#Such as Netherlands and the nordics who are not Denmark
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someone-you-do-not-know · 2 years ago
52, 42 hehehe, 35, 22 (all of them, I'd say), and 4! <3
52. What is the biggest obstacle you find you have to overcome when writing These days, it's having the time. But usually, it's finding out when I have done enough research to start writing. Like, just yesterday, I was looking up if phones make a sound when you're hung up on (they don't), which I really should know as a person who has owned phones for 16 years. So I get into these deep holes on checking and double checking information, instead of just letting the words flow. It's silly. No one's going to correct me if I get the presence of air conditioning in Italy 2007 wrong. But I've still spent hours trying to find any concrete numbers about it.
42. What appeals to you about the characters you write and 35. What makes your characterisation different than others (they're connected to me) Now we're asking the hard questions. That they are assholes. Hear me out, please. To me, the characters I write are all kinda bad people. Specifically hotheaded assholes with good intentions. And by being a nation, that in itself means Hetalia characters are going to be kind of... bad as people. But that in itself, the struggle between being not-good yet wanting to be good in some way, that appeals to me – that's probably why I love tsunderes and cocky assholes the most. And it's probably also what's different... Because when I start writing a story, I already decided everyone involved is a bastard of a person from the beginning, so....... And that's also why I focus so much on two of the most asshole-ish characters in Hetalia.
22. What fic of yours deserves more love You charmer, you. 😊 Probably the one Nyotalia fanfic I've written. It has the secondleast amount of hits out of all my stories, but like, I really love it. It's not perfect but it's the closest to a Historical Hetalia I can go with my current amount of knowledge, and it's also the fastest 4k words I've ever written (I wrote it in a day) – it's not sloppy though, it just spawned itself fully formed in my brain, and I was possessed by a demon until it was done.
4. What character do you want to write but haven't Cuba. I want to write Cuba so bad. I've always really liked how huggable he is. He'll get his turn.
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doueverwonder · 2 years ago
Dumbest HWS HC Dump
Germany is the UN's premier pen thief
Belgium plays accordion bc vibes
Whenever the rest of the Nordics are being particularly annoying Iceland says stuff like "I wish my population was still completely Irish monks >:\"
Greece is one of those ppl who sleeps through every meeting but if u wake him up and ask him to repeat what you just said he'll repeat it Word For Word.
Scotland rlly likes deep fried oreos, it's like his darkest secret.
Lithuania has a toothbrush at 97% of Eastern/Central Europe's houses.
Denmark tried to jump on the cold plunge trend and just ended up giving himself hypothermia
Netherlands & Sweden always have random bumps & bruises on their heads bc they're rlly tall and rlly bad at ducking in time.
Hand in Hand Bel & Lux and Dan & Nor have had entire conversations that could be summed up in "Dumbest things our really tall brothers have hit their heads on"
Monaco on paper is Italian just so she can gamble in her own country, she's Italian instead of French out of spite towards France.
that's all i can think of rn, i'll be back with more eventually.
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picturesdarkpurple-69 · 4 months ago
What are your thoughts on Denmark in general?? I ship him unconventionally a lot, especially with Germany or America, sometimes with Prussia or Netherlands 🫣 I understand why DenNor is the most popular shipping but there's something about him that screams "I'm loud and obnoxious in public bc I want you to shut me up in bed" like very bratty energy, very kinky, much more submissive than he lets on, ultimately he just wants an equally buff dude he can be vulnerable with and then have hot switch sex with idk what are your thoughts? 👀
I think Denmark is a funny lil guy with too much confidence and it's really funny to me that canonically, he sees himself as the leader of the nordics while they're apathetic to his declarations.
I do love dennor a hell of a lot, but I also enjoy pairing him up with all sorts of characters like America, Prussia, Belarus, any of the other noridics, and more. I often find myself putting him in polycules; the awesome trio (DenAmePru) is funny bc it's just a bunch of frat/military bros seeing who can be the most selfish in bed; dennorbela is hot bc we now get a sexy apathetic femdom to put both men in their place; the nordics all together make for some great plot/character dynamics, especially if it's messy~
I've never checked out Germany or Netherlands x Denmark, but I can see the vision. Built hardasses, strict in their demeanors who can put up a good fight against the Dane is always an A+ to me.
In any pairing with Denmark, I see him as someone who enjoys rough sex with lots of biting and scratching. He loves any excuse for him and his partner(s) to roughhouse, building up adrenaline and sweat before anyone's put any dick in any hole. I think his overconfidence in himself and his abilities is what pushes his partner(s) to want to shut his stupid mouth up and fuck him into such a stupor.
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shonpota · 1 year ago
These countries? They don't care about humanity in Palestine and that's enough as a reason not eagerly help their government
Don't support their govt. Just shadow banned their govt from any industry.
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UNITED STATES (very shameless)
CZECH Republic
ISRAEL (this terrorist country, I swear)
Marshall Islands
Papua New Guinea
Those who are neutral (also useless) :
Australia (fuck you Aussie, I don't even wanna go there anymore)
Bulgaria (is your brain made of yoghurt??)
Cabo Verde
Canada (begone Canada)
Cyprus (you are a rich country and can't afford humanity?? Even a poor people can afford having humanity.)
Denmark (shame on you)
Estonia (may your internet perish)
Finland (shame on you 2)
Germany (shame on you, you have control in Europe but you are too stupid to use it)
Greece (shame on you)
Iceland (are Nordics all war criminals supporter or doesn't have heart???)
Italy (I hope their blood is clotted like tomato sauce)
Japan (shame on you, Japan)
Latvia (Baltic countries are stupid)
Lithuania (see? They are stupid)
Monaco (shame on you. May those gamblings facilities in your place never make you prosperous)
Netherland (may your country drown)
North Macedonia
Republic of Korea (shame on you)
Republic of Molossia
Romania (may blood epidemic hits you)
San Marino
Slovakia (shame on you)
South Sudan
Sweden (all Nordic countries are awful!)
