#Steve Durante
kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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African American celebrities and their African Ancestral doppelganger
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Lol I don't look like no African LoL.
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oldshowbiz · 5 months
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The never-proudced parody of The Untouchables starring Jimmy Durante, Jackie Gleason, Sammy Davis Jr., Danny Thomas, Phil Silvers, Pat Boone, Steve Allen, Perry Como and Christine Jorgensen.
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globalhappenings · 2 years
Basketball: Nba; Nets property rejects Durant's ultimatum
Basketball: Nba; Nets property rejects Durant’s ultimatum
(ANSA) – NEW YORK, AUGUST 09 – There is still a verbal war between the superstar of the Brooklyn Nets Kevin Durant and the owner of the franchise, the Taiwanese entrepreneur and philanthropist with Canadian citizenship Joe Tsai, co-founder of the Alibaba group. Durant asked to leave in June, despite the fact that last year he signed a four-year renewal, then in recent days, in a meeting with Tsai…
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esonetwork · 6 months
Who Are the Most Influential Comedians of All Time? | Tales From Hollywoodland
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/who-are-the-most-influential-comedians-of-all-time-tales-from-hollywoodland/
Who Are the Most Influential Comedians of All Time? | Tales From Hollywoodland
In this podcast episode, Julian Schlossberg, Arthur Friedman, Steven J. Rubin, and producer Mike Faber engage in a rich discussion about the evolution of comedy and the influence of legendary comedians across different eras. They reminisce about the comedic genius of icons like Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks, Don Rickles, the cast of Saturday Night Live and Robin Williams to contemporary stars like Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, and many more.
 We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at  [email protected] and why not subscribe and rate the show on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and wherever fine podcasts are found. 
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#comedy #comedians #entertainmentindustry #impact #styles #DonRickles #MelBrooks #EddieMurphy #GeorgeCarlin #JohnnyCarson #SaturdayNightLive #JohnBelushi #BillMurray #SteveCarell #JohnCandy #JackieGleason #SebastianManiscalco #PaulRudd #JimmyDurante #JerryLewis #BobbyDarin #nightclubs #liveperformances #JulianSchlossberg #ArthurFriedman #StevenJRubin #TalesFromHollywoodland
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theusviral · 2 years
Mr. Whammy is the face of Nets fans, struggling to love a team that’s become too easy to loathe
Mr. Whammy is the face of Nets fans, struggling to love a team that’s become too easy to loathe
In so many ways, Bruce Reznick is one of a kind. He is 86, and nearly lives at basketball arenas. He has seen thousands of sporting events, from watching Jackie Robinson steal home to witnessing the greatness of Kevin Durant nightly. He is beloved by those he meets and many who watch from afar. And then there is this oddity: The man known as Mr. Whammy remains a proud Nets fan who loves the…
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reportwire · 2 years
The five biggest questions surrounding the drama-filled Brooklyn Nets
The five biggest questions surrounding the drama-filled Brooklyn Nets
The Brooklyn Nets gave the NBA offseason extended life. Every move the organization made — and didn’t — was examined; every whisper, every tweet broken down to the syllable as the league watched the turmoil unfold throughout the summer. Kevin Durant, who on June 30 requested a trade, then requested for general manager Sean Marks and head coach Steve Nash to be fired, now appears ready to start…
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musicdope90s · 2 years
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Símbolos do Partido Comunista da Índia (CPI-M) durante as eleições de 1996.
Calcutá, Índia, 1996. /// Steve McCurry
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diceriadelluntore · 1 month
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Storia Di Musica #327 - U2, The Unforgettable Fire, 1984
L'ultimo edificio di questa piccola carrellata di dischi che ne hanno uno in copertina ci porta nella Contea di Westmeath, nel cuore d'Irlanda, con le rovine di un castello, quello di Moydrum, situato nei pressi della cittadina di Athlone. Lì quattro ragazzi irlandesi, insieme a quello che diventerà il loro amico e fotografo per i successivi quattro decenni, Anton Corbijn, posano per la copertina di un disco che nelle loro intenzioni doveva rappresentare una svolta concettuale e musicale. È facile d'altronde mettere a confronto le prime copertine degli U2 con questa, e rilevarne la differenza concettuale: lo sguardo dolce di Peter Rowen, il fratellino di Guggi, amico di Bono, che capeggia in Boy (1980), la band ripresa in October (1981) sullo sfondo il porto di Dublino, e lo sguardo, rabbioso e drammatico, dello stesso Peter Rowen in War (1983, una delle copertine più iconiche del decennio). Dopo il tour di War, Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton e Larry Mullen Jr. cercano una svolta. Bono, con una mossa che riprenderà anche in futuro, annunciò all'ultimo concerto di quel tour che la band necessitava di "essere sciolta".
