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ditusanexus · 1 year ago
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The #TissueTrimmingKit is used for #BoneHarvesting and trimming as well as #SoftTissue removal. To learn more and order online please visit: https://bit.ly/41Y4DNV
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wait if you hc trans he/him surge does that mean surgide will eventually be yaoi
personified rage yaoi
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prestigedentalproductsca · 11 months ago
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Prestige Dental Products offers Trimmer Kit - Surgident at affordable prices. With its convenient storage and various components such as the tissue punch, trephine bur, guide punch, and saw disk, this kit offers both ease of use and prevention of loss. Buy now!
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gayhenrycreel · 3 months ago
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im so late to this, so ill put a bunch in one post.
1/2/3 principal host, protector, and persecutor
the host is Henry. ive been host since mid 2022, ever since i split. im also a trauma holder and introject.
the primary protector is Sigurd, who used to be a persecutor.
i dont really have persecutors anymore, but it used to be Jareth.
6 problematic alter
not really a thing i believe in, but some of our sources have done fucked up stuff. my source breaks peoples bones and sometimes people act like this makes me, a real person, problematic. i once had someone go after me because they think im "glorifying a white supremacist", by which they mean a fictional character who they claimed is racist because hes pale, despite the whole "fuck oppression" scene. my source is canonically anemic.
9 first introject
Doc. hes not very active now, but is currently still complaining about a dream where he got stuck in a very poorly designed door frame. hes an introject of the 11th doctor, and hes been around since i was 13.
13 most basic appearance
Keith. imagine the most bogan looking bogan and thats him
14 a couple
me (Henry) and Sigurd have been together for a little over 2 years. Sigurd helped me recover from psychosis when i split, and weve been together ever since. in turn i helped him recover from being a persecutor. the only issues weve had in our relationship is me feeling inadequate, and Sigurd being mildly jealous of me because im autosexual, and i spend a lot of time staring at myself rather than him. sorry Sigurd.
15 a family
i have a whole in system family tree. Victor is my dad, and Eddie and Elliot are me and Sigurd's kids. me and Sigurd nickname each other Spoingus, so Victor is Grand Spoingus, and Eddie and Elliot are the Spoinglets. Sigurd has 2 brothers, Hvitserk and Ivar. Hvitserk has a weird name and none of us understand how thats an actual old norse name (means White Shirt apparently). amazingly people struggle more with Sigurd's name, often calling him Sigrid, Zigurd, or Surgid. we get along well, especially since Ivar got bored of speaking exclusively in south park quotes, just because people hate it.
17 alter that breaks stereotype
Victor. hes just a normal 1950s father.
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daxalog · 6 years ago
The Surgid pictured here waits until anyone draws near to which then it rises up and begins to aim. But it can only rotate so long until the energy inside NEEDS to be expelled.
Things I now know about slightly-dynamic enemy AI design, Enum states are your friend, learn proper Timer Usage and most importantly have fun. Its always easy to go into a game going “Its gonna have these cool enemies that respond to everything you do but are also really smart just like OTHER GAME i like!” until you actually have to make it! 
Then you read up and study most game AI and realize the KISS (Keep It Simple Santa) principle combined with some triggers and conditional quirks are what give a better feeling of a thing to fight or even interact with. The “Surgid” (Sur-Jed) here is made in a way in that it will detect ANY creature and fire at it. Which I hope will lead into some neat interactions with future more mobile enemies.Nothing says “Smart” more than Infighting!
Also, im really proud of the rise and splash down effects. And the bullet hits and-
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surgidentorea · 6 years ago
Surgident Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of dental medical devices
Surgident Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of dental medical devices established in 2006. The Surgident brand combines 'surgery' and 'dentistry', with the mission to create 'Smiley World', that is, strong teeth and oral health for everyone and therefore, our employees strive to develop the brand into a global company while representing Korea in the best possible way under that idea.
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 Since its establishment, Surgident has been expanding its business through competitive quality and production cost reduction through self-manufacturing, and has received much interest and support from medical dental technicians. We are constantly making changes to improve our technology development and manufacturing facilities and equipment, in order to meet customer's expectation.
