#Student orientation ceremony
townpostin · 2 months
MTMC Jamshedpur Welcomes New Batch of Allied Health Sciences Students
Orientation ceremony marks start of 2024-25 academic year for aspiring healthcare professionals Manipal Tata Medical College’s Allied Health Sciences department initiates new academic year, offering diverse opportunities and ongoing admissions for prospective students. JAMSHEDPUR – The commencement of the 2024-25 academic session was marked by an orientation ceremony at Manipal Tata Medical…
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iismmumbai · 1 year
📍 Location: IISM - International Institute of Sports & Management
🤩 Witness the thrilling moments when two powerhouses collide - Cricket and Sports Education! As Mr. Mohammad Kaif takes a tour of the state-of-the-art facilities at IISM, we can't help but be inspired by his passion for both the game and empowering future sports leaders. 🙌🌟
From the vibrant sports arenas to the classrooms buzzing with knowledge, watch as Mr. Kaif motivates the students to reach new heights in their sporting careers. 🎓🏏
School of Sports Management-IISM
School of Sports Science-IISM
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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Dorm Heads - With Zhongli Male Reader
I'm sorry this took so long to post, Mystery anon! I've been super busy with personal stuff so I haven't had a lot of free time to work on this. I got pretty burned out at Idia's part and I couldn't be bothered to touch it up honestly; so, sorry about that. I hope this is what you wanted. —Benny🐰
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🌹 This hot headed boy was pretty surprised to find that the supposed magicless student from the orientation ceremony was not in fact magicless; seeing as you brought down a literal meteor and crushed the poor unsuspecting, feline resembling, monster. A meteor which appeared out of thin air and left no traces of damage behind after its impact. To say poor Riddle was confused and also fairly alarmed was an understatement. 
🌹 Your mannerisms were very strange to him. You're very well spoken and composed; yet you're seemingly wise beyond your years. Why are you speaking as if you're in your 80s? Riddle won't lie though; for an old man you're quite good looking. If he didn't have a reputation to uphold and examples to set, he could stare at you all day long.
🌹 A dragon? Well… that explains a lot. No wonder the Dark Mirror couldn't detect magic in you; or at least, that's what he reasons with himself. Please; he needs an explanation, he's so confused. Upon seeing your dragon form though… Riddle is once again confused. Are dragons supposed to be that long? Not that he's complaining though; the way you make a massive bed out of yourself is hard to contest.
🌹 T‐Treasure? Him? That's— Now look here; no amount of buttering him up will make you exempt from the rules, You— you scoundrel! Riddle is not easily tricked! Even if he is a tad bit more lenient with you, no he's not. You have no proof.
🌹 You have a son now too!? Just what else aren't you telling him!? Riddle doesn't mind Xiao at all actually. He thinks that they're both similar in how dedicated they are to their work. The adeptus seems to only tolerate him though; which, while disheartening, he completely understands.
"How odd, the Dark Mirror perceived you as magicless, yet you summoned stone and earth just now. Just who are you..?"
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🦁 Right off the bat Leona could smell it and immediately he knew; that ain't a damn human. However, he couldn't seem to pinpoint just what you were exactly. You smelled similar to his one sided rival, Malleus, but it was different somehow. In the end, he just chalked it up to you being a fae of some kind. He did find it bizarre that the Dark Mirror claimed you to be magicless and directly after that you used magic. Whatever, he just wants a nap.
🦁 Why the hell are you talking like that? You sound like Diasomnia's Vice Dorm Head. Seriously, who in the world says ‘quite’ anymore. But, Leona doesn't mind you going off on one of your long winded story times about your past. Your deep voice is very smooth and soothing to his ears and has lulled him to sleep successfully every time.
🦁 HA! He knew it; his nose is never wrong after all. Well… maybe Leona was off by a little; but you're certainly not a human. A dragon though? No wonder you smelled similar to his nemesis; except your scent is more earthy than the dragon fae's. Your dragon form makes a very comfortable body pillow to cling onto. Yes, he is indeed speaking from experience. What was said experience, you ask? You were taking a nap in your dorm room while in your dragon form and woke up with a wild lion beastman clinging onto you.
🦁 Treasure, huh? Okay, be prepared for him to call you nicknames of his own. Noodle is one that Leona uses the most; a way to endearingly tease you about the foreign look of your dragon form. Another one he likes to use is old man/gramps; a tease on the strange way you speak.
🦁 Oh dear Seven; please not another Cheka, he doesn't think he can deal with another gremlin in this lifetime. Thankfully for Leona though, the avian adeptus is far older than his hyperactive nephew and awfully cold too. The lion beastman is pretty sure that Xiao doesn't like him, but you've continually assured him that your son actually really enjoys his presence.
"Damn, you sure talk a lot, Gramps. Hah? I didn't tell ya to stop or anything, keep talkin' I'm almost asleep."
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🐙 His immediate impression of you was actually very positive! You seemed incredibly knowledgeable and well spoken. But what really caught Azul's attention was your apparently unrecognizable magic. The Dark Mirror proclaimed you magicless and yet shortly after the proclamation you displayed an exceptional control over stone and earth when you suddenly summoned a large stone pillar to attack your rampaging familiar. Color him intrigued.
🐙 My, what a strange way of speaking you have; are you perhaps anything like Diasomnia's Vice Dorm Head where you're far older than you appear? Azul actually doesn't find your mannerisms all that strange to be honest, he thinks it just gives a certain charm to you.
🐙 Oh, so you're a dragon are you? Would you perhaps be interested in signing a contract with him? It's for your benefit, he swears. No? Damn. Your dragon form reminds him a bit of various aquatic animals that populate the Coral Sea. Don't mind him calling you any names of fish you've never heard of, okay. Sometimes, if he's tired enough, Azul will allow you to cuddle with him in your dragon form. It's quite comfortable, so he doesn't mind too much.
🐙 Azul doesn't mind giving nicknames to people, but he's not too used to receiving from anyone other than Floyd and sometimes Jade. So when you refer to him as your treasure, he's caught off guard and pretty flustered. He'll never not be red in the face when you call him by that pet name, but he has a few of his own for you. Oarfish is one that he uses often, mostly in a teasing sense. Another is Ropefish, this one is used sparingly, he never told you why though.
🐙 Xiao… does not like him. The adeptus made it very clear upon their first meeting when he held the blade of his polearm to the poor cecaelia's throat and fixed him with the sharpest glare Azul had ever seen. It would seem that you told him about the whole contract debacle that went down before his overblot and your son wasn't going to forgive him any time soon.
"Are you perhaps interested in making a contract with me? My services are quite high quality and will certainly benefit you in the future. Eh? S‐shady? Me?"
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🪲 Kalim thought that you were really cool when he first saw you at the entrance ceremony! Not only did you help him put the fire on his butt out, you also summoned a huge meteor out of nowhere! “‘I will have order!’” You sounded so cool! Ah… but wait– didn't the Dark Mirror say that you were magicless? Oh whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.
🪲 Why do you talk like you're old? You look way too young to talk like that; maybe around Professor Crewel's age but that in itself is a stretch. Expect a lot of questions from Kalim; like a lot. How old are you really? Are you a fae? Were you raised by your grandparents? What do you mean you don't know what omg means? How did you get your hair so shiny? Why do you wear clothes like that? Where are you from? Do you have a job? What do you do for work? Why are you looking at him like that? Huh… who's Hu Tao?
🪲 A Dragon!? That's so cool! Our precious boy was completely blindsided by the revelation that you were, in fact, not a human. When you reveal your dragon form to him Kalim is ecstatic, attempting to wrap his arms around your now massive form. Most times you'll be lounging on his massive bed while in your dragon form as he lays in the middle of your coiled body; running his fingers through the fur on your neck and pressing kisses to your snout.
🪲 While he certainly doesn't mind receiving nicknames and pet names, actually he loves it, it makes him happy, but Kalim isn't one to give nicknames himself, he prefers to use their birth names because it feels more intimate. However, he's not against it when you call him your treasure, he's very happy, it makes him feel all warm and bubbly inside. He might call you Cobra from time to time but it definitely won't be too often.
🪲 You have a kid? Can he meet them!? Please, please, please! Yes? Yay! Your poor emo son was immediately glomped by the eldest prince of the scorching sands as soon as he entered the room. Kalim was so excited that he didn't even let the adeptus speak before he vomited questions at him. Xiao actually didn't mind him at all, the golden retriever-like boy reminded him of a certain oni he once met in the Casm in Liyue.
"Why do you talk like you're old but look so young? Are you a fae like Lilia? What kind? Can I see your wings? Am I allowed to ask that? Wait! Was that rude!? I'm sorry!"
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👑 Vil actually had a very positive but slightly strained impression of you. You were very well put together; a foreign beauty from another land if you will. Well dressed, well spoken and dashingly handsome; it would be a lie to say that he felt a bit threatened by your arrival to the NRC. Not only were you undeniably attractive though, you possessed an unknown magic that the Dark Mirror couldn't even identify. You were marvelous but mysterious, beautiful yet dangerous. He couldn't help but find himself lost in those glowing amber eyes as you summoned a translucent shield around yourself.
👑 Goodness you're like that Lilia fellow from Diasomnia, only taller, far more charming and much less with the times. Truly, your lack of knowledge about modern technology and tendency to forget your wallet is astonishing. You're like an old man trapped in a young man's body. Don't worry though, Vil will do his best to lay it all out clearly for you.
👑 I'm sorry, you're a what? Could you repeat that darling, Vil doesn't quite think he heard you right. Oh, a dragon, well… okay. He's never seen a real dragon before but something about that form of yours seems a bit… off should he say? You actually resemble more of a snake in his opinion. He won't cuddle with you in your dragon form, unfortunately. His clothes are far too expensive to be covered in dragon fur; but he will give you a few pets from a good distance away. Take what you can get, man.
👑 I need you to know that Vil is the fairest of them all, he's heard it all by now. Well… he thought he did. It wasn't really the pet name but the sincerity in that loving tone you used when you called him your treasure. Oh, how it made him swoon! You rascal, flattery will get you everywhere with him.
👑 Xiao… is afraid of him. One time, you left the two of them alone for ten minutes and came back to a trashed room, a grinning Vil and a beautified yaksha that was trembling in embarrassment and rage. Your poor emo son was holding himself high up and far away from the beautiful man by hanging onto his winged jade spear that was stabbed into the wall. The Pomfiore prefect was right though, green really is Xiao's color.
"Are you sure you're a dragon? I've never heard of dragon being quite so... oddly shaped. No– I'm not saying you look bad, you're very majestic and dare I say intimidating, I simply haven't ever seen a dragon like you before."
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💀 He recognized you from somewhere; he was sure of it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. From his tablet, Idia watched as the Dark Mirror addressed you as magicless; though, shortly after, you summoned a pillar of dark brown and amber colored stone to subdue your fire spewing familiar. You were so familiar, yet he couldn't think of where from, it was like some divine intervention was preventing it. Weird….
💀 You… How are you so clueless about technology? Just where the hell are you from that you don't know what a phone is? Your young appearance betrays your age too… You're like an irl anime character! Idia is absolutely raving! Hold on; let him write down a couple catchphrases and design you a costume! Don't worry, he'll teach you all he knows about modern tech as long as you go to this upcoming cosplay convention with him. You can be his main shielding healer from ‘Outworld Collision’!
💀 A dragon? Okay… so? Diasomnia's Dorm Head is kind of a dragon, so what's there to be surprised about? Your dragon form is a bit strange looking, but it's not like he'd actually tell you that; then again he's seen a lot of weird fantasy shit in the media he consumes on the daily, so he has no real reason to comment. Idia enjoy sitting in the middle of your coiled up serpentine body as he plays his games and reads his light novels; enthusiastically explaining the plot as he goes.
💀 T‐teasure? Your treasure? This poor man just about died when you called him that pet name for the first time. You thought he was so valuable that you compared him to treasure? Hold on, give Idia a second so he can compose himself, he's absolutely blue screening right now. 
💀 Your son actually still has yet to meet Idia; he always psyches himself up to meet the yaksha but then chickens out at the last minute. He's just worried that if Xiao doesn't like him then you'll change your mind about being with him. It's not that he thinks the adeptus would purposely try and break the two of you up, he's just super paranoid.
"T‐treasure? Me? Ah... t‐thank you... I t‐treasure you as well; you mean a lot to me. Um, g‐give me a second, I'll give you a nickname too.."
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🐲 Malleus, of course, hadn't attended the orientation ceremony due to not receiving an invitation, however Lilia had told him all about you when he returned to Diasomnia. He was very intrigued to hear about how you didn't seem to be human despite your appearance. As well as how the Dark Mirror had mistakenly labeled you as magicless as you seemed to display expert control over stone and earth. You truly lived up to expectations when he finally met you during his midnight walk around Ramshackle. You were quite the beauty as well.
🐲 Your disposition didn't faze him in the slightest. If anything, it just confirmed Malleus’ assumptions that you certainly weren't a human. He and Lilia speak in the exact same way as you, so he has no reason to be concerned nor intrigued about it. However, your habit of forgetting your wallet is a bit vexing.
🐲 You're… a dragon? Really!? Oh, you have absolutely no idea just how extatic he is to meet another dragon! Er, well, he isn't exactly a dragon, but he is close to it. Whenever you show him your dragon form, he's even more in awe of you than he was before. Truly, you were the most majestic creature he has ever had the pleasure to bear witness to. He'll happily show you his own dragon form too; expect to set aside a few hours once every week so that you and Malleus can cuddle together in said forms.
🐲 Your Treasure, you say? My my, you're quite charming aren't you? Now, Malleus isn't one to be easily flustered, but knowing how important treasures are to dragons, you're practically getting down on one knee when you call him that. Of course, he's not cruel enough to leave the sentiment unreturned, so he's taken to calling you his jewel or his fallen star in reference to you coming from another world.
🐲 Believe it or not, Xiao actually tried to kill him upon their first meeting. The yaksha had mistakenly thought that he was a demon that had somehow followed you all the way here. Thankfully though, you calmed your son down, explained the situation and introduced the two. Malleus actually took quite the liking to him despite the initial frosty reception; saying how the adeptus reminded him of a more quiet version of Sebek.
"My, look at you. Such a gorgeous mane of fur, those glossy brown scales, curled horns of glowing amber, and those cute whiskers you have. What a magnificent creature you are, my darling."
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 28 days
TWST with an Ubuyashiki Child reader (Part 2)
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Crowley: "Welcome to Night Raven College, child!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Night Raven College?"
Crowley: "Yes, yes. Now come with me, we must hurry back to the ceremony. Everyone is waiting for you-."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "I do not understand. May you please elaborate more, sir?"
Crowley: "Oh? Very well then. I shall elaborate more, for I am gracious! ... Ahem!"
• Crowley cleared his throat as you walked alongside him to reach the ceremony.
Crowley: "You, dear prodigy, are enrolled into this school to learn about magic."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...Magic?"
Crowley: "Yes. Those who are selected by the Ebony Carriage are fortunate to enroll here! Young mages such as yourself are to be trained and taught how to hone your magical skills to full mastery! The Dark Mirror orients you to a dormitory specialized in each category for your type of magic!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... What is the Ebony Carriage?"
Crowley: "The Ebony Carriage is the horse drawn carriage that escorted you here."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... I do not remember a carriage. Why did it bring me here despite me not possessing any magic?"
Crowley: "No magic? That's absurd! You don't have to be nervous on an important occasion such as this. I am sure you'll do just fine!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "But I--"
Crowley: "Ah! We have arrived!"
• Crowley was quick to interrupt you now that you've reached your destination. You hear voices behind two doors. You peeked through the tiny gap of the doors as the headmage tightened Grim's restraints and see hooded figures and a floating... Piece of metal?
??????: "Now where could the headmage be?"
?????: "Think he had a stomachache?"
????: "Ditched us maybe?"
??????: "Yawn... This is tiring. Can't this stupid ceremony go any faster?"
???: "Ugh... You always say that."
Crowley: "NOT AT ALL!! I've found the last one and brought them back!"
• Crowley slammed through the doors, startling a few students. He then pushed you toward an old and intricately designed mirror. Instead of seeing your reflection, a scowling face appeared in the mirror's surface. You stared at the face, and it stares back.
