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After finishing (اطياف) by Radwa Ashor and do my وِرد القران and my azkar , trying to achieve my goal for this week and don’t be late as usual
Yesterday my swimming training was hard and don’t like any back movement in water so I had a muscle ache all day and couldn’t study all topics, so I decided to take a break from work and patients and all these stuff and be free from being a pharmacist.
I need to read more books to live other people’s life, need to write again about what I’m feel, what I need, how i can be an optimistic person again
#mine#study space#study tips#studyspo#study notes#self help#study#studying#coffetime#morining#morning coffee#studyblr#study blog#studytour#vscoedit#mine ❤️#vsco#colorful
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I'm going on a studytour let's hope I won't end up as a servant to a certain sea witch
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Experiential learning in sports will only amaze you! 🤩 Ask the future sports professionals of IISM.
Their recent study tour to Prabodhankar Thackeray Krida Sankul added a unique aspect to their learning spectrum 🌈, showcasing the real-life application of classroom knowledge.
During their visit to the pickleball court 🏓, swimming pool 🏊♀️, and turf facilities ⚽️, the students gained valuable insights into the infrastructure and operations of various sports.
Additionally, their visit to the 10-meter shooting range 🎯 introduced them to a unique sport with its limitations and understanding of the game.
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Sewa Big Bus 47 seat – Wisata Bareng Rombongan? Bus Wisata Solusi Terbaik dan Termurah Hanya di STAR TRANS BANDUNG 😎 ✅Bus Kapasitas 40-45 ✅Bus Kapasitas 45-50 . . https://www.bispariwisatabandung.com/2024/06/sewa-bus-47-59-seat-jetbus.html
#sewabusbesar #jetbuspariwisata #startrans #bispariwisatabandung
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Exposure / Study Tour Parallel to the 41st Thailand International Motor Expo 2024 Apply Now 👉 https://bit.ly/3U0cPvZ
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We provide nationwide chauffeured services with the latest and greatest high tech, luxury vehicles.
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STONELINK · Playing Rubik's Cube -- 2024 China Xiamen International Stone Fair & Xiamen Habitat Design and Life Festival Study Tour! STONELINK Rubik's Cube takes you to create unlimited possibilities! There is no specific formula, only a versatile combination! Just for your wild imagination!
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StudyTour SDN 1 SIDAHARJA Lakbok to YOGYAKARTA 25 Feberuari 2024
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Ingin menikmati keindahan pantai Pangandaran beserta tempat wisata di sekitarnya? Anda bisa booking di Nur Maulna Semesta Tour dan Travel sekarang juga..
Menariknya, Anda juga akan mendapatkan fasilitas menginap di hotel/Penginapan , plus makan dengan menu berbeda. Nikmati liburan dengan bergembira bersama group, keluarga, sahabat, atau pasangan Anda sendiri. untuk informasi lebih lanjut, bisa hubungi 0815-6110-900 sekarang juga.
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Hi Everyone!
Starting off our first study tour class was the scavenger hunt. The air pollution was reaching unbreathable levels on the day of our scavenger hunt so our study tour was cancelled.
A friend and I started the tour originally at Mood Fabrics. I am a fashion design major so seeing all of the different fabrics was like DisneyLand for me. We walked around the whole store and different levels of the store. We spoke to the Buyer and the Marketing representative of the Mood NYC store. We found out they have many different stores, they work with designers to sell and buy fabric. They also explained how most designers like to come into the store to get a feel for the fabric rather then ordering it online.
The next destination on our scavenger hunt was Brayant Park. We sat down at a table in the park, people watched and talked. There was a large field in the middle that was closed off unfortunately. Im guessing it was closed off for some sort of event later on. We started to make our way over the the library. Unfortunately we did not go inside but we admired the architecture of the building with the lions outside. Lastly we made it to the Big Button. I did not realize it was going to be a sewing button but I soon realized the point of the button and its locational reference. It was a great opportunity to see this different landmarks in my new home away from home.
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Today we headed to Jeju to meet the Inje University students. Our first stop was at a Jeju theme park attraction where we got early access to a new exhibit they are opening up tomorrow (5/25) it was definitely fun reliving some of my childhood in the ball pit

We then headed to Osulloc Tea Museum where I learned Jeju is not only famous for their tea but also for their oranges which are grown exclusively here and are called Hallabang. This is also where I ate at probably the best cafe food I have had so far it’s seriously amazing.

