hope, Seer of Time/Mage of Breath, Page of Heart/Heir of Doom, Rogue of Space/Maid of Light, Bard of Rage/Witch of Breath, Prince of Life/Page of Void, and Knight of Blood/Sylph of Hope ?
thanks im advance!! seriously, your stuff is so cool
thank u sm!!!!! this is one hell of a post!!!!
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AU building
ASPECTMIRROR in which everything changes yet it stays the same
ARADIA = antitoxinArisen = the quick brown fox jumps over the l4zy dog! 4u4 = Maid of Space
TAVROS = audaciousToreador = the, qu1ck, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog, = Page of Blood
SOLLUX = turnedAntibody = +he qu1ck brown foX jumps over +he lazy dog = Mage of Life
KARKAT = chainlessGrenadier = THE-QUICK-BROWN-FOX-JUMPS-OVER-THE-LAZY-DOG = Knight of Breath
NEPETA = actualizedCatgirl = B3< thB3 quick B3rown fox jumps ovB3 thB3 lazy dog = Rogue of Mind
KANAYA = gauzyAesthetic = thE quicK br0wN f0X jumpS 0veR thE lazY d0G = Sylph of Time
TEREZI = galvanizedCosplayer = 7he quick brown fox jumps over 7he 1azy dog ig! = Seer of Heart
VRISKA = abyssalGossamer = 👁 don't even want 2 know what that's 4 = Thief of Void
EQUIUS = centralTelescope = ==[] The qu!ck brown fox jumps over the !azy dog = Heir of Light
GAMZEE = terribleCandelabra = THE quick BROWN fox JUMPS over THE lazy DOG = Bard of Hope
ERIDAN = counterAnnihilation =The qvick brovn fox jvmps over the lazy dog = Prince of Rage
FEFERI = corpseCondition = th-{- quick br0wn f0x jumps 0v-{-r th-{- lazy d0g = Witch of Doom
CALLIOPE = ultimateumpire = THE QuICK BROWN FOX JuMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG = Muse of Time (Malevolent)
CALIBORN = UndeadUltimatums = the qUick brown fox jUmps over the lazy dog = Lord of Space (Benevolent)
MUSE ENGLISH PIECES = Callie + Vriskarsprite + Half of Feferi
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fanonical · 11 months
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ultimateprankster · 6 months
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feastings sprite edits of the drv3 crew. transparent version and titles under the cut
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Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, and Kirumi all got prototyped because that's the best way I could figure out how to include them without getting fanmade classes and aspects involved (I think those are really cool, just not what I wanted for this particular thing)
also I referenced the blog classpect-navelgazing while assigning these, cuz that style of analysis really made sense to me. I highly recommend reading through it if you haven't already
Kiibo: Heir of Hope
Shuichi: Page of Light (yes I gave him tights)
Kirumi: [prototyped with a spider (because of course)]
Korekiyo: Witch of Blood
Tsumugi: Bard of Time (yes I gave her an outfit that is slightly less complete horseshit than the canon one)
Kaede: [prototyped with a mantis (presumably several of Gonta's bugs escaped and some of them got into the kernelsprites)]
Kaito: Seer of Heart
Ryoma: [prototyped with his cat]
Miu: Prince of Rage
Rantaro: [prototyped with Kaito's NASA-themed Snoopy plushie]
Himiko: Mage of Void (no I did not make her a Mage solely because of the name, but it was for sure a factor)
Tenko: Maid of Breath
Kokichi: Rogue of Mind
Maki: Knight of Doom
Angie: Thief of Life (wow that title sounds so brutal out of context)
Gonta: Sylph of Space
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Now for the Trolls...
ARADIA MEGIDO - Maid of Time - One who Makes Time for Themself
“Too much time on her hands.”
TAVROS NITRAM - Page of Breath - One who Serves Breath for Themself
“He’ll give himself direction.”
SOLLUX CAPTOR - Mage of Doom - One who Knows Doom for Themself
“He knows his death, but not the hour.”
