#Submas borrowers au
blaiddraws · 1 year
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the rest of my aggie doodles!
1 - worm
2 - fulcrum au ingo makes canon into look downright friendly and approachable 😔
3 - quick little borrower ingo from @evtraininguniversity 's au!
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cardinal-crossing · 1 year
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Here we go, another picture I drew over. This time with some AUs I haven't drawn yet, Worm! Ingo by @blaiddraws, Inky also belongs to them. Dragon! Ingo by @drag0n0fbutt3r Agee by @raisans-art Mouse! Emmet by @evtraininguniversity Selkie Emmet Au by @acatpiestuff Misfits Au by @hehe-hoho-ohno And finally, the It Takes Two Au, by me! Also, the dog's name is Chloe, and she was a wonderful model for the photo.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun drawing, and an extra/sequel is under the cut!
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Also, side note, if I'm getting annoying, please let me know; I love these aus, and I love to draw them, but I tend to feel like I draw them too much or am starting to annoy people. If I am I deeply apologize
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squashfolded · 1 year
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Widdle guye!!! @evtraininguniversity
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krikidilly · 8 months
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Even borrowers need transport!!
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I haven’t posted this yet have I?
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mossbed-roots · 1 year
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Aggie doodles! It was a certified Little Guy night with @evtraininguniversity ‘s borrower boys. I think my little stars would get along well with them
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Drew @evtraininguniversity 's borrower Emmet last night at the aggie. didnt' have the energy to draw much else lol but still fun!
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raisans-art · 1 year
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Aggie from Friday that I forgot to post =w= a usual Agee, @evtraininguniversity ‘s borrower au Emmet, and Human Illusion au things in anticipation for the up and coming submas poll bracket =w= and some hisuian stuff
Enjoy =w=
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peachy-doodles · 1 year
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more aggie ^_^
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robocatfan · 2 years
(Aka something that I started to write at 12 am in the morning because I wanted some Borrower! Submas situations :V. Also @quietlywatchingwritingreading I think you might like this)
Normally, Ingo wouldn’t have gone out borrowing in the middle of the day. It was just too dangerous because of the presence of so many passengers in the station, as well as having to worry about the workers since they had access to the more private areas.
But unfortunately, circumstances made it so that today became an exception. Winter was approaching, and with it came cold and snow, so he and his brother had to go out borrowing more than usual in order to have enough supplies for that time.
Carefully, Ingo peeked from the outlet he was hiding behind and listened carefully. He could hear the sounds of the humans passing through the station, but those were far and there was no sound coming from the room. Good.
Still, he stepped in with caution. The fact that there wasn’t any sound didn’t mean that someone couldn’t be present in there. After scanning his surroundings and confirming that yes, the space was currently empty, he let out a small sigh of relief.
Now to go find what he was looking for…
The borrower pulled out his crotchet hook from his bag as he walked towards a small table, before launching it at it. After making sure that it was properly lodged in, Ingo started to climb the makeshift rope tied to it. When he reached the top he took a moment to pause and check his surroundings once again. The coast was still clear. For now.
Ingo looked at the things in the table. There were some materials like paper clips , a pen and some stamps that would normally be his and his twin’s targets on a trip. But today he wasn’t looking for those, and instead he focused on a transparent zip bag that was twice his size containing a mass of white fluffly stuff; cotton.
This stuff would be useful to make some coats for themselves and give warm in their den. Right after pulling his hook from the table, the borrower approached the bag. He had to jump a bit in other to unzip it, but apart from that he had no problem in getting inside it and pulling out some cotton; not enough that the humans would notice, but just so that he didn’t need to get more soon.
But as he put the stuff on his borrowing bag, his ears lifted, picking up a sound: footsteps. And unlike the ones coming from the humans wanting to board the trains, this one was so close that it practically muffled the ones farther in the station and was getting louder by the moment.
It was coming here.
