#how can you even stop such yaoi from occurring
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sillydeimos · 7 days ago
thoroughly enjoying the idea of jebhank with sheriff just as a horrified bystander like he can't do anything about it he has to watch this yaoi with 10,000 years of yearning and deep hunger inside of it and he just has to stand there and watch as the guy he works with and orchestrated mass murder upon nexus city make out with killing machine hank j wimbleton, and then in the next breath they go back to killing each other. and if sheriff even TRIES to question it jeb is instantly like What. are you homophobic? and sheriff's like no that's not the word. that's not the word for this.
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allbeendonebefore · 2 years ago
“For all of that, the notion that Alberta’s politics stifles all dissent, or made queer life impossible was not historically accurate. This research illustrates how the largely middle-class activists and organizers strove to make it safe... to be queer in Edmonton. And it makes plain how much further they had to go than their peers in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.” “It is suggestive of the challenges of being queer in Edmonton that so much energy and resources went into counselling individuals struggling with their sexual orientation and negotiating the commensurate identities issues.”
this is very hard hitting to me because waking up today in this reality was an ordeal. but it makes me think a lot.
i don’t want to glamourize or valourize the difficulty of being queer in the “tough” city too much because i don’t want to fall into the trap of queer life in edmonton = suffering only but. at the same time it makes me reflect a lot on how i’ve perceived and chosen to personify and characterize my city (is it mine yet? has it always been?) in art over the years and so rambles about that follow
i designed Ed in sub-rural high school a few years after returning to Canada from post 9/11 midwestern America when i was filled with this dissatisfaction of being "home” only to discover that my life was matching next to none of the imagined past i had growing up in Edmonton, and trying to reconcile the gap between this mythical multicultural utopia in the Big City just out of my reach that existed only in my memory and this growing awareness of the rest of Canada looking down on us as a province and as a city- as I discovered firsthand in a rural k-9 school (which even this past year was subject to a horrific hate crime), this was not an entirely undeserved reputation.
of course during this time i was dealing with several battles that didn’t occur to me until later as having any real impact on who i was: all my classmates assuming upon barely interacting with me that i was a lesbian on the grounds of not admitting to liking anyone Ever; being referred to as “that” because my gender expression was considered deviant by my peers; grappling with the sexual deviance associated with hobbies at the time that were far far far from the mainstream at this point (anime and online social networks! gasp); protesting bill 44 without a second thought as to how people would perceive me after; coming out as asexual to relative strangers in a time where there were still only 2.5 orientations and identities barely spoken aloud; and graduating (finally!) into Big City University where I was struggling to reconcile things like being a notorious atheist completely against religious fundamentalism with my Not a Sexuality TM with my Yaoi is for Perverts Which I Am Not with my Feminism is Too Political For Me and so on and so forth.
(so you can see why when i was stepping between ultra religious conservative alberta and weird lefty university life i made these characters somewhat ironically with all the yaoi tropes and demanded that they not be shipped together. lmao. what was i thinking honestly. was it a challenge for others or for me? was it the start of a dialogue or the end of one?)
and sequestered as i was in my little southside university life a certain born and raised Edmontonian from an inner city north side school background, as desperate to escape the city as i was to be repatriated to it, decided this was insufficient and thrust me into directly confronting the fears and anxieties i had picked up through osmosis of Scary Downtown Edmonton. It’s not really a coincidence that the two major changes in Ed’s design (his queerness and his Indigeneity) happened at northside transit stops, both at night, in the company of the incorrigible quatschmachen). I remember us joking about Ed as “the gay cousin” after a particular journey to a discount theatre with a distinct sketchy reputation just a hop skip and a jump from the industrial, uh, charm of the meat packing plants and Belvedere LRT station and, naturally, it stuck. The myth in my head was beginning to grasp onto the realities that I had once been disenchanted by and was desperate to cover up. And it stuck.
And it stuck and I spent a long time “justifying” it in my head, because you have to remember up until this point that personifying a place with any “difference” (in ethnicity, ability, etc) or acknowledging the real struggles of being queer in a place outside of the sacrilegiously gay-and-silly and yes subversive heta-verse... it wasn’t acceptable in fandom. It was rarely done and when it was it was often met with extremely virulent hostility, hostility in similar-but-different ways to the hostility i faced for accidentally expressing “difference” that I didn’t realize I was expressing in rural backwater Alberta.
And it stuck and suddenly it became a gateway into this secret untold history of the city.
And maybe I will write more about that as my research progresses. but there you go, a little insight into why I designed Ed the way I did and why I’ve upheld that particular characterization for all these years. And now a decade after designing him exist the citations to back up my choices, on one hand, and the resolve to keep fighting, to keep writing that history in spite of these odds that look insurmountable from the outside.
it’s tough being the tough city but the battles are worth fighting. and that’s why i do what i do.
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nctzanne · 4 years ago
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[Smut, a tiny bit of fluff]
• Ten x Reader (fm)
requests closed ♡
-You are gay, aren’t you? I mean, by the way you look at Johnny, it’s pretty obvious- You speak nonchalant, fixing your eyes on the random yaoi movie you both are watching.
-I prefer calling myself bisexual- Ten answers with no amusement- I still don’t know how it’s to have sex with a girl-
-That’s why i thought you were gay- He laughs under his breath. You turn your sight to him, just to admire his delicate face traits. Indeed, Johnny was lucky.