Un rinnovamento che passa da un nuovo approccio alla composizione e da una guida in produzione musicale che sia diversa da Steve Lillywhite, che li aveva seguiti nei primi tre capitoli della loro storia. The Edge, affascinato dai suoi lavori discografici e dal suo ruolo di produttore per i Talking Heads, chiede di contattare Brian Eno. La scelta non sembrava affatto sensata: una band sanguigna, epica, con il guru della musica ambient, della sottrazione emotiva. Lo stesso Chris Blackwell, il proprietario della Island, la casa discografica che li aveva scoperti, era scettico. E lo stesso Eno all'inizio lo era. Ma l'ascolto del loro live Under The Red Blood Sky lo convinse a provare. Porta con sé un tecnico del suono geniale, anch'egli musicista, il canadese Daniel Lanois, incaricato degli aspetti materiali e tecnici delle registrazioni, e indica alla band un orizzonte che se ancorato alla passione, all'epica, alla forza della loro musica originaria, la amplia in scenari vasti, che diluiscono i colori e regalano emozioni nuove all'ascolto.
Registrato nella sala di ballo, trasformata in studio di registrazione, di un altro castello, lo Slane Castle, e presso gli studi di Windmill Lane a Dublino, The Unforgettable Fire prende il nome dal titolo di una mostra fotografica itinerante giapponese sui disastri di Hiroshima e Nagasaki, che i quattro videro al The Peace Museum di Chicago. È una sensazione diversa ascoltare il suono, ricco, cinematografico, di A Sort Of Homecoming che apre la scaletta. Un suono arioso, sostenuto, con l'abbandono della batteria "militaresca" dei lavori precedenti, la chitarra di The Edge che inizia a disegnare paesaggi luminosi, il supporto robusto del basso di Clayton e Bono che si lancia nella descrizione di paesaggi spirituali niente male: hai fame di tempo\tempo per guarire e desiderare, del tempo\e senti la terra muoversi sotto di te\il paesaggio di sogno che hai creato (...) le mura della città sono cadute\la polvere, un velo di fumo tutt'intorno\volti arati come i campi che un tempo\ non opponevano resistenza. Dello stesso tenore, con quest'aggiunta espressionista, sono Wire (addirittura pensata solo come abbozzo nel testo, e registrata con Bono che in parte improvvisa durante il canto) la spettacolare The Unforgettable Fire, e Indian Summer Sky, che è l'espressione anglofona per l'Estate di San Martino. Canzoni che tra l'altro sfuggono alla struttura classica con la ripetizione del ritornello, spesso non citano il titolo nel testo e entusiasmano, spesso ancora oggi, per il lavoro di addizione sonora e di sensazioni che lasciano. Ma è un album che contiene tanto altro: due strumentali, 4th Of July (che è il giorno della nascita della prima figlia di The Edge, e registrata quasi di nascosto da Eno mentre Clayton e il chitarrista improvvisavano) e MLK, dedicato a Martin Luther King, al quale è dedicato anche il brano simbolo del disco, e primo singolo dell'opera, Pride (In The Name Of Love), il cui video musicale fu girato nella sala da ballo allestita a studio di registrazione dello Slane Castle. C'è la poesia dolce e fluttuante di Promenade, un gioiellino che racconta il flusso di pensieri durante una passeggiata, c'è l'esperimento di Elvis Presley And America: basata sulla traccia base rallentata di A Sort of Homecoming, è una improvvisazione canora di Bono, che immagina il Re, ormai sul viale del tramonto, che ricorda il suo passato, specialmente il suo rapporto con Priscilla, e fu una single take lasciata così, grezza e con la voce che dà la sensazione di un'eco più lontana e oscura. Rimane un ultimo grande pezzo: Bad fu scritta da Bono in ricordo di un suo compagno di scuola morto di overdose da eroina il giorno del suo 21° compleanno, è drammatica nel suo crescendo emotivo e diviene una sorta di prototipo di stile U2\Eno\Lanois. Diventerà uno dei momenti clou dei concerti negli anni a seguire.
Un disco dalle tinte sfocate, dai paesaggi sonori sfumati, dalla musicalità complessa poteva sembrare un azzardo per una band considerata così sanguigna. Invece fu un successo: primo disco degli U2 al primo posto della classifica britannica, in top ten in quella americana, e soprattutto la sensazione che la piantina musicale che qui nasce crescerà subito e velocemente, per certi versi in maniera fragorosa, per cambiare il volto alla musica dei decenni a venire. Ma probabilmente questo non lo sapevano ancora.
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Broadway Divas: Obscure Sondheim
To highlight how vast and varied Sondheim's roles and shows are, these five Divas have a singular Sondheim credit to their repertoire that are a little more obscure than most. So obscure that my dream of finding pictures to dazzle you all with was quickly shattered.