Ingo’s body shook, and he practically slammed his bag shut before dashing out of the comparatively giant zip bag. His hurry and fear made him fall awkwardly out of it, but that was far from his biggest concerns as he scrambled to get up and run.
But there wasn’t enough time to put his hook to climb down and hide, since seconds later he heard the jingling of keys and saw the door handle turn. Thinking quickly, the borrower looked around before his eyes settled on a small box and he immediately bolted to hide behind it an instant before the door finally opened and a human stepped in.
Ingo instantly curled his tail around his body and covered his mouth, not daring to make a sound as he heard the human walk close. This spot was too much in the open for his comfort, barely hiding him from the giant, and he was sure that if he made any small action he would be spotted immediately.
He didn’t turn his head to look at the human, but he could sense that they were already in front of the table, looking at the stuff. Suddenly he remembered that he forgot to close the bag with the cotton, and he mentally cursed himself as he heard it’s wrinkling when the employee grabbed it and murmured, clearly confused as to why the thing was open.
For a moment, he hoped that the employee would go outside to call their companions and that would give him enough time to get down and escape. But that hope was immediately shattered when he heard a hum and his hiding spot was suddenly moved, leaving the borrower in the open as a shadow loomed over him accompanied by a sound of surprise.
He had been spotted.
Ingo’s body was completely frozen in fear, and he didn’t dare look back at the human, not wanting to meet is terrifying gaze. Everything screamed at him to run, to get away immediately. And he wanted to do so. But he found himself unable to move, absolutely terrified.
That was, until the shadow shifted a bit, getting away for an instant. He dared to look behind him and spotted the human grabbing a small container and freezing when their gazes met. He knew exactly what they wanted to do. And he bolted.
The human gasped at his sudden movement, but Ingo didn’t pay attention to it one bit, pulling his hook on the table as fast as he could before climbing down like his life depended on it. When he was a bit close to the floor he jumped off and dislodged his hook in a swift motion before barely dodging a giant hand trying to grab him.
The outlet in which he came inside was fairly close, and the borrower hoped that he would be able to get to it and get away from danger. But as he got a bit close, a giant leg stomped right in front of it, making Ingo yelp in surprise and hastily turn around.
Thinking quickly, Ingo decided to go for the still open door. But in his panic he miscalculated the distance that was separating them, and when the human noticed his plan an it only took a few steps for them to get to it and close it.
The borrower felt a cold shiver on his body as he paused and looked up, up at the human. He was cornered. Then he remembered that the human had moved and the outlet was now clear. He still could escape! If he was careful..
Not taking his eyes off the employee, he slowly took some steps back. For a moment the human just stared, probably trying to predict what this tiny creature would try to do next. Then, they also took a step towards them. Ingo gulped, but tried to not show his nervousness as he moved back again.
He risked a quick glance at the outlet to confirm that yes, it was open, before looking back at the human. After q moment in which neither he or they had changed their positions, he took his chance.
This time, the human was far enough from it that even when they sprinted at him, he arrived at the spot without much trouble. But just when he was climbing inside, he felt himself getting pulled by the tail, making him wince in pain. Turning around with tears forming in his eyes, he noticed the human grabbing the fluffy end of the tail with is fingers and then it pulled again, partially getting him out.
Ingo immediately tried to get his tail free, but when he fully turned to do so the human used the opportunity to lower a hand as big as him and warp their long and strong fingers tightly around the borrower.
Said borrower gasped in surprise and tried in vain to grasp the floor. But the strength of something so small was nothing compared to that of a being who was giant compared to them, and so he was lifted up without much trouble.
Ingo could only stare as the floor was getting more and more far away the more he was going up, and when he instead looked at his captor, and then the realization hit him; He had been caught.
He had heard many stories about how others of his kind felt when they were grabbed by a human, how much terror and fear they felt as they were in the hands of danger. But none of them prepared him from what it felt like when one was actually in said situation, and the only thoughts in his head were those of panic and a big desire to get out and hide in the walls immediately.
