#3 out of 5 stooges
trashogram · 9 days
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I dont know what i was doing. But, the goobers! (Psycho is my favorite that i did on this.)
AHH the boys!!! All of them properly labeled (Greasy = whore and Stupid = good boy). And Psycho looks so adorable! Thank you for sharing your art! I love them!!!!
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i-am-minty-fresh · 16 days
Little details in fanfiction that I always appreciate when authors add (shout out to One Piece authors!)
Feel free to add more in the comments/reblog! Will be updating!
1. Usopp having a different hair texture/wearing protective styles.
2. Different languages. The different seas have all different languages with dialects from specific islands (bonus points for Zoro’s island teaching him a Wano language while he also knows Eastern).
3. The crews hands being calloused. Sanji, Zoro, Franky, Usopp, and Nami would naturally have callouses from doing their interests. Luffy, Robin, Jimbei would have them from the various hard lives that they’ve led.
4. The crew having scars. Zoro’s arms would have cuts from learning how to properly swing a sword, Sanji’s would similarly be from learning how to use different knives, Luffy’s never carried if he gets a little torn up and he lived in the woods…he’s gotta have a ton of little scratches here and there, etc.
5. Brook knowing about older things when he was alive OR
6. Giving him a backstory before he joined the Rumbar Pirates.
7. Robin knowing sign language. With her fruit it would be perfect.
8. Nami and Usopp sending letters to Vivi and Kaya. (Really just any of the crewmates keeping their loved ones consistently updated).
9. Usopp having depression or a diagnosed anxiety disorder.
10. Trauma or PTSD. Come on…they all would have their ‘little things’ (Zoro sleeping by the stairs ‘just in case’, Sanji having some kind of eating problem, Luffy having nightmares about Marineford, etc.)
11. Goth family.
12. Zoro and Luffy having a thing. Maybe it’s not them dating specifically, but everyone else in the stories just being like, “but it’s Zoro and Luffy…it’s different between Zoro and Luffy”
13. The crew talking about their dead loved ones (I especially love when Nami, Usopp, and Sanji talk about their moms).
14. Creating an interesting backstory behind Zoro’s missing parents AND
15. Creating a truly hilarious three stooges-esque situation for Zoro’s scared up eye during the time skip.
16. Robin runs a book club/tea time with Sanji and Brook.
17. Sanji knows how to walk/run/fight in heels.
18. Chopper wants to hold his crewmates hands while they walk (or full on get carried by them).
New Additions:
19. Sanji doing all the cleaning and laundry.
*20. Chopper and Sanji being nutritional powerhouses!
*21. Zoro taking naps because he does the night shift protecting his crew.
*22. Sanji having insomnia or some kind of sleep issue.
*23. Luffy being super physically affectionate with his crewmate (hanging off of them, cuddling at bedtime, zero personal space, etc.)
*24. Nami being good with kids.
25. Sanji having Steel-toed boots.
*Numbers 20-24 are brought to you by @c0ckonfettii thanks so much! Lovely suggestions!
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aita for throwing out expired food from the family fridge?
I (17F) live with my dad (54M) and my mom (53F), but my mom works out of the country a lot. My dad is normal and seems to have a sense of shame(? for lack of a better word) when my mom's at home, but when she's working abroad, sometimes for months at a time, my dad kinda spirals. Necessary background is I'm also mildly immunocompromised.
When mom's home, he never does weird stuff, but once she's been gone for about 3 weeks, he starts getting weird.
He does things like cut mold chunks out of (soft) cheese and then put it back in the fridge, and once full on tried to convince me that so called 'live foods' like yogurt and kefir and tofu don't expire because 'they're already fermented' and putting expiration dates on them is either (when he's being more normal) a technicality/regulation or (when he's being weirder) a lie by Big Grocery™ to sell more food (for those who aren't familiar, live foods are fermented in specific ways with very specific bacteria, after they expire they go bad with things like mold just like any other food).
I've tried ignoring it and just not eating it, but it was making the other food in the fridge go bad faster and my dad started getting food poisoning symptoms, also my dad wouldn't buy new food if there was an expired one still in the fridge. Also, with things like the cheese, when he puts it back, I risk eating moldy food without realising it cuz there's no way to tell a mold chunk was cut out until I bite it and taste mold alos on multiple occasions, I've said I tasted mold in something and my dad has lied saying he didn't do this, only for me to see the moldy cheese trimmings in the garbage later when I'm throwing something away.
I've talked with my dad about this and it always goes something like this:
My dad: *drinks a pintglass of expired newman's own lemonaid*
*15 minutes later*
Dad: *coming back from the bathroom* I just had explosive diarrhea.
Me: You know how you drank a glass of expired lemona—
Dad: And it's delicious!
Me: Well, I'm just worried it's making you sick...
My dad: *5 minute rant about Big Grocery™*
Anyway, I started just throwing out the expired stuff, but he'd take it out of the garbage, even when there was something nasty on it, like used coffee grounds or 12 hour old egg shells dripping salmonella-y egg. So I started opening the containers of expired food and spilling them into the garbage bag (they're hefty bags, so it's not making a mess in the can) and sometimes I'd put a handfull of (clean/unused) cat litter into the bag too if it was something like bad produce (think limp carrots or slimey lettuce) so he couldn't just rince it and put it back.
Then I cleaned the fridge with bleach spray and now things aren't going moldy as fast and we have so much more room in there (I didn't get rid of anything but expired food, I wiped non-expired containers off with the bleach spray and put them back), also, my dad's stomach problems have stopped.
I still don't think I did anything wrong, since I know my mom would have done this the second she came home and my dad wouldn't have objected, but since I did it, he yelled at me for wasting money, called me a stooge to Big Grocery™ and compared me to his brother, who thinks leftovers go bad in the time it takes to drive home.
