#Sports application development examples
divukanwar · 7 months
In India, many development companies design sports-related apps. Sports Application Development Apps have various functions such as scoring in real-time statistics. This type of app provides information about games and sporting clubs. If we invest in Sports applications then your businesses grow in the future. Helpfulinsightsolution Provides the best information in every blog.
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mesetacadre · 12 days
(sorry in advance for the more personal ask, you're the most intelligent person i know of when it comes to these things)
genuinely, how are we supposed to find the strength to go on? it feels like capitalism has won. only a few decades ago my country was openly and proudly socialist, and now we're nothing but an american military base with an economy. everything's been privatised, the unions are broken, the people are starving, and we keep voting for more of this! people are gleefully begging for yet more exploitation! sometimes it feels there's not a drop of class consciousness to be found in the entire country, and that it's pointless to even hope for change. how can i stay sane?
The class struggle is not a team sport which either side can win or lose. It is a historical and economic process, one that's inevitable. As long as capitalism exists, there will be a social majority of workers it must exploit, alienation will still happen, and a portion of these workers will be aware of this fact. The class struggle is also a long process, one that, most of the time, is imperceptible to the individual in physical and time scale. Only sometimes, it accelerates to dizzying speeds and the conditions necessary for taking power are met. We can talk about victories and defeats, but we can't lose sight of the fact that those "only" are points in time, momentaneous advances or retreats in the process that is the class struggle, but they never mean the paralization of this process.
We can only really talk about the bourgeoisie taking power and creating the first properly capitalist states in the late 18th century and early 19th, but the bourgeoisie had lead or taken part in attempts at or glimpes of revolution as far back as the early 16th century. The bourgeoisie never really had an unifying theory of the class struggle, most were never really fully conscious of it. But they still eventually took power, once the development of the national economies advanced so far that it forced the replacement of the feudal mode of production, the bourgeois revolutions became inevitable. Marx and Engels only ever saw one real attempt at the proletariat taking power, in the Paris Commune of 1871, but it only ever lasted a few months. They both were long dead when the first actually (relatively) long-lasting instance of the proletariat in power broke the oppressor classes' veneer of invincibility.
When Marxists talk of inevitability it is not in a conspiratorial manner, or an expression of satisfied optimism, we never mean that "one day the capitalists will get what's coming to them", in a vague way. We mean that, only if communists continue to work towards the revolutionary organization of our class, is a complete overthrow of capitalism inevitable. We should all do an exercise is historical perspective when it comes to analyzing progress, take the Marx and Engels example from the previous paragraph, they never got to see an effective application of their theories. Class consciousness will fluctuate continuously, it always has. The bolshevik party in 1913 had nothing to do with the party that lead the October Revolution, and 8 years after the defeat of the 1905 revolution, I bet many felt like their work was hopeless. My point is that, while the borders of the Communist Party may shrink, grow, or even disappear, and while we might be savagely oppressed, no system of oppression has ever lasted forever.
When it comes to revolutions, there are objective and subjective conditions. The objective we can never control; it's the stability of capitalism, the characteristics of its suprastructure, if there is a crisis or not. The subjective is what's under our control; our own work as communists, the state of the revolutionary party, the degree of influence of communists at the core of the working class. These two sets of conditions interact with one another, with the objective conditions influencing the possibility of development of the subjective conditions much more than the reverse. What makes you hopeless is in part the objective conditions. Capitalism is quite stable right now (though not as much as it ever seems), and, for now, we can't do much about it, because the subjective conditions, the other part of your homelessness, are also very delayed. But these we do have control over, at first very little, but as they improve, the control we have over them also increases. Essentially, friend, all we can do is prepare our class, do our best to gain more workers to our cause, bit by bit, so that once capitalism shows one of its cracks, we can be ready to pry those cracks open and bust the whole system. The Russian soldiers in WW1 were already discontent when the bolsheviks began to agitate up to the trenches, Mao's guerrillas grew to an army taking advantage of the deep fragmentation China suffered throughout the first half of the century, etc.
Once again, class struggle is not a straight line that we move in two directions. It is a complex space. The overthrow of the USSR was a very profound blow to revolutionary organizations all around the world, of course, but the state of communism in general in 1995 was still in a much better position than it was merely 90 years prior. Every defeat also sharpens the tactics and strategies we use. Eastern Europe (where I assume you're from) did use to be socialist, and those worker's states were overthrown. But you are still in a better position than a communist in the interwar period, facing borderline fascistic dictatorship and a future of Nazi-Fascist occupation. They did not have any precedent or much practical experience to learn from, but you do. Every day that we delay work, even in the most hopeless of contexts, is a day more that our grandchildren will have to bear in capitalism, and a day more they're deprived of true freedom and self-government
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pawborough · 3 months
June 2024 Check In
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Hello everyone! Happy update day! 
First off, Alpha news! 
We are closing applications Monday 06/17 at midnight EST! We will be taking the time then to sort through applications and hand out acceptance emails. 
Currently we are working on player markets and forums. We’ll describe more on those in the Development section of this update! But here is what we have left before the full loop is complete:
Site Markets (very similar to player markets.)
Cooking / Crafting 
Item Seeding (inputting item gains with the how and where) 
And then that's it for a full loop! We are very close to finished! No date yet, as we're hesitant to overpromise in case anything goes wrong, but we’re on track to wrap up with a start date by the end of this month. 
There have been a lot of bumps and unexpected new challenges during our development. Particularly, different team members being infected by Covid at different times. But we’re all very excited for how close things are going! We’ve come a long way, and the game sports many things we can say that we're proud of! 
FAQ Update 
We posted a small sub-update in the form of an updated FAQ! Kickstarter does not let us edit the FAQ tab on this page, but backers may read our new and improved FAQ: 
Update on Moontails: 
So far, Moontails are completely done save for a single gene illustration and glow colors. 
Moontails were a heavier task because we dedicated ourselves to five different wing colors per palette. This meant that we had to hand pick over 1100 more hex codes! However, those are done!
Here are some examples of palettes we made with this five-color system: 
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Nutmeg, Ocean, Oak, Chameleon, Wolfsbane, Arctic, Vanilla
We call these palettes the "appendage palette." This means that, in the future, these colors will sometimes accentuate custom mystic traits. For example: a fish tail, horns, or wings!
We don't know when these will be completed, but we’re starting file formatting now! To be clear, Longhairs started file formatting about two weeks before they went on the site. 
And when Moontails go up, any errors of the other breeds should be fixed. We’ve been slowly updating the queue, including writing a script for catching and fixing white coverage problems, and our next push should have everything covered! 
Asset Updates
Users have noticed little tweaks to the mystic breeds. This is true! We've slightly updated the Bovines and Fyrets before allowing them to enter the queue. 
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+ previews on experimental eye coloring!
These breeds have entered the queue!
New Backdrops!
New backdrops! 
The Metropolis Outskirts 
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Illustration by Giulia (@giuliabiazus on Instagram)
(That's Cogwheel in the back!) 
