#Super Junor
bantennewscoid-blog · 8 months
Konser Super Junior-L.S.S di Jakarta Resmi Dibatalkan
JAKARTA – Konser Super Junior-L.S.S di Jakarta resmi dibatalkan. Hal ini diumumkan langsung oleh sang promotor lewat akun resminya, @applewood_official di Instagram pada Kamis (8/2/2024). “Kepada para fans, berikut merupakan pengumuman mengenai SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. THE SHOW : Th3ee Guys in JAKARTA,” tulisnya mengawali. “Karena keadaan setempat, kami sepakat bahwa konser yang semula dijadwalkan…
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tkkgrezis · 5 months
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TKKG haben sich in den Sommerferien für einen Kurs im Kletterverein von Susanne Ehrlicher angemeldet. Die sympathische Trainerin ist eine wahre Kletterkünstlerin. Doch dann entdeckt die Polizei bei einer Durchsuchung der Kletterhalle in Susannes Ehrlichers Umkleideschrank einen wertvollen Diamantring, welcher kürzlich gestohlen worden ist. Ein anonymer Anrufer hatte Kommissar Glockner einen Tipp gegeben. TKKG glauben fest an die Unschuld ihrer Trainerin und übernehmen den Fall! Doch der ist viel verzwickter, als sie zunächst vermutet haben – und bei ihren Ermittlungen, geraten die Freunde in große Gefahr …
Auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Motiv
Eine Rezension von Alexander mit dem Ergebnis: 75% (gut).
Während TKKG Junior in den Sommerferien ihren gebuchten Kurs im Kletterverein absolvieren, schlittern sie in einen neuen Fall: Die sympathische Trainerin Susanne Ehrlicher gerät unter Verdacht einen wertvollen Diamantring gestohlen zu haben. Die Polizei findet ihn schließlich im Umkleideschrank von Frau Ehrlicher. Die Trainerin bestreitet hartnäckig, die Diebin zu sein. Sie geht davon aus, dass ihr jemand den Diebstahl anhängen will und präsentiert der Polizei eine Person, der sie diese Tat zutraut. Während sie von Kommissar Glockner und seinen Kollegen weiter verdächtigt wird, glauben Tim, Karl, Klößchen und Gaby fest an ihre Unschuld. Sie beginnen eigenmächtig zu ermitteln und stellen dabei fest, dass der Fall viel verzwickter ist, als zunächst gedacht. Plötzlich geraten die vier Freunde in große Gefahr…
In der Folge „Kletterhalle in Gefahr“ scheint es zunächst um einen einfachen Fall von Diebstahl zu gehen. Relativ schnell steht bei TKKG Junor die Vermutung im Raum, dass die Tat der verdächtigen Frau Ehrlicher jemand aus Rache anhängen will. Im Verlauf der Handlung wird der Fall immer komplizierter. (Trotzdem wirkt die Story kindgerechter als in der Originalserie.) Wer steckt wirklich hinter dem Diebstahl? Was ist das Motiv für das Verbrechen? Die Handlung bietet mit dem Handlungsort Kletterhalle einen, der im gesamten TKKG-Universum nocht nicht vorgekommen ist. Die Geschichte ist stets kurzweilig und interessant. Während dem letzten Viertel der Hörspielhandlung präsentiert sich die 30. Folge der Serie sehr spannend. Allerdings konnten mich einige Kleinigkeiten während des Showdowns nicht überzeugen. In der Episode ist wieder reichlich der serientypische Humor enthalten. Die Figurenzeichnung ist sehr gut. Das kunterbunte Cover zeigt eine bedeutsame Szene vom Anfang.
Es gibt nur positives über die Sprecherleistungen zu berichten: Die vier Hauptsprecher sind mal wieder hervorragend in ihren Rollen. Von den Gastsprechern hat mir Eva Michaelis als Frau Ehrlicher am besten gefallen. Peter Kaempfe ist als Erzähler gewohnt gut.
Die Auswahl der Zwischenmusiken ist ausgezeichnet. Geräusche und Effekte sind super in das Hörspiel integriert worden.