What are these acronyms?
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personwithatophat · 2 months
Founder Theory
do you like generation loss? do you see a neat person with vague background implications? well! good news! That Person Right There Could Be The Founder!
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in honor of this id like to introduce a game TOP FIVE GEN LOSS CHARACTERS WHO ARE SECRETLY THE FOUNDER
#5 SecuriTV
This Is A Collection Of Sentience "Maybe Flesh" And Technology!! also known as literally everything that we relate to the founder! the SecuriTV could be the first attempts at making the founder a digital person and this is what remains!
#4 Charlie
The Slime demon! The Patient! The Villain! but could any of these titles have more significant meanings?? charlie is the only other character outside of our hero who has been theorized in the past to be related more internally! charlies character as the slime demon takes yeild from the 1800s, possibly during The Lostfield incident??? and has also been rumored to be a test tube baby! what a wacky, goopy, sludgy guy that could just be the root of narrative evil, always right behind the hero and out of suspicion!
#3 Squiggles
The loveable showfall mascot! Squiggles being the founder in of itself is generally ridiculous, however. its VERY noteworthy that our favorite faceless figurehead of darkness has taken a personal intrest in this project! and could for all potential be using squiggles as a type of surrogate for communications or else wise has a piece of themself as squiggles if youre a supporter of the AI theories. that being said heres some things that squiggles has said live on show "I love rats" "Nightmares of Bart The Vorer intensify" "nyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrwwww *crash"
#2 Zero
What a Mysterious Lady we have! Recently Zero has been getting more attention with the bonus addition of the name "Miss Roads" and many like to speculate the connection of Gen 0, Cron 0, and the founder! Could chronicle zero our local A/V shop retail stooge secretly be using those dusty 20% off tape recorders to start her media manipulation empire?? do we have THE founders diary posted live on twitter?? Or is Miss Roads a truman character with a placed therapist? the answer might surprise us!
#1 Ranboo
Our Very Own Hero! Ranboo being the founder is truely a crowd favorite of these times! spanning through the casual viewers, to the general theorists. The concept of it being a case of memory manipulation and full beginnings although the Ranboo as Founder theory took a significant drop in popularity after matpat made a theory not even picking up on the main plot of the show, there are things that make it still have significance !! This spans from a love of the memory lost protagonist being the main villain and a comforting circle of life deal they have going on where the founder ends up killed by the horrors of his own creation in a cruel circle of fate! This will likely never cease ANYWAY here's a fun challenge! who do YOU think is the founder? o r who do you think is even a little bit suspicious? they can be the founder too!
/lh -Tophat
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Some warnings before you venture further  - - - 
1) This is your first, last, and only warning about content on my page.  If you do not like conservative views or are a liberal, you have been warned and I accept no responsibility for your interpretations, right or wrong, about items I post because frankly, IDGAF.  This includes my views on abortion, LGBTQ, Christianity, Donald Trump, Biden and his administration, gun control, or anything else you find that offends your senses.  Grow up buttercup, the world does not care about your feelings, and that goes double for MOI...!! 
2) If you are a minor, come back when your are over the age of majority in your locality.  If I catch you on here, I will block you for all eternity from access to my page!!
3) My views are somewhat controversial on some topics, so if you come across something that offends your fine sensibilities, just keep scrolling because I really do not care about liberal comments and you will not get a rise out of me because guess what – I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR PRECIOUS FEELINGS!! I would also respectfully remind you to simply ignore my offending posts the way you have ignored the obvious corruption in our government under Biden's watch.
4) If you want to make a keen observation with a conservative viewpoint and/or would like to have an adult discussion about a post without resorting to name calling, please feel free to message me.  Otherwise, just shut your yap and keep scrolling.  I like to have discussions that are respectful and bring out points without being called names. However, if you insist on being an asshole, please know that I can be 100X the asshole you can be. You will find out very quickly that it's a hell of a lot easier to jump on, than it is to jump off!
5) If you try to hit me up for donations for the Palestinian cause, you are so wasting your time. These will be deleted post-haste! Why, you ask??? Simple: I remember only too clearly when the news came back on on September 12, 2001, the live footage of the Palestinians in Gaza, and muslims in Libya, Lebanon and other nations in the Mid-East proudly burning the American flag and openly celebrating the destruction of the WTC Twin Towers and the deaths of thousands of American citizens. YOU made the choice then to have me as your eternal enemy and so you and your cause can go take a flying fucking leap into the void......
6)  I am an older man (early 60’s) and happily married to my wife.  I’m not here for hookups.  I had to put this out there, believe it or not, because there is a whole brand of females out there that are attracted to older men. And if you are a scammer, using a pretty face to try to solicit $$$ from me, WOW!! did you choose the wrong blog. I ain't no love-starved kid looking to get laid. You won't get a red cent so move along....nothing to see here!
7) I am a HUGE fan of JAWS, PAUL WILLIAMS, DARK SHADOWS, UNIVERSAL MONSTERS, BONANZA, ABBOTT & COSTELLO, LAUREL & HARDY, THE 3 STOOGES, VINTAGE MARVEL & DC COMICS, and ANIMALS (especially DOGS) so there will be more than a fair smattering of posts on those topics.
8) I DO NOT FOLLOW EMPTY BLOGS.  If you like my stuff and want me to follow you, you need to have some content.
9) Have a nice day and stay cool out there!! 😎
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is-on-its-way · 2 months
In the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son
Episodes: One Son/ Two Fathers
Dana Katherine Scully doesn't take overt disrespect and then just continue on with her work. Also Mulder needed a reason why he was being so short with the woman he loves... The titles are Alanis Morissette Lyrics from Jagged Little Pill. I feel like its relevant to this sitch.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue
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Chapter 1: We had to believe in something, so we did
The lone gunman give Mulder a piece of their minds for being so rude to Scully.