Cogwheel Outskirts 
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Illustration by Kzart
Cogwheel and Metropolis, being right next to each other and cross-sharing the majority of their populations, have largely similar architectural, color, and cultural aesthetics. We're excited to explore the differences as we render out more inner-location backdrops. 👁️⚙️
And with that, that's all our Outskirts backdrops! We’ll be working on a few more individual backdrops, then move onto the inner locations! 
We’ve completed icons for all seven of our incense items! 
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Illustration by Tybaxel
As a reminder, incense is the method of obtaining an instant generation 1 cat. There is a separate incense item for every Borough. 
Incense items will be rare craft-ables, made with different plant items! I'm particularly tickled by just how much personality having scents associated with each Borough adds. 
Accessory Recolors
We are beginning to make a dent in accessory recolors! 
All accessories will have 12 standard recolors. Here is the official list: 
White, grey, black, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, and brown
Below are finished recolors for the Jute set and the Sweetheart set! 
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Flea Market
We have updates on the Flea Market: the player-ran marketplace! 
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Our MVP will start with two listing types! Flat Sales and Bundles! 
Flat Sales will allow users to sell stacks of items at a price per item, while buyers can choose how many to buy at a time.
Bundles are a set amount of several different items for a single price, which users can only purchase all at once.
Listings will have user comments, which can help provide extra context, especially for cat listings!
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We're especially excited to show off our Price History feature! 
Price history will show up whenever you list a single item. This history will give you the lowest price listed for the item, the highest, and a median of the two! But, we know this data can be messed with. And inflation effects these numbers on a holistic scale. So, price history can be searched in a timeframe of your choosing. You can choose to look at the history for just last week, or for the entirety of the site! 
Note: These are mockups! Sizes may differ on your screen when browsing the game. 
Forums and Forum Boards
Next, we want to show off our forum designs! 
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Users will have access to a host of official boards which will cover the majority of game-relevant topics. 
Users will be able to create boards which may foster more unique topics. For example, perhaps you want a board dedicated to fancats! Or a board dedicated to collecting odd cat IDs. A board dedicated to a hyper-specific cat breeding program? You can make it! 
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Lastly, we've implemented a reply and "upvote" system as a way for threads to feel more like engaging conversations! 
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We want to stress that downvotes will never be visible, as we're hyper-aware that visibility can lead to bullying and dogpiling. We may choose to remove them all together, depending on player opinion and feedback during testing. Right now, our intention is to make forums more entertaining to read through by allowing players to uplift discussion, art, or community contributions that they deem worth recognition. You may also choose to filter by most recent or oldest comment instead. 
We'll potentially be experimenting with emoji interactions and general size formatting to make things feel more cohesive. 
We want to stress that this is incredibly experimental. We don't expect it to immediately appeal to all players. And what we're doing here may change as we test and recieve feedback. 
Forums as they have been historically done in our genre have been on the decline in usage for some time, and this is in part due to modern UI setups having more sleek and easier to navigate methods of interaction and discussion. We're not blind to these statistics, and we're trying to combat the issue at the source. We understand that there are pros and cons to a system like this and that it's very new. 
However, we're setting out to push the envelope and create something invigorating for our genre of game. This first and foremost means a refreshment of old systems. We feel it's worth a shot!
We've heard discussion on the plans to close our Discord, and how little traditional forum formats tend to keep player engagement in comparison to modern socials. We stand by that we will not rely on a third party to officially host our community, but we hope that we can provide more tools from the start to foster and nurture the community in our game. 
Please note that while this does look modernized, we will never be incorporating ads into these threads, nor scrape data. The often predatory practices of modern social medias are practices we are actively avoiding. We're just trying something different that seems to work this day and age!
Also note that this does not replace traditional posting. We are working on a notebook system which would allow players to post longform, customized "notes," and for other players to comment on said notes in a more traditional format. We believe a system like this will better accommodate things such as status updates, user lore hubs, and anything which a user wants to store on their page for a long time. Think traditional web journal systems! 
To summarize: We shared our expectations for Alpha in the coming days, Moontail progress, Bovine and Fyret adjustments, new backdrops, incense icons, and UIs for the market and forums!
What to expect next month: Functionality updates, further UI and asset renderings, general meaty beginnings to letting players on the site! 
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Performer Contest
During EarthBound 64's development, there was contest held in Dengeki Nintendo 64 magazine where readers could get the chance of becoming an NPC in the game. Readers would submit a photo and letter about themselves. There were many applicants, including:
Akira Sasaki, a man with eyebrows so perfect, they looked painted on.
Taira Imamura, a young woman with a profound collection of MOTHER memorabilia.
"M.T.", a man that once sported a mohawk and then got a job and girlfriend.
The winner of the contest was Hiroki Mukodani who was described as a 12 year old with a face full of charm.
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Scans by @ hard4games on Twitter
Information/translations by @ MotherForever_ @ KodyNOKOLO @ infunguswetrust on Twitter
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earthstellar · 10 months
Genuine question, sorry if this feels random, but if a human was trying to understand/study cybertronians on a biological level, what fields of research would be most applicable?
This is a great question, and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to reply!
What comes to mind first would be two critical areas of immediate understanding, and one example of further comparative investigation to deepen that initially established understanding in selective areas.
Physiology, Anatomy, and multiple sub-specialty areas-- I'll focus on one here as an example, a sub-speciality of Orthopaedics called Arthrology.
Physiology is a very broad field, which essentially covers the functions and processes of life.
Anatomy is also a broad field, involving the study of the structure of living things.
Arthrology is the study of joints and articulations, and is often applied in Orthopaedics and Rheumatology (among other fields like Sports Therapy, Paediatrics, etc.).
Arthrology may sound like an odd choice for an example of how various sub-specialities would be involved as well, but let me explain:
In the context of studying Cybertronians, due to their basic humanoid shape (bipedal, two arms, two legs, one head, etc.), we can make some basic comparisons to human beings.
But how similar are we actually, and how can we determine that? What are the differences, how do we start figuring that out? How does it play into any anatomical/physiological findings that have been made up to this point already, possibly based on information provided to humans by Cybertronian medics?
Selecting one system or aspect of the body and focusing on that to further develop any initial anatomical and physiological knowledge may be helpful in early investigations as well.
We may want to start in several areas once we've established knowledge of basic physiology and anatomy, which would inform further investigations, or we might start developing any physiological or anatomical knowledge in the first place by picking a specific place to start and figuring out the anatomy/physiology from there.
I think the order and approach to investigations here would depend on how much information Cybertronians may be willing or able to provide to any humans, and depending on any specific systems being studied, it may vary.
For the sake of this example, using Arthrology as one potential area we would want to examine, we could compare Cybertronian joints to human joints, and start determining how things are structurally and functionally different.
This could help map out the anatomy of any joints and connected systems, such as tendon-like pistons or muscle-like protoform, which may potentially be involved in Cybertronian mechanical joint systems.
Studying connected tendon-pistons and surrounding materials and functions in the body, working from the joints outward, could help us start to understand how their fine motor control processes physically work on a mechanical level, such as servo functioning and how those components fit in with everything else.
It could also provide some insight into potential concerns, such as any indications of stress, wear-and-tear, or any markings on the components of the joints and associated systems/materials.
