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mariespeaksg-dsgrace · 7 months ago
Bereshit Genesis ch 3: Lilith  big mad and the Serpent beguiled Chava….. #storytime
This is Season 7 of Marie Speaks G-d’s Grace. I hope everyone enjoyed the first blog of the Season Bereshit/ Genesis ch 1: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth and second Blog Bereshit/ Genesis ch 2: When Adam met Eve. In which, we reviewed and discussed Merciful HaShem , the Blessed Holy One singing the world into creation, the formation of Adam and Eve and now… dun dun dun #waitforit.
We will discuss some of the Jewish legends behind the story of creation in chapter 3 #sofun, as well as review some more misinterpreted Christian texts regarding the Book of Isaiah. We will answer among other questions: Are Satan, Devil, and Lucifer all the same entity? Why are Jesus and Lucifer both called the morning star? and so much more.
This week we will continue on in discussing The Only Living G-d, creating a rock that a was and is so difficult to destroy and only HaShem, The Blessed Holy alone can lift… our
with love, Marie
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motorbikewomen · 8 months ago
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liberalsarecool · 11 months ago
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Draft-dodging con artist using fake Marines is so on-brand for Trump/MAGA. #StolenValor
Putin's puppet shitting on US military as Russians put bounties on US troops, and Trump did fcuking nothing, using fake Marines.
Entire Right Wing loves the dishonesty.
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celticcrossanon · 7 months ago
This pisses me off, Celta. Harry reportedly (with photographic proof on social media) was "presented with a commemorative plaque from the Columbian Ministry of National Defense Veterans." StolenValorHarry doesn't give a rats ass about veterans, only how they can make himself look good. Just look at how quick he was to ditch going to a memorial event for Royal Marines as their Captain-General because Harry thought going to a Disney movie to get a voiceover job for his wife was more important.
19th Aug Ask
Hi Nonny,
StolenValor Harry is a good name for him. Thank you for the name.
I agree that Harry sees the veterans as things to prop up his image and pay his expenses via IG, and not as people to be respected and helped etc.
If the rumours of IG paying for part of this tour is true, then this award may be the justification for those expenses.
I agree that Harry does not deserve the award, but then I don't think he deserves any of the awards he has bought for himself. I wonder what this one cost him? (promises to do things, quid pro quo etc).
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starseedpatriot · 5 months ago
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🤣🔥I'M LOVIN' IT: McDonald’s released a statement Sunday admitting it has no record of Kamala Harris ever working there, as she has repeatedly claimed.
This deepening scandal, which social media has dubbed Stolen McValor, finally got the spotlight it deserved Sunday when former President Trump spent some time making French fries and working the drive-thru at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s.
It was a win-win for the man now widely seen as the 2024 frontrunner. He had the opportunity to show off his charming side and ability to connect with everyday people while pointing to what looks more and more like a shameless lie in Kamala’s biography.
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months ago
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cecoeur · 4 months ago
https://x.com/maybezax/status/1862144400664490078?s=46&t=3VBB5Dj_qmy9MhAcTgqWbQ is this your gif? Can’t believe we’re all gonna have to start watermarking again #stolenvalor
yeah it happens and usually people reply to the tweet of the gif with credit, which is what they did here. Why they can't put that in the original tweet i'll never know but it's not something I can control nor is it that big of a deal so i'm not going to lose sleep over it. People can tweet my gifs, that's fine with me <3 the content is made to be used. Some of the replies on that tweet do hurt my feelings a smidge but that's showbiz baby.
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heswrongshesright · 4 months ago
Veterans Day Special: Stolen Valor, Applebee's, and Dependapotamus - HWSR Ep 107
In this lively Veterans Day episode of the 'He's Wrong She's Right' podcast, hosts Andrew Lemacks and Nona Phelps delve into various military-related topics with humor and insight. They discuss the importance of veterans making their veteran status known, the humorous mandate of visiting Applebee's for a free Veterans Day meal, and the widespread phenomenon of stolen valor. They also give a special shoutout to a veteran-owned business, Reeves Bees, sampling their delicious honey products live on the show. Along the way, they talk about the differences between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, confront common misconceptions about military service, and share entertaining anecdotes from their personal experiences. Don't miss this episode filled with thoughtful discussions, funny banter, and some touching moments of gratitude for those who have served. 