Being friends with Ten was something... peculiar. He is a mystery, in every possible way. When you think you know him, suddenly he appears with a personality totally different from what he chose to show you. In those 5 years of knowing eachother, Ten always had something new to uncover about him, making you feel refreshed. There was no way you could be bored with him, everything felt new, funny, dangerous. He helped you to skip your first class, to get an A on maths, how to get drunk without puking, and how to freestyle dance. You just don’t imagine your life without him.
And now, that you both live together, everything got even better. Nights reading tarot cards, laughing at some Tik Toks, and even you both escaped to make a friendship tattoo: A little butterfly under your boob and under his chest. 
Some people would say that you both look like a couple, but there is no way Ten have ever felt that way with you. Oh, but if you talk about your personal feelings...
-Uhm, __, do i have something in my face or..?- Ten whispers so suddenly you snap out of your thoughts. One side of his face is iluminated by the different colors of the sunset that it’s occuring outside your balcony window. He looks so pretty like this, how can he even be real?
-Yeah, some uglyness over there- You try to play it cool, throwing a pillow towards him, positioning it on his lap so you can rest a bit over your heavy thoughts.
He doesn’t seem to complain, and starts playing with your hair. It feels so nice to be around him, he is your comfy zone, your safe space.
-I really want to know- he mumbles.
You freeze.
-Know? What do you wanna know?- For some reason, you don’t want to look at him.
-How it’s to have sex with a woman- he sounds so damn secure about himself, like those words didn’t afect you at all. But he’s wrong, your heart speeds up a little bit, trying to figure out where this conversation was heading to. No, there is no possible way that...
-I’ve been thinking about this a long time ago, you know- his voice goes deeper this time- I know so much about sex with men, but so little with girls. I really want to try how I develop during the act- What the fuck is he talking about?
-Ten, what the f...- he grabs you by your back so you sit up and face him. You are only centimeters away from your nose to rub his.
-I want to know... ___, please let me find out- he almost sound like begging. You hold your breath trying to conect the last neurons that are functioning so you convince yourself that you are not dreaming. You can’t help but look at his lips,just waiting for his sign...
There is no movement at all, not his, not yours. The only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat buzzing on your ears, his warm hands on the sides of your cheeks, his eyes piercing your thoughts.
-Just kiss me already- Your voice trembles, almost like if you are unsure. Actually, you are, there is no way this could end in a good way.
But all of that fades away when he connects his lips with yours. For a few seconds, it’s only that, just your lips touching. But it’s enough to make your mind go fuzzy, fireworks erupting on your lower belly, feeling like this moment should’ve happened so many years ago. When you interwined your fingers while walking on the park, or when he comforted you when you broke up with Kun. But no matter how awkward this moment was, it is everything you needed.
You don’t know how longer it takes for you to experimentally open your mouth a little bit, just to lick his lower lip, tasting the waters. He moves away quickly, leaving your mouth hanging open. You think you messed something up, but before you can apologize about taking things too fast he grabs you violently by the nape of your head, so he can start to kiss you messily.
Everything is tongue, saliva and teeth. There is no control, at all. His tongue works majestically inside your wet cavity, exploring every inch of it, like he was marking your mouth as his. You let him lead everything, you just melt under his ministrations, trying to fight his tongue only to earn a deep growl from his throat. 
He grabs your hips giving you a sign to sit on his lap and you do, gasping as soon as you feel his hard clothed member against you. He janks your hair just to have your neck fully display to him, so he can start marking you up. It first starts as tongue kisses, but slowly he sucks mercyless every inch of your neck and collarbones.
-Ten, i have dance classes tomorrow- you try to stay as rational as posible, running your fingers through his dark black locks- Dont mark me up-
He looks up to you, mouth full of saliva, eyes glistening -You are acting as if you aren't mine-
It felt like somebody totally different from Ten was talking to you now. When you said that he always had something new about himself to show, you weren't kidding. His voice was always sweet as a candy cane, but now you can swear he can cut a rock with a whisper. You shiver, not knowing what its going to happen at all.
-My dear pup- what... is that... a nickname? A pool starts to grow on your panties, and you are afraid you will wet his jeans as well- Do you think i don't know how i make you feel only by looking at you? By touching you?- he lays back on the sofa where you both at, just so he can admire your fucked up state, he is loving how wrecked you are by him- Why do you think i dont fuck any other girls, huh? Because I know how to drive you insane, i know how you masturbate with your filthy vibrator everynight you see me without a t-shirt, wishing that pleasure was given by me- your mouth opens in surprise, and you suddenly want to be swallowed by the couch and just disappear. It seems that he notices- The only girl i want to pleasure my whole life is you, because you are the only one who can make me feel this- he grabs your wrist so your hand touches his dick over his pants.
You are absolutely clueless of everything. So many things happening so fast. He heard you masturbating? He masturbates himself thinking about you? Is it now even the time to wonder about those things?
Almost on queue, he kisses your lips softly, caressing your hair -Let me make you feel good, pup. I want to try everything with you, only you-
A loud moan breaks the ice between you two. You look at eachother trying to figure out where the sound is coming, until you both face the TV. Right, the Yaoi movie. The scene is so fucking explicit you couldn't help by sigh, and that doesn't slip out of Ten.