Die Folge „Kletterhalle in Gefahr“ ist fast sehr gut. Da mich wie erwähnt, einige Kleinigkeiten während des Showdowns nicht überzeugen konnten, reicht es „nur“ zur 75 Prozent-Wertung.
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elf-sj-oppa · 3 years
Siwon opened his tiktok account on the 24th November 2021. Go follow him!
Siwon a ouvert son compte tiktok le 24 Novembre 2021. Allez le suivre !
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sparkyumitangs · 6 years
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D-41 until we meet again
the little mole under your eyes...
cr: the right owner
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hyukwoon · 6 years
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eunhyukee44: To the ELF who conquered the Monday blues 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻  i’m giving you a shot of my butt as a prize... ☺️ I think of you guys like this even when i’m sleeping in the waiting room 🙈 don’t forget to stream 😉 #boutyou #frombutttobutt
yesung1106:  Monkey magic leedonghae:  Hyuk-ah, I will also stream and go to bed^^ (c)
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awhiteflame · 6 years
180503 샤오짠 Grand Opening 헨리 henry
Thank you Jelly Mochi.
Seeing Henry happy and excited about new adventures makes me happy!
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mysilentmemory · 7 years
[tvN] 180115 ‘Super TV’ Pre-Release Part 1 - SUPER JUNIOR
Super TV Member Relationships 5 (final) ALL members, full translation in pic:
83 oldest Hyungs line Best friends on equal terms line Avatar line Tom and Jerry line Same age friends Jerry line
Shindong (33) Position: rap, dance Nicknames: dongridongdong, dongcrates Particular fact: a man who has to eat first to live. Works as hard as how much he eats Super TV prerelease character introduction: Eunhyuk (32) Position: rap, dance Nicknames: anchovy, jewel guy Particular facts: in the midst of struggling alone to find his variety sense which is buffering after being discharged from the army Super TV prerelease character introduction: Donghae (32) Position: sub-vocal Nickname: Donghae sea Particular facts: very shy. Not here at this moment ©teukables
Super TV prerelease character introduction: Leeteuk (35) Position: Leader, sub-vocal Nicknames: attention-seeker, mouthteuk Particular fact: An emcee addict who emcees even to his puppy Super TV prerelease character introduction: Heechul (35) Position: rap, sub-vocal Nickname: space big star Particular facts: highly active in varieties with his rising variety sense Super TV prerelease character introduction: Yesung (34) Position: main-vocal Nickname: four-faced ballader Particular facts: adrupt emotions. Makes the members confused with his eruptions ©teukables
Leeteuk said that he wants Super TV to be a regular show, not airing in seasons but just continuously for a loooooooong time PD: I did Full House with you when you just debuted, that only had 13 eps, how many episodes do you think this will have? Suju:......
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duckflyfly · 7 years
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Donghae when he has to handle shit: finds Hyukjae
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unhyukedforhyukjae · 7 years
Ya’ll... Hyukjae-ah looks fucking amazing. Legit the amount of hair porn involved is a whole new level. He’s fresh out of the army and he’s ready to leave his heart on the stage once again. I’m so fucking pumped. 
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forleeteuk · 8 years
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kpopmultifan · 5 years
Super Junior-D&E has released the MV for “Danger,” the title track of their 3rd mini-album.
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[highlight medley]
1. Danger 2. Jungle 3.  Gloomy 4. Watch Out 5. Dreamer 6. Sunrise (Korean Version) 7. If You (Korean Version)
[iTunes/Apple Music]
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SUPER JUNIOR 슈퍼주니어 'Black Suit'
||Super Junior Lockscreen’s||
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jerseydeanne · 3 years
Camilla, Kate, Sophie - and the delicate politics of the next Royal chapter
It’s not easy being Royal. To navigate the perilous waters of statesmanship, etiquette, politics, fashion, and family rivalries requires a skill set that few of us could ever hope to possess.
It is all the more remarkable, then, that those who have proved most adept at it in recent years have had to learn the hard way, by marrying into the strange world of Royalty, rather than being born into it.
On Sunday we saw three great exemplars of the art standing side by side on a balcony overlooking the Cenotaph: the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duchess of Cambridge and the Countess of Wessex, in whose hands so much of the Royal Family’s future rests.
