rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Chocolate with Almonds Day
Chocolate covered almonds, Snickers, Almond Joy: take your pick of the many tasty treats that combine chocolate and almonds into a perfect snack.
There is little in the world as divine as chocolate, unless we consider the almond. What providence it is that these two things compliment each other so readily.
Truer words were never spoken. Chocolate is a delicious substance that has been loved and lauded by every tier of society from the poorest to the richest. Kings have traded for it, and men have killed for it, and even Gods have bowed for it. The almond is equally revered, referred to in the Bible as being “among the best of fruits.” Chocolate With Almonds Day celebrates the coming together of these two substances.
History of Chocolate With Almonds Day
Let us begin exploring its history in alphabetical order, shall we? The almond was spoken highly of in the Bible, and finds its origins in the Middle East. There it has been used as a source of food, medicine, and decoration for time out of mind. They are easily harvested from within the almond fruit, and are now grown extensively in California, and is the subject of the largest managed cultivation in the entire world of agriculture. That’s how important this humble tree nut is.
Chocolate is easily one of the most popular substances to every enter the world. It has been seen as a solution for sorrow and a great compliment for joy, and literally contains the stuff of love, at least chemically. Chocolate is used as a way to demonstrate your love for another and has been used in just about every culinary combination you could imagine. Its diversity is well loved, as well as its adaptability.
Chocolate With Almonds Day celebrates what happens when these two fantastic ingredients come together into one mind-bendingly delicious whole.
How to celebrate Chocolate With Almonds Day
Find your favorite source of chocolate drenched almonds and indulge your tastes appropriately! Snickers now makes a bar with almonds, as does Hershey’s with their almond variation on their traditional chocolate bar. But it can go so much further than this. Try your own hand at making a special Chocolate With Almonds Day treat.
Take some almonds and clean them thoroughly, salt them, and put them on a cookie sheet. Place them in the oven and roast them at 450 until lightly browned. While they’re roasting melt down the milk chocolate in a double boiler, add a sprinkle of cayenne pepper, and stir thoroughly. Then you just take the roasted almonds from the oven, allow them to cool, and toss them in the bowl until coated. Place on wax paper to let the chocolate harden and enjoy!
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konsum · 9 months
Lindt Vollmilch Weihnachtsmann, 70g
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hcrok · 2 years
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chinamarketingblog · 1 year
Unwiderstehlicher Genuss am chinesischen Valentinstag
Heute wird in China der „chinesische Valentinstag“ begangen: 七夕 (qīxī). Liebe liegt förmlich in der Luft, wenn Konsumenten ihre WeChat Momente, ihr Little Red Book oder andere soziale Netzwerke öffnen: Luxusprodukte als Geschenkideen, Rosen-Geschenkboxen und herzförmige Kuchen, ein romantisches kulinarisches Erlebnis in einem Luxushotel, ein Liebeslied auf einem rosa Steinway-Flügel…   Aber was…
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babajeza · 1 year
Süsse Pause – Belgian or Swiss Chocolate?
Freitagnachmittag ist’s, eine erfreuliche Arbeitswoche schon vorbei. Es läuft gut, und ich schaue dem Schuljahresende gelassen entgegen. Von meiner Seite her kommen keine arbeitsinensiven Überraschungen auf mich und meine Schüler zu. Die Noten sind im Kasten, nur wer sie noch verbessern will, darf mir eine zusätzliche Arbeit präsentieren. Und doch sind die Jugendlichen im Unterricht dabei und…
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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aloesthetic · 3 months
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Chocolates my brother brought me from Confiserie Sprüngli in Switzerland 🍫
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octuscle · 1 year
I wonder if there is a suitcase from Zurich too? What's the result opening a suitecase from there?
In fact, I would have a suitcase from ZRH. I will send it to you directly to Sihlwald. Then you don't have to go to Kloten.
Occasionally you regret that you gave up your apartment on the Limmat with a view of the Münster after retirement. Yes, your view of the lake is a dream now, but you miss the lights of Bahnhofsstrasse and your Sunday newspaper reading at breakfast on Paradeplatz. Now it's just too far to stop by Sprüngli for a moment… Anyway, let's see what's in the suitcase, maybe it will remind you a bit of the old home…
Well, yes, the things remind you of the old home. It looks like someone who had visited the Street Parade lost his suitcase. What a pity, unfortunately you can't do anything with it. But as far as you know, the grandson of your neighbors is a friend of such events. Maybe he would be interested. But first you should wash the clothes. Everything doesn't smell really clean anymore.
You programmed the washing machine to be ready at 06:00 the next morning. That's your time to get up in the summer. As a child, you always had the idea that pensioners sleep in every day. Funny as it sounds, when you were still working, you slept longer. There should be some of your laundry in the washing machine. But obviously there are only things from your grandson in there. Everything from his last rave, a few of his sports clothes. The things young people wear these days. Everything is made of synthetic fibers, so you'd better not put it in the dryer. And in this weather, everything dries quickly in the sun.
When you take the laundry off at noon, your son still hasn't shown up. It's Saturday, he was out with friends in the city yesterday. He probably spent the night somewhere. So you fold the clothes and put them in the closet in his room. You really have to go shopping together again. The boy needs some sensible clothes. You always have the impression that he goes through the clubs in his underwear. Well, that's his business, your parents didn't always like your clothes either. You can't mow the lawn at this time of day, so you're off to the gym. It's always nice and empty there on Saturday afternoons.
