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generativetenebrousautomata · 10 months ago
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fernandapietragalla-blog · 9 months ago
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the-dark-secrets · 2 years ago
"Die Abenteuer des kleinen Käfers"
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Es war einmal ein kleiner Käfer namens Benny. Benny war anders als die anderen Käfer im Wald. Er war neugierig und immer bereit, neue Abenteuer zu erleben. Eines Tages beschloss er, aus dem sicheren Schatten des Waldes herauszukommen und die Welt zu erkunden.
Benny begann seine Reise und traf auf viele Tiere im Wald, aber keines war so mutig und abenteuerlustig wie er. Er kletterte Bäume hinauf, schwamm in Flüssen und erforschte alle Ecken des Waldes.
Eines Tages traf Benny auf eine Gruppe von Schmetterlingen, die auf der Suche nach dem schönsten Blütenfeld im Wald waren. Benny beschloss, ihnen zu helfen, und gemeinsam machten sie sich auf den Weg. Nach vielen Herausforderungen und Abenteuern fanden sie schließlich das Blütenfeld und es war atemberaubend.
Die Schmetterlinge bedankten sich bei Benny und baten ihn, mit ihnen zurückzukehren und das Blütenfeld zu besuchen, solange es in voller Blüte stand. Benny willigte ein und von da an wurden sie die besten Freunde und erlebten viele weitere Abenteuer zusammen.
Benny lernte, dass das Leben voller Abenteuer ist, solange man bereit ist, neue Dinge zu erkunden und mutig genug ist, Herausforderungen anzunehmen. Und er lebte glücklich bis ans Ende seiner Tage.
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three-o-three · 4 months ago
Top 3 Creepy Abounded Places Around The World - Part 1
Ever felt a chill down your spine while exploring an abandoned building? Join us on a haunting journey through three of the most eerie abandoned places worldwide.
Six Flags New Orleans: Once a vibrant theme park filled with laughter and joy, it's now a haunting ghost town. The twisted roller coasters and decaying buildings offer a glimpse into a forgotten world.
St Brigids Lunatic Asylum: This abandoned mental hospital in Co. Galway, Ireland, is steeped in a dark history. The crumbling walls and eerie whispers seem to echo the stories of those who once resided within.
Abandoned Summer Camp in Romania: Imagine a forgotten summer camp, overgrown with nature, and shrouded in mystery. The quiet woods and decaying cabins create a sense of unease and wonder.
Are you brave enough to explore these chilling locations with us?
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jannattravelguruhp · 1 year ago
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bird-inacage · 2 months ago
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The Heart Killers EP3 | Kantbison + Physical Chemistry (P2)
I can't get enough of the touchy, grabby things. The way Bison rubs his thumb on Kant's shoulder. Kant doing a similar little thumb sweep on Bison's arm. The fond little peck. The way Kant is always so handsy, wide open palms searching up Bison's thighs or knees.
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majunju · 1 year ago
Poor Scara man took his eyes off the Traveler for a minute and now Lyneys out here makin moves and puttin on the charm
wanderer out here publishing academic papers like his life depends on it as the love of his life is being rizzed up by some french magician his love life is a joke
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current-comix · 1 year ago
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morgan-reads-comics · 1 year ago
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Spine-Tingling Spider-Man Infinity Comic #1-8 (2021-2022)
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blkkizzat · 3 months ago
Giving Toji such life altering head he wants to be a father to Megumi and apologizes to Gojo.
not us blowing paternal urges straight unto his dick 😭😭
but he is NAWT apologizing to Gojo, my mans got nothing to apologize for tbh. he was just doing his job 🤷🏾‍♀️
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
xmen media absolutely pavloving me to think any mention of magnetism will lead to magneto being involved so imagine my genuine shock when i was watching episode s2e12 of evolution and it was offhandedly mentioned the cage hank was being held in was magnetized yet magneto wasnt involved in the ep at all. like where did he go ... you've tricked me ....
