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megamitenseifun · 2 months ago
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スクナヒコナ Sukunahikona 真・女神転生2 Megami Tensei
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cartunezncereal · 2 years ago
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dajkag · 2 years ago
A mai első szentélyem a Sukunahikona Jinja volt. Egy aranyos kis szentély, ami modern irodaházak közt bújik meg. Itt Sukunahikona-no-Mikoto és Shinno-Entei, a gyógyítás és a gyógyszerek Kamijai laknak. Ez a hely nemcsak azért volt különleges, mert 300 yenért nagyon szép goshuint kaptam, de azért is, mert konkrétan egy kis csoda is történt velem.
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Egész pontosan annyira tetszett a szentély hangulata, hogy gondoltam, veszek egy omamorit is. Általában ahol eddig jártam, ott egy omamori olyan 600-1000 yen közötti áron volt kapható, szóval teljesen nyugodt szívvel tettem le az asztalra egy ezrest, a miko azonban hatalmas elnézéskérések közepette közölte velem, hogy sajnos keveset adtam, mert a választott omamori 1800 yen. Egy pillanatra kikerekedett a szemem, de úgy voltam vele, hogy hát kellemes a szentély hangulata, kedvesek a mikok és szép goshuint kaptam, szóval egyszer mindenképp belefér. Legfeljebb olcsóbb vacsorát eszek. Ezután elindultam a következő helyre. Úgy öt perce sétáltam, amikor oldalra nézetem és - még most is nehezen hiszem el, de - a csatornában ott úszott mellettem 1000 yen. Felvettem és szétnéztem hogy nem körülöttem hagyta-e el valaki, de csak mögöttem jöttek emberek, akiké nem lehetett, mert hát a víz a másik irányból hozta. Konkrétan annyira meglepődtem, hogy legalább fél percre teljesen lefagytam. Nem tudom szavakba önteni, mennyire boldog voltam, és persze nem amiatt, hogy pénzt találtam, mert nyilván 1000 yen mínuszban is túlélném a hátra lévő 4 hetet. Hanem hát gondolom értitek. Nagyon-nagyon sajnálom ilyenkor azokat, akik a világon semmiben sem hisznek, mert nekem már konkrétan csak emiatt az élmény miatt is megérte volna 9000 kilométert utaznom.
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A második szentély a Hirota Jinja volt, ami egy nagyon szép és rendezett szentély. Szégyen és gyalázat, de pontosan nem tudom az itt "elszállásolt" Kami nevét. A pap viszont itt is nagyon kedves volt és még meg is dátumozta a goshuint.
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A harmadik szentély az Imamiya Ebisu Jinja volt, ahol Ebessan, a kereskedelem oszakai Kamija lakik, de több Kamit is tisztelnek itt, például Ebisut, a halászok és a jó szerencse Kamiját.
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Az utolsó szentélybe teljesen véletlenül futottam bele, de vétek lett volna kihagyni. Az Ooe-Jinja az egyik legcsodálatosabb élmény eddig. Hogy miért? Hát nézzétek meg a mikokat, akik az irodában fogadtak!:3
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Rajtuk kívül egy nagyon kedves papnő volt a szentélyben, akitől ezt a nagyon menő cicás goshuint kaptam. Ahogy utólag utánaolvastam, ez egy nagyon régi szentély, amit valamikor a hetedik század végén alapítottak, eredetileg Toyouke-Ōmikami otthona, de többek közt az eredetileg buddhista gyökerekkel rendelkező Bishamonten előtt is tisztelegnek itt. És mint sok más helyen, természetesen egy kis Inari szentély is található a területen.
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Végül pedig van egy kakukktojásom, mert szerettem volna megnézni egy kisebb buddhista templomot is. Ez a Toji-ji templom lett, ami igazából egy-két apróságot leszámítva (például a füstölőket) szinte megszólalásig hasonlított egy sintó szentélyhez.