There would be a lot of multidisciplinary work; For example, Neurologists may be focusing on studying the processor, but would also be interested in the findings from any arthrological investigations as well, since fine motor functions are both physical and neurological, and understanding how Cybertronian's bodies send movement signals to their joints would help further knowledge in both areas.
So the answer is: Building a knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology would be critical first and foremost.
This could be done either with some pre-existing knowledge shared by Cybertronian medics, in which case basic information would already be known and investigations would attempt to further build on that knowledge, or alternatively we would be going in without any prior information and would need to develop our understanding of anatomy and physiology by utilising multiple specialities to begin learning about individual systems of the body to build our understanding of Cybertronian bodies.
I gotta go to work in a minute and haven't had time to edit this, so I hope it makes sense! :)
And thank you for such a good question! <3
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gaast · 3 months
The video game industry is worth more than the film and music industries combined and I swear the only monographs that deal critically with games are those in game studies fields. You're about as likely to see a monograph do a close reading on a film as a book, and yet other narrative media tend to be underrepresented.
This isn't to say that because video games have so much economic value that they therefore must have value to critical theory and attendant discourses, but rather I think it demonstrates the very odd position that video games are in. Frankly, they're still seen as vulgar, and certainly too much so to merit critical treatment. This is a failure of scholarship. Pong, for example, was one of the first commercially successful video games, and it acted as something of a stand-in for table tennis. The arcade cabinet made table tennis more accessible to the public, who would otherwise require enough space, bodily ability, and access to a table (typically requiring wealth) to engage with the sport.
There's a tendency in some critical modalities to view sports and games as reproductions of capitalist imperatives to compete, win, and reign supreme. It's a rather reductive view of play that in many cases puts the cart before the horse. As esports leagues have shown, we played games against each other long before capitalists exploited our joy as labor.
In any case, Pong made more accessible certain physical modes of play that could very easily be impossible for the average American consumer to enjoy in 1971. Indeed, most sport is inaccessible, whether because of space (golf, association football), equipment (gridiron football), or the physical ability necessary to complete the basics of its play (hockey). The joys of playing table tennis were thus democratized in the arcade.
Sports sims developed over time but never lost their popularity. Titles like Tennis, Baseball, Tecmo Bowl, and Duck Hunt eventually gave rise to Punch-Out!!, which, uniquely among these examples, carried the implicit themes that made motion-picture successes like Rocky so indelible: the underdog can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. Even a short king from the Bronx can defeat heavyweight boxing legend Mike Tyson with the right combination of skill, luck, and determination.
Interestingly, Punch-Out!!'s successful application of narrative technique didn't reframe the sports sim as a potential vehicle for narrative. Titles like Street Fighter II became successful less because they featured characters whose stories compelled audiences but rather because the technical achievements available in them hewed closer to the ideal of sport in general. By this I mean that I believe audiences, particularly sportswatching audiences, understand better than television executives that the hope for every game watched is that the game itself will be elegant and beautiful according to the specific sport. You don't have to be a fan of either team to enjoy a well-played Super Bowl because the art created on the field is universally appreciable so long as you can recognize the specific ways that gridiron football creates that beauty.
In this way we can recognize that narrative isn't a requirement of sports sims because, while individual sports seasons are enhanced by the narratives surrounding them, even in a vacuum these games can produce art in and of themselves. As such, it makes sense that licensing agreements would be made with sports leagues for permission to use their teams' and players' names and likenesses for their game products, as it is easier to make a beautiful game out of professionals at the highest, most difficult settings of their sports than it would be for amateur equivalents.
This is not to say that such considerations are necessarily consciously in mind when players purchase a sports sim. Rather, players enter into the basic contract that these games offer: play me, and you will have fun.
I also suggest that having a ludic sandbox available to them can help players engage with their favorite teams in a low-stakes way, thus offering numerous benefits to them perhaps better described in an essay examining sports fandom specifically.
In any case, ignoring the fundamental artform of each sport enables a quite crass view sports fandom in general. I believe that the very belief that sports are not art engenders the nasty comments you often hear of athletes, especially in the MLB. "These guys get paid to stand around for two and a half hours. And they get paid MILLIONS!" Of course, team owners agree. They also believe that players should be paid much less.
While art can sometimes elicit similar comments ("This Jeff Koons sculpture sold for HOW much? It's just a balloon animal!"), the so-called "legitimate" arts don't. A van Gogh of course deserves its price tag. Jaws of course should have cost millions of dollars to film.
Worth noting, of course, is that Jaws is an adaptation of a novel published a year earlier. Considered by critics at the time to feature simplistic characterizations, its suspense worked, and its marketing campaign made it widely-read. Jaws, the film, made enough improvements to the source text that its quality far outpaced the novel's, and it in turn became the archetypal summer blockbuster. This type of film is now generally regarded as being oversaturated and of low quality--and therefore of vulgar character.
Jaws was distributed to theaters in 1975, 4 years after Pong was put in arcades.
While film had to decay from art to trash, games started as trash and never elevated themselves (all of this, of course, in the critical consideration of the masses). And yet both Jaws and Pong represent the simple beauty of sport and competition--framed in different ways, yes, but with heroic underdogs, the uncertainty of victory, the elegance of struggle, sacrifice and strategy, all of this contributing to an experience of basic human cognitive joy, exultation in a play well-executed, a scene well-shot, a button well-pressed.
It's time to recognize such beauty where it is.
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school56df · 19 days
Time Management tips for balancing work, study, and personal life 101: How to Make the Most of Every Hour
 Simple Time management techniques to reduce stress and increase focus  is an vital ability that may drastically effect your private and professional life. Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone looking to stability more than one obligations, effective time management allow you to gain your dreams extra correctly. By the usage of realistic techniques to prepare your time, you can reduce strain, increase productiveness, and create more space for the matters that honestly count number.
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Understand the Importance of Time Management
Time Management tips for balancing work, study, and personal life Before diving into unique strategies, it’s vital to recognize why time management topics. It  is a finite resource—everyone has the identical 24 hours in an afternoon. However, how you use those hours can determine whether you feel completed or beaten. Good time control permits you to prioritize tasks, meet time limits, and locate time for rest and self-care.
Poor time management, then again, can lead to pressure, ignored time limits, and burnout. When you don’t control a while efficaciously, you may find your self constantly speeding, juggling multiple tasks with out focus, and feeling like there’s in no way enough time within the day. Developing sturdy time control abilities facilitates you're taking manipulate of your time table, leading to a more balanced and enjoyable life.
Set Clear Goals
Effective time management begins with putting clean goals. Without a clean vacation spot, it’s smooth to wander off in the day-to-day activities with out making significant development. Your desires need to be specific, measurable, practicable, applicable, and time-certain (SMART). For example, rather than pronouncing, "I need to enhance my grades," a SMART goal would be, "I need to boom my math grade by 10% by means of the end of the semester by means of analyzing for an additional hour each day."
Setting clear goals offers you course and purpose. It also facilitates you prioritize responsibilities primarily based on their significance and time limits. By understanding what you need to gain, you may allocate your time more effectively and keep away from spending too much time on much less vital sports.
