#Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart
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ql-of-all-time-bracket · 7 months ago
QL of All Time - Round 1: Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (2022) vs Chaser Game W (2024)
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years ago
Good luck.
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braceletofteeth · 1 year ago
Just Joong's characters saying คิดถึง-คิดถึง (I missed you so much)
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gabrielokun · 2 years ago
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bengiyo · 3 months ago
Ben's Big BL Blurb 3: Blue Canvas of Youthful Days Blew It, But I Still Recommend It
I finished Blue Canvas of Youthful Days today, and I don’t like where we left off with this show. Let’s get into that, and then check in on some of the other shows I’m watching.
Blue Canvas of Youthful Days Didn’t Give the Audience Catharsis
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I don’t begrudge the show going for a happy ending, given how so many other BLs from their home country end with sudden traumatic turns. However, I don’t feel like we got catharsis from the ending at all. I struggle to full articulate my frustration here, but I think I just really wanted an ending akin to Weekend (2011) or Gameboys 2 (2022).
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I think these two were in a position where they were unable to be together now, and I think they should have ended on a separation. When Cairo and Gav had to separate at the end of Gameboys, it was the correct choice. They were still building their lives, and Gav wasn’t doing well on his on. Similarly, Blue Canvas established a scenario whereby Qi Lu did not have the power to stop his father from harming Qin Xiao. Likewise, Qin Xiao couldn’t keep the local gang from beating Qi Lu.
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I would have preferred they have the boys confront that they were hiding things from each other, and how they both failed to protect each other from the horrors. I am disappointed that we didn’t get a poignant goodbye from them as they accept that they can’t be together right now. I wouldn’t have minded so much a blurb at the end of the show with the pitch for a season 2 that they didn’t get to film (though @thisonelikesaliens commentary makes even what they wrote dour). We didn’t confront the issue with the dad at all, and we didn’t deal with Qin Xiao losing all he’d worked for.
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Genuinely, I would have been okay with them getting a tag at the end of the show with them seeing each other on the street again and sharing a meaningful look. However, we never saw them face the music of their double noble idiocy, and that sucks. It especially sucks because we had Let Free The Curse of Taekwondo this year, and so we saw the consequences of this. We could have had these two railing against the world and promising to see each other again. The tag at the end of the reuse of the fantasy sequence feels tacked on and unearned. That kinda sucks more.
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Final Verdict: 8, Recommended With Reservations. I really liked most of this show, and I think they wrote some phenomenal characters until the finale here. Like @lurkingshan I ended up not pleased with this ending. I am disappointed in the lack of resolution about the withholding, and I think they needed to face the separation and goodbye. However, I really liked the cast, and I respect the team that worked so hard to get this to us.
On to the rest of the show, presented in no particular order…starting with the worst. I’ll put in parentheses what episode number I’m on as of this post.
Haunted Hearts is Boring (5/7)
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Magic, mah friend! Your show is boring. I do not know why these boys won’t kiss, and at this point I feel like I don’t care anymore. They’re introducing yet another ghost next week and I just am so disinvested. I try so hard every time to support Oxin Films and Regal Entertainment, but they make it so fucking hard. Holy shit. There’s only so far the boys being cute can carry a thin concept like this.
City of Stars is Better Than I Expected (2/12)
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I am catching up on this show. The acting isn’t great, but I’m really enjoying a lot of what’s happening here. I will report back when I finish.
See Your Love is Fun But Kinda Weird (7/13)
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The visuals are great in this show, and the leads are filling in the aesthetic gap left behind by Jimmy and Tommy in a way that really works for me. There’s been way too many pratfalls in the last two episodes. We are at 1.5 pratfalls per episode at this point. The side couple is absolutely ridiculous. I’m having fun.
Caged Again is Becoming a Favorite (4/10)
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Junior is the best protagonist of the year. I’m obsessed with this penguin boy. I love the way this show uses its supernatural elements to drive its storytelling forward, even if I think the plot got a little silly in episode 4. The friend group dynamics are so fun, and I haven’t enjoyed a group of Thai boys this much since Knock Knock, Boys! (no surprise, two of them are in this show, too).
