#;;open letter (answered ask)
letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(Delivered to Gale's teaching desk by an embarrassed student, who apologizes many times but explains that his baby sister has developed a bit of a fascination with her older brother's magical training and Gale in particular. He does not explain how or why she has learned enough about Gale to develop such a obsession but the blush on his face speaks a thousand words.
The letter is rife with spelling errors and is written in clumsy block letters)
Deer Profeser Decareos,
My name is Ruby and I am 5 yeers old.
I want to bee a wizzerd like yoo and like my big bruther Finn. He is big enuff to be in yur class. He says I am too small.
But Mama says I am a big girl and I think I am big enuff to be in yur class too.
I made lots of pretty lites at my birthday party so I know I can do it.
Can I come to school with Finn and be in yur class and learn magic too?
Love, Ruby.
Dearest Ruby,
I think you’d make a fine wizard one day! You have a very ready spirit. I’m sure Blackstaff would be very happy to have you. Your brother Finn is one of the best in my class, I’m positive you’d follow right along in his footsteps.
Why, if you’ve already made dancing lights then the rest will come even easier to you! I have full faith you’d excel in my class almost immediately.
If your mother is alright with it, and Finn as well, I would be more than happy for you to join our class. All ages are welcome here at Blackstaff, with a bit of convincing. I’m sure the head of the academy wouldn’t mind.
Do inform me ahead of time when you are to join us, so I can have a special lecture planned just for you.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
[there is an attached secondary note directed only to Finn, it reads as follows;
Your sister’s letter was all the more adorable. However, it does lead a man to wonder where she gained such a fascination with the class. I’m sure you’ve shared plenty a story with your family given the nature of my lectures, but, alas, I question even the grass beneath my boots at times.
If she is to join us, please sit towards the front of the class and notify me ahead of time so I can tailor the topics of the day to her young mind.
Thank you.]
text reads: gale dekarios
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nams2 · 3 months
Talking to other partnering aros: Yeah so I've been reading original fics on AO3 to try and find some good queerplatonic stuff. Theres a steady stream if you filter by the queerplatonic tag which is nice. The problem is that most of it's either too short for me or just underdeveloped background characters but its something. Yeah it sucks to settle for that but you know how dire it is finding rep.
Talking about being aro to allos: No Im aroace. That means aromantic and asexual. They're different things. It- no asexual means a lack of sexual attraction. They can be different.
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bedheadnoodle · 4 months
Leona, quick! It’s pride month! Do you or anyone you know celebrate? How?
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Leona’s Inbox Letters
While I don’t necessarily celebrate, I do however think those who judge others just because of who they like are just an idiotic bunch who’re insecure and incapable of expressing themselves without being a coward and being afraid they’ll be judged, anyhow.
I don’t care what gender or sexuality of the person I like is. Plus, I sure as hell couldn’t give a damn about what my sexuality is either. I like who I like and that’s final. Anyone who wants to criticize me for that will have to deal with me firsthand anyways.
The only people I really know who celebrate is that herbivore, Cater, was it? Eh, whatever. Plus a few of the Savanaclaw beastmen. Besides them, that’s all I really know. No doubt others celebrate though. Pretty sure the old man, Lilia, celebrates anyhow. But that’s just my guess for now.
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mochaccino-river · 7 months
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yessir!! o7
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lexa-griffins · 6 months
Did werewolf Clarke get Lexa pregnant after their first time
She did not! Because she wasn't in rut and Lex wasn't a werewolf yet (clarke bite her but it didnt take affect yet)
They try tho, they want kids but it starts to just not happen, even with them both in their werewolf form. All because Clarke, still scared she forced herself on Lexa that first time, hides away when she is in her rut. Its when Lexa.finally realizes why they arent getting pregnant that she follows Clarke and begs her to listen to her when she says she never forced herself onto Lexa and that she hates seeing Clarke in pain during her rut and Clarke needs to trust her and understand Lexa does trusts her and that if they really want a baby they need to be together during Clarke's rut.
