#Star Wars publishing
legends-expo · 1 month
Knowledge is power! And probably worth more than your car... but Sean Stewart wouldn't know anything about that...
Watch the full panel A Clone Wars Novel with Matthew Stover and Sean Stewart now on our YouTube!
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experiment-000 · 2 years
Feck a New Year's resolution I'm resolutioning now
I've seen a yearly reading resolution recently (idk how I came across it in November but whatever) and been inspired but feck waiting until January I'm starting now. I read so much star wars stuff last year but nowhere near as much this year. And I like the point system cos it gives my little neurodivergent brain dopamine
Point System
Comic Issue: 1 point
(I feel like a comic issue is a good baseline since there's normally a few out every week)
(A whole book is harder to quantify so I'm gonna go for chapters instead since I'm more likely to read a chapter than a set amount of pages (I'd always finish the chapter)
Book Chapter: 1 point
(I feel like those two are comparable)
Short Story: 1 point
(I also have a few video games I need to finish)
Video Game Mission (or roughly equivalent): 2 points
(it's taking a lot of self control not to just throw everything I want to do like cooking and stretching on here. Maybe if this goes well I will)
TV Show Episode (only for ones I'm actually trying to get through and pay attention to the episode): 1 point
Film: 2 points
My Goal
I'd like to bare minimum get through the star wars comics that release on Marvel Unlimited every week
Ideal goal though (although I may adjust in future)
5 comic issues (5 points)
1 whole book (40 points is gonna be my guess)
1 short story (1 point)
2 video game missions (4 points)
14 TV episodes (14 points) (ik this seems like a lot but I watch TV every night with family and I typically actually pay attention so)
1 film (2 points)
Total: 66 points
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ddeck · 3 months
pains me that there's simply not enough info on star wars in-universe entertainment and pop culture for my liking. i want to know what star wars version of the godfather looks like. i wanna know what kind of space fanfiction a pantoran teenager would read, the kind of space tiktok edits they would make. i want to know the star wars equivalent for whatever the hell that is happening with ben affleck and matt damon. i want to see a coruscant news outlet publish an article with a headline "M'ett Sp'Amon not wearing a wedding ring again during another visit to Beng Spifflek's house. which could mean nothing"
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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Obi-Wan reached out, then hesitated. He felt a strong urge not to wake the boy, to let him sleep like this forever, to forever anticipate a great adventure, forever dream of personal triumph and joy. This feeling held too much sentiment and weakness to be allowed, but he allowed it nevertheless. This must be how a father feels, looking down on his son, worried about an uncertain future, Obi-Wan thought. I would hate to see him fail. But I would hate far more to lose this boy. I would almost rather freeze time here, and freeze myself with it, than face that. — Greg Bear. Rogue Planet.
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Remembrance by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning
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I finished binding Remembrance by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, which is the next part of The Desert Storm Epic. This is currently volume 2 of a projected 14/15 volumes!
some stats:
97,852 words || 384 pages
Title font: Ghaomiec
i'm still using the lovely @celestial-sphere-press' beautiful typesets. Sticking with the current theme, i decided to do Coruscant this time, with the Jedi Temple front and centre. Egged on by Des, this design is something like 10 times more complicated and took an entire hour to weed. The bookcloth is Colibri Copper, while endpapers are @renato-crepaldi, whose papers i love. I finished the bind with gold and brown silk endbands in 3 colours. Am likely to vary it up a little with the next volume with a different bookcloth colour, just for kicks.
Next up, I do have one more FFWAD bind to complete, and once i'm done with that, my physical stack of textblocks will have decreased to 4 (SUCCESS) and i can let myself print more things. Am working on my list of author copies as usual, slowly but surely.
i'm also waiting on legal paper (in the right grain this time) very excitedly, because i want to make more legal quarto books.
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sassyresacon1990 · 1 year
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it's no more mystery, it is finally clear to me (you're the home my heart searched for so long)
rated T | complete | 20.1k words
He grips his blaster tight and swallows thickly, before he pushes down and the door slides open.
Only for his blaster to slip from his fingers, clattering on the floor loudly.
Or, Din doesn't know who to expect at the door of his homestead... but a supposedly dead Paz isn't it.
Tags: din djarin, paz vizsla, fluff and angst, paz vizsla lives, post season 3, soft boys in love, mandalorian lore, angsty with a happy ending, eventual emotional maturity
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swan2swan · 3 months
People: "But--but he can't be that old, his age was revealed to only be sixty-five in Donald Starr's 2008 novel Crash Point, and reaffirmed in the 2012 Guide to the Jedi Order and Chronology of the Clone Wars guidebooks!"