Tunisia (I guess your dates aren't worth buying. Let's just ban dates from Tunisia)
Ukraine (you are actually under similar but better situation with being supported by the West)
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darcymariaphoster · 1 month ago
Hetalia/Hunger Games Crossover
I'd originally started this for a friend some years ago, but I lost that friendship and the motivation to write this. It was a behemoth of a concept to start with, which is why I'd decided to rush the beginning and focus mostly on the games. According to the notes I made for this, I didn't actually create most of this cast -- I'd sent my friend vague character notes and asked them to assign a Hetalia character to each one and then built the cast off of that. Which is kind of a cool concept for a gift for a friend, tbh. This was when I was still into Hetalia the first time, so it's actually not Nordic-centric for once. 😅
Below are notes and the beginnings of the idea.
This was written in 2014. (Someone tell me they can tell a difference in my writing from 10 years ago to now. 😭😂)
Happy readings!
District 1 *career*: [luxury items] Francis Bonnefoy & Matthew Williams
District 2 *career*: [masonry, weapons, trains] Arthur Kirkland & Elizabeta Héderváry
District 3: [electronics, mechanical] Kiku Honda & Heracles Karpusi
District 4 *career*: [fishing] Lovino Basile & Antonio Carriedo
District 5: [power] Lars Janssen & Amelie Lemmens
District 6: [transportation] Peter Dalton & Basch Zwingli
District 7: [lumber] Berwald Oxenstierna & Tino Väinamöinen
District 8: [textiles (clothes)] Roderich Edelstein & Gilbert Beilschmidt
District 9: [grain] Belle Vogel & Chloe Walker
District 10: [livestock] Wynn Taylor & Demarco Hughes
District 11: [agriculture] Sadiq Adnan & Gupta Hassan
District 12: [coal] Ludwig Glockner & Alfred Jones
→District 13: [nuclear weapons]←
Ludwig’s little brother: Alarick Glockner
Person at home who is in love with Ludwig: Feliciano Vargas
Previous Victor: Markus Marino
“Effie Trinket”: Jakob Sigurdsson
Personal Designer: Feliks Łukasiewicz
Game-Maker: Yao Wang
President: Ivan Braginski
Host: Mathias Densen
[Cheat for names:
Chloe: Wy
Amelie: Belgium
Belle: Liechtenstein
Mathias: Denmark
Alarick: HRE
Markus: Grandpa Rome
Jakob: Iceland
Wynn: Australia
Demarco: New Zealand
Lars: Netherlands]
The Reaping
I stare around town, standing on my front porch. Light is barely breaching the horizon, dyeing the wispy clouds orange and pink while it casts an eerie glow across the land. A few people are already up -- mainly the miners, along with the butcher and baker -- but I know the rest of the town is trying to avoid the inevitable. The Reaping is today and everyone dreads it. Every year it happens; the same person -- Jakob Sigurdsson -- comes in, all dressed up in his Capitol clothes; two people are picked to represent the District. He always makes it sound like a good thing, something to be proud of, when you’re picked. And for a select few Districts, it is. But we aren’t one of those few and we see the Hunger Games for what they are -- a slaughter.
My District -- District 12 -- is one of the poorest in Panem. Nicknamed the Seam, we produce coal for our country. The entire town always seems to be covered in a thick layer of coal dust, making it look dull and grey. I watch the miners make their daily trek from home to the mines, most carrying lunch-pails but not everyone. All look tired, worn, done. I don’t know what it takes to be a miner, not really. Thought my father was one, I barely remember his schedule and his exhausted face is fading from my memory. Instead of spending all my days in the mine, I get up early to do a different task but one no less important.
I hunt.
Hunting is technically illegal because it’s past our borders that all the animals dwell. But even Peacekeepers want fresh meat and are normally fairly willing to turn a blind eye if they get a cut. So I hunt and trade for other things my family needs.
Slowly, I wander through town, heading for the border. This “border” is just a ten-foot high wire fence with “Caution: Electric” signs posted here and there. And that’s an absolute joke, since our District is lucky to get more than two hours of electricity in the evenings. Still, as I approach the fence, I pause to listen for the hum that means the wire is live. When I’m sure it isn’t, I go to the bushes that hide the weak spot in the fence -- one of many; this one just happens to be closest to home. I crouch down and step through the hole.
Once beyond the fence, I jog to the first line of trees. Coming to the woods is a reprieve. While the town seems to lack color, the woods are full of it. Greens and browns of every shade surround me and I feel okay again. I retrieve my bow and arrows from a hollow log and head deeper into the security of the trees.
“Ludwig!” I turn my head toward the voice and spot my best friend, Feliciano, waving from a small break in the trees to my left. I smile slightly, something I only seem able to do around him now, and wander over to him. “I got something for us!”
“Funny, do did I,” I say, reaching into my pocket for the goat cheese my little brother had left on the table for me early this morning. My little brother, Alarick, owns a goat that I’m grateful for because it means cheese and milk we can either use or trade. Plus, it keeps Alarick busy now and again.
Feliciano beams at me as he produces a loaf of bread from behind his back. “Ta-da! Fresh from the bakery! I traded a squirrel for it!” he explains happily.
I momentarily forget about the cheese, too surprised by this amazing treat, as I take it from him. Most of the bread we make at home is different from the bakery's, being that the Capitol takes most of the wheat for their own bread, leaving oh so little for us. This is real bread; less dense and slightly sweeter. “He must be in a giving mood…” I mutter, my mouth watering. It’s still warm. I reluctantly hand it back.
He rips it in half and gives me a section. I pull out the cheese and we sit down. “Well, I think everyone wants to feel close again,” he muses, nibbling on the bread and cheese. I rip my section in half and pocket a portion, intending to share it with Alarick later. “Considering the day and all…”
“It’s a funny time to desire that,” I mutter, looking around. I spot a bush with some blackberries and stand, going over to collect a handful for us. I offer them to him as I sit again. “I mean, shouldn’t we want to feel that all the time, not just right before a death sentence?”
