#Strategies for debt-free living
britannicaes · 1 year
Personal Finance Planning: A Beginner's Guide to Achieving Financial Independence
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Learn the art of personal finance planning in this comprehensive beginner's guide. Discover effective money-saving techniques, strategies for debt-free living, and steps towards achieving financial independence. Start your journey towards a secure financial future today!
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wilsonincblog · 1 year
Journey to Freedom: Leading with Heart in the Quest for Financial Serenity
Financial freedom, Passive income, Wealth building, Financial independence, Retirement planning, Investment strategies, Debt-free living, Money management, Financial planning, Early retirement,
Daily writing promptDo you see yourself as a leader?View all responses Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com “Do you see yourself as a leader?” A question that often lingers in the quiet corners of my mind, especially during those introspective moments when the world outside fades, and it’s just me and my thoughts. The answer? Yes, I do. But my leadership isn’t about dominance or authority; it’s about…
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wilwheaton · 1 year
The GOP wonders why young people (and others) don't want to vote for them. Some wise scribe assembled this list.
1.) Your Reagan-era “trickle-down economics” strategy of tax breaks for billionaires that you continue to employ to this day has widened the gap between rich and poor so much that most of them will never be able to own a home, much less earn a living wage.
2.) You refuse to increase the federal minimum wage, which is still $7.25 an hour (since 2009). Even if it had just kept up with inflation, it would be $27 now. You’re forcing people of all ages but especially young people to work multiple jobs just to afford basic necessities.
3.) You fundamentally oppose and want to kill democracy; have done everything in your power to restrict access to the ballot box, particularly in areas with demographics that tend to vote Democratic (like young people and POC). You staged a fucking coup the last time you lost.
4.) You have abused your disproportionate senate control over the last three decades to pack the courts with religious extremists and idealogues, including SCOTUS—which has rolled back rights for women in ways that do nothing but kill more women and children and expand poverty.
5.) You refuse to enact common sense gun control laws to curb mass shootings like universal background checks and banning assault weapons; subjecting their entire generation to school shootings and drills that are traumatizing in and of themselves. You are owned by the NRA.
6.) You are unequivocally against combatting climate change to the extent that it’s as if you’ve made it your personal mission to ensure they inherit a planet that is beyond the point of no return in terms of remaining habitable for the human race beyond the next few generations.
7.) You oppose all programs that provide assistance to those who need it most. Your governors refused to expand Medicaid even during A PANDEMIC. You are against free school lunches, despite it being the only meal that millions of children can count on to actually receive each day
8.) You are banning books, defunding libraries, barring subject matter, and whitewashing history even more in a fascistic attempt to keep them ignorant of the systemic racism that this nation was literally founded upon and continues to this day in every action your party takes.
9.) You oppose universal healthcare and are still trying to repeal the ACA and rip healthcare from tens of millions of Americans and replace it with nothing. You are against lowering the cost of insulin and prescription drugs that millions need simply to LIVE/FUNCTION in society.
10.) You embrace white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and other groups that are defined by their intractable racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and intolerance. You conspired with these groups on January 6th to try to overthrow the U.S. government via domestic terrorism that KILLED PEOPLE.
11.) You oppose every bill aimed at making life better for our nation’s youth; from education to extracurricular and financial/nutritional assistance programs. You say you want to “protect the children” while you elect/nominate pedophiles and attack trans youth and drag queens.
12.) You pretend to be offended by “anti-semitism” while literally supporting, electing, and speaking at events organized by Nazis. You pretend to hate “cancel culture” despite the fact that you invented it and it’s basically all you do.
13.) Every word you utter is a lie. You are the party of treason, hypocrisy, crime, and authoritarianism. You want to entrench rule by your aging minority because you know that you have nothing to offer young voters and they will never support you for all these reasons and more.
14.) You’re so hostile to even the notion of helping us overcome the mountain of debt that millions of us are forced to take on just to pay for our post K-12 education that you are suing to try to prevent a small fraction of us from getting even $10,000 in loan forgiveness.
15.) You opened the floodgates of money into politics via Citizens United; allowing our entire system of government to become a cesspool of corruption, crime, and greed. You are supposed to represent the American people whose taxes pay your salary but instead cater to rich donors.
16.) You respond to elected representatives standing in solidarity with their constituents to protest the ONGOING SLAUGHTER of children in schools via shootings by EXPELLING THEM FROM OFFICE & respond to your lack of popularity among young people by trying to raise the voting age.
17.) You impeach Democratic presidents over lying about a BJ but refuse to impeach (then vote twice to acquit) a guy whose entire “administration” was an international crime syndicate being run out of the WH who incited an insurrection to have you killed.
18.) You steal Supreme Court seats from democrats to prevent the only black POTUS we’ve ever had from appointing one and invent fake precedents that you later ignore all to take fundamental rights from Americans; and even your “legitimate” appointments consist of people like THIS (sub-thread refuting CJ Roberts criticisms of people attacking SCOTUS' legitimacy).
19.) You support mass incarceration even for innocuous offenses or execution by cop for POC while doing nothing but protect rich white criminals who engage in such things as tax fraud, money laundering, sex trafficking, rape/sexual assault, falsifying business records, etc.
20.) You are the reason we can’t pass:—Universal background checks—An assault weapons ban—The ‘For the People/Freedom to vote’ Act or John Lewis Voting Rights Act—The ERA & Equality Act—The Climate Action Now Act—The (Stopping) Violence Against Women Act—SCOTUS expansion.
21.) You do not seek office to govern, represent, or serve the American people. You seek power solely for its own sake so you can impose your narrow-minded puritanical will on others at the expense of their most fundamental rights and freedoms like voting and bodily autonomy.
22.) Ok, last one. You are trying to eliminate social security and Medicare that tens of millions of our parents rely on and paid into their entire lives. And you did everything to maximize preventable deaths from COVID leaving millions of us in mourning.
Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/e8DBZLH
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - April 3, 2023
Kentucky Legalizes Medical Marijuana in Bipartisan Vote After Decade of Failed Attempts
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The state of Kentucky has legalized the use of medical marijuana. The bill received final passage on Thursday. Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear signed it into law Friday morning after a decade of failed attempts in the state legislature.
The news makes Kentucky at least the 38th state in the U.S. to legalize medical marijuana.
Now Indiana is surrounded by weed states. The encirclement is complete 😂
2. The Maryland House of Delegates voted Saturday to approve the Trans Health Equity Act
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The Maryland House of Delegates voted Saturday to approve the Trans Health Equity Act — a bill that just a year ago disappeared from the chamber’s agenda ahead of a floor vote.
The bill would require Maryland Medicaid, beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, to provide coverage for additional gender-affirming treatments, which are currently disallowed in the state’s plan but commonly covered by private insurance. The expanded treatments include hormone therapy, hair alteration, voice therapy, physical alterations to the body, and fertility preservation.
3. FDA approves over-the-counter Narcan. Here's what it means
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The approved nasal spray is the best-known form of naloxone. It can reverse overdoses of opioids, including street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl and prescription versions including oxycodone.
