personwithatophat · 2 days
Release date theory
gen 0 is releasing in the next few months based on all the prepwork being done for it and i got thinking about promo and stuff. "From the desk of the founder" we have SEEN the desk of the founder from twitter
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Then i realized that comic, The Lumpits dated November 4th 1990 w e l l Chronicle 0 is a twitter spinoff story we have of Miss Roads Zero's journal. and it was connected to us on the date of its beginning's anniversary specifically July 30th 2023 from the journal title written July 30th 19XX we know that the founders 'connection' is stronger on an anniversary we know that "the connection is getting stronger"
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and recently since this is from T_3 I propose that weather its the full gen 0 release or something else
that we are coming up on something fast -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 4 days
T_3 Red Theory
ok so the big thing right now is the "who is talking" and for whateers sake ive been calling them Red current condendors -Zero -Founder -Hetch -New person Let Me Explain. Zero- the use of the person saying "no need to answer i know you cant talk back" strikes me for the polls that were present on cron 0 . where they asked us things and we never got an answer. that could very well be because its only one way connection. this is because cron 0 takes place in the past somewhere around the 70s-90s by theory. but TSE took place in our present so the connection was completely stable. Founder- we are aware that the founder is experienced in memory wiping or altering technology and i wouldnt be surprised if he was also an early victim of this. Hetch- tied into the founder theory im more looking at hetch as an example. during the TSE promo era we were getting messages from this same person and it was present in the keynote most of all as The Savior character that we viewed as on our side. later context suggested that the red text was actually hetch. but remember guys view T_3 in the context of T_1 and T_2 instead of the context of tse. New person- open for all possibilities it could simply be a character that we dont know yet. this new person was around for the TSE promo actually and they commented in the description of videos, and in glitches similar to the one were seeing now. There Are No Reliable Narrators The Timeline Is Only A Concept Schrödingers Founder Strikes Again
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personwithatophat · 5 days
T_3 Update
This is pretty unintelligible so i wrote down everything i could see so you dont have to
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hope this helps, deffinitly not the last post of the day :] -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 7 days
Gen 0 Promo Thoughts
We’re Getting Genloss Promo!!!
so i wanna chat about what we know/can tell from the images we have so far.
id say if your in rancord you already know what ill say but at this point im convinced two separate rancord members have copied keys to my house. so were not addressing it For the promo theres basically 2 or 3 angles to come from 1. Content 2. Context 3. Contrast essentially: what were seeing, why were seeing it, why its the way that it is. FOR EXAMPLE
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this is last years TSE promo, a screenshot from The Hero Content: the focus of the image- chair, restraints, mask, voltmeter | Context: tiny snippets that activate the imagination, and makes questions. why is he in an electric chair? is this how they brainwash him? what do those things near him do? how did he get here? | Contrast: the VHS coating that slightly obscures context and also ties into the actual TSE VHS releasing "soon" This is a good way to look and think about it because this is insight from the past about how its trying to play out right now, and even if our theories are wrong our first thoughts are still incredibly valuable. We can answer all the questions from this past promo we may not have all the ideas in line for current stuff, its just a basic place to start looking.
onto the pictures
1- gen 0 Door
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2- Twin door
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3- Sinks
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4- Exit
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so now let me try to break it down
all the photos include some type of door with an airlock, cell(?), bathroom corner, and exit. acting possibly as a mirror to the founders
“4 keys, my door” and instead giving us no obvious key and 4 doors
everything in my brain screams A) Lab B) containment facility. or inhumane experimentation, but honestly for this theory it’s kinda the same.
one of ranboos original plans for TSE was for it to take place in a lab. inspired partially by the Hawkins lab from stranger things. they were even searching for locations before they found the mall and rewrote parts of the story to fit.
These photos plus the teasers from the new ranboo main YT vid lead me even heavier on lab. the hallway to that exit photo? call bars. Or the matching side to side doors in pic 2? as it stands all we know is that they’re uniform and lock from the outside.
the sinks and the gen 0 door lead me on lab. that door is typically used in watercraft such as submarines and battleships to block water if the craft is taking on water or being fired at.
it is also used
for labs as bio containment.