Seemly unaware of the pure terror that was overtaking the borrower as he tried to shuffle and get out of their grip, the human stared at him, their expression a mix of curiosity and wonder. Experimentally, they moved their fingers a bit to caress Ingo, who only shivered and teared up more in discomfort as he was being touched.
Then, in the corner of his eye, he saw the human grab the container again, and his eyes widened as he let out a gasp.
No, no , NO-
As the dreaded thing came closer, he tried everything he could think of to get out. He kicked, he tried to push the fingers from his body. He even tried to bite the hand, but because of the gloves his captor was wearing that only resulted in him getting his mouth full of cloth. But the hand didn’t even yield, instead only tightening its grip on him as he was lowered into the plastic container.
Finally, when it did let him go, Ingo was already inside the container, making him fall with a small thud and closing the item with a lid before he could even get up.
The borrower looked at the the ground below him, then at the lid that was now covering the only possible place where he could escape, and then at the human, at which point he scrambled at one of corners of the container, breathing heavily as he pressed himself on the wall, trying and failing to stay calm as his mind went cold and his body shook at the situation he was currently in.
The employee only stared at their catch before putting the container down on the table and leaving the room, leaving poor Ingo to slowly process the fact that he was now in big, big trouble. And there was nothing he could do about it.
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cardinal-crossing · 1 year
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My drawings from the Aggie today! I drew @raisans-art's chimera Emmet Au, and I also drew @evtraininguniversity's Borrower's AU! The dragons are from my It Takes Two Twins AU, they are based off the doubles line trains. Emmet with the sniper rifle is also from my It Takes Two Au. Enjoy!
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mousetrappa · 1 year
*Interest piqued*
Minish AU? What's that?
HI HI. Thank you for your interest!!
In my Minish AU the twins are, well, minish! From the game Legend of Zelda: Minish cap.
If you’re familiar with borrowers then the Minish are essentially the zelda version of them. Mouse like creatures that help around Hylians.
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This AU stays in the same world and is mostly self indulgent with no big encompassing plot, but essentially Ingo and Emmet grew up as Forest Minish who later moved to the town. Eventually establishing a tunnel systems to allow minish easy transport all around town without the risk of being seen.
I'd like to flesh out and perhaps expand the AU more but at the moment it's just my excuse to draw submas and company as CreaturesTM after I sped through playing the game for the first time a couple months ago. (Highly recommend, verrry fun game and the art is adorable)
Again, thank you for asking! Here's my first drawing of Minish!Ingo
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u-ntitled-s-eries · 1 year
A continuation of this scenario from @bellafragolina's Borrower/Tiny SubMas AU.
True to your word, you agreed to let Emmet tag along to work and topped off the day with a quick detour to browse the local hobby store.
“Okay, I think it’s safe.”
Emmet pokes his head out from inside your jacket pocket, his eyes darting around to look at all the trains littered about the shop. He keeps one hand firmly gripped onto the fabric of your jacket, ready to duck and hide if another human so much as turns in your direction, but thankfully all he can see is one other customer at the other side of the store.
Models of all shapes and sizes are on display, tucked away in glass cases with bright lights shining down on them, and he can hear the whirring of a little motor running along a circle of tracks somewhere in the background. Maybe if he plays his cards right, you’ll agree to buy a new model. But which ones would pair best with the railway back home? Something that matches the landscape you designed. Or maybe it would be fun to try something entirely different.
You come to a stop, nearly sending poor Emmet tumbling out of your jacket with the unexpected jolt and making him look up in confusion. In front of him is a shelf lined end to end with boxes, each one depicting a picture of a plane.
“Have you ever heard of a fighter jet?” You ask, keeping your head low and voice soft. There’s a grin on your face, like your about to reveal a deep dark secret. He shakes his head, but he can guess what it is from just the name alone. When you laugh, he can feel you bump against him.