So, the muscles are pumped up. You put on your outfit for clubbing right after the workout. If you go home now, you'll just have to justify yourself to your parents about a thousand little things. The S-Bahn is about to leave, you and your friends can have a little private party in your grandfather's apartment on the Limmat and then it's off to the clubs. You can hardly wait until the Street Parade starts again in two months.
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The train comes in a few minutes You tell a few friends that they should bring alcohol with them. It's sure to be another great evening
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mysticzombieunknown · 3 months
Auf Google Seite 1 trotz kleinem Budget: So geht's!
Warum eine SEO Agentur?
Relaunch Confiserie Sprüngli - Webseite und Online-Shop
Wenn ja, sagen Sie ihnen, dass Sie ihnen gerne einen Erfahrungsbericht zur Verfügung stellen würden. In der Regel sind Webmaster schnell bereit, dieses Angebot anzunehmen. Wenn Sie diese Leute selbst ansprechen, sollten Sie sich etwas Zeit nehmen, um einige Vorlagen für das Ansprechen zu erstellen, die Sie immer wieder verwenden können, um die Sache zu beschleunigen. Die Erstellung von Ressourcen auf Ihrer Website, die denen ähneln, auf die eine andere Website verlinkt hat, kann ziemlich viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Stattdessen können Sie ein Tool zur Überprüfung defekter Links verwenden.
So gibt es wieder ein paar Portale, auf die man das stellen kann ;-).
Es gibt Webseiten, welche aus dem Index genommen worden sind, weil sich darauf ein Virus befindet oder weil sich Inhalte darauf finden, welche gegen gültiges Recht verstoßen.
Suchmaschinen bewerten Linktexte als positiv, die genau beschreiben, was den Nutzer beim Klick erwartet.
Natürlich gibt es auch Webagenturen die sich sehr gut im Bereich SEO auskennen.
Warum eine SEO Agentur?
Fragen Sie sich deshalb stets, ob die Seite des generierten Backlinks themenrelevant ist und einen Mehrwert für Sie bietet. Im schlimmsten Fall kann Google Sie sogar abstrafen, wenn Sie dubiose Links (z.B. von Linkverkäufern) aufbauen. Ein Backlink beschreibt einen Link, der von einer fremden Webseite zur eigenen Webseite führt. Für Suchmaschinen wie Google ist die Anzahl & Qualität von Backlinks ein wichtiges Kriterium zur Bewertung der Webseite. Die sogenannte “Domain Autorität” lässt sich einteilen in eine Skala von 0 bis 100 und steigt durch ein gutes Backlink-Profil.
Relaunch Confiserie Sprüngli - Webseite und Online-Shop
Es gibt Dutzende von Webseiten, die Rabatte und Schnäppchen abbilden und direkt einen Link auf diese Angebote setzen. Hier lohnt es sich nachzuhaken, ob der bisherige Link wieder eingefügt werden könne. Dies wiederum bedeutet, dass bei einem Nachhaken der Link kostenlose backlinks aufbauen selbstverständlich wieder hinzugefügt wird.
Bei einer neuen Website oder wenn Keywords und Positionen in einer Branche hart umkämpft sind. In solchen Projekten gilt es, den Linkaufbau mit der nötigen Professionalität und Sorgfalt voranzutreiben. Dazu gibt es nebst den oben beschriebenen Grundprinzipien zahlreiche weitere Faktoren, welche beim Linkaufbau berücksichtigt werden müssen. Die IP-Adressen und IP-Class-C-Netze sowie die Themenrelevanz, der Pagerank, der Serverstandort und die Anzahl ein- und ausgehender Links auf der verlinkenden Seite und der zeitliche Verlauf des Linkzuwachses. Als SEO-Agentur bieten wir dir umfassende Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Such­maschinen­optimierung (SEO).
Es handelt sich dabei um Kriterien, nach denen Google die Qualität und Relevanz einer Webseite bewertet. Aber in der SEO-Welt können Fehler kostspielig sein (ich spreche aus eigener Erfahrung). Deshalb möchte ich dir einige häufige Fallstricke beim lokalen Linkaufbau vorstellen und wie du sie vermeiden kannst. Beim Linkaufbau geht es darum, Qualität vor Quantität zu setzen, besonders wenn es um Local SEO geht.
Mittels dem BacklinkSpy-Tool ist es möglich, die Backlinks der Konkurrenz zu analysieren und Massnahmen für die eigene Webseite zu ergreifen. Senden Sie Mails an andere Webmaster und fragen Sie, ob sie Ihre Seite verlinken möchten. Versetzen Sie sich in die Lage des Webmasters und wägen Sie ab, ob Ihre Webseite überhaupt relevant ist für sie. Wie bereits erwähnt, ist die Qualität einer verlinkenden Seite wichtig. Dabei spielen «trusted domains», also vertrauenswürdige Domains, eine zentrale Rolle.
Es gibt sicherlich aber auch noch andere Tools, welche sich hierfür eignen. Im besten Fall sind die Inhalte einer Website so relevant, dass die Betreiber anderer Domains aus freien Stücken auf das Angebot verlinken, da sie ihren Usern diesen Mehrwert nicht vorenthalten möchten. Backlinks sind Links von anderen Webseiten, die auf deine verweisen. Sie gelten als Vertrauensindikator und können das Ranking deiner Website positiv beeinflussen.