Bebe Neuwirth as Cinderella's Stepsister, Florinda, in a reading of Into the Woods for a 1994 movie that never came to fruition. This reading took place at director Penny Marshall's house and had a truly breathtaking cast: Robin Williams (The Baker), Goldie Hawn (The Baker's Wife), Steve Martin (The Wolf), Danny DeVito (The Giant), Carrie Fisher (Lucinda), and fucking CHER as The Witch. Bebe Neuwirth and Carrie Fisher as catty sisters tormenting Cinderella and getting their eyes pecked out. And then Cher trying to feed them to Danny DeVito. We were robbed of a masterpiece.
Judith Light as Joanne in a Reprise! presentation of Company at UCLA's Freud Playhouse. Though not known for her singing abilities, Judith was nevertheless part of an all-star cast for this two-week run in 2004. The only review I could find was...not favorable. It's been twenty years, and I, for one, think Judith Light deserves her chance at redemption.
Linda Emond as Mary in Merrily We Roll Along, 1988. The Seattle-based ACT company produced Sondheim's biggest flop musical through the month of May in 1988. Linda, then in her late twenties, played the female lead in a rare musical role for her. And I do have a picture thanks to ACT's fantastic archival system.
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Pictured: Linda Emond (Mary) center, surrounded by Joseph Dellger (Franklin Shepherd) and Joseph McNally (Charley). And no, I cannot tell which man is which...
4. Susan Blackwell as The Giant in a 2019 one-night-only staged concert of Into the Woods. If you thought the recent Broadway revival was bare-bones, it had nothing on this staged concert at the Town Hall in NYC. There is one singular photo that includes Susan, and without knowing she was meant to be there, you'd never be able to identify her.
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Pictured (L to R):
5. Paula Leggett Chase as Stella Deems in Follies, a one-night-only special event in Tangier, Morocco featuring a transcontinental cast of Divas. Since 2013 (excluding pandemic years), Rob Ashford has staged fundraising productions of shows such as A Little Night Music, The Crucible, and Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris. Confusingly, though Paula sang Stella Deems' song "Who's That Woman," she was credited in the program as Emily Whitman (presumably they just combined the roles for this production and gave them to the dancer in the cast?)
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Pictured (L to R): The late Haydn Gwynn (Phyllis Rogers Stone, my beloved), Marisa Berenson (Solange LaFitte), Harolyn Blackwell (Heidi Schiller), Jenna Russel (Sally Durant Plummer), Paula Leggett Chase (Emily Whitman), Harriet Harris (Hattie Walker).
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yurnu · 16 days
¿cuales adan han tenido hijos con eva(abel,cain,otros hijos e hijas)? También descubrí la existencia de una hija de adam e eva llamada anaq del islam,que nació con dos cabezas y uñas largas debido a que comió la fruta prohibida,quizás en algún au se traduzca a que lucifer se la ofreció o ella nació poco después de qje eva comió la manzana,¿como serian los adan con esta hija marginada? ¿Cuáles adan tienen más instinto paterno? Por cierto me inspiraste a hacer mis propios aus de hazbin hotel y te lo agradezco muchísimo:)
||🔱👑⚜️🪹💝🍃ALLS AU'S 🍃💝🪹⚜️👑🔱||
Los Adam's que tuvieron hijos durante su estadía en la Tierra fueron Chimera, Templar y Deadly. BE los tuvo en su primera linea de tiempo antes de volver en el tiempo a su época del Edén. Aunque ATW no tuvo hijos, ve a los hijos de Steve y Eva como suyos, ya que descendía a la Tierra para ayudarlos con tantos niños (Ariel no ya que su instinto paterno es igual a la de una tortuga marina)
El que más instinto paterno tiene es ATW y Deadly. Los demás también los tienen pero no tan fuerte como ellos dos.
¡Me alegro de haberte inspirado! ¡El único límite para crear es tu imaginación! ¡Así que espero que te lleguen muchas ideas para tus Au's! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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nekoannie-chan · 27 days
No hay escape
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Título: No hay escape.
Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América.
Pareja: Dark!Steve Rogers X Lectora.
Palabras: 425 palabras.
Cuadro: D1 “Manipulación psicológica.”
Clasificación: C.
Sinopsis: No puedes escapar.
Advertencias: Manipulación psicológica.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Steve Rogers Bingo round 3. SB3090.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, versión en inglés.
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DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
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Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Hubo una época en la que Steve era todo lo que siempre habías soñado en una relación, pero de pronto todo cambió.
Al principio, las cosas parecían perfectas. Él era cariñoso, atento y siempre parecía saber exactamente qué decir para hacerte sentir especial.
Sin embargo, con el tiempo, las cosas comenzaron a cambiar de manera sutil. Todos estos cambios te dejaban.
La primera vez que notaste algo extraño fue durante una fiesta en la Torre Stark. Habías notado que Steve se alejaba con frecuencia para hablar con Sharon, pero cada vez que le preguntabas al respecto, él te sonreía y te aseguraba que solo eran amigos.