Me: *pointing to medal on my SW Fan uniform* "Do you see this? This was awarded to me for surviving the Spaarti Clone Cylinder Retcon of 2002. Rushed clone production without yslamari was canonized, Kamino became the planet, and Boba Fett is now a clone. Note the Jaster Mereel pip. They awarded these back when retcons were truly upsetting. To children."
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bandfrmlyf · 1 year
Huge list of fantasy and science fiction books with lesbian characters!
Made by Kuropup from Reddit
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fandom-menace · 2 months
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Star Trek & Star Wars chess comic covers
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armoralor · 10 months
so thankful for the community we've created here! I can't wait to spend the next two years waiting for Ahsoka S2 with all of you, talking about how much pussy Sabine Wren gets + Shin Hati sucking strap ❤️
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coline7373 · 9 months
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Template borrowed from @razzbberry 💕💖💕💖💕💖
What a year! (Horrors & Disasters everywhere but still much joy and beauty to be found. I poured it all in there 💕) A big thank you to the friends I made, the people I got to know, those who encouraged me, cheered me on, kudo-ed and loved my art.
Special mention for those who commented in the tags. You guys empowered me with the energy of a thousand suns 💖💕🧡🌞🧡💕💖
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bluevelvt · 1 year
writing obikin is just having them kiss and saying “and the force sings”
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
the lack of canon shatterpoint lineage (but more specifically mace and depa) content is truly criminal and an affront to me, personally.
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yukipri · 2 years
I saw somewhere someone says it wasn't the Jedi fault what happened at Galidraan, they were there to arrest and investigate, not to kill, and it was the mando who attack first. Is that true ? I didn't read it
Ahh fandom misunderstandings about Galidraan continue.
Understandable, given it's from a relatively obscure base media but the event comes up a lot in fan works. I'll do my best to break it down.
All you need to know about the Massacre on Galidraan
The following info is all from the Legends comic Jango Fett: Open Seasons, specifically focussing on the 3rd installment, Winter. Here's a photo of my physical copy I have open as I type this, so you know I'm not pulling this info out of my ass.
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First, some crucial facts:
1: Galidraan was not a Mandos vs Jedi conflict.
It may appear that way at first glance, and likely seemed that way to many outsiders across the Galaxy who only read about the massacre in a heavily censored news article. But while the battle was the True Mandalorians fighting against the Jedi and ultimately all dying except for Jango, that is not what the conflict was about.
2: There were 4 factions involved in Galidraan.
People oftentimes boil it down to Mandos vs Jedi, but that isn't accurate, because there were 4 parties involved:
The True Mandalorians (Haat Mando'ade; Jango's people)
The Jedi
Death Watch (led by Tor Vizsla, who killed Jaster, Jango's mentor)
The Governor of Galidraan
I have no idea why some fandom takes on Galidraan forget to mention the last two, when they are why the massacre took place at all.
3: The party responsible for the conflict on Galidraan was DEATH WATCH, with the Governor of Galidraan as their accomplice.
The Jedi were used, and the True Mandalorians were victims.
You can endlessly debate whether or not the Jedi or the True Mandalorians could have taken different actions to have possibly prevented the massacre. And it's true, it might have been possible! There were certainly other actions that both sides could have taken.
HOWEVER. That discussion can ONLY take place after understanding that both sides were very intentionally, and very MALICIOUSLY manipulated by a third party.
This was not a normal Jedi vs Mandos clash. Neither the Jedi nor the True Mandalorians would have fought (would have even been on the planet in the first place!) without these manipulations, so to ask which of the two was to blame without first understanding that Death Watch set them up is failing to get Galidraan at all.
Here's what happened at the Massacre of Galidraan:
Jango and the True Mandalorians took a job from the Governor of Galidraan to kill his political opponents. The True Mandalorians are mercenaries, and this was just a job for them. It's also implied that Jango knew in advance that the Governor of Galidraan had been harboring Tor Vizsla and funding Death Watch*, and he intentionally took the job in order to get the Governor to owe him and pay him with information on them.
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Jango and the True Mandalorians killed the Governor's political opponents, just as they were hired to do, and upheld their agreement. When Jango goes to collect payment, it was a trap—Tor Vizsla and Death Watch were waiting for him, and attempted to kill him.
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Jango escapes, but his jetpack is damaged, as are his comms (or perhaps more likely, his comms were intentionally blocked). This is important because Jango now knows explicitly that they were set up: that the Governor of Galidraan was always working with Death Watch, and that he and his people being called to this planet was a trap in order to kill them. He tries to warn the True Mandalorians (Myles, his second, to be exact) to evacuate, but is unable to reach them because of his comms connection.