Wenn es sich um eine bekannte Website handelt, dann genießt sie auch entsprechend Autorität. Die Betreiber einer Website einer solchen Art gehen ungern auf Kooperationsmails ein. Das ist möglich, wenn Du die Artikel auf der Website kommentierst, in deren Social-Media-Kanäle aktiv wirst oder Feedback via E-Mail gibst.
Sie müssen diese nicht manuell durchgehen, um sie zu finden (dafür hat niemand Zeit). Der einfachste Weg, diese Informationen zu erhalten, ist über die Google Search Console. Bevor Sie damit beginnen, Seiten miteinander zu verlinken, müssen Sie die Seiten auf Ihrer Website finden, die die meisten Links von externen Websites haben (andere Websites, die auf Ihre Seiten verlinken). Die meisten Websites haben geldbringende Inhalte und andere Informationsinhalte (Blogbeiträge, Rezensionen usw.).
Wenn Du das Backlinkprofil einer Website analysieren möchtest, gibt es dafür viele verschiedene Tools. Welches ein geeignetes Tool für Dich ist, hängt von den Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben ab. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der beliebtesten Backlink-Analyse-Tools, die es gibt. Als Inhaber der Marketingagentur we dot vermarkte ich die Visionen von Unternehmen – analog und digital. Mithilfe meiner Erfahrungen im Marketing, Branding, der Webentwicklung und Werbung mache ich Marken erfolgreicher. Gute Links wirken sich äusserst positiv auf das Suchmaschinenranking Deiner Webseite aus.
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robjackson616-blog · 4 months
Confectioneries and Sweets Market to Witness Unbelievable Growth from 2024 to 2030
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Confectioneries and Sweets market to witness a CAGR of 5.8% during forecast period of 2024-2030. Global Confectioneries and Sweets Market Breakdown by Application (Personal, Commercial) by Product Type (Chocolate, Sugar Confectionery, Cookies, Ice Cream, Others) by Sales Channel (Online, Offline) and by Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA). The Confectioneries and Sweets market size is estimated to increase by USD      Billion at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD      Billion.
Get Detailed TOC and Overview of Report @
https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/report/global-confectioneries-and-sweets-market Confectioneries and sweets refer to a wide range of sweet food items, typically characterized by high sugar content. This category includes candies, chocolates, pastries, and other sweet treats.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are Barry Callebaut (Switzerland), Blommer Chocolate Company (United States), Cargill, Incorporated (United States), Delfi Limited (Singapore), DSM (Netherlands), Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd. (Japan), Ferrero (Italy), Foley's Candies LP (Canada), Ingredion (United States), Kerry Group plc (Ireland), Lindt & Sprüngli AG (Switzerland), Lotte Confectionery Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Mars, Incorporated (United States), Mondelez International, Inc. (United States), Nestlé S.A. (Switzerland), Olam Group (Singapore), PURATOS (Belgium), Tate & Lyle (United Kingdom), The Hershey Company (United States), Wrigley Jr. Company (United States).    
Book Latest Edition of Global Confectioneries and Sweets Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=6941
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HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Chocolate Day
While there may be a few people in the world who don’t like chocolate, for most of the world chocolate is considered to be a delicious treat. And for some people, chocolate may even be considered an obsession.
International Chocolate Day was created to learn about, celebrate and enjoy everything that has to do with chocolate!
History of International Chocolate Day
Chocolate plants have probably been on earth since the dawn of history. But it wasn’t until around 4000 years ago that the Olmec people of Mesoamerica (present day Mexico) began turning cocoa beans into a beverage. At the time, drinking chocolate was a rather rare and special delicacy that was used in cultural rituals as well as for medicinal purposes.
When the Aztecs and Mayans got involved with it years later, cocoa beans eventually were cultivated and used as valuable currency for trading. Mayans even referred to chocolate as a “drink from the gods”, and the Aztecs considered it to be an important way to prepare for war as well as using it as an aphrodisiac.
Around the 16th century, chocolate made its way to Europe, although the Spanish kept it a secret for quite some time. Eventually, “chocolate houses” (something like a pub but for chocolate) began popping up in Britain and the trend spread through Europe.
The invention of the chocolate press influenced chocolate making and made the possibility of solid chocolates more feasible. In addition, the Dutch process to make cocoa powder allowed chocolate to be more accessible to more people, other than just the rich or royals.
By the mid-to-late-1800s, chocolate companies began manufacturing chocolate bars in Europe. Nestle, J.S. Fry and Sons and Lindt companies were all started during this time. Later, other companies came along such as Hershey’s, Cadbury, Mars and more.
As the processes of making chocolate have been refined over the years and access to sugar and other ingredients has become easier, chocolate has become part of everyday life for many people.
Recipes that call for the ingredient might include chocolate candies, cakes, brownies, cookies, cupcakes and so much more. And it can be used in the form of cocoa powder or baking chocolate in dark, semi-sweet or milk chocolate versions.
International Chocolate Day is about paying heed to everything related to this delightful treat that is now part of cultures all over the world. Enjoy learning about and taking part in the celebration of this day!
International Chocolate Day Timeline
2000 BC Cacao beans used in Mesoamerica
Ancient Olmec people in what is modern-day Mexico turn the beans into a chocolate drink and use it medicinally.
600 AD Mayan people begin cultivating cocoa
Understanding the great value of this plant, the Mayans begin growing cocoa beans on farms.
15th Century Aztecs use cocoa as currency
So precious were these beans, the Aztec people found them a convenient and valuable way to secure trade.
1875 First milk chocolate hits the market
Daniel Peter introduces milk chocolate in Switzerland.