Dark Mirror: "State thy name."
Crowley: "Ahem! Go on, take off your hood and say your full name."
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...And if I won't?"
Crowley: "Then this ceremony will go on much longer. You wouldn't want to keep everybody waiting now, would you?"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "....."
• The silence dragged longer and the students in room began groaning, yawning, and complaining.
Random Student A: "..Ughh! I can't take this anymore 😮‍💨!"
Random Student B: "I'm so sleepy 🥱..."
Random Student C: "At this point, we'll be behind schedule for the entrance exam 😓..."
Random Student D: "What entrance exam 😒?"
Random Student C: "The NRC entrance exam? I heard that you'll need to pass it after orientation 🤨?"
Random Student D: "There is no entrance exam, you bum 🙄."
Random Student C: "Wait, seriously?! I just wasted my time studying then 😨?!"
Random Student E: "Yeah! We haven't got all night 🤬!"
Crowley: "Quiet down, students, quiet down!"
?????: "Oh no... Are they scared? Nervous?"
????: "I am so glad I'm not this normie lol."
??????: "What in the Great Sevens is taking so long?"
• The crowd of students started yelling while you're just standing there... What would father do? What would mother do? What would your siblings do? What would they do in this situation?
• .........What would you do?
• Although your expressionless face never faltered, your hands hesitantly lifted the hood of your robe, revealing your youthful appearance and void of emotion eyes. Although your mind is panicked with a thousand worries, you say your name in a calm manner.
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Ubuyashiki! Reader..."
• The hooded students whispered among themselves, mostly regarding the fact that you are a child.
Random Student C: "Woah... Is that a child 😧?"
Random Student D: "Oh no, it's a dwarf. Yeah, of course it's a child, duh 🙄."
Random Student A: "Oh shit. I just yelled at a kid 😨."
Random Student E: "We're totally gonna get an earful from the headmage after this... Do you think he heard me 😰?"
Random Student B: "Ch-chill, guys. Just chill out, it's just a kid 🫢..."
?????: "Wow! They look so young, you guys!"
???: "We can see that, Kalim."
????: "Great. Another pompous shortstack."
????: "Oh? And what magic does this child possess to be enrolled here?"
????: "Never thought I'd live to see the day where Azul plots to scam a kid."
Azul: "How preposterous, Idia. I would never do that! And I'd never scam anyone, mind you!"
Idia: "Yeah, yeah. Whatevs."
• The mirror was surprised and looked at you intensely. After a few seconds the mirror said...
Dark Mirror: "Thy soul is....... Empty."
Crowd of Students and Crowley: "WHAT?!"
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magicdustsworld · 2 months
The Feeling's Mutual
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one - rotten to the core
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Synopsis: While juggling between student council duties and upcoming university exams, you had enough on your platter to worry about. However, life just had to scream a "fuck you" at your face and now you're assigned to help the most obnoxious, arrogant, infuriating jerk in the campus.
Let's hope, you won't be charged with murder by the end of semester.
Tropes: Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, college AU.
Warnings: Profanity, OOC, mentions of - drinking, smoking, substance abuse, violence and injuries.
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: it's a repost, therefore I'll be adding tags from the next chapter.
Divider credits: @saradika-graphics
<Series masterlist>
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“Who was the first man to step on the moon?”
“Neil Armstrong.”
Your prompt and lively response drew a satisfactory smile from your mother’s lips. “Good,” With a nod, she marked the question. “And the second?”
You tilted your head, sifting your memory like leafing the pages of the very book you had by hearted mere minutes ago. “Well uh, the second-"
“Don’t bother,” She said, halting your chain of thoughts. “No one remembers the second.”
“Oh…” Your voice trailed off but the sudden call of your name with the stern tone had you straighten your posture.
“Remember this,” Closing the book, she continued, “You either win or lose, there’s no in between." Her eyes were trained on you and so was yours as if casted into a spell. "Life is a race, if you don’t sprint ahead and cross the finish line before anyone then you might as well count yourself among the losers.”
Instinct or perhaps something deeper but you found yourself nodding.
“The first,” She reached out, hovering her hand over your head before patting it gently. “Which position should you always aim for?”
“The first.”
“Remember that.”
Verily, those words were etched onto your memory.
Given to your mental prowess or some supernatural force it might be but since the tender age of ten they had become the guiding light of your life. The one and only position as desirable and honorable – the first.
Whether it be elementary, middle or high school, you achieved nothing less than first place. This ritualistic pattern persisted into your first and second years of college as well. Despite the tougher lessons and heightened competition, it didn’t hinder your life motto; you remained the foremost achiever. So, it came as little surprise when, during the orientation ceremony of your third year, the principal appointed you as the president of the student council.
It would be disingenuous to claim that there was no favouritism within the student council. Cause it did exist. Your close relationship with certain professors, even the dean himself, indeed came with its perks. While the surety of power and a step above regular students was on utmost display, you never felt compelled to use it. Never did you think you will.
But every road had its thorn.
For you, it was that delinquent named – Ryomen Sukuna.
You had seen your fair share of delinquents. However, none of them were as infuriating, as arrogant and as audacious of a jerk as him.
Not only did he remain absent from most of his classes but also he literally forgets to show up to certain exams. And all of that for what? Probably to smoke or get high on weed in the back alley of the college with his pals. Utterly disgusting. And it's only the beginning. He brazenly scoffed at authority figures, treating the dean's lectures on student ethics and conduct as mere trifles that passed through one ear and out the other. Stupid, arrogant jerk, haughtily presenting himself to be above everyone else.
Adding insult to the injury, he always flouted the dress code. Draping a black jacket instead of the prescribed navy blue blazer and his tie is always, somehow missing. On top of that, when asked why was he dressed in that particular way, he'd just look down at the one and reply with a grin which you oh so wanted to wipe of his face.
Wasn’t it bad enough that he just had to share the same academic year as you? Thus, his wicked shenanigans hadn’t been so elusive to you at all. The suspensions granted to him did little to cure his case. Whereas students would have been begging for leniency, he just had to be nonchalant through the whole process. Managing to slip a 'Thank you, sir' in his way out of the disciplinary committee office. (Did the jerk think he was being sent to a vacation?)
In conclusion: Ryomen Sukuna was a nuisance.
A damn nuisance only existing to create more problems in everyone else’s enough problematic life.
Not only did he disgust you with his nonchalant and over the top arrogant attitude but the sight of him was enough to sour your day. It's a miracle how he managed to get himself promoted to third year when all he had done is cut slack and delay his assignments. Barely passing his way out or whatever. Not your concern.
Nevertheless, Sukuna had always been another annoying delinquent. Until he was not.
The onset of third year brought in all of it.
After being granted the obsidian badge with the aureate engraving of Student Council President, you were more than eager to wear it with your uniform. However, uniform meant campus and campus meant that asshole would be around as well. Now, given to your duties, you had to monitor him as well. Just fucking great.
Silently, you wished for him to undergo an enlightening process, guided by some divine grace, and cease to be a pain to you or anyone else for that matter.
Life only had to scream a fuck you at your face.
Cause not only did this bastard shatter all your expectations but also he had to engage in a violent fistfight with one of the juniors. The encounter was so serious that other guys had to intervene and hold him back or the victim might have attained permanent damages. Immediately, the latter was rushed to the infirmary by his peers and Sukuna was called to the dean’s office.
Then, you had to step in.
After checking the junior and confirming he was in a stable state without any hazardous injuries, you let yourself meet the perpetrator of the assault.
Sitting across Sukuna in your office, you didn’t bother supressing the grimace which curled into your lips. One which he disregarded with a blatant roll of his eyes.
The sheer audacity to give you that attitude.
You interlaced your fingers, resting your chin on them, elbows atop the polished mahogany desk. “Do you have any idea of what you’ve done?”
"From the looks of this-" He glanced down at his knuckles, the skin busted and battered with bruises as the blood dried on it. "-pretty much, yes."
Your eye twitched, "He got a concussion, just so you know."
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow in mock curiosity. "He was that weak?”
This fucking bastard.
“Absolutely,” You contorted the bitter scoff into a smile. “That’s why it was so fun bullying him right? Weak and easy to pick on, just your type?”
He kept his eyes trained on you for a second before clicking his tongue with sheer disinterest and looking away.
That’s when you snapped, “I am talking to you!”
“What a privilege.”
Of course, it had to be sarcastic, what else did you expect?
“Wish I could say the same.” You quipped back, “But then I am not a liar.”
“Right,” He hissed, malice coating his tone, “I forgot you are an entitled bitch.”
What the hell did he just call you?
“Entitled bitch? For someone throwing profanity everywhere I thought you’ll come up with something better.”
“I would’ve.” He replied. “But you are far too miserable for me to waste my words.”
Your face heated up, an irk forming on your forehead. “Your highness.” You started, clenching your jaw tight. “How commendable of you to grace me with your mercy. But guess what? I never asked for it.”
He narrowed his right eye, provocation clouding his visage. "You would be the last person I'd show my mercy to, spoilt brat."
"What a priviledge." You threw back.
He glared at you and you glare back. The obvious distaste and disgust flickered in both of your eyes and while the temperatures marked would be moderate, the increasing discomforting tension with each second.
Then, he broke the eye contact, lazily tilting his head to the side. “Are you done? Or will this go on for another hour?”
“Well," You rolled your eyes, leaning back on your chair. "I am sure that Principal Yaga has already let you know about your three day suspension and clearly, I am no judge to evict you for your crimes so yeah- you can leave.” You hummed with a tight-lipped smile. Sukuna didn’t bother to snap back with anymore as he got up from the chair, carrying his backpack and turned to leave. Just as he was at the door, you called out, “Read some self-help books while you’re at it.”
This instance, he turned to face you.
“Hear this and hear once,” Sukuna’s voice dripped with condescension while detestation flickered in his carmine irises. “Do or say whatever the fuck you want, I am not going to change.”
He didn’t even wait a minute before marching out your office while slamming the door shut.
For a second, you were rendered speechless. The next second, volcanic rage erupted in you as your shoulders trembled with all the unbridling stress accumulating at once.
Ryomen Sukuna… who the fuck did he think he was? Disrespecting you and your position like that? Like a damn bug he was creeping the up your scale of disdain. And this was the last step.
This was when he crossed the line.
This was when he became the bearer of your unbridled hatred.
Third year hadn’t even properly started and there was a pest just waiting to get crushed.
“I want a… break.”
Utahime slumped down on the cafeteria table, hiding her face between her arms. You merely spared her a glance, swirling your spoon in the remnants of your stew.
“We are in the middle of a break, y’know.”
She groaned some incoherent words – you assumed it might be your name for the syllables matched. “You know, I am not talking about this. I want a real break like…" Eventually trailing off, grumbling to herself while you leaned forward to listen in properly; didn’t work. Heaving a sigh, you leaned back on the chair.
It wasn’t a new sight. With the passage of six months and commencement of two exam sessions since the start of third year, the students were exhausted beyond relief. Physically. Mentally.
ACS - Astrum College of Sciences was well reputed in Tokyo. Given, it was an institution standing tall and ranked among one of the best since the last eight decades, it had to be different than the other, regular colleges. Hence, the exam pattern was one of a kind. While one academic year would contain at most three exam session, you had five with each year stretching over a lap of twelve to fifteen months. Although the number of exams had been a constant since the last two academic years, the toughened lessons with the increase in projects, for each subject, continued to be a peril haunting everyone's very being. With ten more months to go by and three more exam sessions to prepare for, this was only the beginning.
"Cheer up," Shoko intervened, pressing a carton of cranberry juice on top of your friend's head. "It’s the weekend tomorrow. You'll have plenty of rest."
You jerked your spoon towards the brunette, "Just what she said."
Despite grunting to herself, Utahime straightened her spine and accepted the offered beverage. "Doesn't help," She punctured the entrance with the straw, "The lectures will start from Monday." Sipping the drink, "So will the assignments and the projects." Her hand clenched on the carton. "And before we know it we'll be again walking down the rabbit hole of more exams." She stashed the disfigured carton on the table, almost spilling the contents with the force. "This is stupid, I want a break. Not just me-" Her eyes skimmed all over the cafeteria filled with the, albeit limited, number of students. "All of us wants a break."
You and Shoko shared a look, resting your cheek on your palm, you languidly shrugged.
The latter puckered her lips, letting the spoon drop off her fingers, "If we are talking about breaks then can we get one rid of this shit of a food." Tipping her head to the side, she continued, "And the long train of stairs, we need escalators. Can't our classes start from nine as well? The ones at seven does nothing except give me these dark circles."
"Not to mention how everyone is literally sleeping during the first lecture." With the frown still on her face, Utahime stated.
"See? Something’s need to change."
Amidst sipping on your glass of water, both of their irises turned to you and now you felt like a deer caught in headlights. You raised an eyebrow, "What?"
"You know what."
“Don’t look at me,” You raised your hands in surrender. “I can’t do any of that.”
“But president-”
A series of whines mixed with disappointed curses flew across their mouth while you could only sigh in response. Logically speaking, it would take a lot of persistence, a shit ton of paperwork as well as affirmations from certain professors to just get the idea of escalator approved by the dean. Playing the devil’s advocate, if he did agree, then finalizing the project will take another couple of weeks which will then be followed by external management factors. Even then if you do the maths precisely…
You were pulled back to reality when your phone buzzed in your pocket. Pulling out the device, you were met with the picture of your mother flashing on screen.
“Ah- sorry, I have to take this one.”
Excusing yourself from your friends, you accepted the call, pressing the phone between your ear and shoulder before picking your finished tray of food. Instantly, you were greeted with the voice of your mother, “Where are you?”
“Cafeteria, just had my lunch.” You answered, walking to the other end of the room.
A hum is received from her end and you place your tray down on the used utensil booth. For a second silence prevailed before it was broken. “I got your results today.”
“Oh,” You couldn’t help the delighted smile that curved up your lips as you straightened your posture and grasp the phone firmly. “And what do you have to say?”
“Better than last time,”
Your chest swelled with an overwhelming sense of joy, a single sentence from her evoking a warmth, one that the efforts had been paid off. You grinned, “I know right.”
“Yeah but don’t you let this get to your head.” She continued. “There are still areas of improvement. You can do much better, right?”
She heaved a sigh, “Come home if you’re free sometime.”
“I will, mom.” You agreed. “Next week, sure.”
“Sor-” Slightly did you turn your head to apologize and just like that the joy that swelled up your mood, dampened like a bucket of cold water was thrown on you.
Conversation stretched roughly for the next five minutes, random more than topic-wise then she had to hang up the call for work necessities. You placed your phone back in the pocket of your skirt, pivoting a corner in the corridor.
Just like it had to be. Accidentally, you bumped your shoulder with someone.
With that, he was walking away.
Met with the very familiar pair of crimson eyes with a inked up visage, you found your mood to instantly sour. Just when you thought you could spare yourself a moment of happiness.
Sukuna looked down on you, sizing you up, judging you probably. Then, his nose crinkled up in pure disgust, “Oh.”
You were left standing with your eyes widened and lips parted at the sheer sense of belittlement displayed towards you by that damn delinquent. You grinded your teeth together already feeling the irk forming on your forehead as your hands clenched into fists and you were on the verge of hitting something.
His audacity never failed to astound you. This time, it didn’t either.
Egoistical asshole.
You were fuming while you stomped your way through the hallways, the encounter taking up almost all the spaces of your mind. Too much to ignore.
As you said, he was a bug. A damn cockroach which could only heighten your frustrations to an unmatched level. Oh, how much you will revel on the day he will finally fall from his high horse. Just how much you will pay to see him absolutely devastated, crumbling in despair while you can spare a laugh at that. Not only that, it’d be so much better if you see the smugness completely wiped off his face. More better if you were the reason for that absolute wreckage. Ah- just how much satisfying that would be.
“You were standing at the door for the past minutes.”
You blinked, in front of you stood Nanami – your second in command as well as the vice president. Suddenly, all too aware of your surroundings, you found yourself in the student council office. The scent of fresh paper and the lingering aroma of the lavender room freshener hit your nostrils.
You cleared your throat, “Hmm, what?”
