#Sultanzade Osman
magnificentlyreused · 4 months
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This golden coat was first worn by Şehzade Mustafa in the first episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It was also worn by a teenage Mustafa in the twenty-fourth episode of the same season. The coat also appears on Sultanzade Osman in the sixth episode of the third season. It was also worn by Şehzade Cihangir in the thirty-third and thirty-seventh episode of the same season, respectively.
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tiny-librarian · 9 months
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The other day I played the “Living People Related to Maria Theresa” game after a while, and remembered I once did that with Hurrem Sultan and thought I'd try it again, so here goes!
This is Roksan Kunter Özkan, she is a Turkish TV presenter, sports reporter, and media personality, and descends from Hurrem through her son Selim II. Supposedly her first name is derived from Roxelana, one of the names Hurrem was known by.
Roksan Kunter Özkan (Born August 10th, 1984) –> Ayten Sofia Nami Osmanoğlu –> Sultanzade Osman Nami Bey –> Ayşe Sultan –> Abdul Hamid II –> Abdulmejid I –> Mahmud II –> Abdul Hamid I –> Ahmed III –> Mehmed IV –> Ibrahim –> Ahmed I –> Mehmed III –> Murad III –> Selim II–> Hurrem Sultan
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~Hümaşah Sultan~
Hümaşah was born Manisa. She might be born in autumn 1543 during visit of Hürrem Sultan or she might be posthume child of Sehzade Mehmed. According to historian Alderson, her mother's name was Aya. It is known that Aya was married off to Pertev Pasha. After Sehzade Mehmed's death, Hümaşah and Aya Hatun moved from Manisa to Istanbul, Old Palace. Hümaşah was close to her grandparents and her cousin, Ayşe Hümaşah, daughter of Mihrimah Sultan and Rüstem Paşa. Perhaps, both girls were educated together. Both of them were close to their uncle Sehzade Cihangir. Apparently an outgoing personality, the teenage Changir was the perfect uncle to his nieces.
In 1566/1567 Hümaşah was married off to the third Vezir, Ferhad Paşa. The marriage lasted 8-9 years till Ferhat Pasha's death on 06. January 1575. The ceremony took place in the Old Palace. From marriage with Ferhad Pasha she had several children. The known ones are: Sultanzade Hüsni, Sultanzade Osman, Fatma Hanimsultan, Sultanzade Ibrahim, Sultanzade Mustafa. They had at least 4 more daughters but the names are unknown, probably because they didn't reached adulthood. It appears that some of the childern were twins. In August 1575, Hümasah remarried to Sokolluzade Lala Mustafa Pasha. But the marriage lasted also till Lala Mustafa Pasha's death, on 7. August 1580. They had a son Sultanzade Sokolluzade Abdülbaki. Her third marriage took place in 1581 with Gaazi Mehmed Pasha who outlived Hümasah. They didn't have children together.Hümasah sultan also educated and trained Safiye and presented her to her cousin Murad, son of Selim Il and Nurbanu. Safiye lived in Hümasah's household after her abduction but Safiye's role in Hümasah's household is still unclear.
Hümasah Sultan died in 1582, the cause of death is unknown. She is buried in Shezade Mosque. The Mosque was built in honor of Hümasah's father, Sehzade Mehmed.
Her children are also buried in Sehzade's mosque.
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ottomanladies · 4 years
Was Osman Bey the son of Mihrimah Sultan? Apart from Ayse Humasah sultan, what information is there about Mihrimah Sultan's other children? Did Rustem Pasha have another wife before he married Mihrimah Sultan? Some sources claim that Osman Bey is the son of Rustem Pasha from his first wife.
Which sources say that Rüstem had a son from a previous marriage? "Some sources" is too vague.
What I have, all secondary sources mind you, say that Sultanzade Osman Bey was Mihrimah's son. Since they did not source their claims, I cannot trace back it to the first source. My guess is Alderson since The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty is the oldest work... but I don't know what his source was because he does not source basically anything.
Öztuna (and Uluçay and Sakaoğlu) says that Sultanzade Osman Bey died in 1576. This means that his age at the time of his death ranged from 26 to 14 (1540 is the first year in which Mihrimah could have given birth considering that she got married in November 1539, and I considered 1562 as the last year, considering that Rüstem died in July 1561). A problem poses itself: where was he interred? Certainly not with his mother, whom he had predeceased.
