#Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH)
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Yahya ibn Mu’ādh, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:
“According to how much you fear Allāh the people will respect you, and according to how much you love Allāh the people will love you, and according to how much you busy yourself with Allāh [with worship] the people will become busy in your affairs [i.e. in your service].
[Sifatu As-Safwa: 3/343]
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " إِذَا دَعَا أَحَدُكُمْ فَلاَ يَقُلِ اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي إِنْ شِئْتَ وَلَكِنْ لِيَعْزِمِ الْمَسْأَلَةَ وَلْيُعَظِّمِ الرَّغْبَةَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَتَعَاظَمُهُ شَىْءٌ أَعْطَاهُ " . صحيح مسلم والبخاري - حديث ٢٦٧٩ - ٦٣٣٩
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: "When one of you makes a supplication (to his Lord) one should not say: O Allah, grant me pardon, if Thou so likest, but one should beg one's (Lord) with a will and full devotion, for there is nothing so great in the eye of Allah which He cannot grant." Sahih Muslim 2679a In-book reference : Book 48, Hadith 8 | Sahih al-Bukhari 6339 In-book reference : Book 80, Hadith 36
قال ابن بطال رحمه الله : " فيه دليل أنه ينبغي للمؤمن أن يجتهد في الدعاء ، ويكون على رجاء من الإجابة ، ولا يقنط من رحمه الله ؛ لأنه يدعو كريمًا ؛ فبذلك تواترت الآثار عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم " انتهى من " شرح صحيح البخاري " ، لابن بطال (10/99) . وقال القرطبي رحمه الله : " فِي قَوْلِهِ :" إِنْ شِئْتَ" نَوْعٌ مِنَ الِاسْتِغْنَاءِ عَنْ مَغْفِرَتِهِ وَعَطَائِهِ وَرَحْمَتِهِ، كَقَوْلِ الْقَائِلِ: إِنْ شِئْتَ أَنْ تُعْطِيَنِي كَذَا فَافْعَلْ، لَا يُسْتَعْمَلُ هَذَا إِلَّا مَعَ الْغِنَى عَنْهُ ، وَأَمَّا الْمُضْطَرُّ إِلَيْهِ ، فَإِنَّهُ يَعْزِمُ فِي مَسْأَلَتِهِ ، وَيَسْأَلُ سُؤَالَ فَقِيرٍ مُضْطَرٍّ إِلَى ما سأله " . انتهى من" تفسير القرطبي " (2/ 312) . وقال الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله : " والتحذير في التعليق من وجوه ثلاثة: الأول: أنه يشعر بأن الله له مكره على الشيء ، وأن وراءه من يستطيع أن يمنعه، فكأن الداعي بهذه الكيفية يقول: أنا لا أكرهك ، إن شئت فاغفر وإن شئت فلا تغفر. الثاني: أن أقول القائل: " إن شئت " كأنه يرى أن هذا أمر عظيم على الله ، فقد لا يشاؤه لكونه عظيما عنده ، ونظير ذلك أن تقول لشخص من الناس - والمثال للصورة بالصورة لا للحقيقة بالحقيقة - أعطني مليون ريال إن شئت ، فإنك إذا قلت له ذلك، ربما يكون الشيء عظيما يتثاقله ، فقولك: إن شئت ، لأجل أن تهون عليه المسألة ، فالله - عز وجل - لا يحتاج أن تقول له : إن شئت؛ لأنه - سبحانه وتعالى - لا يتعاظمه شيء أعطاه ، ولهذا قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: ( وليعظم الرغبة، فإن الله لا يتعاظمه شيء أعطاه ) . قوله: (وليعظم الرغبة) ، أي: ليسأل ما شاء من قليل وكثير ، ولا يقل: هذا كثير لا أسأل الله إياه ، ولهذا قال: ( فإن الله لا يتعاظمه شيء أعطاه ) ، أي: لا يكون الشيء عظيما عنده حتى يمنعه ويبخل به - سبحانه وتعالى - كل شيء يعطيه ، فإنه ليس عظيما عنده ، فالله - عز وجل - يبعث الخلق بكلمة واحدة ، وهذا أمر عظيم ، لكنه يسير عليه . الثالث : أنه يشعر بأن الطالب مستغن عن الله ، كأنه يقول: إن شئت فأفعل، وإن شئت فلا تفعل فأنا لا يهمني " . انتهى "مجموع فتاوى ورسائل العثيمين" (10/ 917-918) . الاسلام سؤال وجواب
قوله: «ليعزم المسألة» : يعني: ليسأل سؤال عازم، سؤال محتاج، سؤال متذلل، لا سؤال مستغن مستكبر، فليعزم المسألة، وليسأل سؤال جاد محتاج متذلل فقير يحتاج إلى أن يعطى ذلك، والذي سأل سأل أعظم المسائل، وهي المغفرة والرحمة من الله- جل وعلا- فيجب عليه أن يعظم هذه المسألة، ويعظم الرغبة وأن يعزم المسألة. التمهيد لشرح كتاب التوحيد