Its a pretty emprional first rut between them, especially with them knowing it'll definitely result in a baby (babies in these case)
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Anything your generous heart wants to talk about🌹🌹🌹🌹
a clip from chapter nine, the next chapter of wriggle up on dry land as i make some good progress on it tonight-
It feels like an unfinished conversation, but there isn’t any more to add to it, either. Left with nothing else to do but leave Jamie behind in the park and walk home, Sam feels a strange mix of things: unsettled and happy at the same time. Proud and pleased with how things went. Troubled in a way he doesn’t quite understand. Halfway through the journey back to his flat, he makes a decision and gets out his mobile phone. The call is answered crisply at the second ring, a familiar baritone voice bringing an immediate calm to the stirred waves inside of his chest. “Salam alaykum! How is my boy?” “Wa’alaykum as-salam,” Sam replies, just as the sun breaks over the crest of the buildings and casts a brilliant light across the sidewalk. The well-worn, muscle memory response tastes like honey when he says it and it makes him smile alongside a soft pang of heartache. “Good morning, daddy.”
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you are certainly trying to kill me with such an accurate medrunesh and claudiana comparison.... I have jumped into the deep depths of shipping and medrunesh must as abusive as medlleu or medwin or goelleu, etc etc. I don't think medraut could have been sane enough to love turunesh because she was normal. I don't know how to describe their dynamic in my head, but it's basically you are my angela. because the entire manga reminded me of medrunesh!
bestie, I'm begging you to open my eyes to toxic medrunesh! I need to see what you see, so we can go insane together.
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mooseyspooky · 24 days
opens moz solo
closes moz solo
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positivelyadhd · 1 year
Hi! 😀 I hope you are well!
Do you have any tips to stop procrastinating? I started an etsy shop and I need to make stuff and promote my work on social media but it's difficult and I really want to do this because I love what I create and I need money, so I think it's not a motivation problem. There are times tho, that I think and fear that I won't succeed and I don't have a second plan because I really want to work from home and because I have no idea what else I can do that I will like and it will suit me as an introvert with social anxiety and with no many skills. I am 25 and I am still living with my parents and I want and need to live alone but I don't have the money yet...
Thank you and have a wonderful day! 🥰
Hello anon! Sorry it took a while to respond!
I feel like I should point out that I (evidently) also struggle with procrastination a lot so while I have a lot of resources and advice please take it with a huge grain of salt since I definitely I'm not good at following this stuff myself!!
One of the first things is figuring out why you're procrastinating. You've said you're afraid of failure (I also feel this deeply) so try and evaluate and see if you can do anything to mitigate that. Is the outcome of not trying at all more desirable than trying and not succeeding? (it usually isn't!!) How To ADHD has some great videos [1, 2] explaining this with the concept of the "Wall of Awful"!
One of the things that I find most helpful is using the adhd desire for stimulation and dopamine as a way of helping! This really looks like making those things you're procrastinating as fun as possible. Theres a bunch of different strategies I've seen people use (I've detailed some in my masterdoc) but my personal favourites are using apps such as Habitica as a way of rewarding yourself for completing the task or similarly, creating a d&d style monster to battle by completing tasks!
The most important part is learning to be patient with yourself and understand that you're trying your best. It's okay if you can't get everything that you set out to do done and the most important part is trying! I hope this was somewhat helpful anon and I wish you luck on your journey!
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loverln · 1 month
What other fandoms are you into?
ahhh i’m in so many!!
i really love anime so here’s some of those!
- fruits basket
- skate the infinity
- bungo stray dogs
- jjk
- ohshc
- yona of the dawn
- my love story with yamada
- given
- bocchi the rock!
- sasaki and miyano
- free!
- yuri on ice!!!
i also love cartoons so here’s some of those!!
- adventure time
- gravity falls
- steven universe
- the owl house
- amphibia
- voltron
- atla/lok
- bojack horseman
- regular show
- tawog
- over the garden wall
- craig of the creek
i want to work in the animation industry one day if you can’t tell xD
thank you so much for giving me a chance to ramble haha and if anyone shares fandoms with me reply!!
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fakezircon · 1 month
What color would your (current) bedroom walls be if you could change it- once- with a wave of your hand?
Sky blue like the walls of my childhood bedroom. If this hand waving power was slightly more powerful I would also add the half wooden paneling that was also in my childhood home, it looked kinda strange and my mother always hated it but I loved it anyway.
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(it is something of a miracle this letter is legible at all. It's clearly torn from a notebook, and written in a blocky, slow hand, like the author was unused to holding a pen. Many of the letters are capitalized at random, seemingly because they were easier to draw. It also smells strangely of fish and old lake water)
HAlsIn Is gooD
mIss You AnD TArA
loVE You mIss You
(there is a post script below in a much neater hand)
Dear Gale,
Hush wanted to write a letter to you for their writing practice today. I'm sorry for the smell, they tried to also send you one of the crawfish they caught in the lake.