Feliciano sets a berry on top of a bite of cheese and pops it into his mouth. “Maybe we’re too scared to,” he says finally. “Maybe the idea is normally just too much but, on this day, we forget to be scared of the whole thing because we’re all too scared for ourselves and our families.” He looks at me. “It’s stupid, huh?”
“It’s probably true,” I sigh, picking at the bread. “How many times did you put your name in?”
He looks uncharacteristically upset for a moment, torn between a triumph and a sickening dread, as he admits, “Eighteen.” I gape at him, horrified. “I have my siblings to think about, just like you have Alarick. So how many times did you put yours in?”
I’m reluctant to reply. I feel a bit selfish, now. See, every time you enter your name into the Reaping, your rations temporarily go up. With six other siblings, Feliciano has reason to. But I only have my mother and brother. “Eleven,” I mumble and shove some cheese and a few berries into my mouth.
He laughs, my favorite sound in the world. “We’re horrible. Our chances are so high and we do this every year!” His smile is sad when I look at him. “Let’s just go. Let’s just run and run…”
“And go where?” I ask, wishing more than anything that I could be as optimistic as he is about the idea. But I know there’s nowhere to run.
“Anywhere,” he answers easily. “There’s got to be something else besides here.” He leans back, watching the trees quiver with the slight breeze. “Anything must be better than here…”
I nod thoughtfully. “Probably. But… What about Alarick? And your family? We can’t just leave them…”
He pulls his knees up to his chest and sighs deeply. “I know. We could take them with… Maybe in a few years, when the littlest can run.” He glances at me.
“But, for now, it’s the Reaping day,” I remind him. “And the odds are not in our favor.” The words are a twist on what Jakob always says before he draws names. We look at each other and smile. I almost laugh but the sound doesn’t quite make it to my lips.
Everyone is gathered in front of City Hall. Even the miners came home early for this. We’re all dressed in our best clothes. THe youngest group of only twelve years stands in the front of the crowd and it goes back until eighteen. Parents and children too young hover behind everyone else nervously. A giant screen has been erected off to the right of the City Hall building. We’re all waiting anxiously for Jakob to step onto the stage. The waiting part of this drives me crazy. They put on a big show just to draw names. Maybe that’s important to other Districts -- like the career Districts -- but for us, it seems like a waste of time. I shift restlessly from one foot to the other, until I bump into the girl next to me and receive a dirty look. But, finally, Jakob waltzes onto the stage and taps the microphone, smiling his tiny smile when we all cringe at the backfeed it gives off. The cameras all start rolling, some on the crowd, others on Jakob.
This year, Jakob is wearing a turquoise-blue suit with gold trim. He’s done up his eyes in a similar fashion, making the dull grey of his irises that much more noticeable. His ever-changing tattoos are gold swirls up his neck and on the sides of his face. He looks ridiculous to me but I know he must be in style in the Capitol because he’d never wear anything less. “Happy Hunger Games,” he purrs into the microphone. “And what a special time. This marks the 75th annual. Exciting, isn’t it?” No one so much as coughs in response. He’s kind of used to this now, though, and his expression doesn’t change. “Let’s go straight to the clip then, shall we? We’ve changed it a bit this year so I suggest you keep your eyes open.” The way his Capitol accent highlights the last part and how his eyes seem to sparkle a bit makes me shiver. I’ve imagined that Jakob had not originally wanted the job he’s got -- doing the Reaping for District 12 and showing the tributes how to live a short Capitol lifestyle. I’ve always thought he probably wanted to be a Game-Maker and the idea that he’d be good at it makes me glad he’s stuck with us.
The clip, a short history of Panam and why the Hunger Games are held, does not seem any different to me. Jakob’s expression changes ever so slightly, causing him to look completely blissed out. When the video ends, he stares back out at the crowd. “I love that. It’s so powerful,” he murmurs, and I’m not entirely convinced that he hasn’t momentarily forgotten the microphone in front of his mouth. “Now,” he says, seeming a bit more alive. “Let us get to what we’ve all been waiting for! Let’s draw some names. And, of course, may the odds be ever in your favor.” Everyone stands a bit taller, more rigid, as he walks to the bubble holding all the names. He spins it twice and the sound echoes. Then he reaches in and pulls out a slip of paper. He moves back in front of the microphone and unfolds it. No one is breathing. “Alarick Glockner,” he announces gleefully and everyone except me lets out a collective sigh of relief.
I stare at the twelve-year olds, picking out the shimmering blond of my brother’s hair easily as he steps forward with a prompt of, “Come on, don’t be shy,” from Jakob. He looks like he’s trembling.
Everything in me shuts down and so I feel nothing as I frantically push through the crowd shouting, “Alarick, no! I volunteer! No! I volunteer!” Peacekeepers try to stop me and I see Alarick look back at me, horror on his face. “I volunteer!” I scream, pushing against the Peacekeepers in an attempt to get to my brother.
Jakob stares at me consideringly. “Let him through,” he says at last and I’m released. I immediately run to Alarick and hug him briefly before passing him to Feliciano, who has appeared just as Alarick is getting hysterical. Still feeling rather numb, I hear Jakob call me forward; I walk on leaden legs onto the stage. As Jakob takes my arm and chirps, “What’s your name?” I remember the cameras broadcasting this to the entire nation live and feel sick.
Shakily, I answer, “Ludwig Glockner…”
He’s practically beaming. “I’ll bet that was your brother, eh?” I nod. “Well, very brave indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, District 12’s first volunteer!” While he claps, everyone else in the crowd touches three fingers to their lips and raise them into the air toward me. I don’t feel brave. I definitely feel like I might pass out. I know the sign they’re giving me and it scares me. It’s a sign of respect and -- more importantly -- a sign of passing within the Districts. It hasn’t been used, to my knowledge, since the mine blew up a decade ago. It’s almost rebellious.
I glance at Jakob, to gauge his reaction, and am surprised to see that he seems uncomfortable. Rather hurriedly, he declares, “Let’s draw the second name.” He goes back to the bubble and spins it twice before fishing for a slip of paper. He finally snatches one and steps back to the microphne. “Let’s see who will be joining Ludwig this year…” He unfolds it and reads the name, “Alfred Jones.”