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) forbade making one's supplication conditional on something, even if it is Allah's will, as it is a well-known certainty that He does not forgive unless He wills. There is no point in conditioning one's supplication on His will, as this condition is only relevant for someone who may do something against his will under compulsion, which is something that Allah is far exalted above. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) clarified this at the end of the Hadīth by saying that, indeed, none can compel Him. Moreover, nothing is too great for Allah to give; He is not incapable of anything, nor is there anything too great for Him that one would say: if You will. Making supplication conditional on His will is a form of being self-sufficient regarding His forgiveness. The statement: "If You will to give me such-and-such, then do so" is only used when addressing someone whom one does not need or someone incapable. However, when addressing the Able Whom one needs, then one should be determined in his request, asking for his needs and imploring Allah and resorting to Him, as He is the Self-Sufficient, the Perfect, and the One Capable of all things.
Benefits from the Hadith
It is prohibited to make the supplication conditional on the divine will.
Exalting Allah far above anything that does not befit Him and showing His extensive grace, complete self-sufficiency, generosity, and bounty.
Affirming perfection for Allah Almighty.
Having great desire for what is with Allah and having good expectations of Him, may He be exalted.
Some people unconsciously make their supplications conditional on Allah's will, such as saying: May Allah reward you with good, if Allah wills, or May Allah have mercy on him, if Allah wills. This is not permissible due to the Hadīth in question. Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English Urdu Spanish Indonesian Uyghur Bengali French Turkish Russian Bosnian Sinhalese Indian Chinese Persian Vietnamese Tagalog Kurdish Hausa Portuguese Swahili Assamese Amharic Dutch Gujarati : https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/5978
#حديث#أحاديث نبوية#حديث شريف#اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد#رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم#sunnah#صلى الله عليه وسلم#النبي محمد صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم#الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم#محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم#دعاء#الدعاء#إجابة الدعاء#آداب#اللهم اغفر لي#اللهم ارحمني#ادعية#سؤال#الرغبة#hadith#islam#ahadeth#hadeth#hadith sahih#muslim#prophet muhammad#prophet muhammed pbuh#prophet mohammed#hadiths#hadeeth
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The Prophet Mohammad s.a.w said,
"Have taqwa (fear) of Allah wherever you may be, and follow up a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards the people."
At-Tirmidhi, (hasan)
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Reference: [Sahih al-Bukhari 3194]
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Virtue Of Rajab Month by Shaykh Sa'ad Al-Khathlan
#virtue#month#sayings of the salaf#save palestine#siyam#holy quran#islamic#allah#prophet muhammad#namaz#zakat#hadith#muhammad#deenoverdunya#islam#free palestine#manhaj salaf#muslim ummah#masjid#all eyes on palestine#quran recitation#sunnah#prophet muhammed pbuh#islamic charity#islamicquotes#islamislove#salafiyyah#salah#quran ayah#i stand with palestine
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When Real Strength Means Keeping Cool!
You know what's actually tough? It's not about being the strongest fighter or having the biggest muscles.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "The strong man is not the one who wrestles, but the strong man is in fact the one who controls himself in a fit of rage." Hadith Sahih (authentic)
Like, instead of letting your fists do the talking, why not flip the script and extend a handshake? Now THAT takes some serious inner strength! Think about it - anyone can get mad and lash out, but keeping your composure when you're boiling inside? That's next-level power right there!