Missing from the picture were the Duke of York and the Duke of Sussex, both of whom are now in the wilderness, having proved unequal to the task of representing their country and their family, despite having spent their entire lives being schooled in it.
Temporarily out of action, of course, was the Queen, whose back sprain led to a rare defeat in her determination to do her duty no matter the discomfort she might be in.
But Her Majesty’s absence only served to emphasise the importance of the three women standing in her stead, and to focus minds on the qualities they bring to the Royal Family as former outsiders. For if the monarchy is to fulfil its function in future generations it must “continue to evolve”, according to the Queen herself, who made the point in her Golden Jubilee speech to the two Houses of Parliament, effectively an instruction manual to those who will one day succeed her.
No-one is better able to see the need for evolution than those members of The Firm who bring the perspective of outsiders looking in.
Chief among them, according to those who have viewed the family up close, is the Duchess of Cornwall, who notably refused to pull rank on Sunday and instead allowed the Duchess of Cambridge to stand in the centre of the three women, rather than substituting herself for the Queen. The Queen has always stood front and centre on the balcony overlooking the Cenotaph since the Prince of Wales took on the responsibility of laying the Sovereign’s wreath, but rather than insisting on standing in her place, the Duchess of Cornwall stood on the right, with the Duchess of Cambridge in the middle and the Countess on the left.
Royal sources suggested the arrangement was spontaneous rather than being pre-planned.
Penny Junor, who has spent much of her life observing the Royal Family for her biographies on the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall among others, believes the three women also have altruistic personalities that will safely carry the Royal brand for decades to come.
“They are all very natural women who come from solid backgrounds, who seem very comfortable in their own skin and there is no tension or conflict between them,” she says.
“Princess Diana was always in competition with her husband and the Duchess of Sussex is super-ambitious, but Camilla, Kate and Sophie all seem to get on and they don’t take themselves too seriously.”
“What you have to remember,” said one former courtier, “is that the Duchess was 57 when she became a member of the Royal Family.
“She has spent the vast majority of her life living outside the Royal Family and so she understands the differences between the two worlds.
“She understands how strange the world of the Royal Family can be, and how the public sees that, and knows that at times her husband, the Prince of Wales, can’t see that.
“When she goes to her house in Wiltshire there is none of the apparatus of Royal life; it’s just her and the dogs, and maybe her children and other guests, so she regularly engages in a fairly ‘normal’ life, where her children will tell her how the outside world views things the Royal Family are doing. It means she is better able than almost anyone else to persuade certain members of the Royal Family of a certain point of view that they might not see otherwise.”
The Duchess of Cambridge, who was very much a “commoner” when as Kate Middleton she married Prince William, coming from a middle-class family of self-made entrepreneurs, and the Countess of Wessex, formerly PR woman Sophie Rhys-Jones, comes from even more humble beginnings, having worked for a living before Royalty beckoned.
They have the sort of real-world antennae that help them steer clear of controversy. While the Duke of York saw no problem consorting with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein (and compounded the error with his disastrous BBC interview), and where the Prince of Wales saw fit to retain the services of Michael Fawcett long after others might have let him go, none of the “commoners” on show at the weekend have been tainted by such controversies since getting married. They have the savvy to see what does and does not pass the “smell test” in the opinion of ordinary subjects.
This desire to just get on with the job rather than expending energy on etiquette or in-fighting was very much in evidence at Sunday’s Remembrance parade.
Indeed, the Duchess of Cornwall is “dreading” the spotlight that will be thrown on her when her husband becomes king, according to Junor. She says: “She is a normal woman who, because of her relationship with Charles, has found herself in an abnormal situation.
“I don’t think titles do it for her, and the prospect of being Queen or Princess Consort, the fuss there will be at the time, the comparisons to Diana, it will be a very difficult time for her.
“My feeling is that she will be Queen rather than Princess Consort, because Charles is so proud of her and so grateful to her and loves her so much that he would find it difficult to give her a lesser title. It would be demeaning.
“That said, public opinion will play its part, and if The Crown has just put out a new series that paints her in a bad light, or Prince Harry has just dropped some sort of bombshell, it could change things.”