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these were the closest i could find from a quick google search.
and finally
the hazy red covering while i’m still not perfect on i believe is either meant as an emulation of photos mid chemical process
as an emulation of printing generation loss where the photos have been copied into shadowed obscurity.
if people want i’ll also break down the other two teaser images but for now i’ll leave it here.
hype for gen 0 and if anyone has questions/comments/clarifications/etc
ask me :)
i love responding to a challenge
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personwithatophat · 9 days
Not a theory but what's your official take on the patreon? (so the people in the back can hear)
sure in short: not a fan in long: Generation loss has a beautiful and incredible effect right now where Everyone is getting information at the same time, and when we dont all have acess to information its instantly circulated. this creates a super intresting wave of exitement where since all of us have the same information every update gets an instant responce, all the circles fire off at the same time, and its a wonderful type of community reaction. the patreon excellent in theory for supporting the show in exchange for teasers, isnt how i would do it. because like it or not it creates a paywall i have hope ranboo will be mindful to relase mostly things like BTS or update posts instead of actual critical content, and part of that is because the redeptions become null in void once an account pops up to release all the patreon rewards for free. just in personal opinion as a different suggestion: i think this idea would play out better as a subathon, even just a couple days long with a predetermined set of rewards. this would - still raise money and support for the show, - keep the community aspect for information, - AND increase the hype for coming projects. will i pay for the patreon? depends this is just one chatters opinion. im a genloss fan, i have a probable budget, im the target demographic and i dont think its a great idea so thats the whole piece. Not a theory Thanks for the question tho :) -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 15 days
The Cipher Is Made From The New Logo
ive finally put 2 and 2 together for why we thought it was some kind of pigpen cipher
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the new generation logo we got is the base for founders cipher = Edit: I've been seeing people using this so I updated it with all the letters and order, thanks for the support :) = -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 21 days
What do you think about the comment Sneeg made when he was watching the Founder's Cut about his hat? (I think he was talking about it being sewn into his head or stuck there by some other means and someone in chat was like "but Sneeg you take it off in the show" and he responded with "you know Showfall censors a bunch of stuff, right?". To me that was implying that they fucking... Skin his head? Or similarly gory things) (This was just a comment so it's most likely not canon but still fun to play around with ^^)
this is great its barely taken a day before I'm asked to know about that one comment made about that one moment from that one stream, and you know what? i know exactly what you're talking about. thank you
Sneeg is my favorite cast member for TSE. Sneeg I think retained the most amount of information from the most amount of lore dumping that ranboo did to the cast, and during the show did his best to interpret it. As for the hat being sewn on, I'm taking it with a grain of salt because sneeg mentioned a lot of this as how he interpreted the happenings. it was a side off comment, he clarified at a point that whatever he says on stream, its ultimately up to ranboo. but I think what it means is that this is the type of thing for us to expect, and that's the information we need. that showfall will lie to us, will censor things, and cause harm. my first inclination says that there was never really a moment where sneegs hat had to be ripped off, but there were several where it had to be moved. such as turning it backwards for evil snag. if you do want something to consider for gore, I suggest turning to charlie in the stream setup who had his headphones pulled off despite it clearly being connected to him. great ask :D
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personwithatophat · 22 days
Intresting concepts, I love where you're going with that idea. I needed some expansion on that ngl and you fully cooked there /pos (Also hi Tophat)
What thoughts do you have on the idea Austin can see everything/the fact he either has no filter or a broken filter? Why would he be given this ability by Showfall besides the idea of an entertainment asset?
Hello! o/ thank you and good followup because austin is my crutch so i appreciate making me take it head on. (feel free to challenge my theories it helps me build them! :] ) As for austins filter being broken, I think the theory is good but incomplete. Austin does have a filter and has involvement, but it clearly works differently. in fact most of the 'filter items' have their own rules that they go by, its not a uniform model.