#inspiring quotes#life#hadith#revert#new convert#advice#allahswt#allah#salah#subhanallah#sunnah#dua#holy quran#revert help#prophet muhammad#muhammad pbuh#muslin
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Sending blessings & salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ lead her to this amazing dream...
Sheikh Abū Barā from Ghazza in Palestine tells us about this astonishing dream from an afflicted sister (afflicted with sorcery). She says :
I was very unwell (as a result of the affliction with sorcery) and one day I increased Salatul ala an-nabī (sending blessings & salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ) up to 4,000 and I then saw this amazing dream that very night.
I saw the Prophet ﷺ in my dream and he gave me the glad tidings of a complete recovery and healing from this sorcery. And he (the Prophet ﷺ) asked me to never give up Salatul ad-Dohā (the morning prayer after Dawn Prayer).
I put his command into application and I was indeed completely cured from the sorcery. It took me only one week !
I continued sending much blessings and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ and then I saw him again in my dream.
He put his hand above my hand without touching it.
He told me in the dream to cure my sister who had facial paralysis.
After the dream, I started performing Roqya (legislated healing through recitation of the Qur'an) and she was completely cured.
After performing Roqya upon my sister and she recovered completely from her illness, there is not on person who performed Roqya upon who did not recover...By the will of Allāh The Greatest !
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Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "Two eyes will never be touched by the fire of Hell; an eye which weeps out of Fear of Allah and an eye which spends the night in guarding in the Cause of Allah ."
[iyad as-Salihin 1305]
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Will you mention the basic principles of Ahl as-Sunnah? What are the criteria for a Muslim to be Ahl as-Sunnah? How do we know that a person has left the Ahl as-Sunnah?
Ahl as-Sunnah is a term that means “those who adopt the path followed by the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions related to the fundamental issues of the religion”.
Ahl al-Bid’ah is a phrase meaning “groups that emerged after the Age of Bliss and that adopted certain faiths and deeds that are not based on any religious evidence”.
It is possible to summarize the basic features of Ahl al-Bid’ah in four points.
1. Not being familiar with the spirit of the nass (verses of the Quran and sound hadiths) and the basic orientations of Islam, or being under the influence of foreign cultures and interpreting nass based on distant interpretations.
In addition, it is also considered within this feature to be stuck with the outward meaning of some verses and hence hadiths, without considering the Quran’s unique style and logic, and the features of the Arabic language, and to make the preconceived and subjective views dominant in the interpretation of the nass.
Ghazzali, who aimed to draw these two extreme views, which can be summarized as “blind allegiance to nass or mind” to the moderate line, wrote the book named “al-Iqtisad fil-Itiqad “.
2. Not having good intentions about the Companions, who constituted the first generation of Islam in terms of both belief and practice, and who passed the last divine religion on to the next generations in terms of thought and action, and not valuing their narrations, understanding and practices, especially concerning religion.
3. Assuming a negative attitude against the verbal and actual sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh). Those who reject some hadiths that they cannot reconcile with their own views though they are compatible with the general character of the Quran and the basic orientations of Islam on the grounds that they are not mutawatir, and those who fabricate hadiths to support their madhhab views or those who narrate such hadiths are also included in this group.
4. Breaking away from the religious understanding of the majority (jama’ah, jumhur al-muslimin) that formed beginning from the Companions, accusing the opposing groups of unbelief with minority psychology, and regarding the basic decrees of the religion as debatable.
If the basic principles of Ahl as-Sunnah are known, it will be easier to understand on what issues those who do not comply with it differ from the Ahl as-Sunnah.
The basic views of Ahl as-Sunnah and the indications showing that a person is not from Ahl al-Bid’ah can be briefly summarized as follows:
1. Allah exists and is one.
2. There are angels.
3. The (divine) books are true.
4. The Quran is the word of Allah; the Quran is a miracle.
5. Prophets are messengers of Allah; prophethood is true.
6. Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. Muhammad is the last prophet.
