#Susan Elsa Official
mjtwinflamesoul · 13 days
Twin Flame Insights from the 1st Expert Worldwide
Back from my Baby Break :)
Dear Readers I am back from a longer break due to pregnancy and having a baby, and working a lot on TV and for clients worldwide to help especially with Twin Flame Soul matters. I also travel and do complex spiritual works which take time and effort, which is the reason why I cannot always blog anymore. I have built a whole library of information since 11-11-2011 on this blog and you can always…
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simsrecordkeeping · 8 months
Here Lies my Legacy Save.
Computer died, lost years of play, and so the records I was keeping are now done being collected and are now simply kept.
I WAS renaming my sims by generation because I couldn't tell who was what generation in gameplay and it made it weird when they had the same childhood crush as their children. So the first generation was A-named, next was B, etc.
I did rename some of them funky, I didn't rename others, and some I tried to rename but failed because I couldn't get the names to stick.
All of Gen C were born to played Sims.
Last/family names were mixed from the parents, whose were mixed from their parents. Manning and Falcon became Falman, and when Falman and Blackburn got together, they became Falburn.
When two of the same names have babies (usually because sibling affairs with in-laws), I mixed it up. Once, it was a lady who seduced a mother and son, so Beckman plus Scales became Scaleman and Beckscales. I tend to keep it at 1-5 syllables at most, generally 2, so it's not too messy, but I definitely start losing great grandparent names.
The 'official' records are: Snapshots, where I recap a household at time of switching families and Eulogies, where I recap a Sim's lifetime after their deaths.
Families always went Teen Daughter, Child Son in the beginning. I tried to go by household, but it turns out that those constantly change in ways that don't record well. ^ ^;
Due to length and link issues, I will likely be making a second page for Table of Contents. The links on this page are Eulogies
In only some order, my Save started with...
The Pancakes Family - married pair Bob and Eliza
The Whitfield Family - Craig, Dana, and their children Katherin and Stetson
The Angel Family - Lance, Ellie, and their children Danika and Waylon
The Overton Family - Jennifer and Maddox
The Cullen Family - Anna and her son Valentino
The Pike Family - Gabrielle and Rory, and their children Shawn and Jordan
The York Family - Cleo, and her children Ahmad and Fatima
The Pace Family - Katrina, and her children Kristina and Jefferson
The Scales Family - Shieu, and her children Janice and Dawson
The Holloway Family - Susan, and her children Evageline and Barry
The Brice Family - Chad and Nadine, and their son Walton
The Spencer-Kim-Lewis-Davis Family - Grandparents Dennis and Lydia, Parents Alice and Eric, and child Olivia
The Helton Family - Teens Dillon and Fernanda, and their grandparents who died early
The Pfeiffer Family - Genevieve and her children Benjamin, and Heven
The Blackburn Family - Husband and Wife couple, Annabelle and Bill
The McFarland Family - An old man and his unofficially adopted son, Javier
The Landgrabb Family - married couple Nancy and Geoffrey and YA son Malcolm
The Banks Family - Ayden, Krysten, and their children Lillian and Alan
The Walters Family - Husband and Wife whose names were lost by the game
The Caruso Family - Single Mother whose name was eaten by the game and her son Judah
The Merrill Family - Annie and her child Belmont
Individuals who didn't start as family but ended up paired
Imani Falcon - a sim I made in CAS to pair with someone
Colleen Manning - a townie Imani fell for instead
Lisa Moore - A townie I put into the Overtons to help raise Maddox
Jessie Boston - A townie Alien who lived with Colleen and Imani
Kian Padgett - a townie alien who lived with Jessie, Colleen, and Imani
Tiffani Hobson - a townie who Kian impregnated
Tatum Nixon - a townie that married (b) India Pancakes
Elsa Harms - an Alien who had a baby with Freddie Knapp
Freddie Knapp - A business man who hated kids but liked making them.
NPCs (not playing to death; leaving in the game) - Jana Puckett - A-gen - Mother of several and a high ranking surgeon - Sera Cerda - A-gen - A journalist and socialite
-Fatima York and Janice Scales - B gen - Hate Children and ran away to run a bakery
-Bianca Pancakes - B-gen - A womanizing Police Chief
Special Mention goes to townie Ariella Petty for Gino Pettyburn
Special Mention to townie Ava Tinsley for Ashlynn Puckley
Special Mention also goes to the hiccup with MCCC settings, resulting in Elaina Vatore, as resulting from Lilith and [I changed the game stuff so I can't see the other parent] and Justice Straus, child of Eden Ho and Vladislaus.
Since I'm only linking eulogies, I can't link to anyone not dead/decommissioned yet. Will update as I can.
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twineye · 3 years
TwinFlame Soul™ – Express Spirituelle Lesungen Service by ELSA
Das billigste was ihr bekommen könnt. Dies geht aber nur für Kunden in der Schweiz und via TWINT, denn sobald man per Kreditkarte oder Überweisungen bezahlt (ETSY etc.) kommen Gebühren hinzu die es zu 7 CHF statt 5 CHF
Liebe Leser Auch hier möchte ich für alle, die lieber Email erhalten oder über ETSY kaufen möchten, gerne auch den neuen Service vorstellen und euch erklären, wo und wie ihr ihn bekommt. Elsa Zwillingsseelen Expertin via TWINT für die Schweiz Wie ihr im obigen Bild sehen könnt, ist dies das billigste was ihr bekommen könnt. Dies geht aber nur für Kunden in der Schweiz und via TWINT, denn…
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violetrose-art · 3 years
Frankenweenie Headcannons, Theories, and Ideas
This is just a list of the theories, headcannons, and ideas I came up with for Tim Burton's Frankenweenie. I might add more later on, so watch out
-When he was six years old, Victor Frankenstein got Sparky as a small puppy from the local pet shop
-Elsa got Persephone as a gift for her seventh birthday
-Victor’s full name is Victor Charles Frankenstein
-Victor is strongly not fond of sports, especially baseball. But he does love to play fetch with Sparky and ride his bike
-Victor secretly has a crush on Elsa, but he’s too nervous to say anything. But he wouldn’t mind just being friends with her
-Even though he doesn’t get along too well with Toshiaki and Nassor very well, Victor doesn’t mind Bob (who was one of the “cool kids”) being nice to him
-Victor used to have a pen pal in London named Shamus Holmes. They wrote to each other back and forth almost every week, until Victor reached college. That was when the letters from Shamus stopped coming
-Victor isn’t allergic to anything, but he does get nauseous around peaches for some reason
-When he grows up, Victor either wants to become a scientist, a vet, or a movie director… but he can’t decide
-Victor likes to watch both horror and sci-fi films. His favorites are Karloff’s “Frankenstein”, “The Fly”, “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms”, “Behemoth the Sea Monster”, and “Earth vs. the Flying Saucers”
-The Monday after Dutch Day, Victor was told to stay after school for baseball practice, but when he hit the ball and ran around the diamond, he broke his arm and got a black eye and he was suspended from the baseball team… which he thought was the best day ever
-Victor isn’t particularly fond of his young cousin, Vincent Malloy. He’s often annoyed by Vincent's slightly obsessive mannerisms and all of his Vincent Price talk and Vincent's mother blames Victor for introducing her son to scary movies in the first place
-Victor was born on August 31st, 1957
-Elsa’s full name is Elsa Anais Van Helsing
-Victor and Elsa first met on their first day in kindergarten. They both reached out to grab the same toy, but their hands touched and their eyes met. After a tiny squabble over the toy, they started playing together and they quickly became friends
-Elsa was born on October 28th, 1957
-Elsa isn’t into sports, but she enjoys going swimming or roller skating on occasion… She also likes to watch Victor Frankenstein at baseball practice sometimes
-Elsa is highly allergic to bees and pistachios
-A year after Dutch Day, Mayor Bergermeister forced Elsa to take ballet lessons recently and she doesn’t like it
-Elsa has an interest in history and she thought about becoming a historian someday
-Elsa has a secret crush on Victor, but she’s too shy to say anything
-After the events of Dutch Day, Victor promised never to reanimate Sparky again if he died one more time. Eventually when he was in his late teen years, he let Sparky die because he and Elsa wanted Sparky and Persephone to be together in death. The two dogs were buried in the pet cemetery together (Romeo and Juliet style)
-Elsa likes to watch horror movies in secret. Her absolute favorites are “Bride of Frankenstein”, “Dracula”, and “The Phantom of the Opera”
-After Dutch Day, Victor and Elsa started to grow closer and closer, as well as their dogs Sparky and Persephone
-Despite her uncle's protests of having a dog around, he agreed to let Elsa keep Persephone. But he insists that she keep the dog away from his front lawn
-Sparky and Persephone had four puppies together. Their names are Coal, Raven, Anastasia, and Hades
-When they were in the eighth grade, Victor and Elsa had their first kiss at a Halloween dance at school. They had their second kiss after a Christmas dance recital; they were performing the Nutcracker together. They started officially dating when they were freshmen in high school
-Elsa’s favorite books are “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, “Romeo and Juliet” and other works of William Shakespeare and her favorite writers are Lewis Carroll, Harper Lee, and Shakespeare. She also enjoys Edgar Allen Poe’s works
-Elsa considers Weird Girl (aka, Mindy) a friend, but she doesn’t like it when she creepily stares at her
-Elsa had a pen pal in New York City named Kristen. They wrote to each other a few times a month, but they lost touch when they reached senior year in high school
-When Victor and Elsa grew up and got married, they had two children. Their names are Peter Timothy Frankenstein (age 12) and Moira Juliet Frankenstein (age 8)
-Weird Girl’s full name is Mindy Cecilia White
-Mindy was raised by a single mother who was a medium, as well as a psychiatrist
-Mr. Whiskers was adopted as a kitten by Mindy from a local pet store. He was the only one of the litter that wasn't adopted because of his large starring eyes
-Mindy took the same ballet classes as Elsa
-Mindy has a crush on Edgar. She secretly hoped that Mr. Whisker's would one day dream about her and Edgar
-After Mr. Whiskers’ death, Mindy fell into a deep depression. Elsa was there to comfort her in her time of need and she even helped her bury the body in the pet cemetery
-Mindy first discovered Mr. Whiskers’ ability to predict the future through cat litter one morning after changing it; it was shaped in the letter B. On that same day, a girl named Brooklyn from school got three strikes at the bowling alley
-Mindy was born on April 3rd, 1958
-Edgar’s full name is Edgar Abraham Gore
-Edgar has a crush on Mindy, but he believes she’s out of his league and was too afraid to approach her
-At one point, Edgar wanted a snake or spider for a pet, but his mother told him no. Once tried to adopt a wild raccoon, but got a scolding from her when he let it into the house
-Edgar was born on September 14th, 1958
-After Dutch Day, Edgar developed a fear of rats
-Edgar still wants to make a death ray with Victor, even though they can't actually make one
-Mindy and Edgar started dating when they were in their sophomore year
-When they got married, Mindy and Edgar had a daughter named Giselle (age 7 ¾)
-Toshiaki’s full name is Toshiaki Ito Oroku
-Toshiaki's mother and father were originally born and raised in Japan until they moved to the US a month before he was born. Being an open community towards different race groups, New Holland was the perfect location to start a family
-Toshiaki was born on May 28th, 1956
-As a reward for winning his first science fair, Toshiaki was given a pet turtle, who he named Shelly. Shelly was unfortunately passed away when he was left outside in the hot afternoon in his aquarium for too long