“O-Oh,” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
He tilted his head, “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” You replied, running your fingers through your hair. “Its just- uh… don’t worry.”
Scepticism was evident on his furrowed brows yet he coiled in. “If you say so…”
You nodded and he was about to return to his table, stashed with two thick record books. “Uh, Nanami,” He halted at the call of his name, turning to look back. You bit into your inner cheek, mouth curving up. “Do you think a proposal of installing an escalator in the main building will be approved?”
The hours ticked by sooner than you could count.
Currently, you were strolling to the professors’ room, two report files pressed on your chest which needed to be submitted quickly. It was something which should’ve been done by Mei Mei. However, after you had adjourned the meeting of the student body today, she informed you about needing to attend some urgent matter which brought you to bring these files to your professor.
You entered the room, sliding the door behind, “Sir, I have the–”
Raising your head and– what in the actual hell? Couldn’t you just go by your day without having to cross paths with this insufferable bastard? – As expected, your professor was sitting behind his desk, what you didn’t expect was to find Sukuna there as well.
“Ah, there you are.” Professor Minho regarded you with a lit up expression as you strode to his table, lifting the files for him to see. “Oh right, keep them there.” He gestured to his shelf on the right.
You spared little attention to the other person in the room. No, you were not letting his presence bother you for the day anymore.
“This is the fourth time you’ve asked me to postpone your assignment.”
With your back turned against them, obviously it wasn’t you, the professor was speaking to. However, his hushed voice managed to reach your ears.
Seriously… postponing assignment? Your lips twisted into a frown. Why did he get this privilege while diligent students like yourself had to submit everything on the limited timeframe? And this was the damn fourth time! If this wasn't enough to convince Professor Minho that Sukuna was unreliable, what would? However, you couldn’t help the absolute bitter joy that spread in your chest knowing he was finally getting in some kind of trouble.
“Is this all a joke to you, Sukuna? I’ve seen your grades you’ve just above the pass percentage but if you keep this up then I can guarantee you that you’d be held back a year.”
At least, that would get him a peg down. Unintentionally, a snicker escaped your lips, drawing the attention of both males in the room. While one’s gaze was tinged with neutrality, the other was shooting daggers on your back.
“What? Got something to say, prez?”
The malice ridden undertone of his voice didn’t waver you an inch. You pivoted on your heels, a cruel smirk curled into your lips as your expression paved way for the reply. Congrats in advance for failing a year.
Sukuna glared at you with such an intensity that it might have condensed into a physical blow, the simmering undercurrent of the stare echoed in the brief silence of the room. One, which you returned with a satisfied grin. Wasn’t it pure entertainment to revel over your arch nemesis’s despair?
While the staring match continued, Professor Minho seemed to get an idea. An idea which would only escalate the brewing storm.
“Why don’t you help Sukuna complete all of his assignments for the year?”
Both of you whipped your heads towards him simultaneously, mouths agape and eyes widened in surprise.
“Excuse me?”
The words collided in a jumble of disbelief.
No fucking way did he suggest that? There had to be some mistake, your mind was playing tricks or you might have misheard his words. He must have asked you to do something else, right?
Your professor flipped his pen, the end of it towards you, “You are my best student. Help–” He rotated the pen towards Sukuna. “–him complete his assignments for the semester.”
You shook your head, “Sir, with all due respect, I am busy.”
“Busy with what?” Sukuna chimed in, raising an accusatory eyebrow at you. “Being a pretentious bitch?”
He did not just curse you in front of your professor. Fine, who’s holding you back either?
“Is that the best you can do, asshole?”
“Ah- language,” The terse rebuke with tapping his pen on the desk shifted your attention to your professor. His eyes narrowed as he looked between the both of you. “This isn’t the place for personal arguments.” Then, his irises halted on you, the disappointment evident in his expression, he muttered, “I didn’t expect this behaviour from you.”
Fuck Ryomen Sukuna.
You lowered your head, the embarrassment swiped through you as the uncomfortable heat settled near your ears and cheek. “Sorry sir, I- I didn’t know what came over me.”
He tilted his head, heaving a sigh. “As I was saying, you can help Sukuna-”
“I don’t need her help,” Sukuna declared, the undertone of repulsion not so hidden after all. “Or anyone for that matter, I just need some time to finish the damn assignment.”
“I have given you that more than three times now. Enough is enough. You clearly need some guidance with your work and-” He looked over the reports of his class, scanning all the names until he found Sukuna’s. “Your marks are down the drain as well. Make sure to learn something from her while you’re at it.”
Sukuna’s brow furrowed, lips curling down into a sneer – an expression which mirrored yours. For once, both of you might be in the same page; none of you wanted to be paired up with the other. Honestly, it was the worst idea ever ideated in this universe.
“It’s beneficial for both of you,” He continued, resting his gaze on you first, “I know you’re busy with council duties but can’t you just manage to help him complete some assignments? You just might get some extra credit from me besides helping him learn will help you clear your concepts as well.”
See, now that had your interest. Extra credits sounded nice but at the cost of spending time with him? That didn’t sound appealing at all. Working with him was absolutely out of the question when you couldn’t even breathe in the same room as him. And with the way Sukuna glared at you from the side made you believe he was as much repulsed by the notion as you.
Yet, with the expectant gaze your professor settled on you and the obvious predicament the delinquent had found himself in. There was only one outcome of this discussion.
“It’s settled then.”
"The Gods hate me!"
That was your first exclamation as soon as you entered Shoko’s dormitory, slumping down on her bed in despair.
“They don’t.”
“They do.” You whined, flipping on her bed and burying your face on her pillow. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
She stood up from her chair, walking over and sitting down beside you. “Can’t be that bad. What happened?”
You groaned, straightening your posture to face her. Scantily you gave her a walkthrough guide in the whole mess while she hummed and nodded in between. “On top of that, its human anatomy,” You grumbled. “Its my favourite subject and now I am starting to hate it all because of that jerk.”
“Not that bad, you know?”
“Absolutely,” You confirmed bitterly, the resentment lingered in your voice, “It’s not bad, it fucking nasty.”
 “Now that’s just your anger speaking,” She mused, passing you a sympathetic look. “Like yeah… he might have done some things like–”
“You want a list?” A venomous smiled curled into your mouth. “Cause I can write a fucking three part novel on how much of an insufferable bastard he can be. That guy is a complete imbecile, and now I'm stuck assisting him with his assignments. Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful. What do I look like? His fucking babysitter?" You pinched the bridge of your nose, continuing, “I swear, Shoko, he's the most arrogant twit on campus, and I'm not exaggerating. His insufferable ego needs a reality check, and his audacity to speak disrespectfully to everyone makes me want to bash my head against a wall—”
“Fine, Fine,” She raised her hand, stopping you from continuing any further. “I get it, you hate him.”
“Hate?” You questioned with a tilt of your head. “I utterly despise him.”
“Ye-yeah, that,” She sighed while you stretched your hands to get rid of the fatigue. The joints of your phalanges creating a faint cracking sound. “You’re so tensed.”
You shrugged, “Can see that.”
She hummed thoughtfully before picking up her phone and scrolling on the screen. “Let’s get your mind off everything. Suguru texted me about this party tonight, join me.”
“No?” She asked, a hint of surprise on her face. “Why not? Its Friday, we don’t even have any classes tomorrow.”
"Exactly," you nodded, rotating your wrist to ease the tension. "It’s Friday, and I’d rather stay in my room than go to one of your overnight parties."
“Come on,” She whined, jutting out her lower lip, probably to soften your heart and change your mind; didn’t work. “Don’t be a kill joy, now. This will help you get your mind off him too.”
Now, that was one thing. With your mood souring from the very encounter outside the cafeteria to the whole ordeal now, you did need a good distraction. However, with you in question, parties never appealed you at much.
“You know, I don’t like to go these parties and all.”
“If I leave you to yourself, you’ll just keep on thinking about this assignment and him which is ten times worse.”
You had to give it to Shoko for figuring this out. Knowing you, this had the maximal occurring chances considering you couldn’t really distract yourself well when something’s gnawing at your insides. This instance, the case wasn’t so different after all. Looking out of her window, you were greeted with the orange sky, welcoming the twilight in mere moments. With the birds flying to their nests, the external atmosphere was peaceful.
You deserved this peace as well.
Your smile was genuine this time. “Fine.”
The peace you had in mind was a stark contrast to a peace presented to you.
The strains of music surged from the house, assaulting your senses as Shoko led you through the entrance. The cacophony, coupled with the acrid stench of alcohol, was hardly your idea of an enjoyable evening. Red cups littered the scene, and figures swayed in synchrony on the dance floor. Although this party was marginally better than that one you attended during your freshmen year, yet far from ideal. However, your friend invited you here out of good will and you would be wasting an opportunity if you at least don’t try to enjoy yourself.
"There he is, come on," Shoko whispered urgently, tugging you towards a cluster of people in the far corner. Amid the throng, familiar faces emerged, including Satoru's, who broke away to greet your friend before his gaze fell upon you.
“Am I seeing stars or are you really here, prez?”
You graced him with a playful smile, “Why? Is it so shocking to see me enjoy a little?”
“Not at all,” He quickly replied, leaning forward as he muttered, “May I say you look absolutely gorgeous today?”
“Stop flirting with her, jackass.” Shoko intervened swiftly, jabbed her elbow at his chest, inciting a painful groan from the white-haired man causing him to step back. “She isn’t falling for it.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Satoru protested. “And I was complimenting her, not flirting with her.”
“I don’t accept either of them.” You interjected with a sarcastic smile. “Thank you, though.”
Dramatically, he placed his hand over his heart – feigning hurt.
“What’s going on there, anyway?” The brunette gestured to the crowd.
“The classic,” Satoru answered. “Spin the bottle, whoever it lands on would have to spend seven minutes on the closet with the one who spun it.”
“Cool,” She looked at you, raising an eyebrow. “Wanna give it a shot?”
It might just be dopamine or your courage had flared a little. Hence, you found yourself, nodding. “I don’t see, why not?”
Soon, you found yourselves standing by a table, Shoko at your side. Seemingly, your presence had garnered a handful of attention for it wasn’t everyday that you showed up to parties like this. You didn’t bother taking a look around. Holding the empty bottle of vodka firmly by your fingertips – you rotated it.
The bottle twirled several times before coming to a stop, pointing unmistakably in a direction, perpendicular to you. Following the line of its neck, the initial dopamine rise instantly evaporated and it was only a second later that the adrenaline coursed.
Cause, in no fucking way did the bottle just land on Ryomen Sukuna.
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Hi, I'm working on a theory for Ramshackle and MC. Have the creators said why Queen of Hearts/Scar/etc. were chosen for the Great Seven? ((Also, why did MC become the prefect of Ramshackle and not the Housewarden?))
Hello hello!! Thank you for this question, it became a rabbit hole!
Yana had this to say about the villains who were used for inspiration (from the game guide):
"The number one reason is that they are all from 'masterpieces with which everyone is familiar'. They are all legendary—you need only say the movie titles and the characters come immediately to mind.
Since they are also legends in their own right, we thought it would be good to choose stories with a long history, and that is how we settled on these seven.
There are many other movies with fascinating villains, so it was a very difficult decision."
-Twst Game Guide (2020)
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She also goes into detail about the different eras during which the movies were set, which may also have influenced which were selected! More here! (Youtube)
But there may be more going on than we have been told 👀 There are theories that "death" is another theme that links the dorms together!
All members of the Great Seven were villains that either died in their movies (Scar, Ursula, Maleficent, Jafar (in the second movie), the Evil Queen), or were never alive in the human sense to begin with (Queen of Hearts, Hades).
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Death has never been a subtle theme in Twst, with new students at NRC arriving via coffins.
Kalim observes that, with the ceremonial robes they wear to orientation, "it's like we're attending a funeral."
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And there are also the ghosts!
While it seems possible to be born as a ghost (according to Crowley and Eliza), Lilia says that ghosts "linger here due to powerful attachments or personal motives...they aren't visible outside of magically suffused locations like Night Raven College," and that they "linger" by choice.
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And this brings back to the prefect!
In the manga, all three prefects that we have seen thus far have had names connected to the afterlife:
・Heartslabyul Arc, Enma Yuuken (円満 雄剣): Enma's family name is pronounced the same (the kanji is different) as 閻魔 (Enma), the king of hell in Buddhism. From the Kyoto National Museum website: "The King of Buddhist Hell is Enma, who is also the judge of the afterlife."
・Savanaclaw Arc, Hirasaka Yuuka (比良坂 悠河): "Hirasaka" is written and pronounced the same as the hirasaka of Yomotsu-hira Saka, known as "The Entrance to the Underworld" in Shintoism, explained on Shimane Prefecture's official tourism website: "Yomotsu-hira Saka appears as the boundary between the land of the dead and the land of the living."
・Octavinelle Arc, Mito Yuuta (三途 宥太): "Mito" uses the same kanji as 三途川, the "River of Three Crossings," which is "a mythological river the souls of the deceased must cross by one of three crossing points." Credit to blogger Tansho for the discovery that "River Styx" was changed to 三途川 in the Japanese-language dub of the "Hercules" TV show.
So there is definitely a theme of the prefect filling a role between life and death!
While one theory is that the prefect ended up in Twisted Wonderland after they died (in the manga it is insinuated that all three prefects were hit by vehicles directly before waking up at NRC), another theory is that they're not quite dead yet.
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If that is the case then they may be close (Grim wakes them up prematurely, and Crowley says that this is his first time having a student who opened their "gate" (coffin) on their own) and they might just be an astral projection of someone who is between life and death, appearing at the magically suffused location that is NRC.
In other words, a ghost 👀
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The manga is following a theme of naming its characters something involving "Yuu" (which is always the students' nickname for them) and "Yuu" is also commonly adopted as the default-name for the game's prefect.
Another word that involves a "Yuu" sound is 幽霊 (Yuurei), which means: ghost :>
(Hence the name of this blog! It is the very chuunibyou name of a twitter account I made in 2018 to complain about my job. This potential connection to Twst was completely unintentional and makes me laugh.)
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As for why the prefect was named Prefect of Ramshackle dorm instead of Housewarden: I am not sure! But it seems to have something to do with the unique situation that is the prefect's role.
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They have not technically been assigned to the overseeing of the dorm as a whole, just to Grim, so maybe that is why? :>
And it is particularly interesting as that means that the role of Housewarden of Ramshackle Dorm is still open--maybe to be filled some day...? 👀
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
So I had an idea, what if reader was the magicless student and didn't feel like going home because they knew they were dead in their old world?
So one day a friend asks, "What do you think you'd do if you got back home?"
And reader just replies nonchalantly with a straight face with, "Probably lie in a coffin six feet under."
The friend thinks they are joking but little do they know...
Could it be with Ace and whoever else you'd think best fit the scenario? Thanks! <3
Hello anon! Sorry this literally took forever (-ω-、) At first I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together and who to do lmao I think I ended up doing pretty good, if I do say so myself (maybe a little bit overboard as it went on, though? Like the request looks like it's supposed to at least be a little bit funny but my brain says 'haha sad reader go brrr') Either way, I hope that you enjoy, darling <333
~ "I'm probably never going back." With Ace, Kalim, and Grim ~
[Angst to fluff, Platonic Grim, Gn! reader]
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"So," Ace started, munching on his sandwich, "What d'ya go to the Headmaster for this time? You get stuck with another random job again?" he asks with a sinister innocent smile on his face as he eyes your own lunch.
"Actually, we were discussing the prospects of me going home," you stated nonchalantly, casually sliding your plate of food closer to yourself, knowing full well that Ace really only started this conversation to get you distracted so that he could get at your cherry pie (which the chefs had made specifically for you, as a thanks for helping keep the fireplaces warm over winter break).
Now, while you had certainly noticed that Ace was after your food (you were used to it already, after dealing with Grim after all of this time), you had failed to notice the way that Ace's smile fell off of his face for the faintest moment after he heard the words 'home' leaving your mouth, but he was quick to regain his notorious smile before you could see his disappointment. And in an act to tease you a bit (and to rid himself of the unknown feelings bubbling in the pit of his stomach), he brazenly chuckles and states without thinking,
"Ha, I bet that old man probably told you to give it up. Like, what would you even do if you got back home?" Without a second beat you tell him with a straight face,
"I'd probably just be six-feet under."