Before dying, Mihrimah arranged for prayers to be recited for herself and others:
the prosperity of the Dynasty - especially that of the reign of Süleyman I, her father - and the soul of its current holders (ie. Murad III)
the Prophet and his family
her wet-nurse
her daughter Ayşe Hümâ-Şâh
Rüstem Paşa and the other occupants of his mausoleum
The last point is the most interesting: who was interred with Rüstem? I tried to google it but could not find anything. Maybe Osman was buried with his father? In 1576, his mausoleum had certainly been finished.
As for another wife, I could not find anything. It would make sense for Rüstem to have been married before 1539 since he had been born in 1500. The stories about his marriage with Mihrimah do not mention a previous divorce, though that could just mean that his wife had died. In sum, I could not find anything to answer these questions.
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sevgilisultana · 2 years
Sultanate of Women (4/7)
Safiye Sultan (c. 1550 – 1621)
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Safiye Sultan parents are not known
Haseki Sultan (Legal Wife) of Sultan Murad Ill, Valide Sultan of Sultan Mehmed Ill, and Buyuk Valide Sultan of Sultan Ahmed I
Mother of Sultan Mehmed Ill, Sehzade Mahmud, Humasah Sultan, Ayse Sultan, Fatma Sultan, Mihrimah Sultan, Sehzade Yahya (possibly).
Grandmother of Sehzade Selim, Sehzade Suleyman, Sehzade Mahmud, Sultan Ahmed I, Sultan Mustafa, Sehzade Cihangir, Sehzade Osman, Sah Sultan, Hatice Sultan, Sultanzade Mahmud, Sultanzade Hasan Bey, Marice, and Elena.
Mother-in-law of Handan Sultan, Halime Sultan, Nigar Mustafazade Mehmed Pasha, Serdar Ferhat Pasha (?), Damat Ibrahim Pasha,Yemisci Hasan Pasha, Güzelce Mahmud Pasha, Damad Halil Pasha, Damad Cafer Pasha, Damad Hizir Pasha, Mirahur Ahmed Pasha, Gerkes Mehmed Ali Pasha, and Anna Caterina of Drisht (?)
Fun Fact For Newbies: Safiye Sultan was the first women of the Sultanate of Women to be Haseki Sultan, Valide Sultan, and Buyuk Valide Sultan. Safiye Sutan also lived through 6 Sultan reigns: Sultan Suleiman, Sultan Selim II, Sultan Mehmed III, Sultan Ahmed I, Sultan Mustafa I, and Sultan Osman II.
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reallifesultanas · 3 years
Portrait of the daughters of Mehmed IV / IV. Mehmed lányainak portréja
IV. Mehmed szultánnak csupán három lánya érte meg biztosan a felnőttkort. Only three of Mehmed IV's daughters reached adulthood for sure.
Hatice Sultan
Hatice was Mehmed's eldest daughter, born in 1660 (or earlier). Her mother was probably Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş Sultan. Her wedding took place in 1675, after her father returned home from the Polish campaign and organized a huge series of ceremonies to crown the victory. It was then that the two brothers of Hatice, Mustafa (later Mustafa II) and Ahmed (later Ahmed III), were circumcised. Hatice Sultan’s husband was Musahip Sarıkçı Mustafa Pasha, with whom their first child, Sultanzade Mehmed Bey, was born the following year. Then in 1677 another son was born, Hasan Bey.
Hatice was widowed in October 1686, and from then on her sons were taken to the palace to be educated there. She lived as a widow for a time but was remarried in 1691. This time Moralı Hasan Pasha became her husband, who rose to the rank of Grand Vizier. After 1695, Hatice Sultan gave birth to a girl, Ayşe. We know this because it was recorded that after the birth, the Valide Sultan, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, visited her daughter in her palace. And Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş was a valide from 1695. The little girl probably died in 1717.
A high rank, an influental life was soon followed by a loss of grace, and Hatice's husband was exiled to Izmit in 1704. Hatice asked permission from the sultan to go with her husband, which she received, so she also traveled to Izmit. In 1707 the pasha was then pardoned, and was made the governor of Rakka. Hatice no longer followed the pasha there but returned to Istanbul. The pasha died in December 1713 and Hatice was widowed again. She never remarried. 
Hatice spent her widowhood with collection porcelains and making parties. One of these parties happened during the disastrous revolt of 1730. We cannot rule out that she was also part of the rebellion. She was holding a banquet for the sultan and the grand vizier, along other high-ranking dignitaries, at her palace and it seems like she prevented the grand vizier from moving on to Istanbul that night in order to take immediate action against the rebels. We dont know if she did that because she secretly was a member of the opposition party, or she was just making a mistake? Anyhow, it led to her brother Ahmed Ill’s dethronement.