 Create a To-Do List
A to-do list is a easy yet effective device for managing some time. It facilitates you preserve tune of obligations that need to be finished, making sure that nothing slips through the cracks. Start each day through writing down the obligations you need to accomplish. As you whole each project, take a look at it off your listing. This now not simplest continues you organized but also gives you a feel of accomplishment as you see your listing getting shorter.
To make your to-do listing extra powerful, try and prioritize obligations based totally on their urgency and importance. A not unusual method is the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes duties into 4 quadrants:
Urgent and Important: Do those duties straight away.
Important however Not Urgent: Schedule those obligations for later.
Urgent however Not Important: Delegate those tasks if viable.
Not Urgent and Not Important: Consider casting off these responsibilities.
By focusing at the most critical tasks first, you make sure that you’re making progress on what honestly subjects, even if you don’t whole everything on your list.
Break Tasks into Smaller Steps
Large obligations may be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. To avoid this, destroy down large responsibilities into smaller, achievable steps. For instance, when you have to write down a research paper, destroy it down into steps like deciding on a subject, conducting research, creating an define, writing the advent, and so on. By tackling one small step at a time, the assignment will become much less daunting, and you’re much more likely to stay prompted and on track.
Breaking duties into smaller steps also allows you to estimate how lengthy each step will take. This facilitates you intend your day greater accurately and avoid underestimating the time required for complicated duties.
Use Time-Blocking
Time-blocking is a time control approach in which you divide your day into blocks of time, every devoted to a specific mission or interest. This method enables you live centered on one challenge at a time, lowering distractions and growing productiveness. For example, you may block out nine:00 AM to 10:30 AM for answering emails, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM for operating on a assignment, and so on.
When you use time-blocking off, be practical approximately how long obligations will take and encompass buffer time for unexpected interruptions. It’s also critical to block out time for breaks, food, and personal sports. By sticking to your time table, you can make the maximum of your day and make certain that every one your vital tasks are addressed.
 Prioritize Your Tasks
Not all obligations are created identical. Some duties are vital to attaining your desires, while others are less crucial. To manage some time successfully, it’s vital to prioritize your obligations. One way to do this is via using the ABCDE method:
A Tasks
Must-do responsibilities which can be vital and have extreme results if no longer finished.
B Tasks
Should-do tasks which might be important however not vital.
C Tasks
Nice-to-do responsibilities that have no significant effects if no longer carried out.
D Tasks
 Delegate responsibilities that may be assigned to a person else.
E Tasks
Eliminate obligations that aren't vital and do not make contributions in your desires.
Start with your A tasks, and only circulate directly to B and C obligations once the most crucial work is finished. By specializing in high-precedence obligations first, you make sure that you’re making progress on what topics most.
 Avoid Multitasking
Multitasking may also look like a way to get extra performed, but it may surely lessen your productiveness. When you attempt to do more than one duties without delay, your recognition is split, which could result in mistakes and longer of completion instances. Instead of multitasking, recognition on one assignment at a time. This permits you to offer your full interest to each undertaking, enhancing the first-class of your work and supporting you complete obligations extra correctly.
If you locate it difficult to recognition on one assignment, strive putting a timer for a selected amount of time (e.g., 25 mins) and decide to operating on just one venture for the duration of that length. This method, referred to as the Pomodoro Technique, can help improve awareness and productiveness.
 Learn to Say No
One of the most important demanding situations to powerful time management is overcommitting. It’s clean to say yes to each request, whether it’s from a colleague, buddy, or member of the family. However, taking over too many obligations can lead to stress and burnout. To manage it slow efficaciously, it’s crucial to study to mention no.
Before agreeing to take on a new undertaking, take into account whether or not it aligns with your desires and whether or not you've got the time and resources to do it successfully. If now not, it’s okay to with courtesy decline or advocate an alternative solution. By shielding your time, you can awareness on what’s most essential and keep away from spreading your self too thin.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
There are many tools and apps to be had that will let you manipulate some time extra successfully. For instance, virtual calendars like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook assist you to time table obligations, set reminders, and percentage your time table with others. Task management apps like Todoist, Trello, or Asana let you preserve track of your to-do listing, prioritize obligations, and collaborate with others.
Using those equipment will let you live organized and on course, making sure that you don’t forget about critical duties and closing dates. However, it’s important to apply generation mindfully—don’t allow it come to be a source of distraction.
Reflect and Adjust
Practical Time Mangement strategies for remote workers  control is not a one-size-suits-all approach. What works for one person might not paintings for another. It’s essential to regularly reflect to your time control strategies and modify them as wished. At the give up of each week, take the time to study your accomplishments and discover any regions in which you struggled.
Ask your self questions like: Did I obtain my desires? Did I stick to my schedule? What distractions did I come upon? What can I do in a different way subsequent week? By reflecting to your development and making adjustments, you could continuously improve some time management skills and become extra powerful through the years.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: OC 19
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The Telecommunications Monitoring Office - Cyber Division is responsible for monitoring the App Store and Google Play for manifestations of SCP-AEM again. Should one be reported Foundation Cyber teams are to be alerted at once and use standard, advanced, and meta-coded tactics to find the SCP-AEM program and delete it from the internet entirely.
The code of SCP-AEM have been recorded, in the Foundation data banks at Site-AQ. It has been placed in a "prison program" to prevent it from reforming into the application to attack Foundation staff. When the application is formed, it is regularly tested with D Class. Any testing with SCP-AEM must be approved by at least two Level 4 Clearance Staff. Testing must always be done with participating staff wearing the most advanced anti-Cognito hazard head gear with the memetic protection addon installed.
Description: SCP-AEM is an app created by Group of Interest: Zealots of Crack. It is believed they created the anomaly specifically to mock the Church of Maxwellism. When downloaded the user can enter what looks like a scoreboard area but rather than normal scoreboards for music or sports teams it reviews known and unknown deities of the world. When reviewing the user can see each deity and what makes them worth worshiping. The app then asks the user if they want to be a worshiper of this deity, if the user selects yes then they will be shown a notification that they have accepted as well as asked to spread the popularity of this deity. If the user selects no they the app will continue to ask as they look through other deities until they finally say yes.
The first anomalous property that can be noticed about SCP-AEM is that it does not just mention known deities throughout history but also deities of the anomalous world. This includes, the Scarlet King, Yaldabaoth, Mekhane, Gran Karcist Ion, The Serpent, Jalakåra, The Distortion, The Black Queen, The Iris, The Hungry [data expunged], [data expunged], Zalgo, [data expunged], The Toy Maker, and [data expunged]. Obviously, this is an information leak hazard; though unfortunately, it is not the full extent of SCP-AEM's anomalous properties.
When someone selects a deity to worship, they will be told how to get deity points by spreading the word of their deity. Common recommendations are simply to make posts online about the deity and the perks of their worship. For normal civilians viewing these posts they will not be affected in any way, but should it be someone who is already worshiping this deity view the post they will mutate. The mutations normally relate to the deity they are worshiping. For example: Christians will transform into angles, Buddhists skin will suddenly turn to gold, Mekhanites will transform into true cyborgs of mixed technologies and great power, Sarkites will rip out of their fake skin and become stronger, and worshipers of chaos gods will turn into Eldrige horrors corresponding with their deity. This unfortunately is not the end of SCP-AEM's anomalous properties.