-You like watching that, don't you?- he turns you around, so now that your back is pressed against his chest. He opens up your legs and in a blink of an eye has his hands roaming the waistband of your pajama pants. -You are so filthy, what if that was me and Johnny? Would you rather watch that?- you moan not only because of the scene you just imagine, but also that his fingers start to ghost against your wet folds- Or do you prefer me fucking you, making a mess out of you?- he teases you, rubbing gently but never putting enough pressure, he only rubs your pussy lips.
You open up your legs in desesperate attempt to make him touch you more, but he just takes his time. You are not watching the movie at all, your mind wandering about all the things you can try with him.
Finally, his index finger rubs your clit slowly in a up and down motion. You hate the fact that you are too vocal when it comes to sex, but it seems that for him it tastes like glory. Using two fingers now, he decides to rub your now hard and too sensitive nub in different ways, but when he starts to do it in circles is when you close your eyes and moan his name loudly.
-Okay, that's how you like it then- and you dont notice when he starts to pick up his pace. You are so close, so damn close due to all the dirty talking, but you don't want it to end.
-Ten please, i don't want to cum yet- you rest the back of your head on his shoulder, eyes rolling back. You can hear the sounds that come down from your wetness, and it seems that he tries in all best ways possible to make those sounds louder and louder.
-Who says you have permission to cum anyways, pup?- he whispers in your ear. His eyes are fixed in how his fingers are working on you, at the same time he is listening carefully how his name slips out of your tongue everytime he slows down. 
-Ten ‘m so close, please- You don’t know what are you begging for. Your legs tremble trying to hold your orgasm but you feel like you are going to explode.
-I love when you call me by my nickname, but sometimes i think you forget about my real name- He stops his actions, making you groan in disapproval, but he hush you while introducing his fingers on your mouth. You don’t want to admit it, but you truly love your own taste. 
You suck clean his fingers, swirling your tongue around them, while trying to look at him in the eyes, though it was kinda difficult due to the position he is. He bites his lips, humming in agreement, he likes what you are doing.
-I want to hear how you scream my name while i make you cum- He starts to rub your clit again, but 10x faster. He looks like an expert rubbing you, it feels so damn good, it’s impossible that he is a “girl virgin”.- Say it-
-Chittaphon...- You feel so embarrased, and don’t know why, but you choose to let go and get consumed by pleasure. You feel it, that tight knot begging for release, your hands holding on dear life by his arm muscles, hearing his grunts on your left ear, even the year of his piercings on your cheek makes you burn and get closer and closer.
-Chittaphon im cumming- you warn him with voice cracked, you can’t hold it any longer. 
-That’s it pup, let go, cum for me- He whispers and licks your earlobe. And that’s all that takes for you to disappear from earth, being sucked in by the orgasm that is washing you. You chant his name over and over again, your inner walls clenching around nothing, the climax seems to last for hours. You feel your clit throbbing, thighs full of your own liquids, and you black out.
-____, baby, it’s okay- He hears that you are whimpering, destroyed by pleasure.- Don’t move, let me clean you up- 
In a matter of minutes, you start to get conscious, eyelashes batting fast trying to recognize where you are. The aroma of Ten invades you and suddenly you feel calm, you are in his bed, covered, with a white t-shirt and nothing else below that. He is laying besides you, hugging you by your waist, caressing your skin with his thumb.
-Hey, you woke up. I was worried, i thought i knocked you out or something- He smiles, clearly proud of the mess he just made. You slap his shoulder, letting a little laugh slip out of your mouth.
-About what?-
-I just passed out... i didn’t even suck you off- You legit feel embarassed.
-Ah, ____, i wanted it this way. It was perfect, trust me- He pecks your lips, worried that maybe you won’t believe him- This is what i asked for-
You feel your heart full. Of blood maybe, but it’s a metaphor to explain how complete this man makes you.
-So, are you bisexual or not- You try to change the subject, laying on your side so you can face him. You still don’t get used to the idea that probably, probably you both like eachother. He laughs outloud, with his perfect teeth on display, and then he bites his lip.
-Im ___sexual, for sure-
You don’t know what it’s going to happen before this. But that’s Ten’s essence, he is a complete mystery. And that’s why you are madly in love with him.
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thranduil-ypfanfics · 4 years ago
Thranduil x Bilbo - Wrong Turn (Part 3)
Title: Wrong Turn Authors: Yaoi Paradox Rating: Rated M Category: M/M Fandom: The Hobbit Pairings: Thranduil / Bilbo Additional Info: I don’t own anything, this comes from my dirty fan girl mind.
Summary: Bilbo arrives to Mirkwood, only to be smitten with everything. He took a wrong turn and found a dripping, wet Elven King. PWP
Wrong Turn
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
"First we'll have to take care of your needy little body." Thranduil was pleased to see Bilbo open his body for his viewing pleasure. With his thighs open, and his body relaxed it would be easier to take the smaller body. Grabbing the oil beside the bed, he coated his fingers before looking back into curious brown orbs.
"W-where is that going…" Bilbo had a pretty good idea what was going to occur, it was slightly embarrassing. He knew it was going to be uncomfortable as he heard females and other swayed males discussing their first times. Of course he had to go for a larger male, Bilbo took a deep breath and waited with a bated breath.
"Exactly where you're thinking. Breathe little one. I'll stretch you until you're moist and relaxed; I'll slip right in." Thranduil watched Bilbo bend his body so that he could watch the lubricated digits at his rear entrance. It was pink, and dusted in brown curls and looked to be winking at him. Thranduil couldn't resist shoving Bilbo back and drawing his legs above, almost bending the hobbit in half.