After this outing we checked into our hotel with the Inje University students and then headed out to the local fish market. Here is where I tried Tanghulu which is a sugar coated fruit and it’s delicious! Later this evening we all went out and got Korean Fried Chicken together! Although, there is a language barrier everyone is very eager to talk to each other and have no problems with using translation apps! It’s been lovely getting to know them :)

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Study abroad in US, Canada, and Ireland. This is the perfect time when you can proceed with your higher education at an international prestigious college.
We are official representatives of many top international universities. Call us now at 8586900846 or email [email protected] to know about the universities and course details.
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Best Travel and Tourism Courses at Smartzett Academy
Smartzett Academy offers high-quality Travel and Tourism Courses to prepare you with the relevant skills and knowledge that will support you to achieve a successful career. Learn from industry experts and get hands-on experience in Travel Management, Hospitality, and customer service. Join us today and embark on an exciting global career!
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Final Day of ISELP UK 🇬🇧
The last day of the ISELP tour was nothing short of amazing 🤩 as the students had the opportunity to visit the legendary Wimbledon 🎾 – a dream place for any sports enthusiast.
They deep-dived into a study session at Wimbledon, gaining a detailed insight into the legacy and operations of one of the world’s most prestigious sporting events.
Next, visiting the Lord's Stadium 🏏, known as the "Home of Cricket," filled the students with pride, as many Indian cricketers made history on British soil.
On the way home ✈️, IISM students left the UK with an extraordinary experience of learning & exploring the world of sports, making a memory for a lifetime.
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Aku dan Studytour Kala itu
Aku Fia dari kelas X-3 ingin menceritakan tentang "Aku dan Studytour Kala itu" sebelum itu aku mau bilang bahwa Studytour kali ini bener" amaze banget?!?!? Aku setiap ngeliat video" yang aku rekam selama disana aku bener" KANGENNNNN BGTTTTTT 😭🤷♀️😭🤷♀️ saking banyaknya video yang aku rekam, aku sampe males bgt buat ngepost ke sosmed karna itu PANJANGGGGGG BGTTTT. Aku selama 5 hari itu sakit, apalagi kalo di bis terus aku kan duduknya dibelakang ya jadi itu AC nya subhanallah DINGIN BGT🥶!!!!
Aku merasakan susah dan senang nya si waktu dibis, buat senang nya BANYAK BGT🕺🕺 NAH buat susah nya YTTA aja si cuman cewe X3 doang yg tau wkwkwk🙂🙂. Aku langsung keceritanya ya! Aku pas Studytour kali ini seneng banget, karena kita mengunjungi banyak tempat, nah berikut tempat yang kita kunjungi di Malang-Yogyakarta, jangan sampe lupa ya!
Aku di Florawisata Santerra De Laponte, Wahana disini seru banget si, apalagi kalo main nya sama temen", apa ga makin seru tuh😵💫 pemandangan di sini asri banget, tapi sayangnya aku ga nyobain ice creamnya ☹️☹️ Batu Night Spectacular, ini tempat yang amaze banget si menurut aku?! Aku juga nyobain wahananya banyak banget, terus kan kita di sana sampe jam 10/11 malem ya, jadi makin seru banget kalo malam, apalagi ada show khusus di sana dan itu ga kalah KEREN! Aku paling suka pas hunting squishy ya sama Sindy, Layya 🤪Universitas Brawijaya, Ini first time ke UB dan kangen banget kesana😞 apalagi dengerin presentasi kakak" FISIP nyaa🤩kangen jalan" di UB.
Aku sama temen" ku ke Museum Angkut, tapi karna aku ga terlalu suka keramaian jadi aku kurang suka sama Museum ini Mates😕 tapi spot foto disini bagus bagus, banyak yang replika tapi bagus bangetttt dan sampe bingung mau foto dimana soalnya ngantri mulu 🙄 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Kangen di UGM 🏃♀️, ga foto di UB juga ga foto di UGM🥰🥰 Lava Tour, Seru siiiiii, tapi gasuka after basah-basahannya soalnya DINGIN🥶 Malioboro, Ga ada foto", kangen", memori, GA ADA. Aku disana ngerasain cape banget jalan jauh jauh, eh gada tu tempat yang seru🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌. SINGKAT SAJA, ada top 3 yang aku kangen in di Studytour ini! 👇👇
Aku sama Riciv, Mei sarapan di Hotel, jujur aku suka bgt sama yang namanya all you can eat, karna itu aku sarapan paling akhir dan menghabiskan/nyobain SEMUANYA👺ga deng sebenarnya bareng sama Rici, Mei buat nyobain semua menu 🫢 Main wahana di BNS, ini seru sih, aku rate 100/10 lah karna ini wahana nya seru apalagi rumah hantunya, terus ada momen di mana aku didorong sama ZAHROH🤬🤬🤬 ada yang lebih parah si dari itu, AKU KENA PUKUL, ga terima bgt yaallah 👺 ingin rasanya aku pukul balik tapi karna aku inget kalo berantem aku dipulangkan dan kena denda makannya aku diam 🫠🫠. Aku pas di BNS seru sih tapi ada kesel nya terus ada males nya terus ada pengen nangis nya terus terus terus, di kamar Hotel, karna aku anak kamar jadi ini adalah TOP 1 aku pas Studytour 🧟♀️, karaoke, makan lawson, mandi jam 3, cerita tentang ini itu🧌🧌🧌 pokonya aku suka bgt waktu dikamar hotel karna aku bisa tidur nyenyak......💤💤💤. Aku selalu inget penyesalan pas di sana, yaitu GA MAKAN BAKSO MALANG.
