njorunheir · 2 years
:𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞: – 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐍 & 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘𝐍
“Oh Quan, there’s nothing I want more than for you to hold me close and whisper in my ear as if everything is fine.”
He leans in closer and, as much as she knows she isn’t worthy of his loving embrace, Ethlyn finds herself doing the same. It’s been almost an entire year since she woke up after the massacre in the desert. Almost an entire year that he was dead. If he still wants her, should she really keep pushing him away?
Her arms slide around his waist and she rests her forehead against his chest. “I know you love me. I want you to love me. I just don’t understand how you still can after what I did to our family. If I had just left Altena with Finn and Leif, none of this would have happened. I brought our daughter to a battlefield. I gave her to that dastard. I…” She sighs.
Ethlyn has always been stubborn but this time, maybe she doesn’t want to be.
He talks about second chances and he’s right. Would they truly have been given this blessing if it wasn’t deserved?
Her hands slide up the front of his chest until she cups both of his cheeks. Pink eyes finally meet brown and she smiles. “I don’t know how I lasted this long here without you.”
   “Enough of such depressing musings, my dear... Your time is better spent with us here in the now.” perchance he might be acting rather hypocritically, however, he could not abide this year long drench she had placed herself in. She questions just what she would do without him, and it makes him worry where she would be if he hadn’t come back. Nothing has been stable since his return to the living, both of them teetering on the very edge. Quan silently hopes they can pick up the many broken pieces of their mistakes together.
   “Now that I am by your side, surely you can affirm that my heart still beats only for you, yes? We are together again, Ethlyn, and I’m sure everything will be just fine.” He assures her weakly, just barely believing the words he spews himself. He sometimes questioned if they would ever find their semblance of normalcy. The knight that he was, Quan would fight for it no matter how impossible it seemed. The light at the end of this tunnel they were in seemed far, but there is no journey he would not take for his family.
   Despite their misgivings, he was devastatingly pleased with the fact that she still looked at him with such admiration. He hoped that his love was conveyed just as sharply in his brown orbs as they were in hers. Battles and journeys aside, he was just happy to be back in a position to see his wife again. To feel her palms wrap around his cheeks, and for his hands to clasp around hers in turn. Moments like these are what kept him sane in what was otherwise a manic and frustrating situation. “Hardship is in our future, my dear... I know that if we are together, though, anything is possible.”
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njorunheir · 2 years
[ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room  (She smiles at him! :) )
   It has not been long since Quan was so generously taken in by the Church and the Knights of Seiros. Between his own personal misgivings and those of his wife, he’d hardly had any time to mingle with those gathered here. He say many faces among the crowds of students and faculty alike, some he recognized with some he didn’t. He was never afraid of conversation, Eldigan or Sigurd could attest to this, but he was feeling some form of hesitancy. There was conversation, and then there was trying to fit in. He continued to dally about on his lonesome until a very familiar face met his own.
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   Her features certainly looked off to him, she had seem some years since their last encounter for sure. Still, she smiled at him as gracefully as she had when Eldigan had first introduced them. Recently, being faced with the passage of time had been nothing short of a blunt blow to the head. In this case, however, he was happy to see that she seemed to be not entirely changed. With a smile of his own, Quan began the short stride over to where she rested at a picnic table. “My, Lady Lachesis, it sure has been a long time.” He chuckled to himself, ‘a long time’ sure was a lousy way to mask a death. 
   “You’ve grown so much since I’ve last seen you. It truly gladdens me to know that you’ve been unharmed through the years.” Being here with this second chance at life, it never seemed to be endlessly bittersweet. He was so happy to see her again, even happier to know that she did not have as rude an awakening as him. Yet- he could not help but sour his pride with the thought that Eldigan too should be able to see his sister flourish. Maybe one day, he too would join him here in this strange ‘afterlife’ of sorts.
   “Full glad am I to know that you remember me, as well. I was starting to feel rather anxious with all these new faces.”