Hope you're doing well, would love to have you visit.
(Hush is a 15 yr old feral half-elf, barely. A druid that was raised by wolves, spending months and even years at a time in wild shape permanently warped their body into something... Other. They had very little contact with other humanoids before being taken by illithids. They learned to speak common from Gale and the others. Despite their grotesque appearance, Hush is extremely cheerful, with a personality somewhat like an overeager hunting dog. Hush loves Tara very much, but Tara does not necessarily love Hush back. At least when in the same room.)
Dearest Hush,
And Halsin, too.
I am glad to hear you are both doing well! Hush, your days sound all the more exciting each time you write to me. While I’m stuck grading papers, you’re off capturing the wildest of sea creatures. I do hope the sea bug was tasty enough for you!
I appreciate the sentiment and the attempt to allow me to share in the joyfulness with you. I can assure you, Hush, however, that you need not be disappointed you cannot send crawfish to me. I will be visiting soon and you can share it in person.
I love and miss you, too, Hush. We will meet again soon, I can promise you such.
Thank you, Halsin, for all your help. I hope you are doing well, too. I’m sure the likes of Hush have been tiring on your old soul, but you always had a knack for managing the youngsters.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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queer-reader-07 · 10 months
I'm bored, you're my chosen victim. Congrats!
Which letter of the alphabet do you think has the best personality, and why? Feel free to share other letters that you feel are outstanding in other ways
i read this like 2 hours ago when i was on my break at work and have been contemplating my answer since
personality wise i like X. cuz like, it's just so silly. it's almost exclusively paired with its best friend E, and when it's with another letter it's like "woah wtf where's your friend? why are you just chilling at the front of a word alone?" i'm also partial to it because of how i write X's when i do math with like a curly top
like this:
and since i take calculus i see that little guy frequently and i love it. it's just so friendly looking and funky. top tier letter vibes
honorable mentions for other letters include:
a - this is entirely self centered but it's the first letter of the alphabet and the first letter of my name, which feels weirdly serendipitous since my birthday is 01/01 (first day of the first month). idk i just think the stars really aligned on that one
q - this feels like it should be back at the end with u & x & z and stuff, but nope. it's sandwiched between o & r of all letters. like what are you doing up there? you're a weirdo amongst the normies
that is all i have for today, feel free to add in the notes which letter you think has the best personality
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bedheadnoodle · 4 months
Do you prefer your usual outfit or the tamashina-Mina outfit?
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Leona's Inbox Letters
Hmph. You always know how to ask such meaningless questions, don’t ya herbivore?
I wear whatever I find lyin’ around and what’s comfortable enough for me to lie down in. Although the Tamashina-Mina fit is a pain in the ass to get into, it’s..comfortable enough I suppose, to wear when I’m walking ‘round the Savannah. Wish Falena wasn’t on my tail all the time about wearing it whenever I visit. Sigh.
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goodfully · 1 year
hello! so ive never done this before and idk if this would really reach anyone, but i would love to have a penpal? but i kinda want to make it a rule that we wont ever direct message each other nor ever follow each others social media... i suppose what i want to do is: get to know someone purely from their handwritten words.
ahh unfortunately... dont expect anything cutely decorated from me if we're penpals. your letters will most likely only be a plain envelope. i think id be writing excessively in detail about my day/life and my thoughts/feelings about anything, and when i receive your letter, i hope to get a long letter about details from your life as well. so... if you would be open to something like that, please let me know hahaha
uhm! ig if you want to know what some of my interests are, you could scroll through my account? however, the point is that we dont know anything about each other and that everything we do learn about each other is purely through reading our handwritten letters. id prefer someone about my age (22) but any age is fine really. im currently in america, but id be happy to send letters internationally. altho do note that i can only write/read well in english and in little trad chinese.
anyway if anyone happens to see this and is interested... please! let me know! ill answer any questions if you have any. ive never done this before but i wish it to work out with someone somehow. its such a huge desire of mine to try learning about someone deeply without physically meeting and without any social media at all. its kinda a personal project/experiment to befriend someone this way, but i also am excited for whatever may come out of this! i know there isnt much appeal to this... however, if only one other person is excited about this idea, thats all i need. :)
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chill-bunn-sage · 5 months
🐹you've always struck me as gentle and easy to approach
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Awhh… thank you ;u;
I try my best!
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