Making naloxone available more widely is seen as a key strategy to control the nationwide overdose crisis. Effects begin within two minutes when given intravenously, and within five minutes when injected into a muscle. The medicine can also be administered by spraying it into a person's nose.
4. Boston expands tuition-free community college program to all residents
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Boston has expanded its tuition-free community college program to include all city residents regardless of age, income or immigration status.
Starting this fall, any city resident will be eligible to pursue an associate’s degree or certificate at one of six partnering local institutions without paying to attend. The program also includes a $250 stipend for incidental expenses each semester for up to three years, and up to $2,500 of debt relief for students whose account balances are keeping them from re-enrolling.
5. First cheetah cubs born in India since extinction 70 years ago
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India has welcomed the birth of four cheetah cubs - more than 70 years after the animals were declared officially extinct there.India's environment minister announced the good news, calling it a "momentous event".
The country has been trying to reintroduce the big cats for decades, and last year brought eight cheetahs over from Namibia as part of the plan. Another 12 cheetahs were brought to India from South Africa last month.
6. BBC education show in Afghanistan helps children banned from school
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The BBC has launched a new education programme for children in Afghanistan who are banned from school.It is aimed at children aged 11 to 16, including girls whose secondary education has been stopped by the ruling Taliban.
The weekly programme is called Dars, which means lesson in Dari and Pashto, Afghanistan's official languages. It is hosted by BBC Afghan female journalists who were evacuated from Kabul during the 2021 Taliban takeover.
Each new weekly half-hour episode of Dars will air four times a day, Saturday to Friday, on the newly launched BBC News Afghanistan channel.
7. A Trans Creator Has Raised Over 1.5 Million for Trans Healthcare on TikTok Live
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Transgender TikTokers are celebrating Trans Day of Visibility by raising over $1.5 million for gender-affirming care around the world.
Mercury Stardust — a DIY TikToker and trans advocate who calls herself the “Trans Handy Ma’am” — raised $120,000 last year in a livestream for the mutual aid nonprofit Point of Pride, which maintains funds for surgeries, hormone therapy, and free binders and gaffs. This year, Stardust and cohost Jory, a.k.a. AlluringSkull, set themselves a goal of raising $1 million in a planned 30-hour live stream…and then smashed that milestone less than six hours after starting the stream Thursday evening.
I have started a Youtube channel with wholesome videos I can find on the internet. Check it out :)
That's it for this week :)
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
Calls for Action, Call Your Reps: 3/12/24
This is USA-specific, as that is the place I live and know.
Find your elected officials.
As usual, most of my information on what bills are on the floor comes from GovTrack. I am including some suggested listening/reading (you can find text versions if you google the title and 'transcript') at the bottom of the post. I am also including a current event that is likely to be a very powerful argument, with the right politicians. The event is prefaced with a red warning tag, and followed by event-specific verbiage.
Suggested verbiage and strategies for calling your elected officials. We've recently seen politicians, including Biden, start to pivot towards the "Israel is increasing danger to itself" argument in public statements.
The most immediate and pressing issue at this moment is the famine in Gaza. The air drops are inefficient and dangerous (several people died due to a parachute malfunction), and the floating pier will not be ready any time soon. Trucks across land borders MUST be allowed in.
At this time, the three greatest factors in that famine are:
Israeli bombardment (destruction of existing food stores and farming land).
Israeli blockades of the Egyptian border into Gaza, preventing aid trucks from places like the US from reaching people, and turning away trucks on their own side of the northern and eastern border that contain items like medical scissors, solar panels, and anesthetic.
The cessation of funding to UNRWA, which has been the lifeline to Palestinian civilians for decades, and is currently the best and possibly only chance to save the one and a half million dying civilians
This information is being reported by the WHO, UNRWA itself, UNICEF, and more, along with journalists that are in Gaza at this time.
Both House and Senate:
Reinstate funding for UNRWA. While the claims made by Israel that employees of the relief agency were involved in Oct. 7th are troubling, THEY are not well supported, and western officials did not do their duty in investigating the claims before cutting funding. This arm of the UN is currently providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to the 2.3 million displaced peoples of Gaza. It is especially disturbing and concerning that the many children of Gaza, who are already suffering due to this conflict, are now having this support revoked. Many sources are also claiming that the evidence is flimsy at best.
Urge both Senate and House to refrain from funding Israel, or to at least put some strings on it. The IDF cannot be given funding without some regulations on what they can do with it. They have proven that they are unwilling to take steps to protect civilians.
Sanctions must also be placed on Israel for its continued impediment of aid intended for Gazans, including aid from the US.
Urge for the US to stop vetoing ceasefire demands in the UN. No, the suggested replacement written by the US is not an excuse.
Not directly related to Gaza: It looks like they’re gearing up for another push at KOSA. The canned email responses I’m getting are really proud of being in support of KOSA, which is… bad. It is also bad for people outside the US, including Palestine, apparently. VOTE NAY.
Not related to Gaza:
The US, France, and Canada are meddling in the Haitian government and pressing for "peace" under US terms. The international community cannot continue to seed problems in this country for their own purposes. Also, feel free to drop a note about how France and the US need to pay reparations for the double debt.
Domestic affairs: Press for a less harsh immigration policy than the one currently in Congress. Press for investigation into the Boeing whistle-blower death, and for stricter oversight and safety regulations on large corporations.
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
for the ask game: I Gotta ask for your Pin-Lee thoughts
@clonerightsagenda asked: ask meme: Pin-Lee
You both had the same idea XD
First impression
Not much of anything tbh; I had a hard time keeping track of any of the All Systems Red humans who weren't Mensah or Gurathin the first time I read it.
Impression now
She is SO fascinating. Sharp and hardass corporate lawyer from the gentle socialist planet. How did she get into that line of work? Bristly and prickly and brave but not above being petty, not a leader and she doesn’t want to be a leader but she will take charge when she needs to and is very smart and dedicated and but not happy about that. The CombatUnit of lawyers. She WILL take your company down. Workaholic who thrives when she has a goal to pursue. I love thinking about her.
Favorite moment
Big fan of when Murderbot approached her on TranRollinHyfa. Tight smile and walking carefully into a private transit car and then going off. Where were you? What are you doing here?? You LEFT.
Idea for a story
I want to write Pin-Lee’s POV of Exit Strategy sooo baddd and someday I WILL do this. She is under so much pressure!
other ideas for stories I periodically ruminate on: Overse learns that a distant relative of hers in the CR has died, and she inherits her relative’s company. Pin-Lee is wary of this whole deal, and that wariness is proven justified when it turns out that relative was murdered. They can’t all just sell everything off and wash their hands of the whole ordeal, though, because among the company assets, Overse inherited a SecUnit. Now Murderbot, Pin-Lee, Overse, Arada, and Ratthi are travelling to the station where Overse was born, to collect the inheritance, solve the mystery, meet and free and acculturate this new SecUnit, make sure that all of them are legally in the clear and not bound to any outstanding debts or contracts that anyone wants to collect on, and try not to get murdered in the process.