( / @lionheartedsunflower )
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njorunheir · 2 years
:𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞: – 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐍 & 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘𝐍
He asks her to promise but she says nothing, only looks away from him. How can she make such a vow when the feelings of guilt and shame, anger and despair continue to weigh her down each day? Quan’s appearance in Fódlan has helped but Ethlyn still thinks of the knights of the Lance Ritter. They had families and loved ones that they left behind too. Their own family was together again but it doesn’t change the fact that Leif and Altena grew up without knowing the love of their parents. It doesn’t change the fact that Finn was left to pick up what pieces he could find. 
Ethlyn’s choices still caused so much suffering.
The warmth of his hand on top of hers is comforting as he brings them to his chest. She knows all too well where his matching scar is. She doesn’t think she could ever forget the bloody sight of his torn jacket when she found him lying in that cornfield. 
"I don’t like yours either,” his wife tries to crack a joke but it falls flat. He’ll always be her handsome prince but the physical reminder that she’d gotten him killed makes her own heart ache. 
Quan cups her cheek and brings her to look at him again. She doesn’t protest but she still can’t bring herself to fully gaze into his warm, brown eyes. She’s afraid of the disappointment she might find in them. 
“I know but,” her voice cracks, “I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve your love.”
   Quan sighs out wistfully, releasing her from the embrace when she dares not look his way. He is sure he knows exactly what his wife is feeling, the guilt and fear of their short lives. How can he make her feel better when he hardly keep his own burdens afloat on his shoulders. Would he bear her sorrow, even if it crushed him in the process? Of course... But things seemed to be different now, she would not trust him with her troubles.
   “My dear... The only person here who is telling you that is yourself. Is it not enough for you when I say that I want you to have my love as badly as I need yours?”
   He cannot drop all the blame on her alone, he knows he has avoided her gaze a great many time since being here. Things were complicated with their relationship, this he knew, but he would be damned if he was going to lose it. The guilt he carries, the sorrow he hides... none of it would ever keep him from her, just like death had not. He hopes silently that with time she too will feel the same as he does. That soon they can be the united family he had always dreamed of in his waking life.
    “I understand your feelings, Ethlyn... There is much we must make up for, but the fact we stand here together is proof that we deserve this second chance. I know things will be difficult for a while, but I will always be here to carry your sorrow when you need respite.”
   He was never one for motivational speeches, things like this he could always leave to Sigurd and his obnoxiously lovable mannerisms. Quan hopes that just this once, he alone is enough to convey just how he feels about all this. He leans in closer to her, careful to respect her space if she does not want him near. He cannot help it, but to want to hug his wife just like they did so gleefully with Altena between them. These memories kept him sane, made him feel safe...
   “My dearest wife... We have a second chance at a family. Our son is here, and perhaps one day our daughter will join us as well.” 
I will atone for us both, I promise....
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njorunheir · 2 years
𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 – 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐍, 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐃, & 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘𝐍
he’d tried to warn ethlyn that she should not get her hopes up, for the disappointment that it was not her husband would only make the realization hurt more. "ethlyn, you should have waited for me!” he calls out to her while hopping off celice, trusting his steed not to go anywhere. he heads towards her and the man she holds, only realizing who exactly she was holding when he finally catches up with them.
“quan…” his eyes widen and for a moment he can only stare, trying to process that it was truly his childhood friend and his sister before him. fodlan was like magic to him, returning his dead loved ones he had so stubbornly thought he would never see again.
“gods, you look like a mess my man.” sigurd attempts to ease the atmosphere with a boyish laugh, though of course he makes no attempt to pull ethlyn away from him. his facial features soften as he looks down at the both of them. how was this even real?
   Quan of course reciprocates the kiss, delighting in the knowledge that he could embrace her like this. They were not dead, and their story would not end at the hands of Travant and his goons. The overwhelming joy damn near brings him to tears, but the surprise overtakes it at the voice booming out behind him. The hand resting against his wife's stained cheek falls away, allowing her to take the hint that they would need to break apart for now. Ever the open book she had been known to be, the disappoint was clear on her face.   