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and a bit of this has to do with just how the show works sneegs hat isn't wired into his skull because he takes it off a couple times during the show or moves it around charlie has some kind of base program where he can run multiple items at once since during episode 2 he was wearing the glasses and the headphones and there are theories that details like this such as placement, hardware, etc have an effect on the items' limitations. for example, sneeg doesn't have surgically implanted hardware so he can't run two items like Charlie can and when they try, it shorts out and we get the ep 2 hat scene. or that other cast members couldn't be 'The Hero' since ranboos mask is necessary and capable of more complex sequences. that being said I've seen people speculate that Austins item is his jacket, which is entirely possible but it makes it confusing when he actually takes it off in the dressing room. so I'm going to pivot to the theory that he doesn't have a formal item. "so he doesn't have a filter?" not what I said. During the beginning of ep 2 before sneeg gets soft rebooted he doesn't actually have a filter item either and is still very much in character, he doesn't even recognize ranboo, we have hard proof that this is possible. and we know Austin is filtered/playing a character just by how he's acting in general. Austin as a showfall media victim has no reason to lie about having a wife and several children. why wouldn't he have a formal item? maybe because he was originally written to get double-tapped in Nikki's place in scene 1. Its very up for interpretation still but I believe a lot of this stems from the way that Austin is compared. Specifically how he gets compared to ranboo and sneeg when Ethan dies. i would like to counterpoint this with the way that Austins character is built for the episode. desperate, afraid, ......straight. but at the same time, he stalls to catwalk in the closet, mouthes off to puzzler questioning him having children, and is also very gay. so I think there might be some difference in writing. So yes, Austin is the only one who has a normal and more aware response to Ethan's death. Austin is also the only one there that isn't 3 layers deep in meta.
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during this moment Austin is the only one freaking out but consider the company. ranboo is an NPC at this point. he got factory reset and basically has a cap over free thought, right now the only thing in his brain is the objective to go through the show. Austin is still in his role of character trying to escape this actual saw trap he's stuck in, his panic is as warranted in character as it is out so he panics and when the others don't it freaks him out more. sneeg on the opposite side of the spectrum is knee-deep in lethargy. sneeg is actually the one seeing everything how it is and can't respond to any of it so he doesn't care about anything anymore. after his soft reboot sneeg can still see but he's confined to the roll, I want to make a separate sneeg post because he's actually the one I think people view Austin as. so yeah I think that Austin has something going on but I think it's a step to the left of the current theories. sneeg is where the real awareness is feel free to ask me for any clarification on this since I jumped around a lot or if you have other questions/theories because this is epic :D -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 22 days
everyone always insists ranboo is the "hero." Showfall dubs them the hero so the audience is okay with it. A hero is supposed to have trials, right?
What if this version of ranboo is actually like... a bad person and Showfall basically put them in purgatory to make up for it? Showfall insists he responded "naturally." Screw some kind of major happy time filter, it just allowed ranboo to behave as per usual not thinking anything more for it
Now we're cooking with gas! excellent question and theory Both of these points are actually incredible examples of audience manipulation that is written into genloss. This is the general idea that showfall doesn't nessesarily have to convince us that what we're seeing is what's really happening, just so long as the characters believe it's real and the surrounding supports it. To the first point, The Hero feels more like a title of mockery. Ranboo gets puppeteered, strung along, and actively has a hand in several of the shows deaths because showfall prompted him to. Ranboo tears into charlie Ranboo points ethan to the wrong door He shoves austin into harms way He abandons sneeg to the sharkicklester etc etc etc. Through the show, ranboo portrays more like a survivor who proves that when his back is to the wall, he will choose to save himself instead of others. but that he does so with tremendous guilt. this is another reason why the end was so poignant, because he believes he killed these people. As soon as escape clearly wasn't an option he preferred not to live then continue on if the sacrifice wasn't worth it. As for ranboo 'acting natural', this would actually be part of The Filter. The filter doesn't just make things look different, it's the live censoring of information that not only we experience but the cast themselves. The filter is why they can't see past the fourth wall, it's the reason why ranboo can get driven around by us instead of solving puzzles the way you typically would, it changes the perception of how they view the world around them. one way to think of it is like in a dream when weird things happen but you just don't question it? kind of the same idea. it keeps the cast in line and the show running smoothly without having a huge chunk of the plot being dedicated to "how did I end up in a warehouse, why does this door travel to hell, why do my eyes hurt if I look at the fourth wall" This kind of audience manipulation is what I mean when I say if the characters act normal then the audience perceives it as normal. if you're interested in more stuff like that, I made a bunch of other theories like cutscene theory that go against that grain of what showfall shows us so check them out if you're interested :) Remember that we have no reliable narrators, any information we see is being curated, and that they WILL lie to you!
