#Spring Subway
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Spring Subway (2002) Yuanyuan Gao in Spring Subway (2002)
(via Spring Subway (2002))
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critterbitter · 9 months
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Note: I already have a queue lined up, but this would help give insight on what to feed you guys next week. Like prepping birdseed for pidgeys in a park!
(Have fun submas takes? Hot head cannons? Criminal thoughts that are begging to be released into the chasm of my canvas?
Feel free to scream them here! I am Listening.)
Link to submas masterpost btw!
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penumbrapolaroid · 4 months
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time floats by
april 7th, 2023
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krikidilly · 5 months
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Marcille point meme but its my Lucy + Emmet friendship agenda: aka "WHO PUT HIM IN THAT."
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zakequaznook · 5 months
Been awhile since I drew one of the train boys
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Have an Emmet
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yz · 4 months
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Queens. On the way into Manhattan.
May 2024.
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spr-ingo · 9 months
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The prompts are in and our list has been finalized! As per our guidelines, any participants are free to interpret the prompts as they see fit, but if anything is unclear or you'd like a little more direction, we've got a handy guide below the cut!
February: Duty/Work. This week is themed around the job-- as Subway Boss, Warden, or anything that suits your vision!
(On the) Job Training: What did it take for Ingo to get where he is? Was it fun? Difficult? Is he trying to learn the ropes for a second time?
Team Track: It's very interesting to see a person coordinate and work so closely with their sibling well into adulthood. How do the twins work together? What's their favorite part? Does it ever get annoying-- on purpose, or just by way of how tight knit they are?
Accommodation: Are there any daily challenges that Ingo needs help with? What does it take to communicate with lips that won't emote? Does he have any injuries or conditions that he needs to keep on top of to stay in working order?
Foreign Travel: The Subway Boss has been all over Unova, and the Warden knows his way around the Hisui, but where else has he been? Did he see anything interesting, or meet new people and Pokemon?
Workplace Injury: Even the best safety measures can't prevent every injury. Has Ingo ever been injured on the job? Had to tend to someone else?
Station Master: What's a trainer without their team? Whether or not it's a Pokemon he trains or handles, show us a Pokemon you associate with Ingo!
Emergency Exit: It's important to know where your entry and exit points are; be it a mechanical failure, cave in, or routine evacuation drill, show or tell us about a time escape was the only option.
March: Off-Duty/Home. This week, it's time for a break! Whether home is Unova or Hisui, it's time to settle in and rest.
RXR: Not a railroad crossing, but rest and relaxation! What's the best way to make use of time off the clock? IS there time off the clock, or is work never ending?
Maintenance: It's best to leave work at work, but sometimes it comes home with you. What needs to happen to keep this a well oiled machine? Alternately, what might a sick day look like?
Diversion: Some people breed Pokemon and some attend musicals. What kind of hobbies does Ingo keep? Any particularly notable interests (apart from the obvious)?
No Legendaries on the Train: This couldn't go any earlier, or we'd be breaking the rules. Does Ingo have any ties to or friendships with a legendary or mythical Pokemon? Maybe you associate him with one? What's the story there?
:3 : Everybody smile!
Dining Car: Whether it's unique preferences, sensitivities or preparation, everybody has opinions where food is concerned. What are some of Ingo's?
Familiar Tracks: Unova is a region with a deep history and culture, and Hisui is set in its own ways. Does Ingo observe any traditions? Hold any cultural beliefs?
April: Truth & Ideals. This week is about history and aspiration!
Admission: How, exactly, did Ingo end up in Hisui? Whether you ascribe to his version of events or what the art book seems to imply, there's a story there, so what is it?
Rookie: What was life like before assuming his job? Was his role something he strove toward, or fortunate happenstance?
Branching Line: We have a very good idea what one member of Ingo's family is like, but apart from Emmet, who else is there? Familiar faces? Someone we've never seen? Is there anything interesting in the twins' family tree?
Pearl Clan: The Pearl Clan took Ingo in, but then what? Under what circumstances? Are they happy to have an outside perspective, or are those rough tracks to travel?
Ghost Train: There are ghosts in Ingo's past, both literal and figurative. Does anything continue to haunt him?
Historical Accuracy: We've seen traces of Hisui in modern day Sinnoh, so let's crack open a history book. How, if at all, is Warden Ingo remembered?
Everything Changes: Things won't be the same when (or if) Ingo finally gets home, but that's not always a bad thing. Show us that different doesn't mean worse.
May: Dream World. This week is about what we won't see on screen, so make sure your imagination is in high gear!
Off-Script: We've gotten a peek into a world where Ingo didn't wind up in Hisui, so let's explore that idea. Whether he disappeared and wound up somewhere else, or stayed safely in Unova, what else do you suppose could have happened?
Fresh Coat of Paint: It's well established how attached Ingo is to his coat, but let's give it a break of its own. Whether it's for fashion, fun or function, it's time to play dress up!
Alternator/X-ing: Do you have an AU or crossover you'd like to tell us about? A favorite you want to dip into? Now's the time!
Mirror Image: Maybe things got a little too intense yesterday-- now we're looking at two of the same person! Is Ingo interacting with a past or future version of himself? An alternate universe counterpart? Give us a peek into how it goes!
Train of Thought: Do you have any headcanons you want to share? If there's nothing in particular, then tell us a little bit about how you view Ingo. No two individuals-- or their thoughts-- are exactly identical, after all!
Union Station: It's a big world out there, with an impossible amount of interesting people! Who's someone you'd like to introduce Ingo to? Maybe it's an unlikely friendship or rivalry?
A Higher State: Where do we go from here? Whether it's what you think is most realistic, compelling, or what you personally want to see, give us an ending!
Thank you to everybody who submitted prompt suggestions! While they might not appear verbatim, we've tried to carry the spirit in the list above!
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archersxartxblog · 1 year
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Warden twins
you go to the hot springs just passed the Pearl clan settlement and just see this.
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hiyutekivigil · 5 months
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glasgow cityscapes this spring
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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NYC Transit Authority was formed on June 15, 1953.
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jetblacknewyear · 11 months
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My weird little autism creature
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Spring Subway (2002) Le Geng and Jinglei Xu in Spring Subway (2002)
(via Spring Subway (2002))
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princyvish · 1 year
Day 9: Storm
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More angst yay
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Express trains in subway at Spring Street, New York City, NY, US
American vintage postcard
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theurbancowboy-1 · 1 year
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finally gonna start dumping more stuff here
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spr-ingo · 5 months
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As May approaches, so does our last branch of the Spring of Ingo. Our final theme is "Dream World" and our prompts include:
Fresh Coat of Paint
Alternator | X-ing
Mirror Image
Train of Thought
Union Station
A Higher State
If you need a refresher, please consult our master post, but remember that there's no need to stick to our interpretation if your vision differs!
As a reminder, please @ this blog, spr-ingo, if you'd like your work to be reblogged here! The tags #springo and #Spring of Ingo are for organizational and archival purposes, at this point, and the mod won't be checking them during this time.
We appreciate those who have put in the time and effort to participate, and hope everyone has been enjoying the ride!
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