Unpopular opinion
Kinda don’t know enough Popular Opinions about Pin-Lee to write an unpopular one, but I guess I tend to write/conceptualize her outward anger as an expression of fear and restless stress and frustration most of the time. She is under SO much pressure and SO much stress and she is trying to keep her team alive and out of life-ruining debt and she cannot, under any circumstances, let anyone know she is scared or upset about this because if the opposing corporate lawyers see any weakness they will eat her alive. So it comes out as anger and aggression and confrontation—but also, being afraid like this for so long can make you angry, deep bubbling festering righteous bitter anger that you have to live like this. That you have to keep dealing with this.
Favorite relationship
The TranRollinHyfa Trio of Pin-Lee, Ratthi, and Gurathin... friendship forged in fire. They've been through something no one else would really ever get. I love them
Favorite headcanon
She has a younger sister who is like, the ideal Preservation citizen. A poet, textile artist, community volunteer, and mother, who is great at talking about her feelings in a healthy and productive way. Her poetry is quite famous on Preservation. Pin-Lee has a fraught relationship with her.
Also because two people asked me you get two: Preservation has a tradition of a “service year” where once you reach adulthood as a new adult you’re supposed to spend a year doing some sort of service work for the community. It’s a way of meeting new people, gaining new social networks, learning new skills, going new places, exploring and determining what you want to do in your life. Pin-Lee’s service year involved home construction for the influx of Divarti refugees that was happening right around when she turned 20. She didn’t really take to it, but she did get an interest in interplanetary law from it. (This explains that one-off line from ASR about Pin-Lee having hab construction experience. Most Preservationers have an eclectic set of skills for reasons like this!)
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
Prince of Diamonds
link to part 2 | series masterlist
summary: the day had arrived for you to marry Viserys, but of course, weddings in Westeros are nothing if not chaotic.
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The castle was alive with laughs — there were so many people from so many places, so many congratulations, and as many gifts (from pieces of jewelry to weapons) that it felt like you were in a fairytale of some sort.
Except you were fucking terrified the entire time.
Everything about the day felt off, as if you were about to be hung from the ropes than be wed to a king.
You went to take a stroll through the kingdom in disguise to get your mind off things, and were surprised at the commoners' lives.
For some reason, you had thought they'll be warm and cheery and content with the small life they led, far away from royal politics and bloodshed. But poverty seemed to have tightened its grip on most of them, and you wondered why the fuck Viserys hadn't mentioned any of these issues before.
It was always strategies to protect the people, but everything else seemed to have been missed from council meetings. You included had wanted the Iron Throne, but never knew the asterisk that came with it.
Until now.
It was heartbreaking to see how lively the town was, as if they were used to the miseries by now. As if they didn't know there was a castle right within their reach with leeches living their best lives while they were wallowing in debt.
"Apple, miss? Fresh apples?" a kid yelled from the sidewalks. You walked on as you didn't want to be recognized.
"What about grapes? I have grapes too!" he followed and you noted how he didn't sound desperate — just very casual, like he was your friend for more years than he had been born.
"I'm in a hurry," you replied hastily, but he was easily catching up.
"C'mon! I'll let you taste some for free! It's so delicious you won't resist buying the rest for your family."
"Look I—"
But he ran in front of you and made you halt anyway. You could only see his feet properly because you still had your clock on.
"What's up with your attire? Are you one of the circus performers?" he asked, seemingly forgotten about his own business.
You sighed, seeing no way out of it. You pulled down your robe and stared him right in the eye. He gasped, his jaw on the ground.
The place seemed to have stopped its bustling. Silent murmurs died away as everyone seemed to notice you. They all stood right where they were, not believing their eyes.
"It's the Queen-to-be!" A middle-aged guy finally yelled, falling to his knees. Following his example, more bent down. You knew this was to be expected, but it still shook you to your core. These people already seemed to respect you, even with a short acquaintance.
You found yourself hoping it was respect and not fear.
"Rise," you said loudly, thinking on the spot. "I've come to invite everyone here for the wedding. There will be food enough to feed two armies."
The kid blinked. "The guards will let us in?"
"If I command so, of course they will."
Grateful gasps rippled through the crowd and soon they started to murmur among themselves, probably wondering why you came all the way here, why you couldn't have sent a messenger, why you seemed so humane while the royals seemed like gods. They were asking all of that with approval, like they wouldn't have it any other way.
"Forgive me, your Highness," a woman rushed forwards to the kid. "He's young, he's been known to provoke- he didn't realize—"
"It's fine," you reassured, suddenly glad that you took off your robe. "In fact, I think I'll do some wedding shopping."
"You invited the whole of King's Landing?" Viserys asked, barging into your room.
It was almost evening, exactly three hours before the wedding. Right as he entered, all the maids fussing over you did a short curtsy and exited, as if they all collectively smelled a fight coming on.
But Viserys looked more exhausted than angry.
"Yes," you replied simply, looking at the finest of gowns laying on the bed, not sure which one to choose.
He sighed. "I wish you would include me in these decisions, Y/N."
"Like you include me in the council meetings?" you snapped, turning around to glare at him.
"There's always a seat for you at the table, I just didn't know if you'd like it."
"There's nothing about this I like."
Fuck. "I'm nervous," you lied, sitting down on the bed. "All of this is so much right now."
"We can take it one step at a time," Viserys smiled. "That's all it has to be. And I'm not mad at you for going to the town, but I do wish you had let a guard accompany you."
"That's defeating the purpose," you cracked a smile in response. "I'll consider it next time."
"Good. I'll leave you to it then," he gestured towards all the extravagant gowns and accessories. He hesitated. "One more thing... you haven't heard any rumors of late, have you?"
You hated yourself right then. You wished Viserys was an evil man, but he had grown to be your friend. He didn't force you to a marriage, you had agreed to it yourself. He never yelled at you or looked down on you, but it was as if right at that moment, both of you knew you could never be happy with each other.
Because the rumors he was referring to wasn't about you and Daemon. It was about him and Alicent. How he visits her chamber at night, how he only leaves in the morning.
"Did Daemon say anything?" you asked in reply.
"He wished to convey his congrats."
"That doesn't sound like him."
"Exactly what I thought."
You smiled. He turned around with guilt in his eyes.
"For what it's worth, every townsfolk who's at the gates has been hailing your name." He said softly. "You're already a queen in their eyes."
If anything, that reassured you even less.
You stood at the top of the aisle in a plain grey gown, your hair in a braid and covered in gold accessories. Weddings in Westeros were grand as they were gothic.
You didn't notice the people, just Daemon standing beside Viserys, his eyes on anything but you. He appeared collected and quiet, and you wanted nothing more than retrace the last night with him. What if I had said... nevermind.
The priest went on about legacies and love, and you failed to see how they were connected. Sure you were zoning out, but you also couldn't hear him out of the sounds of your own heartbeats.
There was silence, and everyone was looking at you. You had reached the part to say your vows. Your throat closed up. Viserys blinked in confusion.
