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iismmumbai · 2 months ago
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Final Day of ISELP UK 🇬🇧
The last day of the ISELP tour was nothing short of amazing đŸ€© as the students had the opportunity to visit the legendary Wimbledon đŸŽŸ – a dream place for any sports enthusiast.
They deep-dived into a study session at Wimbledon, gaining a detailed insight into the legacy and operations of one of the world’s most prestigious sporting events.
Next, visiting the Lord's Stadium 🏏, known as the "Home of Cricket," filled the students with pride, as many Indian cricketers made history on British soil.
On the way home ✈, IISM students left the UK with an extraordinary experience of learning & exploring the world of sports, making a memory for a lifetime.
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ascarletflame · 4 years ago
After having the Spirale hospital deny his requests so many times, Grimm was forced to look elsewhere. His searching brought him to a newly opened pharmacy with the name Bubu. And despite its newness, it seemed to already have quite a reputation of being well received. Perhaps this was the stroke of luck he needed...?
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“A good day to you, sir,” Grimm greets as he strides up to the counter. “Tell me, are these reviews for your lovely establishment on Iselp legit? Others refuse to aid me with my special needs... I do hope I won’t hear the same here.”
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leabeaubois · 5 years ago
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Affiche promotionnelle du film Le Reader, produit par Misssouri, impression jet d'encre, 2020
Un film de Master Sculpture, erg, Bruxelles ; DNSEP Art mention Cherbourg, ésam Caen-Cherbourg, Atelier Sirjacq, Ensba Paris ★ Avec le soutien de La Comédie de Caen CDN de Normandie, La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, ISELP, AJC ★ Images et sons: Archive collective ★ Musique : Nicolas Jorio, Alban Mercier, Léa Tumbarello ★ Elaboration et montage: Béatrice Delcorde ★ Avec Sarah Abdali, Fanny Aeschlimann, Aude Anquetil, Chloé Arrouy, Yannick Bauwens, Léa Beaubois, Delphiane Bellante, Rico Benz, Elisa Bertin, Cécile Danhiez, Béatrice Delcorde, Paul Calloch, Manon Capisano, Jeanne Carré, Léa Chauré, Agathe Chevallier, Samuel Cordat, Adeline Cros, Yannick Denizart, Julia Droga, Rudy Dumas-Jandolo, Marianne Dupain, David Evrard, Igor Fouqueray, Léo Fourdrinier, Louis Garrido, Léo Gillet, Laurie Giraud, Elissare Grenier, Marilou Guyon, Victor Hamonic, Clément Hebert, Tilhenn Klapper, Léo Lacape, Jeanne Lecarré, Marine Lemaire, Paul Lepetit, Virginie Levavasseur, Arthur Ligeon, Alban Mercier, Robin Moreels, Marie Namur, Camille Raynier, Felix Touzalin, Léa Tumbarello, Nicolas Valckenaere, Tom Valckenaere, Guillaume Vannier, Kobas Verschurren, Yi Zhang
Avec le soutien de erg Bruxelles, DNSEP Art Cherbourg, Ensba Paris
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maudmarique · 6 years ago
MAUD MARIQUE est artiste & poĂšte. Elle travaille principalement avec/sur le langage et sur/avec internet. Outre ses projets en ligne, elle prend part Ă  des Ă©ditions et des expositions, écrit dans des revues, performe lors d'Ă©vĂ©nements littĂ©raires, collabore avec des artistes et est membre du collectif Sabir, qui publie la revue du mĂȘme nom.
they say | il paraßt que | The Wrong Biennale
Mots Choisis
Rumeurs sur l’amour | Centre Pompidou
L’artiste en tĂ©lĂ©travail | Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles de Paris
Moi je parle avec les mots des autres | Festival Actoral
Rumeurs sur les Ăźles | Ateliers Mommen
Métalangue | Iselp
Retarder une expo de 48 minutes | Linz + Toronto
Jusqu’à Ă©puisement des stocks | While supplies last | Galerie B-312
Pavillon levé (Dix jours à vaincre les mortes eaux) | Circa art actuel
rosa rosa rosae rosae | SB34
Triche au loto bulgare ? | Sabir
Veuillez trouver ci-joint mon curriculum vitae | Sabir
King Kong n°0 | Kikk Festival
King Kong n°1 | Kikk Festival
In Vivam Memoriam | Romain Tardy
Those who + All there in the sky | Worran
Let’s Motiv
Amour, Gloire & Chips
Entrez sans frapper | RTBF — La Premiùre
En cours de route | Radio Campus Bruxelles
L  |  I   |   F  |  T
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lucaschilderkunstgent · 3 years ago
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Expo in ISELP Brussel met werk van Master student Schilderkunst Dennis Ceylan.