"Estás exagerando", te decía, "Sharon y yo solo estamos hablando de misiones antiguas. No hay nada más, no es necesario que seas celosa".
A las pocas semanas te convenció de que vivieran juntos en su casa, pero luego de un tiempo notaste cómo tus cosas desaparecían y reaparecían en lugares extraños de la casa. Cuando mencionaste lo que estaba ocurriendo a Steve, él se rio suavemente.
"Te estás volviendo un poco olvidadiza, ¿no crees?" él te dijo.
Una noche, después de una cena con los Vengadores, tuviste una discusión con Steve. Estabas segura de que lo habías visto coqueteando con una mujer en el bar, pero cuando lo confrontaste, él negó rotundamente lo sucedido.
"¿De qué estás hablando?", te preguntó con una mirada confundida. "Ni siquiera he hablado con nadie más que contigo esta noche. Creo que estás imaginando cosas".
Cada vez este tipo de situaciones se comenzaron a volver más constantes,
"Steve, creo que algo no está bien", le dijiste una noche mientras cenaban. "Últimamente me siento muy confundida, como si no pudiera confiar en mi propia memoria".
Steve dejó su tenedor y te miró con preocupación fingida.
"Cariño, has estado muy estresada con el trabajo. Tal vez deberías tomarte un tiempo libre, descansar un poco."
Asentiste, a final de cuentas, Steve siempre tenía la razón.
Un día, mientras Steve estaba en una misión, decidiste revisar su escritorio. En el fondo de un cajón, encontraste un pequeño cuaderno lleno de anotaciones detalladas sobre tus conversaciones y tus movimientos diarios.
Cuando Steve regresó de su misión, te encontró con el cuaderno en la mano, las lágrimas corriendo por tu rostro.
"¿Qué es esto, Steve?", le preguntaste con la voz quebrada.
"Es para tu propio bien", dijo. "Necesitaba hacer esto para que te dieras cuenta de que no puedes manejar las cosas sola. Necesitas mi ayuda".
Fue entonces cuando te diste cuenta que estabas atrapada y no había escapatoria alguna.
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solopixel · 5 months
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Así es como se debe dar uso al #3Dprinting 👇
Y ya que estamos, aprovechamos para contar alguna anécdota del viejuno BERZERK un clásico y pionero "shooter" con más de 40 años de historia que ha dejado una marca significativa en la historia de los videojuegos, su influencia se puede ver claramente en muchos títulos modernos.
El juego es conocido por ser uno de los primeros en presentar voces digitalizadas. Algunos de los sonidos del juego, como la frase "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!", fueron grabados y luego reproducidos en el juego, lo que era bastante innovador para la época.
En 1982, un jugador llamado Steve Harris estableció un récord mundial al jugar "Berzerk" durante más de 16 horas seguidas sin morir ni una sola vez. El récord fue certificado por Twin Galaxies, una organización que rastreaba récords en videojuegos en aquella época.
Uno de los elementos más recordados de "Berzerk" es el enemigo "Evil Otto". Un sonriente y rebotante robot que persigue al jugador si pasa demasiado tiempo en una pantalla. A diferencia de otros, Evil Otto no puede ser destruido, lo que seguro que te provocará fuertes sudores 😅
¿Quieres probarlo? Pues desde aquí podrás probar la experiencia: https://retrogames.cz/play_095-Atari2600.php
¡Gracias por leer hasta aquí!
Volveremos a vernos con otro dardo de nostalgia directo al corazón. ¡Buen finde!
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thehonoredonesrpg · 3 months
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¡Os traemos una pequeña novedad!
Como ya no queda mucho para completar la información relativa a la ambientación del foro, queremos avisar a todos los que nos siguen que la apertura de las reservas está muy próxima. Antes de ir a la fecha, queremos hacer un adelanto de lo que se subirá entre hoy y mañana:
Pactos, vínculos y técnicas malditas
Pliegues y sellos
Posteriormente, como nos han pedido, también subiremos ejemplos de técnicas malditas que se han empleado en el manga de Jujutsu Kaisen y buscaremos también algún ejemplo de los demonios que aparecen en Chainsaw Man, por si os sirve de guía e inspiración.
Las reservas podrán hacerse mañana día 16 de abril hasta el día de la apertura, aún por anunciar. Dejaremos hasta las últimas dos horas, en caso de que alguien necesite realizar algún cambio o por si hay algún rezagado. El horario de apertura será el siguiente:
20:00 en España (hora peninsular)
13:00 en México, Perú y Colombia
15:00 en Chile, Argentina y Venezuela
Antes de reservar, pedimos que por favor tengáis en cuenta la siguiente normativa, porque si algo se sale de ella la reserva no tendrá validez.
Pondremos un anuncio previo a la apertura de reservas. Hasta que ese anuncio no esté colgado, no podrán mandarse ningún tipo de reserva.