 Increasing the number of dental hospitals and patients due to the aging population and implementing cutting-edge dental procedures are becoming all the more important not only for surgical purposes but also for esthetics. We look forward to further expansion of our dental field in terms of business feasibility and business scope and we are now in the process of helping to make another leap forward. Surgident Co. Ltd. is committed to be a 'leading company' that pays close attention to new dental industry trends to find and create new dental products. 
 Handpiece Applicator 
Torque-less type applicator for dental hand piece to use manually. It is convenient to operate hand piece by rotating the bottom handle.
 • The torque-less type handle is designed to be compatible with all hand pieces on the market. 
• The procedure can be performed in areas that are difficult to access in the mouth, e.g. molar,
 • The palate, and mandibular medial. 
• Compared with hand piece for engine when tightening or loosening of implant or upper structures, 
• It is easy to feel torque resistance, making it possible to carry out sensitive operation. GBR System and related instruments 
• Titanium Mesh (bone plate) Handling the Titanium Mesh is grasped using the forceps or finger. 
• Titanium Mesh (bone plate) Cutting Titanium Mesh plate can be cut using medical scissors. Exercise care while cutting plates to avoid producing flying plate fragments that can enter the surgical site. The edge made by breaking off a plate section can be easily smoothed using a round burr. 
• Pre-drilling GBR System Bone Screws are self-tapping and self-drilling. In case of high density bone like Mandibular molar region, pre-drilling using pilot drill, connected to a dental hand piece, is recommended prior to insertion of Bone Screw to prevent fracture of screw thread. Fault drilling causes that screws will not fit tightly into the bone. To reduce potential for thermal necrosis, all pilot drills should be used at minimal RPM. 
• Bone Screws and Bone Plate Fixation For screw and plate fixation, the surgeon can use driver shafts (Tac Remover Driver). When using a driver manually, it is used with a driver handle. Use it to pick up a screw then drive it to fixate the screw in the surgical site until the screw head is seat. Do not over torque the screw.
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kattyhair-blog · 7 years ago
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До и после. Препарат Princess Volume #увеличениегуб  #филле­ры #мезотерапия #katt­yhair #меза #surgider­m #perfectha #filler ­#увеличениегубмск #ре­стилайн  #увеличениегубмосква #увеличениегубнедорого #princessvolume #увеличениегубвмоскве #увеличениегубмастер (at Студия Kattyhair - Наращивание Волос и Татуаж)
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botanicae-blog · 7 years ago
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Iris pseudacorus 
A continuación, encontrareis lo que quedó seco de una de las anotaciones apresuradas del respetado capitán Sevitt - amo de archipiélagos hechizados por el transcurso de las 97 vidas del gato que lo acompañó – Sus enseñanzas se nos presentan leñosas y al mismo tiempo vítreas, habéis leído bien, son parte de la cintura entre la costumbre y el rompimiento con la herencia. Un tallo frágil que proviene -como todos los tallos- de la lúdica alquimia de la tierra astronauta, y que se dirige siempre hacia todos lados.  Dicho de otra manera, un manual casi incompleto que instruye sobre los pormenores del arte de ver lo que muchos mueren sin ver.
Lo primero es escoger su desierto, tome muy en cuenta la disposición de las dunas, debe reconocer algo en ellas, debe percibir un llamado de la arena que se enrosque en el airepara luego caer de nuevo, y un sendero que le abra paso. ¡No escoga un desierto que no la invite primero! Despues se dispondra a recorrer su desierto por la noche. Habrá de hacerse con cautela para evitar tropezar con espejismos verdaderos. Es por eso que andará con los ojos vendados y descalza. Una vez se ha quitado los zapatos ha de ofrecerlos como obsequio a las constelaciones que lleven calzado. Lo anterior es de suma importancia, ya que en el gélido desierto nocturno nunca se camina solo sino siempre en caravana y es necesario andar en paz con sus acompañantes.
Lo siguiente es dar su primer paso, pero antes de darlo se hace menester recordar lo que sintió cuando respiró por primera vez. Si acaso se le dificulta hacerlo -como suele pasarnos a los olvidadizos- entonces tendrá que recurrir a quedarse recostada en la arena hasta sentir que ya no flota, es decir, hasta que se le borre la piel y los pulmones se le conviertan en lagartos que brillan en la oscuridad. Cuando eso haya pasado, entonces ¡levántese de una vez y échese a correr!