She lived a long life, seeing the reign of a total of six sultans: her father Mehmed IV; her uncles Suleiman II and Ahmed II; younger brothers Mustafa II and Ahmed III; but even her nephew's reign as she was alive during the reign of Mahmud I. She died on July 5, 1743, and was buried in the complex of her grandmother, Turhan Hatice.
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Fatma Emetullah Sultan
Certainly she was born after 1675, because the ambassador report written in 1675 does not list her among Mehmed's children. Usually 1675 is given as her date of birth for this reason, but considering that she was married in 1695, it seems to be early in 1675, her date of birth may be closer to 1680. The identity of her mother is likely Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, based on her name.
Her first husband was Tırnakçı Çerkez İbrahim Pasha, whom she married in September 1695. Their first child, Rukiye Hanimsultan was born in 1696. Rukiye Hanimsultan reached adulthood and died around 1720.  About her daughters we know that: in 1708, Rukiye Hanimsultan married Sirke Osman Paşa (d. 1724), who had been called from Bosnia; after Rukiye Hanimsultan died, Sirke Osman Paşa married Emetullah Sultan, one of the daughters of Mustafa II.
Fatma Emetullah's first husband was executed in 1697, and then the widow sultana remarried in 1698. This time Topal Yusuf Pasha was the designated husband from whom a daughter was born in 1700, Safiye Hanimsultan, who died young, presumably in 1711. Fatma Emetullah is believed to have died in December 1700 of birth-complications due to the birth of Safiye Hanimsultan. Other sources suggests she died of plague, another suggests she died of tuberculosis. Her funeral procession started from her mansion in Bayezit, with the Chief of Black Eunuchs Nezir Agha and her husband Yusuf Pasha leading it, passed in front of the Alay köşkü, and terminated at the Valide Mosque, where she was laid to rest next to her father Mehmed IV.
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Ümmügülsüm / Ümmi Sultan
She was born around 1680 but the identity of her mother is unknown. One of her first mentioning is from a harem register of 1691, when her uncle Suleiman II moved the harem to Edirne. She is the only niece to show up on the list, which raises interesting questions. Her sister, Fatma Emetullah, was also not yet married at the time, yet she is not mentioned in the list. This is because Fatma Emetullah certainly spent her time in the Old Palace next to her mother, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş. The fact that Ümmügülsüm was not in the Old Palace may indicate that she may not have been the child of Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş Sultan or Afife Hatun living there. Her mother could have been someone else who might have already died, so the little princess could stay at Topkapi Palace.
Ümmügülsüm was very close to her uncle Ahmed II. She was the one who married her off in December 1693 to his close servant, Silahdar Çerkes Osman Pasha. They settled in a luxurious palace with the Pasha and had at least two children together. Their daughters were Hatice Hanimsultan and Fatma Hanimsultan, of whom Fatma probably reached adulthood and died around 1730. We know nothing more about the children of Ümmügülsüm. Ümmügülsüm and the pasha were very influential, living a magnificent life. In April 1694, for example, they held a huge party in their palace, for which the sultan, his Haseki - the last Haseki - Rabia, and several political leaders attended. Ümmügülsüm Sultan died before her fortieth birthday in 1720. Some say smallpox caused her death. She was buried in the mosque complex of Turhan Hatice.
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Beside these daughters, Mehmed IV's had other daughters as well. One of them is Ayşe, who was born around 1673/4, and died young. Her mother was certainly Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş, the Haseki Sultan of Mehmed. All we know is that the princess was promised to Kara Mustafa Pasha around 1675/6, but the wedding could never take place because the princess did not reach adulthood.
Two anonymous sultanas are also known, who are listed as daughters of Mehmed. All we know is one of them married Kasım Mustafa Pasha in 1687, who was Edirne's beylerbey. The other girl is said to have been the daughter of Gülbeyaz. Beside them, some also mention a girl named Gevher or Gevherhan, who may have been Mehmed IV’s sister rather than her daughter and they consider her as her daughter just because of a mistake.