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personwithatophat · 22 days
so hype for the next generation stuff to come out I currently have 20 pages of notes, 15,000 messages, a chart that can rival pepe silvia, and a list a mile long of theories for TSE. so until stuff starts coming out I'm trying to fire up again and get my knowledge in track, please send me genloss questions and stuff and ill do my best to give an average theorists answer :D even devils advocate stuff is fun to prove/disprove so throw it at me! -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 26 days
Idle Animations
putting this here because i havent seen anyone else pick up on this. during live TSE for genloss ranboo idle animates all through ep 1 and bits of ep 2 to really sell that point and click protagonist. so here's a little pointout for some of the stuff he did 2-4 times per room in ep 1 - checking magazines in the living room - shining flashlight in his eyes in the basement - checking a drawer, looking in mirror on bedroom bedstand
bonus: he never actually uses that flashlight during the live show even though it was on the ep 1 poster. we've seen intentional uses of this a couple times in genloss where information, props, or script is intentionally changed between resets and conveyed subtly. -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 28 days
Correction Theory
i have met my quota of at least ~ 1 ~ interested party
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so lets talk about the hair thing.
Correction Theory is the idea that showfall controls their cast not just in showy ways with flashing lights and wires but also in subtle ways that the actors (mostly ranboo) try to tell us about. when studying this theory and incorporating the hundreds of tiny potential cues I implore you to read this and then rewatch even the first 20 minutes of genloss TSE with this new perspective. Even if you don't believe me, its very interesting to notice. anyway I noticed this a bit ago but nearly every time that ranboo goes to do something that progresses the plot, it is followed or proceeded by him wiping his hair out of his eyes. ok? so what? its a tick it was a live show he was nervous? just stick wth me Showfall media's main goal is to have this show go smoothly, to keep the script breaks scripted and to keep the actors where they're supposed to be. due to the promotional material we know that the initial TSE live stream wasn't the first replay of the show so they've already gone through the process of things to adjust by the time were seeing it for the first time. Notably, headaches. the control items that showfall uses on the cast gives them headaches. ranboo shows us this a few times when he comments on his head hurting in TSE, as well as any time he wakes up in the show he tries to clutch his forehead. but he doesnt. its stopped halfway like he forgets that he has a headache and he instead runs his hand through his hair in replacement. now we have a base to work off. that when he touches his head its a potential headache indicator. a headache indicator that flares up specifically when showfall gives a command or correction to their protagonist. so
with this base in mind, as a sane and logical conclusion, i noted every time this happens to try and line it up with whats happening on screen. and 8/10 times it works. Corrections. small insignificant things that showfall wants to control so that the show goes smoothly but isn't worth drawing attention to it with blinking lights or plot. normally proceeded or followed by a headache indicator. - when chat chooses where ranboo should go - when ranboo looks into the camera and instantly looks away - if showfall feeds ranboo lines "I guess I better find these keys" - before or after every action during evil snag fight - when directed to/not to touch something (ep 2 detonator, ep 1 bolt cutters) these are only a few examples of when the action can align to certain commands and corrections relating to the show each correction is small enough that attention isn't drawn to it, but its also giving him a headache and its why we see him brush his hair out of his face instead of clutch his forehead. if ranboo were to act in distress or pain during the show when its uncalled for it takes away from the immersion or the script. pain isnt permitted. instead its redirected.
