#Stooge Patrol
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trashogram · 6 months ago
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I dont know what i was doing. But, the goobers! (Psycho is my favorite that i did on this.)
AHH the boys!!! All of them properly labeled (Greasy = whore and Stupid = good boy). And Psycho looks so adorable! Thank you for sharing your art! I love them!!!!
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blackbirdsblackberries · 4 months ago
I Hate The New Hero!
Part 7 - Three Stooges And A Minty Accident
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 (You're here) - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10
Just a warning, there will be an allergic reaction in this chapter, I don't know if it does call for a warning or not but I just want to be safe! Also, Characters are somewhat ooc, so, sorry for that!!
Water drips onto the tiled floor as you stand in the broken down bathroom of the apartment. Your hands grip onto the sinks and you look at your puffy, icky complexion.
You'd like to say you had taken the humiliation with grace, just simply walked it off. But you didn't, you couldn't stop the tears falling down you heading home and you're sure if there were anymore tears left to cry you would still be crying.
Honestly though, what were you expecting? You had a feeling something bad would happen, it's the Waynes after all.
Your phone is now unusable so you can't even contact your friends Sherri and Tia, both of whom you haven't spoken to much in the past couple of days.
You feel bad, the girls had been there for you since day 1. You're sure that if you had told them about your hero persona they'd support and try to help you - because that's what friends do.
You sigh as you decide to take a warm shower, you can already tell you're going to get sick but can only hope that somehow the spider bite would stop it from happening too harshly.
The water is warm on your skin as you stand there disassociating. You wish you stay there forever but your parents definitely wouldn't appreciate you raising the water bills.
You get out and dress in something comfortable - and more importantly, dry.
The whole day has been a shitshow and you just want to die. But, you are anything but a quitter - at least, you hope so.
Deciding to open up the laptop you see the time is already 3pm, that means school is out! Sherry and Tia are probably online now, so, you message them on the laptop.
You desperately needed a distraction from everything so Sherri, Tia and you decide to head to a nice cafe - one that doesn't have a bucket of ice cold water waiting to fall on you.
Heading to your room you put on your shoes and fish out $10 from a small piggy bank in your wooden chest. You head to the nearby cafe, a pep in your step as you go.
Meanwhile Duke was hanging out with Steph and Cass, the two girls wanting to invite him along to one of their outings, they had gotten pedicures, did some shopping, walked around a park and were now stopping at a cafe to get some drinks.
They hadn't checked the GC all day - in fact, they had silenced it due to the amount of messages going through.
Steph orders a chocolate milkshake, Cass orders a mint tea and Duke decides to order a hot chocolate. He was meant to be patrolling today but today was oddly peaceful so he decided against it.
The three sit down at a nearby table, unaware of the three people waiting in line behind them.
You however were not so oblivious. As soon as you walk in your face falls and a bad feeling washes over you - something bad is about to happen. Your spidey senses didn't need to enact for you to tell.
Still, you power through. Your friends are excited about this cafe and you don't want to be a buzzkill..
"(Reader)? Helloooo?" Tia waves a hand in front of your face jokingly as you snap out of your dread-filled state. You chuckle and roll your eyes playfully "Stop it Tia! You aren't funny!"
Tia gasps and dramatically puts a hand on her chest and pouts. "(Readerrrrrrr), you're actually so mean! Are you a secret villain or something?"
Before you can respond Sherri comes back, having ordered the drinks for you all. The cafe is crowded and you guys either have the choice of sitting next to a group of suspicious men or the three heroes.
Before you can weigh in Tia and Sherri already move to the table next to Steph, Cass and Duke so you have no choice but to sigh and follow, hoping nothing bad happens.
Duke glances over at the three who had sat at the table next to theirs out of curiosity. Upon seeing (Reader) he stiffens up slightly - out of everyone he's the one who has some of the least beef with (Reader) because he's convinced that if (Reader) just talks to Aranea then they'd stop being such a hater.
Yet, he knows Steph will make a deal of it if she sees (Reader) there, with snarky remarks made loud enough for the other three to hear, glares and dirty looks and possibly even confrontation. Cass wouldn't really react, she doesn't have much of an opinion on (Reader), at least not that she speaks on.
So overall, he's gotta try and not have Steph notice. Luckily, despite the cafe being to busy everyone already had their drinks and food. It was only Duke's group and (Reader)'s group left to be served. And as luck would have it both orders came at the same time.
You're laughing with your friends, trying to not draw attention to yourself - you could feel Duke glancing at you from time to time and pray that he won't start anything.
You get your drink, excited to finally get (Favorite drink) after so long. These days you rarely have the chance to get it, either not having time or not having money.
Sherri is joking around with Tia and you take a sip of your drink, too engrossed with the conversation to notice something off until the third sip.
Pausing you stare down at your drink and lick your lips. "Uh guys, this isn't my drink.." You state, looking at them. Normally it wouldn't be such a big deal but this time it was - you just had three regular sized sips of mint tea.
Mint is an allergy you picked up from the spider bite. Something you are now deathly allergic to.
At the same time Cass has already noticed that it isn't the drink she had ordered. She noticed straight away but Steph was too busy rambling on about some high school drama to let anyone else get a word in.
It's not that big of a deal for her, it's just that this drink wasn't her favorite. Looking to the table next to her she sees (Reader) with their friends, the cafe is very loud so she has to strain to listen to their conversation but by facial expressions alone she can tell.
Nothing good is happening.
Sherri is freaking out, like seriously freaking out. She gets up from her chair and quickly goes to call an ambulance, only stopped by you gripping onto her arm - it's too expensive to go to the hospital by ambulance.
Tia is by your side trying to make sure you stay conscious, she's also searching up remedies to try and help.
Your tongue is swollen, your mouth is itchy and your throat feels like it's closing in. Your abdomen is screaming in pain and you feel like vomiting, you can't breath yet you need to cough. You feel dizzy, your pulse beating slowly in your ears. It's too much..
The commotion draws attention of onlookers including Steph and Duke - Cass was already watching.
Duke is horrified - your face is purple-ish red! You're scratching at your neck like an animal and your friends are freaking out so much that you'd think you were turning into some kind of monster!
Steph is shocked - when did you get there?! Also, whats happening? She doesn't think and just immediately gets her phone out and films it, she knows she should call an ambulance but this could help in the future! Plus, surely someone else had called paramedics.
Cass' eyes are widened in shock, and she feels frozen in place. Her instincts want to kick in, having been skilled in quick response. But she doesn't do anything but stare. Should she do something? Yes. Will she continue to be a bystander? Also yes.
Eventually Duke has enough of people just standing around and watching you have a severe allergic reaction - or atleast, that's what he guesses it is. He steps up to you and gently grabs your arm and pulls you outside. Your friends stay behind to clean up any mess - even though they desperately wanted to follow you and Duke.
An ambulance arrives and Duke sits in the back with you. You're freaking out, he supposes it's due to the allergic reaction. He's only a third right.