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(LONE GUNMAN office. There is a buzz at the door. FROHIKE goes to the door and unlocks all eight locks and opens the door for MULDER.) MULDER: The latest in home security. FROHIKE: Hey, you get through this, you got to come through me. MULDER: I got a call from Scully. Said it was urgent. (MULDER enters the office. All three GUNMEN are present and also SCULLY in a fetching black turtleneck ensemble.) SCULLY: I'll ask you to hear me out before you launch any objection. Mulder, I asked them to pull up everything they could on Diana Fowley. MULDER: (sigh) I don't have time for this. SCULLY: Mulder, she's playing you for a fool. MULDER: I know her, Scully. You don't. SCULLY: You knew her. You don't anymore. I think we can prove that to you. BYERS: She took a position in the FBI's foreign counter-terrorism unit in 1991. Seven years in Europe. SCULLY: Yet there isn't a single piece of information available on her activities in the FBI files. MULDER: (gives a sarcastic melodramatic gasp) I hope you've got something more than that to indict her with. SCULLY: Travel records pulled from airline manifests that had been purged from her FBI records. Extensive movement throughout Western Europe. Almost weekly trips to and from Tunisia. MULDER: For the purpose of what? LANGLY: That's what we couldn't figure until we took a flyer and we found this. FROHIKE: Mutual UFO network logs. MULDER: MUFON. SCULLY: Special Agent Diana Fowley of the FBI was visiting every European chapter collecting data on female abductees. MULDER: So she's collecting data. Big deal. SCULLY: Or hiding it. MULDER: Scully, you're reaching. SCULLY: Mulder, when I was abducted a chip was put in my neck. When I happened upon a MUFON group filled with women who'd had the same experience. MULDER: So you're suggesting that Diana is monitoring these abductees? Monitoring these tests? SCULLY: You tell me that Cassandra Spender is the critical test subject - the one who could prove everything. And yet, who is watching over her? Mulder, I can prove what you're saying or I can disprove it but not when Diana Fowley is keeping us from even seeing her. Mulder, ask yourself why there is no information whatsoever on Special Agent Diana Fowley. Why she would suddenly happen into your life when you are closer than ever to the truth. I mean, you... you ask me to trust no one and yet you trust her on simple faith. MULDER: Because you've given me no reason here to do otherwise. (Long Pause.) SCULLY: Well, then I can't help you anymore. MULDER: Scully, you're making this personal. SCULLY: Because it is personal, Mulder. Because without the FBI personal interest is all that I have. And if you take that away then there is no reason for me to continue. (MULDER watches her as she walks past him and out of the office.)
Byers was looking at Mulder mouth open slightly.
Langly said “Geez” under his breath
“Of all the idiotic things I’ve ever said to a women, that certainly tops any of it.” Frohike said grimly.
“All right, thats enough out of the three stooges.” Mulder said impatiently.
“You were so mean to her, and all she wants to do is to protect you.” Byers said in disbelief.
Mulder made towards the door.
“Scully is a hundred times the woman Diana is.” Langly added
“Whats the hold she has over you that you’re risking everything you have with Agent Scully?” Frohike said
 “Yeah. What gives?” Byers said
Mulder stopped and turned to them. 
“I have a history with Diana. She’s my friend. I can’t just throw that away because Scully doesn’t like her. It wouldn’t be fair.” 
Life isn’t fair. But the woman you love just walked because she thinks you’re the one being unfair.” Frohike said
Mulder scoffed “Love?”
“Oh lets not hide behind pretense here. Its so obvious, its a wonder you two haven’t figured it out yet.” Byers said.
Mulder rubbed his forehead at this fighting with himself about what he was about to say. 
“Did you tell her? Did you tell her we...” He stopped himself looking up at them. He couldn't say it out loud. 
They all looked surprised, Frohike looked indignant. 
“Of course not.” He answered.
Relief flooded him in a way that made him uncomfortably aware he was relieved.
“We wouldn’t do that to her.” Byers said.
“Besides we agree with Scully on this one.” Langley said
“I guess you have to ask yourself if you value your idea of what the truth is, over Agent Scully’s feelings” Byers said.
“It would be nice if she trusted me.” Mulder said  
“She does trust you. She doesn’t trust Diana.” Byers said
Mulder pondered this and didn’t respond.
“We sure don’t.” Frohike said
She’s dirty Mulder. Nobody comes up that clean in one of our searches unless something sinister is at work” Langly said.
“I just don’t get this need to be right, when you’re so obviously wrong.” Byers said
He started toward the door. “Of course you’d side with the pretty lady.” Mulder said exasperated
Thats not why. But the beatiful agent Scully is a good friend to us. And…” Frohike said
“She gives me advice on you know, girls” Byers said
“She calls me on my birthday” Langly said
“Mine too” Byers said
“Mine three” Frohike said
“You’ve never called us on our birthdays.” Langley said.
“I just figured you three sprouted fully formed from alien larva.” He didn’t look in their direction, pulled open the door and left after Scully.
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He sat in his car and head leaned against the steering wheel. Scully’s words ran through his head. 
It is personal. Without the FBI personal interest is all that I have.  I can't help you anymore. There is no reason for me to continue.
Panic was setting in now. He’d stood up for his principles and for Diana. Thoroughly exasperated with Scully, for not trusting him, not trusting his judgement on a personal matter. They’d become so much closer than they ever had been and she was acting like he was going to run away with Diana or something. At the same time, she’d just admitted to things he was exhilarated and shocked to hear. He’d known they were close, known he loved her, known he liked being her partner. But she’d never talked about the personal side of their partnership. Never made it known she felt like without it, she’d feel the same way he did. That she couldn't continue the work without him. 