When someone posts online to spread the word of their deity, they will be rewarded with deity points according to how many people have seen the post regardless of whether they have been converted or not. The resulting points will send abnormal levels of dopamine into the brain making the user want to do it more and more. Furthermore, they will start to gain powers corresponding with their deity. These anomalous abilities grow more in number and power as the user continues to spread the word of their deity. However, as they do this their brain starts to deteriorate with many mental illnesses being prevalent. Testing and observation during containment has shown that someone who has made 1,000 posts about their deity on any social media will have developed State 2 Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, intense paranoia, and/ or Intermittent explosive disorder.
Somewhere after 2,000 to 3,000 posts the user will die due to the massive damage to their brain. Anomalously, when they die, the app will be shared with all their friends, family, and half of the people who have seen their posts. Allowing the influence of the anomalous to spread almost like a plague. Unfortunately, because viewing posts made by users of SCP-AEM makes them stronger and closer to their deity, many cultists have tried to ensure that SCP-AEM is spread around as much as possible. This has only made containment harder as times goes on.
SCP-AEM was discovered in 2011 when strange reports of angles flying in the skies of Chicago, people suddenly turning into demons in Alabama, reports of sarkites terrorizing Las Vagas, and many other horrible incidents happening all over the United States. Foundation agents including Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 "Fake News" and Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" worked around the clock to find all witnesses and cover up all reports and pictures of the events. Though in the end, it was Mobile Task Force Mu-4 "Debuggers" that found the source of it all, SCP-AEM. They were only barely able to find it before it could cause global damage.
After the code of SCP-AEM was catalogued to be studied later, a virus was sent out into the internet that targeted the SCP-AEM app destroying it entirely form the internet. However, despite this SCP-AEM is still seen every so often showing up on the app store and google play. It is for this reason that SCP-AEM is labeled as Object Class Keter.
The Foundation knew SCP-AEM was created by Group of Interest: Zealots on Crack as in the app there is an article in the settings that states the following.
This app is meant to show the terrible truth, the truth that following a faith is a race. You all have to compete to show that your god is the only god, the true god, the strongest god. If you don't run far enough you get nothing, you run too far, you fucking die. But that's just your problem, the gods don't care so long as they keep trending. At least that's what I think, maybe I'm wrong but I can't fucking tell, after all I'm just a ZEALOT ON CRACK!
- Follow me on Twitter @[data expunged]
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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sinswithpleasure · 1 year
Okay, so I'm pretty much going through a bout of insomnia and I've been playing a lot of Fallout New Vegas, so I've been thinking a lot about how we could write idols like an RPG character, so I've roughly written a character creation system.
So, here's the fruits of my labor:
Attributes are the simplest and rawest expression of what a character is and is capable of. They serve as the basis for Skills. Is a character strong or wise? A charmer? Tough beyond mere mortal men? Attributes answer these basic questions.
The typical character has attributes within the 1-10 range. Attributes above 10 are possible with exceptions.
Score | Meaning
0       | Non-existent
1        | Barely noted
5       | Average
10     | Amazing
10+   | Exceptional
The Ten Attributes
There are ten attributes and are arranged into two groups of five. One group is for Tangible Attributes, while the other group is for Intangible Attributes. Both groups contain complimenting tangible/intangible pairs.
Tangible Attributes
Tangible Attributes are aspects of a character that can be measured in empirical ways or quantified. These are aspects that are easier for others to notice and recognize.
Agility- Proficiency in physical control. Agility encompasses flexibility, dexterity, speed, and motor control.
Endurance- Physical durability and quality. This incorporates construction, reliability, physique, and efficiency.
Intellect- Empirical information processing ability. Can be likened to book smarts, computational prowess, and logical reasoning.
Perception- Ability to garner useful information from empirical senses. Characters may have senses that give greater range to detect from, but still rely on Perception to make the sensory information useful.
Strength- Physical strength and power. Strength can determine a character’s physical force in a hit, carrying capacity, and ability to brute force through situations.
Intangible Attributes
Intangible Attributes are aspects of a character that are qualitative and ethereal in nature. You know they “exist” but can’t properly define them. Many of these attributes are hard for others to discern, unless they are at one extreme or another.
Focus - Coordination, concentration, and application of the self. A measurement of a character’s control over the balance of body and mind.
Spirit - Courage, will, guts, fighting spirit, and/or faith. Intangible compliment to Endurance, which measures a character’s ability to persevere.
Sense - The Anti-Intellect: Common sense, wisdom, and other bits of intelligence. A representation of a character’s mind shaped by experience, hard lessons, and raw intuition.
Beyond - Gut feelings, sixth senses, and beyond-the empirical perceptions. A character’s ability to garner useful information from non-empirical sources.
Charisma - “Strength” of character. A character’s ability to influence others, get attention, or inspire those to follow the lead. Charisma isn’t tied to physical looks, but presence.
A character will be tested at some point. A character’s actions sometimes require skill and checks based on these skills find out if and how they happen. Is the lock deftly picked in time or does it jam from incompetence? Does the character quietly creep around the courtyard without being detected or easily spotted by the first spotlight? Does the character decipher that key phase out of the ancient texts that warns of the troubles to be faced in the next adventure? Skills start out broad and general. Later on, a character’s skill set becomes focused and branches out into refinement. A character can put forth effort to develop a broad skill set or focus down branches of skills to specific mastery. Either way, a character can develop skills through using them in impressive ways.
The Basic Skills
Contributing Attributes: Agility, Endurance, Strength
Non-combative, physical activities
Example branches: Endurance Running, Gymnastics, Weight Lifting, Sports, Yoga, and similar physical activities.
Contributing Attributes: Agility, Endurance, Strength
Up close and combative, or close-quarters combat.
Example branches: Blades, Sticks, Brass Knuckles, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, basic physical fighting.
Contributing Attributes: Charisma, Sense, Spirit
Activities that aren’t industrial in nature.
Example branches: Household chores, art and crafts, hobbies, and amateur activities.
Contributing Attributes: Charisma, Spirit, Strength
Activities, experiences, and knowledge about interacting with others.
Example branches: Trading, Negotiation, Diplomacy, and even Intimidation.
Contributing Attributes: Beyond, Intellect, Perception
Skills that relate to movement, navigation, piloting, control, and positioning.
Example branches: Driving, Riding, Charting, and Locate
Contributing Attributes: Agility, Focus, Perception
Combative from a distance. Ranged combat.
Example branches: Bows, Slingshots, Firearms, Plasma, Cannons, and Throw Rock.
Contributing Attributes: Beyond, Focus, Perception
Knowledge of environment, exploration, and manipulation of sensory perceptions.
Example branches: Scouting, Spying, Sneaking, Camouflage, and Detection.
Contributing Attributes: Charisma, Intellect, Sense
Understanding of cultures, languages, methods, mannerisms, and politics of civilizations in the present and past.
Example branches: Bureaucracy, Customs, Etiquette, Local Politics, and Geopolitics.
Contributing Attributes: Beyond, Intellect, Sense
Higher level knowledge, academic, and scholarly activities.