KARKAT VANTAS - Knight of Blood - One who Serves Blood for Others
"Free reality check.”
NEPETA LEIJON - Rogue of Heart - One who Steals Heart for Others
“She’s got your heart in her paws.”
KANAYA MARYAM - Sylph of Space - One who Creates Space for Others
“She’ll make this place your home.”
TEREZI PYROPE - Seer of Mind - One who Knows Mind for Others
“Let’s see how you react.”
VRISKA SERKHET - Thief of Light - One who Steals Light for Themself
“Pay her attention.”
EQUIUS ZAHHAK - Heir of Void - One who Changes Void for Others
“Avoid him.”
GAMZEE MAKARA - Bard of Rage - One who Destroys Rage for Others
“Who’s laughing now?”
ERIDAN AMPORA - Prince of Hope - One who Destroys Hope for Themself
“Its never going to happen, buddy.”
FEFERI PEIXES - Witch of Life - One who Changes Life for Themself
“The grass is greener on the other side.”
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giftofclasspects · 4 months
Session analysis? If its not too much trouble
This is actually 2 sessions, with the first one being scratched and the second one getting help from the first one (similar to the beta kids and alpha kids in canon homestuck)
Scratched Session:
Seer of Space, Sylph of Time, Rogue of Rage, Page of Light, Witch of Doom, Knight of Void
New Session:
Mage of Mind, Heir of Hope, Maid of Breath, Bard of Heart, Prince of Blood, Thief of Life
SoS is the ancestor of MoM, SoT is the anscestor of HoH, and so on
Thank You!
Sylph of time can mend time and the seer of space might have a tool that helps them look where to go. page of light takes time developing their knowledge talent, knight of void can use and defend the unknown to balance out the page, and the rogue of rage might work as like an inspiration factor to get the scratched session mad about something. Session fails at first but a few extra stitches in time could lead to the scratch.
Bard of heart and prince of blood in the same session might be something to be wary of. they'd destroy feelings and social ties, so everyone in the group might have to separate to get things done. But given the scratched players coming back, it's possible to work it out
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techtakesoff · 2 years
Hello ! :] I was wondering if you could analyze a fansession of mine? It's a full session so hopefully it isn't too much!
Players >> Knight of Void, Hier of Blood, Witch of Rage, Seer of Hope, Thief of Mind, Sylph of Heart, Mage of Light, Rogue of Space, Page of Life, Bard of Time, Maid of Doom and Prince of Breath
Thank you !! <33
Not a problem.
Session Size
Knight of Void, Heir of Blood, Witch of Rage, Seer of Hope, Thief of Mind, Sylph of Heart, Mage of Light, Rogue of Space, Page of Life, Bard of Time, Maid of Doom, Prince of Breath. Quite the combination you got going on here, man.
Space/Time Players
Bard of Time and Rogue of Space. An... interesting combination, for sure.
In case of a Scratch?
The Bard of Time is an interesting classpect in the way that they might actually struggle with performing the Scratch. Their destruction of Time is passive, and an active act such as the Scratch might screw with them a little. It might be the pushing point that forces them to use their aspect.
Genesis Frog Breeding
This looks like it has mixed success. The Rogue of Space steals Space, so technically they could steal the frogs? Who knows, bit it's interesting. The Mage of Light is a great helper for this.
How about the situation on The Battlefield?
Offense: Thief of Mind, Bard of Time, Prince of Breath Defense: Knight of Void, Witch of Rage, Heir of Blood Support: Page of Life, Seer of Hope, Sylph of Heart, Mage of Light, Rogue of Space, Maid of Doom
For offense, we start off with the Thief of Mind. Now, this classpect is generally self-explanatory when it comes to what they do. The Thief of Mind steals Mind. They steal ideas, thoughts, and they could steal the literal mind out of someone, and give it to themselves. They could destroy someone with the flick of a wrist. The Bard of Time, on the other hand, is one of your more dangerous Time players. They passively push someone into the grating gears of Time, make their own form fall into itself because of the slow march of Time. They could destroy someone slowly and painfully with Time. And finally, the Prince of Breath. The Prince of Breath is one who deals with the destruction of freedom, and this is unique in the sense that it could be taken multiple different ways. The destruction of freedom could mean that the Prince uses others against that particular enemy, or it could mean that the Prince makes it so that their opponent can't move. They are also a complete wildcard, a loose cannon. Not out of control, but if they want to fuck your shit up, they can and will. The Prince of Breath could destroy the breath out of someone, suffocate them if they so wish.