Used sources: J. Dumas - Les perles de nacre du sultanat; N. Sakaoglu - Bu Mülkün Kadin Sultanlari; M. C. Uluçay - Padişahlarin Kadinlri ve Kizlari; A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire; M. Özgüleş - The women who built the Ottoman Empire: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnüş Sultan
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Hatice Sultan
Hatice volt IV. Mehmed legidősebb lánya, 1660-ban (vagy korábban) született. Édesanyja valószínűleg a szultán Haszekije, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş volt. Esküvőjére 1675-ben került sor, miután apja hazatért a lengyel hadjáratból és a győzelmet megkoronázván hatalmas ünnepségsorozatot rendezett. Ekkor került sor Hatice két öccsének, Musztafának (későbbi II. Musztafa) és Ahmednek (későbbi III. Ahmed) a körülmetélésére. Hatice Sultan férje Musahip Sarıkçı Mustafa Pasa lett, akivel a következő évben megszületett első közös gyermekük, Sultanzade Mehmed Bey. 1677-ben született még egy fiuk, Hasan Bey.
Hatice 1686 októberében megözvegyült, fiai innentől a palotába kerültek, hogy ott oktassák őket. Egy ideig özvegyen élte életét, de 1691-ben újraházasították. Ezúttal Moralı Hasan Pasa lett a férje, aki a nagyvezíri rangig emelkedett. 1695 után Hatice Sultan életet adott egy kislánynak, Ayşénak. Ezt onnan tudjuk, mert feljegyezték, hogy a szülés után a valide szultána, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş meglátogatta lányát annak palotájában. A kislány valószínűleg 1717-ben hunyt el.
A magas rangot, befolyásos életet hamarosan kegyvesztettség követte és Hatice férjét 1704-ben Izmitbe száműzték. Hatice engedélyt kért a szultántól, hogy férjével tarthasson, melyet megkapott, így ő is Izmitbe utazott. 1707-ben aztán a pasának megbocstottak és Rakka kormányzójává tették meg. Hatice oda már nem követte a pasát, hanem visszatért Isztambulba. A pasa 1713 decemberében elhunyt, Hatice pedig megözvegyült. Hatice sosem házasodott újra. 
Özvegységének éveit arra használta, hogy porcelánt gyűjtött, és ünnepélyes esteket szervezett. Az egyik ilyen este épp egybeesett az 1730-as lázadással. Egyesek szerint Hatice maga is felelős volt az eseményekért, ugyanis nem engedte a nagyvezírnek - aki jelen volt az estélyen -, hogy távozzon és a lázadással törődjön. Lehet, hogy Hatice ezt szánt szándékkal tette, mert a lázadókkal volt titkon, de az is lehet, hogy egyszerűen végzetes hibát vétett. Akárhogyan is, a lázadás során Hatice öccsét, III. Ahmedet trónfosztották. 
Hosszú életet élt, összesen hat szultán uralkodását látta: apjáét IV. Mehmedét; nagybátyjaiét II. Szulejmánét és II. Ahmedét; öccseiét II. Musztafáét és III. Ahmedét; de még unokaöccse I. Mahmud uralkodása alatt is életben volt. 1743 július 5-én hunyt el és nagyanyja, Turhan Hatice komplexumában temették el.
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Fatma Emetullah Sultan
Minden bizonnyal 1675 után született, mert az 1675-ben írt követi jelentés nem listázza IV. Mehmed gyermekei között. Általában 1675-t adják meg emiatt születési idejének, de figyelembe véve, hogy 1695-ben házasították ki, az 1675 korainak tűnik, inkább lehet születési ideje közelebb az 1680-hoz. Édesanyja kiléte neve alapján valószínűsíthető, így Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş szultána lányaként tekintenek Fatma Emetullahra.
Első férje Tırnakçı Çerkez İbrahim Pasa volt, akivel 1695 szeptemberében házasodtak össze. Egy gyermekük született, Rukiye Hanimsultan 1696-ban. Rukiye Hanimsultan megérte a felnőttkor és 1720 környékén hunyt el. Fatma Emetullah első férjét 1697-ben végezték ki, majd az özvegy szultána 1698-ban újra férjhez ment. Ezúttal Topal Yusuf Pasa volt a kijelölt férj, akitől 1700-ban egy lánya született, Safiye Hanimsultan, aki fiatalon elhunyt, vélhetően 1711-ben. Fatma Emetullah vélhetőleg A Safiye Hanimsultan születése során fellépő szülési komplikációk miatt halt meg 1700 decemberében.