In actuality you're freaking out due to the hospital bill - and by extension your parents - as well as the fact that DUKE THOMAS is in the back of an ambulance with you.
Why? You have no clue. Your spidey senses don't go off but you're still scared, you hate the whole Wayne clan with your whole heart. After the issue with Dick today the last thing you need is to be in the back of an ambulance with Duke.
Yet, as your vision fades the last thing you see is Duke's worried face.
Taglist (can be finicky, sorry!)
@rissareader @delias-stuff @hogwarts9 @marsmabe @randomlyappearingartist @coralaura @nervousalpacalady @citrushalo @chericia @soriansick @v0idl1nq @scrumdidiliyumyum @kittykatcreatster @feral-childs-word @anon34570 @shycreatorreview @sunny-sp3lls @fluffypackofships @cynniee @yuyuzi-ling @coffeeaddictxd @starryperson @readermommy @niggrrooo @bunbunboysworld @yanrandom @fluffypackofchips @vanilliona @wizzerreblogs
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starseedpatriot · 6 months ago
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Fact check: Trump didn't kill the so-called bipartisan border bill. The grassroots was already up in arms, as were more than enough Republican congressmen and senators to kill the bill. Senator Lankford was McConnell's stooge. Lankford wasn't up for reelection until 2029, and so, they figured he was the right man for the job. They assumed we'd just forget about it by the time he was up for reelection.
The legislation was a Uniparty project and a defacto open border bill that would have made catch and release permanent, authorized 1.8 million border crossers a year, granted automatic work permits to illegals, and forever relegated border patrol to paper pushers whose only job was to parole millions of illegals every year into the interior.
It was as much an anti-immigration bill as the Inflation Reduction Act was an anti-inflation bill.
It died because it was stupid, dangerous, and insane. Trump didn't like the bill. Nor did any sane American.
Once again, shame on Senator Lankford for even proposing such a dumpster fire. We will not forget.
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robthegoodfellow · 1 year ago
May I Find You One December RENAMED Here I Go Again
1: Don't Know Where I'm Going, Sure Know Where I've Been
for @fizzigigsimmer
(caligator, referenced past harringrove, age difference, referenced character death, references to neofascism/evangelicalism)
Billy’d been warned against stopping in Stark County, but when you had to go, you had to go—and anyway, he was running low on gas. And snacks. 
And, since he wasn’t a spring chicken anymore, it’d be wise to get out, work the rust from his joints a bit. 
Glancing around as he filled the tank, the town looked normal enough; your average main drag in Middle of Nowhere, North Dakota. Couple sleepy shops, general store, dinky diner—one of those blue lives matter flags hanging limp by the door, vivid polyester garish against all the beige. 
Basic shit. 
No obvious signs of a place under the iron thumb of a white nationalist evangelical militia, and he was just about to roll the dice on that diner, maybe snag a coffee and a slice of pie, when a police cruiser ambled into view, pulled into the fueling station opposite.
Just his fucking luck.
Billy studied the pump, face schooled a pleasant bland. Marveled at how, even after all these years, his days of tussling with fascist pigs long behind him, the same wolves were stirring in his head. One baring its teeth on a low growl, ready and willing to tear the fucker to shreds, the other poised, still as stone, itching to turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble.
At fifty years old—fifty plus, but who was counting—he preferred neither option. The meter clicked off, and he watched his hands replace the nozzle, screw on the gas cap.
Even his hands were fucking old. Thicker—blocky knuckles. Veins starting to bulge. Grandpa hands. 
Sense memory flashed, suppressed so quick and smooth it left barely a ripple. Wouldn’t do to indulge in fond longing for those gay glory days, for the hands he still missed like phantom limbs, some nights, this aching absence. Not within spitting distance of a patrol car. 
Because why test the thought police, right? He could reminisce on youthful love lost when he was back on the highway, heading west.
Good boy, he heard, like Billy had a tin can cupped to his ear, the string trailing off into the fog of time. 
So strange what stayed sharp, he mused, rounding the hood, gripping his keys. Behind him, the cruiser door swung open with a creak. Like—despite the photos, it was hard to really conjure the face, hold it steady in his mind. A face through a window in the rain, and more so as the years slid by. But that voice still whispered clear as day—sometimes a Jiminy Cricket, keeping Billy out of trouble, sometimes a little prankster demon, pure trickster. 
And the hands. The feel of those hands had never left him, touch embedded in the skin.
He sniffed, ducking his chin, scolding himself. So much for smothering his inner queer.
The door was open, sanctuary of the driver’s seat calling his name, when something drew his attention across the way—some movement, maybe, or shift in the air. Pulling his gaze, against his better judgment, to meet the bored stare of the emerging cop.
His chest—seized, breath caught in tight lungs by a tighter throat. Distantly wondered if this was what a heart attack felt like—crushed in a cold fist.
Because the eyes staring back at him were Steve’s. The furrowed brow above lips pinched in a frown. The lines of his jaw, his nose. Like the rain had stopped and he could see him clear through the pane. Then the lips twisted, a sudden sneer, straight out of senior year.
“Got a problem, pal?” 
Billy blinked rapid, took in the flak jacket and badge announcing him as the Sheriff’s stooge, the douchey camo hoodie layered underneath, dark hair slicked back, sides shaved like he’d stepped off the cover of Nazi Vogue.
What the fuck.
“Asked you a question, old man.”
Billy coughed, half a laugh, half choke, and shook his head. Same voice—his voice. Steve’s. Only the tone was all wrong—mean and self-important—more like… like Billy, once upon a time.
Like if his old bratty attitude and Steve’s voice had a baby. That’s what he was hearing right now. Like—
Wrenching his brain back on track, Billy rebooted. Cut him off before the brat could launch another volley.
“Sorry, officer,” he said, and couldn’t help it—the amusement thrumming beneath the words, or more accurately, the unhinged hysteria. “Must be going senile.”
The eyes narrowed—assuming that if he wasn’t in on the joke, he must be the butt of it.
“In fact,” Billy went on, blindly following some instinct, he knew not where. “Think I might be having some heart trouble.”
The cop did not spring to the aid of a needy citizen, but eyed him skeptically. “You smell burnt toast?”
“That’s for a stroke,” Billy corrected, and he’d gone and done it again—only this time a fondness threading the wry mockery. “Heart attack is pain in your arm and whatnot.”
The brat didn’t shoot him dead for perceived disrespect, which was something. Really he just seemed—confused. Baffled. And boy, Billy was right there with him.
This wasn’t Steve, he reminded himself. Wasn’t him. Just a random dead ringer in Middle of Nowhere, North Dakota, a likely foot soldier in the brutal local militia.
And Billy should just leave him to it, obviously. Because this wasn’t Steve.
So—bid the doppelganger adieu, get the hell out of dodge. Billy cleared his throat.
“Don’t suppose protect and serve extends to helping some geezer find a place to eat while he rests awhile?”
Now the perplexed indignation was out in force, head tilted so far to the side it was liable to roll off his neck.