"Right?" Ace agrees with a hearty chuckle. And he sees that you still for a second, lowering your head and taking a deep breath for a moment. In that quick moment of you losing concentration, Ace swipes the last remaining bite of your cherry pie with a cheeky smirk.
"So that's why I'm probably never going back," you clear your throat and look at Ace with a sad smile, tears brimming your eyes. And suddenly, Ace feels really, really guilty. He was just trying to lighten the mood by joking with you...about going home...
Ugh, how could he have messed this up, worse? It's impossible, I tell you! Ace knows that you've just been suddenly thrust into a world that you know nothing about, forced to attend a school where you barely even meet the minimum for the curriculum, and, to make matters even better for you, you're basically forced into doing whatever that Headmaster of the school tells you to, simply because he was just kind enough to let you stay at the school since you hadn't even a penny to your name nor your nonexistent family in this world.
Not only that, but you're also the prefect of this new dorm without any magic at all, and you're supposed to keep an eye on this random cat that nearly ruined the Orientation ceremony. And! You've also got to handle both him and Deuce, also known as the chaos duo to everyone who knows them. And he just stole the last piece of your cherry pie, which was honestly something that you more than deserve after all the shit that you've gone through. We all know that you weren't crying because of him stealing your pie, but this fact really was just the cherry on top of his sundae of regret.
So yeah, just label him as Dumbass #1 in your book, if he isn't already.
And he's not sure why he was surprised to see those tears in your eyes, but he was, and he's ashamed at the fact that he's never noticed how you've felt before. So in a frantic motion to fix things, Ace stands up quickly, saying a quick excuse to you about accidentally leaving something in his last class or something, and excusing himself from the lunch table before you could even react.
You honestly didn't know where he went after he left you at lunch, because he wasn't in any of his classes for the remainder of the day. It was only after classes, as you were walking back to Ramshackle with Grim, that you saw him next. He was standing in front of your front door with a nervous look on his face, but he was dressed quite nicely. Not quite formal attire, but it looked like he was expecting to go somewhere, at the very least. Once he saw you approaching, his face brightened for a moment, with a slight blush cropping up on his cheeks as you ask him what he's been doing all day.
"Well," he starts with a chuckle and his infamous smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I got permission from the Headmaster for us to leave campus for a while, so why don't we go check out some stores at the village nearby? I thought that maybe I'd show you around, since you'd probably beg me to keep you from getting lost anyway... Oh, and don't worry about paying for anything, I have it allll covered." He says that last part with extra emphasis and a more confident smile than before, hoping that that would be the ticket to getting you to agree. Little did he know, you were going to agree even if he wasn't going to buy you anything. And little did you know that one of the biggest reasons why he's decided to do all of this can be explained through one simple sentence: 'I want you to start liking this world more than your own.'
In truth, he'd struck a deal with Azul again in exchange for enough cash to buy whatever you wanted from any store (he's got a lot of work cut out for him in the upcoming future), but shh, you didn't need to know that. It would be all worth it if it means that you can get a chance at starting a normal life here...
And perhaps, maybe one day you might want to start living your new life with him by your side.
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Oh, Kalim. This epitome of sunshine was sharing everything about his family, his childhood, and his homeland to you with so much enthusiasm that you felt yourself feeling the twang of homesickness starting to erupt in your heart. But of course, this always happens with Kalim, doesn't it? First, he hurt the one who he's always adored as a brother- Jamil, and now, he's hurting you too, all without realizing it. You could never blame him for it, though. His genuine happiness and warmth was something that you looked forward to every day, and most of the time just being around him felt like you were basking in the sun on a cold day.
But, sometimes the warmth that he radiates so fervently starts to feel like too much, as if you were being scorched alive under the unbearable heat of the sun.
"So," Kalim says, taking a moment to catch his breath, "I think that's all of my brothers and sisters, plus all of my extended family too! We're a big family, so I know it's a lot, haha! Say, what's your family like?" he innocently asks with bright, expectant eyes.
And you know that he doesn't mean to do this to you, but you can't deny that right now you felt like his beautiful red eyes were burning themselves into your soul like a branding iron. You don't want to make it sound like you blame him for your predicament or his enthusiasm about his family, so you give him the best smile you can muster and divert the subject to the best of your ability.
"Well, they're really not as important as yours is. Can you tell me more about how the Asim family started out? Your family must have a lot of really interesting history."
"Oh, sure!" Kalim nods happily to your request, forgetting his own question shortly after as he continues in his own rant about his gigantic family and some of the more interesting parts of its history.
At this point, Jamil really couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He's been quietly watching and listening in on your conversation with Kalim from his seat in the corner of the room, where he was supposed to be 'studying'. Jamil sees that Kalim's doing the same thing to you as what happened to him, and decides to step into your conversation. 'Might as well go ahead and rip the band-aid off before it gets to the point of no return,' Jamil thinks.
"Hey," he begins, cutting Kalim off mid-sentence, "Do you have any sort of plans for when you get to go home? If you can go home?"
And Kalim looks at you with a surprised look on his face at Jamil's question for you because of course you'd want to stay here in Twisted Wonderland with him and everyone else! He'd never thought of the idea that you'd ever want to go back home to your original world, Kalim felt like it was just a given that you'd want to stay even if you had the choice to leave. But now that he thinks about it a little more, he doesn't understand where he even got that idea from to begin with. After all, as someone who cares for his family and his homeland a great deal, he can kindof understand how you might feel after being torn away from all of that without any way of returning.
"Haha, well," you chuckle heartlessly, "I'm probably never going back anyway. I think if I went back home now I'd just be six-feet under or something." Your attempt to lighten the mood with your 'joke' fails when you hear the sound of your own voice saying it. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim that, no, your voice wasn't shaky, and that yes, you were completely fine with never seeing your family ever again. Jamil makes a comment that he was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen, leaving you in a moment of silence with Kalim following your rather dark 'joke.'
"Well, what's the harm in trying anyway?" Kalim asks softly, "You never know unless you try! Plus, even if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you've given it your all, right?"
"That's the FUCKING problem," you snap, "I've BEEN trying to go back home, and nothing's ever working! And there's no way in hell I'm just going to give up and go ~'Well at least I tried'~ when it's my goddamn LIFE on the line here!"
Oh no, you didn't mean to start yelling at Kalim like that... But after hearing his flippant "at least you've given you're all" comment, all of the pent-up emotions just felt like they were going to explode if they were kept inside any longer. You feel bad for suddenly yelling at him, but at the same time, it felt like the water gates have finally opened, and before you knew it, more kept spilling from your mouth.
"I had a normal life back in my world, you know! I had people who cared for me, I had plans for the future that I painstakingly paved the road for for my entire fucking life. Everything that I've done in my life up to this point, it's all become utterly useless now that I've come here," you wailed, tears escaping your eyes as you spoke without constraint, "Can you imagine how it feels to have everything stolen away from you, Kalim? All of the people that I've created my childhood memories with, they're all gone! My scholarships, my college applications, my work experience- nonexistent! Hell, if you want to get into the legalities of it, I technically have never gone to school in my life before attending NRC because I never existed in this world before then." You take a breath to help calm yourself down, but after still feeling the flames of rage bubbling in your lungs, you continue to vent out your feelings.
"Do you know how it feels, Kalim, to have no idea whether the people you love know if you're dead or alive? To have to think about how they would react to my 'death' when I'm still kicking and screaming inside another world?! To have to think about everything that you've been forced to leave behind all of a sudden?" You're basically screaming out your frustrations to the sky now, as you couldn't bear to stare at Kalim as you cried out your miseries, "To have to think about the life you could be leading right now if you weren't dragged to some random world with no knowledge about it's countries, it's history, or even it's most fundamental principles like magic?"
Kalim's staring at you intensely, taking every single word you speak into account. Even as you got to the point where you couldn't speak clearly anymore, when you pushed yourself to where all you could do was sob, snivel, and blubber out your words of woe, Kalim sat there listening to you the whole way through.
At some point during your crying, Kalim pulled you gently into his arms in a tight embrace as he let you continue to let your feelings out. He was going to wait until it was all out before he even tried to say anything (reason one being, because it would be rather rude to interrupt you, and two is because he's been rather notorious for crying when he sees other people cry and he didn't want to make the crying spotlight on him)
When you were finally done, Kalim patted your head soothingly and spoke quietly. His own voice was shaky too, and he was also on the verge of tears just from watching and listening to you.
"I never knew you felt like that, I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier," he says, and just the sound of him trying to keep in his tears breaks your heart to pieces.
Your pain is his pain, your tears are his tears, and your smile is his smile because, even if he doesn't realize it yet, he truly loves you dearly. Kalim knows he can be really, really dense most of the time, which is why he never noticed these pent-up frustrations of yours when they were so obvious to Jamil, but he hopes that you'll forgive him for making you feel even worse.
"It's not your fault, Kalim. I'm not angry at you or anything- I'm sorry for yelling like that," you inhale, "It's just-... It just hurts, you know? Thinking about all of the what-ifs and the could-be's... But the truth is, I've had more fun in the short time that I've been here than in my entire life back home. And most of that's because of you, actually."
"Really?" he asks, a spark of his normal cheer returning to his voice.
"Yes, really. I might not be able to use magic, but it's been something that I've loved learning about since coming here. You know, the very first time you took me on a ride with the magic carpet, and I got to see this whole new world from way high up in the sky, I knew that nothing from my home could beat that experience. I'm going to miss my home, but it's not so bad when I know that you're here."
Oh, look at you- you were the one who just had an emotional breakdown right in front of Kalim, and yet you're the one consoling him! Your sweet words struck through his heart like cupid's arrow, and he internally vows that he will always be someone who brings a smile to your face- that he will do everything that he can to make sure that you're happy.
"Then," he perks up, wiping his face from any stray tears that might have escaped from earlier, "Let's go on another carpet ride together, outside of campus!" He exclaims excitedly, all hints of previous sadness gone from his eyes and voice.
"There's so many places I want to show you, but I think we should look for spots that look like your home! This world is a pretty big place, so I'm sure there must be somewhere that looks similar to yours. Tell me everything about your homeland- If we can't find something like it, then we'll just have to make it ourselves!"
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It was in the midst of winter break that you started to feel more lonely. All of your other friends were gone and spending the holidays with their families, while you were still here at the school with your only company being Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, who would come and go as they pleased. Everything was just so,, quiet, without the chaos duo Deuce and Ace around. Of course, Grim was almost always up to his own little shenanigans too, but most of the time they were harmless and it was just him entertaining himself with catching mice and such.
The silence of the winter break and the bleakness of the white snow was staring to take a toll on you, and it wasn't helping the fact that you're still experiencing nightmares beyond what you see in the mirror at night (this is not a jab at you, I swear).
For reference, you just had a dream that woke you up in the middle of the night, sweating and gasping for air as you tried to recollect yourself. Of course, you couldn't fall back asleep after what you've just seen, and Grim was still sound asleep in his corner of the bed. Quietly, you move to get up to go get some fresh air outside- not forgetting to bring your jacket with you to the freezing cold weather out there.
And you spent a bit of time in the silence of the night, sitting on the stairs of the front porch of the Ramshackle dorm with a heavy jacket tied to your shoulders, just staring up into the sky. This isn't the first time that this has happened, so you know that looking at the stars would usually help you out in times like these.
'I can see the stars so clearly from here. Back home, the stars would be so dim that most nights you could hardly see them because of all of the lights around.'
'Huh, I wonder what kind of constellations this world has thought up of. That kinda looks almost like a horse, if you look at it sideways.'
'I wonder what kind of galaxy this world is in. The Milky Way was nice and all, but something different could be nice, too.'
Those would be the kind of thoughts that would help calm you down after your nightmares and you'd start feeling sleepy again. You'd go back inside, maybe drink a little bit of water, and then delve underneath the covers of your bed and go to back to sleep.
But this time, though, you could hardly focus on anything else except for the contents of your dream. No matter how intently you stared into the night sky, there was nothing else that you could think of other than, 'It was just so realistic.'
"Hey, hench-human! There you are! 'Was wonderin' where ya went so late at night. Come back in already, you let the fireplace in the room die out and now the whole room's gone cold again," you hear Grim calling out to you from the now open door of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Sorry Grim, I'll be back inside in just a bit, just gimmie a minute, alright?"
"What? You're just gonna sit outside in this cold?" Grim exclaims, "What are ya even doing out here anyway?" And you hear Grim's paws tapping on the old wooden flooring as he scampers his way to you.
"Couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Had another dream about the Great Seven? Or was it that Mickey dude in the mirror again?" He pushes your arms away from your legs and jumps into your lap without another thought. If he was going to wait for you to get up and relight the fireplace, he was at least going to wait somewhere that's nice and warm- your lap.
"Actually," you clear your throat, "not this time, no."
"Then what's up?" And he just said it so casually, like either he knew that something was bothering you and he wanted to make the conversation comfortable enough to talk about it- that or he's just completely unable to read a room (which was honestly the more likely option). Either way, it made you pause for a moment, to think about whether you wanted to answer his question honestly or make up some sort of lie about it.
"I'm thinking about whether I should just go ahead and tell Crowley to give up on looking for my way back home," you admit, deciding on telling him half-truths for now. But your comment caught him off guard, and he looks back at you with surprise. "Huh, why would ya do that?" he asks.
"Well, I mean I'd probably just be lying six feet under if I do manage to go back, so what's the point in having Crowley waste his time on this? Besides, he's been using it as an excuse to make me us do all of his dirty work for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him anymore than I already am."
"Well, I guess that does make sense, but still, haven't you been wantin' to go home this whole time? What's with you givin' up now?" he grumbles.
"Awe, I had no idea that you hated me this much," you joke, "To think, that even my closest friend even wants me gone from this world! Oh, woe is me!"
"Hey, you know it ain't like that, henchman!" Grim pushes you playfully, "I'll have you know that, unlike SOME people, I care about my minions. If ya wanna go home, then you should keep tryin' to find a way back, especially if there's someone else doin' all the work for you."
"That's sweet of you to say, but I'm probably never going back."
"What makes you so sure?" And you don't say anything to his question, not for a while. Grim notices your silence and concludes his statement, "Well, if that's what you want, then alright. It just means that you'll be here to see me become the greatest mage in the world!"
"Mhm," you nod sluggishly, and the conversation goes quiet from there. Now, the heavy silence of the winter night fell upon the both of you, the only sounds being the creaking of the old wooden planks of the Ramshackle dorm, the frostbitten wind blowing through the air, and the soft shuffling of you petting through Grim's fur as he sits idly in your lap. The silence didn't bother either of you much, as Grim was nearly falling back to sleep with the soft movements of your hands brushing him and the warmth from your lap keeping the cold at bay. But as time continued to pass, your anxious thoughts started clouding the deep recesses of your mind once again and you felt compelled to speak upon them.
"Grim, I know that you're a monster and everything, but do you know anything about reading a human's pulse?" you speak suddenly, and he flinches awake at your question, rubbing his eyes tiredly as you continue without letting him answer, "You can find your heart rate just by pressing on your wrist, or placing these fingers against your neck, like this." And you demonstrated both actions to him.
"Grim,, I," your voice chokes up, "I can't feel my pulse... Earlier I had another nightmare, and I saw myself dying. In my world... It was so realistic, I..." Tears start erupting from your eyes as you recall the vivid memory, and Grim stares at you with wide eyes as you continue, "When I woke up, I felt like I could still feel the pain. It was so excruciating, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I came out here."
Your body was shivering uncontrollably with how you were trying to keep your tears in as you spoke, and you pull Grim closer to you in a hug close to your chest, "Grim, please tell me. Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Even if you lie to me, please just tell me that you can hear my heartbeat."
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"I can hear it," Grim states seriously (I mean, after seeing the state you're in, it would be more than a little rude if he wasn't serious), "And I'm not lyin' to ya. It's super cold out here, which is probably why ya can't feel it, but you do have a heartbeat. I promise you, you're alive, right here, with me." He wasn't expecting this, but he tries his best to comfort you, though really he has no idea about what to do or what to say. But as awkward as his words come out as, it still works to help you calm down after a while. He waits until your breathing starts to slow down and your tears have stopped spilling.