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Ümmügülsüm/Ümmi Sultan
1680 között született, édesanyja kiléte nem ismert. Egyik első említése egy 1691-ből származó háremjegyzék, mikor nagybátyja II. Szulejmán a háremet Edirnébe kölöztette. Ő az egyetlen unokahúg, aki a jegyzékben feltűnik, ami érdekes kérdéseket vet fel. Nővére, Fatma Emetullah ekkor szintén nem volt még kiházasítva, őt mégsem említi a jegyzék. Ennek oka, hogy Fatma Emetullah minden bizonnyal a Régi Palotában töltötte idejét édesanyja, Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş mellett. Az, hogy Ümmügülsüm nem a Régi Palotában volt arra utalhat, hogy talán nem az ott élő Emetullah Rabia Gülnüş Sultan vagy Afife Hatun gyermeke volt. Édesanyja valaki más lehetett, aki talán már elhalálozott, így a kishercegnő a Topkapi Palotában maradhatott.
Ümmügülsüm igen közel állt nagybátyjához II. Ahmedhez. Ő volt az, aki kiházasította  szultánát 1693 decemberében Silahdar Çerkes Osman Pasához. A Pasával fényűző plotában telepedtek le és legalább két gyermekük született. Lányaik, Hatice Hanimsultan és Fatma Hanimsultan voltak, akik közül Fatma valószínűleg megérte a felnőttkort és 1730 körül hunyt el. Nem tudunk mást Ümmügülsüm gyermekeiről. Ümmügülsüm és a pasa igen befolyásosak voltak, pezsgő életet éltek. 1694 áprilisában például hatalmas ünnepélyt rendeztek palotájukban, melyre hivatalos volt a szultán, annak haszekije - az utolsó Haszeki - Rabia és több politikai vezető is. Ümmügülsüm Sultan negyvenedik születésnapja előtt hunyt el, 1720-ban. Egyesek szerint himlő okozta a halálát. Turhan Hatice mecsetkomplexumában temették el.
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Mehmednek a fentebb leírt lányok mellett voltak további lányai is. Egyikük, egy Ayşe nevű kislány volt, aki 1673/4 környékén született és korán meghalt. Édesanyja minden bizonnyal Emetullah, Rabia Gülnüş, a szultán Haszekije volt. Annyit tudunk, hogy a hercegnőt 1675/6 környékén odaígérték Kara Mustafa Pasához, ám az esküvő sosem jöhetett létre, mert a hercegnő nem érte meg a felnőtt kort.
Két névtelen szultána is ismert, akiket Mehmed lányaiként jegyeznek. Egyikükről annyit tudunk, hogy Kasım Mustafa Pasához ment nőül 1687-ben, aki Edirne helytartója volt. A másik lány a legendák szerint Gülbeyaz lánya volt. Mellettük néhányan egy Gevher vagy Gevherhan nevű lányt is szoktak említeni, aki lehet, hogy inkább volt Mehmed testvére, mint lánya és csupán keveredés miatt tekintik néhányan az ő lányaként.
Felhasznált források: J. Dumas - Les perles de nacre du sultanat; N. Sakaoglu - Bu Mülkün Kadin Sultanlari; M. C. Uluçay - Padişahlarin Kadinlri ve Kizlari; A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire; M. Özgüleş - The women who built the Ottoman Empire: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnüş Sultan
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kpss2023 · 4 years
🔹 KURULUŞ DÖNEMİ(1299-1453)
👉 ORHAN BEY(1326-1362)
1. Alaüddin Paşa
Uyarı: Alaaddin Paşa ilk Osmanlı veziri ve Sadrazamıdır.İlmiye kökenlidir.
2. Süleyman Paşa
3. Mahmutoğlu Nizamüddin Paşa
4. Hacı Paşa
5. Sinanüddin Yusuf Paşa
1. Sinanüddin Yusuf Paşa
2. Çandarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin Paşa
3. Çandarlı Ali Paşa
1. Çandarlı Ali Paşa
1. Osmancıklı İmam-zade Halil Paşa
2. Çandarlı İbrahim Paşa
3. Amasyalı Bayezid Paşa
👉 II.MURAT(1421-1451)
1. Amasyalı Bayezid Paşa
2. Çandarlı İbrahim Paşa
3. İAmasyalı Hızır Danişmendoğlu Koca
4. Mehmed Nizamüddin Paşa
5. Çandarlı Halil Paşa
🔹 YÜKSELME DÖNEMİ(1453-1579)
1. Çandarlı Halil Paşa
2. Veli Mahmud Paşa
Uyarı: ❗️Veli Mahmut Paşa devşirme kökenli ilk Osmanlı Sadrazamıdır.