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Az alábbi két csodát (ezek nem ám modern printek, hahó!) pedig összesen 1750 yenért vettem egy antikváriumban, ahol rengeteg fametszetet és akvarellt lehetett kapni. Nagyon nagy esélyt látok arra, hogy ha hazamegyek, a lakás tele lesz ukiyo-e képekkel (a belógó zoknimért pedig elnézést kérek).
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thatliminal-wanderer · 2 months ago
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Vinestaff (Phighting) ID Pack
Requested by 🐏💭 Anon
Acacia, Acantha, Aceso, Airmed, Aja, Akasi, Alder, Althea, Altwidus, Ampelio, Angitia, Asa, Asclepius, Atepomarus, Aušrinè, Bhesaj, Briar, Bryony, Cabuyaran, Cacie, Cardea, Casha, Cassy, Chilyoja, Clematis, Curandero, Daktari, Emşi, Eshmun, Feronia, Fewashi, Galen, Galena, Glanis, Haoma, Hīrā, Iaso, Ixtlilton, Iyashi, Jason, Kaison, Kaiwhakaora, Kasey, Kassja, Lee, Leighis, Maximón, Panacea, Patecatl, Sendagilea, Shërimi, Sukunahikona, Swnw, Vaidya, Vejovis, Vignette, Vinicius, Vinyet, Ziva, Żywie
branch/branchs, cure/cures, heal/heals, health/healths, herb/herbs, leaf/leafs, med/medicine/medicines, mend/mends, mint/mints, moss/moss, stem/stems, thorn/thorns, vine/vines, wrap/wraps, ✨/✨s, 🌱/🌱s, 🌿/🌿s, 🍃/🍃s, 💊/💊s, 🥀/🥀s, 🩹/🩹s, 🪴/🪴s
A Healer Who’s Staff Is Plant-like, A Healer With a Curse, A Plant of Pink, The Cursed Healer, The Healing Plant, The One Who Bares a Curse, The Pink Healer, The Pink Hued Healer, The Plant Summoner, [prn] Who Heals and Fights, [prn] Whose Plants Heal and Hurt
Cursething, Delfosic, Robloxcomfic, Teamhealyc, Thornlexic, Vinecoric
Other mogai
Aldercursegalo, Alderflora, Healer Lesbian, Inviflorangel, Robloxaldernic, Rocharicvior
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amemenojaku · 1 year ago
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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tenjin-no-shinja · 3 months ago
Hattori Tenjingū
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Hattori Tenjingu is a Shinto shrine known to cure leg and foot ailments. Although the exact founding date of the shrine is unknown, the shrine can be traced to the arrival of the Hata clan. The Hata Clan were appointed as textile manufacturers (Oribeshi) by the Emperor Ingyo (412-435). They set up their headquarters in Hattori village in Osaka near a small pre-existing shrine and established a small sanctuary to Sukunahikona, the divinity of medicine.
In 901, Sugawara Michizane was on his way to his new post in Fukuoka. Partway at Hattori, he could no longer walk due to a leg ailment. Villagers recommended he visit the small sanctuary to Sukunahikonna in order to cure him.
When he visited the small sanctuary, he caught sight of a nearby sacred stone marker. He realized that the sacred stone was the sanctuary of Fujiwara Uona (721-783 Aristocrat and Statesman) who died there due to a similar leg injury. He prayed for the recovery of his leg and paid deep respect to the divinity of Fujiwara Uona. 
His leg gradually recovered and he left Hattori and arrived safely at Dazaifu, Fukuoka.
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They also enshrine Ebisu-sama, as well as Inari Ōkami
Goshuin and the Foot Protection Omamori, that you put on your shoelaces :D
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doamarierose-honoka · 11 months ago
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers focused on Jura’s assault on the Konohagakure village. The upcoming chapter will also focus on Kawaki and Eida's relationship, which will be a talking point when Mitsuki converses with the latter.The previous chapter began with Mitsuki pursuing Boruto with the intention to kill him. At that point in time, Eida's Omnipotence had confused Mitsuki, leading him to believe that Kawaki was his sun. However, that wasn't the case, and the fight against Boruto ended swiftly.