"Henchman, I'm startin' to feel hungry for a midnight snack," he states, "I know you're hungry too, so let's go sneak into the cafeteria and see what they've got!" And he leaps off of your lap and looks at you with his bright blue eyes, "We can warm up by its fireplace while we're there too."
As he starts dragging you towards the school, he turns to look at you and he says, "The way I see it, the way you still get hungry or thirsty is how we know that you're still alive. You wouldn't need to eat or sleep if you were dead, like the ghosts, now would'ya? You really need to stop overthinking things like this, givin' me a heart attack when you start cryin' outta nowhere like that..."
I accidentally wrote a whole mini-story for them, no wonder this request took so long </33 I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, anon! While I did have trouble at the beginning, things started falling into place as I kept writing 👏👏
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I don’t know if the story says or not but What makes a dorm leader different than a regular student. They have a fancier uniform, order their students around, and go to meetings to plan events so it is just like a leadership position?
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I’ve personally always thought of the dorm leaders as a variant of RAs (resident assistant). They’re students who work with school administration to oversee and to conduct activities for their respective dorm buildings/residence halls. In return for their efforts, RAs get perks (usually monetary compensation/free or reduced price on their own housing, their own room instead of having to share with others, etc.). Usually there is a fierce application and selection process since the benefits are good.
Similarly, the dorm leaders in TWST have certain responsibilities but are also granted power within their own dorm as well as certain privileges which extend beyond that. Here are some key points that differentiate the dorm leaders from your average NRC student:
Dorm leaders have say over succession and their second-in-command. (They can recommend someone to replace them as dorm leader, and can pick their own vice dorm leader.)
Dorm leaders can choose to not pick a vice dorm leader at all. This is the case for Leona (as he doesn’t want to be challenged). Ignihyde also lacks a vice dorm leader but we lack a reason as to why this is.
Dorm leaders attend meetings with other dorm leaders + the headmaster to discuss schoolwide events and activities. They may delegate this work to their vice dorm leaders if necessary.
Vice dorm leaders can fill in for their dorm leader if the dorm leader is not present or not able to fulfill their duties. This occurs in book 6 of the main story.
Dorm leaders wear a special variant of their own dorm’s uniform. They are also allowed to make significant alterations if they wish (only to the uniform they wear, not the uniform that other students in their dorm wear).
Dorm leaders get to have their own dorm room rather than having to share it with other students.
Dorm leaders are implied take some responsibility for their students’ behavior and academic performance, as they are the “face” of each dorm.
Dorm leaders appear to have authority over students in their own dorm, though whether they exert that power or not depends on the individual dorm leader and their governing style. Whether the students obey/respect them or not also varies.
Dorm leaders have the ability to grant students (even those outside of their own dorm) the ability to use magic for combat. (This is typically forbidden unless NRC staff allows for it.)
Dorm leaders are seen as the “role models” and are expected to resolve conflicts that arise within their own dorm. This includes academic challenges and generally correcting poor behavior.
It’s implied that dorm leaders “look out” for the younger students. This includes showing them how to were their ceremonial robes as well as showing them around their new dormitory after the entrance ceremony.
Dorm-wide Halloween costumes are determined by either dorm leader or vice dorm leader.
Dorm leaders must attend orientation rehearsal, as well as orientation itself.
Vice dorm leaders can issue permission for people outside of the dorm to stay over.
Specific duties/responsibilities assigned to certain dorm leaders:
The Heartslabyul dorm leader may choose to enforce the Queen of Hearts’ rules at their discretion. Riddle is very strict, but the previous dorm leader was lax.
The Heartslabyul dorm leader assigns card suits to each of their students. They are first applied with a magical stamp, and the students are responsible for putting on their own mark with makeup every day after.
Grey areas/non-specific:
Dorm leaders are often serving as heads of committees (such as Vil for Halloween, Riddle for the cultural festival, etc.) It’s not clear if this is exclusively for dorm leaders or not.
Riddle says that everyone in the groups of book 6 has been given first responder training, but it’s not specified if this is required for all vice dorm leaders and dorm leaders.
Azul runs the Mostro Lounge, but since it is a personal project of his, his successor may not necessarily be tasked with continuing to run it.
Dorm leaders may also arrange the welcoming party, though this could be a responsibility shared with vice dorm leaders. Savanaclaw is stated to not have a welcoming party, but it’s not clear if this is based on the dorm leader’s discretion or not.
Dorm leaders must grant their permission in order for a student to book sections of their dorm building for events. This is stated to apply to Diasomnia, but it may be assumed to extend to other dorms too.
The light novel states that Riddle determined room assignments, as all students (excluding the dorm leader) live in shared rooms until junior (third) year. The second light novel confirms that it is 4 first years to a room, 2 second years to a room, then 1 solo third year. It’s not said whether the dorm leader picking your roommates is a Heartslabyul exclusive or of it extends to all other dorms (though we may assume it does).
Trey is often seen directing unbirthday party preparations, but we don’t know if this is because it’s part of his duties as vice dorm leader or because he wants to avoid Riddle’s wrath.
Jade helps Azul collect personal information on new students, but this is most likely a Jade thing and not an Octavinelle vice dorm leader thing
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Epel: *walking around, looking for MC* Senpai? Senpaiiiiiiii! Mmrrrmmm... WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!
Malleus: Why are you yelling, Felmier?
Epel: M-Malleus-senpai! I-I didn't know you were around. I'm sorry...
Malleus: Were you looking for someone?
Epel: Yes. As soon as the ceremony ended, they immediately disappeared somewhere. And they left their shoes. Vil was furious.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Are you implying that they're walking barefoot?
Epel: *sigh* *nods*
Malleus: Appears to be quite a troublesome individual.
MC: *is approaching them* *carrying flowers* Epel~.
Epel: Wha— Senpai! Where have you been?!
MC: I was taking a walk when I stumbled to these flowers~. Aren't they beautiful~?
Epel: I was searching for you... and you were just picking flowers?!!
MC: Hm-hm~.
Malleus: ...
MC: *turns to look at him* *smiles with their eyes* Hello~.
Malleus: Greetings, I am Malleus Draconia.
MC: Malleus~?
Epel: Yes, senpai. He's the housewarden of Diasomnia.
MC: Oh~! That's amazing~. Keep up the good work, Malleus~.
Malleus: ...
Epel: *troubled laugh* Please excuse us, Malleus-senpai. *grabbing MC's hand, half-dragging*
Epel: Let's go now, senpai.
MC: Bye-bye, Malleus~. Let me hug you next time~.
Epel: *stern* Senpai.
Malleus: ...
Lilia: Oh? You had a conversation with the transfer student?
Malleus: Yes. They were quite bizarre.
Lilia: *laughs* I couldn't agree more!
Malleus: Hm?
Lilia: Everyone in this school thinks they're bizarre. Especially what they did to Crowley in the Orientation ceremony.
Malleus: What occurred that day?
Crowley: I'm excited to inform you about the arrival of our new transfer student. Let's extend a warm welcome and ensure they feel at home during their time at Night Raven College. *smiles*
Kalim: Yay!
Leona: Why are we receiving students in the middle of the school year?
Azul: There must be something exceptional about the student for the headmage to approve their admission.
Vil: Regardless of how remarkable they might be, I won't be showing favoritism to anyone.
Riddle: I have the same sentiment.
Idia: Lol. I like how you all are being negative.
Crowley: I am now going to open their gate— *got struck by lightning*
The students: !!!
Crowley: *coughs*
Kalim: Where—Where did that come from?!
Riddle: Headmage! Are you alright?!
Crowley: Yes, yes. Don't worry about me. *opens MC's gate* *and sees they're not inside*
Crowley: Oh dear. Urgent request! I require a charming individual immediately!
Lilia: And that's how they ended up in Pomefiore because Vil Schoenheit is undeniably the most charming person present who made them show up from hiding.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: However, why would Crowley be struck with lightning?
Lilia: Special defense mechanism. I wish we had done that when we enrolled, Malleus. *chuckles*
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
Pink in the Night
i’ve always wanted to write a soulmate au :)
Malleus Draconia x Reader
wc: 5.9k
cw: reader is yuu, major character death, descriptions of violence/injury, mentions of fae heat (brief, sfw), pmmm inspired, yandere-ish
For the first few hundred years of his life, Malleus is convinced he doesn’t have a soulmate. While other children gleefully show off small scrapes and bruises that magically appear on their skin, Malleus’ own remained blemish free. He wonders if perhaps his soulmate is simply being considerate; trying to save him from harm by living a careful life.
He remembers when Silver first got a scrape on his knee, how the seven-year-old had started crying when it appeared. Lilia had consoled him and taken care of the injury, telling his son what it meant. By the end, young Silver had shed tears of excitement for the future.
A bittersweet feeling climbed Malleus’ throat at Lilia’s words to his son - fate, destiny, soulmates - it seemed the world had simply forgotten about him. Perhaps that was his destiny: to rule Briar Valley undistracted and alone, concentrating only on his kingdom. While uncommon, it wasn’t impossible - there certainly existed some unlucky enough to be born without one.
Five hundred years later and the time in which Malleus wished for a soulmate has long passed. The thought rarely crossed his mind anymore - it was no different than any other loneliness he’d felt it in his life. Unlike other children, he’d grown up without his parents. Just the same, he’d do fine without a soulmate.
The morning of NRC’s orientation on his third year, Malleus feels a sharp scratch on his arm, like that of the cat which had scratched him as a child when attempting to flee his touch. It’s faint and quick, and his fae blood means any visible mark is gone within a second. Malleus pulls down his sleeve anyway, eyes scrolling over the area of his wrist where he’d felt it. His pale flesh is as unblemished as ever; he almost feels like he’s hallucinated it.
The feeling leaves him in thought and he decides to take a walk on campus. Absorbed by the morning’s events, Malleus barely takes notice of the bustling of the students around him, all preparing for something he can’t quite remember; he makes a note to ask Lilia about it later.
Malleus walks until that the sky darkens into a deep azure. The tranquility of nature is soothing to him; he feels like just another one of the trees. The birds chirp freely in his presence, uninhibited by fear or distaste. Eventually he runs into Shroud, talking to himself in the courtyard. Malleus is almost pleased at the encounter: him and his fellow dorm leader seeking to find peace in similar ways.
The pleasantries are quickly dispelled when he realizes Idia is dressed in his black ceremonial robes. Malleus is confused, and Shroud quickly becomes defensive when he questions his choice. He does not struggle with the idea for too long. Malleus figures that perhaps there are things that fae and humans simply cannot understand about each other.
His day is quickly soured when Lilia informs him that he’s missed the school’s ceremony again. The distraction of another lost opportunity means he forgets all about the strange incident from the morning.
Time passes quickly for Malleus, it always has. He blinks and Heartslabyul’s dorm leader has overblotted. He blinks again and another Spelldrive tournament approaches.
Another late night, Malleus escapes Diasomnia dorm to take a walk by himself. He only has so long before Sebek realizes he is gone, so the prince makes haste to his usual spot.
Ramshackle reminds him of why he enjoys nature: it is another place where Malleus can simply exist amongst the gargoyles, where his presence causes no disturbance and nothing to change. It seems this kind of peace can only exist for him in places abandoned by others.
The solitude he’s enjoyed so long is shattered when this time, the dorm is not empty. A child of man walks out from the gates of the dorm, rubbing their eyes and dressed in simple clothing.
You seem as surprised to see him as he is by you. It catches Malleus even further by surprise that you do not cower at his appearance.
You offer your name, and Malleus finds it unusual. He is certainly well read, having been educated on all major parts of the world since he was a child (it wouldn’t do well for a prince to be aware of only his own kingdom), and yet, he has never heard of your name. He doesn’t dwell on the details, certainly it could be the mistake of the outdated nature of Briar Valley’s texts.
Malleus decides not to offer you his own name. He wonders if perhaps keeping it to himself would help maintain the serenity of Ramshackle; without his name, perhaps you will still treat him as just another person. He silently mourns the loss of this space, and vows to find more ruins in which he can find peace.
The next time Malleus sees you, you call him ‘Tsunotaro,’ and he laughs for the first time in a while. He’d thought maybe you were bluffing last time, pretending not to know who he really was. Your bravery to call him by this nickname is delightfully baffling.
You tell him about Azul and the contract, and Malleus almost feels sorry for how pitiful and doe-eyed you look. It’s not as though he can’t understand the sentiment. In a way, he’s grown fond of Ramshackle too. He leaves you with words of encouragement and disappears into the night.
Three days later, Malleus drops to his knees in his room, feeling like his bones are being crushed into dust. The pressure is so overwhelming he passed out.
He awakens on the bed of his room, with Sebek standing by his bedside. As soon as the half-fae sees his eyes flutter, Sebek is yelling out for Lilia and Silver to come. Malleus groans at Sebek’s loudness and lightly chastises him. He immediately apologizes in a softer tone as the two others come rushing in.
The prince moves his arms and legs, relieved to find them in tact. Although he feels sore, his bones and tissue are not fractured and split as he worried. He wonders if he’s dreamt the pain; it feels like a distant memory. The only thing that remains is a sort of empty pit in his stomach, but he supposes it’s likely because he hasn’t eaten. Lilia checks up on Malleus, pressing his small hand to his forehead.
‘Strange’, his guardian remarks. ‘A fae’s first heat is often painful, but it shouldn’t have been for someone like you. Well, at least it seems you slept through the worst of it.’
Malleus isn’t sure what it should feel like, but the crushing of bones definitely seems extreme. Still, he accepts Lilia’s explanation for his condition easy enough. He retained no actual injury, so there doesn’t seem to be any explanation other than his own body.
When Malleus feels well enough to return to his duties as housewarden, Lilia explains the situation he had been hiding from Malleus while he was in his incapacitated state.
It seems Ashengrotto was more dangerous than Malleus gave him credit for. Kingscholar and a few other students had stopped his overblot, but during the fight, destruction to the nearby dorm building caused a student to be crushed and killed.
Lilia explains the chaos that the school has been thrown into while he’s been asleep, the attempt at damage control by Crowley, and Azul’s further breakdown once he’d realized what he’d done.
Ashengrotto was hardly Malleus’ favourite fellow housewarden, but his situation was terribly sad. He knew, despite his greediness and flaws, that Azul was not a bad person.
As he walks around campus, the courtyard is empty of students. Malleus loves the quiet, but not like this. This kind of quiet is constrictive, like oxygen has left the air and Malleus can no longer breathe. He spots a single student walk down the hall, so distracted that he fails to even notice Malleus as he walks past.
The next few days pass in a similar silence. It seems even those who did not know the student who was killed are shaken by the event. Ashengrotto has left the school and gone home; Malleus isn’t sure if it was by choice or not.
Lilia encourages Malleus to attend the vigil for the student who died, stating his attendance to be important both as a housewarden and the future king of Briar Valley.
The two of them walk to the vigil, accompanied by Silver and Sebek. Malleus is so lost in thought that he doesn’t realize they’ve walked the path to Ramshackle dorm.
It’s then that he spots the giant picture of you, printed on a canvas, set in front of the dorm gates. You smile in the picture, but he can tell you were caught off guard by whoever took the picture. It’s not unflattering, but he’s surprised they chose that one. It seems more like a causal picture taken by a friend than one meant for a funeral. When he asks Cater later on, he’ll learn it was one of the few anyone had of you. The picture is surrounded by white candles, probably twenty or so.
Blue hair catches his eye and Malleus notices the two freshman boys he’d occasionally spot with you standing off to the side of the portrait. The redhead keeps his gaze cast down, but the blue-haired boy is unable to keep the tears from spilling down his cheeks. Malleus imagines if he was any closer, he’d be able to hear the soft sobs spill from his lips.
Malleus doesn’t realize he’s stopped walking until Lilia is ushering him quietly to stand behind the crowd. At his height, he’s still able to see over the rest of the students. A blur of grey flashes by his eyes as something runs between legs to the front of the crowd.