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bruxellescity · 3 years ago
ISELP : Savoir Faire
ISELP : Savoir Faire
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panorama-photographie · 7 years ago
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Vues de l’exposition ‘State Of Statelessness’, ISELP, Bruxelles (2018)
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iismmumbai · 2 months ago
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Day 4 Highlights of ISELP UK 🇬🇧
When you're in the UK, a visit to the Silverstone Museum is a must. It's an experience you don't want to miss.
As the day started with ease, the students stepped into the heart of British Motor Racing at the Silverstone Museum đŸŽïž, located at the iconic Silverstone Circuit, before departing for London 🚌. There, they exhibited around, explored legendary cars, and immersed themselves in the stories of racing heroes.
Stay tuned for Day 5. More to come.
@lifeatiism @silverstonemuseum
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years ago
Gunshot Wounds, Boyfriends And An Overprotective Dad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QB2GbE
by PrinceLouistheVampire3113 (ThePrince0fDorkness)
Peter and Wade have been dating for a few weeks, so it's not really a surprise when the spidery superhero asks Wade to meet his adoptive parents, Tony and Loki, but as his boyfriend. However, things get a little out of hand on a mission gone wrong which iselped thanks to Loki's magic and Wade being overprotective of his shorter boyfriend. Oneshot.
Words: 2714, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Loki/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Hurt Peter Parker, Precious Peter Parker, wade wilson is a good boyfriend, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Parent Loki (Marvel), Protective Loki (Marvel), Engagement, Engaged Lok/Tony
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QB2GbE
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ninonmazeaud-blog · 5 years ago
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Stage d’imprimerie. Kebab-Baobab 
Enfants de 6 Ă  12 ans
Musée ISELP. Bruxelles. 2020 
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bozarismnextgeneration · 7 years ago
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ISELP / Piort Pavlenvski / comprendre l’Art Contemporain
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sysk-ehess · 5 years ago
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Mercredi 27 novembre 2019
Le sĂ©minaire prĂ©vu le 29 mai dernier n’ayant pu avoir lieu, nous nous rĂ©jouissons de sa venue.
De 19h à 21h à la MSH, 16-18 rue Suger 75006 Paris (Métro Odéon ou Saint-Michel)
Originaire du Congo, Monique Mbeka Phoba exerce le mĂ©tier de cinĂ©aste depuis Bruxelles, oĂč elle gĂšre une maison de production de films, RUMBACOM. Elle a une dizaine d'Ɠuvres cinĂ©matographiques Ă  son actif, surtout des documentaires autobiographiques ou politiques sur les 2 pays africains qui sont au cƓur de son inspiration : la RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo, en Afrique Centrale et le BĂ©nin, en Afrique de l'Ouest, oĂč elle a vĂ©cu une dizaine d'annĂ©es et crĂ©Ă© le festival de films LAGUNIMAGES, toujours en activitĂ©. Les documentaires de Monique Mbeka Phoba ont Ă©tĂ© co-produits aussi bien par des tĂ©lĂ©visions europĂ©ennes (RTBF, France 5, ARTE, ZDF) que par l'ORTB, la tĂ©lĂ©vision publique bĂ©ninoise, oĂč ses films continuent d'ĂȘtre diffusĂ©s chaque annĂ©e.
AprĂšs deux dĂ©cennies en tant que documentariste, Monique Mbeka a dĂ©cidĂ© de refaire une formation de scĂ©nariste Ă  l'Institut des Arts de Diffusion (IAD) au milieu de condisciples d'une vingtaine d'annĂ©es pour la plupart. Cette expĂ©rience l'a confrontĂ©e de plein fouet Ă  la mĂ©connaissance perturbante par la jeune gĂ©nĂ©ration, d'origine afrodescendante ou non, du passĂ© colonial. Son premier court-mĂ©trage de fiction,' Soeur Oyo' (2015), est une rĂ©invention de la vie de sa mĂšre, adolescente, alors que celle-ci vivait au pensionnat de Mbanza-Mboma. Ce pensionnat, crĂ©Ă© en 1947, Ă©tait considĂ©rĂ© comme rĂ©volutionnaire, car il offrait aux jeunes filles congolaises l’accĂšs aux Ă©tudes secondaires. 'Soeur Oyo', diffusĂ© par la RTBF, suscita un Ă©norme intĂ©rĂȘt et relança la question rĂ©currente de l'invisibilisation de l'histoire coloniale en Belgique, oĂč elle fut particuliĂšrement lourde. Monique Mbeka s'est lancĂ©e depuis 2015 dans une sĂ©rie de masterclasses, 25 Ă  ce jour, qui explorent le cinĂ©ma belge sous le prisme de cette thĂ©matique coloniale. Ces masterclasses se sont tenues Ă  l'UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), l'UniversitĂ© Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve (UCL), Ă  la Contour Biennale de Mechelen, Ă  BOZAR, Ă  la Maison EuropĂ©enne des Auteurs et des Autrices (MEDAA), au Festival International de CinĂ©ma de Kinshasa (FICKIN), Ă  l'Institut SupĂ©rieur d'Etudes du Langage Plastique (ISELP), etc.
