#Supernatural 300
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hahahahahangst · 1 year ago
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resdayn · 2 years ago
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cherrygirlfriend · 24 days ago
castiel if he was a lesbian call that casbian 💯‼️
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samsrowena · 2 months ago
supernatural meme:
10 episodes
9 outfits
8 angels and demons
7 locations
6 relationships
4 hunters
3 big bads
2 eras
1 scene
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bear-of-varley · 2 years ago
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deans-queen · 5 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮!!!
Just checked my followers and I realized I made it to over 300!!! Yall…. I am so grateful! 😭😭 Thank you for all those who love/reblog/ and comment on my stories! I never thought that this account would even make it past 100 followers but you all have went above and beyond 💚
A few shoutouts to @jackles010378 , @whimsyfinny , @deanwinchestersgirl8734 , and @zepskies and many many more who have been so supportive! I can’t thank you all enough!
I love you all so so much! Xoxo 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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fujobrainrot · 9 months ago
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Can't believe I hadn't drawn John in a dress until now.
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spn-fanfic-reblog-writes · 7 months ago
You gotta read this story. You just gotta its short (less than 300 words) and adorably Destiel.
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noxemma · 10 months ago
Kiss and Make Up
Sam (grumpily barging into the bunker kitchen): That’s it! I can’t take it anymore!
Sam (physically picking Cas up off the seat where he’s been sulking and pushing him toward the hallway): Go apologize so you both stop moping around.
Cas (tired and sad, resisting slightly): Sam, I’ve tried. He won’t talk to me.
Sam (deadly serious as he starts dragging Cas to Dean’s door): Cas, it’s been FIVE DAYS. Five days of Dean binging Dr. Sexy 24/7. Five days of you both living in dirty pajamas, not showering, not doing dishes, tension so thick I might need to invest in SCUBA gear.
Cas: Sam, I’ve already apolo-
Sam (ready to tear out his hair): APOLOGIZE AGAIN! Apologize better. I don’t care how you do it, but please, please just kiss and make up already!
Sam opens the door and shoves Cas in. Dean sits on his bed, wrapped in a blanket, his eyes glued to the TV despite Cas’ sudden appearance.
Dean (gruffly): I know Sam put you up to this. He thinks everything will magically get better if you apologize.
Cas (slightly agonized): Dean, I really am sorr-
Dean (angrily): I don’t want to hear another word, Cas. Just, just get out!
Cas stands for a moment, at a loss and in pain at Dean’s harsh words. Then his brow lifts as he recalls Sam’s words.
Cas (whispering mostly to himself): Sam’s right. I’ve been doing this all wrong.
Dean finally turns on the bed to face Cas, evidently paying more attention to the angel than he let on. He is a little shocked to find that Cas has moved to be right next to him, leaving barely any space between them.
Dean (looking up, confused and concerned at the determined look on Cas’ face): Cas, wha-
Cas cuts him off by bending down, firmly cupping his face and drawing him in for a scorching kiss. Dean’s hands land tentatively on Cas’ hips as if he isn’t sure whether he wants to push Cas away or draw him closer. Cas finally pulls back and studies Dean, who looks stunned.
Cas (slightly breathless and oddly shy after the intensity of the kiss): Did it work? Can we make up now?
Dean (blinking and absently running his fingers across his kiss swollen lips): Whoa, um. Wait “make up?”
Cas (nervously rambling): Sam implied that my previous apologies were insufficient and that I should “kiss and make up” with you. I was under the impression that the saying was figurative but after you refused to hear my apology once again, I thought that perhaps it was meant to be literal and that’s why my previous apologies were poorly received.
As Cas speaks Dean realizes just how distressing his anger and avoidance have been to the angel.
Dean (stricken):  Dammit, Cas. I forgive you. Of course, I forgive you. I was just angry. You didn’t need to- I didn’t mean to make you feel like- *sigh* I’ve been an ass. I’m sorry it took you doing something as drastic as kissing me to realize exactly how much of an ass I’ve been.
The room is silent except for Dr. Sexy still playing in the background. Cas doesn’t meet Dean’s eyes, still convinced he’s in the wrong despite Dean’s reassuring words.
Dean (teasing at first but falling flat): Also, while it would be funny to see Sam get a taste of his own medicine, you probably shouldn’t go around apologizing with kisses. Someone might get the wrong idea.
Cas (horrified gaze meeting Dean’s): I would never kiss Sam, or anyone else.
Dean: Oh …
Dean begins to blush as he slowly comes to the realization that Cas has basically just admitted that he only wants to kiss Dean.
Cas: Was it bad?
Dean (confused): Was what bad?
Cas (whispering so softly Dean nearly misses it):  The kiss?
Dean (licking his lip and staring intensely at Cas): Oh, well. I was kinda surprised by it so I couldn’t really say. But, uh, but if you … if you wanted to do it again I could, um, give you some pointers.
Cas (misunderstanding Dean’s words): That’s … you don’t have to do that, Dean. In fact, it was rather selfish of me to ask. I don’t want you to feel obligat-
Dean (grabbing the bottom of Cas’ shirt and pulling him back toward him): Cas, shut up and kiss me already.