Se atenderán por orden de llegada. No sabemos si vamos a estar saturados o si el flujo de gente será más llevadero, pero intentaremos dar notificación del listado lo más pronto posible.
Únicamente puede reservarse PB, porque no hay cupos de ningún tipo para oficios, técnicas y derivados.
Pueden reservarse hasta 2 PBs para uso propio. No se permiten reservas para búsquedas.
El PB deberá de ser real y el personaje no podrá contar con más o menos de 5 años de los que el PB tenga en la realidad.
Las reservas se mantendrán durante 7 días desde la apertura del foro, tiempo que creemos suficiente para haber creado los personajes. En caso de que alguien necesite algo de tiempo extra, se puede poner en contacto con nosotros.
Tendréis que poner el nombre del PB, un nick de registro y una contraseña para que, el día de la apertura, nadie intente colarse. Quedaría de la siguiente forma:
PB — Nick — Contraseña
Aaron Taylor-Johnson — Crow
Alina Olesheva — Dragon
Álvaro Morte [NPC]
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Day
Ana de Armas — Xandro
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey — Bonny
Aubrey Plaza — whats
Bethany Joy Lenz [NPC]
Brian Tee [NPC]
Casey Deidrick — bukowski
Charleen Weiss — G.
Choi Soo Bin— Panic
Choi Yeon Jun — Badblood
Deborah Ann Woll [NPC]
D.J. Cotrona [NPC]
Ed Skrein [NPC]
Eiza González — Poppy
Ella Purnel — Mercy
Eva Mendes [NPC]
Havana Rose Liu — Snoopy
Hero Fiennes Tiffin — Serra
Hiroyuki Sanada [NPC]
Jeffrey Wright [NPC]
Jensen Ackles — Hombre Lavadora
Jeon Won Woo — Melinoe
John David Washington — bulldog
Kang Seul Gi — akugetsu
Ken Watanabe [NPC]
Kim Min Gyu — yoshida
Lily James — JED
Lizeth Selene — Boo
Maggie Q [NPC]
Mahershala Ali [NPC]
Manny Jacinto — Snoopy
Matthew Noszka — muricano
Michael B. Jordan — Air
Minatozaki Sana — shintani
Ming na Wen [NPC]
Nana Komatsu — Fool
Natasha Liu Bordizzo — Grimmjow
Oscar Isaac — Atom
Rebecca Ferguson — whats
Rosemund Pike [NPC]
Ryan Porter — bukowski
Sarah Rafferty — Dory
Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) — Ian
Steve Milatos — Crow
Suki Waterhouse — Mercy
Theo James — Drama
Tony Thornburg — Grimmjow
Vachirawit Chiva-aree (Bright) — Astro
Will Higginson — Leucocito
Yulef Bopp — Ploff
Zoey Deutch — Xandro
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lotrefcp · 1 year
Hidden Away - Chapter 6
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pairing/AU: Javier Peña x female!reader
summary: When the DEU fails to catch Escobar you are sent to Bogotá to help the team.
warnings: I don't understand this so just gonna say mature content, 18+
word count: 2600+
Chapter 6
Every day you would go through the files on your desk looking for something that could help you locate Escobar's whereabouts. Weeks passed, with you being busy between this work and small missions that Carrillo organized in the hopes of catching one of Pablo's sicarios, in order to get them to talk. You knew this wasn't going to happen. Even if they caught one of his men they would never talk. The loyalty to their boss and the fear of being killed, even in prison, made the words stick in their throats. You knew you had to find someone else, another opportunity. And so, after weeks, hours and hours looking at papers full of words that often got mixed up in each other, your work showed results. Lately, you've been following La Quica's footsteps in the hopes of being able to discover the paths he chose, what final destination they all had in common, whether that destination was his boss's hideout. You weren't so lucky, but you were close. Every week La Quica was caught by the constant surveillance of Carrillo's men going down a street towards a private house. When they tried to catch him, he disappeared for a few weeks but quickly returned to the same street, although with different destinations. You decided that you had to find out the reason for the visits to that house and, one afternoon, right after lunch, you took your coat, gun and badge and got up.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked.
“You know that at this hour you won’t find any men on the street looking for company.”, Javi continued.
“Always so flattering, my dear. I'm going to do our jobs.”
“Did you find anything? Do you want company? Peña asked, excited by the possibility of a new clue.
“No, let me go alone. I'm not sure if this leads anywhere. If I am right in what I think, then yes, we will have some action.”
"Action? What kind? The naked king?” Javi asked again.
You were already heading towards the door and you just answered him with your middle finger raised above your right shoulder. In the distance you could hear his laughter. That one will never change., you thought, walking towards your car.