A blond boy, around my age, slowly steps through the crowd and I try not to roll my eyes. His expression reads uncertainty and mild fear. He walks to the stage adjusting his glasses, and, when he does, his entire persona. By the time he’s standing beside me, he looks determined and taller than my first impression had suggested. “And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen,” Jakob announces cheerfully, his comfort level back to normal. “District 12’s tributes for the 75th annual Hunger Games!”
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grimm-the-tiger · 11 months ago
If you're into SatW still, what are your headcanons on any character? If at all?
I'll do you one better and give you several!
Iceland and Norway are not full brothers. Iceland's mother is Sister Ireland, who booked it as soon as her kids were born, and he was raised by Norway because their father refused to take responsibility.
Iceland is buddy-buddies with the entire bureaucracy of Hell.
The cat demons' meows sound like old laugh tracks.
Wales and New Zealand's kid can switch between human and sheep forms at will.
Sister Japan can kick ass if she really wants to.
No one knows where Sweden came from. As far as anyone's concerned, he appeared out of the blue one day. He's probably related to the other Nordics somehow, but no one knows how. He's like that cousin who pops up out of nowhere at family reunions and keeps changing his story about how he's related to you.
Sweden is absolutely terrified of Scania turning out like Denmark. It's bad enough he already has to deal with Denmark and Christiania, he doesn't need to deal with a third one who also lives in his house.
Iceland didn't kill his children. He just has a really sick sense of humor and likes using their ashes to terrorize the kids he babysits.
Norway, Sister Norway, and Svalbard are triplets. (This one might be canon, idk.) There was a fourth sibling once. No one knows what happened to her.
Christiania is Denmark's kid with Sister Netherlands.
Norway likes to sew. This one's probably also canon.
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jamtlandsarkiv · 1 year ago
🌸 & 🏛️?
Hetalia Emoji Asks
🌸 - Let's start off easy. Who are your top three favorite characters?
"Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, and a Scandinavia stan his 3 favorite characters" — Eleanor Roosevelt
I'll spare the extremely predictable answer and choose only from canon characters that aren't part of the Nordics: Estonia, Singapore and the Netherlands.
🏛 - If you could pick one historical event to be adapted into Hetalia, what would it be?
I might be overthinking this one because "adapted into Hetalia" sounds like it has to fit into a 5-minute or shorter episode without the potential for severe misinterpretation and it should be lighthearted so the characters can crack unfunny jokes about it. With these limitations, I'd choose to focus on an invention or something culturally significant. Maybe Sweden working under Linné to develop biological taxonomy or summarizing the history of Swedish traditions like Midsummer or Lucia and how he does things differently from the rest of Scandinavia. A surströmming episode that explains how the dish was developed and how it's actually consumed (hint: not straight out the can) would genuinely be greatly educational for the average internet user.
As for more serious options, assuming that this dream episode can approach the historical events maturely, I'd want something that corrects the historical misconceptions of previous episodes (the Denmark-Norway and Sweden-Finland relationships, basically). The Denmark-Norway episode needs to show that Norway and Denmark weren't on equal standing in the union and Norway wasn't upset to gain independence from Denmark at all. The Sweden-Finland one should be set during the Finnish wars for independence and show that Finland can fight for himself and isn't scared of Sweden. There's free SuFin bait as well because Sweden offered a lot of military aid to Finland during that time.
Thanks for the ask!
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fireandspiceland · 7 months ago
ok so my friends been talking about this fanfic that was deleted a little while ago where there’s a spell gone wrong and it turned into a girl and the Nordics and some other nations get pretty flustered(also this takes place during a world meeting so the meetings take place over a week and the spell was put on Iceland a day before they left for the meeting) and Iceland decides to have a bit of fun with the spell so he purposely tries to fluster some nations throughout the meetings and eventually at some point after the meeting they end up going to Icelands hotel room and Iceland pegs some of the nations I think it included Norway,Denmark,Finland,Sweden,Kong kong,Korea,Netherlands and a few other I think it wasn’t a massive orgy it happened at different times except for once chapter where Iceland fucks both Norway and Denmark and when everyone’s leaving to go home after the world meetings are over the male nations who got fucked are just shook cause they didn’t expect icey to top and honestly they didn’t kind it and I wish the fanfic wasn’t deleted and I can’t stop thinking about it I love the idea
Now I, too, wish the fanfic wasn't deleted. And can I say this has huge like trans girl Iceland vibes? As a boy (or while he's perceived as a boy) he's all shy and isn't noticed much but then she's a girl and suddenly she's confident, flirtatious , and topping some guys like twice as big as her (*caugh* netherlands *caugh*). Either way I love it.
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robulz · 2 years ago
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
This story is part of a joint investigation between Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. To read other stories from the series, click here.
In a sparsely decorated corner office of the Danish Public Benefits Administration sits one of Denmark’s most quietly influential people. Annika Jacobsen is the head of the agency’s data mining unit, which, over the past eight years, has conducted a vast experiment in automated bureaucracy. Blunt, and with a habit of completing others’ sentences, Jacobsen is clear about her mission: “I’m here to catch cheaters.”
Denmark’s Public Benefits Administration employs hundreds of people who oversee one of the world's most well-funded welfare states. The country spends 26 percent of its GDP on benefits—more than Sweden, the United States, and the United Kingdom. It’s been hailed as a leading example of how governments can support their most vulnerable citizens. Bernie Sanders, the US senator, called the Nordic nation of 6 million people a model for how countries should approach welfare.
But over the past decade, the scale of Denmark’s benefits spending has come under intense scrutiny, and the perceived scourge of welfare fraud is now at the top of the country’s political agenda. Armed with questionable data on the amount of benefits fraud taking place, conservative politicians have turned Denmark’s famed safety net into a polarizing political battleground. 
