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hatiralarmi · 1 year ago
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Dizayn Dental, Ankara'da bulunan ve Kızılay ve Çankaya'da çeşitli genel diş hekimliği hizmetleri sunan bir diş kliniğidir. Bu hizmetler arasında rutin diş kontrolleri, temizlik ve dolguların yanı sıra kök kanalları ve diş çekimi gibi daha özel tedaviler yer almaktadır. Kliniğin deneyimli Kızılay diş doktoru, Çankaya diş doktoru seçenekleri, hastalarına yüksek kalitede bakım sağlamak için en son teknoloji ve teknikleri kullanıyor. İster rutin bir temizliğe, ister daha karmaşık bir diş işlemine ihtiyacınız olsun, Dizayn Dental sağlıklı bir gülümsemeye sahip olmanız için ihtiyacınız olan bakımı sağlayacak donanıma sahiptir. Dizayn Dental, genel diş hekimliği hizmetlerinin yanı sıra Ankara’da dahil Kızılay diş beyazlatma da dahil olmak üzere gülüş estetiği hizmetleri de sunmaktadır. Gülüş tasarımı, kişinin gülüşünü estetik açıdan daha güzel ve uyumlu hale getiren bir diş hekimliği uygulamasıdır. Kliniğin gülüş estetiği Ankara hizmetleri arasında diş beyazlatma, ortodonti, diş implantları ve protezler yer almaktadır. Bu hizmetler, ister dişlerini düzeltmeyi, ister eksik dişleri değiştirmeyi, ister diş beyazlatmayla gülüşlerini aydınlatmayı kapsasın, hastaların arzu ettikleri gülümsemeye ulaşmalarına yardımcı olabilir. Kliniğin gülüş estetiği hizmetleri ile hastalar sağlıklı ve güzel bir gülüşe kavuşabilmektedir. Dizayn Dental ayrıca Ankara acil diş doktoru hizmetleri de sunmaktadır. Dişle ilgili acil durumlar stresli ve acı verici olabilir ve sorunu çözmek için derhal bakım almak önemlidir. Kliniğin acil servisleri, şiddetli diş ağrısı, kırık diş veya dolgu kaybı gibi konularda acil müdahaleye ihtiyaç duyan hastalar için mevcuttur. Dizayn Dental'in acil diş hizmetleri ile hastalar ihtiyaç duydukları bakımı ihtiyaç duydukları anda alabilmekte, diş sorunlarına hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde müdahale edilmesi sağlanmaktadır.
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thebibliosphere · 5 months ago
I feel like you forgot the epic near death tooth thing in your post about your diagnoses. I'm not sure if that had any lasting effects, but I remember that saga
Oh yeah. The mercury poisoning from the botched filling.
How the fuck am I alive.
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guillotin3d · 9 months ago
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toothfund · 10 months ago
Help my best friend keep their teeth!
Hey there. My name's Tulip and I made this blog as a way to boost the GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for my best friend Peyton's dental expenses.
Peyton and I have known each other for seven years now, and in that time I've watched them endure severe dental issues that would be utterly debilitating to anyone else. The prohibitive cost and psychological distress kept Peyton from receiving the care they desperately needed, and as such they spent several years living with multiple broken teeth. It was only after the pain had gotten so bad that they were unable to eat, sleep, or think clearly that they were able to get to a dentist. They ended up having two teeth extracted. I was glad to see them in less pain, but it made me feel sick to think that we could've saved their teeth had they been treated sooner. I decided that I couldn't bear to see my friend live with this burden any longer, and I've been doing everything I can to try and raise the funds for them.
Since the GoFundMe launched they've been able to get the most pressing work done, thankfully, but there's still a way's to go before they're pain-free and healthy. Last week we officially raised enough for Peyton's third procedure (Yippee!!) and we're now moving on to funding the fourth, which'll be a hefty $964.00. They'll be getting this work done in mid May, so that leaves us with about a month to raise the funds.
I'm sure many of you reading this have personally experienced mouth pain, so you can imagine how hard this has been on Peyton. I don't want them to have to worry about choosing between going into debt or keeping their teeth. Any amount donated will put us that much closer to bringing them further relief. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing--even if you don't think anyone will see. Thank you for reading!
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Some tooth art by Peyton, see more here.
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incognitopolls · 1 year ago
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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shadyufo · 1 year ago
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Dental Plaque!
This collage of real animal teeth affixed to a wooden plaque would make a great one-of-a-kind gift for any fan of odd things in your life. Or a nice treat for your own rad self!
This is probably the last one of these I'll be making for a while. I'm nearly out of tiny teefs!
Get it HERE in my Etsy shop!
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shiftythrifting · 5 months ago
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40 isn’t old if you’re a tree - a sentiment I can get behind
Let’s hope grandpa has a small business making stepstools. The stool-esque shape on the sign is a mirror
Man floating in the water has a custom canvas company sticker on the back.
Topical fluoride in a vintage-looking package. I couldn’t find a best by date.