"I—" you stammered, unable to go on. Sudden whispers started across the hall. "Can I talk with you for a moment, my lord?"
"Must be awfully important if it's the middle of this," Otto Hightower said loudly. Son of a bitch.
"Viserys... please."
Daemon gritted his teeth and came out of his statuesque behavior. He came by your side and started to whisper so others couldn't hear.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Daemon—" you were surprised at how worried he sounded.
"It's a terribly inconvenient time to get cold feet! Do you realize how stupid you're acting? For fuck's sake, remedy this before—"
"Get away from her," Viserys said sharply. Daemon instantly obeyed, not wanting to make things more serious, only out of concern for you. "Y/N, what is the meaning of this?"
"I can't be your wife," you said softly. "I'm sorry."
"What?" Viserys looked lost. Surprised. But not hurt. That was something.
"Can't you see it, my lord?" Otto yelled for the benefit of the hall, glaring at both you and Daemon. "She's been defiled. Guards!"
Your throat was met with the sword of an eager knight. It didn't touch your skin, simply hovered there for further instructions. You understood why this show of power was necessary. As the betrothed, simple rumors were enough to get you exiled, but a claim as vulgar as this simply thrown to the air led to bloodshed every time. After the initial shock, someone in the audience screamed.
Daemon didn't care about political advances and even if he did, he would have still done what he did next. He brought his dagger out and held it over the throat of the knight in mere seconds.
"A scratch on her and I'll burn you inside out," Daemon said quietly.
"STOP THIS MADNESS!" Viserys ordered.
The knight dropped his sword at once, but Daemon didn't let go. If anything, the dagger was pressed tighter. The knight was already bleeding. Viserys grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the scene, towards the secluded corner where no one was watching. Eyes followed, but none took a step forward.
"You haven't slept with Daemon," he stated firmly. "What kind of game are you playing?"
"I fear if I were to stay in this palace, I could be involved with him. You deserve a queen more loyal than that—"
"Don't you dare say this is for my benefit!"
"—and I deserve a husband who doesn't cheat too," you hissed. "You've been to Alicent's room more than you've been to mine. Or did you think I wouldn't notice?"
He paled.
"It's the right thing to do. You don't love me. This is an arrangement." You stressed. "You care about me like you care about your friends. I can't rob you of your happiness and you can't rob me of mine. Let me leave in peace before I besmirch your reputation."
"You're doing that already by refusing to be the queen."
"I'm not refusing. I can't be the queen right now. Have you seen the state of your people? Frankly speaking, neither of us is fit to be rulers. At least I'll acknowledge that and take my leave."
"I have duties!" he yelled.
"Then do them," you snapped. "Don't drag me into this."
"You would be declaring war between our houses," he said pleadingly. "I don't want to cause you hurt."
"You won't," you said firmly. "Hold your troops. Have meetings about the stained integrity of my house. Feed lies to your people that actions have consequences. Fuck Alicent. Marry her. Just let me go."
He groaned. "Even if I let you go, the rest of them won't."
He was talking about Otto, the guards, and everyone who was prepared to see your downfall. You knew it. You had also planned for it.
"Viserys please," you begged, gritting your teeth. "Let me escape. I'll go to a place where no one knows my name. I'll come back a queen, just not of Iron Throne."
He glared, but you knew he had caved. "I'll hold the fort for three minutes."
"You're the king," you said, pecking his cheek with gratitude. "You can do five."
Then you were off.
When you reached your room, nothing had been left. The cupboards were emptied, the table looked like new and even the books were missing.
Daemon Targaryen stood in the middle of it with a huge bag.
"No," you said, connecting the dots. "You're not coming with me."
"If you go alone, you're dead."
"I'll take my chances," you deadpanned, reaching for the bag which had your stuff. He pulled it away.
"Now's not the time for ego. Look at it this way, I know Westeros better. I know the secret passageways. I know this place because I've bled on it."
"Do you not want to know why I've stopped the wedding?" you asked cautiously.
"Because you chickened out and realized none of this is a game."
"Because I knew you'd ruin everything if I went through it. I didn't marry him because of you."
He snorted. "The blame falls on me now?"
"Daemon you can't come with me or you'll be the main source of rumors here. Everyone will think we ran away and when you come back, you could be killed."
"Then I won't come back." He took a step forwards. "Is that what you want me to say? That I'll actually run away with you? That we'll go to the other side of the Narrow Sea and spend our days in the sun with no worries?"
"Don't be ridiculous, that sounds boring," you interrupted. "I'm saying I need to lay low until I figure out a plan."
"I'm good with plans."
"No, you're not."
"No, I'm not but I'm coming anyway."
"We'll do as you say," he said hastily. "We'll lay low for a while. Just until the smoke blows over and Viserys finds a new wife. I'll make him do formal amends so the kingdom can stop talking about this. Then you'll come back with me. If anyone dares to speak a word, I'll cut out their tongue."
"Even if it's Otto?"
"Especially if it's Otto," he smiled. "Though his tongue won't be my first choice to cut off."
You laughed. "Fine... I guess we're running."
He looked alarmed. "Running? Oh no hon, we're flying."
taglist: @eexphoria @sebastian025 @cecilyjmorgenstern @lilitheal @imnotyourbcbe  @loveandlewis-reads @mariamyousef702 @1-800-isabellapotter @skywalkerr27 @ohhh-boo-tifull @paula-lkr @purechaosss @andrea-np @makaramosss @snixx2088 @ephemeralninon @wulfriedxanthene 
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feline17ff · 8 months
Free Black History, Palestine, Socialism (and other) books on Haymarket
So, HaymarketBooks is a cool online bookstore that, while it does sell physical and digital books, it also offers a lot of free ebooks on subjects it thinks the public should be aware of.
Two categories I know of are Black History, after some racist law in the US that banned Black History resources
And Palestine, what with government media giving a super biased view of unfortunately
It’s in moments like these that we must turn to independent media and resource providers to educate ourselves on topics the government or other people don’t want us to learn about.
Now, here are all of Haymarket’s books they are offering for free, since their website doesn’t have a filter or sort by price option.
Here they are, 17 in total, as per 2nd Feb 2024 :)
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions by Omar Barghouti, 320 pages
1989, The Number by Kevin Coval and Nate Marshall, 23 pages
Inauguration by Idris Goodwin and Nico Wilkinson, 23 pages
The Anti-Inauguration by Anand Gopal, Owen Jones, et al., 40 pages
Commando by E'mon Lauren,
Human Highlight by Kevin Coval and Idris Goodwin
1919 by Eve L. Ewing
The New Authoritarians by David Renton
Socialist Strategy and Electoral Politics
The Brother You Choose by Susie Day
Can't Pay, Won't Pay by Debt Collective
Black Lives Matter at School by Jesse Hagopian and Denisha Jones
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction Edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
Light in Gaza Edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, et al., 280 pages
A Life of Activism by Howard Zinn, 81 pages
Our History Has Always Been Contraband Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, et al.