Grim sits frozen at the bottom of your portrait for a moment, the rest of the students going silent as they watch him. Malleus notices Leona standing off to the side of the crowd beside Ruggie, the two of them looking as glum as he’s seen; it’s strange for him to see the prince without his usual smirk or sneer.
The cry that breaks the silence a moment later replays in Malleus’ head for days. Grim’s grief at your death haunts him; the more he remembers it, the more the pit in his stomach grows.
It’s the pity that sets Malleus on his next decision. This experience, this loss the campus has faced has undeniably changed things. He feels sorry for you and your friends, of course, but mostly Malleus hates the silence he can no longer escape.
Malleus doesn’t bother telling Lilia; his guardian would likely try to stop him, but Malleus knows he’s in no danger. His grandmother had given him the magic shield only because she knew he could handle it.
The prince straps the small, metal shield to his wrist, before spinning it’s round edges until it aligns with his designated mark.
Malleus finds himself two days before Azul’s overblot. He knows he’ll have to do something before his heat becomes too much of an issue for him to intervene. The fae sneaks away from his guards in the middle of the night to place magic-resistance charms on the Octavinelle building; he hopes it’ll be enough to prevent your death and all its fallout.
The next two days play out just as before. Malleus finds this part of time-hopping quite tedious; the repetitive nature of reliving the same days over and over again. Although he supposes it isn’t much different than how he normally feels through the school year. Without extra events to attend, his routine is rather simple. Unchanging, even. That is the life of a fae as old as him; every day feels the same.
Some minor things feel a bit different than before: Malleus hadn’t remembered Kingscholar glaring at him from across the hall the last time around. The behaviour isn’t unusual for Leona, so Malleus doesn’t think too hard about it.
Malleus mentions to Lilia about his ‘bad feeling’ regarding Ashengrotto; he hopes it will be enough to entice him to keep watch of the situation while Malleus is forced to stay in his room and face his heat.
The prince waits in his room, staring at his stone ceiling. He anticipates the pain, but as the sky turns dark and his room is only lit by candlelight, nothing comes. His bones do not crush and his head does not splinter. He wonders if he’s made a mistake; could casting a simple spell and telling Lilia about the incident change enough to not have his heat come?
Malleus goes to see you once more after Ashengrotto is dealt with. He doesn’t expect to feel so…strange seeing you alive again. You thank him for the advice he’d never intended, but he can’t help but feel an unusual happiness at hearing you bring up the gargoyles.
He doesn’t see you for a while after that, but it’s difficult not to think of you. Things become busy, and so he sends you a holiday card to make up for his lack of visits. He feels oddly upset at your lack of reply. Perhaps you’ve discovered his identity and no longer wish…Malleus perishes the thought and resolves himself to return to your dorm when he can.
The next time you meet, snow covers the ground around Ramshackle. Something else has changed too; you look happy. He finds that the faint red that dusts your cheeks and nips at your nose… it becomes you.
When you pass him the tickets, Malleus starts to hear his pulse ring in his ears. Surely he’s misunderstood your intent? Your casual demeanour does nothing to quell his surprise.
Malleus composed himself before thanking you and promising to attend. He goes back to Diasomnia and makes Sebek vow to ensure he makes it there. He hates to use the half-fae’s devotion for his personal needs, but Malleus refuses to disrespect you by failing to attend the first event he’s been personally invited to since coming the NRC.
There’s still days before the event, but Malleus can’t stop thinking about the encounter. He is…ambivalent about you. In a way, you’ve given him hope and that is much worst than those like Kingscholar who outright reject his presence. You don’t know him, and so you do not fear him. Is it truly possible that his name and his position is all that keeps others away? Or perhaps you are special; Malleus allows himself to believe for a moment that you might accept him anyway, before banishing the thought to somewhere it will not harm him.
The day of the SDC, Sebek reminds him repeatedly of it’s time, and insists on guiding him to the event. Malleus declines Sebek’s request when he happens to feel a dull pain shoot against his shoulder, like he’s been hit by something heavy. He checks his body but no bruise colours his skin. Still, Malleus grows increasingly restless as he wonders, so decides to head over early.
This time, he watches your death in real time.
Schoenheit’s overblot form rages above you all. Malleus approaches the group, intending to step in, but sees the release of the poison mist a second too late. As the purple haze consumes your body, Malleus feels an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. When you fall to the ground, he feels his limbs grow weak and heavy. Suddenly, any pain is gone, and you have grown still.
The others are distracted by subduing Vil, not yet noticing your fallen form behind them. Malleus approaches you silently, and his stomach begins to turn the closer he gets. When he catches sight of the blood trailing down your left shoulder, he does not stop to help the students that now call his name.
Malleus turns his shield and he’s back in his room. He’s left himself a couple days before the SDC, just enough time to fix things.
Malleus wonders if you have any idea that he is your soulmate. He wonders how you would feel. Pleased? Ambivalent? Afraid?
He pauses on the last possibility and stays there until he is overwhelmed by a tight feeling in his stomach.
Part of him is angry as well. Malleus is one of the most powerful mages in this world, but the universe has decided his fate was to be bonded to a fragile human, and a magicless one at that.
He dismisses the thought as soon as it comes. No, it all makes sense. Malleus is strong precisely because you are weak; he was made to keep you safe, to protect you from anything that would seek to harm you. He knows that now.
If destiny has ensured you be bonded together, he will ensure it is forever.
Malleus sees you again, but now he only watches from afar. It’s strange to see you in this new light.
You are his soulmate. Someone the universe designed for him; someone who would be forced to accept him.
He casts a spell of invisibility as he approaches you, sitting outside Ramshackle with Grim. The two of you bicker gently, but Malleus is too focused on his goal to really notice. He casts charms of protection and invulnerability on you, and slips away as quickly as he can.
Malleus intends to leave, but he’s held in place by the sound of your laughter; it rings free and clear. He flees the scene before he can think too long about why the sound replays in his mind.
When the day of the SDC finally comes once again, Malleus is sure to enter the stadium early enough to sit in the shadows in case he needs to intervene.
His protection spells work as intended, and he only reveals itself when it’s time to reconstruct the stadium - he still has a show to watch, after all.
The others’ shock at your friendliness with him is quite amusing. Malleus imagines the surprise they’d feel if they knew you were his soulmate too.
Although he hadn’t really wanted to do it this way, Malleus figured that it’s necessary to reveal his real identity to you now; if you are to be his forever, there’s no reason to spare you the details.
Your continued use of the former nickname you’d given him pleases Malleus. It confirms to him what he’d believed - soulmates were obligated to love each other, no matter what. Even the fearful reactions of your friends did not serve to deter you from him. How could they? The two of you were meant to be.
In the days following the SDC, Malleus contemplates how to tell you that the two of you are soulmates. The matter is rather delicate and although the two of you are in a good place, he’d rather not reverse his progress.
He decides to consult Lilia, who is both surprised and overjoyed when Malleus shares the news. His guardian advises him not to rush into things, but rather to begin a courting process before revealing the truth, so as to not scare you away. Unfortunately, Malleus doesn’t have much experience in the area.
His first strategy is one traditional of his family; the giving of gifts over a period of seven days. Malleus sends letters back to Briar Valley to bring him the most expensive and desirable collection of jewelry and artifacts in the royal family’s care. Malleus’ grandmother writes back in congratulations and sends what he requested.
Unfortunately, he failed to account for the cultural differences between fae and humans. One night as he stops to chat with you outside Ramshackle, you pull out one of the gifts he’d left at your doorstep: an ancient necklace, said to be blessed by the original thorn fairy herself.
Malleus prepares himself to finally reveal the truth to you, excited that you’ve finally acknowledged his courting.
Then you tell him that you’re afraid you have a stalker and ask if he’s seen anyone lurking around Ramshackle, claiming that ‘cursed’ objects have been left anonymously at your doorstep.
Malleus takes a moment to compose himself (it’s a little rude of you to call his gift ‘cursed’) before promising to keep a look out.
He goes to Silver that very night to ask him about human courting rituals. Silver explains the concept of ‘dating’ to Malleus, and that night, the prince asks you to accompany him to dinner at the Mostro Lounge.
Malleus feels the excitement bloom in his chest when, after walking you home from dinner, you ask him to attend a play with you the following week.
The two of you go on many dates, until he’s begun spending the free time he has at Ramshackle.
Sitting on your couch, he makes a mental note to make renovations to some of the older furniture when he has a chance. He’d like to preserve the ruins look of the building, but not at the cost of your discomfort.
The doorbell rings, and you’re jumping off the couch to answer the door. Ace and Deuce stand outside with bags of snacks in hand. They smile at you, but just a bit of that happiness drops at the sight of him on the couch.
Your best friends haven’t exactly taken well to his newfound presence. The feeling isn’t entirely not mutual - it’s them who should apologize for taking so much of your time. You’re his soulmate after all, not theirs. You usher them inside and they take a seat on the chairs farthest from the couch.
“Sorry, Malleus, I totally forgot I made plans with them to come over earlier. Is it possible for us to watch the movie another time?”
“Of course, my love,” Malleus says, watching intently as your friends wince at the pet name. “I will see you tomorrow for tea with Lilia?”
At your nod, a small smirk rises to his face as he approaches you, dropping a small kiss on your lips as he departs. He notes the embarrassed and disgruntled look your friends faces; as much as he hates to let them see you in any intimate way, he needs them to know their place before he leaves.
One day, Malleus walks in on Deuce holding you. Your arms are awkwardly grasping at his shoulders, and he grips underneath your arms. It’s clear you’ve fallen, and yet Malleus can’t help but let the picture freeze in his mind; it burns into his memory.
Deuce helps you stand properly before the two of you let go of each other. You apologize and thank him awkwardly; the two of you haven’t even noticed him.
Malleus greets you from the doorway and both of you flinch in surprise. You gesture him inside, telling him all about the ‘funny story’ that just happened with Deuce.
He tries to sleep that night, but every time he closes his eyes, Malleus sees you in Deuce’s arms. He knows there’s nothing between you; it was an accident, and you love him after all.
Malleus makes the decision to reveal that he’s your soulmate the next time you two are alone. That happens to be two days later, once again on the Ramshackle couch.
He told you he wanted to discuss something serious, and he feels terrible at how anxious you look from across the table. Malleus wordlessly takes a small needle he’d brought with him and gently pricks his index finger.
You just stare at him, bewildered. Malleus takes your hand, flipping it palm-side up. No red pools on your finger, and no indentation appears either.
It’s his turn to stare in confusion. Every time you’ve been injured, he’s felt it. All your deaths, he’s felt. You’re human, you should not be healing this fast. He tells you as much.
“Is-Is this about soulmates, Malleus?” Your eyes flick up to his, voice wavering a bit. You glance back down to your lap as your hand rises to scratch at your neck. “In my world, we don’t have soulmates. I’m sorry, I should’ve been honest with you before, but I was worried that if you knew I wasn’t your soulmate that you wouldn’t want to be together anymore.”
The words echo in his ears, but he can’t understand them. A world without soulmates…? But how?
“I’m sorry to ask this of you, but will you prick your finger. Just a tiny amount will do.”
“Malleus, I-“
“And please, keep an eye on my hand.”
You frown but nod. You prick your hand, wincing at the sensation, eyes flicking down to his own finger, eyes taking in the slight prick that appeared before quickly closing.
Malleus holds his breath as your face blooms into a myriad of emotions: confusion, shock, uncertainty, and finally a smile.
You launch yourself at him, capturing his lips in his very first kiss, and for once, Malleus does not think. He only feels the brush of your soft lips against his own inexperienced ones, following your lead. The moment lasts forever in his mind, but you still pull away too soon.
“Malleus, I’m sorry you’re not my soulmate but I’m so happy you’re mine~”
Your words unsettle him, but before he can think of it too long, you pull him into another kiss.
Things pass normally for a few days; the two of you continue to go on dates and avoid the subject of soulmates.
Malleus fears the worst when the campus is invaded, but rushing over to Ramshackle, his anxiety is temporarily relieved at the sight of you still on campus. You cry to him about Grim and he frets over your injuries - however mild, any threat to you is worth dealing with.
He begs you to stay at Diasomnia since your dorm was destroyed but you refuse. You insist on staying at Ramshackle and even ask that he not stay alongside you, promising that you can handle yourself. Malleus almost does it anyway, but Lilia warns him to give you space in your grief and worry for Grim and your friends
He visits you one last time before he’s forced to stay with Diasomnia as their dorm leader. Malleus closes his eyes as he pulls you into his arms. Now that he’s had you close, being apart always feels like there’s something missing in his life, a lingering anxiety in the back of his mind that keeps scratching at his brain and ignoring the rational side of him.
The two of you stand in silence, wrapped around each other, until you pull away a couple minutes later. Giving his hand one last squeeze, you slip a pink, string bracelet on his arm, asking Malleus to keep it safe until you seem him again before encouraging him to return to help his dorm.
Malleus tries to leave but feels himself pause in the doorway. He looks back at you, sitting on your bed and staring at your phone, and gets a bad feeling.
It’s just paranoia, he rationalizes. You’ve been through so much, he can’t lose you again. But this time, you’re here and away from the action. Nothing will be able to harm you anymore while you’re on the same campus as him.
Malleus still silently casts a couple of protection spells on you before he takes his leave again.
He isn’t able to visit for some time after that, with his dorm leader responsibilities leaving him occupied. He knows your protection spells haven’t activated, so he tries to reassure himself while being away from you. He sends Lilia to check on you, and his guardian returns confirming your health.
Two days later, Malleus sits at a table with Lilia, Sebek, and Silver when he feels it. There is no pain, only a chill that seeps deep into his bones, stopping him mid-sentence. He feels everything at once: fear, despair, and finally, relief. The table remains silent as Malleus is struck with emotion, the others watching him in concern.
“Malleus? It is unbecoming for the future king of Briar Valley to be lost in thought mid-conversation.” Lilia speaks with a light-hearted tone, but Malleus barely hears him.
“Something is wrong with them. I know it,” Malleus whispers, mostly to himself. “No, no. They’re still on campus, that can’t be. You confirmed this yourself, right Lilia?”
Lilia’s pause kindles the fire of Malleus’ worst fear.
“I’m sorry, Malleus. They needed to help their friends, and they knew you would never allow it. But the rest of them are strong, I never thought-“
The confirmation comes three hours later when the rest of the students arrive back from the Island of Woe. Lilia and Malleus rush to the group of students gathered to greet their fellow dorm mates.
You are noticeably absent.
He barely hears their words, their explanation about your sacrifice, and your fall into the underworld.
He sees the shocked faces of the other students (even Kingscholar, lacking his usual smirk), and Lilia is ushering him away before he can even think about the wetness dripping down his cheeks. Out of the corner of his eye, Malleus sees Leona try to reach them, but they are too fast for him.
The tears come full force once they’ve teleported back to Diasomnia, but he does not sob. Malleus Draconia is not someone who cries. He wipes the wetness off his face, before turning to Lilia.
“We’ll need to wipe their memories as soon as possible. The future king of Briar Valley cannot be remembered to be so…emotional.”
The cold neutrality of Malleus’ tone shakes even Lilia. He continues to stand, staring at the wall in concentration.
Lilia places a hand on the prince’s shoulder: “Malleus, please sit down. You need to rest after what’s happened. The others can wait-“
“No, no, I won’t have to, I’ll go back again and fix things. It’s simple,” Malleus says, mostly to himself.
“Go back? Malleus, please, what are you saying?” Lilia grabs on to both of Malleus’ shoulders, but he does not break free of his conviction. “You don’t mean-“ Malleus’ lack of response confirms his suspicions. “That watch has never been meant to be used, Malleus! It was for world-ending emergencies, for a threat to your kingdom! You have no idea what you’ve done, the cost you’ve had to pay-“
“I’ll see you soon, Lilia, and all will be right again.”
“You don’t understand! If the prefect continues to die after you’ve already intervened, then that is fate! Nothing you do to change time will change the fact that they aren’t meant to survive.”
“…Change time? No, we’ve moved beyond that, Lilia. I’m not going to change time, I’m going to break it.”
“I will help the new prefect,” the student says. “I’ll show them to Ramshackle.”
You are sure that if Crowley’s face were not concealed by his mask it would be frozen in an expression of shock that mirrors the rest of the students.