Hand to God, Billy thought he’d kicked the death wish long ago—his Y2K resolution—and yet here he was. Still talking, coaxing the neofascist to come closer, chucking all caution to the wind for a pair of pretty, over-familiar eyes.
“C’mon,” he said, and made the smirk self-deprecating. “I make it across the street without keeling over, I’ll buy ya a coffee.”
The brat straightened, something like tolerant intrigue settled in the quirk of his brow. “All right, then, old timer.” As they stepped off the sidewalk: “Don’t expect me to hold your elbow or nothing.”
“Oh, nah,” Billy replied, waving him off. “Dignity won’t allow it.” And then—he winked. Winked at the boogaloo boy. He’d lost his mind. Farewell, sanity.  “Name’s Billy.”
No response from the boy in blue until they reached the diner steps. “I’m Gator,” he said, hauling the door open, gruffness at odds with the tinkling bell.
To his credit, Billy didn’t break down into gibbering laughter.
Gator. This asshat wearing Steve’s face, this Duck Dynasty heir apparent—was named Gator.
Way off in Indiana, Steve must’ve been rolling in his grave.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
what cats are still prayed to and revered by the clans besides firestar or skystar? i fuckin LOVE the patron spirits thing you have going on in this rewrite, it’s so cool to see what cats are worshipped and why
There's a lot of them! I don't think there could ever be a "comprehensive list" without just listing most of StarClan. See, most cats will typically value their own family over others, leading to the patrons "waxing and waning" in popularity over the generations.
But here's some of the ones who are pretty consistently popular!
Thunderstar = Justice Comeuppance, fair judgement, and mercy are also things he can be invoked for. Remember that a Patron gains its power from belief. Much like how Saint Michael was once a patron of healing as well as war, associations for BB!StarClan cats can shift over time.
Bumblemumble = Speech, Diplomacy She became less popular in the Chivalric Period, but was a favored patron for Pinestar to invoke. She never totally went away, even though her name has become "Bombolmlemlaan," 'Sentence-Tonguetwister,' over time. (Her name is also used in reference to "being tongue-tied." Fitting that she's a bit hard to translate into English!)
Acorn Swoop = Prra A Clan culture-specific value. Perfect timing, promptness, coincidences of good planning. Arriving in the nick of time. Acorn Swoop is a good example of how cats can wax and wane as well; when Hallowflight dies (he is alive to the current arc in BB), RiverClan will probably prefer invoking him over Acorn for a while.
Sparrow Heart = Loyalty and Fidelity. This BURNS her a new one, btw. Many of the other spirits as old as her have begun to lost touch with their mortal lives, but she didn't join Clear Sky because she loves him. She didn't serve him for his own ends. She wanted his power, and in death she's been reduced to his eternal stooge. She craves his throne. (And I have to leave it there until we find out what the next few arcs have in store :3)
Speckletail = Protection Against Natural Disaster Storms, deforestation, pollution, whatever. Speckletail is invoked to defend Clans against oncoming doom, because girlie took out a bulldozer and the battle culture is obsessed with that
Stonefur = Winning the War/Losing the Battle An important god for lost causes. When you aren't able to win, he is invoked to make your death mean something. Needletail, for the first time in a long time, requested for StarClan to call down his strength.
Blackstar = Redemption And change in a better direction. Said to be reflected in frogs in particular, how they go from tadpoles to full creatures, associated with wetland health thanks to his ambitious Bog Project.
Sundrown Patrol = Directions Most of them are not dead yet. Feathertail is currently the only one in the role and protects travelers generally, but eventually her and her Cohorts will comfortably divide up the cardinal directions. Feathertail is South (Towards the Mountain), Tawny is West (Towards the Ocean), Bramble is North (Towards the Lake) and Crowfeather is East (Into the Wilderness).
Leafpool = Clarity Leafpool Moonpool is one of the most popular young spirits. In difficult situations, she is invoked for StarClan to see your sins and understand that you are trying to find the holiest way through them. The Firekin family is going to be a very strong pantheon eventually.
Palefoot = Bodies that Can't Be Recovered/Closure Anon suggestion that is canon now. Palefoot was murdered by Batear for killing Fenneldust and shoved into a bog where his family would never find him, because Batear was not allowed to go to ThunderClan to sit vigil for his best friend. When someone is lost and can't be buried, Palefoot is often invoked for comfort. He is actually sort of displacing Turtle Heart, who used to function in a similar way. She is being pushed into a more specific role for Lost Parents, not bodies or closure in general.
In addition, Dark Forest Spirits are also powerful... and thanks to the fact you have to use a direct line to get to them, quite capable of granting strength without holding back. They have no StarClan to answer to if they blessed the plans of the wrong cat.
So they can do curses for you, if THAT is what you're seeking. A whole lot of these cats tend to provide various types of revenge lmao... "We serve Vengeance here, sir."
Batear and Fenneldust = Retribution Evolved from a mix of how Batear's target went BEYOND his victim to deny closure to the family, and also the Fepfr which he was named for, Long-Eared Bat, which in Clan culture is said to have a modest song of mourning for every bat wrongfully killed. Fenneldust actually LOVED that he was willing to be so spiteful for her, and followed him to the Dark Forest. So if you want, you can call for them to cause pain to people who wronged you. If your case is bad though, they'll fuck with you instead. They aren't MALICIOUS spirits though... just mischievous.
Mapleshade = Revenge If you want your target to DIE, you give her a call. She is ACTIVELY malicious. She will stop at nothing to kill someone she agrees should go, even going as far as to fight a Fetcher to drag the target down with her. If you're just miffed at someone and want them to get karma, you talk to Batsy and Fenfen. If you want BLOOD, you talk to Mapleshade. But be prepared, because she is just as dangerous as that implies.
Cloudberry and Ryewhisker = Secrecy An obvious one, but one of the gentler requests of the Dark Forest. They will help you hide forbidden love from your Clan, and can be prayed to when you're having a close call and may be discovered.
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whumpacabra · 7 months ago
25. Instigator
Angst, military setting, toxic friendships, ableism and assault [a character touches/leans on/grabs another character’s mobility aid without permission], past captivity and torture mention, past beating and humiliation [forced to strip], past character death mention, briefly implied past noncon
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As much as Elias enjoyed the familiar bustle of the mess, Harrison was right. Eating lunch in the courtyard was so much better than sitting on those awful benches under fluorescent lighting. Here the air was clean and fresh, if a little dusty from the troops running drills in the dried turf.
Harrison, still on a limited diet to account for his starvation, had long since finished his measly helping of mashed potatoes, mushy peas, and mystery meat. Elias was savoring his plate; he never thought he would miss mediocre cafeteria food so badly.
Harrison startled at the shout from across the courtyard, a smile splitting his face as the three stooges bobbed between annoyed patrols.
Parker was leading the charge, stocky and well built enough to dive between the other soldiers in the field like a plow tilling soft earth. Gale followed in his shadow, steps light and measured - showing off his childhood training as a ballet dancer. Moe stumbled after them, glasses knocked askew but saved from falling off his face with sweaty hands.