This way he'd be relaxed and he could see what Thranduil was doing to him. The way his body had been positioned before had caused his stomach muscles to clench and it tightened his lower half. With eager movements, Thranduil circled the little cavern allowing the sphincter muscles to relax beneath his touch.
Watching pleased shudder run through Bilbo, Thranduil couldn't help but dip one digit inside the warm entrance. The long haired elf peppered sweet little kisses against the hobbits raised leg; the milky inner thigh trembling in pleasure.
"Oh! Thranduil, more please… You don't have to be so gentle, I can take it." Bilbo couldn't stop his hips from wiggling in the elf's hold. His lover was taking too long, and he wanted his nerves to disappear as soon as possible. He wasn't some little fragile she-elf. He was a hobbit, male and sturdy.
Thranduil couldn't help but chuckle, of course his little hobbit would be impatient. Easily wiggling two digits into the moist entrance. Thranduil moaned; it was so hot inside, and his little one was clutching his fingers as though he weren't ready to part with them. Spreading them, he was surprised there was no resistance with the inner muscles; they easily swallowed a third finger.
Bilbo lay beneath him whimpering and begging for more. Face flushed and a light sheen of sweat reflecting off his skin. He was trying to push against the fingers, so they'd go deeper but he pulled back every time Bilbo was remotely close to finishing. It appeared Bilbo had lost any sense of patience because Thranduil felt a firm grip around his wrist stilling his hand. The tiny hand held him in place, as Bilbo placed his feet on his shoulders and pushed his body from the mattress to take Thranduil's fingers deeper and faster into his body with a relieved cry. "Thranduil!"
"You bewitching creature…" Thranduil hissed. Jerking his hand from Bilbo's hold; ignoring the displeased whine. Thranduil coated himself with the oil remaining on his hand and had to take a quick calming breath when he almost exploded in his hand. His little hobbit had him harder than he'd ever been and ready to cream like a randy elfling.
Gripping Bilbo's ankles, Thranduil spread the hobbits legs and aimed his throbbing manhood against the tight ring of muscles. He knew that no matter how badly he wanted to ram himself into his lover, he had to take it easy. With a quick glance to Bilbo who was waiting for him with nervous excitement. With a grunt, Thranduil quickly passed the resistant muscles and into his lovers grasping sheath. His body was shaking slightly, he hadn't expected it to be so warm and it was almost too tight.
As he was almost fully sheathed into the smaller male, Thranduil looked up into Bilbo's face and almost spilled at the glazed expression on the other face. His brown eyes appeared almost black, and his mouth was open as though he were trying to scream or inhale; but nothing was coming out.
"Bilbo… little one. Are you a-alright?" A jolt of pleasure went down his spine as he felt his lovers insides tighten around him as he bumped into Bilbo's inside walls. Completely inside, he felt as though nothing else matter except the little creature in his arms.
Bilbo's gaze travelled down to where they were joined and his small hand caressed his belly to his spread entrance. In almost wonder he gently touched the spread ring, then the warm globes resting against his cheeks.
"Joined… oh… it feels wondrous. Is there m-more?" Bilbo's hand circled Thranduil's balls and then followed the line of his pelvis so that he could touch his lovers iron packed muscles. They were trembling beneath his curious fingers. Bilbo had to bite his lips as Thranduil began to pull himself out.
"There is always more, my heart" Thranduil growled. That string of control unraveled and he couldn't have resisted his adventurous hobbit, even if he tried. Tensing his leg muscles, he thrust himself deep and moaned aloud. Bilbo's scream had been so delicious.
Burning and a white flash of electricity bolted through his whole body. Bilbo couldn't hold his scream. The pleasure that Thranduil was wracking on his body was too much. The elf was thrusting, in and out of his body. The arousing sound of the other male growling, and his untidy blond locks falling around them; Bilbo couldn't help but pant and scream as Thranduil continued to assault his body with pleasure.
As Thranduil's thrust became erratic and faster, Bilbo could do nothing but whimper. His body was unraveling from the inside out, and it was rising towards something. He was pushing back into Thranduil's thrusts and whimpered when his body jolted dangerously close. His hazy eyes searched Thranduil's beautiful blue orbs and was surprised to see the similar haziness.
"Come, little one. Let it take you." The fierce growl was the last thing Bilbo heard when his body split apart and everything flickered from black to white and back again. He heard nothing and only felt warmth spread through him and pleasure engulfed his whole body.
Thranduil watched Bilbo come down from his high and he pulled from his lover gently. He heard the slight whine of discomfort but Thranduil was much too pleased to watch his seed spilling from inside the slightly gaping entrance. Unable to resist, he scooped it with a finger and gently nudged it back into the full cavern and held it there until he was sure it wouldn't leak back out.
Collapsing beside Bilbo who was still breathing heavily, Thranduil drew the little hobbit into his arms and kissed his temple and watched his little love drift into a content sleep. They had a bit more free time before they had to get up. Someone had to start organizing the party.
He wondered how Legolas would take a hobbit being his queen and mother. --------------
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argumentl · 4 years ago
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep 36, June 2016 - The status of cannabis in Japan, Tokyo Governer expenses scandal, Hillary Clinton's promise to share govt UFO info if elected President.