1894 Hershey Chocolate Company is started
One of the most famous American chocolate companies, Hershey gets its start in Pennsylvania.
How to Celebrate International Chocolate Day
A favorite day of the year for many people, International Chocolate Day is certainly one that deserves celebrating. Consider some of these ideas for participating in and enjoying this day:
Enjoy Eating Some Chocolate
Whether it’s milk chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or dark chocolate, International Chocolate Day is the perfect time to enjoy taking part in this delicious treat. Grab a favorite type of chocolate bar, like Hershey’s, Nestle or Ghirardelli, or try out some new and special types of chocolate that are sourced from different parts of the world.
Another fun way to celebrate the day is to buy a huge box of chocolates and try out the different flavors. Whitman’s Samplers, Fannie May, Richart, Lindt and Godiva are just a few of the companies that make assorted boxes of chocolates. Read the list on the lid to find out what you are eating, or hide the list and make a guessing game out of finding out which flavor each chocolate is!
Host an International Chocolate Day Event
Whether it’s a setup in the breakroom with coworkers at the office or a party at home including neighbors and friends, International Chocolate Day is a great time to gather chocolate lovers together and pay heed to this worldwide sensation.
Featuring everything chocolate, this gathering can include creative snacks like a chocolate fountain, homemade chocolate brownies or chocolate ice cream sundaes. For activities, try a chocolate tasting table where guests can sample a variety of chocolates that are sourced from around the world. Perhaps include chocolates that contain higher or lower percentages of cocoa.
Enjoy Chocolate For All the Meals
Chocolate doesn’t have to be only for dessert! It can be used in savory meals as well. So, in honor of International Chocolate Day, in addition to having it for a snack or dessert, try including chocolate in meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Chocolate for breakfast can be an easy inclusion. Chocolate yogurt, chocolate smoothies, or chocolate cherry muffins can be on the menu. If the chocolate included in breakfast is dark chocolate, it can even work in a healthy manner to help to burn body fat and decrease blood sugar levels throughout the day!
For lunch and dinner, savory meals can be created that include chocolate. Certain recipes for chili (specially Cincinnati style chili) include shavings of dark chocolate and cinnamon flavors and it’s served on top of pastas. Mole sauce, which is a traditional Mexican dish, is made with chocolate and spices and used on meat dishes, tortillas, or enchiladas.
Salads make a great light lunch and many salad recipes can be adjusted to incorporate some chocolate. Try a spinach pear salad with chocolate vinaigrette or a baby spinach and strawberry salad with vidalia onions and cacao nibs.
Bake Something with Chocolate
Of course, the easiest time to incorporate chocolate into eating is for dessert. Try whipping up a basic brownie recipe, baking some pre-made chocolate chip cookie dough, or preparing some easy no-bake chocolate, peanut butter and oat cookies without even having to turn the oven on. International Chocolate Day is a great time to enjoy baking with this versatile ingredient.
Share Chocolate with Friends
As long as you are cooking or baking, why not go ahead and share with someone special in celebration of the day? Or, for those who don’t feel like baking, feel free to pop over to a local bakery or grocery store! Box up some chocolate cupcakes to give to the neighbors, pass out some chocolate muffins at work or simply get a big chocolate bar and share it with the family!
International Chocolate Day FAQs
Can chocolate kill dogs?
Some properties in chocolate can be toxic. It may be poisonous to dogs depending on their size and how much they consume.
Does chocolate cause constipation?
Chocolate can slow down the digestive process and is one of the worst causes of constipation.
Did chocolate come from the New World?
Yes, chocolate originated in the New World and was brought back to Spain in the 16th century.
Does chocolate have caffeine?
Chocolate does have caffeine. The darker the chocolate is, the higher the caffeine content is.
Does chocolate cause acne?
While there is no evidence that chocolate causes acne, some people find anecdotal evidence that their skin condition is negatively impacted.