Boruto managed to defeat his former comrade with relative ease and also told Mitsuki that he was his sun. This chapter additionally showed Jura resolving to attack Konohagakure soon.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers: Eida is confused about her feelings for Kawaki, while Divine Tree attack Konohagakure
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Kawaki as seen in the Two Blue Vortex manga series (Image via Shueisha/Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto)
The chapter started with a conversation between Eida and Kawaki. The latter was quite rude and spoke to Eida in a manner that irritated Delta. It seemed as though Kawaki had no romantic interest in her, which probably is the case, considering everything going on at the moment.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers revisited the conversation that took place between Boruto and Mitsuki. The former stated that he was Mitsuki’s Sun and would patiently wait for his friend’s return.
Eida managed to track Mitsuki’s whereabouts using her Senrigan and informed Kawaki of the same. He left immediately with Delta, with the intention to capture Boruto. In the meantime, Mitsuki had a conversation with Eida, who overheard what Boruto said to him. Her romantic feelings for Kawaki, which were solidified initially, seemed to have swayed a little. Mitsuki then conversed with Eida about the concept of love.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers revealed how Mitsuki felt about Eida, and he also admitted to his own feelings for her. At the same time, he realized that the feelings he had for her were fake, since that was Eida’s core ability. He even insinuated that Eida’s feelings for Kawaki too were fake in a way.
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Eida as seen in the Boruto anime series (Image via Studio Pierrot
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers then revealed Shikamaru being informed about potential threats at the Konoha gate, where they were searching for Naruto Uzumaki. Kawaki intervened and tried attacking the Divine Tree entities.
He used Sukunahikona and Karma, but it seemed like he was easily subdued when the Shinjuu use Wood Release. Sarada and Sumire were seen rushing towards the scene. Upon seeing Hidari, Sarada said "Papa", which implies that they mistook the Shinjuu as Sasuke, at least at first glance.Jura thought he located Naruto, but it was Himawari’s chakra that he sensed. He also stated that Himawari was a Jinchuriki who harbored the Tailed Beast Chakra, much like himself.
This is an interesting statement from Jura since he confirmed the presence of Kurama’s chakra. While the possibility of Kurama’s return is slim to none, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 8 spoilers certainly have given fans a sliver of hope. Jura was shocked to see Himawari since he felt Naruto’s presence. The chapter ended on that note, and fans can expect Boruto to intervene in the following chapter.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
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narhinafan · 2 years ago
This is impossible, and don't think, even for a moment, that the matter will be like Naruto and Sasuke in any way, because that is also impossible. Then do you think that brainwashing people to kill their friend who did nothing wrong and was unjustly accused while the one who caused this is blessed with his protection is a simple thing, and also Kawaki is not the only one who can take out Naruhina, Boruto can also because he got something from Kawaki when he fought him
Your letting your bias towards Kawaki cloud your judgment here, Boruto and Kawaki's relationship is pretty much the same as Naruto and Sasuke's. Kawaki will likely end up getting redeemed likely saving Boruto in the end or dying doing so.
Also no Kawaki is the only one who can release Naruto and Hinata since it is an ability of his dojutsu Sukunahikona. Boruto can't get that since it is unique to Kawaki and since he gets it from his karma chances are it won't be left behind if Kawaki dies.
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kyriolex · 3 years ago
Boruto 215
This new episode apparently added some scenes with the old gen to spice up the manga content. I know I should be grateful, but you guys: they did everyone so dirty. I'm laugh-crying.
So everybody is freaking out because Isshiki is coming to possess Kawaki and reincarnate. Sai tells Naruto he has a super secret place to hide Kawaki. A place known only to the head of Anbu. A place even an alien god's Byakugan couldn't find.
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THEY SHALL HIDE BEHIND A DOOR COVERED IN POST-IT NOTES. (I know those are seals but still.)
Above ground, all the active-duty adult ninja gather to receive marching orders. They may not be sannin like Naruto or Sasuke or Sakura (who doesn't show up the entire episode, btw), but surely the tactical genius Shikamaru has a plan to tip the scales in their favor.