the theory sounds insane in shorthand but I do genuinely believe it, and you can immagine the written commands or corrections if you watch close enough. please ask me if you need clarification or more proof, I will happily provide. :) -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 29 days
Visual Theory
I have a genloss theory that ranboo cant see beyond what us or the camera can see. we know that for the entire cast of genloss that showfall media uses a filter that control items such as ranboo mask, sneegs hat, and charlies glasses mess with their vision. this is part of my ongoing quest to narrow down H o w exactly all of this is working and what exactly is happening. All of it branches under something called Filter Theory that is so unbearably convoluted at this point the only solution is to break it into a bunch of pieces. Back to camera work though Multiple times we get hints for a concept that ranboo can only see what we see, can only react in time with the audience. which would be a good way to keep ranboo in frame, if he essentially blurs himself and his vision out when going out of bounds. that or he's made oblivious to props in order to keep the illusion intact for us by making him think its real. Here's all the proof i could find on this, try rewatching TSE and see if you notice all of them! TSE Ep. 1 2:49 - Ranboo gestures to the 4th wall and calls it a weird painting 10:38 - Ranboo gets lost in a single exit room (bonus that in TFC they redid the camera angle so you couldn't see the doors on screen) 45:52 - Ranboo cant find sneeg clearly behind the tarp, claims its due to lack of direction. 1:16:00 - cant recognize fake wall until pointed out TSE Ep. 2 6:18 - Walks directly past exit hidden by camera (see detail dump for screenshots of proof :> ) 16:55 - Ranboo unlocks carousel room door, hears screaming, but stalls and doesn't react till camera pans to carousel. TSE Ep. 3 1:44 - when asked to approach, doesn't see hetch's monitor until directed, instead following camera trail. 26:28 - charlie is first to see dead employee, ranboo only checks once camera pans out, only reacts when camera puts security in focus.
Almost positive i missed one in ep 2 but hopefully 8 timestamped pieces of proof is enough :] ranboo does a lot more of these subtle cues since he has the best grip of how his character needs to act so I might also post about the hair/headache thing eventually (the most tinfoil hat, pepe silvia ass theory in my arsenol I spent way too much time on that's really hard to write about) -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 1 month
Dollhouse Theory
Dollhouse theory is the idea that in gen loss, which is considered the "spiritual successor to Jermas dollhouse" by the creators, is also treated as such in the genloss canon.
During ep 1 of TSE we get to see the Jermas dollhouse model that's kept in the basement.
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this could originally be considered an easter egg but TFC dives a little deeper into it, adding a short flashback audio similar to how they treat the mask in the beginning of ep 1. With the double down, I think its fair to make the actual theory on it.
all this considered i have a proposition. I think Jermas dollhouse was a trial experiment. that this was them testing out the idea of puppeteering a protagonist, and that Jerma was the first showfall victim.
In Dollhouse they play with the lore concept of Jerma being controlled but they don't lean hard into it. by the time that TSE rolls around showfall would have perfected the technology, the set is made much much bigger, and Jerma has gotten recast as The Puzzler. we know that the puzzler is part of the cast and not a showfall employee since during sneegs hat scene Jerma, Ray, and Sykkuno get paused right alongside the rest of the cast but the camera rats and suites are free to move. its also a good visual of showfall actually holding true to their word and recasting someone from a past show.