Kaoru starts by introducing Joe, and they comment on how fast the year has gone by. Joe wonders when the next live special is due. Kaoru says he's heard from the higher levels that it may be sometime in the Summer, but he isn't sure. He tells the listeners that if they send in lots of messages asking for another live special, it might be more likely to happen.
Kaoru's first story is another piece of 'taboo' news. This is the news that a person advocating for the legalisation of cannabis for medical use in Japan, is going to run in the next upper house elections, and this person thinks that Japan is behind the rest of the world in its restrictions and failure to recognize the medical benefits of cannabis. (*He does not mention the person's name, but its Takagi Saya*) Kaoru then jokingly refers to Joe as 大麻番長/Cannabis chief. Joe tells him to stop it, although he admits he does also get the nickname 'Ganja man' when he appears on The Dave Fromm show. He insists, however, that this is due to his love for the band Grateful Dead, and not actually due to any connection with cannabis. Kaoru says he gets the impression that Joe has tried cannabis before, but Joe insists that he hasn't. He only knows a lot about it as a writer, so he can explain about it to others, but he has no personal experience. Kaoru then mentions that cannabis has been legalised in many places around the world, including 23 states in America. Joe explains that the problem in Japan is that the Cannabis Control Law means that if medicines derived from cannabis are used, both the doctor and the patient face imprisonment. This isn't an argument for letting sick people smoke cannabis, its a call to allow cannabinoids (a compound found in cannabis) to be used in medicines in Japan. Joe goes on to explain the medical benefits of cannabinoids, and how they have been recognized in many countries. Medicines containing cannabinoids get stopped when they reach the stage of clinical or human trails in Japan. Any doctor who tries to administer them to a patient would be arrested (even if the patient had a disease that cannabinoids would be effective on). This could be seen as a violation of human rights if Japanese patients are denied these medicines, when patients overseas with the same health conditions have access to them. Joe says that Japanese society is set on the misconception that cannabis = smoking marijuana, and prefers to keep it illegal whilst being uninformed of its medical benefits. As a result, cannabis derived medicines cannot reach those who need them. Kaoru asks if such medicines actually exist in Japan, and Joe says there are Japanese companies making cannabis derived medicines, but they have to conduct the clinical trails overseas, and they can only administer them overseas. If they did it on Japanese soil they would be arrested. Kaoru asks Joe if medicines containing cannabinoids can be converted into something you can smoke, and Joe says as far as he is aware, they cannot. He brings up the fact that Japan actually has a long history of growing and using hemp, for all kinds of practical purposes (e.g to make cloth etc, not to make drugs), so he thinks this matter should be decided in a more reasonable manner than it currently is being. There is also the matter of Japanese citizens going overseas to recieve cannabis derived medicines. At the time of recording, facilities with such treatments available were due to open in Guam, and it was still a very grey issue as to whether Japanese citizens who go there to recieve them would face arrest when they return to Japan. Joe says more public discourse of this issue is needed in the mass media. Kaoru says that of course there are still people who go overseas just to smoke a load of cannabis, and then return to Japan...Joe nervously laughs, 'Yes, but thats not me!'.
Next they welcome Dobashi for the Tokyo Sports corner. Kaoru says it feels different from welcoming Hiranabe. Whenever they welcome Hiranabe they all instinctivley laugh, but not with Dobashi.
Dobashi's first news, continued from last week, is the expenses scandal surrounding Tokyo Governer Masuzoe Yōichi. A poll was revealed where 99.9% of respondents think he should quit, but Dobashi wants to know whether Kaoru and Joe feel the same, and addresses the question to Joe first, calling him Ganja Man-san. After laughing this off, Joe comments that the position of Tokyo Governer  comes with a huge amount of power compared to other cities' governers. He goes on to explain that after the war, the American GHQ forces dismantled most of the power structures that had existed in Japan before the war. This was simply to make it easier to administer. The only place they didn't touch was Tokyo. The wartime Tokyo Governer was reinstated to the same position after the war. What this means is that the position of Tokyo Governer has had huge uninterrupted power for much longer than any other power institution in Japan. The people of Tokyo have had little say in its existence. As to why the Americans didn't dismantle this position, Joe says it may be partly carelessness, but they may have thought it ok to leave it alone, because Americans believe that local government should be built up by the local people. Joe thinks that people really need to stop and rethink the purpose and the influence that Tokyo Governer has, because if they don't, incidents like the one with Masuzoe will keep occurring. 
Kaoru says he also wonders why this scandal has come out into the open now. Who is behind putting the spotlight on it? Dobashi hints that he knows who, but hesitates to say. Joe tells him to say it and let Hiranabe take responsibility. He then tells him to say it off mic first. Dobashi talks, but what he says is obviously bound to get them all into trouble if broadcast, so his voice has been scrambled while he dishes up the dirt. They then say the timing of this incident is not great in regards to the election and the current economic situation. 
Speaking of financial problems, Dobashi lets loose some gossip about Hiranabe's financial losses, including the fact that he lost ¥2 million yen during the Shanghai financial crash the previous year. They others feel sorry for him.
Dobashi's next story is that American presidential candidate (at the time) Hillary Clinton has pledged that she will make public any info the government knows about aliens or UFOs if she becomes president. Dobashi says for this reason, Tokyo Sports is supporting Hillary to win the election. He says he once interviewed PM Abe Shinzo just before his first round as PM, and asked him whether he believes in UFOs. He wanted to ask him something a bit different from the usual boring questions. Abe answered, 'Oh, Tokyo Sports have found a lot of them, right?'. Dobashi adds that Abe quit a year later. Maybe was due to all the boring questions he was getting.