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peppershark · 3 months ago
Gorgeous Haladriel smut —
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oh, can’t you hear that scratching? (there’s something at the door) by WyrdSister
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the-dark-secrets · 2 years ago
hier ist die Fortsetzung von "Die verschwundene Statue":
Detective James war entschlossen, das Mysterium zu lösen und das Dorf zu retten. Er folgte den Spuren und entdeckte schließlich eine verborgene Kammer unter der Stelle, wo die Statue gestanden hatte. In der Kammer fand er eine alte Karte, die ihn zu einer verlassenen Burg führte, die tief im Wald versteckt lag.
Als er die Burg erreichte, wurde er von einer Gruppe bewaffneter Männer angegriffen. Detective James kämpfte tapfer, aber es waren zu viele. Gerade als er überwältigt werden sollte, traten plötzlich die Bewohner von Greenville auf und unterstützten ihn.
Zusammen kämpften sie sich durch die Burg und entdeckten schließlich eine geheime Kammer, die das Zentrum des Mysteriums war. In der Kammer fanden sie eine alte Schatulle, die sie öffneten. Darin befand sich ein altes, verfluchtes Artefakt, das das Böse freigesetzt hatte.
Detective James und die Bewohner von Greenville arbeiteten zusammen, um das Artefakt zu zerstören und das Böse zu besiegen. Am Ende war es ihnen gelungen und das Dorf wurde gerettet.
Als Detective James das Dorf verließ, dankten ihm die Bewohner und feierten ihre Heldentat. Detective James kehrte zurück in die Stadt, aber die Geschichte von seiner Tapferkeit und seinem Mut in Greenville lebte weiter.
Das Dorf und die Bewohner hatten gelernt, dass manche Dinge besser verborgen bleiben sollten, um das Böse zu vermeiden. Aber wenn es notwendig war, konnten sie zusammenkommen und das Böse besiegen, indem sie ihre Kraft und ihren Mut zeigten.
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vilelittlecritter · 1 year ago
Oh boy that Sisyphus guy sure has a great voice! I wonder who's his voice actor i-
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danwhobrowses · 4 days ago
Eight Hours? EIGHT HOURS!?
Every time I think I'm safe for the week Critical Role finds a new way to knock me through a loop XD
The State of the Role today revealed that Ep. 121 is to be the finale of Campaign 3, having a record-breaking 8.5 hours runtime - effectively an entire work day! I suppose if you're gonna break a record the finale is the best place to do it, but seriously that is so much and so much can happen in it! I am curious why they opted against splitting at least the live showing into two parts, perhaps running one half on Thursday night and another on Friday just to give a breather then the whole thing in the VOD, but perhaps there just isn't as neat a cut between them to be feasible.
It's a wonder what can occupy such time though - and no, stop it, don't think that, I won't entertain it after everything they've fought through - I assume a lot of it could be chatting with the gods (potentially with an array of guest voices and maybe a friendly ghost aeormation playing as mediator), since there's a lot of gods and they want to convince all of them of the Option C plan, with potential ground rules and addendums put forward in the negotiation. There may be some bits with VM and M9 too since the god stuff does directly affect some of their characters, and then a final wrap up for the Hells themselves - even if it's just having a wild ass party and waking up to a new dawn. It's likely going to occupy dominate my thoughts for most of the week, and then the 3 hours I can possibly watch on stream while working, but still that is a lot.
I'm still not ready for it to be over, and there are still things I want to come out of the campaign that while are definitely up to the cast would enrichen the experience for me personally, but now we know when exactly the end is coming, and it's going to be a big one.
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zebedeezing · 3 months ago
Doing a project on archaic Medusa (pre-ovid Hesiod double wings scary Medusa) and can’t get over Poseidon and Medusa having sex in a meadow. I know it doesn’t say exactly what Medusa was getting up to in the Theogony, but I like to think she was running around petrifying people, making a dragons keep of statues bodies, eating raw cattle, scaring the kids etc etc -
And Poseidon bruhhh Poseidon you know he dgaf about non of that miscellaneous loss of life, bad bitch detected, he really pulled out all the stops with his charm magic - ‘a soft meadow amid spring flowers’ uknow
There’s no art of this by the way. None!!
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