Back with Death Watch and the Governor, after Vizsla fails to kill Jango, they watch as the Jedi land on planet. The Governor states: "Yes, as you [Tor Vizsla] instructed, I begged for [the Jedi/the Republic's] help. Informed them that the Mandalorians were slaughtering political activists, which is basically true."
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So, let's get this straight: the Governor of Galidraan, who personally HIRED the True Mandalorians to get rid of his political opponents, is now calling the Jedi to say "Oh no the Mandalorians are killing political activists!" And he did so under the explicit orders of Tor Vizsla. He explicitly backstabbed the True Mandalorians.
Should note that the True Mandalorians do follow a code, and only killed the specific people considered a threat (aka combatants). The True Mandalorians did not touch civilians, but as you can see from frames above, Death Watch goes ahead and kills them to make false evidence against the True Mandalorians and therefore justify their slaughter.
Again: Death Watch/Tor Vizsla and the Governor of Galidraan EXPLICITLY set up the True Mandalorians/Jango.
Next: Jango gets back to the True Mandalorians' camp as soon as he can, and arrives just as a large group of Jedi arrive, led by Dooku. Their lightsabers are already drawn.
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Dooku says to them: "You stand accused of murder. Surrender now and we will ensure that you are fairly treated."
The girl next to Dooku, presumably young Komari Vosa, adds, "But fight us, and we will bring swift justice!"
Jango's response: "Mandalorians, open fire! And shoot the loudmouth first!"
And so the battle begins.
Without any of the previous context, sure, it might be easy to say "Jango's responsible, he fired first." But take a moment to think about what led up to this moment.
Jango knows, explicitly, that Death Watch and the Governor are working together.
He knows that Death Watch just wants him dead, and in fact very literally just escaped being killed.
He knows that he and his people are caught in a trap, and that Death Watch and the Governor want them all dead.
He probably isn't sure how they're going to be killed—until he arrives back at camp, and sees a shitton of Jedi with their lightsabers drawn, who are accusing them of a crime they did not commit. And he must have thought, ah, that would do it.
This isn't a normal encounter with the Jedi. It's true that Mandalorians have reasons to dislike Jedi as a whole, but Jango didn't shoot first because of that.
Jango shot first because he recognized that the Jedi were the weapon that Death Watch and the Governor chose for the execution of himself and his people. And he wasn't wrong.
Could Jango have maybe stopped to have a gentlemanly chat with Dooku and say "Good sir, we did not commit any murder, you were told false information and are being manipulated and we the True Mandalorians have been set up. Please put away your lightsabers so we can talk"? I mean. He could have. But.
With all of the context above, his decision to raise arms also makes sense.
After the battle, all fo the True Mandalorians present have been killed except Jango, as well as roughly half of the Jedi. Many of those Jedi were killed by Jango himself, with nothing but his bare hands—this is how he gains his infamous reputation as a "Jedi Killer." But to him, he was acting in self-defense.
The Jedi—or rather, at least Dooku—realize that they have been used only after the fact, and that they've done something horribly wrong and have killed innocents. Surrounded by the bodies of Jedi and True Mandalorians, and having just watched Jango strangle one last Jedi, Dooku says:
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"What have we done...?"
In the "present" of the comic (pre-clone deal), Dooku also tells Sidious about Galidraan, "It was a misguided mission from the start. And not the first of the Council's many...poor decisions."
So what happened afterwards?
Jango alone was captured alive, and for some darn reason the Jedi turned him over to the Governor of Galidraan*. The Governor sold Jango to slavers and he was forced to work on a spice transport, until an opportunity arose to escape.
After escaping, did Jango seek out the Jedi?
He beelined straight back to Galidraan, where the Governor, who had sold him and worked with Death Watch, had taken his armor (Jaster's armor) as some sort of twisted war trophy. He recovered his armor, and threatened the governor to get info on Tor Vizsla's location.
After that, did he go on a revenge campaign against the Jedi?
He went straight for Tor Vizsla, who was PERSONALLY responsible for the deaths of the True Mandalorians at Galidraan. And he fought him. And killed him.
(or more specifically, injured him then let dire-cats eat him alive. Looks like Fetts have always had good luck with animals)
So that's the facts about Galidraan.
After Thoughts:
I hope this breakdown of the events makes it explicitly clear that Death Watch and the Governor were at fault for Galidraan, and that it was never a Mandos vs Jedi conflict. The same thing would have happened had Death Watch chosen a different executioner—though to be fair, not much can kill a trained group of Mandalorian mercenaries like the True Mandalorians.