“My dad and I made one of these once, when I was a little kid.” You pluck the box from the shelf and bring it closer for Emmet to see. It’s hard to imagine you as a child; what you looked like, what you acted like, what you sounded like. Do you have any pictures he could see? “I remember it was massive, and we painted all the parts by hand. Just finishing the wings took forever.”
There’s a lot of words and terminology he doesn’t know the meaning of, but he listens to you mumbling the words like it’s a second language. You chuckle and mutter to yourself, “Wonder what he did with that thing... Probably collecting dust in a box somewhere, if he didn’t break it and throw it out.”
You reach to put the box back on the shelf, and Emmet tugs at your shirt.
“What is it?” You look around the store and pull your jacket, and Emmet, close to your chest.
“Can we get it?”
He doesn’t know how much the model you bought them cost - you joked that he and Ingo couldn’t pay you back even if you wanted them to - but he can hear you sigh at seeing the price tag. “Are you sure? Wanna make this our next project for the next… forever?”
He grins and nods his head. “Yep.”
“Alrighty then. Let’s get the paints while we’re here and then we’ll check out.” You shrug and tuck the box under your arm. “Never took you for a plane guy.”
The trains and cars stare back at Emmet mockingly as you continue through the store.
“I’m not.”
Next time, he thinks to himself, next time.
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morninglarkspur · 2 years
Hello! Just call me Lark/Larkspur. Non-binary and uses they/them. Preference in general is towards gender-neutral terms with masc ones next preferred if necessary.
Special Interests: Pokemon and Digimon
Current Hyperfixation(s): Megaman
Pro/shippers DNI
Past Hyperfixations: Dungeon Meshi, TMNT, Sonic, Submas (yes, I'm counting this separate from Pokemon), Ace Attorney, AHiT, Warrior cats, Paper Mario, Okami, etc
Don't expect much activity from this blog in general.
AU Tag Lists
An Arm For an Arm [Chrono]
TMNT: (They're all just fan iterations, whoops)
What Makes a Family [Chrono]
Asters [Chrono]
Borrower [Chrono]
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sapphireclaw · 2 years
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I posted 5,631 times in 2022
That's 2,832 more posts than 2021!
72 posts created (1%)
5,559 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,385 of my posts in 2022
#video - 735 posts
#submas - 640 posts
#mega fav - 174 posts
#danny phantom - 128 posts
#birds - 64 posts
#hlvrai - 51 posts
#wandering spirit au - 47 posts
#ref - 39 posts
#ask - 33 posts
#fma - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#most of my likes these past few years are friends’ personal posts why would i want to make those posts easier for complete strangers to find
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ingo with giratina: https://youtu.be/ua0scGPctM4
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Worm Time. (They’re playing ArticUno)
413 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
Distortion Ghost Ingo reuniting with Emmet a month late cause after dicking around for 300 years waiting for the day he got Eebied, his sense of time went to shit.
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511 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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See the full post
564 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
We’ve all heard of ‘Ingo crashes his own funeral’
I raise you:
Ingo crashes his own MURDER TRIAL!!
He has some CHOICE WORDS to say to whoever had the RIDICULOUS idea that Emmet murdered him, oh boy they better run cause he has an alpha Wyrdeer and he’s not afraid to use it.
Brought to you by: Sapph doesn’t know how to stop starting new fic WIPS.
592 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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SUBMAS BORROWER AU BAYBEEEE. Akari and Rei are orphaned borrower siblings living in Jubilife Village, the central colony of Nimbasa hidden within the subway. A mishap while doing survey work for the Galaxy Team causes the two to be discovered (and adopted) by the Subway Bosses. 
Ingo and Emmet love their tiny kids.
@gt-ridel​ and I are collaborating on a fic for this au!
close ups of Rei and Akari under the cut:
See the full post
709 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gt-ridel · 2 years
Maybe a pic of Akari and Rei copying the submas twins iconic pose. And maybe Ingo and Emmet in the background being extremely proud of their kids doing it so well
Like this? :3
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