3. Rum Mehmed Paşa
4. İshak Paşa
5. Gedik Ahmed Paşa
6. Karamani Mehmed Paşa
👉 II.BAYEZİD(Sofi Bayezid) (1481-1512)
1. İshak Paşa
2. Davud Paşa
3. Hersek-zade Ahmed Paşa
4. Çandarlı İbrahim Paşa
5. Mesih Paşa
6. Hadım Ali Paşa
7. Koca Mustafa Paşa
1. Koca Mustafa Paşa
2. Hersekzade Ahmed Paşa
3. Dukakinoğlu Ahmed Paşa
4. Hadım Sinan Paşa
5.Yunus Paşa
6. Piri Mehmed Paşa
1. Piri Mehmed Paşa
2. İbrahim Paşa
3. Ayas Mehmed Paşa
4. Lütfi Paşa
5. Hadım Süleyman Paşa
6. Rüstem Paşa
7. Kara Ahmed Paşa
8. Semiz Ali Paşa
9. Sokullu Mehmed Paşa
Uyarı: ❗️ Sokullu Mehmet Paşa; Kanuni’ nin son iki yılı, II.Selim Dönemi’nin tamamı, ve III.Murat döneminin ilk beş yolunda sadrazamlık yapmıştır.
Dolayısıyla Sokullu Mehmed Paşa(üç padişah döneminde Sadrazamlık yaptmıştır.
👉 II.SELİM-(SARI SELİM) (1566-1574)
1. Sokullu Mehmed Paşa
👉 III. MURAT : ( 1574 - 1595)
1. Sokullu Mehmed Paşa
2. Semiz Ahmed Paşa
3. Lala Mustafa Paşa
4. Koca Sinan Paşa
5. Kanijeli Siyavuş Paşa
6. Özdemiroğlu Osman Paşa
7. Mesih Paşa
8. Ferhad Paşa
👉 III.MEHMET(1595-1603)
1. Ferhad Paşa
2. Koca Sinan Paşa
3. Lala Mehmed Paşa
4. Damad İbrahim Paşa
5. Cığala-zade Sinan Paşa
6. Hasan Paşa
7. Cerrah Mehmed Paşa
8. Yemişçi Hasan Paşa
1. Malkoç Ali Paşa
2. Lala Mehmed Paşa
3. Derviş Mehmed Paşa
4. Kuyucu Murad Paşa
5. Nasuh Paşa
6. Öküz Mehmed Paşa
7. Halil Paşa
👉 II.OSMAN( Genç Osman) (1618-1622)
1. Halil Paşa
2. Kara Mehmed Paşa
3. Güzelce Ali Paşa
4. Ohrili Hüseyin Paşa
5. Dilaver Paşa
👉 IV.MURAT(1622-1640)
1. Kemankeş Kara Ali Paşa
2. Çerkes Hasan Paşa
3. Müezzinzade Hafız Ahmed Paşa
4. Halil Paşa
5. Hüsrev Paşa
6. Topal Recep Paşa
7. Tabanı Yassı Mehmed Paşa
8. Bayram Paşa
9. Tayyar Mehmed Paşa
10. Kemankeş Kara Mustafa Paşa
👉 SULTAN İBRAHİM(1640-1648)
1. Kemankeş Kara Mustafa Paşa
2. Civan Kapıcıbaşı Sultanzade Semin Mehmed Paşa
3. Salih Paşa
4. Kara Musa Paşa
5. Hezarpare Ahmed Paşa
6. Mehmed Paşa
👉 IV.MEHMET(1648-1687)
Uyarı: ❗️ IV.Mehmet Dönemin’de Köprülü ailesinden üç Sadrazam görev yapmıştır. Bunlar Köprülü Mehmet Paşa, Köprülü Fazıl Ahmet Paşa, Köprülü Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Paşa'dır.
1656-1683 tarihleri arasına Köprülüler Dönemi denilir. Köprülü ailesinden altı sadrazam yetişmiştir.