It has become an article of faith among the country’s right-wing politicians that Denmark is losing hundreds of millions of euros to benefits fraud each year. In 2011, KMD, one of Denmark’s largest IT companies, estimated that up to 5 percent of all welfare payments in the country were fraudulent. KMD’s estimates would make the Nordic nation an outlier, and its findings have been criticized by some academics. In France, it’s estimated that fraud amounts to 0.39 percent of all benefits paid. A similar estimate made in the Netherlands in 2016 by broadcaster RTL found the average amount of fraud per benefit payment was €‎17 ($18), or just 0.2 percent of total benefits payments. The perception of widespread welfare fraud has empowered Jacobsen to establish one of the most sophisticated and far-reaching fraud detection systems in the world. She has tripled the number of state databases her agency can access from three to nine, compiling information on people’s taxes, homes, cars, relationships, employers, travel, and citizenship. Her agency has developed an array of machine learning models to analyze this data and predict who may be cheating the system.
Documents obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED through freedom-of-information requests show how Denmark is building algorithms to profile benefits recipients based on everything from their nationality to whom they may be sleeping next to at night. They reveal a system where technology and political agendas have become entwined, with potentially dangerous consequences.
Danish human rights groups such as Justitia describe the agency’s expansion as “systematic surveillance” and disproportionate to the scale of welfare fraud. Denmark's system has yet to be challenged under EU law. Whether the country’s experiments with machine learning cross a legal line is a question that could be answered by the European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed legislation that aims to safeguard human rights against emerging technologies.
The debate about welfare in Denmark changed in October 2012, when officials asked residents to send in photos of suspected welfare cheats in their local area. The call led some left-leaning commentators to warn of a “war on welfare,” and arrived as the far-right Danish People’s Party—which criticized the government for “luring” immigrants with welfare benefits—rose up in opinion polls. 
Within a year, consulting firm Deloitte released an audit of welfare fraud controls in Denmark, finding them inadequate to detect fraud in an increasingly digitized welfare system. The auditors, commissioned by the Danish finance ministry, estimated the “short-term savings” of a new “risk-scoring infrastructure” to be €126 million.
Deloitte’s vision was realized in February 2015 with a bill that overhauled the Danish welfare state. It proposed a massive expansion of the Public Benefit Administration’s powers, including the ability to store and collect data on millions of people, access other authorities’ databases, and even request data from foreign governments. Largely unnoticed at the time, it also called for the creation of a “data mining unit” to “control for social benefits fraud.”
The bill was backed by all of the major political parties in Denmark and became law in April 2015. That month, Jacobsen left an IT job in the financial sector to become Denmark’s first head of data mining and fraud detection. 
As Jacobsen got to work, conservative politician Troels Lund Poulsen took office in June 2015 as Denmark’s new employment minister. He implemented random airport checks to catch welfare recipients taking undeclared vacations, and proposed giving the new data mining unit access to welfare recipients’ electricity and water bills in order to detect where they were living. He was joined by a growing chorus of supporters, with one municipality reportedly asking for data from cell towers to track where welfare recipients were staying. “It’s about politics,” Poulsen said in March 2018. “It is important for me to send a clear signal that we will not accept social cheating and fraud.”
Jacobsen’s critics have accused her unit of conducting mass surveillance, but she argues that there are clear safeguards that prevent overreach. Jacobsen says her algorithms don’t actually cancel benefits—they only flag people as suspicious. Ultimately, it is up to a human fraud investigator to make the final call, and citizens have the right to appeal their decisions. “You are not guilty just because we point you out. There will always be a person that looks into your data,” she says.
The majority of Danish residents flagged for investigation are found innocent. Of the nearly 50,000 cases selected by the data mining unit in 2022, 4,000, or 8 percent, resulted in some form of punishment. In the cases where wrongdoing was found, the data mining unit has managed to recover €‎23.1 million—a significant return on its annual budget of €‎3.1 million.
But the scale and reach of Denmark's data collection has been criticized by the Danish Institute of Human Rights, an independent human rights watchdog, and the Danish Data Protection Authority, a public body that enforces privacy regulations. Justitia has compared the Public Benefits Administration to the National Security Agency in the US, and claimed that its digital monitoring of millions of Danish residents violates their privacy rights.
Jacobsen says the agency’s use of data is proportional under European data protection laws, and that preventing error and fraud is important to maintain trust in the welfare state. The Public Benefits Administration is also looking to have its algorithms check citizens earlier in the process, when they first apply for benefits, to avoid situations where they have to repay large sums of money. “Most citizens are honest; however, there will always be some citizens who try to get welfare benefits that they are not entitled to,” Jacobsen says. 
Jacobsen also argues that machine learning is fairer than analog methods. Anonymous tips about potential welfare cheats are unreliable, she claims. In 2017, they made up 14 percent of the cases selected for investigation by local fraud officials, whereas cases from her data unit amounted to 26 percent. That means her unit is more effective than anonymous tips, but nearly half of the cases local investigators decide to take on come from their own leads. Random selection is also unfair, she claims, because it means burdening people when there are no grounds for suspicion. “[Critics] say that when the machine is looking at data, it is violating the citizen, [whereas] I might think it’s very violating looking at random citizens,” Jacobsen says. “What is a violation of the citizen, really? Is it a violation that you are in the stomach of the machine, running around in there?”
Denmark isn’t alone in turning to algorithms amid political pressure to crack down on welfare fraud. France adopted the technology in 2010, the Netherlands in 2013, Ireland in 2016, Spain in 2018, Poland in 2021, and Italy in 2022. But it’s the Netherlands that has provided the clearest warning against technological overreach. In 2021, a childcare benefits scandal, in which 20,000 families were wrongly accused of fraud, led to the resignation of the entire Dutch government. It came after officials interpreted small errors, such as a missing signature, as evidence of fraud, and forced welfare recipients to pay back thousands of euros they’d received as benefits payments.
As details of the Dutch scandal emerged, it was found that an algorithm had selected thousands of parents—nearly 70 percent of whom were first or second generation migrants—for investigation. The system was abandoned after the Dutch Data Protection Authority found that it had illegally used nationality as a variable, which Amnesty International later compared to “digital ethnic profiling.” 