7. Resurrection is true. There is resurrection after death.
8. Paradise and Hell have been created and are eternal.
9. Qadar (destiny) exists.
10. It is Allah who creates good and evil.
11. Allah knows the future.
12. Hadith-sunnah is a source of the religion. Hadith-sunnah is Allah’s approval.
13. Companions are the most virtuous people after the prophets.
14. There madhhabs and they are true.
15. A person who commits a major sin does not become an unbeliever.
16. He who dies as a believer will not remain in Hell forever.
17. There are miracles and they are true.
18. There are karamahs and they are true.
19. Ru’yah (Seeing Allah) is true and it will happen.
20. There is intercession and it is true.
21. Paradise is grace and Hell is justice.
22. There is life in the grave and it is true.
23. The miracle of Miraj (ascension) is true.
24. There are signs of Doomsday.
25. The prayer of the living for the dead is true.
26. Wiping over khuffs is true.
27. A person who says I am a Muslim cannot be called an unbeliever.
28. Muta marriage is haram.
29. Allah is free from space and time.
30. Only Allah knows ghayb (the unseen/unknown), and if He wishes, He can inform His prophets and saints about it.
31. The spirit does not die. The spirits of the dead unbelievers and Muslims hear.
32. Visiting graves is permissible.
33. Tawassul is permissible.
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The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Prophet is Given to a Foster Mother
The universe, which rejoined its master was joyful. The heart of the Arabia, which harbored the person that would provide the heart of the humanity with light and peace, was very excited.
Makkah, in which the unmatched event of the universe took place, was so excited and joyful that it was as if it wanted to fly to the lofty realms.
Hazrat Amina was peaceful and jubilant. It was as if the sweet smiles of her lovely child were helping her to forget a tinge of the intense pain that she felt over her husband’s death. Her child was her only consolation that secured her hope for the future.
The fortunate Amina could only suckle her glorious child for week. After this, Abu Lahab’s handmaiden, Lady Suwayba became the wet nurse of the Master of the Universe and suckled him for days.
Before that, Lady Suwayba had nourished Hazrat Hamza. In this way, she had attained the fortune and honor of being the means in joining the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his esteemed uncle as foster brothers.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH), who possessed such virtue and feelings of faithfulness, never forgot the smallest favors that people did for him, nor did he leave them unrequited. Throughout his entire life, he never forgot Lady Suwayba who nourished him for a period of time. He would frequently visit her and would always show her kindness, respect, and pay her compliments.
Yes, faithfulness was the foundation of good manners that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought to the face of the Earth. The smallest trace of ingratitude cannot be found in the immaculate and upright life of our Beloved Messenger (PBUH).
At one point in time, Hazrat Khadija, who had taken lessons from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) virtue and gratitude, wanted to purchase Lady Suwayba, who would frequently visit Hazrat Khadija’s home, for the purpose of setting her free; however, Abu Lahab did not lend himself to this idea. It was not until after the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina that Abu Lahab freed Lady Suwayba on his own.
Abu Lahab was our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) own paternal uncle. Afterwards he did not testify and admit to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Prophethood; he did not forsake being a pagan and did not refrain from his attempts in being our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) biggest enemy, either. For this reason, he incurred the wrath of Allah and did not earn a value that is equivalent to the nail of his slave, Lady Suwayba. In fact, it has been explained that because of Lady Suwayba, Abu Lahab has obtained a driblet of grace in the afterlife.
After his death, he was seen in a dream where he was found screaming in the severe punishment of hell. They asked him: “Why are you screaming? What is the matter?”
He answered: “What else could be the matter? The absence of water is making me burn! I never saw any good in my life, yet I did find one fortune: Because I set the woman, who nourished Muhammad, free, I have been spared the opportunity to absorb water and be watered” and as he said this, he showed his index finger (the finger that testifies faith).
This incident is certainly a case in point. A ferocious enemy of Islam, like Abu Lahab, who did not refrain from oppressing, torturing, and insulting the Master of the Universe throughout his entire life, was the recipient of such beneficence and grace and a tinge of his punishment in hell was alleviated. This means that goodness done not only upon our Beloved Messenger PBUH, but also upon those who have served him, is also not left unrequited by God Almighty’s grace and beneficence.
In addition, one should think of the greatness in gifts, favors, and Divine endowments of the eternal realm that are awaiting those who have made the Master of the Universe (PBUH) their absolute imam and guide in every matter and the true believers who have felt honored to uphold his Sunnah on the Earth .