Es normal que sienta como si las dunas estuviesen hechas de petalos, millones de ellos. Luego sentirá obsidiana tibia o tal vez pastizales de trigo .  No se detenga, óigame, no paré de correr. Después escuchará el cantar de un ave grande, con las alas extendidas sobre usted volará empapándole con viento que viene no en bocanadas sino en telares. De la pluma primera a su contraparte en el otro flanco habrá la distancia que hasta entonces haya usted corrido. ¡Figureselo! Reconocerá en el cantar del ave tonos de percusión que vienen de una garganta acostumbrada al helecho, provienen de rituales que el avé escuchó e imitó de danzantes. Sin quitarse la venda de los ojos sabrá que las plumas son de tantos colores como notas tiene el instante de cualquier criatura.  Pues bien, el canto del ave marcará el tempo de su carrera. Continúe.  
Deténgase por completo solo cuando deje de sentir en la espalda los telares de viento, el ave se habrá marchado. Quédese ahí en silencio. Escribirá sobre la arena la siguiente oración: <<Surgid, espejo prismático, duna de estrellas, nebulosa, cae y conviértete en niebla. Ruinas del inicio, tomad mis ojos.>>  A continuación, si ha seguido los pasos procediendo como le he indicado, se quedará dormida en las dunas.  Soñará con un mercado inmenso en el que transite el mundo entero.  Aun no habrá recuperado la vista, pero no será necesario para verlo todo con exactitud, tan solo escuchad las lenguas entremezclándose en una sinfonía bulliciosa. A unos pasos los brazaletes de aquella mujer se sacuden haciendo sonidos agudos. Monos de mercaderes que coquetean y se roban sombreros. Se sigue abriendo paso entre la multitud que se dirige a todas partes y viene de donde todas ellas.. Ahora, huele aquellos frutos tropicales abiertos por la mitad, ande, pruébelos. Por accidente su mano le toca el pelo ensortijado a una ni��a. Ya los costales repletos de pescado aterrizan haciendo que la madera salte. Después de pasar algunos charcos y probar licores, caminar sobre alfombras y presenciar las hazañas de un mago de calle, llegará a un lugar con brisa matinal. Siéntese en la piedra y meta los pies al agua. Conviertase en horizonte. Escuchará a los pescadores charlar del día y a las poleas rechinarle a la soga de vela. Ahora de poco en poco recupera la vista, aun borrosa. En su desierto estará por amanecer, el eco lejano del ave le despertará. Quítese la venda y entonces los verá, en formas de luces que ascienden y cordones que se enrollan en sus brazos. Pruébelos, como frutos de mercado, exprímalos en la piel, deje que caigan, como la nebulosa. Ahora los ve a todos. Se funden con su desierto y en su muelle, con el ave y sus telares, y las dunas de petalos . Ahora no solo los ve. Usted es parte de los colores que no existían.  
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aquila123 · 8 years ago
Development of children and teens into athletes by unethical and dangerous medical methods
All over the World persons destined to become competition athletes are systematically subjected to a strict training and diet regime with a military-like disipline from they are young kids, without regard for the ultimate well.being of the kid, and the future well-bing of the adults these kids acentually will be.
In these training regimes there is a cartain element of fun, pleasure and happiness, but only in the way and degree that it helps the goal of producing a athlete that can take gold medals in national and international competitions.
These regimes are fairly well known. What is not so well known, is that those kids are developed systematically not only with a strict training regime, but also with extensive medical interventions of pharmacological, surgical and physical kind. On the long term these interventions can produce disasterous result from their health as adults.
Also psychological interventions are used to make the children obey the regimes, to feel an ambition they would not feel otherwise, and to suppress other whishes and ambitions they would naturally have. Some of the interventions also make the kids feel a kind of ecstacy, not unlike sexual ecstacy, coupled to the training regime, that is used as a driving force.
Often these kids attend special sport schools, often boarding schools, with hospital sections where the kids undergo the programs consisting of surgeries and other imterventions. Other kids attend sport clubs that have theie own medical centers for that purpose or cooperate with some nearby medical center.
Sveral drugs are forbidden to use during training and compettition. Among those are many steroids. But symptoms you can watch at young athletes,like for example girls having a typical masculine body shape, points to extensive treatment of athletes under development with these kind of drugs, but of cource it happens secretly.