Onto defense, we start off with the Knight of Void, an underappreciated Void classpect. The Knight of Void is an exploiter of secrets, they use the secrets of others against them in favor of their allies. They would be the spy type of person to feed information back to your side. On the flip side, the Knight of Void knows all about obscurity and nothingness, so they would also be completely competent at concealing someone or something. The Witch of Rage is our second in line, and this is one of the most powerful Witches out there. They have the most free grasp over Rage, which is a dangerous aspect on its own. The Witch of Rage could send someone into insanity, or pacify them, and what they do is up to them, and they are nothing if not a loose cannon, much like the Prince of Breath. And we end off our defensive region with the Heir of Blood. Someone who can literally become Blood, literally become the bonds between people. They have the ability to strengthen the bonds of their allies while also weakening the bonds between their enemies, because they ARE the bond, they are the Blood binding everyone together.
And last, and probably most important, we have support. Beginning this off, for us, is the Page of Life. The Page of Life is an incredibly interesting classpect, in the sense that they don't have a grasp on Life at first. Maybe they're bad at keeping plants alive, whatever. But, at their full potential, the Page of Life controls who lives and who gets hurt. Essentially, while they can't control death, they can make sure that you stay alive. Along with them is the Seer of Hope, another good classpect. The Seer of Hope knows all about Hope, they know all about the good about to come your way. The Seer of Hope is the team's hype man, the person to go "hey, I know it's bad right now, but it's going to get better" and be right about it. Because of this, because of their uncanny ability to motivate and soothe, makes them one of the most important people to this session. Next, is the Sylph of Heart, who is your healer and helper. The Sylph of Heart heals and fixes Heart, they heal and fix emotions, basically like a super-therapist. They know what's wrong and they'll be there to help you in a time of crisis, which is something that's important about them. They're the person to go to with your issues. After that, we have the Mage of Light. This is the person who just. Knows everything. They know the most random of facts, and while they absolutely struggle with the concept of their facts and logic being wrong, other than this they are extremely smart, and a very good player to have in your session. Next, is the Rogue of Space. The Rogue of Space steals the Space out of something to give it to others. They can steal literal physical objects, so long as they exist, to give it to someone else. Think a Robin Hood type person. They can steal things from other people to give to your own team, maybe such as an important document or weapon. Not just this, but stealing Space in general implies that they could steal the distance between something, opening a portal of some sorts between distances. Holes in the Space fabric.
Right away, I notice that there is an immediate sort of clash with the Prince of Breath and the Heir of Blood. The Prince of Breath rejects any sort of freedom itself, and while Blood is all about bonds and working together, the Prince of Breath would inadvertently damage this, and this is something that the Heir, one who can literally become their aspect, would likely notice.
Not just this, but there's also a clash with the simple existence of the Page of Life and the Maid of Doom. The Page of Life needs time to be able to come into Life and its gimmicks, while the Maid of Doom is literally a walking doomsday button. I can see the Page getting frustrated at the Maid intentionally or not resetting all of the Page's progress every step of the way.
The Seer of Hope and the Witch of Rage are direct opposites. The Seer sees Hope, literally, and is a very good example of YES. Witches are known to break the boundaries of their own aspects, so someone who can manipulate Rage against others or themselves is a counteraction to the Seer's ability.
12 player session, immediate body count advantage.
Powerful players in the session.
An incredibly good O/D/S stat.
Literally relationship issues central.
Three offense players are Issue Players(tm).
Page of Life needs time to learn how to actually use Life as an aspect. Without them the session could fail.