The Custom of Giving Babies to Wet Nurses
Mecca’s weather was hot and muggy. It did was not good for the children’s delicate nature and was not a favorable condition for a healthy upbringing. In the desert, the weather was nice, the water was sweet and clean, life was easy, and the climate was mild. Besides, some of the tribes that lived in the desert had a language and diction that was smooth and sharp. They maintained their nobility and practiced good conduct.
Based on this, the Qurayshi gentry and leading figures practiced the custom of handing their children over to the tribal women in the desert to be breastfed for a cost, so that their children could grow and be brought up under healthier conditions and to learn and speak a dialect of Arabic that was appropriate in its essential form. The child would remain with his/her wet nurse for 2-3 years, and sometimes even more.
For this reason, many tribes that lived in the uplands/prairies, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe in particular, would have a caravan of women go to Mecca a few times a year in which the women would take the newly-born infants with them to their homeland for the purpose of nourishment.
Among the tribes in the vicinity of Mecca, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe was the one that had acquired fame since it was distinguished for its honor, generosity, chivalry, humility, and speaking Arabic properly. For this reason, the leading figures of Quraysh mostly wanted to hand the custody of their children over to the women of this tribe.
The Arrival of the Women from Bani Bakr’s Tribe to Mecca
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was being nourished by Lady Suwayba.
At that time, a strong drought was prevalent in the homeland of Sad’s sons although such a strong drought had not occurred till then. The drought resulted in a famine that left the tribal community poor and miserable. It was so bad that they had difficulty finding something to eat. Their camels and sheep had weakened and their milk had ceased.
During this year of intense famine and drought, the tribeswomen of the Bani Bakr had gone to Mecca in a crowded procession with the intention of finding a child to nourish and of obtaining a portion of their livelihood.
All of the women, with the exception of one extraordinary lady, had chosen a child who was appropriate for them. Strangely enough, none of them chose nor approached our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) because they thought they would not be able to obtain much money and help since he was an orphan.
There was only one woman who arrived late in Mecca. She was distinguished among her tribe for her decency, cleanliness, gentleness, and modesty. Due to their old and frail donkey, Halima and her husband had fallen behind the rest of the procession. When they entered Mecca, all of the newly-born Qurayshi children, with the exception of one very extraordinary infant, had been chosen by the women of the Bani Bakr tribe that were in the forefront. With the fate and wisdom of the Possessor of the Absolute Power, Halima could not find anyone in need of nourishment.
Her husband, Harith, was sad, too. All of their friends shared the children of the wealthy families among themselves. She was the only one who was left empty-handed and it was only because she arrived late.
This virtuous woman, who now had a pale and sad countenance and was unaware of the plan that Divine fate had drawn for her, wandered the streets of Mecca with despair and the distress of not being able to find an appropriate fitting child.
Incidentally, she encountered an old man with a friendly face and who, through his presence, summoned the respect of his surroundings. This individual was Abdulmuttalib, the grandfather of the Master of the Universe (PBUH). They looked each other as if they had been looking to become the relief for their troubles. Then they began to engage in conversation:
Abdulmuttalib asked, “Where are you from?”
Halima: “I am a woman from the Bani Sa’d Tribe” (Sons of Fortune/Luck)
Abdulmuttalib: “What is your name?”
She answered, “Halima”.
Abdulmuttalib: “How wonderful! How wonderful! Fortune and gentleness are two traits that carry the beneficence of this world and the honor and glory of the afterlife” After he said this, Abdulmuttalib took a deep breath and followed with: “Oh, Halima! I have an orphaned child next to me. I offered him to the women of the Sons of Sa’d but they did not accept him. Come and be the wet nurse of this child. Maybe you will attain prosperity, wealth, and fortune for taking care of him”.
At first, Halima became hesitant upon hearing this unexpected offer. However, she did not want to return to her homeland empty-handed. For this reason, she overcame her hesitation and accepted the offer from within. Nevertheless, she did not want to disclose her answer without first asking and receiving permission from her husband. She immediately returned to her husband and after she explained everything to him she said, “I was unable to find a child to nourish. I do not favor going back empty-handed among my friends. By God, I am going to take that orphan”.
Her husband, Harith, supported her view and said, “There is no harm in taking him. Perhaps Allah will endow us with prosperity and blessings thanks to him”.
Upon this, they returned to Abdulmuttalib.