“You’re looking better, Gomez.” Gale huffed, leaning on Harrison’s wheelchair.
“And I’m chopped liver?” Elias complained half heartedly, an echo of grief in his chest. He missed Thatch and Clements and Orson, his clique even before the taskforce organized. Harrison still had friends here, and the look he shot Elias bled with sympathy. Parker didn’t notice.
“Nah, you’re just still lookin’ the same as before Walker.”
“Glad to know a little torture didn’t damage my good looks.” Elias couldn’t quite strangle his misplaced discomfort with humor.
“Well, it didn’t do you any favors, that’s for sure.” Gale quipped, Parker snorting while Moe cracked a nervous smile, scrubbing his glasses clean with the hem of his shirt.
Elias felt bad for the kid - he was a Private like him, but just behind his cohort. Parker and Gale seemed to tolerate him for his use as a scapegoat, but Moe was just happy to be included. It never sat right with Elias.
“You two got any juicy gossip from the higher ups?” Parker hummed, sitting on the bench between Elias and where Harrison’s chair was parked. He told himself the spike of resentment and stress was just the separation anxiety acting up.
“What do you mean?” Harrison’s laugh was tense, a hand weakly failing to bat away Gale’s arm where it leaned on his chair. Harrison and these three were close before the taskforce. Time didn’t appear to have made the heart grow fonder.
“Haven’t you realized?” Gale finally stood up, gesturing to the throngs of soldiers standing around between drills and marches. “Entire base is on fucking lockdown.” He huffed, as though offended. “First she says we’re on disciplinary leave then we’re on lockdown. Can’t a bitch make up her mind…”
“Watch it Gale.” Harrison’s growl was genuine, and the medic threw up his hands in mock surrender.
“I was just - ”
“No wonder you’re on disciplinary leave.” Elias huffed, poking at the plate on his lap. Moe was still hovering in the background, silent.
“Hey, it was for you, jackass.” Parker shouldered him gently despite his strength. He knew not to push the still recovering soldier too hard, so Elias took his insult lightly.
“What are you talking about? Had to defend our honor like some kinda damsel?” Harrison batted his eyes at Parker, but Gale’s dry hum had a venomous undercurrent.
“Someone had to make sure that fucker knew his place.”
“What?” Harrison’s voice was shaken, and Elias knew he had the same sinking feeling in his gut. Parker shrugged, leaning back on the bench with far less righteous satisfaction in his voice.
“Went down to holding. Roughed up that Wolf you brought back.” Harrison was looking at Parker with abject horror, and he tried to backtrack accordingly. “Just a few hits. Didn’t even break nothin’ - he took it like a champ.”
“You cracked his fucking ribs, jackass.” Elias shoved back a little too hard, swallowing back the anger in his throat.
“I - I pulled my punches, unlike someone.”
“Oh, shut up. You think he took his jacket off just to keep a bit of blood off it?” Gale crossed his arms over his chest, finally taking a step back from where Harrison was seething in his chair. “He wanted a little fight to take the edge off and we gave it to him is all.”
“You had him strip, G.” Moe’s soft voice made Elias suck air through his teeth. Gale would give the poor kid hell for - wait, what did he say?
“I joked that he was being a tease. Fucker didn’t have to - ”
“You made him strip?” Elias’ breath shuddered, words so quiet he wasn’t sure anyone would hear them. He wasn’t hungry anymore. In fact, the cafeteria food wasn’t sitting right with him.
“Hey, he’s the one that took off his pants - I, I didn’t make him do anything.”
“You saw the shape he was in and you still kicked the crap out of him?” Harrison had turned in his chair, but Elias didn’t need to see his face to know the disgust and anger painted on his face.
“Yeah, considering the shape you are in.” There was a thread of discomfort in Gale’s voice, but he was still defensive. Righteously convicted, he continued with a twinge of sincerity. Or at least Elias hoped it was sincerity. “We’re your friends, H. We thought you fucking died out there.”
“And that gives you the right to strip and beat a prisoner who didn’t even fight back?” Harrison’s head whipped back to Elias, eyes bright with anger. “I want to go back inside now, Elias. Are you done?”
“Yeah. Yeah I think I am - ”
“Oh my god Hbomb chill - we’re sorry alright, Gale - we took it too far.” Parker, at the very least, didn’t try to stop Elias from getting up. But Gale grabbed hold of Harrison’s wheelchair.
“Dude, seriously, he fucking tortured you. Doesn’t he deserve a taste of his own medicine?”
“He’s had plenty now let, me, go.” Harrison’s glare was poisonous, and with Elias rounding on him, Gale finally took the hint and backed off. Not without rolling his eyes in exasperation.
“Fine, fine. Christ, what’s the matter with you? Defending that fucking monster - Stockholm syndrome much?”
“Gale. That’s enough.” At least Parker could keep that jackass busy. Elias pushed Harrison along the path, plate left cold on the bench. It wasn’t like he had the stomach for that mediocre cafeteria slop anyway. Harrison’s muttering was simmering with rage.
“Merrick should have told us - ”
“Protocol. He can’t rat out every asshole on base as a captain. Abuse of power and all.”
“As though they didn’t fucking abuse their power.” Harrison’s stage whisper dropped quieter as they passed a patrol. “God. Elias do you think they - do you think he thought - ?”
“No. And yes.” Those idiots were assholes, but they weren’t monsters. Not like that CIA schmuck that butchered Wolf. But the Wolf wouldn’t know that - he clearly didn’t expect anything less - and god, they weren’t giving him great evidence to the contrary.
“If they knew - ”
“They can’t. Merrick said this stays between us, Fergie, the Frizz and Briggs. And Mav too, I guess.” Elias didn’t like how the temperature dropped - just slightly - as they left the warm glow of the sunlight and entered the medical building.
He hoped the Wolf was having a better afternoon than them.
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Taglist: @stargeode @genuineformality @i-eat-worlds @light-me-on-pyre
@risk606 @sacredwrath
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batmannotes · 3 months ago
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Looney Tunes Volumes 1-4 Blu-Ray Set Review
Here they are in one mega set! All four of the recently released Looney Tunes Collector's Choice Blu-rays together at last. Across the four discs inside this release covers the golden era of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies with 97 remastered cartoons, all looking better than ever on Blu-ray in HD. All the great WB cartoon stars share the spotlight here, including Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Tweety & Sylvester, and many more. There are over 642 minutes of fun here.
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If you have read some of our recent reviews you know a lot about what you are going to get here. In short, this is the best you ever seen these animated shorts look and sound. While I appreciate the expansive selection of cartoons here, I really wish they would have been more concentrated to certain years instead of the hodgepodge represented here. I also wish there were more extras included in these bare-bones releases. Regardless, this set will provide viewers with hours of gut-busting humor.
