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rabbitcruiser · 3 months ago
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The Edmonton Oilers acquired Wayne Gretzky from the Indianapolis Racers for $825,000 on November 2, 1978.
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nowoolallowed · 1 year ago
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Head of a statuete of a woman - MFA Boston Collection
Inventory Number: 11.1483 New Kingdom, 1473–1352 B.C. Dynasty 18 Location Information: Not Listed
Head of a limestone figure of a woman wearing an elaborate wig with intricately carved zigzag pattern for hair. It was originally part of a group statue with back pillar. The hair is contained at the top with a fillet carrying a decorative lozenge pattern. At the back the hair is arranged in three braids extending from elaborate tresses. A small area is unfinished.
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jollmaster · 5 months ago
(re)design trivia: Salvatore
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° based on one of the background designs (I just wanted to touch church theme, because it wasn't touched a lot lmao)
° was an inquisitor in mortal life
° after death began to turn into a black goat
° left-handed
° hides face under a hood
° fragments of Matthew's gospel are embroidered on his garment
° «et congregabuntur ante eum omnes gentes; et separabit eos ab invicem, sicut pastor segregat oves ab haedis, et statuet oves quidem a dextris suis, haedos autem a sinistris» («and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats; and He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left»)
° the leader of the sect of Adam the All-Father and blessed death: gathers sinners who afraid to suffer for eternity and gives them up to exorcists at Harvest time
main gang: Vaggie, Charlie, Angel Dust, Niffty, sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Husk, Alastor (+ as humans)
Heaven: Adam, Eve, Lute, Emily, Sera
Adam and Eve's children: Cain, Abel, Seth, Awan, Azura
Hell: Lilith, Lucifer, Seviathan, Helsa, Razzle and Dazzle
Sins: Asmodeus [Lust], Beelzebub [Gluttony], Satan [Wrath], Mammon [Greed], Belphegor [Sloth]
Lucifer's wives: Eisheth Zenunim, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat
Vees: Vox, Valentino, Velvette
overlords: Zestial, Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Odette and Clara
friends and relatives: Mimzy, Arackniss, Molly, Alastor's mom, Alastor's father
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fxiled-fxithful · 6 months ago
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A soft heavenly choir could be heard as Angela sat in prayer, uttering a single line in repetition.
" Unitas in vita, unitas in morte. Una stabis, omnes cecidere tui. Matris intuitum amplectere. Fatum tuum quando venerit tempus statuet."
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askrobouteguilliman40k · 9 months ago
You're given a primarch hand-sized miniature of yourself
So a statuet?
Guilliman adds it to the shelf of oddities.
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dyslexic-mess · 1 year ago
Oh I have SO many lil collections!
Yu-gi-oh cards are my current obsession
I also collect little cat statues from charity shops! Sometimes, I paint them to look like cats I know irl (to keep and as gifts), but most of the time, I just like them to have.
I like to collect the pull rings off cans! I string them onto a chain necklace I ware sometimes, I have about 50 now.
It has since been handed down to my baby sister, but for years, till about 17, I collected little fairy statuets. Had an entire book case filled with them! I had one for each member of the family on one shelf and the rest where grouped into type, colour and size (no, my parents had no idea I was autistic, why do you ask?)
I have played maybe one game of dnd in my life. That in mind, I have at least 5 sets of dice and will buy a new one if it's particularly pretty.
I have a hoodie collection! If I visit a new place, I want a hoodie from there. If I see a hoodie that hoodies particularly well, I'll get it. I just love having them! (The problem, of course, being that the people in my life also love that I have them so the collection is rarely all together)
Crystals! Like, all of them! I don't really practice my craft as often as I'd like, but I'll still get new crystals, half the time just because they're pretty!
Because polls get the most engagement I’m making a poll lol
(For the sake of this poll: a collector is anyone who *currently has* a collection of things either physically or digitally that they intentionally acquired which can be grouped together)
Please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase tell me what you collect and optionally why!!!! (This is doubly true if your collection is related to a regulatory/“special” interest!!!!!!! That’s honestly the only reason I’m making this poll, I am begging youuuuuuuuuuu
Neurodivergent related tags are for reach as I know a lot of neurodiverse people are collectors. I do try my best not to clutter those tags, if anyone has an issue with it please tell me and I’ll remove them
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cydrone-studios · 19 days ago
Cristian Horgoș – Zeițele de Cucuteni, în familia androginelor
Celebra „Prințesă X” a lui Constantin Brâncuși are surate în spate cu  6-7 milenii, în Neolitic. Soborul Zeițelor de la Poduri – Ghindaru, Soborul Zeițelor de la Isaiia, Zeițele de la Sabatinovka și alte zeițe de Cucuteni seamănă izbitor cu alte statuete feminine din Neolitic descoperite în Macedonia, Cipru, Italia, Franța și Germania. Iar despre acele statuete, arheologi sau istorici precum…
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hopernicus · 1 month ago
Un oras
Trece o noapte ca o ceata,Trece peste trupul greu,Al orasului ce cadeAdormit la pieptul meu. Trec si strazile asfaltate,Trece si un tramvai mai bleu,Se duc toate abuzate,De un timp castrat la greu. S au dus parcuri, statuete,Minarete desuete,Toate s au inchis acum,Undeva in gatul meu. Eu cu limba scoasa afara,Ca un caine de pripas,Se ntelege ca e iarna,Ce sa fac cu osul meu?!
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bitchy-peachy · 5 months ago
Meditated and my beauty deity literally inserted into my brain as I was about to sleep "put lip balm under your eyes. You'll thank me later."
I think I'll give her a gorgeous statuete of herself as a gift rather than the usual art, jewelry and incenses.
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brooklyn-the-great-nobody · 5 months ago
I'm mucho confuzzled.
Is the Theraprism before or after Weirdmageddon? Is it where Bill went when he was statuetized or...?
Also, love your posts!
Aww, thanks Anon! The Theraprism is after weirdmageddon, and it's where Bill went after he was solidified.
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trainer-damien · 1 year ago
ayo sucks about the snitch bud 😔 I'd hope your statuete of limitations is up but idk the laws in Ryme City so idk if they're still looking or even how much jurisdiction they have outside that oversized circus town tbh. I just got out myself so idk where exactly the safe havens are now but if the Beast of Mahogany Town is still kicking then Johto miiiiiight work??? I was always taught while I was in that Mahogany Town was basically where cops and Rockets both went to die so if you lay low there a while you might be able to wait em out long enough to make a new alibi so long as you don't do anything to get yourself Killed
rooting for you soldier 🫡 don't get caught by the Jennies
( @skippthecredits )
dont know if i can get out of the country fast enough but ill head that way if it comes down to it thank you thank you thank you
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necoarcchaos05 · 4 months ago
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lya-dustin · 2 years ago
Something rather ironic in Alicent’s death in my fic Someone will remember us being hit in the head with a foot sized statuete of the Mother in self-defense by Aemma.
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pamwmsn · 3 years ago
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Chinese Han Dynasty Painted Terracotta Mingqi Statuettes of Horses 
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djfatchip · 5 years ago
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#DJFatChip Takes Pictures ↪️ I LOVE THIS PIN! Super cute next to the model! I love it! ♡ ♡ ♡ Pin by @sartizan ♡
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morrioghainworld · 7 years ago
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Idols. #zoomorphic #figurine #bronze #statuete #deer #ancient #handmade #laurapetresc
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