Dobashi then asks Kaoru if he believes in UFOs. Kaoru says he doesn't know if they really exist, but he'd like it if they did. Dobashi asks him if he or any of the other members have ever seen a UFO. Kaoru says he hasn't, and he doesn't think the other members have really, but he has seen one of the other members spotting a light in the sky and shouting 'Its a UFO!'. He is quite interested in this genre though, he likes watching shows on tv about this kind of thing, or looking into the type of thing you'd find in the occult magazine 'Mu'. He is no expert though. Dobashi says he watched the TV show about UFOs made by Yaoi Junichi, Kaoru also saw this and remembers thinking that UFOs probably weren't real after watching it.
To finish, Kaoru reminds listeners about the new jingle campaign, plugs his Budokan DVD/Dvd screenings, tours, blog, and new single Utafumi. He says the new single will be played on air for the first time next week. To end he says he feels like doing something now that the weather is getting hot, and hopes listeners will send in lots of requests for a live special.
Songs - Dir en grey/Tousei, Deftones/Korea.
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thejustmaiden · 5 years ago
I'm not against SessRin as the ship itself, rather I'm against the idea of it being canon. I wouldn't even care if InuYasha was of a more mature genre. Yes, the trope is very popular even in hentai, yaoi and yuri. However, all of these genres are explicitly for adults - the type of audience that are well capable of seperating between fiction and real life, knowing what's wrong and right. Yasahime's still cleary targeted at a younger audience - kids that can still be easily affected by fiction.
Hey, nonnie! I really appreciate the ask. Apologies for the slight delay. 😊
I read what you had to say, and I think you bring up a very valid point that I don't see being discussed enough quite honestly.
Because you're right, Inuyasha is geared towards a younger audience. That explains why it was the very first anime for many of us growing up.
Ironically enough, some of you who like me stayed up late to catch it on TV remember that Inuyasha came out on a network called "Adult Swim" of all things. haha (I gather that had more to do with the occasional foul language than anything else.) Cartoon Network- what Adult Swim is known as during the daytime- shows children's programs and Inuyasha wouldn't have been exactly appropriate on there either.
Now let's take a quick look at the other anime shows I remember that would come out on the line-up along with Inuyasha. Cowboy Bepop and Ghost in the Shell are the first two that come to memory. If you aren't familiar with those, readers, I encourage you to look them up and see how they're described in comparison to Inuyasha. They both tackle some pretty dark and heavy adult themes. Inuyasha, on the other hand, is based off a shonen manga aimed at young teens, boys specifically.
I'm not personally familiar with the yaoi and yuri genres myself, but from what I do know, a lot of their stories center around sexual romance and homoeroticism. Inuyasha may include some romance, but by no means does the author insert explicitly sexual elements into her story. Fans who are mature to handle that kind of content can if they so choose to-- bring on the fan fiction and fan art! But can the series itself be justified in doing so? Well, I hope not since the average Inuyasha viewer is only just a teenager.
You're correct, fiction is capable of influencing and shaping how some kids learn to view and make sense of certain events. I'm going to give you a real life example here. Keep in mind, readers, that this is an extreme case that obviously wouldn't apply to everyone or every situation. The purpose of recounting this tale is to demonstrate that young minds are more vulnerable to the influences around them, be them real or imagined.
Years ago there used to be this internet urban legend called "The Slender Man." In 2014, these two 12-year old girls (so roughly the same age many of us started watching Inuyasha) became obsessed with this fictional character and wanted to prove to everyone he existed. In order to do that, they made up their minds to kill one of their classmates to please him. They ended up stabbing the victim numerous times, but she somehow miraculously survived. The two girls who were found guilty of this crime ended up being admitted into mental health institutions. Please feel free to read up more on this yourself. It sounds creepy, I know, but how the community came together to support the victim and her recovery was a touching ending to such a horrific story.
Like I already mentioned, this was an extreme case that almost resulted in murder. Death, however, isn't the only bad outcome that can occur. Child abuse in all its complex forms is a serious outcome, too. It should go without saying that no child watching Inuyasha should accept the idea of a young girl (like themselves but maybe younger) being pursued later once she's "old enough" by the same male authority figure who was her main protector during their travels. You could tell Rin felt legitimately safe and happy for the first time in a long time while in his company. I also like to wonder if that's because Sesshomaru reminded her of someone she knew before her family was killed. But who really knows? After all, kids are very trusting by nature. Let's be honest, the happy-go-lucky Rin would've followed just about anyone who saved her! It just happened to be Sesshomaru, which of course I'm grateful for. So tell me again, why does this protector-ward dynamic they've got going on need to turn romantic?
Seriously, why are viewers expecting a romance to happen anyway? It's not like we have been given any solid indication to suggest that these two are destined for it. Allow me to explain why I believe that is. Sessrin fans anticipate a romance in their future despite the lack of foreshadowing, because this trope IS popular. (But only in series geared towards adults- like you said, nonnie.) In other words, it's been so engrained in our minds that it's a completely normal direction we should come to expect a relationship between an older man and a young girl/woman to take. So even though it hasn't been hinted at much if at all, it's apparently bound to happen regardless.