-Toshiaki and Victor are frenemies, mainly friends, but mostly enemies
-When Shelly died two times, Toshiaki was very upset. But luckily, he had his friends to comfort him after his second and final burial
-In school, Toshiaki met one of the new girls, a Japanese girl named Mae-Lee, and he quickly developed a crush on her
-Years later, Toshiaki and Mae-Lee got married and had two children, a daughter named Shelley Sue (age 8) and Yoshi (age 7 months)
-Nassor’s full name is Nassor Hannibal Karloff
-In school, Nassor stood out from the other children due to his height and cynical macabre personality. The only thing that made him happy as a child was his pet hamster, Colossus. One day Colossus went missing and Nassor was frantic with worry. About five days later, Colossus was found trapped inside the wall and he had starved to death, leaving Nassor heartbroken
-Nassor has an interest in Ancient Egyptian culture around pharaohs and the afterlife. It was his idea as tribute to Colossus would be mummified and placed in a large tomb
-After Dutch Day, Nassor was found wrapped up and he was untied by the others. While he holds no grudges against Toshiaki, he doesn't exactly forgive him for causing Colossus's second death
-Nassor was born on February 24th, 1956
-After Dutch Day, Nassor met one of the new girls, a young lady named Hillary, and he was instantly infatuated with her
-When Nassor and Hillary grew up, they got married and had a son named Darwin (age 12)
-Bob’s full name is Bob Adam Hill
-Bob’s dad passed when he was rather young, making his mother, Mrs. Hill, extremely protective of him, and he finds it super embarrassing
-Bob hates it when people talk about his weight. When he fell down a manhole by accident, he got stuck and had to have a crane to pull him back out
-Bob was born on July 6th, 1957
-In school, Bob had a crush on a girl named Jenny
-Bob first met Toshiaki shortly after Shelly's death. Despite Toshiaki's cold behavior towards him at first, they became good friends
-Bob has an interest in marine life and he has a fish tank full of different kind of fish up in  his room
-When he grew up, he and Jenny got married and had a son named Carl (age 12)
-Mr. Frankenstein’s full name is Edward Steven Frankenstein
-Edward was an avid lover of sports, especially baseball. He played as a star athlete in high school, where he first met Susan who was cheering with the other cheerleaders
-Edward has a bit of hard time understanding his son, Victor, but still supports him nonetheless
-Edward likes to role play with his wife Susan that he's a travelling salesman when her "husband" isn't around the house
-Edward often gets people who ask him about his last name Frankenstein. An old family rumor was that he was a direct descendant of the original presumed fictional scientist, Dr. Frankenstein
-Edward tries to get along with his next door neighbor, Mayor Bergermeister
-Mrs. Frankenstein’s full name is Susan Delia Woods Frankenstein
-Susan and Edward Frankenstein first met in back high school; he was a star athlete while she was the head cheerleader. A few years after graduation, they got married and she gave birth to Victor at age 31
-Susan has two sisters, Lillian and Francine. Francine is the eldest, Susan is the middle child, and Lillian is the youngest. Lillian is Vincent Malloy’s mother
-Susan isn't as social with the other mothers/housewives with their gossiping. She prefers the company with her family instead. She is friends with Mrs. Van Helsing, though
-Susan had a pet calico cat when she was younger named Lacey. But poor Lacey died when she was around Victor's age, so she knows what her son was going through
-Mayor Bergermeister’s full name is Robert “Bob” Clarence Bergermeister
-The Bergermeister family has been mayors of New Holland for generations. They were known for their strict laws, rules, and leadership towards its citizens
-Bergermeister has a very low tolerance towards animals, especially dogs… probably because he never had any pets growing up
-Elsa’s father’s full name is Jonathon Gabriel Van Helsing
-Elsa’s mother’s full name is Lydia Hermione Bergermeister Van Helsing
-Mr. and Mrs. Van Helsing are philosophers, hence why they tend to be away a lot. They travel to countries mostly in Europe, like Romania and the Netherlands. They sometimes take Elsa with them when they have to go out of the town, state, or even country. But most often, she stays behind because of school and just wants to be at home and spend time with Victor
-Mayor Bergermeister is in fact the older brother of Lydia by four years. Like most siblings, they do love each other but sometimes can’t stand each other
-Lydia is one of the few people and things that actually scares Mr. Bergermeister, despite the fact that that she’s his little sister. She doesn’t take nonsense from him or anyone else and she’s not afraid to stand up to him. When she’s done, he usually replies weakly “yes, sis” or “yes, little sis”
-Jonathon grew up in Romania for most of his childhood, but when he lost his parents, he immigrated to the United States to make a better life for himself. He met Lydia when he was about to start high school
-Bergermeister loves gardening, especially his first prize flowers. He absolutely hates it when the neighbor's dog lays his "business" all over the lawn
-Bergermeister cares deeply for his niece and younger sister… but he isn't very fond of her husband, Jonathon
-At first, Bergermeister greatly disliked the idea of Elsa and Victor being together, but he eventually grew to respect him
-Bergermeister used to be married; he and his wife even had a son named Bernard. But the couple had a huge fight and they filed for a divorce. When the divorce was finalized, his ex left New Holland and she took Bernard with him
-Bernard Bergermeister was never close with his cousin, Elsa. In fact, Elsa often found Bernard to be quite repulsive
-When Bernard grew up, he met a wealthy young woman named Lucille and they had a son named Bruce (age 13)
-Mr. Rzykruski’s full name is Ivan Darius Rzykruski
-Ivan was born in a small Eastern European village. He grew up influenced around various scientists in the community. Both of his parents were scientists in different fields of expertise and would encourage him to pursue his dreams
-By the time Ivan was 18 years old, he immigrated to the United States and eventually landed a job as a university professor teaching quantum mechanics. He met with various famous scientists in his career
-Ivan tends to be a bit dramatic in his teachings. He briefly took acting classes in his youth, but he wanted to focus more on being a scientist
-During one of his science lectures, Ivan met a woman by the name of Vanessa. They quickly fell in love, got married, and had a son named Dirk. Unfortunately when Dirk was about 9 years old, Vanessa passed away because of cancer. Ivan was heartbroken and he and Dirk missed her terribly. When Dirk was 10, Ivan sent his son to a private boarding school in another part of the state. But when the boy turned 14, he went back to public school
-Dirk grew up and met a woman named Clarice. They got married and had a daughter named Ingrid (age 13). But Clarice died of a terrible sickness when Ingrid was about 3 or 4, then Dirk died in a car crash when Ingrid was about 7. That was when Mr. Rzykruski took his granddaughter in and raised her as his own
-The gym teacher’s full name is Coach Darla Gladys Barnes
-Bob’s mom’s full name is Barbara Deborah Ferguson Hill
-Vincent Malloy’s full name is Vincent Sebastian Malloy
-When Vincent grew up, he met a woman named Marilynn, they got married and had a daughter named Winona (age 7). But Marilynn got into a bad car accident and passed away, leaving Vincent to raise his daughter on his own
-The invisible fish Victor reanimated didn't die. In fact, the fish used its invisibility powers to slip out of the glass jar Edgar was keeping it in and disappeared into the sewer, rumored to still be there
-The reason that New Holland has so many lightning storms is part of an old town legend. Centuries ago when the first settlers built New Holland, there was a young witch by the name of Loretta Thistletwing and while she was a good witch, she kept her true nature a secret from the superstitious townsfolk. Unfortunately, one fateful night, Loretta accidentally caused her powers to be revealed and the townsfolk formed an angry mob to have her killed. However, her beloved familiar black cat, Midnight, heard of the danger and tried to defend his mistress, only to get killed in the process. Outraged by the loss of her beloved pet, Loretta unleashed a curse upon the town right before they burned her at the stake, saying that the town would be cursed with perpetual thunderstorms and any lightning that hit a deceased pet would bring it back to life, unleashing its fury upon the town. This is why the lightning brings dead pets back. But Sparky is the only good one to be reanimated because Victor loved him so much
-Susan and her two sisters are the three granddaughters of Victor Van Dort and Victoria Everglot. Susan’s son and only child, Victor, was named after his great-grandfather who passed away before his birth
-In the past, New Holland had experienced horrible monster attacks and many of them were based on famous movie monsters. There was a mutated bulldog made out of slime (based on the Blob), a half lizard/fly (based on the Fly), a gigantic pet capuchin monkey (based on King Kong), and even a phantom like cat (based on the Phantom of the Opera). Of course, the current townsfolk never believed these supposed stories until the Dutch Day incident
-Legend has it that the curse Loretta put on the town could only be broken when a pet that had been deeply loved by its owner was brought back peaceful and the townsfolk came together to save it should it die again. This ultimately ended up happening by the end of the movie and the curse was unwittingly broken
This is all I've got so far, but feel free to tell me what you think and tell me which one is your favorite
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I am glad that Anna is now an official Disney queen, though... Because I remember when Frozen first came out, Elsa was one of the first good Disney queens. So much so that someone drew a fanart of her being sad to be a Disney queen because of this, but it had all the other good Disney queens--such as Nancy from Enchanted (who was also Idina Menzel. LOL), Mia Thermopalis, Aurora’s mother, the White Queen, Susan, Lucy, and whoever else fits the bill--comforting her. So having yet another good Disney queen to the lineup is nice.
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mateushonrado · 6 years
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Status Post #6877: In less than two weeks' time comes the release of Ralph Breaks the Internet and one most talked about scene is in fact Vanellope interacting with the Disney Princesses plus the "unofficial" ones like Anna, Elsa and Moana, so here's the first row of six Disney Princesses (official or unofficial).
Row 1: Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Adriana Caselotti in original film, Carolyn Gardner in House of Mouse and Kingdom Hearts, Ginnifer Goodwin in OUAT, Katherine Von Till in Sofia the First, Stephanie Bennett in Descendants and Pamela Ribon in Ralph Breaks the Internet), Cinderella from Cinderella (Ilene Woods in original film, Jennifer Hale in sequels, Kingdom Hearts, House of Mouse, Sofia the First and Ralph Breaks the Internet, Jessy Schram and Dania Ramirez in OUAT and Ella James in live-action remake) and Tiger Lily from Peter Pan [unofficial] (Corinne Orr in original film and Sara Tomko in OUAT)
Row 2: Aurora from Sleeping Beauty (Mary Costa in original film, Jennifer Hale in Kingdom Hearts and House of Mouse, Erin Torpey in Enchanted Tales, Elle Fanning in Maleficent, Sara Bolger in OUAT and Kate Higgins in Sofia the First and Ralph Breaks the Internet), Leia Organa from Star Wars [unofficial, Lucasfilm now part of Disney] (Carrie Fisher in the films, Ingvild Deila in Rogue One, Julie Dolan in Rebels, Shelby Young in Forces of Destiny and Rachel Butera in Resistance) and Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron [unofficial] (Susan Sheridan)
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otterfluff · 7 years
Celebrating Diverse Books!