Your Sky is a Weekly Delight (3/12)
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The 2gether rewrite show is great, and I will be reading no commentary to the contrary. These boys are so great, and they are one of the best couples of the year. This show is doing fake dating in a way that’s just so excellent, because it’s real dating! The boys are genuinely trying to get know each other so they can pretend to be a better fake couple. This is so close to being excellent meta commentary about dating in the digital age, and how so much of dating for the current generation is about how others perceive the validity of your relationship. It’s actually so fun to watch a show where the characters are doing all the things you’re supposed to do when you’re trying to build something with someone, but one of them doesn’t fully understand what they’ve gotten into. This show is great, and I love it.
Love in the Air: Koi no Yokan is so Slick (5/10)
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If there’s one thing a Japanese drama is going to get right it’s trauma! This show delivered on Kai’s horrors in a way that was so visceral that I needed to pause and catch a breath. I remain obsessed with the casting of Nagatsuma Reo as Kai, because he’s taller than Suzuki Asahi sometimes. I really love that they didn’t give us the BL height difference trope, and I like that they didn’t style Kai in a way to make him look more feminine. There’s a egalitarian physical balance between Fuma and Kai that I find extremely refreshing, considering the massive class, wealth, and suffering gap between the two characters. It’s no surprise that we’ve had a dearth of gifs of their sex scene, considering it doesn’t play to the kind of asymmetric aesthetics that folks seem enjoy in their pairings.
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As always, the Rei and Kai friendship remains one of the best parts of this story, and I like the way this version of Sky talks to this version of Rain about the queer stuff. He feels like he’s being careful with his friend, and not just ghosting him on important conversations about his friend’s sexual awakening (one of my major gripes with the original Thai adaptation).
Our Youth is Taking Over My Brain (4/11)
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I have not moved on from the “Infect me” line, and I am still obsessed with the plausible deniability of the “no homo” that Hirukawa relies upon as he continues to pursue Minase. Now that Minase has reached his breaking point, I’m so looking forward to seeing where we go next. We’re due for a major separation, and I’m ready for a Japanese BL to not fuck up a second chance romance attempt this time. Perhaps adapting Korean work could the solution?
Spare Me Your Mercy is a Welcome Return to the Sammon Feeling I Enjoy (1/10)
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I just really love when Sammon shows feel like the mystery matters more than the romance, and this feels like it’s in the correct space. I loved the initial setup, and the potential for there to be multiple murderers. I really hope that they start killing younger people in this show, because they said there were only 40 palliative care patients, and we downed three of them in the first episode. I’m so happy to see JJ again, and Tor looks great. I am looking forward to the weekly watch and theorizing with this show. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to the complex meditation on euthanasia, which this story feels like it’s taking seriously.
Love is Like a Poison Finally has Given Us a BL Battle Couple Again (11/12)
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We haven’t had a BL battle couple in what feels like forever. I love that this show continues to reward us for believing in Haruto and Shiba. Haruto’s dad is the absolute worst, and I really want him to lose. I love Shiba, and I love that the show continues to give him some of the visual tropes of a legal drama (like the pan up near the end). I’m in love with this show, and it’s going to be one of my favorites of the year, I’m sure.
Fragrance You Inherit Hurts Me Because Everyone is Doing The Right Thing (4/8)
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This show is actually so painful sometimes, because no one is doing anything wrong. Everyone is being as emotionally honest as they can be with everyone they speak to about all of the things that are going on. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Sakura choosing to let go of her lingering crush on Mone now that they’re both moms and their kids are dating. Besides, we presume that Mone is still married! The conversation with On-chan makes me think that Mone misunderstood the relationship Sakura had with him in college (My man is ace but not aro! We love to see it).
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I just really love that everyone is trying to do right by everyone around them, and I think all of the things that remain unspoken in this show have been withheld for completely valid reasons. There are no villains in this story, and that makes it even harder to watch really kind people treat each other politely in every scene. I’m just feeling a quiet scream in me the entire time I watch a good son by a thoughtful gift for his loving mother with the help of his supportive and lovely girlfriend, as he prepares a surprise from the old friend who clearly still cares about her friend and the unrequited/unexpressed feelings between them. This show is incredible. Go watch it right now. Thank you again to @isaksbestpillow.
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That’s more shows than I’ve been watching in a while. It’s nice to have some Thai shows back in my rotation that I’m actually enjoying. I really want the Chinese to now fuck up their endings, but it seems like 2024 will not be that year. I’ll try to check in with the end of Love is Like a Poison when the Netflix release schedule completes so folks can binge it then. In the mean time, let me know what you’re enjoying, and what else I should consider picking up.