He punched the steering wheel and the car honked. A elderly woman, crossing the street in front of his car, with a bunch of grocery bags in her hands jumped and stumbled back. 
He put his hands up to the windshield and yelled “I’m sorry! Sorry ma’am! It was an accident.” 
She gave him a dirty look and recovered her dignity before stalking off. 
He massaged his aching hand and cursed his frustration under his breath. He didn’t want to lose her. Was his loyalty to Diana worth losing Scully? The answer was of course no. He’d never had a partnership or friendship with anyone like he had with her. Nothing he’d had with Diana came close, and they had been… close. He loved Scully. More than he'd ever loved anyone. He was in love with her. Hopelessly. Maybe that was why this theory of hers stung so badly. It was fine for her to shoot him down at work, but this was about a friend. And she didn't trust his judgement. But she could be so stubborn sometimes. Even when there had been a mole in the FBI. Even on her deathbed as she was offering to sacrifice herself for his reputation. She’d been so quick to suspect the only person it seemed they could trust within the FBI. But Skinner hadn’t been the mole. Mulder had been right to go with his gut and not the evidence.
He looked up absentmindedly staring out of the windshield. Evidence. He could get evidence. And he knew three people who could get him Diana’s exact address. He got back out of his car and walked back to where he’d come from.
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue
@today-in-fic 🙏
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oldgayjew · 25 days
Trump wasn't indicted for saying there was election fraud, he was indicted because his records pertaining to pay off a porn star were found to be fraudalent and falsefied. Trump was indicted for election interference. Keep in mind that over 60 Judges and 2 Supreme Court Rulings said there wasn't any credible evidence of voter fraud. Trump was indicted for Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy to obstruct, and violations of the Espionage Act all pertaining to classified documents. Trump was indicted for Election Subversion and the January 6 Case. Trump was indicted for Conspiracy to Overturn the Georgia Election Results. You're in a cult. Get help.
(1) There is massive amounts of 2020 Election Fraud ...
(2) No Soros A.G. or Judge viewed the Evidence, it was rejected out of hand ...
(3) The porn star you speak of sent Trump stating that she NEVER requested nor was offered "hush" money ...
(4) Trumps trial was a sham with him not being allowed to produce evidence ...
(5) The classified documents were Presidential privilege ...
(6) Questioning an election's results has been legal since before the Nazicrat debacle of Florida 2000 ...
Everything you've cited is the Nazicrat weaponization of the Dept. of Justice and their attempts to propagandize anything about Trump in order to stop him from being elected ...
You are a Nazicrat stooge and a coward ...
From this point on "anonymous" gets blocked ... grow a spine and take off your mask ...
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Random movie ideas:
1) A comedy-historical movie about the real life event during the Russo-Japanese War in which the inept Russian Baltic Fleet embarked on a disastrous voyage to Japan, only to get slaughtered completely. David Harbour (using his Russian accent from “Black Widow”) plays Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky, who spends the entire movie pissed off that his crew are basically the Three Stooges. (If you want to know more about this event, watch Bluejay’s “The Dumbest Russian Voyage Nobody Talks About” on YouTube)
2) A dramedy about two college dropouts (played by Taz Skylar and Joe Keery) who attempt to make it big as indie game developers. Troy Baker cameos as himself during a scene in which he’s asked to be part of a game that the developers are creating.
3) A mystery/crime movie centered on a NYPD detective (played by Oscar Isaac), a FBI agent (played by Pedro Pascal), and a private investigator (played by Amy Adams) in three different investigations. As the movie goes on, the three stories eventually connect when the protagonists realize that even though they’re investigating different crimes, they’re tracking down the same killer (played by Tom Holland).
4) Metallica biopic, starring Chris Hemsworth as James Hetfield, Giovanni Ribisi as Lars Ulrich, and Jake Cuenca as Kirk Hammett. (I don’t have a fancast for the other band members right now)
5) A thriller/semi-horror in which six individuals (played by Jon Bernthal, Samuel L. Jackson, Simu Liu, Florence Pugh, Stephanie Beatriz, and Jenna Ortega) all wake up in a barricaded room where the door is set to a timer. They receive a message that the door will open after 3 days and that all the group has to do is get along with each other. That seems easy on paper, but the thriller part comes in when the group realizes that they were specifically chosen because their captors knew they would tear each other apart.
As a hypothetical: Bernthal’s character is a racist xenophobe who brags about killing illegal immigrants and somehow getting away with it. Ortega’s character reveals that her father was killed by a “crazy white man”, which turns out to be Bernthal.
Another hypothetical: Jackson’s character says he’s going through an intense divorce since his wife admitted to having an affair. Liu’s character is the mystery man who was engaged in an affair with Jackson’s wife.
One last hypothetical: Pugh’s character is a Christian fascist while Beatriz’s character is an atheist anarchist.
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gracklesascendant · 5 months
why is the mars resistance so apolitical
I was inspired about how the Mars Rebellion could have gone down in S1, especially since we know the Food Riots post Earth-Minbari war were caused by Earth policy (also Sheridan put them down so hard the Resistance still hates him a decade later). Mars does not have self representation - it has a military governor. Megacorps came to Mars to do atrocities and abuse labor away from whatever laws Earth has back home. It's possible to extrapolate out from "Babylon 5 grows most of their own food" and "Mars is dependent on food imports from Earth" to "Earth decided not to prioritize building sufficient agriculture infrastructure on Mars to keep them dependent". So far so good.
But then I read the Babylon 5 wiki and immediately... just... what are the people who use violence pre-Clark even FIGHTING for? What's the goal? Why are they taking up arms? It's one big question mark.