Cas obliges, settling onto Dean’s lap to kiss him deeply for several minutes. When they break apart they don’t go far, resting their foreheads against each other, breathless and panting,
Cas (half teasing and half serious): How was that? Better?
Dean (pulling Cas impossibly closer on his lap): Pretty freaking awesome … I mean, you should probably keep practicing.
Cas laughs a little as Dean presses a kiss to his forehead.
Cas (teasingly): I think I could get rather fond of this whole “kiss and make up” idea, although it’s a shame we’d have to fight in order to make up. Dean (flirtatiously): Well then, we should probably just start dating already and make the whole thing easier, boyfriends fight all the time. Cas (shocked, like he didn’t really expect Dean to suggest dating): You think we should start dating? You want to be my … boyfriend?
Dean (fidgeting a bit under Cas and not making eye contact): Um, yeah? If you want me to, but we don’t have to label it or anything if you don’t want. I’m happy being whatever you want me to be. Cas (beaming with happiness and tilting Dean’s head to catch his eye): Boyfriends sounds wonderful. And, as your new boyfriend, I suggest we both shower.
Dean (gasping dramatically): Are you suggesting I stink?
Cas (somehow both sensually and stoically): I’m not denying it, just suggesting that, since my kisses still need practice, I may be able to perform other actions to make up with you. In the shower. Together.
Dean (squirming as Cas punctuates his sentence with a kiss on his neck): Oh. Oh! That’s a great idea, Cas.
They exit Dean’s room, hand in hand, and head down the hallway.
Sam (gloating as he witnesses the hand holding): Finally! Maybe I’ll actually get some peace around here now that they’ve stopped fighting and admitted their feelings.
Muffled moans, gasps, and grunts begin to filter through the thin bathroom door. Sam (horrified and muttering to himself as he puts in earplugs): It’s better than fighting, it’s better than fighting.
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d0gwithabr0kenleg · 2 months ago
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what the sigma ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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beatsheetromanroy · 2 months ago
this has probably been talked to death already but the fact that by the end of season 15 all the major players on the board (minus god) were women in a show as misogynistic as supernatural is crazy to me. naomi in heaven, rowena in hell, billie as death, amara somewhere doing whatever the hell she does, the shadow using meg's face in the empty.....but then. they made the three year old boy god. instead of balancing power equally among all of these women/women presenting entities. despite the fact that the show has told us time and time again that power corrupts and believing you are the sole person who can save everything only leads to devastation. so why..............
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th30ra3k3n · 5 months ago
300 followers???? for me???? y’all got me out here blushin’ and shit 🥹😭❤️🖤❤️🖤
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livingfandomly · 1 year ago
About Lebanon….
First of all, I fucking hate the Winchester parents for the simple fact that they’re very bad at being parents. I’ve always found every version of them to be very inherently self-centred people.
Let’s look at the more obvious one first. John only ever lived for Mary, even after she died. Especially… after she died. He didn’t care what his actions did to his kids, he didn’t fucking think about the fact that his kids could very well die because of the danger he put them in again and again. I never saw him trading his soul for Dean’s as his way of “saving” Dean because he knew what was coming. Fuck, he TOLD Dean that he’d have to k*ll his brother, the one person that he’s spent his whole life protecting. How the hell is that “saving” him in any way??? I mean, I could go on forever with regards to what a bad father he was and why every molecule of me hates him. Moving on…
We don’t know a lot about pre-death and post-Dean Mary, right? We just know that she was someone Dean has pie eating memories with but Dean was fucking 4 years old. How much can a kid even remember from so far back? And the Mary that came back in S11 pissed me the fuck off. I understand that it’s verrrrry discombobulating for her but you’re telling me that a mother gets the chance to see her sons, who have been traumatised by life every second since her death, and she chooses to run away with a British psycho maniac???? And she tells Dean that she’s always “mom” but she never behaves like that...
To clarify. I 100% understand Mary and John as John’s love and Mary’s love. I understand them as individuals. I understand them as people grieving for the life they never had. But I will never ever understand them as Sam and Dean’s parents because they never took on those roles. Sam and Dean were the only parents and guardians and protectors that each other had.
Now to come to my point. Lebanon.
That episode is NOT John Winchester from S1. This is NOT the John that Sam and Dean grew up with. This is the John that Dean always wished he was. This is the John that would’ve been a loving father, who let his sons know that he loves them and cares about them and that he’d do anything to protect them. This is the John that Dean needed for closure. This is the John that Dean wishes Sam had. This is the John that says everything that Dean wishes the real John did. This is the John that never existed.
Gosh that episode broke my heart a little more for Sam and Dean. They’re literally each others souls, the light in each others life. S15 is not going to be fun for me at all.
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ultravi0lence14 · 3 months ago
also i can’t believe i forgot to mention this but thank you all so much for 300 followers! i’m not trying to sound cheesy but i started writing my fics never expecting all the love they’d get. you’re all so kind and i can’t thank you all enough!!❤️❤️
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deancrowleycas · 2 years ago
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I simply cannot leave SPN even if I wanted to have you seen my to read list
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demontisms · 1 year ago
rip crowley supernatural you wouldve loved being a shady businessman in the 1980s
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