The EU’s AI Act would ban any system covered by the legislation that “exploits the vulnerabilities of a specific group,” including those who are vulnerable because of their financial situation. Systems like Jacobsen’s, which affect citizens’ access to essential public services, would also likely be labeled as “high risk” and subject to stringent requirements, including transparency obligations and a requirement for “high levels of accuracy.”
The documents obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED appear to show that Denmark’s system goes beyond the one that brought down the Dutch government. They reveal how Denmark’s algorithms use variables like nationality, whose use has been equated with ethnic profiling.
One of Denmark's fraud detection algorithms attempts to work out how someone might be connected to a non-EU country. Heavily redacted documents show that, in order to do this, the system tracks whether a welfare recipient or their “family relations” have ever emigrated from Denmark. Two other variables record their nationality and whether they have ever been a citizen of any country other than Denmark.
Jacobsen says that nationality is only one of many variables used by the algorithm, and that a welfare recipient will not be flagged unless they live at a “suspicious address” and the system isn’t able to find a connection to Denmark.  The documents also show that Denmark’s data mining unit tracks welfare recipients’ marital status, the length of their marriage, who they live with, the size of their house, their income, whether they’ve ever lived outside Denmark, their call history with the Public Benefits Administration, and whether their children are Danish residents.
Another variable, “presumed partner,” is used to determine whether someone has a concealed relationship, since single people receive more benefits. This involves searching data for connections between welfare recipients and other Danish residents, such as whether they have lived at the same address or raised children together. 
“The ideology that underlies these algorithmic systems, and [the] very intrusive surveillance and monitoring of people who receive welfare, is a deep suspicion of the poor,” says Victoria Adelmant, director of the Digital Welfare and Human Rights Project. 
For all the complexity of machine learning models, and all the data amassed and processed, there is still a person with a decision to make at the hard end of fraud controls. This is the fail-safe, Jacobsen argues, but it’s also the first place where these systems collide with reality.
Morten Bruun Jonassen is one of these fail-safes. A former police officer, he leads Copenhagen's control team, a group of officials tasked with ensuring that the city’s residents are registered at the correct address and receive the correct benefits payments. He's been working for the city’s social services department for 14 years, long enough to remember a time before algorithms assumed such importance—and long enough to have observed the change of tone in the national conversation on welfare.
While the war on welfare fraud remains politically popular in Denmark, Jonassen says only a “very small” number of the cases he encounters involve actual fraud. For all the investment in it, the data mining unit is not his best source of leads, and cases flagged by Jacobsen’s system make up just 13 percent of the cases his team investigates—half the national average. Since 2018, Jonassen and his unit have softened their approach compared to other units in Denmark, which tend to be tougher on fraud, he says. In a case documented in 2019 by DR, Denmark’s public broadcaster, a welfare recipient said that investigators had trawled her social media to see whether she was in a relationship before wrongfully accusing her of welfare fraud.
While he gives credit to Jacobsen’s data mining unit for trying to improve its algorithms, Jonassen has yet to see significant improvement for the cases he handles. “Basically, it’s not been better,” he says. In a 2022 survey of Denmark’s towns and cities conducted by the unit, officials scored their satisfaction with it, on average, between 4 and 5 out of 7.
Jonassen says people claiming benefits should get what they’re due—no more, no less. And despite the scale of Jacobsen’s automated bureaucracy, he starts more investigations based on tips from schools and social workers than machine-flagged cases. And, crucially, he says, he works hard to understand the people claiming benefits and the difficult situations they find themselves in. “If you look at statistics and just look at the screen,” he says, “you don’t see that there are people behind it.” 
Additional reporting by Daniel Howden, Soizic Penicaud, Pablo Jiménez Arandia, and Htet Aung. Reporting was supported by the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Fellowship and the Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting.
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hws-lceland · 2 years ago
19, 20, 42, and 46 for the Hetalia Ask
19. Who has the shittiest phone by choice?
Francis 100% but I was originally gonna say Tolys or Yao
20. Favorite hetalia relationship dynamic?
I assume this does not necessarily mean romantic in which case (gestures to the Nordics) but that is probably the obvious answer sorry. I also really love the relationship between Prussia and Germany and Prussia/Holy Rome. At least character wise I don't know much on their irl history
42. Any Hetalia merch (official or fan made) rave-worthy?
I don't know if I understand this question properly but I will just use this opportunity to say @/tejennnn 's drink Keychains/stickers are SOOO CUTE i love them so much I have the Denmark and Estonia ones but I really want the rest of the Nordics and also Netherlands. They bring me so much joy.
For official merch I don't know there is a lot I want but the only Hetalia merch I currently own is the Veneziano pop up parade
46. Who gives the warmest hugs?
SWEDEN!!!! I also think Denmark, Hungary, Finland, and Turkey also give very warm hugs
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masked-disciple · 9 months ago
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It's been a longass time since I've actually looked at a map of Europe in detail, so I decided to take a shot at it? (I'm from Canada if that helps.)
I am very confident in the order of the Nordic countries. I am... incredibly not confident in the exact order of Netherlands / Lithuania / Latvia. I blanked in most of the Alps / Balkans area because it's all just mountains, I'm not so sure anyone actually lives there. I know that northwest country to Greece starts with an A and my mind is supplying "Alberquerque" but that is a town in Nowhere, Midwest America where I have friends so that's not right.
At this point I'm more amused by the fact I know many of the smaller islands (Faroese, Cyprus, Sicily, Crete which I didn't label but it's the horizontal one under Greece, and the Azores west of Portugal) and yet the entire mountainy centre is a giant shrug.
Unsure what the country between Switzerland and Austria is, assuming that Switzerland is the one that shares a border with France and not the one directly east of it, placing some country I don't know between Switzerland and France. Austria and Hungary might be backwards, idk, I only remember they share a border with Germany because that kickstarted WWI.