Less clandestine is the use of asthma medication to alollow to make it easier for young athletes to train intensively and thereby obtain greater development within muscle mass and condition. Even though there are certain restrictions on the use of such drugs, the restrictions are commonly overcome by false asthma diagnoses. Some of these drugs also hane a direct anabolic effects, commonly denied by the sport clubs and their medical apparatus.
In sports where great flexibility and slim body figure gives advantages, drugs to delay or even block the pubertal development is commonly used both for boys and girls, so that the shape and flexibility of a child is preserved in athletes in their teens or after. Some nations or teams are commonly accused of sending underage performers to international competitions, pretending that they are older. This might be true, but more likely these performers are much older, but with pharmacologically blocked pubertal development.
Especially in sports that require great flexibility, this is not only achieved by classical stretching exercises, but also by techical equipment of various kind. To achieve greater flexibility in the pelvic region, the anus, rectum, urethra or vagina are frequently blocked out or otherwise manipulated on kids being developed to athletes.
Furthermore, the colon, anus, bladder and urethra of these kids are often manipulated by insertion of balloons that are then inflated. The purpose seem to be facilitaion of complete emptying of the colon and bladder before they perform, so that the content is not any hinder for training and performance.
These kids is also frequently subjected to cystoscopy or vaginoscopy where long term working medication is injected in the deeper parts of the genitals with the purpose of decreasing sexual reactions,like erections, that are seen as a hinder for the training and development process.
These manipulations are often done in massage sessions after training, and with the kid sedated so that heshe is not fully aware of what is going on.
Intervations to make joints and body structures more flexible is very common during the development of a young athlete. The hip joints are most often surgically reshaped for this purpose. Also structures in the pelvic floor around the genitals and anus are subjected to surgery to make the structures more fit for extensive bendings and flextions.
A fairly  common surgical intervention in athletics that require great flexibility is removal of some rib bones.
In some sport clubs, the size of male genitals are sytematically reduced to make the area more fit for the sport they perform. It seems to be most common in swim clubs.
Most female top athletes have got the development of the breasts depressed or they have undergone surgery to diminish the breasts.
From American collage sport there are exampls of heart surgery to increase the working capacity of the heart in young athletes. Probably the capacity of the vessels furnishing the heart with blood is increased during the surgery.
Also from American collage sport there are also examples of surgery to reduce the size of the intestines to make the abdumen get an optimal shape.
Hypnotic techniques are often used to motivate children for the transformational program to make a top athlete. An objective of the techiques is to make the child believe firmly in the glory of being a successful athlete, to believe firmly that he or she will become such a athlete and to decrease their consciousness of other immediate or long term wishes.
The children will often be sedeted with drugs before the hypnotic sessions to weaken own critical judgement about the material suggested.
Medical research organizations and universities use athletes under development extensively as guinea pigs to try out new surgidal and pharmacological methods to alter body development, shape and function, and to try out new techniques for mental manipulation.
Many of the body-alterning techiques used on the kids are such new methods not commonly known about or older methods still kept secret.
The kids are also used extensively as training objects for medical students and for doctors under specialization.
The sport clubs and sport schools earn money for renting out kids for these purposes.
By Knut Holt
More information about physical and mental health, physical and mental training and sexual techniques written by Knut Holt here:
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lapampadxd · 8 years ago
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Santa Rosa | Vecinos cortaron la Avenida Perón
En horas del mediodía de este miércoles un grupo de vecinos procedió a realizar un corte en Avenida Perón y Felice. Según lo publicado por Contacto Radio,  el corte fue realizado por vecinos del Barrio El Faro quienes reclaman por los problemas que han surgid con las últimas lluvias. En dos s...
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ditusanexus · 2 years ago
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The #TissueTrimmingKit is used for #BoneHarvesting and trimming as well as #SoftTissue removal. To learn more and order online please visit: https://bit.ly/41Y4DNV #TissueTrimmer #Surgident #DentalKit #ImplantKit #DentalImplantKit #TissueKit #MedicalKit
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My oc x canon ship is literally just two raging pansexuals with scarily high pain tolerances constantly fail at killing each other and the only way to cope is kissing
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bebycassie · 13 years ago
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Surgident Shoppingmall Design
Click to Website
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bebycassie · 13 years ago
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Surgident Website Design
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