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He has no plan. But everyone is a good sport, saying they can band together and figure things out as they go.
Then Ino uses her psychic intercom to tell everyone that the guest of dishonor is here, and he is not wearing shoes. His pedicure is on point though.
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The genius Shikamaru does not send any Hyuuga to help against the Byakugan wielder. He doesn't send any Aburame either, although their ability to control venomous bugs would be the perfect counter to the Sukunahikona, since lsshiki can't zap living beings to his pocket dimension, and the rinkaichu literally fight on a microscopic level. I'm not saying Hanabi or Shino could have beaten an Otsutsuki, but damn they would have been helpful.
So how does "figuring things out as we go" pan out? Well, since they weren't given any plan, Konoha's top five fighters come up with the brilliant idea to attack the alien from the same direction. Because god forbid any of the village's top ninja try a sneak attack.
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They all get knocked out in one hit. Konohamaru manages to stand up and try again, and Isshiki tries to kill him with an anvil-type thing to add insult to injury. Luckily everyone survives, but damn, they all really got the fodder treatment.
Oh, and apparently Sasuke's master plan to defeat the alien was to throw a child at it. Naruto was not pleased.
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uniquequotesonlife · 4 years ago
For Honor - Weekly Content Update for October 15, 2020 Trailer
For Honor – Weekly Content Update for October 15, 2020 Trailer
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This week’s content update in For Honor brings new outfits: Shennong Worshiper, Asclepius Worshiper, Sukunahikona Worshiper, and Eir Worshiper.
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angeltattooavcilar01-blog · 8 years ago
Japon Maske Dövmeleri ve Anlamları
Japon Masker dövmeleri dediğimizde aklınıza gelen dövme modelleri hemen hemen aynı şekilde canlanmaktadır kafanızda. Standart duruşları olan bu modeller zaman içinde dövme sanatında harmanlanmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Japon kültürüne ait olan japon maske dövmelerini inceleyebilirsiniz. Bu Japon Mitolojisindeki İlahların maskeleri olarak günümüze kadar gelmişlerdir. Bu maskelerin dövme sanatı içindeki yorumlanmış dövme modellerini inceledikten sonra dilerseniz japon mitolojisindeki tanrıları aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz.
  Japon mitolojisinde e birbirleriyle kardeş, hem karı-koca olan Gök (İzanagi) ile Yeryüzü (İzanami) kaostan çıktından  sonra gökyüzündeki yüzen köprüsünden, ilahi mücevherlerle süslü bir mızrakla okyanusu karıştırmıştır ve  ilk kara parçalarını yaratmışlardır. Sonra bütün Japon adalarını ve diğer doğa illahlarını doğururlar. Japonya’da 8 milyon Tanrı  vardır. Dağ, ırmak, ateş, gök gürlemesi, fırtına, yağmur, vb. Tanrılar dışında her mesleğe görede ayrı bir tanrı vardır.
  İnazagi ve İnazami ilk olarak Hiruko’yu yaratırlar. Çocuk sakat doğduğundan ondan  tiksinir ve onu bir sandalın içine koyup denize terk ederler. Yeni çocuklar yaratmaya başlarlar. Ateş Tanrısı Kagutsuchi dünyaya gelir. İnazagi’nin sol gözünden Güneş Tanrıçası Amaterasu, sağ gözünden Ay Tanrısı Tsukiyomi, burnundan Fırtına Tanrısı Susanowa dünyaya gelir.
  Güneş İlahı Amaterasu japon mitolojide önemli bir yere sahiptir. İzanagi, Amaretasu’ya inci bir gerdanlık hediye etmiş ve ona Kami’lerin oturduğu Takamagahara’nın mesuliyetini vermiştir. ‘Kami’ kelimesi üstün, yüce anlamına gelir. Japon mitolojisinde Tanrılara verilen isimdednri. Denizler Fırtına İlahı  Susanowa’yun etkisi altına girmişti. Susanowa kız kardeşi Amaterasu’nun şatosunda  aşırı  davranışlarda bulunduğundan  cennetten kovulmuştu. Daha Susanowa’nun oğlu Okuni-Nushi bütün yeni yerlerin  ilahı  olur. Amaterasu’nun torunu Ninigi ile ülkeyi pay eder. İlahi  işlerin yönetiminden Okuni-Nushi, siyasi işlerden de Ninigi mesül  tutar.