Aku menyiapkan hikmah buat Studytour kali ini! Kalian kalo main wahana terus desak-desakan, ganti wahana aja! Kalian nanti kena pukul orang lain.
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StudyTour Malang dan Yogyakarta
Pada study tour kali ini, aku bersama teman-teman dari Al Bayan Cendekia berkesempatan mengunjungi dua kota yang menarik, yaitu Malang dan Yogyakarta. Perjalanan ini berlangsung selama satu minggu pada bulan Februari 2025. Tujuan utama dari study tour ini adalah untuk memperluas wawasan kami melalui kunjungan ke berbagai tempat edukatif (mendidik) dan budaya di kedua kota tersebut. Kami mengunjungi sejumlah destinasi, termasuk universitas terkemuka, situs bersejarah, dan objek wisata populer, yang semuanya memberikan pengalaman akan selalu di rindukan. selain itu, di sana kami semua bisa memperkaya pengetahuan.
Kami memulai perjalanan ke Malang dengan mengunjungi Florawisata Santerra de Laponte, tempat wisata penuh bunga yang indah dengan suasana khas Eropa (azekkkk keren sih tempatnya). Tetapi aku dan teman-teman sesudah bermain wahana menjadi mual dan pusing, karna terlalu banyak yang kami mainkan (pokonya waktu main wahana cuman di puter puter doang). Setelah puas berfoto dan menikmati keindahan taman. Aku satu kamar dengan Nikei dan Bulan lalu kita check-in ke hotel untuk beristirahat. Malam harinya, aku dan teman-teman mengunjungi Batu Night Spectacular (BNS), tempat wisata yang banyak wahana seru dengan lampu lampu yang indah, menurut aku wahana di BNS jauh lebih seru dari sebelumnya yang kami mainkan, Keesokan hari nya, kami check out hotel dan lanjut untuk berkunjung ke Universitas Brawijaya, salah satu kampus ternama di Indonesia, dan berkeliling melihat suasana kampus yang asri (kami mengunjungi salah satu Fakultas Fisip). Setelah dari sana, kami lanjut ke Museum Angkut, tempat yang penuh koleksi kendaraan klasik dari berbagai zaman. Selain itu, kita juga jadi belajar banyak hal baru di sana. Setelah puas menikmati Malang, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Yogyakarta. Di sana, kami terlebih dahulu mengunjungi Universitas Gadjah Mada dan melihat langsung suasana akademik yang terkenal (kami mengunjungi salah satu Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi). Kemudian, kami pergi ke Merapi Lava Tour, di situ aku dan teman-teman (Fea dan Amel) naik jeep menyusuri jalur bekas letusan Gunung Merapi. Seru banget, karna di situ kita juga basah basahan. Malemnya, nongkrong di Malioboro, jalan-jalan, cari jajanan enak, dan ke wahana rumah hantu. Pagi nya kami langsung check-out, lalu pulang ke Cianjur.
Study tour ini seru dan bikin kangen banget sih, selain bisa jalan-jalan ke tempat keren, aku juga makin deket sama temen boarding dan kakak kelas. Momen ini bakal jadi salah satu pengalaman terseru yang pernah aku alami ketika Study tour bersama teman-teman Sma. Semoga nanti bisa Study tour lagi ke tempat yang enggak kalah seruuuuu🔥
(Pokonya ketika perjalanan Malang Yogyakarta selama 6 hari, aku sama temen-temen yang lain dikasih makan 3 kali sehari. Cuman enggak aku ketik aja di situnya, hehehe maaf ya🥲)

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