Example branches: History, geology, mathematics, engineering, and similar.
Contributing Attributes: Endurance, Intellect, Sense
Industrial activities, professions, jobs, and other applications of knowledge.
Example branches: Welding, Carpentry, Paramedic, Electrician, and Engineer.
Character Build Process
Determine Attributes
Every Attribute starts out at the minimum of “1”: Attributes typically are capped at 10, but special reasons can allow attribute scores in excess of 10. This isn’t common.
Allocate 45 points to attributes as you please: 45 points is the standard amount. It provides enough points for characters to be distinguished from the average in the game world but still forces sacrifices to be made for very high scores in attributes. For reference, the average Attribute score is “5”.
Calculate Skills
Circle two Attribute abbreviations in each Root Skill: These two attributes will be the major contributors to that Skill. (e.g., if a character is focused on Athletic, they would either choose Agility, Endurance, or Strength); If two attributes are the same value, select the attribute which best reflects how the character would use that skill to solve problems.
Calculate the Base rating by totaling the attributes for each Root Skill, and count major contributor attributes twice: Given average Attributes of “5”, the average for a Skill is “25”.
Spend 100 Skill Points: See the Skills section for more information about how to spend Skill points and how to branch more skills from root skills.
So, there you go. Have fun with it (or don't it won't hurt my feelings).
I'm so sorry my brain is monkey this is too many words for real for real
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divukanwar · 7 months
In India, many development companies design sports-related apps. Sports Application Development Apps have various functions such as scoring in real-time statistics. This type of app provides information about games and sporting clubs. If we invest in Sports applications then your businesses grow in the future. Helpfulinsightsolution Provides the best information in every blog.
Users can have a unique, interactive sports app on their gadgets as sports applications provide for exceptional user engagement. The apps have various functions such as scoring in real time, statistics, information on news and so many more about different games and sporting clubs. In addition, users can create their own settings and preferences. Other sports applications allow users to log on to social forums like blogs or Facebook pages and participate in other interactive elements like forming fans’ groups. Users get a chance to update themselves on the latest sports news as well as demonstrate their support for the team of their choice in real time.
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l-1-z-a · 1 year
Will's Seminar on Failure + Learning + Games [17 February 2010]
Will Wright's "Why Games are (Good) for Learning", [2010]
Original description @ the NYU's website...
"Video game pioneer, Will Wright, the creator of "SimCity" and "Spore" will lead a discussion on how digital games encourage learning.
Wright has been called one of the most important people in gaming, technology, and entertainment. In 2009, he left Electronic Arts to form his own think tank, the Stupid Fun Club.
Sponsored by Games for Learning Institute and the NYU Game Center
About the Games for Learning Institute
The G4LI is a joint research endeavor of Microsoft Research and a consortium of universities. The partners include: Columbia University, the City University of New York (CUNY), Dartmouth College, Parsons, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, the Rochester Institute of Technology, Teachers College, and Pontifical Catholic University of Chile as well as NYU. The Institute’s aim is to identify which qualities of computer games engage students and develop relevant, personalized teaching strategies that can be applied to the learning process.
Price: This event is free, but a ticket is required. To obtain tickets, e-mail [email protected]"
The media published here are exclusively dedicated to educational purposes. If one, for any reason, deems that they violate the copyright, please inform us, and it will be our care to remove immediately the posts accordingly.
Notes from Will Wright’s “What Makes Games (Good) for Learning?”
Earlier this week, legendary game designer Will Wright delivered his keynote speech at the Engage! Expo in New York City. In addition to talking about the potential of games as “toys,” he apparently blew up a Barbie doll and kept the lid (mostly) sealed on his Stupid Fun Club. While this event made a few headlines, he also made a less-publicized visit to NYU last night. Wright’s speech, sponsored by the Games for Learning Institute, undoubtedly covered similar material, but here are a few tidbits that I found interesting…
There were a few technical hiccups prior to the speech, so Wright offered to answer a few audience questions. When asked about why educational and serious games are typically lame, he replied that this is primarily tied to craftsmanship. Serious game developers are going for the most obvious depictions of real-world crises, but those are rarely the most fun. For example, he suggested that rather than controlling a Peace Corps member trying to prevent the spread of a deadly disease, it might be more fun to put the player in the “shoes” of the virus.
Wright talked a bit about allowing more opportunities for failure. While classrooms emphasize testing and theoretical understanding, games allow for more practical applications. He suggested that this requires trusting the minds of young people, but that games haven’t been around long enough for this to take hold in classrooms.
Another interesting comparison: Robert Louis Stevenson plotted out “Treasure Island” by looking at a map and playing everything out in his mind before ever setting a pen to paper. Wright followed this up by talking about his crazier experiences in Grand Theft Auto IV. Even looking at box art, the player creates rough adventures in his mind before making a purchase.
As for where Stupid Fun Club is heading, he was again tight-lipped, but he does believe that emphasis on immersion will be superseded, at least for now, by games like Wii Sports and Rock Band. Here, it’s as much fun to watch someone play as it is to play yourself. Also, more of the usual talk of turning players into creators. (Spore)
Unfortunately, Wright was then rushed off stage because he had exceeded his time limit. The guy speaks pretty damn quickly, but a lot of slides still had to be cut off. Oh well. If you’ve read any interviews with the guy, much of this is stuff he’s said before, but it was still exciting to hear this nerd hero.
Source of notes:
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun)is among the newspapers reporting that the US State Department on Wednesday announced approval of a possible arms sale to Finland worth an estimated 535 million dollars, or about 545 million euros.
According to the release, Finland has offered to buy a total of 400 advanced munitions and related equipment for the Finnish Defense Forces' M270 rocket launchers.
HS reports that the reason behind the purchase is said to be Finland's effort to increase its stockpile of defense equipment in order to strengthen its land and air defense capabilities.
"The increased national stock is critical to Finland’s defense and deterrence due to the deteriorated security situation in Europe," according to the US State Department release, which continued that, "It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist Finland in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability."
Not hand-in-hand?
Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is scheduled to start a visit to Turkey on Thursday and according to Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun), the topic of his discussions there will most obviously be Finland's and Sweden's Nato membership application.
Turkey is the last Nato member that has not yet announced its decision to ratify Finland's and Sweden's applications. Hungary's ratification is still in process, but that country is expected to ratify the agreement in December.
So far, Turkey has shown more sympathy for Finland's Nato application than Sweden's, notes IS.
Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in Washington, DC, told the Finnish news agency STT that it could be very likely that Turkey will ratify Finland's application before Sweden's.
"I think there is a real possibility that Turkey will give the green light to Finland before Sweden," he told STT.
The report points out that the situation is difficult not only for Sweden, but also for Finland as well, because this country's leadership has clearly stated that Finland would like to join Nato hand-in-hand with Sweden. The reason for this is, among other things, defense cooperation planning by the two neighbours, the fact that they submitted applications together, and have also been accepted together by other Nato member countries.
Subsidies for electric cars
The business and economic news daily Kauppalehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun)reports that the automotive sector is pushing subsidies of up to 5,000 euros for consumers buying new fully electric cars.