It's either "peaceful protest (early Free Mars)" or "working within the system (Mars Provisional Government)" with the goals of 1) slowly become more independent from Earth 2) hey maybe slow down and stop oppressing workers so much, megacorps, pretty please!
Or it's full on "wow love to murder civilians :D <3 (later Free Mars)" which often bombs civilian targets for no detectable reason WHY they are doing it. But like, there's no actual political goal for the violence other than vengeance? And it REALLY seems like there should be. Mars SHOULD be rebelling against Earth, and especially Earth-based megacorps SPECIFICALLY.
Like, I get that the people telling us this are EarthForce stooges who saw nothing wrong with breaking the Rebellion's back, and that resistance movements can get hijacked by violent people who only want murder. But WHY??? Surely there must be some political violence done with SOME purpose. It's the draw the fucking owl of political movements.
It feels so empty.
Addendum: There's a slightly more defined Mars Resistance after Clark takes power which is finally presented as respectable (with some murdery elements which are not justified) to the viewer, though the only politics they have are "get independence from Earth" and "full statehood in the Earth Alliance" and "oh god please stop doing atrocities to us Clark". Number One takes over Alliance intelligence in S5 and uh... just uses it to reduce corruption in the megacorps??? Is that all you want to do? There really, really SHOULD be more of a political goal.
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theamericanfriend1977 · 5 months
For the movie asks, all the Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)!
i apologize in advance if i repeat suggestions i've made in the past i have the absolute worst memory (and i feel like you've got so much more film knowledge than me!!)
1 -- a film in the IMDB Top 250
sunset boulevard (1950) dir. billy wilder
it's incredible to watch a film that you realize while watching has influenced and been directly referenced in so many other films you've seen before. watching cecil b demented and then realizing john waters references the ending of sunset boulevard makes it so much more fun for people who love film... people love to say tarantino is stealing from old movies but like anyone who loves film is going to want to recreate or at the very least acknowledge their influences in their own films... it's such an important part to being a cinephile imo and it unites the creator and audience with that shared love...
2 -- an indie film
punishment park (1971) dir. peter watkins
they actually used real political activists and nonactors in this film but it's so believably acted and frustrating and funny in a pitch black way. foreign audiences actually believed this was happening the film was so realistic (and it was blacklisted in many US theaters)
3 -- a foreign language film
la strada (1954) dir. federico fellini
you can't convince me that la strada wasn't influenced by the stooge (1951) they are just way too similar... giuletta is so expressive and tragic it's one of my favorite italian films for sure
5 -- an animated film
princess mononoke (1997) dir. hayao miyazaki
i watch almost no animation whatsoever but this film really had an impact on me and gave me a lot of environmental and existential hopelessness! it's radical in a way i hadn't seen other animated films be (but also i don't seek out animation. if anyone has any recs i am open to them!)
8 -- a film from the year you were born
fear and loathing in las vegas (1998) dir. terry gilliam
i realized i already mentioned velvet goldmine and surrender dorothy, my two favorites from this year so i'm going to go with this one. it's been a long time since i've seen it but it was really influential for me as a baby cinema fan in high school
13 -- a film whose main genre is Drama
martha (1974) dir. rainer werner fassbinder
ohhhhhh my god this film is so heavy ohhhhh man. just absolutely completely bleak holy shit. top 3 fassbinder for sure it's such an accurate study of domestic violence relationships...
21 -- a film with a great needle drop/soundtrack/score
wings of desire (1987) dir. wim wenders
something about new german cinema directors and their use of music because i contemplated mentioning the american friend again or beware of a holy whore/in a year with 13 moons/ fox and his friends from rwf. but the crime and the city solution and nick cave scenes are incredible!! wim wenders has such good music taste and has been incredibly influential on my own
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bagog · 11 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 2: Tension
Waiting in the Mako, feeling his stomach leap as the Normandy sank down into atmosphere above Trihelios 4B. The moments before the bay doors opened and the Mako rolled out and plummeted to the surface were always tight, breathless moments.
“Doors open in 10.” Shepard barked from the front of the Mako. The first mission with the Spectre had been tense, especially after losing Jenkins. But with each mission, Kaidan got a little more comfortable with his role in Shepard’s fire team. Nothing could swallow the exhilaration of hurtling towards the ground in eight tons of mass effect driven all-terrain-vehicle, but at least the butterflies of working with a new commander were finally gone. He and Shepard had developed a good relationship. A good working relationship.
Kaidan looked up at Shepard, the look on his face placid as he watched the altimeter plummet. There was something about the Commander that pulled Kaidan in, not just the way he handled a mission, but the way he talked about himself. The way he got to know his crew. The way he frowned when Kaidan had a migraine but never condescended. The way he smiled when Kaidan announced he was better—
Kaidan shook his head and leaned back, thighs tightening against the inside of his seat.
Kaidan spared one more glance at Shepard, the boyish excitement gleaming in his eye.
He didn’t really think much of it, but Kaidan had realized he’d developed a bit of a crush on the commander.
But as the Mako tipped out into open air, Kaidan told himself that workplace crushes couldn’t hurt. What could happen, anyway?
The shuttle shuddered as it left atmosphere on Horizon. Kaidan had his armor half-undone already. The shuttle pilot didn’t say anything, and Kaidan mumbled something about needing to check something in the back. He could at least be alone back here. Alone, with time to think about Shepard and the Collectors and—
Kaidan cursed under his breath and took off his breastplate. The battle was over, the Collectors had nabbed almost the entire colony. The confrontation (confrontation?) with Shepard was over. But Kaidan couldn’t shake the tension from his shoulders.