And a white onion, spotted on a support pillar outside the store
Several shops in Boise, ID
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amazingphil · 1 year ago
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colinstetsonfan16 · 15 days ago
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Teeth Blackening
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goodwilltemptation · 2 years ago
Dental Phantoms
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fox-bright · 1 month ago
A thing I knew: the hormone relaxin is greatly increased during menstruating, which loosens muscles, tendons and ligaments. While this serves to increase pelvic flexibility, to allow birth to go more smoothly, it has the additional result of increasing the chance of injury to joints and so on, as they're not as strong as during the rest of the month. Basically, all the tendons and ligaments are looser for a few days, not just the ones whose additional flexibility would help the body survive labor.
A thing I did not extrapolate from this knowledge: This is also true of the ligaments that hold my teeth into my skull.
Holy wow, my teeth--still pretty new to braces--are moving QUICKLY this week.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year ago
I think sometimes it's hard to see my progress with my health because it so often feels like I take one step forward and then a hop, skip, and a jump back in some regards.
I'll improve one thing, and something else will pop up like a constant game of whack-a-mole with Symptoms. It's hard not to feel defeated, even though I know logically that progress is progress, but sometimes, progress doesn't feel much like progress and more like dragging yourself around by the scruff of the neck. It's tiring, in a 'slowly eats away at your soul and makes you increasingly mentally unwell' sort of way.
And then I'll see someone like Magic Dentist Man, who I haven't seen for a while, and the clarity of how far I've come hits me like a ton of bricks.
I've been through a lot since he first started treating me. I almost died, for one thing. He was there for the worst of it. Watched me slowly fade away to nothing until it was almost too late. But he hasn't seen much of me during my recovery. His daughter has primarily taken over my care -- the only person, he jokes, who he trusts with my 'complexities.' When he found the infection on the lower right side of my jaw during my checkup last week, however, he declared then and there he'd be the one to treat it.
"You've been hurt too much already, kiddo," was all he said, like if it was up to him, like if I was his kid, he'd beat the shit out of everyone who came before him. Like the fact that I was so badly brutalized by the medical system that I taught myself to breathe through the pain of root canals without anesthesia was a travesty he'll never forgive.
He's like that, Magic Dentist Man. He sees someone in pain and says, "Not today, not at my hands."
If he asked me to help hide a body, I'd ask how far away and how deep he wanted the hole.
Anyway. He's seen me through some of the worst moments of my life, and today, while he was holding the curing wand over my carefully reconstructed teeth, I caught him smiling upside down at me behind his mask.
"What?" I asked, though it came out more like, 'Hwhut?'
"Nothing," he said, still smiling. "I was just thinking you look alive."
And maybe now, a few hours after the painkillers are out of my system, maybe, yeah. Maybe that's hitting a little harder than I expected. Because he knows, y'see? He knows how far I've come. Even if I sometimes forget.
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thurisazsalail · 9 months ago
Uh. I just spent $1000 usd on a dentist. That was unexpected. Sure. Okay.
The cat's bloodwork for his serious heart problem is ~$400 at the cheap vet tomorrow. Fuck.
This is the cat in question. He's dreaming but he's ALWAYS this huffy + puffy. There is fluid building up in his chest but now he's so far gone, he can't have surgery. All we can do is bloodwork, x-rays, and medication. His meds can't be refilled without new bloodwork.
I could use the help. Even $1 at a time.
$A - DanielOneiroi
I also do paypal, but message for email address <3
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incognitopolls · 1 year ago
Note: The health of your teeth is not dictated solely by your hygiene practices. Genetics, history of illness, healthcare access, and economic status all contribute. This is just a general survey. Don't judge people for the state of their teeth.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months ago
Wanna be horrified with me?
I had to watch a document about white colonizers in Canada for class and there was a throwaway line about a young woman travelling out to the "Northwest" (basically the prairie provinces of Canada) to get married and having ALL HER TEETH PULLED and replaced with dentures before the move.
Take me out behind the barn and shoot me first. That made me cringe so hard.
I just looked this up to see if it was a Thing. Big mistake.
No pictures, thank god, but anecdotal evidence that it has been a Thing on and off, in various cultures- especially in Acadia, which checks out here -into the 1970s in some cases. IE people saying "oh yeah, my great-grandma had that!" It seems to have mostly been isolated, not mainstream. Not that that's stopped myth-makers from claiming that ALL VICTORIAN BRIDES HAD THEIR TEETH REMOVED!!!! I hardly need to say that I've found no evidence of this- indeed, I've never read anything about an adult woman with healthy teeth having needless extractions in the 19th century until today (primarily reading publications and letters from urban or suburban areas of the US and UK, and sometimes France). And plenty of married or simply older women discussing tooth problems- one letter I read from 1820s Boston had a married fortysomething lady complaining about a toothache, for example
Actually, I'm finding more early-mid 20th century sources about it, now I really poke around. Interesting. I almost wonder if it didn't gain in popularity as infection became less of an issue, rather than being an older practice.
The idea, apparently, was that you couldn't have tooth problems if you didn't have teeth. Which is. Interesting and highly flawed logic, because now you have Got All My Teeth Extracted In A Pre-Antibiotics Era problems. Plus potential bone loss in your jaw, over time, which causes other issues.
Yeesh. I need to go brush and floss 15 times, brb
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