You drove through the narrow streets of Medellín, looking for your destination, always attentive to your surroundings and the movements of everyone who passed by, fixing their eyes on you, realizing that you were American. Going slowly you arrived at the house that La Quica had visited so many times. You parked and tucked your gun in the back of your pants, putting your badge in your coat pocket, not wanting to draw attention to why you were there. You walked to the door of the little old house and knocked on the door, again and again. No one answered. You were going to quit until the door to the house next to it opened and a lady with a friendly face came out.
“Nadie ha vivido allí durante algunas semanas. Ha pasado desde que los militares entraron allí buscando a alguien. Estás buscando a Isabel, verdad?”
(“No one has lived there for a few weeks. It's been since the military went in there looking for someone. You're looking for Isabel, right?")
“Para Isabel? Sí, somos amigas y hace tiempo que no hablo con ella. Solo quería saber si ella estaba bien. Sabes adónde fue?”
(“For Isabel? Yes, we're friends and it's been a while since I've spoken to her. I just wanted to know if she was okay. Do you know where she went?”)
“No, querida, no puedo decírtelo”.
(“No my dear, I don’t know.”)
"Oh, qué triste. Realmente la extraño y estaba deseando pasar unas horas con ella".
("Oh how sad. I really miss her and was looking forward to spending a few hours with her.”)
“Pero mira, si tanto quieres verla, siempre puedes ir al mercado. En este momento ella está allí ayudando a su tía en su tienda”.
(“But look, if you want to see her that badly you can always go to the market. At this time she is there helping her aunt in her tent.”)
“Por supuesto, su tía. Qué vende ella? Ya ni me acuerdo.
(“Of course, her aunt. What does she sell? I don't even remember anymore.”)
“Café, en grano o ya molido.”
(“Coffee, in beans or already ground.”)
“Sí, soy tan olvidadiza. Cómo no recordar el olor del café de la tía de Isabel. Estaré ahí. Gracias por todo. Que tengas una buena semana."
(“Yeah, I'm so forgetful. How could I not remember the smell of Isabel's aunt’s  coffee. I'll go right now. Thank you for everything. Have a great week.")
“La niña también. Y envía mis saludos a Isabel.
(“You too. And send my regards to Isabel.”)
"Así es como lo haré".
(“I will.”) And so you got into your car towards the market where you hoped to find Isabel. You entered the building and looked for the coffee stall. You went through several corridors, full of colors, scents and sounds until you found what you were looking for. You approached and started talking.
"Si, soy yo."
(“Yes, that’s me.”)
“Soy amiga de La Quica. Necesito hablar contigo."
(“I’m a friend of La Quica. I need to talk to you.”)
"Me recogiste de nuevo hoy?"
(“Are you coming to get me again today?)
"Buscar? Para que?"
(“To get you? What for?”)
“Si no viene a buscarme, qué me tiene que decir La Quica?”
(“If you’re not here to get, what does La Quica want?”)
“Podemos hablar en un lugar más privado? No quiero que tu tía escuche lo que tengo que decir.”
(“Can we talk in a more private place? I don’t want your aunt to hear what I have to tell you.”) ,you answered, realizing why La Quica looks for her every week.
Isabel shook her head and told her aunt she would be back soon. You went to sit on a shady wall behind the market.
“Entonces, qué quiere La Quica?”, Isabel immediately asked, with some fear in her voice.
(“So, what does La Quica want?”)
“Hablas ingles?”
(“Do you speak english?”)
“A bit yes. Why?
“I'm sorry Isabel, but I lied. I am not friends with La Quica, I am part of the DEA.” Isabel jumped off the wall in one go.
“And what do you want with me?”, she asked, completely scared this time.
“You don't need to be afraid. I'm here for us to help each other. Can we do that?"
“How can we help each other? By getting me killed?”
"Quite the opposite. You tell me what I need to know and I promise the DEA will protect you. If you want, we can find you a house outside of here, you can leave with your aunt, start a new life.”
“Do you think I have a chance at a new life? Here? In Medellin.”
“Maybe not in Medellin. But in another city. You'll have a better chance than if you don't help me and stay here.”
“Then you will force me to speak.”
“I will not harm you. I just want you to hear me. La Quica is coming to see you, it's not because of him, is it? Is he your boyfriend?”
"Boyfriend? No.", Isabel replied with sadness in her voice. You had begun to understand what was going on when she, in the market, asked if you were coming to pick her up again. If La Quica wanted a woman, he would go to a brothel and everyone knew Pablo's fame as a womanizer, even his own wife. “He comes here to take you to Escobar, right?”
Isabel began to shake and said yes with her head.
“Did La Quica ever see you in the brothels and tell Pablo about you?”
"What? I am no whore.”
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. What happened then?”
“One day Escobar came to the market to show off, to give people money, when he saw me and came to talk to me, saying how beautiful I was and that I shouldn't spend my life in the market. I thanked him and forgot about it. But the next day La Quica came over and said that Pablo wanted to see me. And he took me to him.”
“Do you have a relationship with him?”