From the River to the Sea Edited by Sai Englert, Michal Schatz, et al.
While their website is limited when it comes to pricing options, it's not limited with free books, so you don't need to enter a single financial detail to download these books :)
Note: I haven't read any of these books yet so the tags are just based on their book descriptions
Other places for more free books:
Liberation Library
On the colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine
Sudan guide, not an ebook, but #keep eyes on sudan #free sudan
Happy reading! :)
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dutifullynuttywitch · 9 months
Reflections on the eve of battle
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Blades of Light and Shadow 2
Pairing: Mal Volari X f!mc (Autumn Nightbloom)
Rating: Teen
Word count: 744
Summary: This takes place on the eve of the Ash Empire’s invasion in Blades of Light and Shadow 2. I kept thinking of Mal’s internal conflict throughout Blades 2 and how it would come to a head before the big battle… wanted to try and do it justice
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She loved him. Mal Volari still couldn’t wrap his head around it.
“You love me.”
“Yes I do, you scoundrel. Make sure to tell everyone.”
She looked up at him with a light smirk, a twinkle in her eyes, fingers lightly tracing down his face and chest. He pulled her tighter into their intimate embrace, unbelievably happy that this woman, his kit, really loved him back.
“Oh, I plan to.”
He flashed her a bright smile, preening. Some of the old swagger returning.
And he planned on doing just that.
A giddy smile lit up his face at the memory, all too quickly replaced by the now near-constant mask of worry.
Right after figuring out how to make sure she’ll survive the upcoming battle.
His chest constricted, heart rate accelerating as the familiar panic and dread took over. The guilt at having failed her already, again and again.
At not having been fast enough to keep Valax from dragging her into that portal. At not having been sufficiently resourceful or cunning to figure out how to get her back. Or able to keep their party from slowly falling apart after their repeated failures at freeing her from the shadow realm.
He had worked himself to exhaustion all those months, grasping at any leads albeit thin, going to increasing lengths – and risks – to find artefacts or spells that could bring her back.
He had poured his earnings from defeating the Shadow Court towards opening an orphanage. A dream he had shared with her just before her disappearance, on that wonderful evening where she had finally broken down the last of his defenses and gotten him to start to hope for something better, for the possibility of happiness and a life together.
He had wanted to honor her memory, and make sure these kids had a happier alternative to the harsh, violent life he had led, growing up in the Thief’s Guild.
But really, he had needed to keep busy. He didn’t want to stop, couldn’t stop and consider the possibility that she was really gone.
That nothing he could do would bring her back.
Because those thoughts brought him to a dark and dangerous place. One he had only visited in the deepest pits of hopelessness in his reaper days, horrified at his capacity for violence and death but desperate to pay out his and his sister’s debts and free them from that terrible life.
So he kept going, like an automat, refusing to stop and feel the loss of his love, of his home, because he knew he couldn’t live in a world without her.
And then suddenly she was back. His one dream come true. Smiling, beautiful as ever, bantering and alive.
Gods how he had wanted to lose himself in her embrace and forget the world around them.
But he couldn’t relax and let himself feel the joy of her return. Couldn’t let his guard down.
She was still being hunted down by Valax and the Ash Empress. He had already failed her too many times. Wouldn’t do it again.
His dark train of thoughts returned to the present, and the impending invasion from the Ash Empire.
He looked across the sprawling camp, eyes trained on his beautiful kit, striding confidently from one group of fighters to the other, boosting morale and talking strategy.
Gods he was proud of her. His beautiful warrior. His finest treasure, the only one he would ever need.
He told her he’d have her back out on the battlefield, and he meant it. He would do whatever it took to keep her safe, help her protect the Light Realm. He would lay down his life for a chance at keeping her alive.
Amidst all the darkness and doubt swirling around in his head, that warm feeling, the seeds of hope she had planted with her patience, understanding and love, kept pulling at him.
He would die for her, but he hoped that somehow… somehow they’d make it out of this fight alive, and would have a second chance at love and a life together.
A slow, hesitant smile etched Mal’s features. He gazed on at the woman he loved.
“For you, kit, I’ll do anything.”
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
How Bitcoin Transformed My Life: A Journey of Financial Awakening
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Welcome to my blog! I'm passionate about financial freedom and the transformative power of Bitcoin. Today, I want to share my personal journey with Bitcoin and how it has dramatically changed my life. My goal is to help you understand the potential of Bitcoin and inspire you to explore its benefits for yourself.
Early Financial Life
Before discovering Bitcoin, my financial life was a constant struggle. I lived paycheck to paycheck, barely managing to cover my expenses. Emergencies, like unexpected car repairs or medical bills, threw my finances into disarray. I felt trapped in a cycle of debt and financial stress, unable to break free.
Discovering Bitcoin
My journey with Bitcoin began when I stumbled upon an article about it online. Intrigued by the concept of a decentralized digital currency, I started to delve deeper into what Bitcoin was all about. The more I learned, the more fascinated I became. Bitcoin's potential to revolutionize the financial system and provide a hedge against inflation captivated me.
Learning About Money
One of the most profound impacts of my Bitcoin journey was the education it forced upon me regarding money. Before Bitcoin, I had a superficial understanding of how money worked. As I researched Bitcoin, I learned about the history of money, the mechanics of inflation, and the flaws in our current financial system. This newfound knowledge empowered me to make more informed financial decisions.
The Transformation
Bitcoin not only educated me about money but also transformed my financial habits and mindset. I began to prioritize saving and investing in Bitcoin instead of spending frivolously. Over time, I built a safety net that allowed me to handle emergencies without financial panic. My financial situation improved significantly, and I felt a sense of control and security that I had never experienced before.
Spreading the Knowledge
Inspired by my own transformation, I decided to create content to help others understand Bitcoin and achieve financial freedom. Through my YouTube channel and blog, I aim to demystify Bitcoin and provide practical advice on how to incorporate it into one's financial strategy. My goal is to empower you to take control of your finances and realize the potential of Bitcoin.
Practical Advice
Here are some practical steps for those looking to start their Bitcoin journey:
Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about Bitcoin and the principles behind it. There are plenty of resources available online, including articles, videos, and podcasts.
Start Small: You don't need to invest a large amount of money to get started. Begin with small, manageable investments and gradually increase your exposure as you become more comfortable.
Secure Your Investments: Make sure to store your Bitcoin securely using reputable wallets and follow best practices to protect your assets.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space to make informed decisions.
My journey with Bitcoin has been nothing short of transformative. It has empowered me to take control of my finances and dramatically improved my financial well-being. I encourage you to explore Bitcoin and educate yourself about money. The potential for financial freedom is within your reach, and I hope my story inspires you to take that first step.
Call to Action
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Please share them in the comments below. If you found this post helpful, subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my blog for more content on financial freedom and Bitcoin. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the potential of Bitcoin.