Could both the True Mandalorians and Jedi have taken different actions that could have averted tragedy? Possibly. But just as likely, had Jango tried to talk, word would have reached the Jedi's ears that oh no, more Mandalorians are slaughtering the Galidraan women and children! (what Death Watch was doing while the True Mandos and Jedi were fighting) and then one of the more hot headed Jedi like Vosa probably would have been like "These negotiations are a distraction! Even now you're killing innocents—we fight!" And the True Mandos would have been killed anyway.
Again, they were set up. The True Mandalorians to be killed, the Jedi to be used as their ignorant executioner. They were not the only parties involved, and any attempt to peacefully negotiate their way out of it would have been hindered by the true aggressors, who already had contingency plans at the ready. And also, both parties were already expecting certain things of the other: Jango knew the Jedi had been sent to kill them (though not why the Jedi believed they should), and the Jedi thought they were a bunch of murderers, not a professional group simply hired for a job.
This is just my personal take, but while I don't think either Jango nor Dooku acted unreasonably at the time of the battle, there were two points where I think they could have made better decisions (marked with * above):
1) When Jango decided to take a job on Galidraan in the first place, knowing in advance that the Governor was friendly with Tor Vizsla and Death Watch. Admittedly, the comic doesn't provide much context for this, and perhaps the intel Jango had suggested a more distant connection, or something else to imply the Governor would be willing to rat out Death Watch. It seems almost cute that Jango goes ok, well I don't want to just randomly bust this guy's door down to threaten him for info on my arch nemesis, so I'm going to do a job for him and get him to owe me, and then we'll talk.
If there is one not so intelligent move Jango made, it seems like this one, though again there's not much context so perhaps it does make more sense.
2) When the Jedi give Jango to the Governor of Galidraan. I don't know about the rest of the Jedi, but Dooku at least seemed to sense that something had gone horribly wrong with the mission immediately after the battle, before they took Jango into custody. But despite KNOWING this, they didn't take the time to thoroughly investigate (better late than never) before handing Jango to his enemies on a silver platter. I would say that the Jedi ARE pretty responsible for this part, especially since they had reason to know better.
This action of the Jedi handing Jango over also implies that even if Jango had complied and he and all of the True Mandalorians had surrendered to the Jedi in hopes of talks, the Jedi would have handed them all over to the Governor (and Death Watch) to either be turned into slaves or executed. So no, I don't think that would have worked out well at all.
(I'm going to give at least Dooku the benefit of doubt, since the comic shows that at least he (and possibly he alone of the Jedi present) recognized that something was wrong. I'd hope that as the leader and presumably most senior member of the group of Jedi, he'd have some sort of authority, but then again, this is the Senate. He might have tried to at least delay Jango being handed over to the Governor until an investigation was conducted, but was perhaps held back by too much legal tape, and had to watch as someone he was sure was a victim was handed over to a suspicious party. Maybe he personally did an investigation afterwards and found that his bad feelings were correct, but when he tried to bring it up with the Council/Senate, he was told to forget about it. That would certainly shatter what remaining faith he had in the Republic and the Jedi, and possibly also lead him to search out Jango specifically as a candidate for the clone project—but again, this is purely speculation. Either way, Galidraan forms a potentially very fascinating connection between Dooku and Jango that predates Sidious.)
On the Jedi:
While the Galidraan conflict isn't about the Jedi, and they were simply used, I think internally, it does reveal some deep flaws in the Jedi Order as a whole, and that Dooku's criticisms of how they acted are fair. Dooku tells Jango, "[Galidraan] was the last of my foolish errands for the Senate. And the Jedi."
The Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers, are supposed to understand and help people across the Galaxy, which their connection to the Force is supposed to help with. But by becoming an entity controlled by a political power that responds to mission requests through that chain, the Jedi are at risk of being used for various political agendas, sometimes to terrible consequences—like at Galidraan.
The quote above shows that the orders for the Jedi came from the Senate, who got them from the Governor of Galidraan. The fact is that the Jedi are a completely external force with zero familiarity with Galidraan or its current happenings, who were summoned by a government to do their bidding. If there was any investigation done, it clearly wasn't enough, and the Jedi were essentially turned into super deadly government attack dogs.
Galidraan laid bare the great danger that the Jedi can be, when their power is given to the wrong hands. Again, the Jedi were used—but that they could be used, that they likely have been used in the past and will be used in the future so long as they are beholden to a Republic whose orders they must follow—that's something to think about.