1. Sofu Mehmed Paşa
2. Kara Murad Paşa
3. Melek Ahmed Paşa
4. Siyavuş Paşa
5. Gürcü Mehmed Paşa
6. Tarhuncu Ahmed Paşa
7. Derviş Mehmed Paşa
8. İpşir Mustafa Paşa
10. Süleyman Paşa
11. Deli Hüseyin Paşa
12.Zurnazen Mustafa Paşa
13. Boynueğri Mehmed Paşa
14. Köprülü Mehmed Paşa
15. Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Paşa
16. Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Paşa
17. Kara İbrahim Paşa
18. Sarı Süleyman Paşa
19. Siyavuş Paşa
👉 II.SÜLEYMAN(1687-1691)
1. Siyavuş Paşa
2. Nişancı Mehmed Paşa
3. Bekri Mustafa Paşa
4. Köprülüzade Fazıl Mustafa Paşa
👉 II.AHMET(1691-1697)
1. Köprülüzade Fazıl Mustafa Paşa
2. Arabacı Ali Paşa
3. Çalık Ali Paşa
4. Bozoklu Bıyıklı Mustafa Paşa
5. Sürmeli Ali Paşa
👉 II.MUSTAFA(1697-1703)
1. Sürmeli Ali Paşa
2. Elmas Mehmed Paşa
3. Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa(Köprülü ailesindendir)
4. Daltaban Mustafa Paşa
5. Rami Mehmed Paşa
🔹 GERİLEME DÖNEMİ(1699-1792)
👉 III.AHMET(1703-1730)
1. Kavanoz Nişancı Ali Paşa
2. Enişte Hasan Paşa
3. Kalaylıkoz Ahmede Paşa
4. Baltacı Mehmed Paşa
5. Çorlulu Ali Paşa
6. Köprülüzade Damad Numan Paşa
7. Baltacı Mehmed Paşa
8. Ağa Yusuf Paşa
9. Silahdar Süleyman Paşa
10. Hacı Halil Paşa
11. Nişancı Mehmed Paşa
👉 I.MAHMUT(1730-1754)
1. Damad Mehmed Paşa
2. Kabakulak İbrahim Paşa
3. Topal Osman Paşa
4. Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa
5. Gürcü İsmail Paşa
6. Seyyid Mehmed Paşa
7. Muhsin-zade Abdullah Paşa
8. Yeğen Mehmed Paşa
9. Hacı İvaz Mehmed Paşa
10. Nişancı Hacı Ahmed Paşa
11. Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa
12. Seyyid Hasan Paşa
13. Tiryaki Hacı Mehmed Paşa
14. Boynueğri Seyyid Abdullah Paşa
15. Mehmed Emin Paşa
16. Bahir Mustafa Paşa
👉 III.OSMAN (1754-1757)
1. Bahir Mustafa Paşa
2. Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa
3. Başdefterdar Naili Abdullah Paşa
4. Bıyıklı Ali Paşa
5. Mehmed Said Paşa
6. Bahir Mustafa Paşa
7. Koca Ragıp Mehmed Paşa
👉 III.MUSTAFA(1757-1774)
1. Koca Ragıp Mehmed Paşa
2. Hamza Hamid Paşa
3. Bahir Mustafa Paşa
4. Muhsin-zade Mehmed Paşa
5.Hamza Mahir Paşa
6. Hacı Mehmed Emin Paşa
7. Moldovancı Ali Paşa
8. İvaz-zade Halil Paşa
9. Silahdar Mehmed Paşa
10. Muhsin-zade Mehmed Paşa
👉I.ABDÜLHAMİD (1774-1789)
1. Muhsinzade Mehmed Paşa
2. İzzet Mehmed Paşa
3. Derviş Mehmed Paşa
4. Darendeli Cebecizade Mehmed Paşa
5. Kalafat Mehmed Paşa
6. Seyyid Mehmed Paşa
7. İzzet Mehmed Paşa
8. Hacı Yeğen Mehmet Paşa
9. Halil Hamid Paşa
10. Şahin Ali Paşa
11. Koca Yusuf Paşa
👉 III.SELİM(1789-1807)
1. Koca Yusuf Paşa
2. Meyyit Hasan Paşa
3. Gazi Hasan Paşa
4. Çelebizade Şerif Hasan Paşa
5 Koca Yusuf Paşa
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magnificentlyreused · 10 months
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This red and black velvet kaftan was first worn by Sultanzade Osman in the seventh episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. The kaftan is worn again fifteen episodes later Osman's twin sister Huricihan Sultan. It is also worn by a guest in the thirty-sixth episode. The kaftan makes another appearance in the thirty-eighth episode on Şehzade Cihangir.
Magnificent Century: Kösem uses the kaftan twice. First on Şehzade Murad (later Sultan Murad IV) in the twenty-sixth episode of the first season and then on Şehzade Bayezid in the twentieth episode of the second season.