Abdulmuttalib took Halima to Hazrat Amina’s modest home which the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) illuminated.
Halima went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) bedside. Our lovely Master (PBUH) was wrapped in a white fabric made from wool and was sleeping soundly on a blanket of green yarn. The surrounding smelled like musk!
Halima was in a state of amazement. She immediately warmed up to this child so much that she could not bear to wake him up!
The cloud of gloom and anguish had left Halima. She was so happy that it was as if she was walking on air. It was such a great bliss to have suddenly come across an infant of excessive beauty after squirming in the distress of not being able to find a child.
Halima could not resist anymore. She neared the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) bedside very closely and slightly lifted the corner of his blanket. With a mother’s love and compassion, she kissed his forehead and hands that smelled like roses and that were softer than cotton and as white as snow.
At that moment, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and replied to Halima’s kisses with a sweet smile. They got along with one another.
While one of them was in despair because of not being able to find a child, worn out, and downhearted, the other was a radiant orphan who had been rejected by the women. Fate had filled both of their worlds with happiness.
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A man said to Zayn al-‘Ābidīn:
“Why do you sit with people who are inferior to you, from the slaves and the freed slaves?”
He replied: “I only sit with those who benefit me in my religion!”
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ قَالَ: " مَا عَابَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم طَعَامًا قَطُّ، إِنِ اشْتَهَاهُ أَكَلَهُ، وَإِلاَّ تَرَكَهُ." صحيح البخاري ومسلم حديث ٣٥٦٣ - ٢٠٦٤
Narrated Abu Huraira: " The Prophet (peace be upon him) never criticized any food (presented him), but he would eat it if he liked it; otherwise, he would leave it (without expressing his dislike). " Sahih al-Bukhari 3563 In-book reference : Book 61, Hadith 73 // Sahih Muslim 2064a In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 254
ما عاب رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - طعامًا قط؛ أي: طعامًا مباحًا, أما الحرام، فكان يَعيبه ويذمه، وينهى عنه، وذهب بعضهم إلى أن العيب إن كان من جهة الخلقة، كُرِه، وإن كان من جهة الصَّنعة، لم يكره؛ لأن صنعة الله لا تُعاب، وصنعة الآدميين تعاب؛ قال الحافظ: والذي يظهر التعميم, فإن فيه كسر قلب الصانع؛ قال النووي: من آداب الطعام المتأكدة ألا يعاب, كقوله: مالح, حامض, قليل الملح, غليظ, رقيق, غير ناضج, ونحو ذلك.
((وإن كرهه، ترَكه))؛ قال ابن بطال: هذا من حسن الأدب؛ لأن المرء قد لا يشتهي الشيء ويشتهيه غيره، وكل مأذون في أكله من قِبَل الشرع، ليس فيه عيبٌ. الشرح
The Prophet never spoke badly of any food served to him. Rather, if he liked it, he would eat it, if not, he would leave it, not belittling it. Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English French Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Chinese Persian Indian Kurdish Portuguese Hausa Sinhalese: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/4966
#حديث#أحاديث نبوية#اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد#محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم#hadith#صلى الله عليه وسلم#النبي محمد صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم#الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم#رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم#طعام#اكل#الأكل#الطعام#عاب#عيب#رزق#حديث الرسول#sunnah#islam#ahadeth#hadeth#muslim#hadith sahih#prophet muhammad#prophet mohammed#prophet muhammed pbuh#islamic#islamdaily#welcome to islam#food
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Marriage is the most overwhelming time in our women’s lives, particularly when adjusting with their in-laws. There are certain cultures where women are obliged to live with In-laws, mainly in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
But is it obligatory for a woman to live and serve her in-laws in Islam? The answer is NO! It’s a huge misconception that Islam does not back; rather, it’s a cultural belief.
From the very beginning, Islam has been uplifting women. Islam gave rights to women 1400 years ago, which were considered revolutionary at that time. Despite Islam being the most liberating religion, Muslims fail to give women equal rights and oppress them. Home should be the first area where women should get their rights.
As our beloved prophet, Muhammad, said, ‘Charity begins at home.’
Women in Islam have a right to have an accommodation that befits them; they can demand to live alone with their husbands, demand independence in running their household, and there is no sin upon her. If one cannot afford a house, they must give their wife a place within the house, where she can live in privacy without any interference.