I'm gonna go look up an actual map now and see how I did. Probably badly. xD; Any Europeans who are mad at my solid attempt should get a map of Canada and correctly place all the maritime provinces. They're about the same size as most of the Balkan countries. Don't forget the French islands.
edit: ...I forgot about Poland. (Shameful, I have multiple friends in Poland.) And Czech Republic. And Slovenia. Completely fucked up the Nordic countries, absolutely shameful. The name I couldn't remember northwest of Greece was Albania, and I got Belarus mixed up with Bulgaria. (Remembered it started with a B and is Russia's little sibling, but that was about it.) Also forgot Macedonia and Estonia, and wildly misplaced Denmark. (I knew Denmark was a bridge over water away from the other Nordic countries, and it wasn't marked separate from Germany which would've tipped me off, so that's on me. Sorry, Danes.) I did get Montenegro correct, which makes me happy, because I know actually nothing about it other than the name so I'm glad I didn't wholly fuck up the Balkans. Oops.
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In the continuing map wars, it turns out Americans don’t know anything about Europe. 
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businessindustry · 9 days ago
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Market Size, Growth 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Market Trends share, size, growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) Market?
As per Reports and Insights Analysis, the chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.
What are Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)?
Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) is a precise diagnostic method used to detect and measure specific substances, such as proteins, hormones, or antibodies, in a sample. It employs chemiluminescent labels attached to antibodies or antigens that emit light when they bind to their target analytes. This emitted light is quantified using a luminometer, providing a measurement proportional to the concentration of the target substance. CLIA is renowned for its high sensitivity and specificity, making it a valuable tool in clinical diagnostics, research, and various applications in medical and biochemical analysis.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1671
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) industry?
The chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) market is experiencing significant growth due to its widespread application in clinical diagnostics and research for accurate detection and quantification of biomarkers. This expansion is fueled by the increasing demand for precise diagnostic tools, advancements in assay technology, and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases. Ongoing innovations in CLIA technology, including the development of new reagents and platforms, are also driving market growth. Leading companies are heavily investing in research and development to improve assay performance and address the evolving needs of the healthcare and research sectors, thereby boosting the overall CLIA market. Hence, all these factors contribute to chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) market growth. 
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Reagents & Consumables
By Analyzer Type:
Benchtop Analyzers
Floor-standing Analyzers
By Application:
Infectious Diseases
Autoimmune Diseases
By End-Use:
Hospitals & Diagnostic Laboratories
Research & Academic Institutes
Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
Contract Research Organizations (CROs)
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
Asia Pacific:
Australia & New Zealand
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Rest of Asia Pacific
The U.K.
BENELUX (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg)
NORDIC (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark)
Rest of Europ
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
The Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of MEA (Middle East & Africa)
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Roche Diagnostics
Siemens Healthineers
Abbott Laboratories
Beckman Coulter (a subsidiary of Danaher Corporation)
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
bioMérieux SA
DiaSorin S.p.A.
Sysmex Corporation
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
Randox Laboratories Ltd.
Snibe Diagnostic
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)-market
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umadeochake · 5 months ago
Pneumonia Testing Market Size: Regional Outlook and Analysis 2024-2036
Research Nester has released a report titled "Pneumonia Testing Market: Global Demand Analysis and Opportunity Outlook 2036". The report provides a detailed overview of the global pneumonia testing market in terms of type, method, end-user, and market segmentation by region.
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Moreover, for in-depth analysis, the report includes an in-depth discussion on the current and future market trends related to the growth of the industry, restraints, supply and demand risks, and market growth.
Market Overview
The pneumonia testing market size is expected to reach USD 3 billion by the end of 2033, growing at a CAGR of 6% during the forecast period 2023~2033. The size of the pneumonia testing industry in 2022 exceeded USD 608 million.
Market Segmentation
The market is segmented by end-user into hospitals, diagnostic labs, home care, and others. Out of these segments, the hospitals segment is anticipated to hold the largest share by the end of 2031. The surge in the number of hospitals and the cutting-edge technologies offered by hospitals are some of the major factors anticipated to drive the growth of this segment during the forecast period.
Request Free Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4457
Market Growth Factors and Challenges
The global pneumonia testing market is estimated to garner a revenue of USD 3 Billion by the end of 2033, up from a revenue of around USD 607.5 Million in the year 2022. Ans: Increasing incidences of pneumonia, increasing COVID19 cases, and rising geriatric population are some of the major factors anticipated to drive the market growth.
Regional Overview
Geographically, the global pneumonia testing market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. Out of which, the North America pneumonia testing market is projected to hold the largest market share by the end of 2033. The increasing prevalence of pneumonia in the region, along with the presence of significant market players in the region, are some of the major factors anticipated to drive the growth of the Asia-Pacific pneumonia testing market.
The survey was conducted on a global scale and was conducted in North America (United States, Canada), Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Nordic (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark), Poland, Turkey, Russia, and other European countries), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific), Middle East & Africa (Israel, GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman), North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of the Middle East and Africa) market is covered. In addition, the analysis, which includes market size, Y-O-Y growth & Opportunity Analysis, competitive studies of market players, investment opportunities, demand for future prospects, etc., is also covered and displayed in the research report.
Request for customization @ https://www.researchnester.com/customized-reports-4457
Increasing Number of COVID-19 Infections to Boost the Market Growth
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that as of September 26, 2022, 612,236,677 cases of COVID-19 infection were confirmed worldwide.
COVID19 is known to take many lives around the world. Some of those who suffered from the disease had pneumonia in both lungs. This condition, also known as COVID-associated pneumonia (NCIP), was reported in 2020 with 8,385,450 cases of COVID-19 (COVID19) pneumonia reported worldwide and recorded 450,690 deaths.
However, the widespread use of X-rays for the detection of pneumonia, the high cost of testing equipment, and the high tendency to utilize conventional methods to identify the pathogen that causes pneumonia are expected to be the major restraints for the growth of the global pneumonia testing market over the forecast period.
Key Players in the Market
The report also provides the current competitive landscape of the key players in the global pneumonia testing market, including Abbott, Quidel Corporation, and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., bioMérieux SA, INTEC, OpGen, BD (Becton, Dickinson, and Company), Meridian Bioscience, Inc., Luminex Corporation (DiaSorin S.p.A.), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.It includes company profiling such as: Profiling includes important information about a company, such as business overview, products and services, key financial position, and recent news and developments. Overall, the report provides a detailed overview of the global pneumonia testing market, helping industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players looking for expansion opportunities, new players looking for potential, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies according to current and future projected trends.
