#Such needless drama
I've only been able to edit the last few weeks. Not really write. I think I'm going to write something indulgent, with no intention of publishing it. Might share some drabbles from it here, but I think I just need to write something purely for my heart.
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livstarlight · 4 months
The funniest (most galaxy brained) thing a fanfiction can do is having Sanji start brewing feelings for Zoro but not realizing they are those kind of feelings until it hits him right in the face (Thriller Bark, always Thriller Bark) and having Ace just waltz around and be his awakening while Zoro is just there losing his goddamn mind because he has been in love from the very beginning (there can be said a lot about him but at least he's self-aware) and I eat it up every single time
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shulkerbullets · 10 months
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to be normal in a way i couldnt be
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cupidgnome · 6 months
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Madi got her first gig in the acting industry + Brent and Madison booked a table at a restaurant in Windenburg for a Family reunion! There Brent met Madi's mom, Moira Petsch, and Madi met Brent's dad and sister, Jim and Bella!
+more pics!!
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Jim Val Meir - Brent's extremely humble and caring dad
Bella Val Meir - Brent's funny and bubbly sister
Moira Petsch - Madison's iconic, overprotective, snob and nosy mom
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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hi ive been introduced to a new guy and i may or may not have spent the past day learning many things about him (kazui from milgram project)
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army-in-the-stars · 1 year
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Woo Do Hwan & Lee Sang Yi x Netflix Korea
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fereldanwench · 2 months
I'm not really sure why this is being brought up after almost three years, doubly so given that I haven't had any interaction with PinkyDude in probably just as long, but since he saw fit to vague about me, I'm going to address this:
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I feel this is a misrepresentation of my actions and motivations during this entire situation.
I never made a call-out post specifically against Pawel. In fact, I didn't even mention him by name. I made this post because I saw history repeating itself:
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As I said in the notes here, this was also largely informed my experience with the Dragon Age fandom: I witnessed how David Gaider's interactions, including responding to headcanons in a way that could be read as confirming them, contributed to a lot of fanwank. I think Pawel started the streams with good intentions, but he was clearly not trained in public relations (at least when he started), and I did have concerns with how things like the "meme review" were contributing to parasocial relationships.
I also had concerns because Pawel contributed to some misinformation that other writers had to later correct, like saying Goro had never been considered for a romance, which also caused a huge outcry in the community and necessitated another dev to come forward to set the record straight. He was straddling a fine line between being an expert/professional and being a buddy, and that can be problematic when you're interacting with 100s of people hanging on to your every word.
I have no problem with devs doing streams and interacting with the community when they have the tools and information to do it in a way that fosters healthy community interaction, which requires training. I never believed he shouldn't do them at all, and as PinkyDude noted, I enjoyed some of them when he had guests on that I was interested in. However, I did believe that he needed to be far more cautious about how he was interacting with the community, and I did express those concerns.
Mentioning this also seems to be framed in a way to insinuate that I had anything to do with any sort of spite reporting or flagging of any of his posts, and that's just false. I will admit to getting caught up in the throes of some of the drama during 2022, and I regret that and I have made a point to not repeat those mistakes, but I'd never falsely report anyone just because I didn't like them.
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wickjump · 2 months
i am a COWARD. and a PUSSY. and PATHETIC. why don’t i SPEAK UP MORE. why am i so AFRAID. (tags for mild clarification grrhhhhh)
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I think it’s funny how Viv keeps saying she good at writing angst and drama. Mama the real drama and angst is the Twitter rants and fights you get into when people give you mild criticism
Lmao TRUE.
Also I’m still not over that, the “I’m not good at writing comedy, but I am good at drama” nah sis you suck at both.
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raccooncityriots · 8 months
Honestly the people saying that they’re sorry to SEED fans because the movie feels like a teen drama fanfic is sending me, guys did you watch the series. I was expecting nothing less.
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citylighten · 3 months
Honestly when it does come to writing a crime story, outside of a few gangster movies, my bigger subconscious writing inspirations are definitely GTA and Saints Row 1-2. (3 and 4 are my least favorite installments, sorry :/ )
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i am curious once again... so...
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ikuzeminna · 1 year
AI tries to explain: early Relena hatred
ChatGPT, explain why Relena Peacecraft of "Mobile Sit Gundam Wing" was falsely disliked by many fans in the early 2000s.
Relena Peacecraft, a central character in "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing," was indeed a polarizing figure among fans in the early 2000s and even when the series originally aired in the late 1990s. Several factors contributed to her initially negative reception: Initial Perceptions: At the beginning of the series, Relena comes across as a seemingly naive and idealistic character. Her initial persona as a sheltered pacifist and diplomat's daughter contrasted sharply with the Gundam pilots, who were more action-oriented and stoic. This contrast led some viewers to find her character annoying or out of place in a mecha anime.
For the early 2000s the truth is more shallow than that in that Relena is simply female and has a pink limo which upset a lot of ..."fans" who had never watched a single episode up to that point yet read loads and loads of fanfics and were suddenly confronted with the fact that Heero was not star-crossed lovers with Duo but might actually be connected to the female protagonist.
The argument is certainly applicable to a lot of people who watched the series later though and crapped on Relena's character because missing the point on multiple occasions has become an Olympic discipline rather than actually paying attention to what is shown.
I mean, I get that most people let preconceptions and media tradition sway their interpretation (like Relena having a crush on the mysterious new guy at school being the reason she follows Heero to the harbor when the series itself gives plenty of hints she's doing it because Heero is shady af and she's suspicious of him) but when they then form a negative opinion on Wing that is completely baseless because they didn't understand plot points, it destroys their argument and makes them look silly. Especially when it is coupled with an air of superiority.