A young woman who decides to be with an older man isn't the issue here, BUT there's a fine line and at times the stories we tell will tread that line and test its boundaries. Case in point: shipping Sesshomaru with "Adult Rin" although we've only met and gotten to know her as a young girl up until now. In many instances, adult!Rin supposedly only has to mean she's old enough to bear children. If it was the norm for a girl to have kids at 15 or 16 in Feudal Japan, then that must mean we should not only tolerate it but celebrate it too, right?
Yes, fiction is a creative outlet to explore and push the boundaries from time to time, but we must be careful of what messages we're sending and who the target audience is. Would it really be wise to portray in a positive light a teenage girl getting pregnant with one of the people who helped raised her's babies on a show for teens? That's not my idea of a wholesome family lesson I'd ever want to teach my kids or have them learn elsewhere.
What we're essentially doing is telling the young Inuyasha viewers that it's totally normal to sexualize and romanticize a young girl's future without her say. That it's okay to speak for her and decide that's what her character would want even if we haven't met this adult version of her yet. What about Rin's hopes and dreams? How about we wait to see how she is as a grown-up first before we come to such big conclusions. Wouldn't you say you're jumping the gun a bit, shippers?
Nobody is saying you can't picture it, alright, but to claim it's the only obvious progression- because evidently there must be one for some reason?- of the relationship Rin's formed with Sesshomaru is absolutely absurd. If that's the case, then basically all the other "who's Sesshomaru's baby mama" theories are just as plausible as yours if not more so.
Also, guys, we really ought to stop stating that Sesshomaru will never have the capacity to care for another human being besides Rin like it's a fact. I'm aware that to many the appeal of this ship is that she was the first one to break through that icy exterior of his, so that must translate to a love that transcends and what not. If she wasn't a child he guarded like his own first and foremost, then this ship could have potential. That's not the case though, so moving right along!
Right, so who says his affection towards humans has to stop at Rin? Why can't the mom- if there is a mom- be some new character? That's really not reaching- yes, even for Sesshomaru. Knowing Rin, she's probably the one who introduced them! Plus, it's not like we don't have other canon sources that already show us Sesshomaru coming to the aid of humans. He has saved and protected Kagome on a few occasions that we know of so far, as well as Kohaku. And no, he didn't just protect him because Rin asked him to. Perhaps that was why he did at first, but please give Sesshomaru credit where credit is due. He is not the cold heartless demon we once believed him to be. How else do you think he is capable of activating Tenseiga's powers? Yeah, no, Sesshomaru grew to care for that kid, and Kokahu wouldn't have stuck around him for as long as he did if he didn't believe Sesshomaru didn't have his best interests at heart. Well, in Sesshomaru's own special little way that is. 😆
I got a little sidetracked- my bad! I suppose it's all relevant when you think about it. Alrighty, nonnie, I hope I adressed your ask the way you wanted. Please feel free to drop by again! 🖖
Reminder: Do not plan to engage in discourse on this blog if you are going to be disrespectful. The views I'm expressing aren't "an attack," so there's no need to get defensive and aggressive. I've even had a few Sessrin shippers themselves tell me I make valid points and that I do it in an upright manner. So if you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe them. Thank you!
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yellowcanna · 5 years ago
Spring Tide
For their latest mission, Uzui Tengen needs a pretty boy with an expressionless face to go seduce a couple of Demons because believe it or not, there are people (rather Demons) whose taste runs like that.
So, Uzui grabbed the only person he can think of that fits the bill—Tomioka Giyuu, rank Kinoe and the second-in-command of the Water Division.
The Water Hashira, Urokodaki Sabito, was not amused.
Pairings: Sabito x Giyuu
Rating: 18+
Genre: Yaoi (boy love), Fluff, Smut, and one Protective Sabito
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Status: Complete
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Warning: The following story contains sexual content.
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Demon Slayers—that is the name given to those with special powers that hunts down Demons.
The Demon Slayers operates in a nameless task force to deal against supernatural beings—better known as Demons. No one knew when this task force came into existence or who the boss of the organization is. Rumour has it that this task force has been present in Japan since the Heian period.
Throughout history, the existence of Demon Slayers has been lost to the general public. Only those working in the higher division in the government were aware of their existence. Throughout history, every single Japanese prime minister has attempted to either shut down or take over control of Demon Slayers, but each time they were met with failures.
The first reason being the threat of Demons that the governments themselves were unable to deal with. The second—as well as the main reason—was that Demon Slayers were too powerful. They possess inhuman strength and speed that even bullets can't catch up to. They wielded katanas that were no longer being crafted in the modern age and with their blades wrapped in their powers, they can split a building in half.
They were monsters wearing the skin of humans, just like those Demons they slay. Demon Slayers only operates in the night, never in daylight. Throughout the years, no matter how hard the government tried, they can never locate their headquarter. Even meeting the boss of the organization had only been a handful of times throughout the centuries, the last being exactly a hundred years ago.
While the government continued to wreck their brains to figure out a way to contain the Demon Slayers—as they have always been—the Demon Slayers were having issues with their own.
That issue was a single Demon Slayer name Urokodaki Sabito.
Sabito was a legend among the newer generation of Demon Slayers. He was the Water Hashira—the highest title a Demon Slayer can get, as well as proof that he was the strongest Demon Slayer among the Water Breathe users. Sabito was an orphan, adopted and trained by none other than the previous Water Hashira, Urokodaki Sakonji.
