#Squat shrimp
protectoursharks · 11 months
Pssst you know about squat shrimp (aka sexy shrimp ofc XD) 👀? I love coming across a group of em while diving cuz they’re so silly lol
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Thor amboinensis or Squat Shrimp
Squat shrimp, yes also known as sexy shrimp, lives amongst the corals of the Indo-West Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. It's believed they get their nick-name from their abdomen which is raised above their heads. They have a commensalistic relationship (beneficial for both organisms) with the coral they live on; the shrimp eats the mucus and detritus from the coral, and the coral gets a personal cleaner!
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a-simple-shrimp · 2 years
Shrimp of the day #6
Thor amboinensis
also known as the sexy shrimp, squat anemone shrimp, and squat shrimp
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thor-ambounensis · 1 year
A colourful sexy shrimp (squat shrimp)
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 10 months
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grampbrahms energy
crawling inside the walls really make your back hurts ok
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wild-wombytch · 2 months
I rudefemed at the gym today, I believe I personally offended the local Testerical Council 💅
The gym was full up the buttcrack on the strength training side, and this failed abortion was blocking five. FIVE. machines (in a very small gym. That's like. 40% of the whole space for one person), and that doesn't even count the bench and bodyweight training spots he was ALSO squatting. Like, at first he annoyed me because he was using the benching spot for his own training that had nothing to do with benching AND the squat rack AND a bodyweight spot and he was spending forever on his phone and in exercises away from these things he was blocking. Because like. That's already rude and entitled. But then I saw this asshole come like a fresh flower to block the lat pulldown machine AND start blocking the pull up spot (while still blocking the others lmaoo don't believe he was reasonable). Like, even a couple of teenagers had their "wtf man?" faces but said nothing.
So I didn't bother asking and just moved his shits out of the benching set, put the bar back on the place it belonged to like it was another Wednesday and started to bench. Then I got his shits out of the squat rack. That's when I realised he only had 20kg/40-ish lbs on the bar. Like, you kidding me?? That's the exact weight my weak ass is lifting and I'm coming back from like 5 months of sick break and I'm a woman. A disabled woman, with post-workout soreness and approaching premenstrual fatigue, with that. Like, he can't seriously block that many spots and have such a shitty weight and pretend he does some "super asshole set" that will somehow do anything for his sorry noodle muscles. At least pretend you're a professional powerlifter or bodybuilder and that you need all those spots for your life if you're going to inconvenience everyone without a second thought. That many machines at once is super dumb already, but doing that while people are almost biting eachother's throats for a bench is another level of selfish. That has to be some dumbass marking territory to prove you're some "Alpha Male™" move. If you need to use that many machines (he didn't, given the weights on his things), you do that when the gym is almost empty.
Anyway, babyboy didn't comment, but he clearly wasn't happy and he left the gym not long after, so I believe being forced to acknowledge everyone pay as much as he does to use this gym pissed him off it. Unless I overthink it, I believe some of his fellow moids gave me disapproving looks for infringing the Gym Bro Code. Idk, my myopia doesn't care.
But then magically some other guys used the bench and the racks as if they'd been waiting for it as well but didn't man up to actually confront the guy or just move his shits like I did. And they dare use "pussy" as an insult for weakness?
Anyway, misandry is the way. Fight for space, you're more worthy of it than pathetic males. They're so used to their entitlement never being challenged that there's a good 85% chances they won't say shit. And don't let them trick you saying it's chivalry. I'm a gnc woman, I'm getting punched by men, not coddled by them. That's just being confused and scared of confidence in women who don't bother negotiating their spaces with them and who don't fake pretend to be their bros like men do when they interact with each other. Also, you don't need to abide by male rules or tacit codes/privileges of courtesy that somehow put them above everyone else/the community/you. That's male entitlement, not actually something you owe to respect. In fact, you'd do a great service to women if you challenged it as much as possible if that's not already the case. Make moids seeth and quit more instead of erasing yourself and waiting for them to kindly retreat.
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fuckyeahviagraboys · 11 months
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bscheems · 1 year
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A squat lobster. Long arms, not good to eat but pretty cool!