Reviewed by Anna-Celestrya Carr with help from her twins.
I’m so happy to have the opportunity to review three picture books for the 5th Annual Multicultural Children’s Book Day. A day to learn, share, and talk about the fantastic diverse literature available for young readers. It was a joy to share these stories with my twin three-year-old boys.
Disclosure: I received the following three books from their authors to give an honest review for #MCBD2018.
As an Indigenous woman with two little boys, finding them diverse stories is very important to me.  As biracial children I want them to have books that reflect their Indigenous heritage as well as stories from as many cultural backgrounds as possible. I want my boys to have the opportunity to not only see a representation of themselves in stories but find a connection to diverse characters.
A Tall Tale About a Dachshund and a Pelican How a Friendship Came to Be, written by Kizzie Jones, illustrated by Scott Ward and published by Tall Tales. This is a simple story about making friends regardless of differences and celebrating diversity.
This delightful flip-over bilingual English-Spanish picture book is a sequel to Kizzie Jones award-winning book How Dachshunds Came to Be. The illustrations are beautiful. As someone who grew up with a dachshund, I thought the artist portrayed the exuberance of Goldie the dachshund perfectly. Dog lovers will adore this story.
This tale is about the excitement of a dog wanting to make a new friend. The lesson to take away is unmistakable: you can like and appreciate someone without being similar.
It held the attention of both twins on our first reading. I can see it becoming a recurring book for story time. It is a charming sequel to the Tall Tale Series.
The next two picture books I have the pleasure of reviewing are Sporty Lou Soccer King and Johnny Skip 2 The Amazing Adventures of Johnny Skip 2 in Australia written by Quentin Holmes and published by Holmes Investment & Holdings LLC.
The illustrations in both Sporty Lou and Johnny Skip 2 have a cheerfulness to them. The bright color palette works well for both stories. It’s impressive that both books are drawn using the same style and the two little boys are completely different. The characters and background in each book are diverse.
Sporty Lou Soccer King is a story about Lou a spirited little boy being taught soccer for the first time. In Lou’s fantastic imagination his self-confidence is shown as he pictures a stadium full of people cheering his name. Lou’s disappointment in not being a naturally gifted player shakes that confidence.  Lou’s dad wants to share this great game with him and doesn’t let Lou stay discouraged. He gently teaches and encourages Lou to persevere.
Lou is a little boy with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and cappuccino skin color. He is ethnically ambiguous and could be any nationality. It’s possible a child from any race could look at Lou and see themselves or someone familiar. He’s every child.
I like the two sides we see of Lou; he pictures himself as a sports star and he’s a small boy who as he struggles, and misses finds the determination to keep trying.
Many kids who love sports will enjoy this book. But, I think the lesson of perseverance in Sporty Lou is important for any child to hear. I appreciated the thoughtful way the dad taught and corrected Lou. Sporty Lou Soccer King is an enjoyable read out load book.
Johnny Skip 2 The Amazing Adventures of Johnny Skip 2 in Australia is a story about Johnny, a black little boy, and his dog Grounder who use a remarkable device to skip all over the world.  They go to Australia to explore the outback and help a kangaroo.
This story has a lot going on for a picture book and it didn’t hold my three-year-old boys’ attention. I think it would be better enjoyed by kids five to seven.
This interactive adventure is an ambitious series that combines science and magic. The book teaches about the culture, language, animals, and environment of a continent. The story presents a lot of information on Australia quickly, but this causes the rhyme structure and rhythm of the text to feel forced making it difficult to read out loud.
I’m interested to see what is next for both Sporty Lou and Johnny Skip 2 in their series.
Reading diversity in fiction creates empathy and understanding in real life. These three books reflect a piece of our diverse, beautiful and complicated world.  I’d like to thank Kizzie Jones and Quentin Holmes for contributing their stories to Multicultural Children’s Book Day.
 Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2017 (1/27/18) is in its 5th year and was founded by Valarie Budayr from Jump Into A Book and Mia Wenjen from PragmaticMom. Our mission is to raise awareness of the ongoing need to include kids’ books that celebrate diversity in home and school bookshelves while also working diligently to get more of these types of books into the hands of young readers, parents and educators.  
Current Sponsors:  MCBD 2018 is honored to have some amazing Sponsors on board.
2018 MCBD Medallion Sponsors
HONORARY: Children’s Book Council, Junior Library Guild
PLATINUM:Scholastic Book Clubs
GOLD:Audrey Press, Candlewick Press, Loving Lion Books, Second Story Press, Star Bright Books, Worldwide Buddies
SILVER:Capstone Publishing, Author Charlotte Riggle, Child’s Play USA, KidLit TV, Pack-n-Go Girls, Plum Street Press
BRONZE: Barefoot Books, Carole P. Roman, Charlesbridge Publishing, Dr. Crystal Bowe, Gokul! World, Green Kids Club, Gwen Jackson, Jacqueline Woodson, Juan J. Guerra, Language Lizard, Lee & Low Books, RhymeTime Storybooks, Sanya Whittaker Gragg, TimTimTom Books, WaterBrook & Multnomah, Wisdom Tales Press
 2018 Author Sponsors
Honorary Author Sponsors: Author/Illustrator Aram Kim and Author/Illustrator Juana Medina
Author Janet Balletta, Author Susan Bernardo,  Author Carmen Bernier-Grand, Author Tasheba Berry-McLaren and Space2Launch, Bollywood Groove Books, Author Anne Broyles,  Author Kathleen Burkinshaw, Author Eugenia Chu, Author Lesa Cline-Ransome, Author Medeia Cohan and Shade 7 Publishing, Desi Babies, Author Dani Dixon and Tumble Creek Press, Author Judy Dodge Cummings, Author D.G. Driver, Author Nicole Fenner and Sister Girl Publishing, Debbi Michiko Florence, Author Josh Funk, Author Maria Gianferrari, Author Daphnie Glenn, Globe Smart Kids, Author Kimberly Gordon Biddle, Author Quentin Holmes, Author Esther Iverem, Jennifer Joseph: Alphabet Oddities, Author Kizzie Jones, Author Faith L Justice , Author P.J. LaRue and MysticPrincesses.com, Author Karen Leggett Abouraya, Author Sylvia Liu, Author Sherri Maret, Author Melissa Martin Ph.D., Author Lesli Mitchell, Pinky Mukhi and We Are One, Author Miranda Paul, Author Carlotta Penn, Real Dads Read, Greg Ransom, Author Sandra L. Richards, RealMVPKids Author Andrea Scott, Alva Sachs and Three Wishes Publishing, Shelly Bean the Sports Queen,  Author Sarah Stevenson, Author Gayle H. Swift Author Elsa Takaoka, Author Christine Taylor-Butler, Nicholette Thomas and  MFL Publishing  Author Andrea Y. Wang, Author Jane Whittingham  Author Natasha Yim
We’d like to also give a shout-out to MCBD’s impressive CoHost Team who not only hosts the book review link-up on celebration day, but who also works tirelessly to spread the word of this event. View our CoHosts HERE.
TWITTER PARTY Sponsored by Scholastic Book Clubs: MCBD’s super-popular (and crazy-fun) annual Twitter Party will be held 1/27/18 at 9:00pm.
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mjtwinflamesoul · 1 year
Susan Elsa explains Real VS Imaginary Twin Flames Trends
Now, looking online and on platforms like Quora, you will find in the meantime lots of women who completely like "loud chickens" have run over the topic of Twin Flames and obsess over men, who said no, and adjust "spiritual law and truth" to what they wan
Susan Elsa explains Twin Flame Soul Facts Dear World In the above video before my last Swiss-German live I do regularly for helping people, for free, on TikTok, I explain core truth about men and women, society and human weaknesses compared to rare and real Twin Flames. Of course, truth can hurt. But does it matter for the truth? If you like it or not? No, because that type of thinking is the…
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Women Quotes
Official Website: Women Quotes
  • A godly man is never threatened by the gifts of a godly woman. – Rick Warren • A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. Thats basic spelling that every woman ought to know. – Mistinguett • A woman at 20 is like ice, at 30 she is warm and at 40 she is hot. – Gina Lollobrigida • A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon. – Arnold Haultain • A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it. – D. H. Lawrence • A woman in love is a very poor judge of character. – J. G. Holland • A woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not. – William Shakespeare • A woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows. – Nicolas Chamfort • A woman is sometimes fugitive, irrational, indeterminable, illogical and contradictory. A great deal of forbearance ought to be shown her, and a good deal of prudence exercised with regard to her, for she may bring about innumerable evils without knowing it. Capable of all kinds of devotion, and of all kinds of treason, monster incomprehensible, raised to the second power, she is at once the delight and the terror of man. – Henri Frederic Amiel • A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. – William Shakespeare • A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult. – Melinda Gates • A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. – Jane Austen • A woman’s counsel brought us first to woe, And made her man his paradise forego, Where at heart’s ease he liv’d; and might have been As free from sorrow as he was from sin. – John Dryden • A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty. – Rudyard Kipling • A woman’s lot is made for her by the love she accepts. – George Eliot • A young man rarely gets a better vision of himself than that which is reflected from a true woman’s eyes; for God himself sits behind them. – J. G. Holland • All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women. – Voltaire • America is a land where men govern, but women rule. – John Mason Brown • An elegant woman is a woman who despises you and has no hair under her arms. – Salvador Dali • An inconstant woman is one who is no longer in love; a false woman is one who is already in love with another person; a fickle woman is she who neither knows whom she loves nor whether she loves or not; and the indifferent woman, one who does not love at all. – Jean de la Bruyere • Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget. – Robert Jordan • As the vine which has long twined its graceful foliage about the oak and been lifted by it into sunshine, will, when the hardy plant is rifted by the thunderbolt, cling round it with its caressing tendrils and bind up its shattered boughs, so is it beautifully ordered by Providence that woman, who is the mere dependent and ornament of man in his happier hours, should be his stay and solace when smitten with sudden calamity, winding herself into the rugged recesses of his nature, tenderly supporting the drooping head, and binding up the broken heart. – Washington Irving
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Prodcut', keywords: 'Women', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_women').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_women img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be not ashamed women, … You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul. – Walt Whitman • Being a woman is hard work. – Maya Angelou • But what is woman? Only one of nature’s agreeable blunders. – Abraham Cowley • But woman’s grief is like a summer storm, Short as it violent is. – Joanna Baillie
• Christ has lifted woman to a new place in the world. And just in proportion as Christianity has sway, will she rise to a higher dignity in human life. What she has now, and what she shall have, of privilege and true honor, she owes to that gospel which took those qualities peculiarly and which had been counted weak and unworthy, and gave them a Divine glory in Christ. – Herrick Johnson • Do you not know I am a woman? when I think, I must speak. – William Shakespeare • Don’t wait for the good woman. She doesn’t exist. – Charles Bukowski • Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. – Coco Chanel • Even the most powerful woman needs a place to unwind. – Barbara Taylor Bradford • Every woman deserves a man to ruin her lipstick, not her mascara – Charlotte Tilbury • Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. – Paris Hilton • Every woman wants a man who’ll fall in love with her soul as well as her body. – Rainbow Rowell • Feminism is the most revolutionary idea there has ever been. Equality for women demands a change in the human psyche, more profound than anything Marx dreamed of. It means valuing parenthood as much as we value banking. – Polly Toynbee • Feminism’s agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to ‘choose’ between public justice and private happiness. – Susan Faludi • For the nature of a women is closely allied to art. [Ger., Denn das Naturell der Frauen Ist so nah mit Kunst verwandt.] – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women. – Elizabeth Blackwell • God in his harmony has equal ends For cedar that resists and reed that bends; For good it is a woman sometimes rules, Holds in her hand the power, and manners, schools, And laws, and mind; succeeding master proud, With gentle voice and smiles she leads the crowd, The somber human troop. – Victor Hugo • Good women always think it is their fault when someone else is being offensive. Bad women never take the blame for anything. – Anita Brookner • Grounded in international human rights, gender equality doesn’t just improve the lives of individual women, girls, and their families; it makes economic sense, strengthens democracy, and enables long-term sustainable progress. – Helen Clark • Happiness lends poetic charms to woman, and dress adorns her like a delicate tinge of rouge. – Honore de Balzac • Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid. – George Carlin • Honor women! they entwine and weave heavenly roses in our earthly life. – Friedrich Schiller • I am also very proud to be a liberal. Why is that so terrible these days? The liberals were liberatorsthey fought slavery, fought for women to have the right to vote, fought against Hitler, Stalin, fought to end segregation, fought to end apartheid. Liberals put an end to child labor and they gave us the five day work week! What’s to be ashamed of? – Barbra Streisand • I am two women: one wants to have all the joy, passion and adventure that life can give me. The other wants to be a slave to routine, to family life, to the things that can be planned and achieved. I’m a housewife and a prostitute, both of us living in the same body and doing battle with each other. – Paulo Coelho • I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and pretend. – Helen Reddy • I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand. – Susan B. Anthony • I do not believe in using women in combat, because females are too fierce. – Margaret Mead • I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves. – Mary Wollstonecraft • I don’t think there is any such thing as an ordinary mortal. Everybody has his own possibility of rapture in the experience of life. All he has to do is recognize it and then cultivate it and get going with it. I always feel uncomfortable when people speak about ordinary mortals because I’ve never met an ordinary man, woman, or child. – Joseph Campbell • I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man. – George Meredith • I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness. – Sofia Vergara • I hate women because they always know where things are. – Voltaire • I have seen too much not to know that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner. – Arthur Conan Doyle • I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants. – Whitney Houston • I like men who have a future and women who have a past. – Oscar Wilde • I think being a woman is like being Irish. Everyone says you’re important and nice, but you take second place all the same. – Iris Murdoch • I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I’ve always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband. – Little Richard • I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t. – Audre Lorde • I, Woman, am that wonder-breathing rose That blossoms in the garden of the King. – Elsa Barker • If a man hasn’t what’s necessary to make a woman love him, it’s his fault, not hers. – W. Somerset Maugham • If a woman hasn’t got a tiny streak of harlot in her, she’s a dry stick as a rule. – D. H. Lawrence • If a woman shows too often the Medusa’s head, she must not be astonished if her lover is turned into stone. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself. – Kris Kristofferson • If there be any one whose power is in beauty, in purity, in goodness, it is a woman. – Henry Ward Beecher • If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business. – Gail Dines • If women ran the world, we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days. – Robin Williams • I’m just a person trapped inside a woman’s body. – Elayne Boosler • I’m not denyin’ the women are foolish. God Almighty made ’em to match the men. – George Eliot • In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs. – Francois Truffaut • In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk. – Elizabeth Bowen • Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caresses of a subhumanly ugly mate? – Germaine Greer • It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal. – George Eliot • It is God who makes woman beautiful, it is the devil who makes her pretty. – Victor Hugo • It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating. – Katharine Hepburn • It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union…. Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less – Susan B. Anthony • It’s called civilization. Women invented it, and every time you men blow it all to bits, we just invent it again. – Orson Scott Card • It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time. – Tallulah Bankhead • Let a woman have her place, because as you provide foundation for her, she provides a foundation for you. And through that vulnerability comes strength. – Shemar Moore • Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. It makes her feel as if she were independent… the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood. – Susan B. Anthony • Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. – Khaled Hosseini • Loveliest of women! heaven is in thy soul, Beauty and virtue shine forever round thee, Bright’ning each other! thou art all divine! – Joseph Addison • Man is the only animal that strikes his women-folk. – Jeannie Gunn • Men are misers, and women prodigal, in affection. – Alphonse de Lamartine • Men know that women are an overmatch for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or the most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves. – Samuel Johnson • Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. – Albert Einstein • Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another. – H. L. Mencken • Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother. – Susan B. Anthony • Most women have no characters at all. – Alexander Pope • Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they do not like him. – Marlene Dietrich • Never expect women to be sincere, so long as they are educated to think that their first aim in life is to please. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach • Next to God we are indebted to women, first for life itself, and then for making it worth living. – Mary McLeod Bethune • No man who respects his mother or loves his sister, can speak disparagingly of any woman; however low she may seem to have sunk, she is still a woman. I want every man to remember this. Every woman is, or, at some time, has been a sister or daughter. – Victoria Woodhull • No woman can be handsome by the force of features alone, any more that she can be witty by only the help of speech. – Kin Hubbard • No woman really wants a man to carry her off; she only wants him to want to do it. – Barbara Mertz • O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile: So have all sages said, all poets sung. – Jean Ingelow • O woman, born first to believe us; Yea, also born first to forget; Born first to betray and deceive us, Yet first to repent and regret. – Joaquin Miller • Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, a herb most bruised is woman. – Euripides • Oh woman! lovely woman! nature made thee To temper man; we had been brutes without you; Angels are painted fair to look like you; There’s in you all that we believe of heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love. – Thomas Otway • Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother’s wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women. – Daniel Handler • Pretty women without religion are like flowers without perfume. – Heinrich Heine • Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible. – Leo Tolstoy • Sensibility is the power of woman. – Johann Kaspar Lavater • She’s the sort of woman who lives for others – you can tell the others by their hunted expression. – C. S. Lewis • So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn’t somebody wake up to the beauty of old women. – Harriet Beecher Stowe • Social science affirms that a woman’s place in society marks the level of civilization. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Some women can be fooled all of the time, and all women can be fooled some of the time, but the same woman can’t be fooled by the same man in the same way more than half of the time. – Helen Rowland • Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece. – Robert Bloch • Taught from infancy that beauty is woman’s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. – Mary Wollstonecraft • That woman speaks eighteen languages, and can’t say ‘No’ in any of them. – Dorothy Parker • The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race.- Susan B. Anthony • The economic dependence of women is perhaps the greatest injustice that has been done to us, and has worked the greatest injury to the race. – Nellie L. McClung • The fear of women is the beginning of knowledge. – Gelett Burgess • The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ – Sigmund Freud • The heart of true womanhood knows where its own sphere is, and never seeks to stray beyond it! – Nathaniel Hawthorne • The life of woman is full of woe, Toiling on and on and on, With breaking heart, and tearful eyes, The secret longings that arise, Which this world never satisfies! Some more, some less, but of the whole Not one quite happy, no, not one! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • The majority of women have no principles of their own; they are guided by the heart, and depend for their own conduct, upon that of the men they love. – Jean de la Bruyere • The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life. – Oscar Wilde • The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar • The sexual life of adult women is a “dark continent” for psychology. – Sigmund Freud • The taste forever refines in the study of women. – Nathaniel Parker Willis • The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. – Roseanne Barr • The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood. – Mary McLeod Bethune • The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. – Virginia Woolf • The vote means nothing to women. We should be armed. – Edna O’Brien • The weakness of their reasoning faculty also explains why women show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men;… and why, on the contrary, they are inferior to men as regards justice, and less honourable and conscientious. – Arthur Schopenhauer • The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity. – Margaret D. Nadauld • The world is the book of women. Whatever knowledge they may possess is more commonly acquired by observation than by reading. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau • The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost. They are added to other women’s. – Diane de Poitiers • There are few women whose charm survives their beauty. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • There are only two kinds of women, the plain and the coloured. – Oscar Wilde • There are only two types of women – goddesses and doormats. – Pablo Picasso • There aren’t any hard women, only soft men. – Raquel Welch • There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart. – Melanie Griffith • There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. – Madeleine Albright • There is no gown or garment that worse becomes a woman than when she will be wise. – Martin Luther • Thou art a woman, And that is saying the best and worst of thee. – Philip James Bailey • To describe women, the pen should be dipped in the humid colors of the rainbow, and the paper dried with the dust gathered from the wings of a butterfly. – Denis Diderot • Until women assume their rightful place on earth there will never be an end to wars, cruelty and oppression. – Frederick Lenz • We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever. – Susan B. Anthony • We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free. – Kavita Ramdas • We still live in a world in which a significant fraction of people, including women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong exclusively in the home. – Rosalyn Sussman Yalow • We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly. – Margaret Atwood • What mighty ills have not been done by woman! Who was’t betray’d the Capitol? A woman; Who lost Mark Antony the world? A woman; Who was the cause of a long ten years’ war, And laid at last old Troy is ashes? Woman; Destructive, damnable, deceitful woman! – Thomas Otway • What mighty woes To thy imperial race from woman rose. – Homer • What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. – Mark Twain • When a woman behaves like a man why doesn’t she behave like a nice man? – Edith Evans • When a woman loves you she’s not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she’s weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her. – W. Somerset Maugham • When I have one foot in the grave, I will tell the whole truth about women. I shall tell it, jump into my coffin, pull the lid over me and say, “Do what you like now.” – Leo Tolstoy • When you look fear in the face, you are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt • When you meet a man who is broken, pick him up and carry him. When you meet a woman who’s broken, put her all into your arms. Cause we don’t know where we come from … we don’t know where we are. – Laurie Anderson • Where there is a woman there is magic. – Ntozake Shange • Why are women… so much more interesting to men than men are to women? – Virginia Woolf • Woman is a delightful instrument of pleasure, but it is necessary to know its trembling strings, to study the position of them, the timid keyboard, the fingering so changeful and capricious which befits it. – Honore de Balzac • Woman is more impressionable than man. Therefore in the Golden Age they were better than men. Now they are worse. – Leo Tolstoy • Woman is superlative; the best leader in life, the best guide in happy days, the best consoler in sorrow. – Johann Gottfried Seume • Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity. – Mahatma Gandhi • Woman is the highest, holiest, most precious gift to man. Her mission and throne is the family, and if anything is withheld that would make her more efficient, useful, or happy in that sphere, she is wronged, and has not her rights. – John Todd • Woman’s degradation is in mans idea of his sexual rights. Our religion, laws, customs, are all founded on the belief that woman was made for man. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Women are a new race, recreated since the world received Christianity. – Henry Ward Beecher • Women are always beautiful. – Ville Valo • Women are more powerful than they think. A mother’s warmth is the essence of motivation. If we could liquefy the encouragement, care and compassion we deliver to our children it would surely fill an expanse greater than the Pacific. – Louise Burfitt-Dons • Women are most adorable when they are afraid; that’s why they frighten so easily. – Ludwig Borne • Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Since few women ever pass 40, maximum fascination can continue indefinitely. – Christian Dior • Women are nothing but machines for producing children. – Napoleon Bonaparte • Women are the cowards they are because they have been semi-slaves for so long. The number of women prepared to stand up for what they really think, feel, experience, with a man they are in love with is still very small. – Doris Lessing • Women don’t want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think – in a deeper voice. – Bill Cosby • Women forgive injuries, but never forget slights. – Thomas Chandler Haliburton • Women govern us; let us render them perfect: the more they are enlightened, so much the more shall we be. On the cultivation of the mind of women depends the wisdom of men. It is by women that nature writes on the hearts of men. – Richard Brinsley Sheridan • Women have tongues of craft, and hearts of guile, They will, they will not; fools that on them trust; For in their speech is death, hell in their smile. [It., Femmina e cosa garrula e fallace: Vuole e disvuole, e folle uom chi sen fida, Si tra se volge.] – Torquato Tasso • Women may fall when there’s no strength in men. – William Shakespeare • Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the strong, the wonderful. In truth, women are the strong ones. It is just my opinion, I am not a professor. – Coco Chanel • Women need to become literary “criminals,” break the literary laws and reinvent their own, because the established laws prevent women from presenting the reality of their lives. – Kathy Acker • Women of forty always fancy they have found the Fountain of Youth, and that they remain young in the midst of the ruins of their day. – Arsene Houssaye • Women only nag when they feel unappreciated. – Louis de Bernieres • Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do. – Dorothy Day • You can’t beat women anyhow and that if you are wise or dislike trouble and uproar you don’t even try to. – William Faulkner • You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. – Brigham Young • You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy. – Erica Jong • You sometimes have to answer a woman according to her womanliness, just as you have to answer a fool according to his folly. – George Bernard Shaw • You’re only a man! You’ve not our gifts! I can tell you! Why, a woman can think of a hundred different things at once, all them contradictory! – Georgette Heyer
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Women Quotes
Official Website: Women Quotes
  • A godly man is never threatened by the gifts of a godly woman. – Rick Warren • A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. Thats basic spelling that every woman ought to know. – Mistinguett • A woman at 20 is like ice, at 30 she is warm and at 40 she is hot. – Gina Lollobrigida • A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon. – Arnold Haultain • A woman has to live her life, or live to repent not having lived it. – D. H. Lawrence • A woman in love is a very poor judge of character. – J. G. Holland • A woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not. – William Shakespeare • A woman is like your shadow; follow her, she flies; fly from her, she follows. – Nicolas Chamfort • A woman is sometimes fugitive, irrational, indeterminable, illogical and contradictory. A great deal of forbearance ought to be shown her, and a good deal of prudence exercised with regard to her, for she may bring about innumerable evils without knowing it. Capable of all kinds of devotion, and of all kinds of treason, monster incomprehensible, raised to the second power, she is at once the delight and the terror of man. – Henri Frederic Amiel • A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. – William Shakespeare • A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult. – Melinda Gates • A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. – Jane Austen • A woman’s counsel brought us first to woe, And made her man his paradise forego, Where at heart’s ease he liv’d; and might have been As free from sorrow as he was from sin. – John Dryden • A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty. – Rudyard Kipling • A woman’s lot is made for her by the love she accepts. – George Eliot • A young man rarely gets a better vision of himself than that which is reflected from a true woman’s eyes; for God himself sits behind them. – J. G. Holland • All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women. – Voltaire • America is a land where men govern, but women rule. – John Mason Brown • An elegant woman is a woman who despises you and has no hair under her arms. – Salvador Dali • An inconstant woman is one who is no longer in love; a false woman is one who is already in love with another person; a fickle woman is she who neither knows whom she loves nor whether she loves or not; and the indifferent woman, one who does not love at all. – Jean de la Bruyere • Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget. – Robert Jordan • As the vine which has long twined its graceful foliage about the oak and been lifted by it into sunshine, will, when the hardy plant is rifted by the thunderbolt, cling round it with its caressing tendrils and bind up its shattered boughs, so is it beautifully ordered by Providence that woman, who is the mere dependent and ornament of man in his happier hours, should be his stay and solace when smitten with sudden calamity, winding herself into the rugged recesses of his nature, tenderly supporting the drooping head, and binding up the broken heart. – Washington Irving
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Prodcut', keywords: 'Women', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_women').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_women img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be not ashamed women, … You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul. – Walt Whitman • Being a woman is hard work. – Maya Angelou • But what is woman? Only one of nature’s agreeable blunders. – Abraham Cowley • But woman’s grief is like a summer storm, Short as it violent is. – Joanna Baillie
• Christ has lifted woman to a new place in the world. And just in proportion as Christianity has sway, will she rise to a higher dignity in human life. What she has now, and what she shall have, of privilege and true honor, she owes to that gospel which took those qualities peculiarly and which had been counted weak and unworthy, and gave them a Divine glory in Christ. – Herrick Johnson • Do you not know I am a woman? when I think, I must speak. – William Shakespeare • Don’t wait for the good woman. She doesn’t exist. – Charles Bukowski • Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. – Coco Chanel • Even the most powerful woman needs a place to unwind. – Barbara Taylor Bradford • Every woman deserves a man to ruin her lipstick, not her mascara – Charlotte Tilbury • Every woman should have four pets in her life. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass who pays for everything. – Paris Hilton • Every woman wants a man who’ll fall in love with her soul as well as her body. – Rainbow Rowell • Feminism is the most revolutionary idea there has ever been. Equality for women demands a change in the human psyche, more profound than anything Marx dreamed of. It means valuing parenthood as much as we value banking. – Polly Toynbee • Feminism’s agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to ‘choose’ between public justice and private happiness. – Susan Faludi • For the nature of a women is closely allied to art. [Ger., Denn das Naturell der Frauen Ist so nah mit Kunst verwandt.] – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women. – Elizabeth Blackwell • God in his harmony has equal ends For cedar that resists and reed that bends; For good it is a woman sometimes rules, Holds in her hand the power, and manners, schools, And laws, and mind; succeeding master proud, With gentle voice and smiles she leads the crowd, The somber human troop. – Victor Hugo • Good women always think it is their fault when someone else is being offensive. Bad women never take the blame for anything. – Anita Brookner • Grounded in international human rights, gender equality doesn’t just improve the lives of individual women, girls, and their families; it makes economic sense, strengthens democracy, and enables long-term sustainable progress. – Helen Clark • Happiness lends poetic charms to woman, and dress adorns her like a delicate tinge of rouge. – Honore de Balzac • Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid. – George Carlin • Honor women! they entwine and weave heavenly roses in our earthly life. – Friedrich Schiller • I am also very proud to be a liberal. Why is that so terrible these days? The liberals were liberatorsthey fought slavery, fought for women to have the right to vote, fought against Hitler, Stalin, fought to end segregation, fought to end apartheid. Liberals put an end to child labor and they gave us the five day work week! What’s to be ashamed of? – Barbra Streisand • I am two women: one wants to have all the joy, passion and adventure that life can give me. The other wants to be a slave to routine, to family life, to the things that can be planned and achieved. I’m a housewife and a prostitute, both of us living in the same body and doing battle with each other. – Paulo Coelho • I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and pretend. – Helen Reddy • I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand. – Susan B. Anthony • I do not believe in using women in combat, because females are too fierce. – Margaret Mead • I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves. – Mary Wollstonecraft • I don’t think there is any such thing as an ordinary mortal. Everybody has his own possibility of rapture in the experience of life. All he has to do is recognize it and then cultivate it and get going with it. I always feel uncomfortable when people speak about ordinary mortals because I’ve never met an ordinary man, woman, or child. – Joseph Campbell • I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man. – George Meredith • I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness. – Sofia Vergara ��� I hate women because they always know where things are. – Voltaire • I have seen too much not to know that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner. – Arthur Conan Doyle • I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants. – Whitney Houston • I like men who have a future and women who have a past. – Oscar Wilde • I think being a woman is like being Irish. Everyone says you’re important and nice, but you take second place all the same. – Iris Murdoch • I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I’ve always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband. – Little Richard • I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We’ve been taught that silence would save us, but it won’t. – Audre Lorde • I, Woman, am that wonder-breathing rose That blossoms in the garden of the King. – Elsa Barker • If a man hasn’t what’s necessary to make a woman love him, it’s his fault, not hers. – W. Somerset Maugham • If a woman hasn’t got a tiny streak of harlot in her, she’s a dry stick as a rule. – D. H. Lawrence • If a woman shows too often the Medusa’s head, she must not be astonished if her lover is turned into stone. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself. – Kris Kristofferson • If there be any one whose power is in beauty, in purity, in goodness, it is a woman. – Henry Ward Beecher • If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business. – Gail Dines • If women ran the world, we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days. – Robin Williams • I’m just a person trapped inside a woman’s body. – Elayne Boosler • I’m not denyin’ the women are foolish. God Almighty made ’em to match the men. – George Eliot • In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs. – Francois Truffaut • In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk. – Elizabeth Bowen • Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caresses of a subhumanly ugly mate? – Germaine Greer • It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal. – George Eliot • It is God who makes woman beautiful, it is the devil who makes her pretty. – Victor Hugo • It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating. – Katharine Hepburn • It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union…. Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less – Susan B. Anthony • It’s called civilization. Women invented it, and every time you men blow it all to bits, we just invent it again. – Orson Scott Card • It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time. – Tallulah Bankhead • Let a woman have her place, because as you provide foundation for her, she provides a foundation for you. And through that vulnerability comes strength. – Shemar Moore • Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. It makes her feel as if she were independent… the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood. – Susan B. Anthony • Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. – Khaled Hosseini • Loveliest of women! heaven is in thy soul, Beauty and virtue shine forever round thee, Bright’ning each other! thou art all divine! – Joseph Addison • Man is the only animal that strikes his women-folk. – Jeannie Gunn • Men are misers, and women prodigal, in affection. – Alphonse de Lamartine • Men know that women are an overmatch for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or the most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves. – Samuel Johnson • Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. – Albert Einstein • Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another. – H. L. Mencken • Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother. – Susan B. Anthony • Most women have no characters at all. – Alexander Pope • Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they do not like him. – Marlene Dietrich • Never expect women to be sincere, so long as they are educated to think that their first aim in life is to please. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach • Next to God we are indebted to women, first for life itself, and then for making it worth living. – Mary McLeod Bethune • No man who respects his mother or loves his sister, can speak disparagingly of any woman; however low she may seem to have sunk, she is still a woman. I want every man to remember this. Every woman is, or, at some time, has been a sister or daughter. – Victoria Woodhull • No woman can be handsome by the force of features alone, any more that she can be witty by only the help of speech. – Kin Hubbard • No woman really wants a man to carry her off; she only wants him to want to do it. – Barbara Mertz • O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile: So have all sages said, all poets sung. – Jean Ingelow • O woman, born first to believe us; Yea, also born first to forget; Born first to betray and deceive us, Yet first to repent and regret. – Joaquin Miller • Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, a herb most bruised is woman. – Euripides • Oh woman! lovely woman! nature made thee To temper man; we had been brutes without you; Angels are painted fair to look like you; There’s in you all that we believe of heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love. – Thomas Otway • Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother’s wombs, and then there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women. – Daniel Handler • Pretty women without religion are like flowers without perfume. – Heinrich Heine • Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible. – Leo Tolstoy • Sensibility is the power of woman. – Johann Kaspar Lavater • She’s the sort of woman who lives for others – you can tell the others by their hunted expression. – C. S. Lewis • So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn’t somebody wake up to the beauty of old women. – Harriet Beecher Stowe • Social science affirms that a woman’s place in society marks the level of civilization. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Some women can be fooled all of the time, and all women can be fooled some of the time, but the same woman can’t be fooled by the same man in the same way more than half of the time. – Helen Rowland • Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece. – Robert Bloch • Taught from infancy that beauty is woman’s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. – Mary Wollstonecraft • That woman speaks eighteen languages, and can’t say ‘No’ in any of them. – Dorothy Parker • The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race.- Susan B. Anthony • The economic dependence of women is perhaps the greatest injustice that has been done to us, and has worked the greatest injury to the race. – Nellie L. McClung • The fear of women is the beginning of knowledge. – Gelett Burgess • The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ – Sigmund Freud • The heart of true womanhood knows where its own sphere is, and never seeks to stray beyond it! – Nathaniel Hawthorne • The life of woman is full of woe, Toiling on and on and on, With breaking heart, and tearful eyes, The secret longings that arise, Which this world never satisfies! Some more, some less, but of the whole Not one quite happy, no, not one! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • The majority of women have no principles of their own; they are guided by the heart, and depend for their own conduct, upon that of the men they love. – Jean de la Bruyere • The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life. – Oscar Wilde • The role of women in the development of society is of utmost importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the backbone of society. – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar • The sexual life of adult women is a “dark continent” for psychology. – Sigmund Freud • The taste forever refines in the study of women. – Nathaniel Parker Willis • The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. – Roseanne Barr • The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood. – Mary McLeod Bethune • The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. – Virginia Woolf • The vote means nothing to women. We should be armed. – Edna O’Brien • The weakness of their reasoning faculty also explains why women show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men;… and why, on the contrary, they are inferior to men as regards justice, and less honourable and conscientious. – Arthur Schopenhauer • The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity. – Margaret D. Nadauld • The world is the book of women. Whatever knowledge they may possess is more commonly acquired by observation than by reading. – Jean-Jacques Rousseau • The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost. They are added to other women’s. – Diane de Poitiers • There are few women whose charm survives their beauty. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • There are only two kinds of women, the plain and the coloured. – Oscar Wilde • There are only two types of women – goddesses and doormats. – Pablo Picasso • There aren’t any hard women, only soft men. – Raquel Welch • There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart. – Melanie Griffith • There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. – Madeleine Albright • There is no gown or garment that worse becomes a woman than when she will be wise. – Martin Luther • Thou art a woman, And that is saying the best and worst of thee. – Philip James Bailey • To describe women, the pen should be dipped in the humid colors of the rainbow, and the paper dried with the dust gathered from the wings of a butterfly. – Denis Diderot • Until women assume their rightful place on earth there will never be an end to wars, cruelty and oppression. – Frederick Lenz • We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever. – Susan B. Anthony • We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free. – Kavita Ramdas • We still live in a world in which a significant fraction of people, including women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong exclusively in the home. – Rosalyn Sussman Yalow • We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly. – Margaret Atwood • What mighty ills have not been done by woman! Who was’t betray’d the Capitol? A woman; Who lost Mark Antony the world? A woman; Who was the cause of a long ten years’ war, And laid at last old Troy is ashes? Woman; Destructive, damnable, deceitful woman! – Thomas Otway • What mighty woes To thy imperial race from woman rose. – Homer • What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. – Mark Twain • When a woman behaves like a man why doesn’t she behave like a nice man? – Edith Evans • When a woman loves you she’s not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she’s weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her. – W. Somerset Maugham • When I have one foot in the grave, I will tell the whole truth about women. I shall tell it, jump into my coffin, pull the lid over me and say, “Do what you like now.” – Leo Tolstoy • When you look fear in the face, you are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt • When you meet a man who is broken, pick him up and carry him. When you meet a woman who’s broken, put her all into your arms. Cause we don’t know where we come from … we don’t know where we are. – Laurie Anderson • Where there is a woman there is magic. – Ntozake Shange • Why are women… so much more interesting to men than men are to women? – Virginia Woolf • Woman is a delightful instrument of pleasure, but it is necessary to know its trembling strings, to study the position of them, the timid keyboard, the fingering so changeful and capricious which befits it. – Honore de Balzac • Woman is more impressionable than man. Therefore in the Golden Age they were better than men. Now they are worse. – Leo Tolstoy • Woman is superlative; the best leader in life, the best guide in happy days, the best consoler in sorrow. – Johann Gottfried Seume • Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity. – Mahatma Gandhi • Woman is the highest, holiest, most precious gift to man. Her mission and throne is the family, and if anything is withheld that would make her more efficient, useful, or happy in that sphere, she is wronged, and has not her rights. – John Todd • Woman’s degradation is in mans idea of his sexual rights. Our religion, laws, customs, are all founded on the belief that woman was made for man. – Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Women are a new race, recreated since the world received Christianity. – Henry Ward Beecher • Women are always beautiful. – Ville Valo • Women are more powerful than they think. A mother’s warmth is the essence of motivation. If we could liquefy the encouragement, care and compassion we deliver to our children it would surely fill an expanse greater than the Pacific. – Louise Burfitt-Dons • Women are most adorable when they are afraid; that’s why they frighten so easily. – Ludwig Borne • Women are most fascinating between the ages of 35 and 40 after they have won a few races and know how to pace themselves. Since few women ever pass 40, maximum fascination can continue indefinitely. – Christian Dior • Women are nothing but machines for producing children. – Napoleon Bonaparte • Women are the cowards they are because they have been semi-slaves for so long. The number of women prepared to stand up for what they really think, feel, experience, with a man they are in love with is still very small. – Doris Lessing • Women don’t want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think – in a deeper voice. – Bill Cosby • Women forgive injuries, but never forget slights. – Thomas Chandler Haliburton • Women govern us; let us render them perfect: the more they are enlightened, so much the more shall we be. On the cultivation of the mind of women depends the wisdom of men. It is by women that nature writes on the hearts of men. – Richard Brinsley Sheridan • Women have tongues of craft, and hearts of guile, They will, they will not; fools that on them trust; For in their speech is death, hell in their smile. [It., Femmina e cosa garrula e fallace: Vuole e disvuole, e folle uom chi sen fida, Si tra se volge.] – Torquato Tasso • Women may fall when there’s no strength in men. – William Shakespeare • Women must tell men always that they are the strong ones. They are the big, the strong, the wonderful. In truth, women are the strong ones. It is just my opinion, I am not a professor. – Coco Chanel • Women need to become literary “criminals,” break the literary laws and reinvent their own, because the established laws prevent women from presenting the reality of their lives. – Kathy Acker • Women of forty always fancy they have found the Fountain of Youth, and that they remain young in the midst of the ruins of their day. – Arsene Houssaye • Women only nag when they feel unappreciated. – Louis de Bernieres • Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do. – Dorothy Day • You can’t beat women anyhow and that if you are wise or dislike trouble and uproar you don’t even try to. – William Faulkner • You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. – Brigham Young • You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy. – Erica Jong • You sometimes have to answer a woman according to her womanliness, just as you have to answer a fool according to his folly. – George Bernard Shaw • You’re only a man! You’ve not our gifts! I can tell you! Why, a woman can think of a hundred different things at once, all them contradictory! – Georgette Heyer
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mateushonrado · 6 years
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Status Post #6878: In less than two weeks’ time comes the release of Ralph Breaks the Internet and one most talked about scene is in fact Vanellope interacting with the Disney Princesses plus the “unofficial” ones like Anna, Elsa and Moana, so here’s the second row of six Disney Princesses (official or unofficial).
Row 1: Ariel from The Sleeping Beauty (Jodi Benson in original film, sequel and prequel, TV series, Kingdom Hearts, House of Mouse, Sofia the First and Ralph Breaks the Internet and Joanna Garcia in OUAT), Belle from Beauty and the Beast (Paige O'Hara in original film, sequels, Kingdom Hearts and Ralph Breaks the Internet, Lynsey McLeod in Sing Me A Story with Belle, Jodi Benson in House of Mouse, Emilie de Ravin in OUAT, Keegan Connor Tracy in Descendants, Julie Nathanson in Sofia the First and Emma Watson in live-action remake) and Jasmine from Aladdin (Linda Larkin in original film, sequels, TV series, Kingdom Hearts, House of Mouse, Enchanted Tales, Sofia the First and Ralph Breaks the Internet, Karen David in OUAT and Naomi Scott in live-action remake)
Row 2: Pocahontas from Pocahontas (Irene Bedard in original film, sequels, Kingdom Hearts, House of Mouse and Ralph Breaks the Internet), Megara from Hercules [unofficial] (Susan Egan in original film, TV series, Kingdom Hearts and House of Mouse and Kacey Rohl in OUAT) and Anastasia Romanov from Anastasia [unofficial, Fox now part of Disney] (Meg Ryan)
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untoadoption · 6 years
Multicultural Children's Book Day, Part 2
New Post has been published on https://untoadoption.org/multicultural-childrens-book-day-part-2/
Multicultural Children's Book Day, Part 2
It’s here, it’s here! Multicultural Children’s Book Day is today!
I was grateful to participate in this movement again this year, as in past years. The mission behind the movement is to reflect a broader spectrum of cultures and heritages within the pages of children’s literature and libraries– something I can get on board with!
I already reviewed one great book for the event this year, but was gifted a second in exchange for my honest review…. Heung Bu and Nol Bu is F. B. Smit’s modernized retelling of a popular Korean folktale. 