That, along with the Maid of Doom's existence.
Chance at success?
Decent. I think you'll need the good luck, but quite an interesting session, indeed.
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If you don't know anything about homestuck just pick whoever's name, trollhandle, or classpect title sounds coolest
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trojanteapot · 1 year
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In this post I will be merging my two "hyperfixations" / "special interests" by assigning Homestuck Mythological Roles (a.k.a. Classpects) to some of the Infinity Train characters.
What the fuck is a Classpect?
Classpects are like Zodiac signs or Hogwarts Houses except excruciatingly convoluted, because it’s from Homestuck. I will attempt to simplify them as much as possible. 
Basically every character receives a title in this format:
[Class Role] of [Aspect]
which, in Homestuck canon, gives the character sweet reality warping powers!
Some examples include the Witch of Space being able to shrink entire planets, or the Heir of Breath whipping up tornadoes out of nowhere! One of the coolest examples in canon was the Rogue of Void can steal non-existence from an object and make it real!
But the titles are also assigned based on a character's personality, goals, how they interact with others, and their overall character arc. And because they are Zodiac-adjacent, it also means that classpects can be applied to any sort of character in any media in existence.
Why are you doing classpects for Infinity Train you cringey Hussie simp?
First off, I don’t care for Andrew Hussie beyond the fact that they authored Homestuck, and one can certainly argue it wasn’t entirely on their own. This is an irrelevant tangent.
Secondly, both the video game Sburb in Homestuck, and the Train in Infinity Train are essentially character arc generators. 
This means it’s extremely straightforward to assign classpects onto these Train peeps because their character arcs have been spelled out for us, in the same way that Sburb spells out the character arcs for the Homestuck characters when they play the game.
A Class determines how a character is, or acts, or behaves, they are analogous to D&D classes. This system is based on the one developed by @optimisticduelist2 and @homestuckexamination
Role Active Passive Description*
Create Maid Sylph Create or Mend for self / others
Destroy Prince Bard Destroy or Subdue for self / others
Change Witch Heir Change or Manipulate for self / others
Know Mage Seer Understand or Learn for self / others
Give Page Knight Give or Serve to self / others
Take Thief Rogue Take or Steal for self / others
*Note: Just because a character is in a passive or active class does NOT mean they must ALWAYS use their aspect in a selfish or selfless manner!
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Aspects are analogous to classical elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, etc). They come in pairs that counterbalance each other like Yin and Yang. I also try to summarize their core concept in as little words as possible. (Note if you are using the dark theme some of the font colours might not show up properly. Just highlight it if that's the case.)
Space - Creativity Time - Inevitability
Light - Knowledge Void - Mystery
Life - Abundance Doom - Futility
Hope - Faith Rage - Chaos
Mind - Motives/Decisions Heart - Identity/Emotions
Breath - Freedom Blood - Bonds
***Key point: Thinking about the character’s Character Arc is the best way to classpect them!!!***
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around themselves, they are an ACTIVE class.
If their character arc revolves (mainly) around other people, they are a PASSIVE class.
Tulip Olsen – Mage of Light
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“One who knows Light for themselves.” 
Tulip gained the most knowledge of the Train other than Amelia out of the main characters, and her understanding of the Train (the world around her) as well as her own issues allowed her to free herself from the Train. Her knowledge inadvertently led to a better Train system through her teaching her knowledge to One-One (mages are great teachers).
You may be wondering, if her knowledge also benefited others, why is Tulip a mage and not a seer? That’s because Tulip took the initiative to seek the knowledge of her own volition (i.e. actively), and is more open to accepting and assimilating new knowledge. 
Seers on the other hand, receive a ton of knowledge passively, but it takes them time to parse the amount of information, and seers tend to struggle to understand the meaning behind the information they receive (Rose, the Seer of Light in Homestuck suffered the brunt of this early on, and Terezi, the Seer of Mind, had this struggle in the middle to the end of the webcomic. Also see the entry for Simon).
Amelia Hughes – Maid of Doom
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“One who creates Doom for themselves.”