Shepard had asked Kaidan to go with him, back with Cerberus. Kaidan hadn’t thought twice about refusing, and he wasn’t regretting his choice, now, either. It was a shame, though. A shame Shepard had inexplicably chosen to join with Cerberus. It was a pitiful thought that should have cowed him, but Kaidan still felt spoiled for a fight. Like he could have pulled Shepard into a fist fight and seen the real him—not the Cerberus stooge—fight with him again. After two years.
He rubbed his neck and the pilot called to him from the cockpit. Kaidan answered perfunctorily that he was writing his report to Alliance Command, which of course he would have to do eventually. Instead he switched on his omni-tool and looked at a picture of Shepard: looking so much younger in his official portrait than the man Kaidan saw today, covered in scars. He had a little bit of a look of boyish daring in his portrait. Kaidan realized only just then that he hadn’t looked for the same daring in the Shepard he met on Horizon.
Kaidan didn’t speak as he piloted the shuttle down to the surface of Mars. Shepard was in the back, briefing James on the facility they were descending upon, the Prothean ruins. Shepard’s voice was a deep rumble even beneath the hum of the shuttle’s mass effect field.
“Kaidan,” Shepard came up behind him, one hand on his shoulder. Kaidan stiffened. “Got an ETA?”
“Another 90 seconds and we’ll be on the ground.” Kaidan cleared his throat but didn’t take his eyes off his readings. It was the most he’d said to Shepard since they’d left Earth. He’d approached several times, but each time he had felt his muscles seize up and his mind thrash against the idea that Shepard could be trustworthy again.
And yeah, though he looked older now than when they’d first met—too much older for it to have only been three years—Kaidan still saw him as the same Commander. The Shepard he had grown to trust and to…
And to admire. He looked back in time to see Shepard in the hold, staring at his omni-tool. Kaidan looked, this time, for a trace of that boyish daring. Shepard’s old mission-drop face. Instead, there was a man who had watched Earth fall despite his best warnings and best efforts. He wondered for a moment if this was, after all, the real Shepard, or some Cerberus clone.
But the truth was, he had already made up his mind. The way Shepard had smiled at him in Alliance HQ… after hours of grilling and the subsequent attack, it was amazing he was still hanging on to the memory of that smile. A bit of boyish daring that maybe this man who had been Shepard’s friend, then his opponent, could be a friend again. Could be something more.
Kaidan’s hands tensed on the controls. He caught Shepard looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
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Leader Maynard’s research points to six specific ideological factors that lead to mass killings. And I would argue that all six are present in Russia’s war in Ukraine.
1. The perpetrators must see civilians as threats, rather than innocent bystanders. Putin has painted Ukraine as an existential threat to Russia, and has justified operations targeting civilians, including trying to knock out the Ukrainian energy grid.
2. The aggressors must transform the victims into perpetrators, accusing them of committing serious crimes. Russian propaganda calls Ukraine a “Nazi state.”
3. Perpetrators must strip the enemy population of any shared identity. This is why, despite some cultural and linguistic links between Russia and Ukraine, Russian state media refer to Ukraine as a fictional state and paint Ukrainian fighters as NATO puppets.
4. The aggressors must celebrate acts of extreme violence against the enemy population as virtuous patriotism. This a hallmark of the Russian propaganda that is beamed into households through the bloodthirsty nightly television “debates” among Kremlin stooges (even as the Russian government characteristically denies responsibility for atrocities in Ukraine).
5. State propaganda must present violence not as a goal in itself, but rather as part of a strategy to obtain larger goals that the broader population desires. This is why Putin speaks of how Russia’s “special military operation” will help protect Russia from future wars and keep Russians safe from an invasion.
6. Finally, violence becomes more likely when state propaganda makes it seem like there is no alternative to mass killings or war crimes. This factor has perhaps not been as explicit in the current war in Ukraine, but Russian broadcasts have suggested that Ukraine must be wiped off the map.
Given that Russia fulfills these criteria, we could see even more, and possibly more severe, violence in the future. Winning the war in Ukraine, and minimizing the number of atrocities against civilians, therefore also requires winning a war of ideology. This will be impossible to accomplish within Russia, where the media ecosystem is heavily controlled. But morale among Russian conscripts already has reportedly collapsed, so Ukraine and its allies should make every effort to pierce the bubble of Putin’s lies within the ranks of Russian troops wintering in Ukraine.
Ignoring the ideological aspect of war crimes would be easy if we could chalk up mass killings to a few psychopaths, to human nature, or to perpetrators being forced to commit unspeakable atrocities. Instead, we’re forced to confront a more disturbing reality: War crimes, torture, rape, and barbaric murders are often carried out by people who are disturbingly like ourselves. Ordinary humans, when seduced by ideologies of violence, can be extraordinarily brutal.
  —  Do ‘Ordinary’ People Commit War Crimes?
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bluetapes · 7 days
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The Blue Tapes House Band - vol. 3​.​5: Blue Metal
This digital-only experiment was initially formulated as a weird attempt to realise Richey Edwards' pre-disappearance proposal that the fourth Manic Street Preachers album should be "Screamadelica meets Pantera".
The idea was that I would demo a selection of Dimebag-esque metal riffs (the Pantera component) and then farm them out to more talented collaborators to remix into pseudo-dance songs (the Screamadelica element), with added lyrics (the Richey element).
It of course didn't end up sounding anything like that, which is also, in a way, the whole point. The prompt just being a way to defeat the blank page.
(The Manics also didn't manage it, mounting their big comeback on a somewhat more palatable 'Oasis with proper lyrics' style on Everything Must Go.)
My favourite moment is the glitchy, Kid606-meets-The Stooges collaboration with Matt Collins.
The sessions also produced an epic 1-hour track helmed by Matt, also featuring Lisa from Map 71 and Eugene S Robinson from Oxbow.