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chrisbangs · 1 year ago
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231003 ♡ Happy Birthday Bang Chan!
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wildsaltair · 20 days ago
stabbing and twisting a rusted metal pitchfork into my ribcage would be less painful than having to watch Maximus die
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7698 · 2 years ago
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ql-of-all-time-bracket · 7 months ago
QL of All Time - Round 1 (Loser Bracket): Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (2022) vs Happy Merry Ending (2023)
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braceletofteeth · 2 years ago
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prplocks · 5 months ago
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 joong archen ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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nevermeanttoknow · 10 months ago
hes a vast avatar to me for reasons
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bengiyo · 2 months ago
Ben's Big BL Blurb 4: I Hope I See Jay Sorathon Again
New year, new blurb. Time to reflect on a few shows finishing, talk about some new shows, and see where we're at in January.
Haunted Hearts Sucked
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Final Verdict: 5.5, Not Recommended. Y'all don't need to watch this weird mess of a show. Despite joking about "devirginizing" its lead multiple times, it was so chaste in the end. It also did some weird world shenanigans I was not feeling. The leads are supposed to be in another Oxin Films project soon, so we'll see if they're better there.
Caged Again Flopped
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Final Verdict: 6, Recommended Only For Jay Sorathon. This one really hurts me, because I genuinely loved the first half of this show. Jay Sorathon as Junior was one of the most refreshing experiences I've had in a while. This young actor is charming in a way that felt different, and I found myself enjoying every scene he was in because he could deliver what he was asked to do. However, the show generally failed to do much with most of its themes, and I think it was a real waste of Nokia and Jaonine as a pair. There were interesting themes about how Junior and Sun wanted different things out of their relationship that didn't get resolved, so all of their skinship felt disconnected from the big themes they were teasing out.
I am sad that I cannot really recommend this as a complete viewing experience, but I do not want that to detract from how much I enjoyed the entire cast's chemistry. I just cannot pretend that this show didn't peak at the gif used above before floundering completely.
An Apology to City of Stars
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Final Verdict: 8, Recommended. I skipped this show originally because I was overloaded and unmoved by the first episode. However, this show was actually one of the most consistent narratives we've had about the consequences of fan culture, sponsorship, and commercialization of queer actors we've had this year. Unlike Only Boo!, this show inflicted real consequences on Feuang for coming out to the point that he essentially had to change careers (which happens to real actors all the time, going back as far or further than William Haines).
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The leads also kept having sex after getting together! A novel experience! I loved that Krom had almost no swag, and Feuang fell for him entire on family photos and his mom gushing over him. He really won as a tech worker. Watch this if you're interested in seeing a show with clear ideas about the entertainment industry and are willing to deal with some weak acting.
Our Youth Left Me A Bit Wanting
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Final Verdict 8: Recommended With Reservations. I wrote my write up for this already, and will say here that I like parts of this show a lot even though I wasn't fully satisfied by the viewing experience.
See Your Love Got All The Important Things Right
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Final Verdict: 8, Recommended for the Mains. I will admit that I didn't much care for the side couple, but I loved Shaopeng and Sean's relationship. I loved that this wasn't a story about fixing someone's hearing so they could be in a romance. I also love that one of our final scenes in Shaopeng's dad telling Sean's dad to go fuck himself. The leads reminded me of Jimmy and Tommy from Why R U and I loved their work together.
Love in the Air Koi Was a Genuine Delight
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Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. I liked it a lot. I think new and old fans will be able to enjoy it. I have high hopes about cross-cultural adaptations as a result.
Love is Like a Poison Was Spectacular
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Final Verdict: 9.5, Highly Recommended. I had so much fun with this show. I love that this show blended multiple genres together, and I loved that Shiba was always in a legal drama. By blending this together this way, the show supports the idea that the different ways we love and see the world are not incompatible in relationships. Shiba and Haruto are one of the best couples we had this past year, because they each made the other better, and they each add something to their relationship. Also, this show was actively horny the entire time. Run, do not walk, to support this show (if you can) on Netflix.