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skrimp-skrockpot · 1 year
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Fucking squat lobster‼️‼️
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owobouwos · 2 years
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thecruxarm · 4 months
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Not the type of thing I'd usually post, but I decided to redesign the main three alien designs from the sci-fi show Babylon 5! Redesigning the Narn, Centauri and Minbari to be non-humanoid was very fun, especially when trying to re-interpret their defining features.
I reimagined the Narn as coming from a somewhat high-gravity world and thus having a dense squat physique, the Centauri as being an arboreal three-legged species (of course retaining their funky hair) and the Minbari as weird caterpillar-shrimp things, still having huge bald heads lol
Just did this for fun, I promise I will eventually get back to posting original worldbuilding content, I've just been a mix of lazy and busy </3 But please do patient with me.
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mbari-blog · 5 months
Our favorite yoga pose—the shrimp squat.
Researchers often find these small shrimp, Hymenopenaeus doris, hanging upside down, motionless in the water.
While performing this “zombie-like“ behavior, the shrimp look a lot like a discarded exoskeleton sinking slowly through the dark midwater. Scientists speculate that the shrimp might reduce their chances of being eaten by mimicking a sinking molt.
This odd behavior might also be an adaptation to conserve energy since the shrimp live at depths where the seawater contains very little oxygen. Animals found in low-oxygen environments have a harder time moving rapidly or for long distances.
Learn more about these deep-sea yogis on our YouTube channel.
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motleyfam · 2 years
If Jason’s learned anything living on the streets, it’s that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Like that time he found an entire queen-size mattress in a dumpster outside of the apartment building he and his mom were squatting in and dragged it home, only to discover that it was crawling with lice. Or the time when he agreed to watch some drug dealer’s car overnight for twenty bucks and ended up smack dab in the middle of some kind of gang war. Or the time when he came across a nearly full take-out container of still-warm shrimp alfredo sitting abandoned on a park bench, then spent the next 48 hours becoming extremely well-acquainted with every public bathroom in a half-mile radius.
Anyway, by the time Jason stumbles across a shiny black speedster abandoned in one of Park Row’s many sketchy alleyways, chrome rims gleaming in the moonlight, you’d think he’d have the sense to know too-good-to-be-true when he sees it.
Fuck it. He’s always been an optimist.
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prickly-paprikash · 5 months
I'm still not over a Femme, Het, Brit Kristen Applebees walking around Elmville like it's a regular Tuesday. Going to Aguefort must be wild.
You're chatting up the likely winner of the Presidential Race for the school. A short, squat, beefy redhead into powerlifting and creatine. You talk about lo-fi study nights at Seacaster Manor. You rave like a lunatic about her Shrimp Jump that lives in everyone's minds in perpetuity. She gives you lifting advice and says she needs to run to the Steel Mill Factory to rack up votes in her favor. You are bewildered but still awestruck that you are talking to the Applebees herself. As she turns to leave, you see this gangly firbolg with bees buzzing around her. They kiss. That's fucking adorable. You move on.
And lo and behold there's Mr. Maximum Legend himself, Fabian Aramais Seacaster. Last you heard he had a little something-something with the current student body President. You are, once more, awestruck. The two most popular Aguefort students and two legendary adventurers in their own right, and you got to meet them in this same hall! But he's a little uncomfortable as this lithe, smiling ginger hangs off his arm like a groupie.
It's Kristen Applebees.
Now, say you're only a freshman. Not yet familiar with the concept of Simulacrum. No magic-user in the party, or it hasn't been touched upon yet in your lessons.
High Femme, Thick British accent, thinner and softer than the Cleric of Doubt.
I'm done, bro.
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Dear Dire Crowley,
I am writing this letter in advance because there are responsibilities which you so graciously dumped on me I have to tend to. But I am in desperate need of your help.
You see– you haven't given Grim or I the allowance that you promised to hand us for school supplies and other basic necessities. Although I have been saving up to repair some of the damages *the kitchen sink keeps leaking, the floorboards are creaking, the water pipes are not piping* to make Ramshackle more comfortable to live in, there were urgent matters in the school *totally has nothing to do with some nasty students* that cost us madols/thaumarks.