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00:00 Veteran Obligations and Applebee's Tradition
01:00 Podcast Introduction and Announcements
01:27 Veterans Day vs Memorial Day
03:23 Shoutout to Reeves Bees
08:03 Chili Cookoff Preparations
14:17 Understanding Military Discharges
18:17 Stolen Valor Stories and Memes
33:39 The Honorary Purple Heart Incident
34:40 Understanding Stolen Valor
35:11 Live Action Role Play (LARP) Explained
36:27 Marine Corps Culture and Misconceptions
37:05 Military Training and Special Forces
42:45 Branch Birthdays and Traditions
45:05 Coast Guard and Homeland Security
58:55 Social Media Missteps in the Military
01:02:28 Stolen Valor Stories and Memes
01:08:57 Closing Remarks and Veterans Day Wishes
#AndrewLemacks #NonaPhelps #HWSR #HesWrongShesRight #ReevesBees #MatthewReeves #VeteransDay #StolenValor #MilitaryHumor #Podcast #VeteranOwnedBusiness #VeteranLife #Applebees #MarineCorps #RangerSchool #MilitaryVeterans #ArmyVeterans #VeteransDay2024 #ComedyPodcast #SupportOurTroops #MilitaryStories #VeteranSupport #PodcastLife #AirForce #CoastGuard #Navy #SpaceForce
Andrew Lemacks, Nona Phelps, HWSR, He’s Wrong She’s Right, Reeves Bees, Matthew Reeves, Veterans Day, Stolen Valor, Military Humor, Podcast, Veteran Owned Business, Veteran Life, Applebees, Marine Corps, Ranger School, Military Veterans, Army Veterans, Veterans Day 2024, Comedy Podcast, Support Our Troops, Military Stories, Veteran Support, Podcast Life, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy, Space Force
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razziecat · 8 months ago
Angry veteran rants in truck about Tim Walz AGAIN... #stolenvalor claims...
My dude has a few words for those trying to trash Tim Walz
WARNING. The language is RAW and every word is deserved.
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keystonewarrior · 7 months ago
Part2: Angry veteran rants in truck about Tim Walz AGAIN... #stolenvalor...
...angry veteran language, do not watch if you’re sensitive to hard language...
...but as an angry veteran myself, I approve
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vamptits · 2 years ago
spilled water on myself and it looks like I pissed my pants but I DIDN'T :( #stolenvalor
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rcedge · 1 year ago
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matt and jeff way better than that the crimson chin and his dickhead "best friend" (we all know what they did in that ford escalade) . For one thing they are actually brothers. the other two are nothing but fucking liars #STOLENVALOR #NOTREALBROTHERS
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suttaking · 2 years ago
When the owner claims to be the chef thinking I won’t hear about it🤣🤣
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copewatch · 14 days ago
Kevin fararr - cope harder
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sfc-paulchambers · 2 months ago
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This #militaryhumormonday post is an old one. Came out years ago when #stolenvalor was popular
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mariespeaksg-dsgrace · 6 months ago
ch 8 Genesis
Welcome back to
Marie Speaks G-d’s Grace Bible Study.
This is Season 7 of Marie Speaks G-d’s Grace.
I hope everyone has been enjoying this seasons BLOGS so far:
 Bereshit/ Genesis ch 1: In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth ,
 Bereshit/ Genesis ch 2: When Adam met Eve ,
Bereshit Genesis ch 3: Lilith  big mad and the Serpent beguiled Chava.
Bereshit Genesis ch 4,5,6 and maybe 7
In which, we reviewed and discussed Merciful HaShem , the Blessed Holy One singing the world into creation, the formation of Adam- A’dam the Man and Eve/ Chava The Woman, Woman giving- “in” into The Serpent, The Serpent being cursed, and Lilith being oh so very mad; next we shall discuss how those events lead to a little thing called #history or his’story. Recap......We discussed in Bereshit Genesis ch 4, 5, 6, and 7.... the process of man's corruption.
In Jewish Legends, behind the story of creation and the environment of the world and its inhabitants that proved the flood necessary, in chapters 4, 5, 6, and maybe 7. #sosatisficing, as well as review some more misinterpreted Christian texts regarding the several books of the Torah and Tanakh or other Jewish teaching/thoughts.
This week we will continue discussing several chapters in one BLOG and possibly a couple of videos, depending on the length. Or maybe we’ll just make it a Bible Study strength and endurance marathon?! Who knows?!
We are going to do something different. We will get into some history. Yes, history. One of my favorite topics of discussion. We want to go through the key points I believe will point us in preparation for the later lesson of reviewing possible cases of #stolenvalor. Spoiler alert: I don't believe we can truly believe what has been written in history books or even supposed replicas of records of history.
We shall ask and answer some questions:
Why does G-d, need to remember? Surely G-d, doesn't forget ?!?
What is a covenant? Is a covenant different from being remembered?
Whom or with what did, the Blessed Holy One, make a covenant and remember?
Is there such a thing a multi-layered covenants? Super dupera excited for next class! With Love, MarieSpeaks GdsGrace
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