“No, I already told you I'm not a prostitute. I'm going because if I don't go, he'll have me killed. Everything I do with him is out of fear. I despise that man with everything that I have.”
“And where are the meetings with Pablo?
“At first they were in La Quica’s car, then they moved on to hotel rooms.”
“And it's still in hotels? Is it always the same or does it change?”
“Now it's at his house. He's in hiding because of last month's firefight between his men and the Search Bloc military." Your heart started to beat faster.
“Are you saying that you know where he is hiding?”
“They always cover my eyes but I know these streets too well.”
“So can you tell me where we can catch him?”
"No way. I can't."
"Look at me. You know how Escobar is. One day he will find another woman and will forget about you. And then, when you see La Quica again, you'll know what he is coming here to do. Tell us where we can find Escobar and I'll get you out of here myself if necessary, I'll take you to the airport, to wherever you want.”
“Will you really protect me?”
“I give you my word. I won't let anything happen to you. As soon as I can confirm that he is at the address you will give me, you will be taken out of here even before we go after him.”
Isabel thought for a few minutes, torn between the fear of staying there and the fear of leaving.
"Ok. But if in three days no one comes to pick me up, I’ll tell La Quica that you threatened me and that you are going to try to catch them.”
You burst through the building and, at a rapid pace, headed for Messina’s office, without even stopping by your partners. They saw you that way and went after you. You knocked on the door and, without waiting for an answer, you entered. Javi and Steve walked in behind you not knowing what was going on, in a mixture of concern and curiosity.
“But what is this?” Messina asked.
"I'm sorry but it couldn't wait."
"What has happened?"
“I discovered the possible location of Pablo Escobar. The place where he has been hiding for the last month.”
“How?”, Javi asked, surrounding you and putting himself almost in front of you. You didn't even noticed him.
“And where is he?”
“First you have to promise me something. Otherwise the location stays with me forever.”
“Who do you think you are to make threats?”
“I am the person who promised the girl who gave me his location that I would keep her safe.”
“And how do you plan to do that?”
“The address will be delivered so that the satellites can confirm the veracity of the information and, when this is confirmed, the girl and her aunt will be removed from the city. Before the attack on Escobar.”
“What if I refuse?”
“Then I go back to my desk and wait for you to fire me. But you won't know where he is.”
Messina took a deep breath, anger in her eyes, but in the end she agreed. "OK. If the location is confirmed to be true, she will be removed from here.”
“She and her aunt.”
“She and her aunt,” confirmed Messina. And you took a paper folded in four from your pocket that contained a map that Isabel had drawn, remembering the paths she took until she reached Pablo Escobar's presence. Messina picked up the phone and told her secretary to call someone from the CIA to verify if the lead was true.
“Thank you.”, you said turning your back and heading to the door with Steve and Peña behind you.
“Y/N.” Messina called. You turned to look at her.
"Never put me in a situation like this again, otherwise you're the one leaving here."
“I understand.”, and you continued towards the door, leaving the office and going to sit at your desk, trying to calm the nerves that you finally felt running through your body.
“What just happened there?”, Murphy asked, Javier looking at you with a cigarette in his mouth, also waiting for an answer.
“I said I was going to do our jobs.”
“And who is this informant of yours?”
“I’ll only tell upi that when she’s safe and only if truly necessary.”
“Do you not trust us?”
“I only trust the two of you. But these walls have ears and soon Escobar would discover that he has been betrayed. And that he's about to get caught."
“Okay, but how did you find that person?, Javi continued.
“Do you see this pile of papers here beside me? I read them. You should learn to read too.”
“Are you calling us dumb?”
"Me? No. But I’m saying that you prefer to walk around with a gun in your hands pointing wherever you want than reading the files, that's the truth.”
“Okay, fair enough.” Steve said. Javi couldn't stop looking at you, admiring your perseverance and your courage. It wasn't just anyone who spoke to Messina that way. And you were willing to end your career over someone you've probably never seen before. He was scrolling through your profile when he noticed a smile forming on your lips. At least this time it was real.
“Now we have to wait to confirm if Pablo is really there.”
“Let's hope the CIA don't give us the usual shit about flying through their airspace and shit,” Javi said, taking the last drag on his cigarette.
“Let’s wait.”, you concluded. And wait is what you did. Two long days of waiting until you were called by Messina to her office. With her were two CIA agents with some satellite images in front of them, perched on the table.
“Sit down,” Messina uttered. “Here our CIA colleagues have news.”
The man closest to you began to speak while pointing to the papers in front of him.
“For the last two days we have been watching the place you provided us, trying to understand the movements and presences in the place.”
"And? What is your conclusion?”, you asked.
“Every day there are several cars arriving and departing from that place. There is a large house there surrounded by a high wall and there are at least 20 armed men inside at all times.”
“So he's there?” Steve asked.
“Everything points to it.”