I don’t think I need to explain the ‘creating doom for herself’ part of Amelia’s whole schtick, since doom is tied to futility and suffering. However, looking more deeply into it, you can say that she has created so much suffering on the Train that to make amends (hehe mends), she needs to go and fix the mistakes she made, thus also mending her own Doom and mending through Doom. 
By taking Hazel in, not only is she mending the doom that she had brought onto Hazel by creating her in the first place, but she also averted Hazel’s doom by saving her from Grace and Simon. [non-canonical tangent: in my fanfic, she helps Simon realize what his issues were, thus averting his doom as well].
In addition, Doom is tied to technology and systems, and Amelia is an engineer, and if you buy my idea that the Train itself can be seen as an Agent of Doom, or even the embodiment of Doom, then her creating Train Cars to reenact her past life (also an act of futility) also falls very much in line with Maid of Doom. Also she is basically MADE of doom as the False Conductor.
Lake – Thief of Breath
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“One who takes Breath for themselves.”
Lake wanted freedom from their existence as a reflection, and then they wanted to be free from the Train like a passenger can eventually be. Lake wasn’t afraid to get their hands dirty in order to obtain that freedom as well, something thieves are prone to do. We see them try to trick Tulip in the Chrome Car in order to escape from the mirror dimension, and they also full-out killed a cop they were handcuffed to so they could be free.
Jesse Cosay – Knight of Blood
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“One who serves Blood to others.”
Blood is tied to bonds in terms of the bonds we create between people, i.e. family and friends. Jesse’s key issue was that he was giving too much of himself to his toxic friends and his swim team that he hurt his little brother in the process, and he needed to learn to give in a healthier way. 
He also in a sense has to ‘set boundaries’ with others too, and not get too influenced by peer pressure. Finally, the most important use of his aspect was he was able to free Lake by offering (giving) his friendship (blood) to them.
Grace Monroe – Witch of Heart
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“One who changes Heart for themselves”
Grace is basically the queen of putting on masks in order to get what she wants from others. She acts in a friendly and understanding teacher/guardian manner to the younger Apex kids, but in a cool girl big sis kind of way to Jesse in order to convince him to join the Apex. So not only does she exhibit the changing of identity, but also to change how others feel about her, both to her own benefit. She is really the most “herself” only with Simon.
Grace’s entire character arc is centered around her having a ‘change of heart’ too, re-evaluating and changing her whole identity once she found out she was wrong about numbers and denizens. She will then change the hearts of the Apex kids as well, changing the purpose and identity of the Apex.
Simon Laurent – Seer of Mind
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“One who knows Mind for others.”
You're probably rolling on the ground with laughter right now. Believe me I was too when I thought of this. But let me explain.
Because Simon’s arc ended in his tragic death, then we need to see what he did wrong in order to figure out his classpect. Simon’s troubles started when he rejected new information about the Train, when he refused knowledge. In addition, he was so sure of his own correctness that he couldn’t properly understand Grace’s motivations and couldn’t predict her decisions. He forcibly peered into Grace’s private thoughts for himself, and then came to the entirely wrong conclusions. 
He was, in essence, completely unaware of the minds of others, and thus blinded himself to the truth. Thus, he is the Seer of Mind. 
We can therefore imagine that if his character arc had run its course not to tragedy but towards self-actualization, he would have become somebody to understand other’s minds, and to know his own mind for the benefit of others (cough my fanfics coughcoughcough). This will not be easy for him, because as mentioned before, Seers receive information very naturally but struggle with understanding it and synthesizing it into a coherent whole.
It is also possible he was exercising some of his knowledge of mind in a positive way by being the Apex’s second in command, as he was the strategist to Grace’s commander.
Ryan Akagi – Heir of Space
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“One who changes Space for others.”
Ryan is a creative spirit, with his eyes to the stars. He’s always making plans to spread his art to the whole world. He is driven but in a way where it seems like creativity is driving him, and he is just along for the ride. 