   He would have to make up for it later, when they were all safe and someplace they could sit and talk. Now was the time for heartfelt reunions, not just with Ethlyn, but his brother and most dear friend. "Sigurd, you're here too!" He quakes in delight, fumbling to his shaky feet attempting to meet the man standing before him. Bringing the man into a tight embrace, he notices the bear hug he intended to give was significantly weaker. If fact, all of his muscles seemed to ache at any and all motions he bade them make. "Good god I would hope so! I don't want to meet the man who looks dashing after what I've been through." He quips, a smirk and jest to hide the growing unease his body had presented him.   
   "That's not important now though. What's important is that we're here, together. It seems like I've been away for a while... So thank you both for holding out hope for me."
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njorunheir · 2 years
:𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞: -- 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐍 & 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘𝐍
After the initial joy that Quan’s return provides, Ethlyn finds herself drifting further and further apart from him. She can’t quite bring herself to look him in the eye. It had been her fault, after all. Everything that happened to tear their family apart led back to one single moment: her decision to ride after her husband and the Lance Ritter with Altena.
If only she had stayed back in Leonster or even listened to Quan when he warned her to turn around, none of this would have happened. Altena would have been raised at home with her brother. Ethlyn would have been there to watch her children grow and mature. Without his wife and daughter to worry about and distract him, Quan could have put his full focus into his fight against Travant. He could have won. The Lance Ritter would have made it to Sigurd and their aid could have been enough to change the outcome of the war. They could have been a family again, safe and happy and whole. But Ethlyn didn’t remain in Leonster and she was too stubborn to listen to Quan and turn back and now they are fractured and broken.
How can she look at her husband after all of that? She doesn’t deserve to feel his embrace.
Ethlyn returns alone to the quarters they still share after a morning training session. She watches herself in the mirror as she begins to change out of her training gear and pink eyes land on the scar left behind by Gungnir. She’s managed to keep Quan from seeing her like this so far but the door clicks unlocked and opens. Over her shoulder in the reflection, her husband appears.
“Quan, I…” She should say something but there are no words.
   Quan walked with little purpose down to paved road that lead him to his "home" of sorts here at the Monastery. Since being here, he could feel the weight of things changing all around him. When he'd first arrived, he foolishly thought things would slot back into place perfectly. How naïve he was.... He thought that even looking away from Ethlyn for another second would pierce his chest much like... anyway. Now he found that meeting her eyes simply made guilt set in, making him avoid her ever so slightly. 
   She was still the love of his life, of course, and they still did everything together like they should. But sometimes when they were alone together, like at home, he found it hard to be close to her. What husband wouldn't when they fractured their whole family with one faulty call of judgement. How selfish he had been, not to put his foot down and order her back home with their young daughter. He'd offered, but had never truly meant it at the time. He wanted her at his side always, oblivious to the true danger lurking in the shadows. Flashes of her face down in the sand, blood trailing away seemed to find their ways to the forefront of his mind. How could he have let her end up that way? He'd promised her and Sigurd that he would keep her safe. 
   Now, here he was, barely able to keep himself afloat in his training unlike the others. Since his "revival" as he's dubbed it, his body felt weak and stiff beyond belief. His muscle all seemed present, he looked just as fit and form as he had the moments before his death. So why did it feel like he was a wee bab once again, hardly able to hold up a spear? Just another layer of things to worry about... But, it appeared his wallowing would have to wait for the moment. He waited outside the door to their room for a moment, collecting himself before meeting with her once again. The silly thought of calling her and saying 'Honey, I'm home!' crossed his mind, but he thought against it for the moment.
   Silently, he opened the door to their shared quarters, only for him to see his wife undressing near the mirror. He hardly felt the need to look away, after all, they'd seen each others forms several times now. But... What he sees between her thin fingers does send a shock down his spine. A deep scar across her chest, much like the one he had on his... 'Damn you, Travant!' He could see the horror in her face, something he'd hardly ever seen from her before. She was always to fearless, ready to run headfirst in any situation as long as they were together. Did she think he would hate it? Did she truly believe he would love her less for what she could not help? If anything, the scar that blemished her skin was just a reminder of his own failures. 