Take Action Towards Financial Independence
If this article has sparked your interest in the transformative potential of Bitcoin, there's so much more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of financial independence and revolutionize your understanding of money by following my blog and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
🌐 Blog: Unplugged Financial Blog Stay updated with insightful articles, detailed analyses, and practical advice on navigating the evolving financial landscape. Learn about the history of money, the flaws in our current financial systems, and how Bitcoin can offer a path to a more secure and independent financial future.
📺 YouTube Channel: Unplugged Financial Subscribe to our YouTube channel for engaging video content that breaks down complex financial topics into easy-to-understand segments. From in-depth discussions on monetary policies to the latest trends in cryptocurrency, our videos will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed financial decisions.
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muwitch · 3 months
Muuuu! 1 and 10 for Teth and Gort?
Who realised first that this strictly business relationship stopped being so strict and solely about business?
Gortash. First of all he’s a Banite: through not-so-strictly business relationship he wormed his way high-high up, he would absolutely resort to it again as a pattern. He’s easygoing about his fleeting affections or ever-changing interests as they serve as means to an end. He would probably be able to recognise it as in: being able to decipher and pinpoint the moment his own perception of their partnership is shifting and he’s instead indulging himself in whatever this weird powerplay is turning to. And indulgence, again, is not shunned as much in the church of Bane unlike one of Bhaal. Plus it has always been a tug-o-war with a literal half-god of all things? Who’s so almost adorably clueless in the way of warily (and for a good reason) drawing personal borders and steering that ever-so-strictly business relationship with feigned indifference. 
Unearthing this old thing (i am cringe but i am free) as it seems appropriate:
He adores puzzles. Putting pieces until they are forming a single breathing mechanism in the palm of his hand. Click clack. Everything is finally falling into place. He goes about it meticulously, always methodical, and living matter full of emotions, ambitions and lowest urges is nothing different. Even if it's a child of God. He pries the cogs from the gossips: unravelling a blood trail like a hound in heat, learning, noting every little change in her voice, the narrowness of her inhuman eyes. It's hard to say it's even a she under that hood and armour, but the outlines of the body, the delicacy of her knife hand, it gives a little away. He comes closer little by little, letter by letter, step by step. He's a very patient man, for all Banites know when to rip the fruits of one's labour. The mystery safely cloaks the Dark Urge in the shadows, but he feels at home in the dusk. For if she's a puzzle he'll solve it, as always. Even if it kills him.
2. Did the tyrant ever try to impress the serial killing godling and exact how horrible did it end for him? What sorta things did he do solely for 'the sake of cooperation' with glaringly obvious ulterior motives?
He’s a Banite [2], of course he did, it's part of the charm. For the sake of testing the waters, where he can push and pull enough, where he can show off to prove, obviously, to the sceptical half-god with homicidal tendencies that he’s a capable and irreplaceable ally (who shan’t be killed) With enough weight and power behind his claws to back him up in the constant struggle they had at first. He’s a flexible man who would seek different strategies to appeal to Teth actually, carefully improving them over time. Getting to know what scratches her right is the fun part. He had brought her meat to fondle, to mince, to thoroughly destroy. He’d appeal to her love of hunt, need of an intellectual equal of all things. For nothing comes for free and each action and show of good will is a string masterfully attached for later collection of debts. He’d show Teth what human resources really can do when put in right hands, but unfortunately for him he had to be faced with “he, who can destroy a thing, has the real control of it”.
[He did invite Teth to kill a partriar at a party once at the very beginning of their partnership for “the sake of cooperation” to have a glimpse of person under the hood and had the opportunity to witness 100 and 1 creative method of using mage’s hand in a crowded place full of bodyguards and panicking people.]
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swaps55 · 1 year
One thing I love every time you talk about Sam is how deeply you understand him as a character. I have two related questions: 1) what strategies or tips have you used on purpose to get to know him better, over all the time you've been writing him? 2) what's the most surprising unintentional way you've learned big things about him?
Thank you!!! Part of it is that Sam lives rent free in my head at all times. There is no chance I could have more than one Shepard. Sam is it. He's a full time job.
How do I get to know him better?
I ask why, all the time. At the outset, when I was first giving him shape, the key question I set out to answer was, "Why does this guy save the galaxy, as opposed to someone, anyone else?" It was not an easy question to answer, and I am more or less still answering it. The other big question that set the stage for a lot of things was, "how does someone without the inherent trauma of Mindoir or the Earthborn background become the Butcher of Torfan?"
Whenever he does something, or reacts to something, or has a particular opinion, I try to ask why. I don't write from his POV, so I really have to stop and think about his motivations, his desires, the things that make him tick. And I think about them all the time. Sometimes the answers are obvious, otherwise they take longer to percolate up. I've learned to be patient.
Using a readmore because I did a lot of rambling.
One of the things that took me a little longer to unknot was why Sam gets so defensive in Cantata when Kaidan asks why he put himself through the N program with the glucose side effect. It was a pretty valid and question, but Sam comes back at him later asking why Kaidan doubts him at every turn, including whether he's good enough for the N program. But Kaidan didn't question that. Why did Sam interpret it that way?
I didn't have the answer when I wrote the chapter, and it always bugged me until I came across another instance where the same thing happens and it finally hit me. Sam interprets worry as doubt. If you express worry, in his head that translates to, "I don't think you can do this." So any time someone worries about him, he gets weirdly pissy. It's not until Kaidan flat out yells, "because I worry about you," to his face, that it clicks Kaidan isn't criticizing him.
I also learned huge things about him kind of unexpectedly at the orchard. I'd always operated under the impression that his fixation on the N program was largely due to the expectations of his mother, but that chapter showed me it really wasn't. His endless quest for approval is definitely because of her, but he went for N7 because he feels he owes his father a debt.
The N7 chapter of Cantata, Facing Giants, was a huge revelation overall, because that's where it felt like all the formative influences on him really crystalized. That chapter showed him in context with his mother and father, and how much they both influenced him so heavily in different ways, and it fell together in ways that were beyond my wildest expectations. I didn't set out to make that chapter a thesis on what made Sam Shepard Sam Shepard, but that's what it became.
But the most surprising, unintentional way I've learned something big about him is probably that time I got a random snippet of dialogue in my head out of the blue that handed me the answer to a question I'd been asking for probably 3 years: Why did Sam want the marines so badly? His mother wasn't a marine, and she's the one he was desperate to please. But his desire to be a soldier came around long before his father disappeared. So...why a solider? I didn't have an answer and it was making me crazy until this exchange between Daniel and kid!Sam popped in my head out of nowhere, in the shower:
"My job is to protect you. Arcturus is safer than being on a ship.” “Who’s gonna protect mom?”
....and there was my answer.
One of the really fun ways to think about Sam is in terms of what I know about him vs. his own self awareness. A lot of the questions that take longer to answer tend to be the ones where he lacks self-awareness of what drives him, like that particular question. If you asked him why he wanted to be a marine so badly he wouldn't be able to tell you. But now I know!!! Wheeeeeee!