Yes, music is normally associated with time, but Ryan isn’t cynical, dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. He is a guy that’s in the present moment. Plus, his gigs include lots of theatrics and visuals… when he is able/allowed to accomplish that of course. So this aligns his musicality more towards Space than Time.
He inspired Min-Gi to follow his artistic pursuits. He also finds creative solutions to Train cars that his companions didn’t see (especially the Art Gallery Car, where as soon as he found the solution he literally changed space). He definitely fits the ‘driving inspirational force’ that Heirs are for others.
Min-Gi Park – Page of Hope
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“One who serves Hope to themselves.”
Min-Gi didn’t have faith in himself and his musical abilities. He dreams of being a musician but he did not ‘believe in himself’ enough to follow that dream. In the end, he had to have faith in his abilities, to allow himself to hope for the future that he wants. Pages also have very slow progression rates, and Min-Gi certainly fits that; not understanding his true calling until his best friend/crush accidentally dragged him into several repeated life or death situations in another dimension. 
[Non-canonical note: Min-Gi having the Hope aspect could be why I headcanoned him and his family as religious for my fanfics (Hope is very much tied to spirituality and religion, and the hope symbol is a pair of angelic wings for crying out loud). And also apparently that was a lucky thing I did because Korean-Canadian immigrants in the sixties were all just missionary families sponsored by the Presbyterian Church!]
Homestuck Character Classes (Most Official Fanon): https://homestuckexamination.tumblr.com/post/175472060924/homestuck-examination-classpect-analysis https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Class
Homestuck Cosmic Aspects (Canonical): http://hs.hiveswap.com/ezodiac/aboutaspects.php
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 3 months
i did classpecting for life series sburb session and as @nikniknikin suggested i just. made some shit up to get up to 18
Grian - Session leader, Prospit dreamer, the Prince of Truth in the Land of Bread and Sand. Client player Jimmy, server player Scar.
Scar - Prospit dreamer, the Thief of Heart in the Land of Rock and Cacti. Client player Grian, server player Mumbo.
Mumbo - Prospit dreamer, the Sage of Void in the Land of Holes and Current. Client player Scar, server player Pearl.
Pearl - Derse dreamer, the Priest of Blood in the Land of Love and Snow. Client player Mumbo, server player Gem.
Gem - Prospit dreamer, the Dame of Life in the Land of Swords and Blooms. Client player Pearl, server player Scott.
Scott - Derse dreamer, the Rogue of Time in the Land of Shine and Bridges. Client player Gem, server player Joel.
Joel - Derse dreamer, the Saint of Rage in the Land of Cliffs and Carnivals. Client player Scott, server player Etho.
Etho - Derse dreamer, the Mage of Breath in the Land of Wool and Secrets. Client player Joel, server player BDubs.
BDubs - Prospit dreamer, the Witch of Dream in the Land of Keeps and Clocks. Client player Etho, server player Impulse.
Impulse - Derse dreamer, the Guide of Hope in the Land of Coal and Bones. Client player BDubs, server player Tango.
Tango - Prospit dreamer, the Knight of Hate in the Land of Heat and Bulls. Client player Impulse, server player Skizz.
Skizz - Prospit dreamer, the Maid of Peace in the Land of Lakes and Cherries. Client player Tango, server player BigB.
BigB - Derse dreamer, the Seer of Ice in the Land of Fissures and Chocolate. Client player Skizz, server player Cleo.
Cleo - Derse dreamer, the Bard of Flame in the Land of Ruins and Marble. Client player BigB, server player Lizzie.
Lizzie - Derse dreamer, the Sylph of Doom in the Land of Trees and Axolotls. Client player Cleo, server player Ren.
Ren - Prospit dreamer, the Heir of Light in the Land of Light and Shadow. Client player Lizzie, server player Martyn.
Martyn - Derse dreamer, the Aide of Mind in the Land of Eyes and Coral. Client player Ren, server player Jimmy.
Jimmy - Prospit dreamer, the Page of Space in the Land of Clay and Frogs. Client player Martyn, server player Grian.
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