   Slowly, he walked his way up to her, placing his hand gently over the top of hers. "Ethlyn.... You should never need to hide anything from me. I- I know we're struggling to find our place once again, believe me. But this... I never want to see such an expression on your lovely face ever again. Promise me?" He speaks quietly, almost like too loud a sound would blow her away from his grasp. Never again... Even if looking at her hurt him, he would look at her all the same. Because that was his love for her. He would shoulder this guilt, this failed responsibility because it was his duty. He was never one to shirk duty, after all. 
   "I have one too, you know..." He guided her hand that so vehemently protected the scar from his eyes to his chest. Her hand now rested right on his chest, surely she could feel his heart beat now. "Right here, love... Pierced through the chest, that bastard didn't even have the courtesy to hit my heart. Though I suppose I am a bit glad, the pain was worth it to find you before I... well, you know." He looked away briefly before turning back to her. His spare hand cupped her cheek softly, and he gave her a the best smile he could. "I love you, you know that right, Ethlyn?"
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njorunheir · 2 years
𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 -- 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐍, 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐃, & 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘𝐍
Ethlyn’s heart pounds in her chest as she encourages her horse to run faster and faster. She is going to owe the poor thing so many apples later but they can’t slow down now.
The moment she heard the request for aid from the Knights of Seiros, Ethlyn knew it was him. The farmer that had found her own unconscious body in his cornfield had discovered someone else. It’s Quan. It has to be Quan. She’d volunteered immediately and set off moments later.
Now she can see the outline of the farm in the distance. “Just a bit further, girl!” Ethlyn encourages her horse. They are so close.
When she finally arrives at the cornfield, she doesn’t even wait for her horse to come to a complete stop before dismounting and running toward the collapsed figure.
It’s him.
Ethlyn kneels beside her beloved Quan and immediately begins her work as a healer. He’s still alive and, just like her own arrival in Fódlan, the worst of his wounds have closed. “It’s alright,” she soothes as her hands hover over the wound on his chest left by Gungnir. Healing light illuminates and Ethlyn pours every hope she’s had for this reunion into her magic. “I’m here. You’re safe. Come back to me, Quan, please…”
@njorunheir @divinetyrfing​
   His conscious seemed to be fading in and out, somehow both coherent and also completely unaware. When his eyes opened ever so slightly, he could see the bloody mess of what was left of him and his beloved wife. The next he saw her begging, a bright sun above them and some kind of field surrounding them. A groan escaped his lips when suddenly he felt a jolt that snapped his brain alight once again. His eyes opened fully this time, finally able to take in his surroundings completely. 
   The first thing he notices, however, is his wife running herself into the ground healing what essentially seemed already healed. It felt slightly inappropriate for the moment, but he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips in that moment. "You're always in such a rush, Love. I am fine now. You can relax now, Ethlyn." He grabs her hands, pulling them away from the frayed strings and blooded fabric of his shirt. Simply happy to see her again, he wraps her arms against him and embraces her. Fully happy to erase the imagine of her pink matted hair stuck against the grainy sand of the Aed Desert. 
   "I am happy to see you again, Ethlyn... But I must ask- We... We are supposed to be dead. Where are we, and how are we alive?" It was a tough question, just having to think about it made him tense up. But he was a man, a knight, and there was no rest for the wicked. If he were to keep his promise to Sigurd to keep her safe, he would need to know everything.
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njorunheir · 2 years
nonverbal memes
add + to reverse who does the action
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention  [ sleep ] for your muse to wake mine  [ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket  [ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.  [ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning  [ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair  [ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair  [ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine  [ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room  [ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer  [ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger  [ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s [ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying  [ eat ]  for your muse to offer mine food [ hit ] for your muse to attack mine  [ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance  [ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine  [ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap  [ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring  [ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually  [ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support  [ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm  [ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand  [ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did  [ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine  [ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap  [ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down  [ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away  [ dream ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare  [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation  [ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury  [ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine  [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger  [ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine  [ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
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njorunheir · 3 years
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This banner is the best qwq
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