So oh-so-kind and benevolent Headmage, could you please give us our allowance? I know you are incredibly generous and I promise I will continue to actively work hard on my schoolwork AND meet your high expectations. I will deal with all the crazy shenanigans that the NRC students are up to. I will deal with EVERYTHING even the constant overblots you claim are rare.
Your tired and desperate Ramshackle Prefect/Supervisor: A Shrimp!Yuu
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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The mail ghost had dropped off a letter for you in the morning. Pitch black, with a glossy sheen, reminiscent of a raven's feathers. You broke the golden wax seal bearing Night Raven College's emblem and opened the envelope.
Your heart leaps and seizes in your throat.
It’s correspondence from Crowley.
Dear Prefect,
I hope you are doing well down in Ramshackle. The other day I happened to pass your lodgings while on an errand rushing to aid in an emergency in the Alchemy Labs. My, hasn’t the building been spiffied up! The dorm that was once destitute and in disarray is no more. I hardly even recognize Ramshackle without all the leaks, creaks, dust bunnies, inconsistent electricity, and busted water pipes exceedingly rustic charm.
I’ve heard that many of those that temporarily stayed at Ramshackle for the VDC training camp donated their second place earnings toward its renovation and refurbishment. Isn’t it wonderful what the power of friendship can do for oneself? When you so generously give to others, they will give back a hundred-fold.
I have, of course, taken this important work you do for our Night Raven College into account when calculating your monthly allowance. However, let it also be known that I have also taken note of your new living situation—which is significantly different from what was originally provided for you and Grim-kun. These new accommodations take quite a bit of upkeep. Working water, electricity, wi-fi… those amenities do not pay for themselves!! Therefore, I will have to deduct a portion of funds and redirect those to pay for the newly renovated Ramshackle dorm.
As requested, enclosed is your allotted allowance—meant for your school supplies, living expenses, and other necessities. Do not spend it all in one place, and please do keep doing your urmost to meet my expectations!!
Dire Crowley
Headmaster of Night Raven College
You closed the note and peered into the envelope it had arrived in. It didn’t feel very thick with cash, but perhaps there were some substantial notes tucked onside. So, inverting the envelope, you shook vigorously.
Out drifted a few thousand thaumarks and a flashy coupon. “500 thaumarks off one item of your choice!” shouts the bombastic text upon it. You recognize Sam’s funky scrawling letters, the colors of the Mystery Shop.
The money and the slip of paper drifted to the floor at your feet. You stared blankly at the pathetic trove. Thinking that you must be mistaken, you checked the envelope again—but alas, there is nothing more left to reap.
Trembling, you squatted down and hurriedly collected your bounty. As little as it is, it was still something.
The reassurance did little to quell your undulating emotions.
You crushed the meager amount of thaumarks—and your 500 thaumarks-off coupon—in your hand. Taking a deep breath, you unleashed all of your pent-up frustration in a single roar, shaking your fists at the skies.
“Curse you, C-r-o-w-l-e-y…!!”
Your voice carried across NRC and up to the headmaster’s office, where he happily scribbled away at a contract. Beside him was a platter piled high with sweet treats and baked goods.
(“Certainly NOT purchased with money pilfered from school funds!! Why, that’s embezzlement, which is a grave crime,” he would scoff if you asked him about it. “I work hard to earn my keep; I deserve to spend my wage as I like, fufu.”)
“Ah, I see that my charitable gift has finally reached its recipient!” Crowley hummed. “Good, good. May the Prefect put their money to use, just as I have.”
With that, he sunk his teeth into a tea cake and drifted off on a cloud of sugar and butter.
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Kunsel says:
We should maybe have a stricter definition of what counts as "hacking", okay?
It was a slow day at work, and he decided to guess people's email passwords in 10 attempts.
How does it go?
Pro tips: make your password long, that is the most important factor. Use a password manager, most of them have a free option. Adding complexity does help, but focus on length first. Size does matter here. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) also helps a lot.
Kunsel: Zack, gimme your password!
Zack: ...