“And for that very reason, tomorrow, the three of you will go to Carrillo to plan the attack and seizure of Pablo Escobar.”
The two men grinned and slammed their fists on the table, but you quickly ended the party.
“And our agreement? When are they going to get the person who gave us the information that turned out to be true out of here?”
“You can tell her that tomorrow two of our men will take her to the airport.”
"Thank you very much. I'm going there right now before I go to the Search Bloc.”
“You are dismissed,” Messina said.
The three of you got up and walked out the door. You went to Isabel and told her the good news. She hugged you crying and quickly went home to pack her things to leave that place with her aunt, without looking back. The next day they were taken to the airport.
TAG: @ttupelohoneyy @random-fandom-lady @appleperson2 @kirsteng42 @thelittleames @smashcrabsblog @viraghideg-blog @brendacookie13 @josiequantterbirk
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notasfilosoficas · 11 months
“El ingrediente más importante es levantarte y hacer algo. Muchas personas tienen ideas, pero solo algunas deciden hacer algo hoy. El verdadero emprendedor actúa en lugar de soñar”
Nolan Bushnell
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Es un ingeniero, empresario e inventor estadounidense nacido en Cleveland en febrero de 1943.
Junto a Ralph Baer, fue el fundador de Atari, uno de los pioneros de la industria de los videojuegos.
Nació en Clearfield Utah y fue educado como mormón en la Iglesia de Jesucristo De los Santos de los Últimos Días.
De adolescente trabajó en el parque de atracciones Lagoon en donde tuvo por primera vez la impresión del interés de los visitantes por los juegos, situación que desencadenaría muchas de las decisiones comerciales de su vida.
Al terminar su bachillerato en 1961, se matriculó en la Universidad del estado de Utah para cursar ingeniería y empresariales, e incorporados en la Facultad de ingeniería Eléctrica en 1964.
Buschnell fue uno de los pocos estudiantes que jugaron al Spacewar con un ordenador PDP-1, el cual ocupaba una habitación entera.
Nolan compaginaba sus estudios universitarios con trabajos para la Litton Guidance & control Systems y para el departamento de ingeniería industrial de la misma universidad.
Durante las vacaciones de verano Buschnell creó una empresa dedicada a producir y vender carpetas y espacios publicitarios para cuatro universidades, además de vender ejemplares de la Enciclopedia Americana.
Una vez graduado en 1968 inició estudios de postgrado en la Universidad de Stanford. Intentó trabajar en Walt Disney sin éxito.
En 1970, Bushnell propuso a su compañero Ted Dabney y el programador Larry Bryan crear una compañía para desarrollar una versión modificada de Spacewar que denominaron Computer Space,  sin embargo, el juego demostró estar demasiado adelantado a su tiempo por lo que se convirtió en un fracaso comercial.
Con la idea de crear un videojuego que pudiera ser jugado por cualquiera, en 1972 Dabney y Nolan formaron Atari, dando a luz un juego parecido al ping-pong creado por Ralph Bauer que denominaron sencillamente PONG, un juego similar perfeccionado por un ingeniero de Atari.
En 1974 Bushnell y Atari crearon una versión de PONG para el entorno doméstico y gracias a un acuerdo de marketing y comercialización con Sears, las ventas despegaron en 1975, sacando en 1977 el Atari 2600 Video Computer System, que revolucionó el mercado de los videojuegos domésticos creando una nueva ola en las consolas de videojuegos.
Ante las necesidades de expansión del videojuego PONG, Bushnell decidió en 1976 vender la compañía Atari a Warner Communications (ahora Time Warner) en 1974 por la suma de 28 millones de dólares pero manteniendo la dirección. 
En ese mismo año, Steve Jobs le propuso a Nolan Bushnell invertir cincuenta mil dólares en su compañía a cambio de un tercio del capital social de su recién formada compañía Apple Computer, sin embargo Bushnell rechazó la oferta. Bushnell confiesa mas tarde que solo de recordarlo aún siente ganas de llorar.
Bushnell mas tarde abandona Atari por desacuerdos entre socios en 1979, regresando a Atari en 2010 como miembro del consejo de administración.
Bushnell ha fundado más de una veintena de empresas y fue incluido en el Video Game Hall of Fame por su influencia en este mercado.
En marzo de 2019 fue nombrado Director Ejecutivo y Presidente de Global Gaming Technologies Corp, un holding de la industria de juego que invierte en tecnologías relacionadas con la realidad aumentada, realidad virtual e inteligencia artificial, además de los populares juegos de e-sports.
Bushnell ha creado muchas innovaciones culturales empresariales que se han convertido en normas, que van desde las sesiones únicas de planificación empresarial hasta la vestimenta de trabajo informal.
Se conoce como Ley Bushnell al aforismo “Fáciles de aprender, pero difíciles de dominar” en referencia a los videojuegos.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, forohistorico.coit.es
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