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"Beanstalk Bunny" (1954)
"Catch as Cats Can" (1947)
"The Unruly Hare" (1945)
"His Bitter Half" (1950)
"Daffy Doodles" (1946)
"Cracked Quack" (1952)
"Little Orphan Airedale" (1947)
"Hip Hip-Hurry!" (1958)
"Hot Rod and Reel" (1959)
"Greedy for Tweety" (1957)
"Stooge for a Mouse" (1950)
"A Mouse Divided" (1953)
"A Fractured Leghorn" (1950)
"Plop Goes the Weasel" (1953)
"Tale of Two Mice" (1945)
"The Foxy Duckling" – (1947)
"Two Gophers from Texas" (1947)
"Doggone Cats" (1947)
"What's Brewin', Bruin?" (1947)
"The Bee-Deviled Bruin" (1949)
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"Behind the Meat-Ball" (1945)
"Brother Brat" (1944)
"Catty Cornered" (1953)
"Cross Country Detours" (1940)
"Daffy's Southern Exposure" (1942)
"Ding Dog Daddy" (1942)
"The Eager Beaver" (1946)
"Fair and Worm-er" (1946)
"Fin 'n Catty" (1943)
"From Hand to Mouse" (1944)
"Ghost Wanted" (1940)
"Greetings Bait" (1943)
"Hamateur Night" (1939)
"Hare-Breadth Hurry" (1963)
"A Hick a Slick and a Chick" (1948)
"Hiss and Make Up" – (1943)
"A Hound for Trouble" (1951)
"I Wanna Be a Sailor" (1937)
"The Leghorn Blows at Midnight" (1950)
"Lickety-Splat" (1961)
"One Meat Brawl" (1947)
"The Penguin Parade" (1938)
"Rabbit Rampage" (1955)
"The Rebel Without Claws" (1961)
"The Wacky Worm" (1941)
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"A Feud There Was" (1938)
"China Jones" (1959)
"Cinderella Meets Fella" (1938)
"Dumb Patrol" (1964)
Egghead Rides Again" (1937)
"Elmer's Pet Rabbit" (1941)
"Hobo Bobo" (1947)
"Honeymoon Hotel" (1934)
"Hop, Skip and a Chump" (1942)
"I Only Have Eyes for You " (1937)
"Mexican Joyride" (1947)
"The Mouse on 57th Street" (1961)
"Mr. and Mrs. is the Name" (1935)
"Of Rice and Hen" (1953)
"Pre-Hysterical Hare" (1958)
"Punch Trunk" (1953)
"Quentin Quail" (1946)
"Riff Raffy Daffy" (1948)
"Saddle Silly" (1941)
"Sheep Ahoy" (1954)
"The Sheepish Wolf" (1942)
"There Auto Be a Law" (1953)
"Tugboat Granny" (1956)
"War And Pieces" (1964)
"Wet Hare" (1962)
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“Along Came Daffy" (1947)
"A Bone for a Bone" (1951)
"The Cagey Canary" (1941)
"D’ Fightin’ Ones" (1961)
"Dangerous Dan McFoo" (1939)
"Devil’s Feud Cake" (1963)
"Double Chaser" (1942)
"Double or Mutton" (1955)
"Fox Pop" (1942)
"Henhouse Henery" (1949)
"Holiday for Drumsticks" (1949)
"Hopalong Casualty" (1960)
"Hyde and Go Tweet" (1960)
"The Impatient Patient" (1942)
"Leghorn Swoggled" (1951)
"Meatless Flyday" (1944)
"Mouse-Warming" (1952)
"The Mouse-Merized Cat" (1946)
"Muscle Tussle" (1953)
"Muzzle Tough" (1954)
"Peck Up Your Troubles" (1945)
"Quack Shot" (1954)
"Road to Andalay" (1964)
"The Sneezing Weasel" (1938)
"Streamlined Greta Green" (1937)
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With the 1080p resolution and 1.37:1 aspect ratio, this is definitely the best I’ve ever seen these animated shorts. It’s always a fine line Warner Bros. has to toe while restoring these older animated classics. Although scrubbing the video is somewhat necessary to present these cartoons in high definition, WB still has to make sure not to wash away the original film grain. A lot of people complain when too much film grain is washed away, but for me, it’s never a big deal. I always look for clarity and popping colors. Overall Warner Bros. has done another fine job with these volumes
The DTS-HD Master Audio is solid for a simple 2.0 mono presentation. Both music, sound effects and dialogue are clear and compliment the picture nicely. 
EXTRAS 📀 :  D-
The only real drawback to this collection is the lack of extras. No digital download, no booklets and the only disc extras are a very small dash of shorts.
The replay value of all these discs are extremely high for me. I still love throwing these classic cartoons in my Blu-Ray player on Saturday mornings and reliving my childhood again and again. Yeah, I’d love to have more extras, but I’ll eat up every release Warner Archive is willing to deliver. All four of these discs included in one set should make it a no-brainer for fans of the Warner Bros. cartoon library. I highly recommend this set as a fan myself!
You can purchase this release at Amazon.
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cryptids-of-spielzeit · 1 year ago
The Package
Ages ago, the town of Spielzeit was just another vehicle to sell Playtime Co. products, but after a few shady deals and fights with the corporate heads, the town separated itself from the company, and through years of work, the town, and the people within, have no idea what Playtime even is. Except for one.
Angelo Floros was a security guard at Playtime for around a decade, being let go in 1994 due to a run in he had with one Leith Pierre. Let's just say they never got along. After being let go, he stumbled upon Spielzeit, where he was offered the position of park ranger. He took it almost immediately, familiarity with what lies in the job and all.
He was quite happy that everyone didn't know a single thing about that company. For that decade all he saw were those grinning faces, the cheery voices...and the secrets behind them that the company never dared to reveal to anyone. Yes, Angelo was happy. All he had to deal with here were the occaisional complaints about raccoons or, in the worst cases, illegal hunters. Until tonight.
It was the 10th of August, 1995. It wasn't a very busy day, made things simple for Angelo. Only thing he really had to do that day was patrol the picnic area, making sure no pests got in the way of families trying to enjoy their day. Angelo was in his cabin, his tiny television playing reruns of the Dick van Dyke show and the Three Stooges. This was the life, kicking back, watching some good TV while eating some of the best croissants the local bakery had to offer. But he heard...something at the door.
It wasn't a knock, more like a very light scrape or rubbing. Must be a raccoon or fox. He opened up to shoo whatever was outside, but he didn't find any sort of pest. Instead, there was a package. No address, no sign of who the sender could be, just a message, written crudely in red crayon.
"Keep her safe"
Angelo had a sinking feeling. He pretty much knew what was inside the package. But, the thing is, she was nice. One of the nicest he'd ever met, in fact. And if she's here, miles away from the factory, then what happened? He opened the package, and his suspicions were correct. It was a little red case, a glass window showcasing a doll with a blue dress, pale skin, and the reddest hair one could imagine.
He slowly opened the box. She opened her eyes, Angelo was unfazed.
"Hi, Poppy."
(Thanks to @screamsofanoutlawbrain for the idea!)