Monique Mbeka a été l'assistante éditoriale du recueil 'Nouvelles du Congo' (Editions Magellan, 2015). Elle a été membre des jurys du Festival Panafricain de Cinéma de Ouagadougou, du festival Cinéma du Réel à Paris, de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Elle est membre de l'Association des Scénaristes de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et poursuit l'écriture de son premier long-métrage de fiction. Elle est également l'autrice d'un recueil de poÚmes, Yemadja (2016).
[EN] Monique Mbeka Phoba (born 1962) is a filmmaker whose family comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and who works and lives in Brussels, from where she runs the production company RUMBACOM. Mbeka Phoba has made around ten documentary films, autobiographical and/or political about the two African countries at the heart of her practice : the DRC and  Bénin, where she lived for ten years and where she created the LAGUNIMAGES film festival, which is still in activity. Her documentaries have been co-produced by European network and the African TV network ONTB based in Bénin, which broadcasts her films every year.
After twenty years of documentary film, Monique decided to rethink her practice and at 50, obtained a degree in scriptwriting in Belgium.' Sister Oyo' (2015), her first fictionnal short, is based on her mother’s life as a schoolgirl in the colonial Congo of the 50’s, when she was sent to a Catholic boarding school in Mbanza-Mboma, a French speaking school where young girls could get a secondary education. This film was amongst the works which relaunched the question of the invisibilisation of the colonial history in Belgium. Since the release of the film, Monique Mbeka Phoba  has given a series of masterclasses, which explores Belgian cinema under the prism of the colonial theme, which took place at UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), UniversitĂ© Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve (UCL), Contour Biennale in Mechelen, BOZAR, Maison EuropĂ©enne des Auteurs et des Autrices (MEDAA), at the Festival International de CinĂ©ma de Kinshasa (FICKIN), and at the Institut SupĂ©rieur d'Etudes du Langage Plastique (ISELP), among other venues.
Monique Mbeka has been the assistant editor for the  volume 'Nouvelles du Congo' (Editions Magellan, 2015). She has been a jury member for the Festival Panafricain de Cinéma de Ouagadougou (Fespaco), for the Cinéma du Réel Festival in Paris, as well as for the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and the Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation. She is a member of the Wallonie-Bruxelles scriptwriting organisation and is currently writing her first fiction feature film. She is also the author of Yemadja, a book of poems (2016).
Programmation et prochains rendez-vous sur ce site ou par abonnement Ă  la newsletter : [email protected]
Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia FalguiÚres, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte.
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shugademus-fbandt · 5 years ago
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Primo Levi, if this is a man
Updike on Kafka
Play at CIVA & archive
Truss BvB
The joker
Modern times
Man bites dog
Wiels, open skies expo; sorted, unsorted
Iselp, Babel (lost voices, mother daughter grandmother)
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miniaturevideogame · 6 years ago
Next week come to the inauguration of the exhibition GAMES AND POLITICS / We’ll be there...
“The exhibition GAMES AND POLITICS features eighteen videogames released in the past fifteen years that have expressly political content. They can all be played at ISELP. They belong to little-known genres: from documentary/journalistic games known as newsgames, to anti-war games.
Alongside GAMES AND POLITICS, ISELP has invited Julien Annart from FOr’J, renowned Belgian specialist, to put together a programme of workshops, conferences and meetings. He and his guests will contextualise videogames in recent cultural history.
-Free entrance from Tuesday to Saturday, from 11AM to 6PM”
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bruxellescity · 3 years ago
C'est aussi la rentrée à ISELP!
C’est aussi la rentrĂ©e à ISELP!
Week-end de rentrĂ©e Du 14 au 17 Oct. Venez cĂ©lĂ©brer avec nous la rentrĂ©e 2021-22 lors d’un week-end festif rythmĂ© de performances, visites guidĂ©es et rencontres ! Celui-ci s’ouvrira le jeudi 14 octobre avec le vernissage de Savoir Faire, notre exposition automnale. Plusieurs visites guidĂ©es et rencontres avec les artistes et curateurs vous seront proposĂ©es durant le weekend du 15 au 17

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xavier-duffaut · 8 years ago
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Still waiting for the image to arise, Mai 2017 Installation in situ qui entend contribuer à l’oeuvre de Josephine Kaeppelin, An image will arise.  
Iselp, Bruxelles.
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