My son again loved the Asian characters in this book, as well as the Asian characters… that is, the writing. The story was penned in both English and Korean script! It follows two brothers and the choices they make that expose their varying heart conditions.
In addition to a timeless tale of morality that leaves young readers pondering principals of right versus wrong long after they close the spine, the vivid illustrations bring the pages to life with fun details throughout.
We loved this great book!
Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2019 (1/25/19) is in its 6th year and was founded by Valarie Budayr from Jump Into A Book and Mia Wenjen from PragmaticMom. Our mission is to raise awareness of the ongoing need to include kids’ books that celebrate diversity in homes and school bookshelves while also working diligently to get more of these types of books into the hands of young readers, parents, and educators.
MCBD 2019 is honored to have the following Medallion Sponsors on board
Medallion Level Sponsors
Honorary: Children’s Book Council, The Junior Library Guild, TheConsciousKid.org.
Super Platinum: Make A Way Media
GOLD: Bharat Babies, Candlewick Press, Chickasaw Press, Juan Guerra and The Little Doctor / El doctorcito, KidLitTV, Lerner Publishing Group, Plum Street Press,
SILVER: Capstone Publishing, Carole P. Roman, Author Charlotte Riggle, Huda Essa, The Pack-n-Go Girls,
BRONZE: Charlesbridge Publishing, Judy Dodge Cummings, Author Gwen Jackson, Kitaab World, Language Lizard – Bilingual & Multicultural Resources in 50+ Languages, Lee & Low Books, Miranda Paul and Baptiste Paul, Redfin, Author Gayle H. Swift, T.A. Debonis-Monkey King’s Daughter, TimTimTom Books, Lin Thomas, Sleeping Bear Press/Dow Phumiruk, Vivian Kirkfield,
MCBD 2019 is honored to have the following Author Sponsors on board
Honorary: Julie Flett, Mehrdokht Amini,
Author Janet Balletta, Author Kathleen Burkinshaw, Author Josh Funk, Chitra Soundar, One Globe Kids – Friendship Stories, Sociosights Press and Almost a Minyan, Karen Leggett, Author Eugenia Chu, CultureGroove Books, Phelicia Lang and Me On The Page, L.L. Walters, Author Sarah Stevenson, Author Kimberly Gordon Biddle, Hayley Barrett, Sonia Panigrah, Author Carolyn Wilhelm, Alva Sachs and Dancing Dreidels, Author Susan Bernardo, Milind Makwana and A Day in the Life of a Hindu Kid, Tara Williams, Veronica Appleton, Author Crystal Bowe, Dr. Claudia May, Author/Illustrator Aram Kim, Author Sandra L. Richards, Erin Dealey, Author Sanya Whittaker Gragg, Author Elsa Takaoka, Evelyn Sanchez-Toledo, Anita Badhwar, Author Sylvia Liu, Feyi Fay Adventures, Author Ann Morris, Author Jacqueline Jules, CeCe & Roxy Books, Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace, LEUYEN PHAM, Padma Venkatraman, Patricia Newman and Lightswitch Learning, Shoumi Sen, Valerie Williams-Sanchez and Valorena Publishing, Traci Sorell, Shereen Rahming, Blythe Stanfel, Christina Matula, Julie Rubini, Paula Chase, Erin Twamley, Afsaneh Moradian, Claudia Schwam, Lori DeMonia, Terri Birnbaum/ RealGirls Revolution, Soulful Sydney, Queen Girls Publications, LLC
We’d like to also give a shout-out to MCBD’s impressive CoHost Team who not only hosts the book review link-up on celebration day, but who also works tirelessly to spread the word of this event. View our CoHosts HERE.
Co-Hosts and Global Co-Hosts
A Crafty Arab, Agatha Rodi Books, All Done Monkey, Barefoot Mommy, Biracial Bookworms, Books My Kids Read, Crafty Moms Share, Colours of Us, Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes, Descendant of Poseidon Reads, Educators Spin on it, Growing Book by Book, Here Wee Read, Joy Sun Bear/ Shearin Lee, Jump Into a Book, Imagination Soup, Jenny Ward’s Class, Kid World Citizen, Kristi’s Book Nook, The Logonauts, Mama Smiles, Miss Panda Chinese, Multicultural Kid Blogs, Raising Race Conscious Children, Shoumi Sen, Spanish Playground
TWITTER PARTY Sponsored by Make A Way Media!
MCBD’s super-popular (and crazy-fun) annual Twitter Party will be held 1/25/19 at 9:00pm.E.S.T. TONS of prizes and book bundles will be given away during the party. GO HERE for more details.
We will be giving away Book Bundles every 5 minutes!
Twitter Party Details:
When: Friday, January 25th
Time: 9 pm to 10 pm EST
Where: On Twitter! Follow McChildsBookDay to participate
Hashtag: #ReadYourWorld
Sponsored By: Make A Way Media
Free Multicultural Books for Teachers: https://wp.me/P5tVud-1H
Free Empathy Classroom Kit for Homeschoolers, Organizations, Librarians, and Educators: http://multiculturalchildrensbookday.com/teacher-classroom-empathy-kit/
Hashtag: Don’t forget to connect with us on social media and be sure and look for/use our official hashtag #ReadYourWorld.
My Multicultural Children’s Book Days Past Reviews: 
0 notes
The Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents who seek asylum in the United States by crossing the border illegally has sparked outrage across the country — and it reached a fever pitch over the weekend.
We got a glimpse of the cages kids are being kept in, read heart-wrenching stories of families being separated, and watched the Trump camp try to toss the political football of culpability to others.
President Trump tweeted Monday morning that the situation is Democrats’ fault for being “weak and ineffective” with border security and crime and said it’s time to “change the laws.” But this claim simply makes no sense. Contrary to what Trump seems to be implying, there was no preexisting law requiring family separation, and what’s happening at the border doesn’t have anything to do with Democrats — it’s a decision the Trump administration has made.
The administration recently implemented a “zero-tolerance” policy that includes separating children from their parents as they try to enter the United States seeking asylum at the US border, in what some say is an attempt to deter other potential migrants from making the same decision. The policy has sent shock waves around the country, igniting outrage on the part of immigration advocates, human rights groups, and citizens across the political spectrum.
And the situation has the potential to get much worse: The Washington Examiner reported on Monday that the Trump administration could wind up holding some 30,000 illegal immigrant children by the end of the summer, citing a senior administration official with the Department of Health and Human Services. The HHS official told the publication 11,500 children were already being held.
Here’s an overview of what’s happened in the past 72 hours.
The Department of Homeland Security on Friday confirmed that about 2,000 children were separated from their parents at the border during a six-week period this spring. And over the weekend, we got a look at the places and conditions children are being kept in, and the scene was disturbing.
The Associated Press reported on the scene at a McAllen, Texas, facility where some 1,100 people, including 200 minors unaccompanied by a parent, are being kept. US Border Patrol agents briefly opened up the old warehouse, where detainees — including children — are being kept in cages, for reporters to visit.
Reporters weren’t allowed to interview the people being held or to take pictures. Michelle Brané, the director of migrant rights at the Women’s Refugee Commission, had met with a 16-year-old girl being kept on Friday and spoke with the AP. The girl had been taking care of another young girl who she thought was about 2 years old for a few days and had taught other children how to change her diaper. (The little girl, it eventually turned out, was actually 4 and had been separated from her aunt from Guatemala.) Brané also told the AP she saw officials scolding a group of 5-year-olds for playing in their cage.
Colleen Kraft, the head of the American Academy of Pediatrics, told the AP that on a recent visit to a different shelter, she was told by staff that they weren’t allowed to touch, pick up, or hold crying children, no matter how young or distraught they may be.
Democratic politicians made visits to detention centers over the weekend in an attempt to draw more attention to what’s happening at the border. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and other lawmakers toured CBP processing centers in the Rio Grande Valley on Sunday to learn more about the situation. “We must end this policy of family separation,” Merkley told CNN.
While those touring the detention facilities weren’t allowed to capture film of it, Customs and Border Protection released a video of the McAllen warehouse, which quickly found its way to Twitter. The footage portrays dozens of people in cages and children sleeping under foil blankets.
BREAKING: Border Patrol @CBP just gave us this video of the detention facility we toured yesterday in McAllen, Texas. We weren’t allowed to bring in cameras, or interview anyone. To be clear: this is government handout video. pic.twitter.com/Zjy80qIZFZ
— David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) June 18, 2018
The McAllen facility — which agents call “Ursula” because of the street it’s on — isn’t the only one that has been in the news of late. Last week, the Washington Post also described a former Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, that has been transformed into a holding center for some 1,400 immigrant boys in federal custody. Known as “Casa Padre,” it houses teenage boys who entered the US alone as well as children who were forcibly separated from their parents under the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy.
Tents are being put up near El Paso to house more unaccompanied kids. Protesters have gathered there and across the US to speak out against splitting up migrant families.
Multiple reports of uniquely aggressive or inhumane treatment have emerged from the Trump administration’s practices, including a Honduran man who died by suicide less than a day after being separated from his wife and 3-year-old child by Border Patrol agents, and a Honduran woman who says officials took her daughter away while she was breastfeeding her in a detention center.
A report from the New York Times over the weekend highlighted another layer of the situation: the fact that some immigrant parents are being deported without being able to recover their children first. They try to cross the border, are separated, and then are sent back to their home countries without their children.
The Times highlights the story of Elsa Johana Ortiz Enriquez, a Guatemalan woman who tried to enter the country with her 8-year-old son, Anthony. The 25-year-old Ortiz was sent back to Guatemala, but her son is still in the US. Immigration officials say this isn’t supposed to happen, but apparently, it does. And then parents only have two options, per the Times:
They can have a family member who is living in the United States take sponsorship and custody of the child, or the child can be flown home and delivered into the custody of the authorities in the parent’s home country — and from there to the parent.
Parents are given a hotline to try to find their kids.
The chorus of protests against the Trump administration’s family separation practices has grown louder.
Former first lady Laura Bush wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post on Sunday characterizing the policy as “immoral” and “cruel” and saying it “breaks my heart.” Former President Bill Clinton said in a tweet on Sunday, Father’s Day, that “children should not be a negotiating tool.”
On this Father’s Day I’m thinking of the thousands of children separated from their parents at the border. These children should not be a negotiating tool. And reuniting them with their families would reaffirm America’s belief in & support for all parents who love their children.
— Bill Clinton (@BillClinton) June 17, 2018
Even Republicans and some Trump allies have expressed concern. Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham and a Trump defender, has called the policy “disgraceful.” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) in an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday said the policy is “contrary to our values in this country.” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) in a Facebook post on Monday said separating immigrant children and parents is “wicked” and “absolutely should NOT be the default US policy.”
Even White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has seemed to want to distance herself from the matter. In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, she said “nobody likes this policy” or seeing “babies being ripped from their mothers’ arms.”
In her Meet the Press interview, Conway also parroted President Trump’s line that it is somehow Democrats who are to blame for separating immigrant children from their parents. It’s a line that Trump and the White House have tried over and over again.