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magnificentlyreused · 9 months
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This dark blue coat with a brown fur collar was first worn by Sultanzade Osman in the twenty-sixth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again twice in the fourth season, first by Şehzade Orhan in the thirteenth episode and then by Şehzade Abdullah in the eighteenth episode.
The coat was also used twice on Şehzade Osman (later Sultan Osman II) and Şehzade Ibrahim (later Sultan Ibrahim) in the fifteen and twenty-first episodes of first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
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magnificentlyreused · 10 months
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This blue night gown was first worn by Sultanzade Osman in the twenty-first episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again by Şehzade Cihangir in the twenty-ninth episode of the same season. The dress makes another appearance on Şehzade Bayezid's daughter Ayşe Sultan in the twenty-seventh episode of the fourth season.
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magnificentlyreused · 9 months
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This kaftan was first worn by Huricihan Sultan in the eighth episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It makes another appearance in the thirty-ninth episode of the same season on Şehzade Cihangir. The kaftan is worn twice in the fourth season, first by Anna Hatun in the thirty-first episode and then by Mihrimah Sultan's son Osman in the final episode.
Magnificent Century: Kösem uses the kaftan twice. It is worn by Şehzade Murad (later Sultan Murad IV) in the twenty-sixth episode of the first season and by Şehzade Süleyman (later Sultan Süleyman II) in the twenty-ninth episode of the second season.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 months
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This golden vest with a fur collar was first worn by Şehzade Cihangir in the twelth episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It appears twice in the fourth season, first on Şehzade Mustafa's son Mehmed in the nineteenth episode and then on Mihrimah Sultan's son Sultanzade Osman in the thirty-fourth episode.
Magnificent Century: Kösem used the vest on Şehzade Osman (later Sultan Osman II) in the twentieth episode of the first season.
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magnificentlyreused · 10 months
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This blue, grey and golden shirt was first worn by Sultanzade Osman in the twenty-sixth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It appeared twice in the fourth season on Şehzade Bayezid's sons Osman and Abdullah in the fifth and eighteenth episodes, respectively.
The spin-off Magnificent Century: Kösem used the shirt three times. In the first season, it was worn by Şehzade Osman (later Sultan Osman II) in the nineteenth episodes and then by his son Şehzade Mustafa in the thirtieth episode. The shirt was used a final time on Sultan Murad IV's son Şehzade Selim in the twenty-first episode of the second season.
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magnificentlyreused · 5 months
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This green and brown coat was first worn by Şehzade Selim (later Sultan Selim II) in the twenty-ninth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It was worn again by Sultanzade Osman in the twentieth episode of the third season. The coat appeared twice in the fourth season, first on Şehzade Mustafa's son Mehmed in the eighteenth episode and then on Şehzade Bayezid's son Mahmud in the thirty-fourth episode.
It can also be seen on Sultanzade Selim in the sixth episode of the second season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
The coat appeared again on an unnamed boy in the seventh episode of the second season of Tozkoparan İskender.
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magnificentlyreused · 7 months
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This red and golden kaftan was first worn by Sultanzade Osman in the twenty-second episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It is worn again ten episodes later by Osman's twin sister Huricihan Sultan. The kaftan also appears on Şehzade Cihangir in the thirty-ninth episode of the same season. The fourth season used the kaftan twice, first on Şehzade Mustafa in the twentieth episode and the on Ayşe Sultan in the thirty-fourth episode.
Magnificent Century: Kösem saw the kaftan again on Şehzade Murad (later Sultan Murad IV) in the twenty-first episode of the first season. It was worn again by him with added fur in a flashback in the twenty-sixth episode of the second season.
The kaftan can also be briefly seen on an unnamed Enderûn student in the first episode of the first season of Golden Apple: The Grand Conquest.
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magnificentlyreused · 6 months
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This gold and silver vest was first worn by Şehzade Mustafa in the first episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It was worn again by Şehzade Mehmed in the nineteenth episode of the same season. The vest also appeared in the twelth episode of the second season among the belongings of the recently deceased Sultanzade Mehmed. Seventeen episodes later it was worn by Şehzade Bayezid. The vest is next seen on Nergisşah Sultan in the twenty-ninth episode of the third season. It is also worn by Osman, the son of Turahanoğlu Turgul Bey aka Atmaca, in the twelth episode of the fourth season.
Magnificent Century: Kösem used the vest twice in its first season on Şehzade Osman (later Sultan Osman II) and Şehzade Ibrahim (later Sultan Ibrahim) in the twelth and twenty-third episode, respectively.
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