Matt, Lisa and I recently reunited for the vol. 5 of the Blue Tapes House Band project, which you can now get for free as part of our T-shirt deal!
Check out all of these things at the link above.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Universal Monster watch through thoughts part 3
With these 5 films ,we are at the halfway point ,and are intoduced to the most recurring of the 4 big stars,Lon Chaney Jr .Also for historical context ,World War 2 was in full swing
11.The Invisible Woman( 1940)
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So this film is NOT related to the other Invisble Man movies and is in fact more a straight forward comedy,.....And not a great one ,there are some funny moments ,mostly John Barrymore seemingly having a mental break down as a very weird scientist ,and the lead Virginia Bruce is very good .Honestly most of my enjoyment came from spotting certain character actors I like : Margret Hamilton as a housekeeper,Oskar Hommulka as the villain ,Shemp Howard from the Three Stooges as a thug and especially Charles Lane as a mean boss whose performance gave me the biggest laughs .However some of the comedy,mostly from the butler is too broad and falls flat and it just was so hit and miss .Not bad but not my thing
12.The Wolf Man (1941)
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So aside from the Frankenstein movies this might be my favorite of the Universal Monster movies,and I am so thankful we get a genuine classic in this batch .Also this was the Universal Monster movie to scare me most as a kid ,but also taught me that a good monster story is a tragedy ,and its hard to get more tragic then the Wolf Man ,as the film has a profound sadness to it.YOu can nitpick the movie(Like its hard to belive Claude Rains and Lon Chaney Jr are father and son and Larrys pursuit of Gwen is more akin to stalking then romantic ),but what makes the film is a good script ,a spooky atmosphere ,an iconic monster makeup by Jack Pierce and a great cast .Ralph Bellamy has a nice part as the cop ,Evelen Ankers is a good leading lady ,Bela Lugosi is memorable in his small role ,Claude Rains sucessfully protrays a logical man who is unable to help his son(And the tragedy of the film is experately shown by him in the final scene ),Marya Ouspenskaya is EXCELLENT as the wise old woman who knows the truth ,but the film is carried by Lon Channey Jr ,who I feel is a highly underrated actor .Chaney of course bring menace and wild intimidation to the Wolf Man,but as LArry Talbot brings both a regular guy charm ,but also a profound sadness ,signialing he is like the tragic heroes of old ,a doomed man .Great movies a big favorite of mine
13.Ghost of Frankenstein(!942)
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This one didnt work for me ,the plot is just not great being about replacing the monsters brain,I dont like Cedric Hardwicke as the lead,Ralph Bellamy felt pointless ,I like Lionel Atwill but place him with Cedric Hardwicke and I cant ell them apart and overall Im not a fan of the film.Chaney Jr is simply OK as the monster,hes good but no Karloff .Honestly the best part of the film is Bela Lugosi as Ygor ,who has secured his place as my favorite villain in the Universal canon ,and the scene where he takes over the monster is legit creepy.Also since Ygor swaps his brain for the monster.....This is the official end of the orignal Monster ,and since the Ygor Monster does carry over,we say farewell to the OG ....Then again I should point out continuity in this series is like.....A tangled web of nonesense(I have no idea how Ygor survived the last movie to be in this one )
14.Invisible Agent (1942)
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This to my knowledge is the only of the Monster films that is fully about the war,with the Invisible Agent played by JohnHall fighting Nazi bad guys.Now I enjoy superpowered/supernatural beings punching fascists but I did not care for this film ,our protagonist is a very bad spy ,the film has three antagonists and the least menacing ends up being the final boss(I love J Edward Bromberg and hes good in the film but he does NOT exude menace compared to Peter Lorre and Cedric Hardwicke ) ,and the film baffelingly casts Peter Lorre....As a Japanese baron ?? And it took me till halfway through for me to realize he was supposed to be Japanese.Also yeah lot of anti JApanese bigotry in this film .Hall is fine, and the effects are good but the movie,I didnt care for
15.The Mummys Tomb (1942)
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This film is an hour long with the first like 12 minutes being flashbacks to the previous film,I just finished it and my only thoughts at all are "Poor Lon Chaney Jr having to dhuffle around in that makeup and bandages" and "Turhan Bey is hot ".Also it does that trope I dont like of killing off the previous films cast .Skip
Ranking so far
15.The Mummys Tomb
14.Werewolf of London
13.Invisble Agent
12.Mummys Hand
11.Invisible Woman
10.Ghost of Frankenstein
8.Dracula's Daughter
6.Invisible Man Returns
5.Invisble Man
4.Son of Frankenstein
3.Wolf Man
1.Bride of Frankenstein
To be Continued
@themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings @piterelizabethdevries @countesspetofi @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench @princesssarisa
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1: What's the starburst duo's favorite wonder weapon from COD zombies?
2: I think I asked this but: what's one movie that the starburst duo really really like? Like clapping at the end of a movie in the theaters type of like.
3: What's the funniest movie & scene that got the Starburst Duo laughing the hardest? Like red faces & tears coming out of their eyes?
4: Let's say the duo saw a movie with a dance party ending, would they get off of the couch & dance in front of the tv?
5: Let's say the duo got into a fight with Homelander from The Boys, who would win? To make things fair, the three of them are city busters & have prep time.
1) Chris - Staff of Ice/ Ull’s Arrow
Jake - Either the Ragnorak DG 5 or the Path of Sorrows
2) That honor goes to Godzilla Minus One, especially the final battle and the ending scene when (Spoilers) The main character Shikishima chooses to Live and safely ejects out of his crashing plane’s seat when dealing that final blow to the titular monster as his weakest yet angriest. Chris and Jake can be so proud of this otherwise fictional character making a good call in how to deal with his inner demons and find his purpose in life as a Father.
