nidstiniens · 22 hours
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP. (From @sundered-souls )
ty for the ask!! ♥️ sorry i'm definitely writing smut right now:
He cups her cheek and pulls her into a soft kiss, reveling in the taste of himself on her tongue, her shiver as his other hand strokes along her belly, the juncture of her hips. She's radiant, flushed, smiling even when their mouths separate, his forehead pressing to hers. He's utterly spent, but the ache in his chest hasn't softened in the slightest. "I may need a minute or ten," he admits with a dry laugh. She grazes up the line of his lower abdominal muscles with the tip of her finger, making the skin there quiver. "Or twenty?" A wry smile ghosts across his lips. "Keep touching me like that, and I may be able to manage fourteen." "Well, I have no other plans this evening," she says, her eyes glinting impishly. "I wouldn't have allowed you to attend them even if you did."
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lilbittymonster · 24 hours
💖 What do you like most about your own writing? (from @sundered-souls)
I pay attention to a lot of detail. And going by the lovely tags I got on yesterday's XIVWrites fic, it pays off! I like focusing on the minute body movements and microexpressions as vehicles for expression just as much, if not more, than plain spoken dialogue.
Thanks for the ask @sundered-souls-hub
Fanfic Ask Game
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ffxivtribehydrae · 10 months
What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.)  for all brothers
Dusk always carries a velvet box with a ring in it. He's had very conflicting feelings about keeping it around, but currently he is determined to hold on to it. There is no routine around it, most of the time it is laying forgotten in his pocket.
Dubus has a bracelet. And ever since it was stolen for a while he has made a habit to always check that it still is on his wrist in the morning. He will also often check on it throughout various activities of the day and also check if it is in need or repair.
Khu will always make sure he carries with him some form of paper and pen, or other medium he could possibly write and make notes in.
Zo'ogai carries a knife and always wears his moon necklace. He is a man who always needs something to do. So he will always have a walk in the mornings (unless he already got an ongoing project) and find something he can carve away at with said knife.
- Get to know the Character -
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luck-and-larceny · 1 year
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Oh! That's a fun question! Malika started as a tabletop character. From first conception, she was always a cowardly and selfish bard/rogue who was obsessed with petty theft. In the tabletop game she started in, there was this iconic figure called The Prince of Shadows who was the most infamous of thieves. Her goal was to steal so many items that were considered 'unstealable' that she'd eventually draw the attention of The Prince of Shadows. Then, I think, she wanted to steal their title and become The Prince of Shadows herself. That game was relatively short-lived, but I really loved the concept and wanted to play her again! I thought it'd be fun to figure out how to make her in FFXIV. Thieves aren't exactly rare in RP spaces and certainly not in Final Fantasy games! I wanted to think of a way to keep her a thief, but in a unique way that other people might have fun interacting with her rather than just being annoyed that she steals all the time. Instead, I thought it'd be fun if her theft were more interactive than that. I wouldn't RP stealing anything from other characters without getting consent from the player first (obviously), but to make it more appealing I thought it could be fun if every time Malika steals something, she leaves something else behind. So every RP where theft happened it wasn't like the character just -lost- something, but that they got a random item in exchange too. I thought that quirk was so much fun that it became central to her personality and to her backstory. Her desire to get the attention and favor of The Prince of Shadows has changed to wanting to draw the attention of Nymeia and to court fate. I really like these changes! And I hope others do too. Thank you so much for the Ask!
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chill-bunn-sage · 1 year
3. What is your OC's financial status? Are they just scraping by, making enough to live comfortably, or wealthy? Has there ever been a drastic change in their status? If so, what happened?
“Ah, I’d say I’m living fairly comfortably. M-My apartment is cluttered but fine, I’m not wanting for anything extravagant. Mine’s is a simple life. Well… aside from an island one of my distant relative’s left me but, th-that’s a story for another day.”
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abyssal-soul · 2 years
Send 🧥 to see my muse in their favourite coat (both)
Oooo you can align pictures side-by-side in text posts now! Time for some vertical shots!
🧥 Their favorite coat
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Meka Tsukuyomi: Skallic Coat of Fending Qaralun Kha: Edenmorn Coat of Fending
Send a symbol and I’ll give a screenshot for it!
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ievaxol · 2 years
📎 - How organised is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute?
Surprisingly well organized but not really in a way that makes a lot of sense. It might not look like she keeps things neat but in reality she knows exactly where she keeps her whetstone and her lance and who issued her what mission.