Kunsel: Come on man, I need it for something!
Zack: 😭😭😭 buddy I would, but I forgot it again 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kunsel: Ok man, it's ok, let's look around your desk...here, under this pile of chip bags, I think i saw...yeah, here's the penguin toy...and yep, Password Penguin has "Zack'ss00p3rp4ssw0rd!" written on the bottom. Let's try it!
(it works)
Kunsel: *wheeze* Zack let go, I need to breathe *wheeze*
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Kunsel tries to guess Roche's by typing it in.
He's in.
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Kunsel tries to guess Sephiroth's. On the 9th try, he gets it: Seph+Jenova4ever
Horrible things are uncovered along the way and now he needs to send Sephiroth some information very discreetly.
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Lazard. Kunsel knows better. He gives a few guesses, but decides to actually hack this.
He sets up a hash capturing tool over the internal network and waits for Lazard to log on. He does. Kunsel captures the hash and starts cracking it.
Three days later, the hash cracker has not worked and he has to give up on that.
Kunsel: Sir, I need to get into your email, will you please send me your password?
Lazard: Of course not, that is unsafe and against company policy. However, you're welcome to come to my office to perform any actions we both deem necessary.
Kunsel goes over and Lazard is using multifactor authentication, so just having the hash cracked wouldn't have worked anyway. He sets up a keylogger surreptitiously on Lazard's workstation while "performing updates" and showing Lazard new features in his email.
The things he captures with that keylogger:
* Numerous emails covering for boneheaded shit the SOLDIERs did.
* The letter "A" typed about a thousand times into a text file labeled "definitely not screams.txt".
* Moogle searches for "how to convince your employees to get therapy", "pasta recipes", "therapists near me", "child psychology for adults", "play therapy for adults", "cat psychology", and "shrimp pasta recipes".
* The password: &oh'ihiy_-8_gi"it"gi_ipkb0(-ur#3-@--LXS4ever--9(9;0(!08(098+pihjboigig(@ukopih
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Then it is a simple matter of finding a zero-day race condition hack in the MFA software, timing things just right, and entering the password and hacked MFA key at the perfect moment.
Kunsel of course has pity on the man after seeing even more emails such as...
* Explaining to Roche that doing squats over his motorcycle makes it look like he's humping it, and it is making people uncomfortable.
* Asking Genesis to please not actually firaga the recruits this week, they don't need a lawsuit. No, it's not character building. No, even though it was part of his home training and Shinra sanctioned training a few years ago.
* Inviting Sephiroth over for shrimp pasta to discuss strategy.
* Asking Angeal to seek therapy so the others will follow his lead.
* Telling Zack that he could not have a therapy flamingo in the office. Even if it was a lawn ornament.
* Warning Hojo not to take Sephiroth this week.
* Warning Hollander not to take Genesis and Angeal this week.
* Reaming Heidegger out very politely for all his BS.
Kunsel logs out without doing anything. Lazard needs a break.
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Kunsel calls Angeal pretending to be the help desk. Angeal, a bit embarrassed over his upbringing and unsure because he feels unused to technology, eventually gives Kunsel the password: BanoraBoys123!
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Genesis' is guessed on the 7th try because Kunsel didn't want to bother typing in an entire stanza of Loveless with numbers instead of vowels.
He sends an email from Genesis inviting everyone to a Loveless recital on Tuesday. It backfires because several people, including Genesis, show up and have a great time.
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Kunsel tries Zack's little trooper friend next. He's a tough nut to crack. He won't pick up his PHS to get vished, won't click on Kunsel's phishing emails, and won't tell Zack or Kunsel his password.
Kunsel captures his hash and cracks it. It takes a full 24 hours, but he gets it in the end:
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 1 year
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Here's some funky little robot mech guys! they are loosely based on crustaceans and they're like. underwater mining vehicles!
There's the little green crab guys which are for picking up and grabbing stuff, the squat pink guys are vaguely coconut-crab inspired and they're for exploring and scouting and things, and the big orange lobster guys are carriers for Ores and Minerals. Perhaps in future I will do a mantis shrimp guy for breaking rubble or something
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