for obvious reasons, this theory is made out of enjoyment for the connection but needs to be taken with a grain of salt since genloss was written well after Dollhouse, and its suggested we don't look too deep into Dollhouse for lore on genloss. -Tophat
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personwithatophat · 1 month
Detail and Theory Dump
genloss is cool and ive dedicated a stupid amount of time to knowing things about it here's some fun facts and stuff
#1: Hetch isnt a name, its a title and acronym. The Hetch. during the T_1 promo video we see the acronym don't Hide don't Escape don't Talk don't Conform don't Hesitate H.E.T.C.H #2: During TSE Ep.1, there are actually two different slime suites. LIVE PROMO
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the first suit was used for promo material and a few of the prerecorded scenes, but the slime hardened overnight and was deemed unusable for the live performance. so they made another one. #3
The prop table on ep 3 which has the orb from create a creature, as well as the voltmeter from promo, and the now bloody rubber chicken from the surgery scene
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#4 there were actually 3 voltmeters that were used for promo and such. it was one of the first hints for Replay theory
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this was actually chair theory at one point, shoutout the OGs that can point and laugh at me for that. (I lost so much sanity over these silly little boxes)
#5 during ep 2 live we got to see these instructions written in wingdings
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its genuinly just the rules for rat trap. #6 In ep 2 between room 1 and 2, very intentional camerawork is done to hide the fact ranboo walks directly past an exit which for some reason he "cant see" we see it during ep 3 ep2
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thats all i can think of rn yayyyyyyyy Cool Details!
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personwithatophat · 1 month
Narrator Theory
In genloss the #1 rule that everyone needs to keep in mind: THERE ARE N O RELIABLE NARRATORS!! Thats Right! Everyone that talks to us in genloss as of writing this Is In Fact A Tapped Source! theres an argument to be made for intentions and weather is a double bluff on whos evil and whos not. but at the end of the day a double bluff is still a bluff Hetch? evil Zero? monitored and selected context founder? fiction ranboo? controlled and influenced the reason why i love digging through details and making theorys like showfall being broke is because of this. the narrators cant be trusted, so picking apart the details can sometimes shed that light. it tells the quiet story of the liars speech
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personwithatophat · 1 month
Founder Theory
do you like generation loss? do you see a neat person with vague background implications? well! good news! That Person Right There Could Be The Founder!
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in honor of this id like to introduce a game TOP FIVE GEN LOSS CHARACTERS WHO ARE SECRETLY THE FOUNDER
#5 SecuriTV
This Is A Collection Of Sentience "Maybe Flesh" And Technology!! also known as literally everything that we relate to the founder! the SecuriTV could be the first attempts at making the founder a digital person and this is what remains!
#4 Charlie
The Slime demon! The Patient! The Villain! but could any of these titles have more significant meanings?? charlie is the only other character outside of our hero who has been theorized in the past to be related more internally! charlies character as the slime demon takes yeild from the 1800s, possibly during The Lostfield incident??? and has also been rumored to be a test tube baby! what a wacky, goopy, sludgy guy that could just be the root of narrative evil, always right behind the hero and out of suspicion!
#3 Squiggles
The loveable showfall mascot! Squiggles being the founder in of itself is generally ridiculous, however. its VERY noteworthy that our favorite faceless figurehead of darkness has taken a personal intrest in this project! and could for all potential be using squiggles as a type of surrogate for communications or else wise has a piece of themself as squiggles if youre a supporter of the AI theories. that being said heres some things that squiggles has said live on show "I love rats" "Nightmares of Bart The Vorer intensify" "nyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrwwww *crash"
#2 Zero
What a Mysterious Lady we have! Recently Zero has been getting more attention with the bonus addition of the name "Miss Roads" and many like to speculate the connection of Gen 0, Cron 0, and the founder! Could chronicle zero our local A/V shop retail stooge secretly be using those dusty 20% off tape recorders to start her media manipulation empire?? do we have THE founders diary posted live on twitter?? Or is Miss Roads a truman character with a placed therapist? the answer might surprise us!
#1 Ranboo
Our Very Own Hero! Ranboo being the founder is truely a crowd favorite of these times! spanning through the casual viewers, to the general theorists. The concept of it being a case of memory manipulation and full beginnings although the Ranboo as Founder theory took a significant drop in popularity after matpat made a theory not even picking up on the main plot of the show, there are things that make it still have significance !! This spans from a love of the memory lost protagonist being the main villain and a comforting circle of life deal they have going on where the founder ends up killed by the horrors of his own creation in a cruel circle of fate! This will likely never cease ANYWAY here's a fun challenge! who do YOU think is the founder? o r who do you think is even a little bit suspicious? they can be the founder too!
/lh -Tophat
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