“Uh, Draconia, that is very…kind of you, but it seems like a lot to trouble yourself with. You are very much needed here for orientation. Perhaps one of our vice housewardens might take care of it?” Crowley looks around but no one steps up to contradict this ‘Draconia.’
“I will be going now. Lilia, please handle the new students.”
Before anyone can further question his decision, Draconia puts a hand on your shoulder and guides you out of the room, leaving behind silence.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Draconia? You think you can just- what, change the world to your perfect dream? Change time again and again just because of the prefect? These are people’s lives you’re playing with! We’re not here to be subjected to your stupid whims.”
Malleus turns around to face Leona.
“And what, pray tell, do you plan to do about it?”
“I’m not afraid of you, overgrown lizard. You know it isn’t right, forcing us to play these roles that you’ve designed. And the prefect? Forcing them to be with you? You think-”
“Do I need to remove those petty claws of yours, Kingscholar? In fact, I bet you barely remember why you’re here.”
Leona’s face tells all Malleus he needs to know: “I-I know you’ve done something. My head, it just won’t clear-”
“It’s best if you forget about it and play along. We wouldn’t want you to cause more problems for yourself and your friends. The prefect is easily upset - I wouldn’t want to have to do anything bad to keep the world perfect for my soulmate.”
“Hey Leona,” Ruggie says, jogging up to the group before noticing Malleus. He stays close to Leona as he whispers to him: “You got class in ten. You know Crewel will freak if you miss again.”
Leona glances back at Malleus before reluctantly following Ruggie.
You try to be subtle as you sneak glances at him, but you don’t think you’re very successful. You don’t have a clue why this- well you don’t know very much about him but considering everyone else’s reactions - probably very powerful fae has taken an interest in you. He doesn’t glance back as he walks in front of you. The two of you continue that way until you suddenly run into something hard. You squeak out an apology but Draconia does not turn around or explain why he’s stopped. His question breaks the silence.
“Are you happy, prefect?”
“…Happy? I-I mean, I don’t know. I have these memories but…something feels off. Something is missing or different and I have no idea what. The headmaster claims I was always a student here, I just had some kind of injury but - this person doesn’t feel like me. I know these halls but I was not the one to walk them. I feel- Ah, I’m so sorry! I don’t even know you, why am I going on like this! Please forgive me, uh, sorry again but I haven’t gotten your name.”
“Malleus,” he says, “Malleus Draconia.”
“Sorry Malleus. We can continue to…my dorm. Thank you for volunteering to take me.”
You wait for Malleus to continue walking down the hall, but he only turns around. You are taken aback by the piercing gaze of his eyes: he looks at you as though he is searching for something lost deep in you.
Malleus pulls a needle out of his robes, and you begin to sweat. He doesn’t look at you, only holding the needle to his hand before using it to prick his index finger.
You wince as you feel a prick on your own finger, swiping over the pooling blood with your thumb before looking back up at him in realization.
“You- You’re my soulmate? Malleus, that’s- How did you even know? Is this-”
You’re interrupted by a large form enveloping your body. Malleus’ arms squeeze you so tight it becomes harder to breathe. You struggle instinctively, wanting this stranger to stop smothering you. Regardless of being your soulmate, you barely know him.
He lets you go, pulling away before taking your wrist and slipping a string bracelet onto your arm.
“Everything is as it should be. There’s no need to worry, my soulmate, you are exactly where you should be, and with who you should be with.”
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mysteryshoptls · 22 days
SR Lilia Vanrouge - Ceremonial Robes Vignette
"It's a showdown!"
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Lilia: Ooh, I see you've brought donuts from the Scalding Sands today, Kalim.
Kalim: You know your stuff, Lilia! It's a syrup-covered donut called awamat.
Cater: Looks tasty, but feels like it's a snack that's way sweeter than sweet.
Cater: I think I'll start off with the candy that Lilia-chan brought. Down the hatch…Mm?
Cater: [cough, gasp, sputter]! Ack, this flavor's crazy!
Lilia: Kufufu, it's licorice. One bite and you're already hooked, huh?
Cater: No, I'm saying it's bad crazy! It's salty, and tastes like rubber…
Lilia: Does it? I actually quite like it. …Nom. …Hmhm, yep, it's definitely tasty.
Kalim: How can you eat it all happy like that~? I can't with this, either. It doesn't even smell like it's edible.
Lilia: That's a shame, all I wanted was to share my favorite snacks with my clubmates.
Cater: Oh, right. Speaking of club stuff, what're we gonna do to try to pull in new members this year at the club showcase?
Kalim/Lilia: …?
Cater: Hey, come on! We met up today specifically to talk about what we were gonna do for that!
Lilia: And uh, what club were we again?
Cater: You don't even remember that!? We're the Pop Music Club!
Lilia: Oh right, I remember now. I can't help forgetting 'cause even when we meet up for our club like this, we're usually just lazing about anyway.
Kalim: Yeah, I feel like we haven't really played much music since I joined the club, either.
Cater: Seee, that's why the Headmage was on our case~
Cater: He said that since there's only three of us and we don't really do dedicated club activities, if we don't get more members this year, our club'll be disbanded!
Cater: That's why we absolutely need to get more folks to join us at the club showcase! Especially since it's basically impossible to get any of the older students to drop their clubs and join us, anyway.
Lilia: Plus, it feels like the students here aren't really geared towards joining a band, either.
Cater: Yeaaaaah~ Fights would break out even before we can even set up a live performance.
Lilia: Every time someone opens their mouth, it's just "our musical tastes are just different" and they leave. None of them are team players.
Kalim: And then in the end, it's just us left over.
Cater: Just us three easy-breezy boys~
Cater: 'Sides, it was Lilia-chan's performance from last year's club showcase that was the problem.
Cater: It totally threw everyone off when you just went all screamo and smashed your guitar! We only got Kalim-kun out of all the possible newbies 'cause of that.
Lilia: Nonsense. That scream is my specialty.
Lilia: Thrash metal isn't thrash metal without all my guitar strings snapping.
Cater: There's no way I can keep up with something as hardcore and heavy as that. Doesn't really feel like many people'd like it, either.
Kalim: I totally thought your performance was pretty cool, Lilia! I'd never seen anything like that.
Kalim: It really surprised me when you just leaped off the stage into the audience, too! Ahaha!
Lilia: Oh yes, the best part of a live performance is the stage dive.
Lilia: I was just as surprised that I fell straight to the floor because no one tried to catch me. Kheehee
Cater: 'K, we really gotta stop with goin' down memory lane now. Keep this up and we're really gonna lose our club, y'know?
Cater: I don't wanna lose our precious space to hang after classes. There's no way I'd even consider joining an athletic club~
Lilia: I hear you, I hear you. Then, I guess we should hunker down and prepare a band performance for the club orientation showcase.
Lilia: So, if we're putting together a three-piece band, who should be in what position?
Kalim: Well, obviously…
Kalim/Cater/Lilia: I'D BE ON MAIN VOCALS!
Cater: No way, c'mon, we can't all be vying for the vocalist spot!
Lilia: Well, we may be "easy-breezy boys" as you say, but in the end, we're still Night Raven College boys.
Lilia: Well, if we're picking a vocalist, it only makes sense that whoever can sing best takes the spot.
Kalim: Well, then that's gotta be me! Whenever I sing, I got Jamil, my parents and my siblings all sayin' I'm amazing!
Cater: Ehhh~ Don't think we can really go off of what your family and close friends say, can we?
Cater: But then there's me. Whenever I go sing karaoke with someone, it's a mad party!
Lilia: Wait a moment, you two. I've already proven that I can sing at last year's club orientation showcase.
Cater: No way, I already told you that your zombie-like shouting's only gonna scare away any potential newbies!
Lilia: Looks like we're at a stalemate…
Lilia: Well, guess there's no other choice… It's a showdown for that prized vocalist spot!
Kalim/Cater: Eh!?
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Kalim: So, what're we doin' to win the vocalist spot?
Cater: I'm gonna pass if it's a physical fight!
Lilia: Well, since we're looking for the best voice, it should be sufficient enough to do a singing competition using a karaoke app to score us.
Lilia: We each sing once. And we should each pick out a song we're good at singing.
Cater: Ok, we just gotta pick a song we know front to back, huh! Cool, so let's get this shindig started~♪
Kalim: You already decide what you're singing, Cater?
Cater: Yup, I'm thinking of doing the new song my favorite band just released this week. It's perfectly in my range 'n all.
Cater: …Oh, wait. It looks like it's not in the karaoke app yet, though.
Lilia: Guess you need to look for another song. What about you, Kalim?
Kalim: Mmm~ I thought about it, and…
Kalim: I'm way better at dancing than singing, y'know. Can I do that instead?
Cater: No, absolutely not! That's not what we're looking for at all!
Lilia: Kheeheehee, you're a silly lad, as always. Well, you still have time to pick out a song after I've finished singing.
Lilia: I'll start up the karaoke app, and… Hm. Would a lullaby from Briar Valley be considered a folk song?
Cater: A lullaby!? That's totally on the other side of the music spectrum from your usual metal music!!
Lilia: Lullabies are my specialty! I can instantly send a crying babe back into dreamland.
Cater: Wow. I wasn't expecting that.
Lilia: Ehehe. The secret is that I ad-lib some screaming shouts as I sing it.
Cater: But it's a lullaby!?
Cater: You're saying there's a baby out there who can listen to your screamo and actually sleep!? You sure they didn't just pass out!?
Lilia: Rude. He was sleeping away so peacefully. Ahh, how nostalgic.
Kalim: Oh, do you have much younger siblings too, Lilia?
Lilia: Well, no, he wasn't a sibling… But I did live with a babe for a while.
Kalim: I'm always trying to sing them lullabies to get them to sleep, but they never do. You'll have to show me your tricks later!
Lilia: Sure thing. How about I show you now… Hm? Looks like Briar Valley lullabies aren't in this app either.
Cater: Aw, man~ Guess it's just a little too specific, huh?
Lilia: So, neither me nor Cater can sing what we want. Kalim would rather dance…
Lilia: Well, some competition this turned out to be. Why don't we just do rock-paper-scissors to decide, then?
Lilia: It only makes sense that he who is the luckiest should shoulder the fate of our band's future.
Cater: That was out of left field...
Kalim: Well, why not? It's easy and we'll be done in a flash.
Cater: Fine… I guess leaving it up to something random like this is more our style anyway.
Lilia: Okay, here we go. Rock, paper, scissors…
Kalim/Cater/Lilia: Go!
Lilia: Yaay~ I win! I get to do the vocals!
Kalim: Maaan~ You're so lucky, Lilia.
Cater: Don't smash up the guitar this year, mmkay~?
Lilia: Yeh! …But after all that, I think the bass or drums would suit me better after all.
Cater: Then what was with that celebrating just now!?
Lilia: I just like snatch the win from those who wanted it, I guess.
Cater: If you need to be the center of attention like that, then maybe the singing guitarist position really does suit you after all?
Lilia: You don't get it, huh. Based on my research, the leader of the band is most often the bassist or the drummer.
Lilia: Also, they got this quiet and mature vibe, which also seems cool to me.
Lilia: You can be the main vocals, Cater, since you'd probably know all the popular songs right now.
Cater: Yaay~ Thanks, Lilia-chan! Then I'll be singing and on guitar! Kalim, what about you?
Kalim: If I'm not the lead vocalist? I only really know the instruments we got back home in the Scalding sands. I'm pretty good at the darbuka.
Cater: What's a darbuka? That's the first time I've ever heard that name.
Lilia: It's a type of drum that makes an exotic sound. I saw it once a long time ago when I visited the Scalding Sands.
Cater: I hate to be that guy, but aren't we gonna stray from the standard three-piece band if we use more specialized instruments…?
Lilia: Well, if you're good at percussion, then you should be on drums! I'll teach you how to play it.
Kalim: Thanks, Lilia! I can't wait to play a new instrument!
Lilia: So that means I'm the bassist and the leader of the band!
Cater: You're really hung up on being the leader, huh~ Okay then, Leader. What should we wear, then?
Lilia: Hm… Good question. Whatever it is, it should be flashy and cool.
Kalim: We can just special order some super fancy costumes! What if we sew on some gems to give them some serious sparkle?
Cater: Nice idea~♪ But there's no way that's in our budget…
Lilia: Yes, unfortunately, we're a small club that's in danger of being disbanded. Probably the only thing we can afford with what little we have is instrument upkeep.
Kalim: So, what, we have to do it with whatever we already own…?
Cater: Our dorm uniforms look cool… But they all clash~
Lilia: What outfit do all of us own that match despite being from different dorms… That's also cool… Hmmm…
Lilia: Oh yeah! What about our ceremonial robes!?
Cater: Lilia-chan, great idea!
Kalim: If you guys are good with it, so am I!
Lilia: Alright, now that we've figured out our costume, we just gotta practice every day until the club orientation!
Kalim/Cater: Yeah!!
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Lilia: …Is something that happened once.
Silver: I see, so that's why you weren't on guitar and vocals this year…
Sebek: I found your professional level bass playing to be an unforgettable sight to witness, Lilia-sama!!!!!
Lilia: And rightly so, of course. Kheeheehee.
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Requested by @olivebranch311.
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townpostin · 3 months
Kerala Public School Kadma Hosts Glittering Fresher's Nite
New Class XI students welcomed with performances, awards, and inspirational speeches Kerala Public School Kadma’s Class XI students embarked on their academic journey with a vibrant Fresher’s Nite celebration, featuring dance, music, and a glamorous fashion show. JAMSHEDPUR – A grand welcome event for Class XI students at Kerala Public School Kadma marked the beginning of their new academic year…
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 4 months
Hello! I know that your asks are closed right now, but this idea just popped into my mind and I needed to get it to you before it disappeared. Please feel free to ignore this until your asks reopen or just ignore it in general. I don't want you to feel forced to do anything, especially when I'm breaking your blog rules!
Jack Howl × Gorou M! Reader
I just noticed that you didn't have anything for Jack where he's by himself; so I wanted to give you a bit of inspiration! Have a wonderful day, Mr. Benny.
Jack Howl - With Gorou-Like Male Reader
Originally I was going to do all of the asks from franchises that I hadn't written for before first, but then I saw this and remembered that Jack didn't have any stand-alone content on my blog yet, so I just had to right this injustice. —Benny🐰
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🍐  Jack first met you at the orientation ceremony. He sort of already felt comfortable around you because of your canine traits and the way you carried yourself with such seriousness and determination. The white-haired boy also thought you smelled kind of nice; like the ocean and water-logged wood, but there was also a bit of sweetness in there that he couldn't quite identify. As orientation ended and all the Savanaclaw students made their way to the mirror chamber, Jack's curious eyes stayed glued to your cloaked form.
🍐 Coincidentally, you and Jack ended up sharing a dorm room, how nice for him. He was a bit shocked when you told him right off the bat that if he needed help or just someone to talk to you would readily lend an ear. The fact that he was bunked with such a supportive person was incredibly relieving for the wolf-eared boy. While it would take him a little while to open up to you more, considering you just met, Jack would be sure to act on your offer in the future.
🍐  Jack loves exercising with you! After learning about your previous status as a general before your enrollment in the NRC, he requested to know your exercise routine during that time, to which you happily agreed. You both have a habit of waking up at the crack of dawn and going for a run which made you decide to ask him to accompany you instead of heading out separately. Your skills with a bow and arrow also caught Jack's attention, often watching you practice and occasionally catching glimpses of a certain weird Pomefiore third-year hiding in the bushes.
🍐 During one particularly hot day, you and Jack ended up staying in your shared dorm room after class instead of going outside or to the dorm's indoor gym to exercise; far too hot to will yourselves to move. This is when the wolf beast-man learned of your shared habit of your extra appendages giving away your emotions, your orange-brown, and white ears drooping with exhaustion from the heat. When Jack suggested going to the dorm kitchen and making smoothies, he had to hold back a chuckle at how your ears perked up and how your tail began to sway. Although, when you saw where his gaze was directed you grew embarrassed and covered your butt with a pillow.