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒 navigating financial wellness *:..。o○
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start by tracking your income and expenses to get a clear picture of your financial situation. then, set realistic spending limits for each category, prioritizing essentials like housing, food, and transportation while allocating funds for savings and debt repayment.
make saving a non-negotiable part of your budgeting strategy. aim to build an emergency fund with enough money to cover three to six months' worth of living expenses, providing a safety net for unexpected expenses or income disruptions.
consider investing your savings in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other assets to generate long-term growth and build wealth over time. educate yourself about investment options, risk tolerance, and investment strategies to make informed decisions aligned with your financial goals.
if you have debt, prioritize paying it off strategically by focusing on high-interest debts first while making minimum payments on other debts. explore options for debt consolidation, refinancing, or negotiating lower interest rates to reduce the burden of debt repayment.
resist the temptation to keep up with the Joneses and instead focus on living below your means. practice frugality, prioritize needs over wants, and avoid lifestyle inflation to free up more money for saving, investing, and building wealth.
streamline your financial management by setting up automatic transfers for saving, investing, and bill payments. take advantage of technology and financial apps to track your spending, monitor your accounts, and stay organized with minimal effort.
empower yourself with knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. educate yourself about personal finance topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, taxes, retirement planning, and estate planning to build a solid foundation for financial success.
here's to your financial wellness and prosperity!
- love, pastel
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luenahorowitz · 2 months
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The conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and Algol in Taurus is a powerful astrological event with significant implications for all Zodiac signs. Each of these celestial bodies brings its own unique energy, and their alignment can create intense and transformative experiences. Mars urges actions and confrontations, Uranus brings very short lived prompts and sudden changes, symbolism of Algol is literally meaning "headless". By combining all three energies, everyone should be very carefull in their decisions and actions, the best strategy is just to live during next few days without making any changes and exploring any new ways. Any risks should be recognized and avoided at all costs. Here's what this conjunction might mean for you based on your Zodiac sign:
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Focus: Financial Transformations and Stability
Aries, this conjunction in Taurus highlights your second house of finances and values. You may experience sudden changes or disruptions in your financial situation. It's a good time to reassess your financial strategies and seek stability. Be cautious with impulsive spending or risky investments. Stay away of any significant expenses for several days if you can.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Focus: Personal Transformation and Self-Identity
For Taurus, this conjunction occurs in your first house of self and identity. Expect significant shifts in how you perceive yourself and your place in the world. This is a time of personal revolution, where breaking free from old patterns can lead to profound growth. Embrace change and be open to new ways of expressing yourself. It is not a good idea to change your image or reveal any side of your personality now as you may regret it shortly.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Focus: Inner Growth and Spiritual Awakening
Gemini, this alignment affects your twelfth house of subconscious and spiritual growth. You might experience intense inner transformations, bringing hidden fears or unresolved issues to the surface. Use this time for deep introspection and healing. Meditation and spiritual practices can provide clarity and peace. Taking any risks may cause curcumstances of no control, so stick to your daily routine.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Focus: Social Networks and Future Goals
For Cancer, the conjunction impacts your eleventh house of friendships and aspirations. There may be unexpected changes in your social circles or shifts in your long-term goals. Be flexible and open to new connections and opportunities that align with your evolving vision for the future. Avoid any altercations with mother or father in law, do not gamble or accept a friend's invitation anywhere.
Leo (July 23 - August 22) Focus: Career and Public Image
Leo, this conjunction occurs in your tenth house of career and reputation. Be prepared for sudden developments in your professional life. This could mean a change in direction, unexpected opportunities, or challenges that push you to innovate and adapt. Stay grounded and focus on maintaining your integrity and ambition. Do not make haste decisions. If there are changes in your management or project you are working on, do not get upset so they will tend to be short lived.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Focus: Higher Learning and Expansion
For Virgo, the alignment highlights your ninth house of education, travel, and personal growth. You may feel a strong urge to break free from routine and seek new experiences or knowledge. Postpone your travel plans, review your ideas on education and exploring new philosophies. Communication with brothers and sisters in law may be challenging at this time.
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Focus: Transformation and Shared Resources
Libra, this conjunction affects your eighth house of shared resources and transformation. Expect intense shifts in your financial partnerships or emotional bonds. This is a time for deep emotional and psychological work, as well as reevaluating joint investments or debts. Embrace the transformative energy to release what no longer serves you. It is not a good time to put yourself at risk or try new investment strategies.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Focus: Relationships and Partnerships
For Scorpio, the conjunction occurs in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. Significant changes or unexpected events may occur in your personal or professional relationships. This is a time to address power dynamics and seek balance and harmony in your partnerships. Be open to new ways of relating and collaborating. Postpone breakup and do not make life changing decisions.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Focus: Health and Daily Routines
Sagittarius, this alignment impacts your sixth house of health and daily routines. You may experience sudden changes in your work environment or health routines. It's a good time to adopt new habits that promote well-being and efficiency. Be mindful of stress and take proactive steps to maintain balance. Do not argue with relatives or colleagues, you will not be the winner in those.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Focus: Creativity and Self-Expression
For Capricorn, the conjunction highlights your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Expect bursts of inspiration and a desire to break free from creative blocks. This is a time to explore new artistic pursuits or romantic relationships. Embrace spontaneity and allow your authentic self to shine. Be patient with your children, have a plan B in case they confront your rules.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Focus: Home and Family
Aquarius, this alignment affects your fourth house of home and family. You may experience unexpected changes in your living situation or family dynamics. Be patient with your parents and home situation, hopefully all changes will be short lived. Avoid any manual repair at home during this week. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Focus: Communication and Vicinity
For Pisces, the conjunction occurs in your third house of communication and vicinity. You may experience sudden insights or shifts in how you communicate and process information. This is a time to embrace new technologies or methods of learning that enhance your skills. Stay adaptable and open to new ideas. Avoid any confrontation in the neighbourhood.
Embrace the Energy The conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and Algol in Taurus is a potent astrological event that together can disrupt our life causing challenges and prompting haste decisions. Embrace the energy of change for what it it, very disruptive and short lived unless you allow it to engage you.
Interested to learn astrology? You are welcome at www.astrowinners.online
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Loveless - (10)
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Pairing: Namor x Shuri
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: none
Chapter 10
“I know you have no reason to trust me, but I am forever indebted to Wakanda for saving my life. To Shuri for piecing me back together so that I can even stand in front out you today.”, Everett began to speak. “After all my years of service, I come here as a fugitive, abandoned in my own land by my own people.”, he felt the sting of Valentina’s strategy to arrest him in his own home. “But never have I ever felt so free. That I do not have to play by the rules of a corporation that runs for it’s own merit and greed alone.”, he continued. He didn’t need sympathy nor did he want acceptance. But for once, he wanted to do the right thing without having to be hidden in the shadows or having to be silent about those with whom his true allegiance lied. “I fear war is on its way to Wakanda.”, he dropped the bombshell, in its eruption, murmurs and gasps. Then the effect spread, arguments and raised voices, the quiet court dissolved into a street fight. “I have been warning you about this M'baku.”, one elder rose to speak. Others pointing fingers and taking aim, unity was stuck together with a band-aid. “We are not prepared.”, another rallied.