It’s even more challenging for women to live with In-laws if their brother In-law lives with them because he is not a mahram (a person with whom marriage would be considered haram)
The Quran has clarified the mahrams for a woman; brother in law is not a mahram to a woman. Living with a brother In-law can make a situation even worse because it is tough for a woman to wear a hijab all the time; she cannot dress according to how she wants, she cannot beautify herself for her husband.
Our beloved Prophet said: “Beware of entering upon the ladies,” A man from the Ansar said, “Allah’s Apostle! What about Al Hamu, the in-laws of the wife( the brothers of her husband and nephews etc.)? The prophet (SAW) replied,” The in-laws of the wife are death itself. [Sahih al Bukhari 5232]
It means evils and corruption of heart should be expected more from them than other non-mahram, and women should fear them more.
Some Misinterpreted Hadiths regarding Women
Allah’s Apostle(PBUH)said, “Shall I inform you of the biggest of the great sins?” They said, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle!” He said, “To join partners in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one’s parents. [Sahih al Bukhari 6273]
Being dutiful to your parents doesn’t mean forcing your spouse to serve them. A son should look after his parents’ needs and do his best to provide them comfort and serve them. Similarly, a daughter should also obey her parents and care for their needs. No one should force a woman to cook, clean and do daily chores to please her in-laws. Men should emotionally and physically refrain from forcing their wives to serve their Parents as Islam does not mandate it.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes. [Musnad Ahmad 1664]
Many Muslim folks misinterpret this hadeeth and use it to oppress their women by forcing them to take care of the house inhabited by their parents. Being a servant to in-laws is oppression, not obedience to the husband.
Our beloved prophet said, “Oppression will be a darkness on the Day of Resurrection.” [Sahih bukhari]
Allah’s Messenger said, “Be afraid, of the curse of the oppressed as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]
A woman is not a bad daughter-in-law just because she refused to serve her in-laws. Islam provides women with the freedom to live their lives as they desire, as long as they adhere to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: “The most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of judgement is the man who goes to his wife, and she comes to him, and then he divulges her secret. [Sahih Muslim 1437]
It is not permissible for a husband to tell anything private that happened between him and his wife or disclose his wife’s secrets. In-laws cannot interfere with the private matters of husband and wife.
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Umrah Duas – A Guide to Umrah {Package} Duas
Many pilgrims carry little booklets and chant specific du'as for every circle of the tawaf and sa’ee when they go for Umrah via All Inclusive Umrah Packages. Unlike popular perception, every round of these ceremonies does not have a specific du'a attached to it.
"In tawaf, there is no particular dhikr that was told from the Prophet (PBUH), that he ⷺ either enjoined, said, or taught," claims Shaikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. Instead, the believer may offer any du'a from the Qur'an and Sunnah while performing tawaf. There is no evidence for the precise du'a that many individuals mention saying should be recited beneath mizabs (downspouts) and similar objects. (Al-Fatawa, Majmu' 26/122)
Notwithstanding, the Prophet (PBUH) made prayers several times throughout Umrah, giving us examples to follow. Here is not an entire list of du'as from the Qur'an and Sunnah; you are free to make any kind of du'a during Umrah, including private ones for loved ones. Furthermore, you are not obliged to repeat your prayers only in Arabic. It is important to comprehend the significance of the du'as you recite rather than just reciting them.
Hopefully, the following list will act as a useful guide and enhance the significance of your Umrah experience. However, the following list of duas that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH prayed at different times and that one can recite during umrah
When you set out on your journey, say a dua?
To enter the holy areas of Makkah, one must first prepare spiritually. It is advised to recite the Du'a al-Safar before departing the house to ask Allah for protection, direction, and support on your journey.