  Ukemoçi no Kami Yiyecek İlahıdır. Yiyecek, Giyecek ve Barınak Tanrısı Tayuke okami ile birlikte bilinir.  Sukunahikona, dünyayı kurmak ve hastalıklarla vahşi hayvanlara karşı savunma çarelerini bulmak için Okuni-Nushi’ye yardım eden Cüce İlahdır. Amenouzume dansçıların koruyucu İlahıdır. İnari pirinç üreticilerin koruyucu İlahıdır.
  Yedi Şans Tanrıları (Shichi Fukujin) japon mitolojide önemli yere sahipler. Ebisu balıkçıların ve tüccarların koruyucu tanrısı. Daikoku zenginlik Tanrısı ve çiftçilerin koruyucu tanrısıdır. Bişamon doğruların ve savaşçıların koruyucu ilahıdır. Fukurokucu saflığı ve bilgeliği, uzun yaşamı sembolize eder. Benten edebiyat, müzik, zenginlik ve dişilik ilahıdır. Hotei çocukların eşlik ettiği, neşe saçan, halinden memnun bir İlahtır. Jurojin uzun yaşam ve mutluluk İlahıdır.
  Fuji-Yama Dağı ilahi dağlar silsilesinin en önemlisidir. O-Ana-Mochi – bu ilahi dağlarda kriterlerin hükümdarıdır. Gongen Japon mitolojisinin Dağ İlahıdır. Ruhu yeniden vücut bularak insanların içlerinde yaşamaktadır. Shinto inancına göre Buddha enkarnasyonudur. Dağcılar için onun bilgeliğini ele geçirecekleri doğrultunsda bir inanış vardır.
  Japon Maske Dövmeleri ve Anlamları Japon Maske Dövmeleri ve Anlamları Japon Masker dövmeleri dediğimizde aklınıza gelen dövme modelleri hemen hemen aynı şekilde canlanmaktadır kafanızda.
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dajkag · 2 years ago
Egyébként mivel az utolsó Kiotóban töltött napomon szakad az eső, így valószínűleg egészen estig csak posztolgatni fogok. Megmutatom például, hogy milyen fasza helyeken jártam tegnapelőtt. Kezdjük egy kis hanamival.
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A napot a cseresznyevirágok megcsodálása után az Awata szentélyben kezdtem, ami igazán hangulatos, a belvárosi szentélyekhez képest jóval természetközelibb környezetben helyezkedik el, ahonnan gyönyörű kilátás nyílik, a legszebb látvány pedig egyértelműen a Heian szentély város fölé magasodó óriási toriija. A régi időkben ez a szentély (mármint az Awata) jelezte a Kiotót Tokióval (Edóval) összekötő út kezdetét és az utazók itt imádkoztak a biztonságos utazásért.
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Ezután a Jinja után elindultam megnézni a Ginkakuji templomot, ami sokkal inkább esztétikai szempontból érdekelt. Útközben több helyen újra megcsodáltam a cseresznyevirágokat, többek közt a Filozófusok útjának nevezett sétányon is, ami most is gyönyörű, de belegondolni sem merek, mennyire gyönyörű lehetett mondjuk az 1800-as években.