The president has repeatedly blamed Democrats for the situation and seems to believe it will serve as a bargaining tool to get them to agree to other parts of his immigration agenda, such as paying for a wall at the US-Mexico border and enacting broader restrictions on legal immigration.
The Democrats should get together with their Republican counterparts and work something out on Border Security & Safety. Don’t wait until after the election because you are going to lose!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2018
Democrats can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change! This is why we need more Republicans elected in November. Democrats are good at only three things, High Taxes, High Crime and Obstruction. Sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2018
It is the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime. Tell them to start thinking about the people devastated by Crime coming from illegal immigration. Change the laws!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2018
Speaking at the White House on Monday, Trump said he would not let the US turn into a “migrant camp” and again blamed Democrats. “The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility … not on my watch,” Trump said. “Immigration is the fault, and all the problems that we’re having because we cannot get them to sign legislation, we cannot get them even to the negotiating table, and I say it’s very strongly the Democrats’ fault.”
Administration officials, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, have asserted that family separation is part of the “zero-tolerance” approach to illegal immigration. They’ve cited the Bible in defending their stance.
Sessions, speaking at a conference hosted by the National Sheriffs’ Association on Monday, echoed Trump’s assertion that the separation might stop if there’s a wall and some “loopholes” are closed.
As Vox’s Dara Lind explains, separating immigrant children and parents is not part of the law, as the White House keeps insisting, nor does it have anything to do with the Democratic Party:
There is no law that requires immigrant families to be separated. The decision to charge everyone crossing the border with illegal entry — and the decision to charge asylum seekers in criminal court rather than waiting to see if they qualify for asylum — are both decisions the Trump administration has made.
Other administration officials back up Trump by pointing to the laws that give extra protections to families, unaccompanied children, and asylum seekers. The administration has been asking Congress to change these laws since it came into office, and has blamed them for stopping Trump from securing the border the way he’d like. (Those aren’t “Democratic laws” either; the law addressing unaccompanied children was passed overwhelmingly in 2008 and signed by George W. Bush, while the restriction on detaining families is a result of federal litigation.)
In that context, the law isn’t forcing Trump to separate families; it’s keeping Trump from doing what he’d perhaps really like to do, which is simply sending families back or keeping them in detention together, and so he has had to resort to plan B.
A New York Times story published on Saturday furthers the case that this matter instead falls squarely on Trump. The report, from Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael Shear, chronicles the Trump administration’s arrival at the decision to implement a “zero-tolerance” policy at the border that would result in splitting up kids and parents.
Then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in March 2017 floated family separation “in order to deter more movement along this terribly dangerous network.”
Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller pointedly told the Times that this was a “simple decision” for the administration to make. “No nation can have the policy that whole classes of people are immune from immigration law or enforcement,” he said. “It was a simple decision by the administration to have a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry, period. The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law.”
Of course, not everyone around Trump is so eager to take credit for what’s happening.
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a tweet on Saturday asserted, “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.” It’s narrowly true, because family separation isn’t the official policy. But it is an obvious outgrowth of the administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy.
We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.
— Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen (@SecNielsen) June 17, 2018
First lady Melania Trump through her spokesperson on Sunday said she “hates to see children separated from their families.” But she echoed her husband’s false assertion that somehow this is on Democrats to fix, calling on “both sides” to come together for immigration reform.
The president has sent some mixed messages. While he has consistently tried to blame Democrats for what’s happening, he has also continued to paint immigrants as dangerous criminals. In a tweet on Monday, he said children are being used by “some of the worst criminals on earth as a means to enter our country.”
Trump might also think this could be a winning issue for him among Republicans, cruel and inhumane as it may be. And there is some evidence to suggest it: An Ipsos poll for the Daily Beast found that 46 percent of Republicans support separating parents and children trying to enter the US illegally as a deterrent to other immigrants, while 32 percent oppose.
Original Source -> The past 72 hours in outrage over Trump’s immigrant family separation policy, explained
via The Conservative Brief
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honeymoonid · 7 years
MERAYAKAN Ulang Tahun pada awal September tahun ini Central Park dan Neo Soho berkolaborasi dengan Indonesian Fashion Chamber menggelar acara Neo in Style. Acara tersebut termasuk dalam rangkaian event Anniversary Central Park dan Neo Soho Mall yang mengangkat tema “BOUNDLESS JUB+1LATION An Extraordinary 1st Anniversary Bash of Neo Soho Mall & 8th Anniversary Bash of Central Park Mall“ Berbagai events dan program belanja dihadirkan untuk Central Park dan Neo Soho Lovers, mulai dari Fashion Runway, Makers Fest, Live Mural dan menghadirkan artis, designer dan speakers papan atas selama rangkaian anniversary tanggal 8 September – 1 Oktober 2017 berlangsung.
“Dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun pertama, Neo Soho Mall menyelenggarakan acara Neo in Style yang bertujuan untuk menjaga identitas sebagai Newest Lifestyle Destination. Selain itu, Neo Soho Mall mendukung secara penuh pegiat industri fashion, terutama IFC sebagai salah satu tenant. Memajukan industri fashion dalam negeri, khususnya untuk para tenant yang ada di Neo Soho Mall adalah salah satu tugas kami sebagai pusat perbelanjaan. Neo in Style salah satu wadah yang dihadirkan Neo Soho untuk mendukung produk dari desainer tanah air,” papar Silviyanti Dwi Aryati selaku Senior Marketing Communication Manager Central Park & Neo Soho Mall.
Neo in Style yang digelar pada tanggal 5 sampai 17 September 2017 di Neo Soho Mall ini meliputi rangkaian kegiatan berupa fashion show, fashion exhibition, fashion experience, dan Fashion Design Contest 2017 Presented by YOU C1000, didukung oleh Make Over cosmetics sebagai official make up partner untuk rangkaian acara Neo In Style ini.
Fashion Show
Panggung runway Neo In Style ini merupakan satu platform bagi Make Over dalam menghadirkan berbagai trend dan kreasi look makeup terbaru dengan mengangkat tema urban yang merupakan bagian dari jati diri Make Over yang sejalan dengan konsep ready to wear fashion rancangan dari sekolah mode LPTB Susan Budihardjo dan para desainer Indonesia yaitu, terbuai by Phangsanny, Ali Charisma, REBORN29 by Syukriah, Nafil Apim, Mozza by Feby Ayusta, aldrè, KHANAAN, Yunita Kosasih, Belinda Ameliyah, dan Yon Yulizar. #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ali_charisma_resize_2-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item2 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/yunita_kosaih_resize_3-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item3 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/susanbudiardjo_resize_2-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item4 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/aldre_resize_5-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item5 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/kanaan_resize_4-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item6 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/febyayusta_resize_2-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item7 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/belinda_resize_4-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item8 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/nafil_apim_resize_4-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item9 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/yon_yulizar_resize_3-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #td_uid_1_59bb265abf576 .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item10 { background: url(http://thewedding.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/phangsanny_resize_2-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; }
1 of 10
Busana: Ali Charisma
Busana: Yunita Kosasih
Busana: Susan Budiardjo
Busana: Aldre
Busana: Kanaan
Busana: Feby Ayusta
Busana: Belinda
Busana: Nafil Apim
Busana: Yon Yulizar
Busana: Phangsanny
Fashion Exhibition
Tak sekadar fashion show, Neo in Style melengkapinya dengan fashion exhibition berupa pop up store dengan konsep menarik sebagai wadah untuk memasarkan produk ready to wear craft fashion yang mengangkat konten lokal dalam ragam gaya, mulai dari gaya konvensional hingga kontemporer untuk memenuhi berbagai selera konsumen. Tak ketinggalan pula digelar fashion experience bagi para pelaku industri ready to wear untuk memahami Indonesia Trend Forecasting 2017/2018 dengan tema ‘Digitarian’.
Fashion Design Contest
Untuk menjaring talenta baru yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam industri ready to wear di Indonesia, diselenggarakan Fashion Design Contest 2017 Presented by YOU C1000. Kompetisi desain ini berkolaborasi dengan lima sekolah mode, yakni Esmod Jakarta, Istituto Di Moda Burgo Indonesia, Binus Northumbria School of Design, LaSalle College Jakarta, dan LPTB Susan Budihardjo. “Generasi milenial merupakan future drinker YOU C1000 yang dekat dengan dunia fashion. Berkolaborasi dengan IFC dan lima sekolah mode di Indonesia, kami membuat lomba desain fashion yang menantang generasi milenial untuk berkreasi dan berkompetisi secara kreatif dan sehat, sehingga diharapkan mereka dapat berkontribusi dalam industri fashion. Hal ini memiliki benang merah dengan brand personality YOU C1000, yaitu premium, beautiful, fresh, modern, dan healthy,” tutur Fajar Akbar selaku Event Manager YOU C1000.
Fashion Design Contest 2017 Presented by YOU C1000 telah dimulai sejak Januari 2017. Dari seluruh peserta yang mengikuti kompetisi ini, tim juri yang terdiri dari desainer Ali Charisma, perwakilan dari pihak YOU C1000 dan masing-masing sekolah mode, telah melakukan proses seleksi untuk memilih 10 finalis dari setiap sekolah mode. Kompetisi ini menentukan lima tema desain yang terinspirasi dari elemen alam untuk masing-masing sekolah mode, yaitu tema ‘Air’ untuk Binus Northumbria School of Design, ‘Fire’ untuk Istituto Di Moda Burgo Indonesia, ‘Earth’ untuk Esmod Jakarta, ‘Metal’ untuk LaSalle College Jakarta, dan ‘Water’ untuk LPTB Susan Budihardjo.
Hasil rancangan seluruh finalis kompetisi ini akan dipresentasikan untuk menentukan para pemenang dalam acara Grand Final yang digelar pada tanggal 15 September 2017 di ajang Neo in Style. Selain menampilkan 50 rancangan dari seluruh finalis, fashion show dalam acara Grand Final turut menghadirkan karya dari desainer tamu, Deden Siswanto. Dengan kriteria penilaian berdasarkan kreativitas, orisinalitas, dan kesesuaian dengan tema, tim juri akan memilih tiga pemenang dari setiap sekolah mode. Selain mendapatkan hadiah berupa uang tunai, pemenang pertama dari setiap sekolah mode akan mendapat kesempatan pula untuk mengikuti Fashion Trip dengan menghadiri Seoul Fashion Week 2017.
Source: Neo in Style: Tampilkan Ragam Warna Busana Siap Pakai Desainer Indonesia
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mjtwinflamesoul · 1 year
Susan Elsa explains Twin Flame Souls in Video
Dear Readers and Spiritual Students I am back and blogging few planned things, and singing for energetic healing of Twin Flames once again, very soon (in progress Secret Project). Yes, Music and Voice does transfer energies best and can ignite your TF Aura by just listening, so we are on that, a special TwinSoul Pop Project. Let me state clearly that we own the Copyright to this New Genre and…
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