Prayer for the initial glimpse of Kabba
According to reports, the Prophet (SAW) offered some prayers when he first saw the Kaaba:
Saying the dua before entering Haram
Reciting the Tasbeeh, Tahleel, and Takbeer prayers is advised. It is advised to chant Tasbeeh, or Subhan Allah, before entering ihram (glory be to Allah). Takbeer, or Allahu Akbar (Allah is Most Great), and Tahleel, or La ilaha ill Allah (there is no creator except Allah). Bring the right foot first as you reach Masjid Al-Haram to conduct Umrah and say the following dua:
Du'a for Declaring Your Intent to Perform Umrah
After entering the Ihram state, recite two Sunnat-ul Ihram rakahs. Next, state some Arabic or translation words that you intend to conduct Umrah:
Recite the Talbiyah after Ihram
Start reciting the Talbiyah as soon as entering Ihram for the Hajj or Umrah. You should recite the Talbiyah as often as you can while traveling. It is advised to read it in every situation, whether you are standing, sitting, walking, driving, lying down, experiencing small or severe impurities, or going through menstruation. Umrah travelers should stop right before the start of the Umrah Tawaf. Three or more Talbiyahs should be performed, according to advice.
Given how frequently it is recited, you must comprehend its deep significance to deepen our relationship with Allah SWT. Insha'Allah, this will add a lovely richness to our dialogue with Him. As you approach Masjid Al Haram, say the du'a. Recite du'a and put the right foot first as you visit Masjid Al Haram to undertake Umrah.
Saying the Tawaaf dua
The term "tawaf" describes the act of walking counterclockwise in rounds around the Kaaba. One tawaf consists of seven complete rounds, each starting and finishing at the Hajar al Aswad (The Black Stone). Read dua when you face the black stone to make the purpose of the tawaf.
The Prophet PBUH would recite the dua when He (SAW) passed in front of the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
The sunnah is to proceed to Maqam-e-Ibrahim after performing the tawaf, pray two quick rak'ahs behind it, and then stand up right away after reciting the tasleem to make place for others, especially for those who wish to offer the two rak'ahs after tawaf. You need to say Dua while sipping Zamzam.
Praying for Sa'ii
Sa'ii is traversing the two hills, Safa and Marwah, seven times back and forth. When you ascend the Safa Mountain for the first time, you can say the following phrase from the Holy Qur'an:
Saying the Dua as you exit the Masjid-al-Haram
As you exit Masjid Al Haram after this lovely trip, you may read du'a.
Pilgrims must shave or clip their hair after the Saeeh (Halaq or Qasar) within the Haram.
If not shaven, the hair should be clipped to a minimum of one inch or more.
For shorter hair than one inch, it must be shaved.
However, this isn't the preferable solution.
Women may create a ponytail and trim up to an inch from the bottom. They are not permitted to shave their head.
When you repeat du'as, keep in mind the purpose of your journey: to seek Allah SWT's blessings and mercy for all of humanity as well as the fulfillment of our own particular prayers. Hopefully, your Umrah journey reflects the principles of Islam and brings you spiritual growth, harmony, and tranquility. Get ready to embark on the sacred journey by selecting the finest December Umrah packages from New York available to you.
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{And all of them are coming to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone. Quran 19-95}
Thus, all alone; without any helper, or protector or defender. Without the money you accumulated, without the position you held, without the large family you sought refuge in, you are alone with your deeds and Allah.
It is fine for a man to work for his worldly life, but without forgetting his afterlife, and it is fine to make your home beautiful, but without forgetting your grave."
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AH - After Hijrah (After the migration of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to Medina)
*All dates aren’t actual date and has been roughly calculated.
Imams in Akeedah
Imam Al-Ash'ari (260–324 AH) - 2nd century AH (lived for 64 years and from present time already died for 1120 years)
Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (238-333AH) - 2nd century AH (lived for 95 years and since present time already died for 1111 years)
And others
Imams in Fiqh
Imam Abu Hanifa (80 - 150AH) early 1st century (lived for 70 years and since present time already died for 1294 years)
Imam Malik (93 - 179AH) early 1st century (lived for 86 years and since present time already died for 1265 years)
Imam Al-Shafi'i (150- 204AH) middle 1st century (lived for 54 years and since present time already died for 1240 years)
Imam Ahmad (164 - 242 AH) middle 1st century (lived for 78 years and since present time already died for 1202 years)
And others
Imam in Tasawwuf (only one imam in Tasawwuf)
Imam Al Junayd (215-297H) early 2nd century (lived for 82 years and since present time already died for 1147 years)
Imam Al Junayd said: This path of ours has been raised up high on the foundation of the Quran and the Sunnah.
اللهم صلي علي محمد
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