3) For Chris, of course that’ll be Shrek 1 though good contender to that can also be Ghostbusters (1984), Spaceballs and Click. His absolute funniest scene would of course with be the opening scene or the chase in the castle from Shrek 1 (yes slide bit included)
Meanwhile, Jake’s choices for the movies that crack him up the most can be Kung Fu Panda (which contains his pick for the funniest scenes for him, mainly rhetorical various training montages, in particular the dumpling battle), Godzilla vs Megalon (Thanks Meredith XD), Nacho Libre, and the many many Three Stooges shorts
4) Oh for freaking sure they would beyond doubt; Chris would be busting out the biggest moves from the Cha Cha Slide and Gangnam Style while Jake goes for the old school ones including the Monkey and even the Moonwalk.
5) It’s a very close call and a bloodbath with Chris dropping out first kicked out due to his injuries but ultimately Jake would subdue and take down Homelander before further damage is done by still maintaining his belief that Homelander isn’t as strong and powerful as he thinks he is, which can erode away at Homelander’s own belief in his powers to slowly weaken them in due time
Took a while to get these @pin-crusher2000 but thanks for asking XD
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sunnydaleherald · 19 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Monday, September 2
TARA: I'm envious, Mr. Giles. A trip to England sounds so exciting and exotic. (realizes) Un...less you're English. (Giles grins) BUFFY: Look, don't worry about the shop. We'll take care of it. We can open and close, and, and we'll deal with everyone. Anya frowns. WILLOW: We can come by between classes! Usually I use that time to copy over my class notes with a system of different colored pens ... but it's been pointed out to me that that's, you know, insane. TARA: I said "quirky."
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pa'lante by shallowrain (Buffy/Faith, T)
Customer Service by ThatOneAnnoyingFox (Spike, T)
SORE REGRETS by KNZ1 (Buffy, Willow, E)
Tickle Me Angel by MamaBewear (Puppet Angel/Spike, M)
Lay All Your Love On Me by L0zerEmz0 (Buffy/Spike, G)
A Shot in the Dark by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T)
Kiss the Girl by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T)
Fur in your teeth.... by ThatOneAnnoyingFox (Spike, G)
Spike tortures Xander and it turns into love by lucifer23 (Xander/Spike, Not Rated [but NOT G])
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To Help the Chosen One - part four - by ILLYRIAN (unrated)
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Waste of a Time Loop by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Twisted Fantasies - ch. 11 [ficlet collection] by JoshuAB (Xander-centric, multi xover, FR15 this chapter)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Minion-ification of Angel and Spike - ch. 1 by bunniesitmustbebunnies (Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, G)
SEX MAGICK - ch. 1 by lucifer23 (Buffy/Giles, others, E)
The Chosen Two - ch. 1-3 by endlesspetals (Buffy/Ash Williams, Evil Dead xover, E)
What is a King to an Anarchist? - ch. 1-4 by a_kiss_inthe_rain (Giles/Uther, Merlin xover, M)
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Forty-eight days in L.A. - ch. 2 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies - ch. 7 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Arrive Before the Birds - ch. 9 by EverythingElse (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 47 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Love Looks Like - ch. 7 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, R)
Gargoyle - ch. 11 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Second Chance- Their Story - ch. 14 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Ties to the World - ch. 36 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Meanwhile, back on the farm.... - ch. 1 by hysteriumredux (Faith-centric, multi-xover, FR13)
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Quest for Glory - ch. 1 by Geliot99, Claire (Buffy/Spike, R)
Let's Casually Change the Timeline - ch. 1-2 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Arrive Before the Birds - ch. 9 by EverythingElse (Buffy/Spike, NC_17)
Gargoyle - ch. 11 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Love and the Blacksmith - ch. 1-3 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Edit and Playlist: Spike from BTVS but it's actually "Raw Power" by Iggy and the Stooges by spyder-baby (Buffy/Spike, Spike/Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy, the vampire slayer: Bad eggs - It’s Buffy Tuesday and we are halfway through season 2... by onedrawsoverthecuckoosnest (Buffy, ensemble, worksafe)
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Sculpture: I made a little polymer clay Angel! by simonglundmark (Angel, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Nightmares Fashion Part Two by theoverlookedoneedits1997
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VIDEO: Is Buffy Summers Bisexual? by Trash Discourse
PODCAST: Episode 40 - Lurconis and the Dozy Cow (Band Candy) by The Sunnydale Diaries
[Fandom Discussions]
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Vampire buffy was so underutilized as a plot device by therulerofallpotatos
[they could have made Riley better and more like the hero they tried to make him] by raisedbythetv89
spike's crush on buffy in season 5 is.... so heartbreaking by lesbianmarrow
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[Is] Joss Whedon Ghost Writing? by NotMichaelStipe
Spoilers discussion allegories [symbolism re pregnancy, ATS vs BTVS metaphors] by alb5357
If Buffy came back and did something similar to Marvel's What If [What If suggestions] by Britneyfan123
Fan Boy Expo Orlando [detailed tips if you go in the discussion] by greenballoffloof
[GAME: all the characters are stranded on a desert island, who does what?] by No-Jaguar8044
How often do you recognize names or references to cultural media? by InfiniteMehdiLove
[what to read/watch/listen to after finishing the shows, in what order?] by Delicious_Opposite23
[discussion of Buffy books] by Tomato_Tomat0
Whistler [praise] by anthonycaruana
Faith from Angel season 4 to Buffy season 7 by jdpm1991
These Two Meeting Each Other [Glory and Lucifer from TV show Lucifer] by Think_Web_1353
Angel & Lindsey - "To Shanshu in LA" - Spoilers inside by jdpm1991
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Best Buffy The Vampire Slayer episodes: Super fans rank every episode [list is dunked on by reddit]
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