You wanna rip Gundam Wing to shreds? Go right ahead, bro, just please put some effort into it.
Contrast with Gundam Pilots: Relena's character was often juxtaposed with the more action-driven and complex Gundam pilots. Her early interactions with characters like Heero Yuy, who were dedicated to their mission and often displayed little emotion, created a perception that she was a hindrance to their objectives.
Oh my goodness, I have actually seen this argument in the wild. I had once gone through hate sites to compile a list of accusations people threw at Relena back in the rowdy days of Gundam Wing to compare to more recent takes (spoiler: not much has changed) and I came across stuff along the lines of Relena "getting in the way of everyone's missions, creating problems for Noin, Milliardo and the others and endangering them."
ChatGPT, you impress me with your blanket statements going in the right direction.
I take issue with "more action-driven and complex" though. Compared to Relena's complexity most Gundam pilots are as flat as a pancake. They all have their depth, mind you, but Relena has waaaay more stuff happening and a lot more character development.
Initial Helplessness: In the early episodes, Relena found herself in vulnerable situations and required rescue by the Gundam pilots. This portrayal of her as helpless or in need of saving added to the negative perception.
I guess we're back in fanfic land. Unless AI means the Cinq arc, but that's the late middle of the show and is a little more complicated than just that.
Shift in Character Development: Over time, Relena's character undergoes significant development. She evolves from a seemingly naive girl into a strong and independent character. Her journey towards becoming a more capable and determined individual was not immediately evident to some viewers who formed their opinions early in the series.
...This doesn't even make sense, neither in the context of the show nor as a general statement.
It is true that a lot of people like to form an early opinion of Relena they don't part with no matter how far into the show they get. In many cases it's a decidedly negative one and that colors their perspective and ruins their enjoyment of the show, especially during the Cinq arc because that one is all about Relena and I have seen people scream for those episodes to end during their watch. Which, not gonna lie, amused me since she's the female protagonist so it's a given she'd get a lot of screentime.
The main problem with the Cinq arc though is that many don't recognize Relena's genius in how she handled the whole situation. The Cinq arc isn't just Relena preaching pacifism to the world at the most inopportune time where Romefeller is razing cities to the ground with Mobile Dolls. It's a political move that presents an alternative to Romefeller who claim that peace can only be achieved through them and their military presence. Cue a bunch of pacifists showing up.
Cinq's fall was not a loss per se. Relena surrendered publicly, with the whole world watching, especially the colonies who manufactured Mobile Dolls for Romefeller at the time. You think following that Dermail made Relena Romefeller's head representative for funsies? She had backed him into a corner. He had lost public support, the peaceful colonies had witnessed what they had contributed to and even people inside Romefeller were starting to grumble about him. He was scrambling for damage control, forcing Relena's hand and desperate to build Libra to have a giant space laser that will keep people in line should they not obey him.
Crap later hits the fan for him when Relena turns the tables on him and the colonists take control of Libra.
Complex Morality: Relena's pacifist stance and commitment to peace are central to her character. Her ideological beliefs sometimes clashed with the actions of the Gundam pilots, leading to a moral dilemma in the story. Some fans may have initially disliked her character due to this moral tension.
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Such a pacifist.
Different Expectations: "Gundam Wing" is part of the wider "Gundam" franchise, known for its complex political and philosophical themes. Some fans may have had expectations for a more traditional mecha anime and found Relena's character and her focus on diplomacy and peace less appealing in comparison.
If this is AI talk for UC fans crapping on Relena because she isn't Sayla Mass and doesn't pilot anything then it's weird. By now there have been so many iterations of Gundam shows with the "princess" character not piloting a mobile suit (Relena, Kihel, Lacus, Marina, etc.) that no one watching Wing for the first time expects Relena to do so. Expectations for a mecha anime? Even watching The Vision of Escaflowne I never expected Hitomi to hop into a guymelef.
AI, what are you on?
Character Growth: As the series progresses, Relena's character becomes more relatable and her determination to create a peaceful world resonates with viewers. However, this character development took time to manifest and was not immediately evident in the early episodes.
You said that already. It didn't make sense the first time and it's not making sense now either. Who expects full character development in the first two episodes? ò_ô
It's important to note that over time, many fans came to appreciate Relena's character for her growth, complexity, and her role in exploring the series' themes of war, peace, and morality. She went from being disliked by some in the early episodes to becoming a more well-rounded and respected character by the end of the series. Viewer opinions about characters can often change as the story unfolds and characters undergo development.
Save the preaching.
The rest is correct mostly though. There are many out there who hated Relena when they first saw the show but found her tolerable to actually badass on a second rewatch after a couple of years had passed. It wasn't the end of the series though that made most people like her but Endless Waltz instead.
You still get an F for not mentioned rabid shippers at all, AI. That crap was an actual problem in this fandom. Thank Goodness that's over.
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Sorry...seriously just ignore this just gotta scream something into the void before I actually confront someone about this...
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nohkalikai · 6 months
honest to god what in the WORLD happens to people in their late 20s and early thirties,,,, u all have 0 chill. zero. shoonya. like...are your friendships unfulfilling?? are you sexually frustrated?? is your career hitting a dead end?? why the fuck do you people take it out on people younger than you. i'm just trying to live my fucking life and navigate similar challenges to you all...
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transxfiles · 9 months
someone tell theatre majors to stop being such massive flirts, i get feelings too easily
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