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stellardeer · 4 months
im high so i started eating chocolate and it turned into me investigating whether ghirardelli ethically sources their chocolates or not
So I got some ghirardelli chocolates at the store on a whim, which is not the type of purchase I usually make but, hey, i wanted a tasty treat
i've gotten into a habit usually of checking chocolate i buy to see if the packaging at least says it's ethically source or if it's on the list of trusted chocolate companies i've seen, just cause like.. i don't fuck with supporting fucking slave labor
but i bought the ghiradellis without checking cause i just wanted something that tasted good in that moment
so i'm eatin em and i decided to look at the packaging now to see if it said anything about where the chocolate was sourced, but all I could see was that the chocolate was "sustainably" sourced, not "ethically" sourced, which is what most packaging usually says
and i probably would have just ignored it but i'm stoned and not busy and I have time to kill and there was a link that said "read more at ghirardelli.com/sustainability" so I said fuck it, I do want to know more actually, why did you say "sustainably" instead of "ethically" 🤨
So I go to the website, and it's mostly self congratulatory shit, but the main focus of the page isn't even on what makes their cocoa "sustainable" it just talks about how they value high quality cocoa and that most of their chocolate is now sourced through their "sustainable" Farming Program, but no actual info on what that Farming Program is or what makes it sustainable or why they are proud of it
so there's another link to read more about the Farming Program, and it takes you to a whole new website to read about what they do
The home page of the website is kind of vague in describing what exactly the Farming Program is and how it works, and has yet more large swaths of text just dedicated to boasting about how high the percentage of their chocolates are sourced through this program
so already I'm like.. suspicious. I'm high so I'm extra suspicious because I'm reading way too into everything, but also bear in mind that the website uses exclusively pictures of like POC, particularly black Africans and like jungles and stuff, but the company is a Swiss chocolate company. It is owned by Europeans. And after reading about the program just on the home page it seems like they are essentially employing these people as workers, it talks about how they train farmers to harvest cocoa and use sustainable practices and stuff and also "provide assistance in other ways" without actually going into detail about what that assistance is. Put to me it sounds like these farmers don't really have a say in the price of their own goods, like it doesn't necessarily say that Lindt & Sprüngli (parent company) owns the farms, but it doesn't say anything about like.. what they are actually paying these people or what they're even doing that is "sustainable". The way that everything is worded to me just reeks of like.. good optics, like they're saying a bunch of words that sound nice without ever actually saying "we care about our workers as human beings and compensate them fairly"
So I keep scrolling and I see some related articles (written by the site itself) that go into detail on certain aspects of the program, and one of them is titled "What does income diversification mean?" and that phrase caught my attention, like okay we are talking about the farmer's income now, maybe they'll actually go into detail about how they are compensating them. Still not plussed about the fact that I was told to go to "ghiradelli.com/sustainability" for more info and I am now 3 different pages in trying to find out more information about this program they're fucking boasting about but not actually giving details on and the first paragraph of the article is this: "One of the goals of the Lindt & Sprüngli Farming Program is to create resilient livelihoods for farmers, their families and the communities. Therefore, in addition to training and education on cocoa cultivation, our field staff also support the farmers in other areas that help them in their daily lives. One of these areas is called income diversification. This involves showing the farmers how they can expand and develop additional sources of income. This is important because cocoa is a seasonal crop and many farmers have small farms, making it difficult for them to rely only on their income from cocoa." And it's like.. okay so you teach them how to farm the cocoa, which you then buy from them and they essentially work for you because they are part of your program and this is now their livelihood, it doesn't really sound like they are independent farmers? but you don't own the farms, I guess, I'm just assuming that they can only sell cocoa to you, BUT... you aren't compensating them enough that they can survive the entire year solely on selling cocoa to you and you only (it doesn't say it's exclusive, but.. I have a hunch...) so you are now bragging about how you teach them how to do other things so they can support themselves the rest of the year. but you're not buying those things from them, they have to sell them to someone else you're just gonna teach them how to do it... okay...
Like. I get that crops are seasonal and you could argue that it's fair to only pay someone for work while they are doing that work, butttttttttt... idk man. A company like Lindt & Sprüngli I KNOW makes a fuck ton of money, and I would be willing to bet that the farmers are not setting their prices for their goods themselves, and that they can only sell their cocoa to Lindt & Sprüngli, so even if they don't own the farm.. they kinda basically own the farm.. and they brag about how they're teaching people how to farm, and I just feel like?? They have a vested interest in teaching the farmers themselves because if they are not already farmers and they don't know anything and they aren't learning from another independent farmer, they might not know whether they're being ripped off or not. I mean I certainly wouldn't, I don't know what are good prices to sell produce at, I've never done it. But all that aside, what if I just happen to be of the opinion that if you make enough fucking money and all you do is sell chocolate, that's your entire business model, maybe you should be paying your fucking farmers enough money that they don't have to LEARN OTHER SKILLS THAT YOU ALSO TEACH THEM TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO LIVE???? Like maybe you should just fucking pay them enough for the whole year.
idk man, again, I might just be too high and thinking about it with too much scrutiny, but I don't fuckin trust it, like I feel like they're trying so hard to carefully word things to make it sound good and sound like they care about their workers, but I personally do not see "we also take care of our workers by teaching them multiple skills so they can have multiple jobs at once just to live (:" as a positive thing to be proud of....