Again, it's not about Jedi vs Mandos. Sure, the fact that the Jedi have bad history with Mandos may have affected the lack of depth in their investigation. But it could have just as easily been "Group of X people are murdering innocents!" and the very same thing could have happened. This conflict revealed far less, "wow the Jedi really hate Mandos!" and more, "the Jedi and the Republic have a flawed relationship, and obeying government orders does not necessarily a peacekeeper make."
Given that the Jedi decided to give Jango to the Governor, I think it's very likely that no deep investigation was ever done into Galidraan, and if it was, it was covered up. After all, it's against the Republic's interests to show that they passed manipulated info to the Jedi, because they can't have the Jedi wanting to question future orders or worse, refuse to obey! And in a way, it's against the Order's interests to show that they not only fucked up by going to the mission at all, but further fucked up by handing the last surviving victim to the enemy after the fact. Add to that the fact that Death Watch was on site actively manipulating evidence and muddling the truth, and Jango no longer has anyone left alive to vouch for him so it's only his word, it's very likely that the truth really never got out of the small circle of those personally involved.
Perhaps the Jedi taught about Galidraan internally as a cautionary tale about being careful about the orders they're given. But given the above, I think that's incredibly generous and frankly unlikely.
On Jango Fett
This leads me to a final point: I disagree that Jango passionately hates and wants revenge on the Jedi.
At least, based on this story, as well as his depiction in the Bounty Hunters video game (which is supposed to be a sequel to this comic, even though its depiction of the start of the cloning contract isn't mutually compatible with the version in this comic) Jango doesn't actually really appear to care all that much about the Jedi at all.
You can say what you will about his actions, but he always has a very clear target for who his enemy is, and he goes straight for them. Immediately post Galidraan, it was the Governor of Galidraan and then Tor Vizsla specifically—not even the rest of Death Watch!
And while there isn't all that much official info on what Jango did after he killed Vizsla until he was pulled into the cloning project, I see zero evidence that he was consumed by revenge, or that he attempted to hunt down the rest of Death Watch or kill any Jedi despite the harm they have done to him in the past.
In fact, from his depiction at the start of the Bounty Hunters game, which I think is the best source of this period of his life that I can think of, it looks like Jango just kind of threw himself into bounty hunting work. After all, one does not have the reputation as "best bounty hunter in the galaxy" overriding "former Mand'alor, leader of the True Mandalorians" unless he did, well, a lot of bounty hunting.
He was a loner who didn't have any friends, which implies he didn't go looking for any surviving True Mandalorians—and there must have been, not everyone could have been in that battle. I suspect it's out of guilt, but that's a separate discussion. He didn't go hunting Jedi specifically, because presumably not many Jedi (who still identify as Jedi) have bounties on them, and "Jedi Killer" would certainly be a reputation louder than bounty hunter if that was his main focus.
But no. He was just a sad, lost dude who's really good at killing people so continues the Honorable Mercenary traditions of his people who are now gone, all by himself. Even the contest that lead to him being chosen as the Prime clone was originally just another job, and he just happened to meet Montross in the process, but he didn't really go out of his way to hunt him down either, despite how he was personally responsible for Jaster's death.
However—if you don't know that about Jango, and again don't have a full understanding of what happened at Galidraan (which again, I doubt many people do), I think it would be very easy to go oh! The Jedi killed all his people! So of course he hates Jedi!
(Which then provides a reason for why the Sith would think he would want to work with them to hurt Jedi—but does NOT explain why the Jedi would not think it suspicious that he's the Prime clone for an army supposedly made to help them. But that too is a separate exploration.)
All of this makes Jango a very fascinating character for me, and I could go on to explore his motivations and actions so much more—and in fact I do!!! All of those explorations of Jango and his motives and past are included as a large part of my fic, The Prime Override! So I won't go into it more here, this post is long enough, but you can check out my thoughts there! (LMAO sudden self-promo)
But anyway!!! I hope this whole thing was interesting for you, and that it helped you understand what happened at Galidraan better!
Again, the comic is Jango Fett: Open Seasons, written by Hayden Blackman, art by Ramon Bachs, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson, published by Dark Horse Comics in 2002.
While I believe the standalone comic is out of print (I had to hunt down my copy on ebay), it's all included in Marvel Unlimited's digital comic library. It's also in the Star Wars Omnibus: Emissaries & Assassins collection, which might be cheaper because it's more recent.
As tragic as Jango's past is, it's one of my favorite Legends stories and I recommend reading the story for yourself if you can!
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bizarrobrain · 5 months
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Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle - Cover Artist: Francesco Francavilla
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memyselfandtheemperor · 11 months
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Hello there! For those who missed the raffle I´m opening the online shop for a few days so that you can grab a copy of " Me, myself and the emperor" comic book. To do so follow this magical spooky link
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