According to the automotive industry's estimate, in the worst case, fuel pump prices for petrol may jump another average 25–55 cents per litre.
Kauppalehti writes that next government will have to deal with this fuel "price bomb" at the beginning of its term, following elections at the beginning of April.
Among the proposals of the automotive industry sector to deal with price pressures is the introduction of a four-year support program for all-electric cars in the form of a purchase subsidy. 
It is suggesting that the subsidy the first year would be 5,000 euros per car, falling by 1,000 euros a year, so that in the final year it would be 2,000 euros. 
According to Tero Kallio, CEO of Association of Automobile Industry in Finland, the more electric cars there are on the road, the less fuel will be needed, which will in turn slow down inflation and the general rise in prices.
Getting ready to ski
Aamulehti asks (siirryt toiseen palveluun) when it will be possible to start skiing this season in the Tampere region, and comes up with the answer, "soon".
It reports that most municipalities have made preparations to set up public ski tracks using artificial snow just as soon as temperatures fall to below freezing.
As one of several examples, Aamulehti points to Lempäälä where the municipality's sports manager Sari Juuti says that the goal is to get a ski track ready by the end of November. Lempäälä has enough snow in storage from last winter for about 1.4 kilometers of track. All that is needed are a few frosty days so that the surface of the ground has time to freeze.
Finland's biggest spruce tree
Keskisuomalainen treats its readers to a feature (siirryt toiseen palveluun)presenting Finland's biggest spruce tree.
Located in Äänekoski in the Central Finland region, the paper describes the tree as being as tall as a 10-story building, having the volume of 15 normal full-grown spruce, and so thick that two long-armed people are needed to hug it.
The exact location of the tree, estimated to be at least 150 years old, is being kept under wraps. 
For now, it holds the title, but the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Dendrological Society are collecting data on exceptionally large trees, a few of which have yet to be measured. 
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eliteprepsat · 1 year
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As the competition for college acceptance increases, so does the value of foresight and planning. Tenth grade may seem a little early to think about college, but doing so can give you a real advantage when it comes time to fill out those college applications. Here are a few action steps you can take right now, this year, to make sure you are on track:
1. Maximize your GPA 📈
For most colleges and universities, GPA is the most important factor in admissions decisions. So continue to prioritize your academic efforts, making sure you are challenging yourself with the most advanced levels of classes you can reasonably handle. At the same time, take classes you are good at and interested in possibly studying in college. For example, if you’re interested in STEM, take as many math and sciences classes as you can. Also, think ahead to next year and check if you need to take any prerequisite classes (e.g., you may need to take regular or honors chemistry before you take AP chemistry).
2. Read 📖📚
Sophomore year is as good a time as any to focus on developing your reading skills. The more you read, the better your reading comprehension, speed, and focus will be. You will also naturally pick up new vocabulary words and standard English grammar conventions that will not only help boost your SAT score but also improve your reading and writing abilities. It goes without saying that reading will be part of almost all class assignments, so becoming a skilled reader will help with that GPA we were just talking about.
Tip: If you can improve your relationship with reading, which may have degraded over a lifetime of imposed reading limitations and deadlines, you will begin to read more efficiently and gain a desire for knowledge you never knew you could possess. Keep trying different books, magazines, and websites until you find an author or genre you truly enjoy. Then, with your new perspective, you will naturally begin to enjoy all types of reading more and more.
3. Explore Extracurricular Activities 🏈🎭
To maximize your chances of gaining admission to the colleges and universities of your choice, you will want to give them a clear vision of your interests. Schools want to get to know your personality and prefer students who actively pursue a passion, make an impact in the community, and/or demonstrate outstanding achievement rather than just disinterestedly attend a slew of activities. Think big: try to reach the highest level in your sport, assume a leadership position in your club, or even take the initiative to start your own club or community program.
If you are still unsure of your interests, try out some new classes, clubs, and activities while paying attention to when you feel most excited. Talk to others or read books and articles about potential interests to become more informed and inspired.
4. Take the PSAT
If you have the option, it’s a good idea to take the PSAT sophomore year to get a preview of what subject areas you might want to work on to prepare for your junior year PSAT. While not a college admissions requirement, the PSAT can qualify you for scholarship money and provide good practice for the SAT.
5. Consider SAT Subject Tests
SAT subject tests are offered for math, science, English, history, and languages. Some colleges and universities require or recommend them, and some don’t, but in any case these 60 minute tests are a good way to demonstrate your knowledge in subject areas you are interested in possibly pursuing. Since it is a good idea to take the SAT subject tests when the material is fresh in your mind, sophomore year could be a good time to take the tests that correlate to classes you are currently taking.
6. Plan Your Summer ⛱️
As another way of getting to know you, colleges are interested in how you spend your free time. Plan your summers wisely so that you take advantage of this time to showcase your positive personality traits, such as initiative, leadership, and responsibility. Getting a job, an internship, or a volunteer position, or taking a college course can help you explore your interests, grow personally, and set the stage for strong extracurricular involvement in the years to come.
7. Learn About Colleges 🏫
It’s completely fine if you don’t know which colleges you want to go to yet, but starting to think about your preferences is helpful. You can look into colleges of different sizes, locations, and types and see which ones you’re most drawn to. College search websites, such as College Board Big Future, niche.com, and unigo.com will, based on your preferences, generate a personalized college match list for you. You can then read up on the details of each college and even plan visits to get a sense of how the campuses feel. Even if you can only visit a couple of local schools, knowing which attributes you like and dislike will help you as you put together a list of where you want to apply. Knowing schools more intimately can also get you more excited about college and thereby more motivated to succeed overall as a high school student.
Keep in mind that you have time to explore and get everything done. And feel proud that you’re being proactive and not procrastinating. Your school classes provide enough stress, so starting the college preparation process now can prevent extra stress from overwhelming your future self as college app season draws near.
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Fifa and Qatar FA refuse to answer questions about women's football. Svt, Nrk, Dr and Ard would've exposed the facade
Fifa and the Qatar Football Association refuse to answer questions about women's football
When Qatar applied for the 2022 World Cup, they argued that a championship in the country would boost women's football in the country. Now, twelve years later, they have neither a "real" national team nor a women's league. How Fifa and the Qatar Football Association see it? We won't know that - as both organizations refuse to answer questions.
In the same year that Qatar was awarded the WC, a women's national team was formed for the first time.
But, as SVT Sport in collaboration with NRK, DR and ARD, could show yesterday, the women's national team has more or less disappeared since then - and they haven't played a single official competitive international match in eight years.
Qatar Football Association: "Not our responsibility"
Nor do they, despite the promises in connection with the WC application, have any other women's football to talk about. For example, their "league" is only played for one month, where six teams play five games each for 2x35 minutes.
SVT, together with NRK, DR and ARD, has been in contact with the Qatar Football Association to ask questions about this. However, they have replied that it is not their responsibility to answer the questions, and referred further to the Qatar Women's Sports Committee.
Fifa: Everyone should have women's football strategies
There we had an interview booked with their chairman, but the week before we were to travel to Qatar they asked to have the questions sent to them in advance. And just one day after we sent the questions, they canceled the interview.