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Visszafelé szintén a Filozófusok útján sétálva több szentélyt is találtam, ezek közül az első az Otoyo Jinja, ami három Kami, Sukunahikona no Mikoto, Sugawara no Michizane és Ojin császár otthona (és természetesen található itt egy gyönyörű Inari al-szentély is). Ez messze az egyik kedvencem lett, három okból is. Az egyik, hogy gyönyörű természetközeli környezetben található. A másik, hogy nagyon tetszettek a fő szentélyt őrző, különleges egérszobrok, amelyek eredete egy, a Kojikiben olvasható mítoszra vezethető vissza, ezen a blogon részletesen is olvashattok róla, szerintem nagyon érdekes történet. Harmadrészt pedig a világ egyik legkedvesebb papnőjével találkoztam itt, aki még angolul is szép napot kívánt elköszönéskor. Teljesen elolvadtam.
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De nagyon szimpatikus volt a Kumano Nyakuoji Jinja is, ami a forgalmas turistaútvonal ellenére is csendes, nyugodt hely, szintén nagyon kedves papnővel. A Kiotóban található három Kumano szentély egyike. A Kumano szentélyek a három Kumano-hegy, Hongu, Shingu és Nachi Kamijainak adnak otthont. Több mint 3000 ilyen szentély található Japán-szerte.
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Az Okazaki Jinja szintén egy nagyon kellemes élmény volt. Ez a szentély a korai Heian-korban épült azzal a céllal, hogy biztosítsa a császár és az akkori főváros védelmét. Nem véletlen, hogy Usagi Jinja-nak is nevezik, mert rengeteg aranyos nyúlfigura található a területén, akik a termékenységet és az egészséges gyermekáldást jelképezik, de az itt lakó Kamik, Susanoo-no-Mikoto és Kushinadahime-no-Mikoto hírnökei is egyben (mint ahogyan Inari Okami esetében a rókák).
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Végül pedig hazafelé meglátogattam az utamba eső második Kumano szentélyt is, ahol több Kami mellett Izanagit és Izanamit, a Japán szigeteit megalkotó Kamikat is tisztelik. Itt csengetés után jött ki a papnő az irodába, de nagyon kedvesen és készségesen fogadott.
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Nagyon szívesen beillesztenék még egy csomó szép képet, de a Tumbli egy posztba összesen 30-at enged...
Mindenesetre a Kiotóban töltött egy hétből ez volt az egyik legjobb és legeredményesebb nap. Nagyon hiányozni fog ez a város, és egészen biztos, hogy visszajövök még, mert rengeteg dolgot nem láttam, többek közt az Aranytemplomot, az Arashiyama bambuszerdőt és a majomparkot sem, köszönhetően az esőnek. Viszont annak továbbra is nagyon-nagyon örülök, hogy volt alkalmam geikot és maikokat is látni, nem is egyet! <333
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Holnap egyébként még lesz 12 óra amit el kell ütnöm, mert Tokióba éjszakai busszal utazom, szóval remélem, egy kicsit jobb idő lesz és mondjuk le tudom rakni a poggyászomat valami megőrzőben. Mindenesetre picit előre, de az egyik legjobb kiotói zenekar EP-jével búcsúzom a várostól, amibe szerintem egy kicsit szerelmes lettem.
Ja, és a kedves turistákat ismét szeretném megkérni arra, hogy ne kezeljék úgy ennek a gyönyörű városnak a csodálatos szentélyeit, mintha Disney Landben lennének. Egy Google keresés és nagyjából két kattintás rákeresni arra, hogy mit illik és mit nem egy ilyen helyen. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy csak úgy nézelődni és megcsodálni a helyet ne mehetnél be, de szerintem jobb esetben egy templomban sem eszik például az oltár előtt az ember. Ha pedig le tudtál foglalni egy utat Japánba, akkor gondolom, ezt sem nagy erőfeszítés megtenni. Köszönöm!🙏🏻⛩️
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amemenojaku · 5 years ago
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this is the most self-indulgent thing I’ve drawn in a while. shinmyoumaru w sukunahikona & issunboushi
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amemenojaku · 5 years ago
if you think of shinmyoumaru as the embodiment of her folklore inspirations/counterparts then it makes perfect sense why her personality changes so much from DDC to the other games (putting aside the whole dream world true selves thing). issunboushi is the ideal of the hero with a good heart, while sukunahikona is Small Bastard. combine them and you get shinmyoumaru
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