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capixabadagemabrasil · 6 months
Por Que Zurique? Zurique, a vibrante metrópole suíça, é uma combinação perfeita de charme histórico e modernidade cosmopolita. Neste guia, mergulharemos nos encantos desta cidade, oferecendo dicas essenciais para aproveitar cada momento de sua viagem. Vamos lá! Refresque-se no Lago Zurique No coração de Zurique, o Lago Zurique é um oásis de tranquilidade. Suas águas cristalinas convidam para um mergulho no verão ou simplesmente para relaxar ao seu redor, admirando a paisagem deslumbrante. Paixão pelo Futebol no Museu da FIFAPara os fãs de futebol, o Museu da FIFA é uma parada obrigatória. Imerso na história deste esporte, você vivenciará uma jornada desde os primeiros campeonatos até os dias atuais. Delícias Suíças na Confiserie Sprüngli A famosa confeitaria Sprüngli é um paraíso para os amantes de doces. Não deixe de provar o luxembourgerli, um macaron suíço que promete encantar seu paladar. O Melhor Chocolate Quente na SchöberPara uma experiência única, visite a Schöber e saboreie o que muitos consideram o melhor chocolate quente do mundo. Aproveite para provar o tradicional apfelstrudel, uma delícia que aquece o coração. Aventura na Montanha UetlibergPara uma vista deslumbrante de Zurique, suba a montanha Uetliberg. Uma trilha acessível leva você a um panorama de tirar o fôlego, mostrando a cidade de um ângulo totalmente novo. https://youtu.be/S4JftWzO1WQ Cultura e História nas Igrejas do Centro Histórico Explore o centro histórico de Zurique e suas igrejas emblemáticas, como a Fraumünster e a Grossmünster. Cada uma conta um pedaço da rica história local. Charme e História no LindenhofplatzO Lindenhofplatz é um local perfeito para sentir o pulso da cidade. Esta praça histórica oferece uma vista incrível do centro, ideal para uma pausa relaxante. Alta Moda na Avenida BahnhofstrassePara os amantes de compras, a Bahnhofstrasse é o destino ideal. Esta avenida elegante abriga as mais renomadas grifes, além de impressionantes construções históricas. Cultura na Sechseläutenplatz A Praça da Ópera, ou Sechseläutenplatz, é um centro cultural vibrante. Com a imponente Casa de Ópera de Zurique ao fundo, é um local repleto de arte e história. Zurich-West: Modernidade e ArteDescubra o lado moderno e artístico de Zurique em Zurich-West. Este bairro dinâmico é um verdadeiro caldeirão cultural, repleto de manifestações artísticas e locais descolados. Sabor Suíço: O Tradicional FondueNa cidade, experimentar um autêntico fondue suíço é essencial. Descubra os melhores locais para saborear esta delícia, que combina perfeitamente com o clima local. Ver essa foto no Instagram Uma publicação compartilhada por JC Galhardi (@jcgalhardi) Hidrate-se com a Água das Fontes Zurique tem mais de 1.200 fontes de água potável. Aproveite para se refrescar enquanto explora a cidade, uma dica sustentável e prática. Uma Pitada de Cultura com AbsintoNo coração do Dadaísmo, Zurique oferece uma experiência única com o absinto, uma bebida com uma rica história cultural e artística associada. Dica Extra: Hiltl, Uma Experiência VegetarianaMesmo que você não seja vegetariano, o Hiltl, o restaurante vegetariano mais antigo do mundo, é uma parada obrigatória para uma refeição memorável. Bônus: Passeios Bate e Volta Zurique também serve como ponto de partida ideal para explorar as belezas da Suíça. Pizol, Lucerna, Berna, e Interlaken são apenas algumas das opções para enriquecer sua viagem. ConclusãoZurique é um destino que oferece uma variedade impressionante de experiências, combinando perfeitamente tradição e modernidade. Prepare-se para se encantar com esta cidade suíça única! Benefícios do cartão do Santander Select Programa Esfera: 2,6 pontos a cada US$ 1 em compras internacionais e 2 pontos a cada US$ 1 em compras nacionais Ganhe cashback, descontos e mais pontos com a Esfera: Compre no shopping Esfera e receba parte do valor de volta. Aproveite também, descontos
em parceiros, opções para juntar mais pontos e trocar por produtos, viagens, experiência, vales-compra e muito mais. Até 5 cartões adicionais Sem anuidade. Acesso a salas VIP 2 acessos gratuitos por cartão ao ano para utilizar nas salas VIP LoungeKey.Saiba mais Recife de Fora: Um Paraíso Subaquático a Ser Descoberto em Porto Seguro
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market-spy · 6 months
Getting a Sweet Buzz: Navigating the Global Liquor Confectionery Craze
Welcome, fellow sweet tooth enthusiasts and curious confectionery connoisseurs, to the delightful realm where chocolate and alcohol collide — the Global Liquor Confectionery Market. Forget decoding complex reports and navigating through jargon; we’re here to unravel the sweet secrets with a touch of wit and humor.
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The Boozy Bonanza: 
So, what’s the buzz about this liquor-infused confectionery craze? Picture this: chocolates that aren’t just sweet but pack a punch, candies that come with a hint of spirits, and gums that make your taste buds do a happy dance. The market, valued at a cool USD 571.56 million in 2022, is set to skyrocket to USD 925.41 million by 2031. Now, that’s what we call a sweet deal with a side of sophistication.
Satisfying Millennial Cravings: 
Blame it on the millennials — their changing preferences have turned the liquor-infused confectionery scene into a global phenomenon. European countries like the U.K., Germany, and Belgium are leading the charge, with a notable penchant for alcoholic beverages. Cheers to the chocolate revolution, where every bite comes with a dash of spirits.
Market Dynamics Unplugged: 
Let’s face it; there’s more to this sugar-coated story than meets the eye. The rising popularity of homemade liquor-infused goodies is fueling the trend. Premium consumers are at the forefront, demanding a taste of the high life. The act of gifting these boozy delights is now a thing, especially in the developed markets. But beware, the fluctuating prices of raw materials might put a dent in your sweet escapade.
Market Snapshot — 
From Capsules to Gums: In this candyland of opportunities, capsules or chocolates dominate the scene, while candies & gums are racing ahead as the fastest-growing segment. With a 5.5% CAGR, the market is projected to tantalize taste buds across Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Product Prowess: 
In 2022, chocolates took the lead, raking in a substantial USD 382.4 million. But hold onto your sweet tooth; candies and gums are gearing up for a growth spurt, promising a CAGR of 4.6%. Brace yourselves for a candy revolution — chocolates with smart labels and candies with a boozy surprise inside.
Distribution Dazzle: 
Supermarkets and hypermarkets steal the show, bringing in a staggering USD 382.6 million in 2022. Why? Because who can resist the allure of an aesthetically arranged candy aisle with irresistible promotional offers? On the flip side, the online distribution channel is catching up at a projected CAGR of 5.7%, making it rain liquor-infused candies virtually.