Between them, the three women are able to inject the opinions and experiences of the three post-war generations into the Royal Family. The Duchess of Cornwall, a baby boomer born in 1947, is old enough to remember rationing and its effect on the national psyche; the Countess, solidly Generation X as a 1965 birth, has the work ethic of the latchkey generation, while the Duchess of Cambridge, born in 1982, is a millennial who grew up in the internet age.
If women are the glue that holds families together, Camilla, Kate and Sophie are vital to the future unity of the Royal Family.
One friend of the Prince of Wales said: “It’s often the women that make sure relationships in a family run smoothly, and both Duchesses share a vested interest in that.
“They are both married to future kings and they are in a position to make sure interpersonal relationships are as healthy as possible.”
Much has been written in recent years about the Prince of Wales’s plans to slim down the monarchy, and there was a glimpse of what that future might look like when Charles becomes king as the Royal Family gathered at the Royal Albert Hall for the Festival of Remembrance on Saturday night.
In sharp contrast to 2019 (before Covid had its effect), there was no Queen (and, of course, no Prince Philip); no Harry or Meghan, and no Duke of York.
Only the Queen is likely to return to the Royal box in the foreseeable future, but the empty seats will provide opportunities for others to shine.
The Countess of Wessex, in particular, has spent years quietly working hard to support the Queen, and will become more noticeable in the absence of the only other commoner to marry into the Royal Family in recent years – the Duchess of Sussex, for whom fame, rather than duty, appears to have been the driving force.
For the Royal Family, the route to calm waters is clear, and it is the common touch on the tiller that will maintain a steady course.
source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2021/11/16/camilla-kate-sophie-delicate-politics-next-royal-chapter/
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Penny Junor has used the phrase “coloured people” when talking about Meghan and I was wondering before I jump on her, is coloured people still used in the UK to refer to black people? Cuz I know in the US it’s super racist but I also realize US and UK have different lingo on these type of stuff
Absolutely not. That is a phrase that your grandparents (well great grandparents in my case) and white people who hate “PC culture” would use but is not considered acceptable to most people. That is a racist slur. Where did she say that?
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hyukwoon · 6 years
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180815 weekidol1 Twitter Update with D&E
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flevrtyy · 4 years
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[dove cameron; cis female; she/her; pansexual] ODESSA DEVERAUX the TWENTY-ONE year old JUNOR. they have come to allerton to study VETERINARY MEDICINE. they’ve been known to be +STEADFAST, as well as -RECKLESS. things they enjoys are DADDY/MOMMY KINK & BDSM, but dislike TOILET PLAY & VORE.
   i’ve been really shitty at keeping things succinct, so i’m going to do my best here to break the mold and just keep it to the basics.
   basically, odessa was born in la havre, france (she’s now a dual citizen). she moved to the united states with her mother (who was a citizen) after her parents got divorced; she was five. daddy didn’t really call again. odessa is happy to live in both worlds and still spends summers overseas when she can.
   but her parents set a terrible example of being a human, so odessa turned to animals. while her parents were still fighting, they got odessa a guinea pig to distract her. when they divorced and she moved to the united states, odessa’s mother got her a puppy as an apology. before too long, odessa had three dogs, one cat, two guinea pigs, and four birds. she likes animals way more than people.
   odessa was fourteen when she first had sex (he was just a year older) and she realized how much sex actually meant. it felt good to cope that way, and she still uses sex as a coping mechanism.
   dated ezra ward on and off. she’s not really good at holding down a serious relationship but she tries and she loves him (always will). she’s also really discrete, knowing it’s probably important, given his level of fame, so she doesn’t answer questions about it. she has definitely pretended not to know english before in order to avoid awkward questions.
   she doesn’t really remember when she first got into bdsm, but all of a sudden... there she was. she recently (as in a year or so ago) found a local dungeon and started hanging out there a bit. she’s learned a lot from the people there, made amazing friends, and has a place to go when she just needs to sub-it-up for a little while.
   animals are better than people. basically her mantra. a vegan, but not like... super judgmental about it.
   honestly, i don’t have a lot in mind for her regarding connections, but please come at me with ideas! definitely people who love animals. someone she got to know through the dungeons here? idk, man, come at me!
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