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mac-4 · 7 months ago
Cold, so cold Truth be told I shake, might break, without a fold This cold I patrol For one, little friend, I’d like to hold That zone All alone Yet here, they don’t mind, they take it slow That zone I’ve outgrown Brave worlds, braver souls let me be known
Noise Oh, I hear a voice Say, would you like to PLAY?!
Come with me, we’ll keep on zooming Why not spread your arms and fly? You know you haven’t got a thing to fret ‘cause I’m right by your side! I always seek! And you never hide!
What’s wrong now, you’re looking grim Not seen a hedgehog with those eyes? Might it be, your old pal Sonic’s hard for you to recognize? If you think a fake’s the one who's singing I'll remind you that you might be forgetting just a thing
Me, into the spin of searing heat Break the silence, underneath the sheet Know I’ve set in stone, the order Peppered envy, pain and horror
Being set upon a broken land Freed by that what lays within his hands As we warm, I split asunder Such caprice, it makes you wonder
What’s the point in playing make-believe? Your pointless pride makes you look so naive! Perhaps one day, I’ll trust the otherwise Until that day, I’ll only trust brighter skies
“You’re not very good at this, ARE YOU?”
See, my buddy, it’s only me Your friend, Sonic, will watch you flee Burning up til all are one Yet me you shun?
In his world He saves the weak In HIS world He molds the ones who’d rather taste defeat Death defying, redefining Now I see the silver lining It was never me who was the cheat, I don’t think we need these things to be so crude You’ll be a pal, not just a stooge LET US END YOUR SUBTERFUGE
the worm in my brain told me to subterfuge out! sorry dude
mods, twist his balls into a fine powder and use them as chicken tender seasoning.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months ago
Trump stages a campaign event at the border wall. It just happens to be a sturdy section of the wall completed during the Obama administration at Montezuma Pass, AZ.
You just can't make this stuff up. 😅
Trump event at wall Obama built highlights an unkept promise
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump came here on Thursday to heap praise on the structure standing to his right — “the Rolls-Royce of walls,” he called it — and lament the unused segments lying to his left. Joining him, Border Patrol union leader Paul A. Perez called the standing fence “Trump wall” and the idle parts “Kamala wall,” after Trump’s Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. Those labels were inaccurate. This section of 20-foot steel slats was actually built during the administration of President Barack Obama. Trump added the unfinished extension up the hillside, an engineering challenge that cost at least $35 million a mile. The unused panels of 30-foot beams were procured during the Trump administration and never erected. “Where you were, that was kind of a joke today,” John Ladd, a Trump supporter whose ranch extends along the border, said while driving the dirt road along the barrier, the gapped panels making a flipbook out of the shrubby trees and grass on the other side. “Had to be in front of Trump’s wall, but you went to Montezuma, and that’s Obama’s wall.” The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that the barrier next to Thursday’s campaign stop was built during the Obama administration. The Trump campaign and Perez did not respond to questions about the discrepancy.
^^^ emphasis added
Here is why Trump didn't visit sections of the wall built during his own administration.
1 ] The wind blew parts of the Trump wall down. This is from January of 2020 when Weird Donald was busy saying "we have it under control" about the COVID-19 pandemic which was already spreading in the US.
^^^ Scrawny trees on the Mexican side of the border kept some sections of the mighty Trump wall from completely collapsing.
2 ] Floods washed other parts of the Trump wall away. This is from August of 2021 – just seven months after Trump left office in disgrace.
The Trump border wall was just another failed Trump scam like Trump University and Trump Vitamins.
Trump's fascism-curious crony Steve Bannon is set to go on trial on border wall corruption charges after he's released from prison on an unrelated conviction.
Steve Bannon's border wall fraud trial set for December
If Weird Donald really cared about the border then he would not have ordered his stooge Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson to torpedo the bipartisan immigration reform bill in the House early this year.
Trump, House Republicans plot to kill border deal
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the-duck-dealer · 1 year ago
Sonic the Hedgehog - Toy Kingdom Calamity
[Christmas Eve. Sonic dashes through Twinkling Village, gazing at all the Christmas lights, then up at the aurora in the sky.] Sonic: Man, I love this time of year. [Suddenly, Sonic hears angry shouting nearby.] Sonic: Huh? [He sees a large crowd of people surrounding a Toy Kingdom delivery station.] Sonic: These folks don’t look so holly-jolly. [Sonic taps one of them on the shoulder.] Sonic: Hey, what’s goin’ on? Civilian: Toy Kingdom hasn’t delivered any Christmas packages! They were supposed to arrive this morning! …Say, aren’t you…? [Sonic steps through the crowd, reaching the front window. He knocks on the metal shutter] Sonic: Yo! [It opens. A worker drone answers.] Drone: We are sorry. There has been a delay in shipping. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go home. Goodbye. [It slams shut.] Sonic: …Uh…? [He knocks on it again. It opens once more.] Drone: We are sorry. There has been a delay in shipping. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go home. Goodbye. Sonic: …Okay. That’s not suspicious at all. Maybe it might be a good idea to check things out. [Sonic turns to face the crowd.] Sonic: Hold on, folks. I’ll get to the bottom of this. [Sonic dashes into the night.]