🍐 Speaking of sweet things, Jack discovered that his dorm mate had a fondness for sweets, he remembered you mentioning that you didn't get them very often while you were a general. He actually whipped up some pear jam on toast for you once to see what you thought about the taste and was happy that he found a fellow pear enjoyer in you. You did tell him that your favorite fruit was something called lavender melon, a tree fruit that was native to the cluster of islands that you grew up on. The fruit was on his mind for a while after that, Jack may or may not have made plans to eat it with you in the future.
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 1 month
TWST with Amane Ubuyashiki reader
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Amane Ubuyashiki is a supporting character in Demon Slayer. She is the wife and caretaker of Kagaya Ubuyashiki, and the mother of Hinaki, Nichika, Kiriya, Kuina, and Kanata Ubuyashiki. She helped her husband make plans on how to destroy Muzan Kibutsuji and aided him when Kagaya's physical state weakened.
• I'm just gonna rearrange their background for a bit. Their age here is when they're old enough to be chosen to marry Kagaya but was taken to the NRC first. Their age here is 17. I will also be changing their name from Ubuyashiki to Himorogi, which is Amane's maiden name.
• So basically, you already assumed that you were kidnapped by a demon and hid you inside a coffin to snack on later. You became puzzled when you felt the unfamiliar fabric of the ceremonial robe instead of your kimono. When you meet Grim, you didn't panic easily since he doesn't seem to be an Upper Moon. Grim was so dumbfounded when you calmly asked him why you should strip...
Grim: "Fnyagh?! Why are you awake?! W-whatever, just gimme your robe!"
Amane: "..."
Grim: "Hey! Did ya hear me?! I said, gimme your-"
Amane: "May I ask for what reason should I give you my clothing?"
Grim: "That's 'cause I'm The Great Grim! The sorcerer extraordinaire! So hand over your robe!"
Amane: "...And if I refuse?"
Grim: "Ya get burned by me!"
Amane: "...I apologize but no."
• Grim was getting irritated with how calm you are, almost as if you're treating him like a fly. Although... He couldn't help but sense the cautiousness of your tone. Him staring at your eyes felt like staring into the void yet there's beauty with your appearance.
• You walked passed him. He doesn't seem like a powerful demon. You have more important things to do... return to your home and marry the Ubuyashiki son. Grim, albeit a bit intimidated, could not stand you simply ignoring him. He pursued you, you ran.
• You avoided the demon wearing a crow mask while hiding from Grim. You explored the hallways until you memorized it's interior. You see a giant door and opened it to see... People on broomsticks?
• ....
• You don't understand.
• What is happening? Are they even human? How can they do that? And why are you in a building? As you thought of an answer for your questions for the sake of your sanity, Grim caught up to you...
Grim: "...*Pant*... Hey! You...*pant*... Ya think you can escape from my nose!"
Amane: "...."
Grim: "Fnyaagh... Hey! Enough with you ignoring me and face your-"
Amane: "Where exactly am I?"
Grim: "What? The heck are you asking me for? This is--"
???????: "Night Raven College, of course!"
Grim: "Fnyagh! What is up with randos cutting me off!?"
Crowley: "I am not just a rando, you beast! I am Dire Crowley, Headmaster of said college! And you, new student, have caused the orientation ceremony quite a problem. Come along now, we don't have all night."
Amane: "Pardon, but I am not a student here."
Crowley: "Did you wake up inside a coffin?"
Amane: "... Yes. Did you perhaps did-"
Crowley: "Then you are a new student! Also, please tame your familiar a little more."
Grim: "Hey, I ain't no--MMPH!"
Amane: "Hush."
• Grim didn't get to correct the headmaster for you placed a hand on his mouth to shut him up so you could silently observe Crowley while he's blabbering nonsense all the way to the Ceremony. You take in all the information you can get from Crowley as you near the Hall of Mirrors. The magic part is what you didn't understand. Does he mean Blood Demon Art?
Crowley: "Perhaps the teleportation magic made you forget? Allow me to help you remember. You are a new student in this prestigious academy filled with young mages who have the chance to hone their magical skills even furthur! This academy is founded by the Great Seven themselves! Isn't that quite an honor?"
Amane: "....I see."
• His explanations don't help at the slightest. He didn't tell you the reason why you are wearing a robe, why you came here in the first place, or why he assumed this floating tanuki is your familiar.
• You finally reached a room with muffled voices. The headmaster swung the doors open and revealed a crowd dressed in same robes you are wearing. He instructed you to approach the mirror... But you refused.
Crowley: "Now then, I must have hold of your familiar while you face the Dark Mirror. Go on."
Amane: "...Excuse me, but I musn't."
Crowley: "The ceremony is nearing its end! It's a simple process, just go to the mirror and say your name!"
• Crowley shoved you in front of the mirror and a face appeared in the glass. You have a staredown with the mirror before you say your name.
Amane: "...Hinaki Nichika..."
Dark Mirror: "Hinaki Nichika... Thy soul is..."
• Honestly, you are not that foolish to give them your real name. You decided to go with a fake one instead. You are not letting these demons take control.
Dark Mirror: ".... I do not know."
Crowley: "WHAT?!"
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
... so what do we know about the Clash? (pt. 1)
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The answer is still not a whole lot! But we did get some extra context surrounding the very first mystery we all caught on to surrounding the missing houses. I did some re-reading for this and noticed some stuff about the MC's curse I'll probably put into another post. Tumblr is being a bitch about word/text count so, I'll have to divide this into a few parts, but for now, here is part one of just the facts as stated in game.
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The Facts
The Clash is first mentioned by name in Chapter 10 of the Prologue after Professor Nicholas takes MC away from the Chancellor's Office to be treated in Mortkranken. Cornelius starts talking to himself having noticed that all of this is happening on the day of the entrance ceremony: "General student house reassignments today, prophecy research and Clash clean up ASAP..." We learn at the start of Hotarubi's Episode that there are three defunct dormitories: Dionysia, Ultio, and Clementia leaving seven intact dormitories. Kaito tells us that the general admissions students are sorted "during their orientation." He also tells us ghouls are very rare, and that where they go affects the power balance between houses.
General Admissions students are normal humans, all houses except for Obscuary and Jabberwock have general admissions students, but Kaito tells us that "The academy stopped general admissions for Jabberwock recently..." meaning that they did have General Admissions students at one point. We also know from both Cornelius's lines and the records MC finds at the beginning of Hotarubi's episode that general students were reassigned to different dorms at the beginning of the year. Kaito also tells us that Obscuary is not a dorm you get in via the weighing of souls even if you are a ghoul, and that there is a rumor about their Dorm Captain ("their captain is the one who-"). Obscuary is not referenced by anyone we speak to in the main story ever again, nor are the rumors about its Captain. I suspect this will be revisited in their Episode.
The MC is being housed in the Cathedrale Terminale. Cornelius tells us "It was vacated quite recently." The dormitory resembles a medieval church and is referenced as having statues, benches, and a pipe organ. Before the cats arrive to do repairs, MC remarks that it looks like "something went on a rampage in here" as a lot of the furniture is broken as are the statues. When Jiro and Yuri come to give MC her check up, Jiro tells Yuri that MC is staying "in the old Clementia dormitory." Clementia is mentioned in passing in Episode 2, when a Vagastrom student references needing them for exorcisms, and then again in Episode 5 when MC finds a list of defunct dormitories and reassigned General Admissions students. The dormitory's name is the same as the roman goddess of mercy and clemency. This is something of a theme with the three missing dormitories.
Dante is the advisor for Frostheim and Vagastrom. He is a new member of staff, just having been hired this year and assigned to the two most difficult dormitories in the school. During the Clash, Alan Mido, the Dorm Captain of Vagastrom believes that he killed him. Dante is aware of this but does not seem to hold a grudge against Alan. Leo seems to find this assignment suspicious and doubts that Dante is his real name.
Jin Kamurai is the Dorm Captain of Frostheim. He has not been seen by most professors, including the previous Frostheim advisor, for around half a year according to Hyde. Kaito tells us that the rumor is it has something to do with the Clash, he describes it as a skirmish that he was able to stay out of but "everyone ended up with some trauma after that... Until last year, that guy was the definition of a charismatic leader." It is revealed to us throughout Episode 1 that Jin has lost his ability to use his stigma without the MC's help.
His Vice Captain, Tohma Ishibashi, was in Vagastrom until the middle of last year, meaning that we can reasonably line up the events of the Clash, Tohma transferring to Frostheim, and Jin losing his stigma as happening around the same time. The relationship between Jin and Tohma reads as a bit more tense than initially thought to me, Tohma is playing a role and Jin is very aware that he's being used, though he does not seem aware to what end. We also know he is looking for a spy, and cooperating with Alan. He asks him to "not draw more attention to himself" before apologizing, I assume about Luca's actions at the start of Episode 2 when he barged into the pit. All of the dorms are eager to not rock the boat with Darkwick more than they already have. Tohma specifically has put in a lot of effort to maintaining a good relationship with Darkwick's staff, which allows him use of specific artifacts like the skeleton key he uses in Episode 1. We will see this same skeleton key used by Haku in Episode 5, implying the staff has the same level of trust in him.
Whatever happened during the Clash seems to have made Frostheim deeply unpopular, especially with Mortkranken and Vagastrom. Haru says that he specifically is unpopular with Frostheim, but it seems like he might have just meant he doesn't get along with Jin as no one seems to do that. Except for his sugar baby MC. Switching dormitories is something you need special permission for, but the Clash seems to have resulted in a wide scale shuffling of power as we have several references to dormitory swapping between the ghouls. Which brings us back to the topic of the missing dormitories.
In Episode 3 when Haru falls unconscious from not taking care of himself, Nicholas and Hyde discuss Jabberwock's active mission. Hyde asks Nicholas about using the Dionysia kids. Specifically he asks Nicholas if he "found" those kids, implying that they very much have been missing. It is not referenced again until Episode 5 when the MC finds the list of defunct dormitories, we do not know when it was disbanded, why its ghouls went missing, or why Nicholas would be unable to assign them missions. The dorm's name is a reference to a festival held in honor of the greek god Dionysus during which multiple theater performances and poetry competitions were held. It is also the name of a flowering plant.
The final missing dormitory is Ultio, which is first mentioned in Episode 5 when MC finds the list of defunct dormitories. We learn later on in the Episode that they were tasked with running the prison in the middle of Hotarubi's lake. The dormitory's name is a reference to the roman goddess of vengeance. Both she and Clementia are considered abstract deities, and related to the reign of Julius Caesar. The roman emperor was thought to need to balance the vengeance of Ultio with the mercy of Clementia, as Ultio is very specifically tied to feelings of anger and Clementia acts of kindness. Whether or not this means anything to the actual story is unverifiable, but I thought it was interesting and since it is a fact it goes here.
We learn more about the spy from Taiga in Episode 4. He specifically says that this spy is out to make the ghouls look bad. he asks the MC if she "would rather stay ignorant and keep letting him fool" her. This could mean that the MC has already met the spy and Taiga is aware of this, but given the man's memory issues it's more likely this is a figure of speech meant to fire her up. Moby tells the MC in Episode 5 that the Hotarubi ghouls are hiding something, and to be wary of them but well. There's like three other things that could be referring to: Zenji (my beloved), Lyca (which I doubt since he and Cornelius seem content to let the poor boy rot), and Subaru's true stigma. It could refer to the spy too of course, but there's too much other stuff going on in there to know for sure.
It is never stated in game who this spy is spying for, or what the ghouls believe his motives to be. Just that he is out to make the ghouls look bad. In Episode 5 the concept of being "Pro-Anomaly" is mentioned for the first time in reference to Hotarubi, with the rumor being that Subaru is keeping a dangerous one as a pet. From this we can assume that part of the divide between ghouls and general admission students is their views on how the anomalies should be treated. This is further enforced by the explanation we are given of Article 78.
Tumblr is being fussy and cutting me off from my beloved bullet points, so I'll have to type up the stuff about the Laurel Crown, Ritsu's findings, and the Institute in the next post. But for the TL;DR of this one: The Clash likely happened during the middle of last year and it is unclear how long it went on for. At some point, three dormitories were disbanded and their students were transferred to other dorms. There is a spy amongst the ghouls who they believe is out to make them look bad, and at least Tohma, Alan, and Taiga are aware of this. And finally, there is a degree of distrust between the Ghouls and the School that seems to have been sparked by how they treat captured anomalies.
next post
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snowchub · 2 months
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Big fat love🍔
Lawrence and Dani are also students at University A, but their "love" story started back in high school. Their relationship wasn't great back then. Lawrence used to bully Dani; back then, Dani didn't weigh as much as he does now. He was a cute twink that everyone liked. He had an enviable figure and his beauty could charm anyone, except Lawrence. Lawrence was just annoyed by him. Every time he saw Dani, he felt irritated, and all he wanted was to humiliate him in front of everyone. So, whenever he got the chance, he'd trip him in the hallways, steal his lunch, or throw his stuff.
To everyone's surprise, Dani would just smile big at all this bullying. He'd had a crush on the redhead for a while, but never tried to talk to him because no one knew his orientation. No one had seen him with a guy or a girl, and many assumed he was asexual. So, Dani just forgot about having a relationship and was happy with the little time he spent with Lawrence, even if it meant getting hurt.
Lawrence got more and more frustrated seeing that goofy smile on Dani's face, like he enjoyed being bullied. He was fed up and had to find another way to break him. No matter what others thought, he took his obsession with humiliating Dani a step further. He changed his strategy and got closer to him. He faked an apology and, as a peace offering, gave him greasy food during breaks. He was determined to make that cute face everyone loved to disappear.
Dani's reaction to Lawrence’s apologies was positive. He happily accepted the food Lawrence bought him. He’d never reject a gift from someone he found cute. He even used the closeness to get to know him better. Whenever he saw Lawrence in the hallways, he was always alone. His expressions were cold and dry, and no one liked being around someone so unfriendly. But now that they were talking, Dani could learn more about the big, intimidating guy everyone feared.
Over time, they became comfortable with each other. Lawrence felt good being around Dani. He’d share when he was sad or angry, and when he was frustrated, Dani always found a way to calm him down. But by this point, many months had passed, and Dani’s weight had skyrocketed. His clothes barely fit, he couldn’t stand for long, walking or running tired him out, and his appetite tripled. Lawrence felt guilty for doing that to someone so kind who, despite being treated terribly, didn’t hesitate to forgive him. The more he thought about it, the worse he felt, especially because he found Dani more attractive now that he was fat and not when he was thin. His head was a mess.
Graduation day came. Dani now needed two chairs to sit comfortably. His suit and gown were custom-made because there wasn't a size that fit him. Lawrence was super nervous; that day he was going to confess to Dani what he had done. He couldn’t live with the guilt of hurting the sweetest person in the world.
The ceremony ended, and every time Dani tried to get close to Lawrence, he avoided him. When he had a chance to be away from everyone else, he took it, and they met under a big tree decorated with yellow lights. Dani was excited, hoping Lawrence would finally ask him to be his boyfriend.
But as soon as Dani heard Lawrence's confession, his smile vanished. He was confused. He had noticed he was getting fatter for months. Every week he gained 2 to 5 kilos, and his parents insisted a lot on dieting and exercising, but he didn't want to because he enjoyed those special moments with Lawrence when he bought him something delicious. He was in shock and felt tears streaming down his face. He felt humiliated; what Lawrence had wanted for so long had finally happened.
—Every time I looked in the mirror, I thought I looked cute for you even if others didn't like it, — Dani said, his nose red and eyes swollen. He felt like his heart had shattered completely. Lawrence, hearing this, didn’t hesitate to hold his face and make him look directly at him, and without hesitation, he replied:
—Dani, I never said otherwise… you're beautiful. I love watching you eat and adore that you get fatter each month. I like you a lot. You're the most adorable and sweet guy I've ever seen. I'm sorry I didn't notice it when you were thin.—
As expected, after those words, Dani was unsure. He had made such a big change in his body for Lawrence’s love that the best thing was to trust him. Luckily for both, from that moment until now, Lawrence has never stopped repeating how much he loves Dani. He still buys him greasy food during breaks, buys him new clothes but in smaller sizes, so his chubby body is always on display. He likes showing off his boyfriend and telling others that he's only his.
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