Namor knew about all this, he had an instinct that this day was coming sooner than he had realised. He had been waiting for this even since that day he buried his mother, he had to be reveling in happiness at the sound of it. Even as close as a few months ago, he would have danced to the sound of battle horns that his time for his vengeance had come. But his eyes could only find the one soul he never wanted to hurt again and his empty heart, filled with the little goodness she had shown him, broke. She sat their with worry in her eyes, her thumb fidgeting with the edge of her top, her sudden emergence into his life had made him question his deeply held ideas. The hatred he had kept safe for centuries, now simmered down, not of his pity for the world but because of the effect she had on him.
He took in the people around him, time slowing down. The king, the tribe elders and this man all vehemently trying to protect this land, an extension of his own turf. He thought of Talokan, they always had the comfort of the ocean, a resource man could never conquer, a force so strong that always fought for it's inhabitants. But Wakanda was just another country with set boundaries. They could never run if they wanted to. “The president wanted to call for the destabilization of Wakanda.”, he heard the man speak. He observed him, he was another person tied to the princess in the same manner he was. They both owed their lives to her. Most rulers would use such debts to keep control but she did it to free them, give them another chance for she always saw the potential bestowed in people. Her heart had always been set on peace ever since the first day he had met her, while he knew he had no peace left to trust in it. Then how can he negotiate for it?
Shuri remained calm but she knew that even for a capable ruler like M’baku, this was going to be a tough call to make. The proceedings were only a formality, the only course of action now was to prepare. She sensed a fissure amidst the five tribes. The votes to choose peace were dwindling. “We need an army.”, they all sanctioned. M'Baku asked for them to think of this rationally, “And then what? There could be a way to divert this conflict. If we had –
“We don’t have time.”, The leader of the border tribe spoke against M’baku. “Amonst the five tribes, we have always been put aside. Our wants and needs never listened to. W’Kabi served as an advisor and yet his one request was never fulfilled.”, he spoke and Shuri clutched the seat cushion, fissures were turning into cracks. “We have one last demand, if set aside, the border tribe will no longer be a part of this constitution.”, and there it was, the first crack. External conflict on its own was massive to handle, with the tribes fighting against eachother, it would bring the end much sooner, make it more absolute. “What is your demand?”, M’baku asked and the words that Shuri heard next gripped her heart. “Reinstate the Hatut Zeraze.”, gasps rippled through the room. “The dogs of war? Have you lost your mind?”, M'baku stood up from his seat. The border tribe leader refused to back down, he stood resolute in his demand. “The members of the Hatut Zeraze have long been dead.”, M'baku reasoned but his words were engulfed by the sound the doors opening. “Always quick to assume, M’baku.”, a figure spoke and as he came into the light, it all began to make sense. W’Kabi sauntered to the center.
Namor sensed a change in the dynamic, the air was held tight like a knife, a kraken had emerged from his sleep to attack a ship that had sunk a spear into his arm. "Who let you in, W'Kabi?", he watched M'Baku's face contort into pure rage for the first time. “I could never stay away from where I truly belonged.”, W’kabi stretched out his arms turning to see everyone, his gaze finally landing on the princess. “My condolences.”, he smiled. “Your brother was too soft for the throne.”, his words were like daggers, Namor watched the glare Shuri held, she flexed her fingers, like a warning. “The queen, may she rest in peace but we have to commend his work.”, Namor’s brows shot up when he saw W’Kabi’s finger point towards him. “He did what I couldn’t.”, he spoke squirming like a snake, twisting around his leg to retrieve the guilt he thought he was beginning to overcome. “His actions do not resonate with your ideals.”, Shuri spoke back. He didn't know what he had to focus on, W'Kabi's accusations or the princess redirecting his statement.
“Oh yes, our lands now infiltrated with them.”, he huffed. Namor felt the blaze flicker within him. He can take on the comments he spoke about him but never about his people. “But he and I share the same ideal, Princess. We want to cleanse the world. Now you have two choices. Either you sit this one out or," He snickered as he got closer. M’baku stood in front of him. “You can join your family.”, he finished his sentence. M’Baku’s chest heaved with anger but his eyes held fear for the first time since Namor had known him. But The blaze that burned with him turned into an all consuming fire, he gripped his spear, all he saw was red. Threatening her, right in front of him. He got out of his seat, closing the gap between him and this criminal in a second as he skated over the tiles, he got a hold of W’Kabi’s throat and held him up. His blood surging through his veins, a second away from crumpling what he held in his hand. “You and I are not the same.”, he held the tip of his spear over W'Kabi's cheek. “Kill me", he croaked, "and your beloved secret will be revealed right this minute.”, His rage disappeared, he let go, W'Kabi hit the floor as he scrambled to get back up rubbing a hand over his throat. His anger now switched to fear, the spear in his hand wavered. “What is it going to be M’baku?”, he hummed as he got up.
M'baku turned to see Shuri, he was her brother first, king second. He will not put her life at risk again and neither will he lose his valiantly to leave her completely alone. He had promised to Tchalla that he would look out for her. He was surprised by the Fishman’s loyalty to the throne or rather it was his fondness for the princess. W’Kabi was a spineless snake, honor or valour meant nothing to him. He sat back on the throne, he will not take his bait. “The Hetut Zeraze will be reinstated.”, he accepted his demand.
Everett recognized the smile full of glee on W’Kabi’s face. It was the same as Valentina’s.
A blast from the past 😳
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psychologyofmoney · 11 months
5 Points to Identify Financially Independent Women
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Identifying financially independent women can be a valuable insight for various reasons, including personal growth, inspiration, and potential partnerships. Here are five major points to help you identify financially independent women:
Clear goals and budgeting: Financially independent women have a strong sense of their goals and set budgets to achieve them 1. They understand the importance of managing their money and making informed decisions about their financial resources. This includes tracking their income and expenses, avoiding overspending, and documenting their monthly cash flow.
Debt elimination: Eradicating debt is a top priority for financially independent women 1. They recognize that being debt-free is a significant indicator of financial independence 6. By prioritizing debt repayment, they free themselves from financial burdens and gain more control over their lives.
Investment and wealth-building: Financially independent women are not afraid to invest 2. They understand the importance of building wealth and creating passive income streams for long-term financial security. They may explore various investment options, such as stocks, real estate, or entrepreneurship, to grow their wealth and achieve their goals.
Continuous learning and self-improvement: To maintain their financial independence, women often engage in continuous learning and self-improvement 1. They may take financial literacy courses, hire coaches, or stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in personal finance. This commitment to learning helps them adapt to changing circumstances and make informed financial decisions.
Inspiring and empowering others: Financially independent women serve as role models for their families, friends, and communities 3. They inspire others, especially women, to strive for independence, overcome gender biases, and be self-sufficient. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, they contribute to a more financially empowered society.
Identifying financially independent women can be a source of inspiration and motivation for your own financial journey. By learning from their experiences and adopting their strategies, you can work towards achieving your own financial independence and creating a more secure future.
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