Access our detailed report @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/pneumonia-testing-market/4457
About Research Nester-
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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prussiasqueen · 8 months ago
you, elizabeta and gilbert go on a roadtrip! Where do you guys go?who is the most calm? The most reckless?the best at planning?what happens on the trip?do you guys get lost?who wants constant snack breaks?
Oh wow this is a great one!
Let’s see…
Well I know Elizabeta and Prussia actually would be the ones who plan because surprisingly both can be pretty tactical when it comes to planning things.
As for where we are going… I think we would travel parts of the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland and few more~ it would be fun areas and taking breaks in between driving, we would be on boats/ferries.
As for getting lost, the only person getting lost would be me, and maybe elizabeta if I had accidentally gotten too lost and she was out looking for me like the worried sweetheart she is. Meanwhile Gilbert would come to our aid and then brag about it later about how women get lost too easily, which results me and her lightly smacking him and arguing.
The most reckless, when it comes to wanting to take dangerous more risky routes, I’d say Prussia… he’s the type to want to also speed, which would cause me and Elizi some panic 😱. But as for reckless in other things, probably me in that I’m the clumsy and the one who has to be babied for things and protected.
Who wants constant snack breaks? All three of us. If one is hungry, the other two want food as well! We are a foodie trio~ we love food and will probably hit the food places like fifty freaking times in a course of two days haha.
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englishchinesetranslations · 9 months ago
New Champions League format
UEFA Champions League - 48 domestic League champions (16 highest ranked teams qualify for knockout rounds, competing in 3 league groups of 16 teams over 6 games in a Swiss model). Reigning Champions League, Europa League & 4 regional cup winners are eligible to enter
UEFA Europa League - 16 regional cup group winners progress to Europa League knockout rounds. UEFA Conference League winner will automatically qualify for their regional cup group stage. 16 teams enter every regional cup group stages (64 teams in total)
UEFA Conference League - 8 Conference League group winners (+8 UCL League Round dropouts who finish 17th to 24th) progress to knockout rounds. 32 teams enter Conference League group stage
UEFA Intertoto Cup - 64+ teams who failed to qualify for their regional cups & UEFA Conference League will play home-and-away knockout games. Some of the 64+ teams may enter a pre-qualifying play-off against champions who lost in UEFA Champions League play-offs. 64 teams will then enter 3 play-off rounds. 8 play-off winners will compete against 8 UCL League Round dropouts (who finished 25th to 32nd) in the last 16.
Regional Cup - 3 highest ranked regional group cup winners & 1 highest ranked Champions League club. 4 teams will play one leg semi-finals and final at a neutral venue during July or August
BFN (British French Nordic) Cup- England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Northern Ireland ✋️ Republic of Ireland 🇮🇪 Iceland 🇮🇸 France 🇫🇷 Faroe Islands 🇫🇴 Norway 🇳🇴 Finland 🇫🇮 Sweden 🇸🇪 Estonia 🇪🇪 Latvia 🇱🇻 Lithuania 🇱🇹
SPBA Iberian Cup- Portugal 🇵🇹 Andorra 🇦🇩 Malta 🇲🇹 Gibraltar 🇬🇮 Cyprus 🇨🇾 Slovenia 🇸🇮 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Spain 🇪🇸 Kosovo 🇽🇰 Albania 🇦🇱 Belgium 🇧🇪 Bosnia 🇧🇦 Austria 🇦🇹 Liechtenstein 🇱🇮
Mittel Europa Cup- Netherlands 🇳🇱 Luxembourg 🇱🇺 Montenegro 🇲🇪 San Marino 🇸🇲 Denmark 🇩🇰 Germany 🇩🇪 Belarus 🇧🇾 Moldova 🇲🇩 Hungary 🇭🇺 Poland 🇵🇱 Serbia 🇷🇸 Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Slovakia 🇸🇰
DuoCon Cup- Italy 🇮🇹 North Macedonia 🇲🇰 Armenia 🇦🇲 Greece 🇬🇷 Bulgaria 🇧🇬 Croatia 🇭🇷 Turkey 🇹🇷 Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Israel 🇮🇱 Georgia 🇬🇪 Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 Ukraine 🇺🇦 Romania 🇷🇴
Foreign players quota (+foreigners of native descent) Only 1 non-UEFA affiliated player permitted for 3 (+2) leagues and only 2 non-UEFA affiliated players permitted for lower leagues
3 (+2) England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 France 🇫🇷 Spain 🇪🇸 Italy 🇮🇹 Germany 🇩🇪 Turkey 🇹🇷 Russia 🇷🇺
6 (+4) Sweden 🇸🇪 Portugal 🇵🇹 Croatia 🇭🇷 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Belgium 🇧🇪 Austria 🇦🇹 Netherlands 🇳🇱 Norway 🇳🇴 Denmark 🇩🇰 Poland 🇵🇱 Serbia 🇷🇸 Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Greece 🇬🇷 Ukraine 🇺🇦 Romania 🇷🇴 Hungary 🇭🇺 Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Israel 🇮🇱
8 (+4) Rep of Ireland 🇮🇪 Finland 🇫🇮 Slovenia 🇸🇮 Kosovo 🇽🇰 Bosnia 🇧🇦 Belarus 🇧🇾 Moldova 🇲🇩 Slovakia 🇸🇰 Bulgaria 🇧🇬 Cyprus 🇨🇾 Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
10 (+4) Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Northern Ireland ✋️ Iceland 🇮🇸 Faroe Islands 🇫🇴 Estonia 🇪🇪 Latvia 🇱🇻 Lithuania 🇱🇹 Andorra 🇦🇩 Malta 🇲🇹 Gibraltar 🇬🇮 Albania 🇦🇱 Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 Luxembourg 🇱🇺 Montenegro 🇲🇪 San Marino 🇸🇲 North Macedonia 🇲🇰 Armenia 🇦🇲 Georgia 🇬🇪
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