Fragrance You Inherit Was The One of the Kindest Shows I've Ever Seen
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Final Verdict: 9.5, Highly Recommended. Thanks to the constant efforts of @isaksbestpillow we were able to enjoy this incredible show. @twig-tea already wrote a great review. I will be thinking about Sakura and Touki for years. I will just add that I really loved that Hoshii was just a goofy dude that loved the women in his home. He respected both of them, and was just so happy to be included in their shenanigans. I cannot overstate how much the episode where we met him properly kicked this show into overdrive for me. I loved that he was a good dad and husband and that it was clear his wife and daughter felt safe and happy around him. I loved that this show was about kind people doing their best.
Okay, on to the currently airing stuff.
Your Sky is Faltering, but I Still Like It (8/12)
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Look, I am just not keen on the Oh redemption arc. I'm also feeling the show dragging its feet at this point. I also am not sure what the relationship between the various sides are contributing to this story. That being said, I continue to enjoy the chemistry between the leads, and I am looking forward to seeing their dating era. This show has been riding the line on the bubble, and I am curious to see where it lands.
Ossan's Love Thailand (1/12)
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I've grown to love Ossan's Love over the last year, and so I was cautiously optimistic about this adaptation. I don't think the humor is as tight or zippy as I would expect, and I think the branded pair component is hurting some of the initial setup. I also feel like the shower scene shifted in a way that doesn't entirely work. In addition, making Kongdetch a widower slows down his dramatic development. I'll check in again next month.
Call Me By No Name Started Weird (1/8)
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
This show got off to a moody and somewhat intriguing start. I am looking forward to our little gamer's interactions with this possibly-fey creature for the coming weeks. It's difficult when the show starts coy.
When It Rains It Pours Has an Uphill Battle (1/7)
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I am personally interested in the journey this show wants to go on as what will more than likely be a double cheating narrative. I like that the show started with boy guys in relationships they feel a bit frustrated with due to a lack of intimacy that is being actively ignored by their respective partners. I'm also intrigued because both partners seem like they're overall committed to our leads. This one started off in a mild note, so I'm curious how it holds audience attention. Still, both leads had sad masturbation scenes, one explicitly remembering when his partner used to fuck him, so it has my attention.
That's all for now! I'll check back in with one of these in a few weeks and we'll see where we're at.
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chinzhilla-edits · 1 year ago
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joong archen ; icons
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
don't repost or claim as yours!
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secriden · 4 months ago
#i'm so grateful for this because of how it adds this heart wrenchingly beautiful tenderness to kluen (who is otherwise portrayed as being #cold and aloof) and allows him to show the soft tenderness he feels for dao
oh my god if you enjoy Kluen's soft tenderness towards Dao I can't wait to see how you'll feel about the extras!!!!
Sky in Your Heart is not everyone's cup of tea (in my case, I liked the setting and one of the characters, but not so much the other/them as a couple), but I recommend trying anyway, just to see if it works for you. If it doesn't, here's a list @airenyah made of the KluenDao moments scattered through the episodes, so you can find their scenes more easily.
After that, don't forget to watch the Star & Sky: Special Episode and their Our Skyy episode as well. All these extras are delightful, and I promise you're gonna love them 🥺
:o i'd heard that their Special Episode and their Our Skyy episodes were bad so i hesitating to watch them cuz i didn't want to ruin my KluenDao enjoyment... but now i really want to!
i... sort of see what you mean about SIYH not being everyone's cup of tea. i enjoyed watching Fah as Dao's doting/playful/protective older brother but as half of a main pair i can't help but find him kind of immature...although i'm cognisant of the fact that i've only just started the series and he'll probably grow in the process of the story. but its just weird to me because he's supposed to be a working adult who graduated a while ago, but he has bratty/entitled 2nd year uni student energy for some reason.
aaslkdfsldfj thank you for linking me to the list of timestamps!! that... will certainly speed up the process of me getting to the lovely KluenDao moments. *w*
but already in episode 1 i am basking in Kluen and Dao's dynamic!! its kind of overwhelming to see them so... settled into their relationship.
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obsessed with the way Dao looks up with that teasing amused kitten smile on his lips. obsessed with Kluen being this bold in his affection in front of other people (and specifically Fah, because Kluen clearly feels he lived up to his words in ep 8).
oh my gosh i'm just realising how excited i am to see domestic established relationship KluenDao!?!? like!!!!! normally you don't get that cuz the show ends when they get together and you maybe get a small glimpse into it during the special episode but this!?!? a whole series worth of guest-star moments!?!? *O*
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7698 · 2 years ago
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