Sonic: Toy Kingdom’s comin’ up. Let’s see what all the fuss is about. [Sonic skids to a stop outside the outer walls. The drawbridge is up…?] Sonic: Huh? That’s weird. This place is usually open 24/7. In fact, I’ve never seen it closed! Sonic: HEY! Konstruct-A-King! You in there? Hello??? [Some Toy Guards pop their heads over the kingdom walls.] Sonic: Oh, hey! What’s the deal, guys? Why’re all the drawbridges up? It’s Christmas Eve! [They aim their guns at him and open fire.] Sonic: Woah--Hey! [Sonic leaps and avoids their gunfire, kicking up some snow and launching snowballs at them, knocking them back.] Sonic: So much for a warm welcome! [Sonic dashes up the wall, leaping over the top and tying the guards up in christmas lights.] Sonic: You guys don’t seem like yourselves. What’s the… deal…? [Sonic sees armies of Badniks patrolling the kingdom. Equipment and toys are being moved around like crazy.] Sonic: …You’ve gotta be kidding me, doc. [One of the Guards manages to break their arm free and call on the radio.] Sonic: Hey! [Sonic kicks the radio out of their hand.] Sonic: Nobody likes a snitch, little guy. [Alarms go off in the area. Sonic glares at the toy soldier.] [A miniature Eggmobile with 2 sidecars flies in. A spotlight centers on Sonic.] Sonic: Oh, look. The three stooges. [Orbot, Cubot, and Tribot hover overhead.] Orbot: Sonic?! Cubot: Uh-oh! Eggman’s not gonna like this! Tribot: I am! I can’t wait to stomp that little blue thornbush! Woo-hoo! [Orbot presses a button on the Eggmobile, and a giant, robotic nutcracker deploys from a nearby warehouse and drops down in front of Sonic. The Eggmobile’s sidecars detach, and take their places in the shoulders of the mech. Orbot’s Eggmobile sits atop the hat, and the mech’s eyes light up, raising an axe.] Sonic: Heh. Alright, let’s do this! [The Egg Cracker's axe slams down in the snow. Sonic dives out of the way, running up the base of the axe and spin attacking Tribot's Eggmobile.] Tribot: Hey! Get off! Orbot: I got him! Hang on! [A large, comically sized nut is loaded into the Egg Cracker’s mouth. The Egg Cracker bites down, and spikes are sent outwards in all directions.] Sonic: Woah! [Sonic ducks, avoiding one of the spikes, then leaps off as another spike hits Tribot’s Eggmobile.] Tribot: Dang it, Orbot! Watch where you’re aiming! Sonic: Man, I can’t believe Eggman trusted you guys to handle this job. Tribot: WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! [Tribot swings the axe again, and Sonic backflips out of the way.] Sonic: I gotta do something about that axe… Or better yet… Use it against them! [Sonic dashes away as the giant mech begins to chase him. He slides under each axe swing, before stopping beside an electrical transformer.] Sonic: Betcha can’t hit me! Tribot: Are you CHALLENGING ME?! [Tribot raises the axe.] Orbot: Tribot, wait! Don’t! He’s trying to trick you! [The axe hits the transformer, and sparks fly, electrocuting the mech and the three shapebots.] Cubot: Ugh… Even I wouldn’t have fallen for that. Orbot: Yes, you would’ve. [Sonic launches off of a spring and onto Tribot’s pod, shattering the glass.] Sonic: Pardon me. Tribot: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! [Sonic toys with the controls, forcing the mech to toss the axe up into the air.] Orbot: Uh-oh. [Sonic salutes, before leaping off of the mech just before the axe impales it.] [The Egg Cracker crumbles to pieces, and the 3 Egg Mobiles detach from the robot.] Cubot: Let’s get out of here! Sonic: Hey, where’re you three goin’? No time for a snowball fight? [Sonic spindashes in the snow, launching hundreds of snowballs into the Egg Mobiles, knocking them out of the sky. The three shapebots fall out of their vehicles.] Orbot: Wait, wait! Don’t-! [Sonic lifts them all up, juggling them around.] Cubot: I’m gonna be sick!
[Meanwhile, inside the Toy Kingdom castle…] Eggman: Ohohoh! Construction is going swimmingly! Soon, all the world’s toys will be yours, my dear! Sage: Father? Eggman: Yes, my little omelet? Sage: There is a disturbance outside. Eggman: Hmmm? [Sage points at a monitor. Security footage shows Sonic messing with Orbot, Cubot, and Tribot.] Eggman: You have GOT to be kidding me! Metal! Make that rodent carol in pain! [Metal’s eyes glow in acknowledgement. His thrusters fire up, and he takes off through the open window.] Orbot: Uncle! Uncle! Sonic: All right, all right. I’ve had my fun. See ya! [Sonic tosses all three of them into the air, before kicking them into a nearby dumpster.] Cubot: My head… Tribot: That was a pretty good throw, though… Orbot: Shut up, you two. Sonic: Well, better get back to it. Now, which way--Oof! [Metal Sonic lunges into Sonic, knocking him off of his feet, before kicking him across the path.] Sonic: Metal! Just who I wanted to unwrap this Christmas! [Sonic uses Sonic Boom to push Metal back. Metal’s thrusters flare up. Sonic leaps over Metal’s head as he flies past. Metal’s torso spins around, and he punches Sonic in the face.] Sonic: Oof-! Lucky hit. So, what are you and Eggman up to, huh? [The two clash, accelerating into each other.] Tribot: YEAH! KILL HIM, METAL! RIP HIS QUILLS OUT! [Tribot’s sudden outburst startles Metal. Sonic takes the advantage to kick Metal upwards, before following up with a Loop Kick. Metal skids across the pavement, glaring at Tribot.] Tribot: … Tribot: NO REGRETS! [Metal turns back towards Sonic. Sonic charges a peel-out, before blasting off in Metal Sonic’s direction. Metal prepares to counter, but as Sonic closes in, he starts to slip on the icy road.] Sonic: Woah, woah, WOAH! [Sonic slides straight towards Metal, who simply holds a fist out for Sonic to smack into.] Sonic: Ngh… Too slippery out here for me to get traction… Gotta find somewhere I can run! [Sonic leaps onto a rooftop, leaping from building to building. Metal pursues quickly behind.] Sonic: Still keeping up, eh? Alright. Catch me if you can! [Sonic sees the Toy Kingdom Castle atop the mountain.] Sonic: (I bet that’s where Eggman is hiding… Just gotta lose Metal, first.)
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animaticaskblog · 7 months ago
Cold, so cold Truth be told I shake, might break, without a fold This cold I patrol For one, little friend, I’d like to hold That zone All alone Yet here, they don’t mind, they take it slow That zone I’ve outgrown Brave worlds, braver souls let me be known
Noise Oh, I hear a voice Say, would you like to PLAY?!
Come with me, we’ll keep on zooming Why not spread your arms and fly? You know you haven’t got a thing to fret ‘cause I’m right by your side! I always seek! And you never hide!
What’s wrong now, you’re looking grim Not seen a hedgehog with those eyes? Might it be, your old pal Sonic’s hard for you to recognize? If you think a fake’s the one who's singing I'll remind you that you might be forgetting just a thing
Me, into the spin of searing heat Break the silence, underneath the sheet Know I’ve set in stone, the order Peppered envy, pain and horror
Being set upon a broken land Freed by that what lays within his hands As we warm, I split asunder Such caprice, it makes you wonder
What’s the point in playing make-believe? Your pointless pride makes you look so naive! Perhaps one day, I’ll trust the otherwise Until that day, I’ll only trust brighter skies
“You’re not very good at this, ARE YOU?”
See, my buddy, it’s only me Your friend, Sonic, will watch you flee Burning up til all are one Yet me you shun?
In his world He saves the weak In HIS world He molds the ones who’d rather taste defeat Death defying, redefining Now I see the silver lining It was never me who was the cheat, I don’t think we need these things to be so crude You’ll be a pal, not just a stooge LET US END YOUR SUBTERFUGE
the block button:
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paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 · 1 year ago
Got a few more until tomorrow
1: you said in a earlier post they like spider-man, I don’t know if you played and beaten the spider-man game with the white spider (2018 ps4), but what’s their reaction to that one scene in the game at the end with aunt may? Speaking of that just now playing the “3rd” game on the ps5, pretty amazing! No pun intended lol
2: what type of jokes do they enjoy? puns, toilet humor, dad jokes, dark humor,etc…
3: if there was a video game starting the two what type of game will it be? Like Gotham knights, mortal kombat shaolin monks, maybe like Arkham knight where you play as one character only but you can change characters in certain fights, etc…
4: in universe, did Jake come up with sky bird on the first try?
5: any alternative outfits for Chris? I did saw a flame bird type suit for Jake.