Nor does the international football federation (FIFA), which in the organization's women's football strategy states that all their member countries must have "well-developed strategies for women's football" by 2022, wants to answer questions.
No response from Fifa
We were in contact with Fifa almost three months ago and then asked eight questions regarding women's football in Qatar, as well as Fifa's words that by 2022 all countries must have "well-developed strategies for women's football".
They then promised that they would return as soon as possible. But no answers to the questions have come, despite repeated reminders.
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egysteer · 2 years
Both body contact swimming and competitive bodyboarding are BMS System application popular sports among teenagers. Both sports are also competitive in nature, which makes it difficult for new participants to enter. Swimmers must have good control over their movements while bodyboarding. They must also know when to perform each stroke and take care of their bodies. To help new athletes improve, both sports have coaches and training systems. However, BMS and BCS are different from each other in several ways.
BMS SYSTEM is the acronym for breaststroke, and BCS is the name of the breaststroke stroke in swimming. Both terms refer to the same swimming motion; however, certain parts of both terms are no longer used. For example, 'breast' is no longer a part of the term 'breaststroke.' Instead, skimming actions are referred to as 'breaststrokes,' which makes it easier for new terms to be created for new strokes. In addition, coaches and swimmers sometimes refer to the full motion of the breast stroke as a 'breast.' As you can see, there's much more behind these two strange acronyms than meets the eye.
Both schools of swimming have their own set of rules and regulations. For example, the USASA has its own set of rules for competitive swimming. Additionally, USA Swimming is an organization that develops national rules and regulations for swimming competitions. Although many rules have been created by these organizations, coaches and swimmers should always follow the Competition Rules of USA Swimming (scrubs: ). This book contains national standards for competitions that adhere to the USASA's ruleset and regulations. In addition, USA Swimming has their own set of competition rules that cover everything from equipment specifications to prohibited behaviors during competitions.
Competitive swimmers must follow the same rules whether they compete under BMS or BCS. This includes a commitment to a healthy diet and training lifestyle along with proper rest, hydration, and massage techniques. In addition, athletes should always perform dynamic stretches before and after workouts as well as during their downtime. They should also understand which exercises increase performance and which decrease it- making recovery time extra important.
BMS Egysteer.com and BCS are two unorthodox swimming terms that have become more accepted in recent years thanks to social media use. Both are forms of aquatic exercise that require excellent movement skills and body management abilities similar to other sports such as football or basketball. Although many oddities surround both sports, athletes have embraced them thanks to how fun they are and how good they make you feel after a workout. Ultimately, no matter what you call it or how popular it becomes compared to other sports, if you want to be a good swimmer- you need to learn how to swim!
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meghmani · 1 day
How Functional Dyes Contribute to Smart Textiles and Wearable Technology?
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Smart textiles, the result of a combination of textile science and technology, are not simply clothes; they interact with us and our surroundings in ways that are really astonishing. The key to this invention is the use of Dyes that imbue fabrics with functionality, turning common textiles into materials that are sensitive and intelligent.
The Evolution of Dyes in Textiles
Textile dyes have historically only been used to colour textiles, giving them the right tones and colors. But because of developments in chemical engineering, functional dyes—specific kinds of textile dyes with qualities beyond color—have been created. 
Understanding Functional Dyes
A family of dyes known as functional dyes is created to provide textiles with certain functions. They are not like traditional dyes in that they may react to light, temperature, pH, and electrical fields, among other environmental stimuli. In order to create smart textiles that can communicate with their environment or the user, responsiveness is essential. 
Learn how direct dyes are making waves in the textile industry by reading here. Find out why they are becoming the go-to solution for manufacturers aiming for consistency and efficiency.
Key Types of Functional Dyes
Photochromic: Alter colour in response to certain wavelengths of light. They are used in fabrics that respond to UV rays and provide visible indicators of sun exposure.
Thermochromic: They change colour in response to variations in temperature. These are perfect for making thermally-indicating textiles, which are important for sportswear and medical apparel.
Electrochromic: When an electric voltage is applied, they change their optical characteristics. They make it possible for textiles to electrically display data or patterns.
pH-Sensitive: Change colour in response to environmental acidity or alkalinity. They are used in medical textiles to track the healing of wounds and identify infections. 
Learn how acid dyes are used to achieve vibrant colors in textile production—discover more here. Find out how these dyes interact with different materials to produce stunning results.
Functional Dyes in Smart Textiles
Smart textiles are defined as textile products that can interact with the environment or wearer. They are designed to provide the user additional benefits including protection, monitoring, or even illness or injury cures. Based on their functionalities, smart textiles may be classified into four categories: artificial intelligence-infused materials, extremely smart materials, active smart materials, and passive smart materials.
Materials Used in Smart Textiles
Smart textiles are made from materials that have the ability to perceive, interact, and communicate. Shape-memory alloys, conductive inks, metal fibres, and chromic materials are some examples of these materials. These materials are used in many different fields, including the production of electronics, clothes, military gear, and medical supplies.
Applications of Smart Textiles
Smart textiles have a wide range of applications, including:
Thermotron: A fabric that can absorb sunlight and convert it into thermal energy, providing a comfortable and breathable wearing experience.
Stone Island: A jacket that changes color in response to temperature changes, providing information about the surrounding environment.
Polar Seal: A product that provides instant heat at the touch of a button, ideal for sports or outdoor activities.
ZeroI: A cap with built-in bone conduction speakers, allowing users to listen to music or make phone calls without blocking their ears.
ORII: A ring that turns the user’s finger into a smartphone, using bone conduction to send vibrations through the finger and into the ear.
Lumo Run: A motion sensor that collects data and provides motivation for runners, analyzing running biomechanics and suggesting improvements to form and technique.
AIO Sleeve: A sleeve that provides self-analysis, sleep duration, and quality of sleep, as well as measuring heartbeat, ECG, steps, distance, and calories counter.
Invisible Cloak: A hi-tech cloak developed by Japanese scientists that uses nanoparticles to reflect light, creating the illusion of invisibility.
Arrow Smart Shirt: A shirt with an inbuilt chip on the cuff that can function by downloading the arrow mobile app, providing features such as staying connected, social media, and music playback.
Mood Dress: A dress that changes color depending on the wearer’s mood, designed by electronics giant Philips. 
Applications of Functional Dyes in Wearable Technology
Functional dyes also play a significant role in the development of wearable technology, enabling the creation of advanced devices that can be seamlessly integrated into clothing and accessories. Some of the key applications of functional dyes in wearable technology include:
Health and Fitness Tracking: Conductive dyes can be used to create wearable devices that monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs, providing users with real-time feedback on their health and fitness.
Safety and Protection: Thermochromic and luminescent ones can be used to create safety vests, clothing, and accessories that can detect and alert users to potential hazards, such as extreme temperatures or low visibility conditions.
Fashion and Entertainment: Functional dyes can be used to create visually stunning and interactive clothing and accessories, such as light-up dresses, glow-in-the-dark shoes, and color-changing fabrics. 
Improve your textile dyeing outcomes with these pro tips on direct dyes—explore more here. Learn the tricks of the trade to achieve even and vibrant dye results every time.
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