She is prone to being quiet about it though, leading Alphinaud to stress over the things he's sure she forgotten or that they need to do, only for Seike to reveal that she took care of it a week ago and did some extra work as well. Her communication is lacking in this aspect, rip.
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aetherotransformer · 2 years
What made them join the Scions? What do they think about them now?
Truth be told, Ashen was never that close to the Scions - during the events of ARR (a lot of which isn't canon for her), she viewed them as something akin to talent agents that helped her gain access to opportunities she wouldn't otherwise have. The only reason she stuck with them at first was that she felt somewhat responsible for the massacre at the Waking Sands, having taken a detour between defeating Titan and returning there. By Endwalker, none of this has fundamentally changed. She's come to appreciate their talents, and generally likes them, but in that sort of coworker-you-make-pleasant-conversation-with sort of way.
The exception to this rule is Tataru, whose role as the Scions' secretary/logistics person instantly garnered respect from Ashen. He's the type of person to respect her skillset more than regular combat ability or book smarts, and they probably hang out outside of Scion business sometimes. I haven't gotten to those quests firsthand but he probably co-founds her boutique.
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disciple-of-frost · 2 months
Putting this discussion under the cut because I CAN'T NOT talk about this NPC we meet in Dawntrail!
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I am unwell!
This is 100% Ysayle's shard from this reflection yes????
Also I do not recall anyone using specific pronouns for them so I hereby decree Shale is nonbinary. And even if it turns out that Shale does use "she" she can still be she/they.
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Mayncient Day 31: Farewell
"And among these uncountable stars, it was yours that crossed my path. For that I shall be forever grateful." -Themis
more screens below the cut and links to their inspiration
With all the souls returned to the atherial sea, Anthea and Hythlodaeus were granted another life in the forms of Ellen and Laelius. Neither knew the other in this lifetime until their assistance was needed to help the Warrior of Light and the few memories etched onto their souls awakened. Since then the two helped to build a new life for those that were living in Ultima Thule, using the power that took so much from their past selves to create a future for all those to come after. Inspired by this commission
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What once were fragmented memories became whole once more and Elidibus found himself greeted by Conner who was lost when the Final Days hit Amaurot. While witness to all that happened in the initial days to follow and the times he was not living a new life on the star, it didn't make the feelings he had wane and so he waited. Waited until the day Elidibus would come back and they could rest living the life they denied themselves, now that desire could supersede duty. Inspired by one of the first screens I did of them
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Having made a promise Deimos and Phobos' soul could never forget they would be reincarnated a thousand lifetimes to see it fulfilled. The two weren't always brought together but when fate allowed them too they were a force to be reckoned with, and none as much as their promise fulfilled Demos and Siberite. With the star now saved the their souls can now continue exploring the world and Shepherding a path for others to follow in an ever changing world. Inspired by this sketch commission and this colored one
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menphinaswhitemage · 4 months
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Papa once told me that tomorrow an asteroid will descend. And in a single moment, everything we know and love will meet its end. So I tried to smile a bit- despite the end I see. After all, tomorrow I'll finally be free.
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lilbittymonster · 12 days
29- One feature/content you'd want added to the game (from @sundered-souls)
My petty answer is "give me Spineshatter Dive back you fucks" because I'm still mad about them taking the jumping skill from the job based on aerial combat.
Serious answer is being able to send mail to anyone on your friend's list who is also on the same DC as you, not just on the same world. Ideally I could send mail in game to anyone, but I think being able to send mail in game to the same DC is perfectly reasonable, seeing as they have physical DC travel figured out now. And I have a lot of friends who are on Crystal with me but we're all on different worlds! Let me mail my friends!
Thanks for the ask @sundered-souls-hub
FFXIV Get To Know Me
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
1. What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause? (Dubus)
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For all his confidence, when the crisis is there, Dubus is the one who panics. Flight and last resort fight. He won't be the kind who tramples others on the way out though, especially not if there are people he knows nearby. He'd help those he cares about even if it would be a rather stressed assistance.
But in all honesty, he'd be the one in desperate need of help and all the crises he has been through, that has been the case.
- Get to know the OC -
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hexavexen · 1 month
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((Dragging him kicking and screaming through the multiverse))
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sealrock · 2 months
had a dream about my sadboy wet beast hector last night that gave me inspiration over a major lore detail I've been trying to solve for a month, it's all coming together
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frogenthusiastt · 5 months
DUNAMANCY FOIL HATTERS HOW WE FEELINGG you split your souls apart to observe yourselves!!! what does it MEAN!! THE IMPLICATIONS!! AABRIA IYENGAR WHEN I GET YOUU
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