Regional Rendezvous: 
Europe is the liquor confectionery kingpin, boasting a 49.3% market share in 2022. Blame it on Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland — their love for alcohol-infused candy is undeniable. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific region is making strides with a noteworthy 5.9% CAGR, as millennials seek new flavors without the need for a full-blown party.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/liquor-confectionery-market
Market Dynamics Unleashed: 
Cultural traditions, innovative products, and a gifting culture drive this sweet revolution. But beware, fluctuating raw material costs, regulatory hurdles, and those high price tags might rain on the candy parade. Nevertheless, premiumization and the allure of unique treats keep consumers coming back for more.
Sweet Showdown — 
Who’s Who in the Confectionery Kingdom: Meet the heavyweights ruling the liquor confectionery realm — Ritter Sport, Anthon Berg, Ferrero, Lindt & Sprüngli, Solidarno Liqueurs & Vodka, Godiva Chocolatier, Läderach, Neuhaus, and more. These players are not just making candies; they’re crafting experiences with top-notch spirits, premium chocolate, and a dash of innovation.
Recent Revelations: 
In the candy universe, evolution is the name of the game. The Hershey Company is launching a new chocolate line with liquor flavors, Ferrero is debuting a range of pralines in Europe, and Lotte Confectionery is venturing into the liquor confectionery market with flavored candies. Brace yourselves; the sweet saga continues.
Key Market Trends — 
A Tasty Twist: Flavor innovation takes center stage as liquor confectioners draw inspiration from renowned drinks and mocktails. Artisanal and handcrafted offerings are stealing the spotlight, satisfying the cravings of modern consumers for superior and premium products. Smart packaging and labeling add a digital twist to the sweet saga, enhancing the consumer experience.
As we bid adieu to this sweet journey through the Global Liquor Confectionery Market, one thing is clear — the candy revolution is in full swing. So, whether you’re a chocolate aficionado or a gum enthusiast, there’s a boozy treat waiting to tickle your taste buds. Here’s to a sweet and spirited future in the world of confectionery!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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sqinsights · 6 months
Getting a Sweet Buzz: Navigating the Global Liquor Confectionery Craze
Welcome, fellow sweet tooth enthusiasts and curious confectionery connoisseurs, to the delightful realm where chocolate and alcohol collide — the Global Liquor Confectionery Market. Forget decoding complex reports and navigating through jargon; we’re here to unravel the sweet secrets with a touch of wit and humor.
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The Boozy Bonanza: 
So, what’s the buzz about this liquor-infused confectionery craze? Picture this: chocolates that aren’t just sweet but pack a punch, candies that come with a hint of spirits, and gums that make your taste buds do a happy dance. The market, valued at a cool USD 571.56 million in 2022, is set to skyrocket to USD 925.41 million by 2031. Now, that’s what we call a sweet deal with a side of sophistication.
Satisfying Millennial Cravings: 
Blame it on the millennials — their changing preferences have turned the liquor-infused confectionery scene into a global phenomenon. European countries like the U.K., Germany, and Belgium are leading the charge, with a notable penchant for alcoholic beverages. Cheers to the chocolate revolution, where every bite comes with a dash of spirits.
Market Dynamics Unplugged: 
Let’s face it; there’s more to this sugar-coated story than meets the eye. The rising popularity of homemade liquor-infused goodies is fueling the trend. Premium consumers are at the forefront, demanding a taste of the high life. The act of gifting these boozy delights is now a thing, especially in the developed markets. But beware, the fluctuating prices of raw materials might put a dent in your sweet escapade.
Market Snapshot — 
From Capsules to Gums: In this candyland of opportunities, capsules or chocolates dominate the scene, while candies & gums are racing ahead as the fastest-growing segment. With a 5.5% CAGR, the market is projected to tantalize taste buds across Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Product Prowess: 
In 2022, chocolates took the lead, raking in a substantial USD 382.4 million. But hold onto your sweet tooth; candies and gums are gearing up for a growth spurt, promising a CAGR of 4.6%. Brace yourselves for a candy revolution — chocolates with smart labels and candies with a boozy surprise inside.
Distribution Dazzle: 
Supermarkets and hypermarkets steal the show, bringing in a staggering USD 382.6 million in 2022. Why? Because who can resist the allure of an aesthetically arranged candy aisle with irresistible promotional offers? On the flip side, the online distribution channel is catching up at a projected CAGR of 5.7%, making it rain liquor-infused candies virtually.
Regional Rendezvous: 
Europe is the liquor confectionery kingpin, boasting a 49.3% market share in 2022. Blame it on Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland — their love for alcohol-infused candy is undeniable. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific region is making strides with a noteworthy 5.9% CAGR, as millennials seek new flavors without the need for a full-blown party.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/liquor-confectionery-market
Market Dynamics Unleashed: 
Cultural traditions, innovative products, and a gifting culture drive this sweet revolution. But beware, fluctuating raw material costs, regulatory hurdles, and those high price tags might rain on the candy parade. Nevertheless, premiumization and the allure of unique treats keep consumers coming back for more.
Sweet Showdown — 
Who’s Who in the Confectionery Kingdom: Meet the heavyweights ruling the liquor confectionery realm — Ritter Sport, Anthon Berg, Ferrero, Lindt & Sprüngli, Solidarno Liqueurs & Vodka, Godiva Chocolatier, Läderach, Neuhaus, and more. These players are not just making candies; they’re crafting experiences with top-notch spirits, premium chocolate, and a dash of innovation.