6: I saw an earlier post seeing Jake in a Robin outfit, was he like the fifth or sixth Robin for Batman? Or just become Nightwings sidekick?
Sorry for the lateness @gothicghost2000 but If I may…
1. Oh…tears. So many emotions pouring out of them, as if the earlier final boss fight against Doc Ock was bad enough for those two
2. Primarily they’d wordplay, snarky quips, quick witted one liners (For Example, from the film 300; “Our Arrows will blot out the sun” “….then we will fight in the shade”), dark comedy that often deals with recently deceased on Jake’s case (mainly as a defense mechanism when he’s left with no options but to investigate suspicious passings and has to do examinations of the body(ies) as per his detective skill in forensics) and finally, slapstick, Three Stooges style slapstick
3. Somewhat a hybird between classic Arkham Knight style open world with individual cases across a city or few and some stealth missions, 3D beat ‘em up, and for boss battles, 3D fighting with plenty of space to move around whether on ground or floating in the air a la the Budokai Tenkachi and Raging Blast Dragon Ball games. There’s exists in the menu a Fighting Mode that pertains to that last style of play with a small character roster fetaung not just the Duo but also both close Allies (for example Mar’i and Jon) and foes (some DC staples including Deathstroke and Zsasz or some newer villains they the two encountered recently)
4. He sort of did when he debuted his brand new blue Discowing colored outfit when helping Nightwing and Starfire take down a HIVE Five robbery. All he had prior to that small adventure was his moniker having bird in it so when the villains are beaten and some news reporters ask him about what his mantle is named, Jake took only look at a blue sky above and hastily said Skybird as a means to get out of their bombardment of questions. The next morning, the papers declare him Skybird and the rest was history
5. He’s currently coming up with a dark purple and grey Sleath version of his Nightwing suit which can enable him to blend into the shadows during spying missions since while his blue can theoretically work out fine enough, a darker color scheme can help better if he plans to pick up on schemes being plotted more up close
6. Mainly Jake as a ‘Robin’ was limited in being Nightwing’s particular partner during patrols and capers in Bludhaven, similar to when Cass was briefly operating as a Batgirl in Hong Kong. For the official Robin who does work alongside Batman at Gotham, that honor (at least in this fanon verse of mine but I digress) goes to Jake’s beloved uncle Tim(my) Drake. Jake transitioning to the Skybird mantle further solidified that notion of being technically his own mantle that just so happens to take heavy inspiration, tactics and aesthetics to The Boy Wonder.
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redscorpiocat · 1 year ago
What kind of shows do you like?
Steven universe
Doom Patrol
Mao Mao: heroes of pure heart
Jimmy neutron
The three stooges
Fionna and Cake
Robot Chicken
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since you are reading the current doom patrol run and peacemaker seems to be the villain there, are they doing it in a "cishet white dude from the government against THE OUTCASTS 🤓☝️" way? because i feel like that'd be a kinda lame superficial understanding of both the DP as a group and peacemaker as a character. (not necessarily incorrect, but. superficial)
My little guy hasnt appeared in two whole issues now and actually hasnt gotten any of that YET but Im not very optimistic hes gonna keep escaping it for long if he actually gets another appearance. At least theyre leaning more into Peacemaker being a government stooge and I do kind of think some of how he acts implies hes not just doing this Just because he loves it and Hates People With Superpowers (though he does love it)
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He is here because the US government is trying to fuck up the doom patrol though. So Far I genuinely think this writer could go either way for Peacemaker, but I think the Doom Patrol is just in a really weird kind of annoying place right now in this still.
Half the reason I dont think Peacemaker is being set up like that is because this miniseries is very very blatant about what its doing so I think if he were he wouldve already called someone a SJW or something by now. Wouldve already said something ableist to someone in Jane's system like every other fucking character whos meant to be anti-doom patrol because theyre the FREAKS.
I do think this writer has a superficial understanding of the doom patrol because everyone hates them for having SUPERPOWERS because theyre WEIRD which like yeah I guess but it feels kind of goofy here because theyre doing all this allegory where the doom patrol is very clearly meant to stand in for LGBT people and mentally ill people in a way while using the wrong terms for systems and keeping the trans woman dead and for now having a man with At Least PTSD being the main villain.
But yeah sorry for the essay, basically short answer no but I think its because he hasnt gotten alot of screentime yet.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month ago
German police are investigating claims that Russia was responsible for coordinating a sabotage campaign which aimed to blame environmentalists and the Green Party for the vandalism of hundreds of cars.
Over 270 vehicles in Berlin and the surrounding state of Brandenburg, as well as in the southern states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, had their exhaust pipes blocked with expanding construction foam.
According to Spiegel news magazine, police found construction foam cartridges and foam guns in a van driven by three men during a routine patrol in Schönefeld, just outside Berlin, in December. Shortly after, 43 car owners filed reports of damage to exhaust pipes.
Stickers were then left on the damaged cars depicting Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck, the Green Party's chancellor candidate in the upcoming federal election, and bearing the message: "Be greener!"
Speaking to German public broadcaster ARD on Wednesday evening, Habeck said he wasn't surprised but insisted he and his party were well equipped to deal with such incidents. "I'm sure we'll experience attacks like this more often in the next two-and-a-half-weeks," he said.
Suspect claims he was paid by a Russian
Prosecutors in the southern city of Ulm also have four suspects in their sights. A police spokesman said four men – a German, a Serb, a Romanian and a Bosnian aged 17, 18, 20 and 29 – were suspected of 123 counts of vandalism, with tins of construction foam found during house searches.
One of the men claimed that he and his accomplices had been contacted and commissioned to carry out the attacks by a Russian using the chat messenger Viber. He said they had received detailed instructions and had been promised €100 ($104) for every damaged vehicle.
Thousands of euros were indeed paid.
How has the Green Party responded?
According to Spiegel, sources in security circles suspect a targeted campaign aimed at discrediting Habeck and the Green Party ahead of the federal election on February 23.
"For months, espionage and sabotage have been used in a targeted attempt to stir up uncertainty, fuel existing conflicts and divide us as a society," said Green politician Konstantin von Notz in a statement to DW.
"We Greens have been pointing out for a long time that various authoritarian states, particularly Russia and China, have been aiming to weaken Germany, manipulate our public discourse and attack democratic processes, including elections."
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, also of the Green Party, warned against "hybrid threats.
"That's why we as the federal government have made it clear in our national security strategy that we will continue to strengthen our defenses against disinformation and the resilience of our democracy," she said.
"That includes uncovering the Kremlin's perfidious strategies and bringing its stooges to justice."
The German Interior Ministry refused to speculate on suggestions that Russia was behind the car sabotage and said investigations were still ongoing.
But Germany's domestic intelligence services (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz or BfV) has warned of an increasing tendency in recent months of Russian actors to recruit petty criminals to carry out acts of espionage and sabotage in return for money.
One reason for this new approach is that sanctions, travel restrictions and the increased alertness of western intelligence agencies have made it harder for professional Russian spies to operate in Europe.
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