Recent Revelations: 
In the candy universe, evolution is the name of the game. The Hershey Company is launching a new chocolate line with liquor flavors, Ferrero is debuting a range of pralines in Europe, and Lotte Confectionery is venturing into the liquor confectionery market with flavored candies. Brace yourselves; the sweet saga continues.
Key Market Trends — 
A Tasty Twist: Flavor innovation takes center stage as liquor confectioners draw inspiration from renowned drinks and mocktails. Artisanal and handcrafted offerings are stealing the spotlight, satisfying the cravings of modern consumers for superior and premium products. Smart packaging and labeling add a digital twist to the sweet saga, enhancing the consumer experience.
As we bid adieu to this sweet journey through the Global Liquor Confectionery Market, one thing is clear — the candy revolution is in full swing. So, whether you’re a chocolate aficionado or a gum enthusiast, there’s a boozy treat waiting to tickle your taste buds. Here’s to a sweet and spirited future in the world of confectionery!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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Dark Chocolate Market: The Rise of Premium and Artisanal Chocolate Brands
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The dark chocolate market consists of chocolate with high cocoa content, usually 70% cocoa or higher. Dark chocolate is appreciated for its intense chocolate flavor as well as various health benefits arising from its antioxidant and nutrient content. It is a rich source of minerals like copper, iron, magnesium and manganese along with methylxanthines like theobromine and polyphenols which are known to improve heart health and blood flow. Increasing health consciousness among consumers and awareness regarding the favorable attributes of dark chocolate as a healthy indulgence has been driving its demand. The Global Dark Chocolate Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 144.71 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.0% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the dark chocolate market are Mars Inc., The Hershey Company, Nestlé S.A., Godiva, Amul, Lindt & Sprüngli AG, Ghirardelli Chocolate Co., Patchi, Harry & David Holdings, Inc., and Mondelez International. These major players dominate the global market with their variety of dark chocolate products across price segments. The growing popularity of dark chocolate due to its health benefits has encouraged established as well as emerging new players to enter the market and introduce new product lines. The demand for dark chocolate is growing exponentially worldwide due to increasing health awareness among consumers and recognition of dark chocolate as a healthier alternative to ordinary chocolates. Dark chocolate consumption has surged for health-conscious consumers, athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Furthermore, rising disposable incomes in developing nations have enabled customers to opt for premium chocolates including dark chocolate variants.
Technological advancements in chocolate manufacturing such as advanced processing equipment, ingredient treatments, packaging solutions etc. are helping players launch differentiated products, improve shelf-life and gain consumer attraction. Innovation in flavor blends, textures, product forms and formats like ready-to-drink and on-the-go products are also fueling the dark chocolate industry growth. Market Trends
Health and wellness trend - Rising prominence of health attributes of dark chocolate is driving more consumers towards it. Players are prominently highlighting nutritional aspects like antioxidants, minerals etc. on packaging to leverage this trend.
Premiumization trend - Growing brand awareness and disposable incomes have accelerated the demand for premium and super-premium dark chocolate products with novel flavors, innovative formats and exotic sourcing.
Market Opportunities
E-commerce sales - Online retail provides huge opportunities to expand consumer reach and distribution of dark chocolate globally. Players can leverage e-commerce to tap the surging demand from tier-2/3 cities.
Innovative product launches - There is scope to increase penetration with launches of newer variants customized for regional tastes as well as health-oriented products like sugar-free, keto-friendly, vegan options.
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the global dark chocolate market in several ways. During the initial stages of the pandemic, when lockdowns were imposed worldwide, the demand and sales of dark chocolate declined significantly due to restricted mobility and supply chain disruptions. Production and transportation of raw materials such as cocoa and sugar were hampered. This led to an increase in raw material prices and shortage in supply. Manufacturing and packaging processes faced difficulties maintaining social distancing guidelines, further affecting production volumes. However, as the pandemic ensued and lockdowns continued for longer durations, consumer behavior started changing. People turned to darker varieties of chocolates for their perceived health benefits such as containing antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and ability to boost mood. Online sales and e-commerce saw substantial growth as consumers preferred contactless shopping from the comfort of their homes. Major players strategized on innovative product launches, appealing packaging and effective digital marketing campaigns to tap into this growing demand through online mediums. As economies start opening up in a phased manner with vaccination drives worldwide, the dark chocolate market is expected to recover steadily. Manufacturers will focus on expanding production capacities, ensuring uninterrupted supply chains, controlling costs and optimizing operations. Consumer preference for health-focused foods and snacks is likely to remain even in the post-pandemic phase. Dark chocolate companies need to prioritize product diversification, sustainable sourcing of cocoa, operational efficiency, omnichannel distribution and regional expansions to strengthen their market presence. In terms of value, Europe accounts for the largest share of revenue in the global dark chocolate market. It is characterized by growing consumer preference for premium and artisanal varieties of dark chocolates containing 70-85% cocoa. North America closely follows Europe as a major market, driven by increasing health consciousness, veganism and clean label trends. The Asia Pacific region has been witnessing rapid growth over the past few years, especially in densely populated countries like China and India, attributed to rising disposable incomes, westernization of diets and expansion of major chocolate brands. The Middle East and Africa region represents the fastest growing market for dark chocolate globally. This can be attributed to exponential population growth rates and economic development witnessed by emerging nations in this region like UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc. Rising chocolate consumption driven by expanding middle classes and importance ascribed to confectionery gifts during religious festivals are driving market growth in MEA at a higher pace compared to other regions.
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