Not only was Sabito strong, but he was also very kind and although strict when training, he was an excellent teacher. Unlike other Hashiras who never bothered teaching their subordinates, Sabito made sure to have a personal training session with each member in the Water Division. He always wore a kind smile on his face and greeted everyone respectfully and equally. He was never arrogant in being stronger and higher ranked than everyone else. He was like a warm flame in the cold winter night, attracting people to him.  
The lower rank Demon Slayers were blissfully oblivious, but the other Hashiras has entirely different stories to tell when it comes to Sabito.
They all had one Tomioka Giyuu to thank for that.
Giyuu was also a student of Urokodaki Sakonji, as well as Sabito’s childhood friend.
The two of them were inseparable.
Although Giyuu possessed abilities of a Hashira, his rank remained as Kinoe. It wasn’t that he wasn’t given the offer, it was just that Giyuu had no interest in becoming a Hashira. His only wish was to stay by Sabito’s and slay Demons.
If there was anyone in this world that can make Sabito lose all of his composures, that would definitely be Tomioka Giyuu.  
The Hashiras knew that better than anyone, as each one of them had been at least threatened once by the seemingly kind man.
The Insect Hashira—Kochou Shinobu—being the most recent example.
The genius paramedic would pop a vein while maintaining her smile whenever she recalled the incident. She had simply pointed out the truth of how nobody liked Tomioka Giyuu right in Giyuu’s face.
As much as Shinobu dislike Giyuu, she trusted his personality and his ability to keep silent on matters. That was why she was surprised when the very next day an unpleased looking Sabito stormed into her office. What occurred afterward was anyone’s guess, but Sabito would never raise a hand to a woman so Shinobu was considered to be let off easy. To this day the Insect Hashira was still searching for whoever that tattled her to Sabito, just so they can assist her in testing some of the latest poison she made.
And currently…that very same Urokodaki Sabito was livid.
If looks could kill, the Sound Hashira—Uzui Tengen—would be dead a hundred times over. Well…perhaps he wasn’t too far into dying, considering how his flamboyantly beautiful skin was beaten into ugly shades of purple. His three girlfriends were shivering in the corner of the training room, not even daring to whimper as they watched the one-sided beating of their beloved for the past thirty minutes.
“My apologies, I don’t think I’ve heard you properly, Tengen-san," Sabito spoke softly. Despite speaking so respectfully, there was nothing respectful in his actions. His voice was void of any emotion, like the calm before a storm.
Gray eyes stared down at the man lying before him in a heap of limbs.
“What did you say you made Giyuu do, Tengen-san?”
Ah…so this is how I will die—Uzui thought as he stared at the man with a huge scar across his right cheek and coral pink hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Those silver eyes were void of emotion as the man raised the wooden sword over his head, taking a very familiar stance.
Yep, he was going to die. Not by the hands of Demons, but by the hands of a fellow Hashira.
…All because this damn Hashira got jealousy issues?!
This was not the flamboyant way he imagined when he met his end! No, screw that! He never imagined meeting his end at all!
“S-Sabito-san!” A boy with red hair squeaked at the far end of the other room.
Sabito stopped.
Uzui didn’t dare to even breathe as he stared at the wooden sword hovering just an inch away from his face. He could feel the sharp wind from the force of the blade, brushing against his skin as if taunting his uselessness.
“Yes, Tanjirou?” Sabito asked, voice still even while those gray eyes never leaving their prey.
“Shouldn’t we look for Giyuu-san?” Kamado Tanjirou asked with slightly quivering voice and a face full of concern as he sneaked a glance at Uzui. For the love of Oyakata-sama somebody bless that kid.
That seemed to bring Sabito out as he turned to fully look at Tanjirou.
“Tanjirou, gather the team and have them meet me in the office in thirty minutes.”
“Yes!” Tanjirou shouted. With another glance at Uzui, he hurried away to relay the orders.
Sabito watched until Tanjirou disappeared through the door before looking back down at Uzui. “You better hope Giyuu doesn’t lose a strand of his hair, Tengen-san. Otherwise…”
Sabito didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t have to.
Tossing the wooden sword aside, Sabito vanished in a blink of an eye.
Certain that the other Hashira was gone, Uzui let out a long sigh of relief before he was tackled down by his three girlfriends who began crying all over him.
“Tengen-sama! Don’t die!!”
“I’m not going to die!” Uzui choked. He might be spared by Sabito, but these women were clutching onto him in all the wrong places. Scratch that, there was no right place, his entire body hurts and he was certain the bastard broke (or at least cracked) every single bone in his body!  
“Hurry and call…the paramedics!” He spat out a mouthful of crimson fluid, causing the women around him to freak out even more. None of them even heard his request. With one of the girls practically strangling him, he can’t even explain that it was just the tomato use he drank an hour ago finally spilling out.
Damn it, how did this happen?!
Oh, right…Uzui remembered now.
It had all began with three high ranked Demons. The three of them banded together and formed an underground organization. With their powers and abilities higher than normal humans, they were rapidly rising through the ranks in the underworld and expanding at an alarming rate.
As Demon Slayers, they needed to hurry and take out the three Demons. They couldn’t afford to let them accumulate power any more than this. After those three are taken care of, what’s left of the organization will be the government’s problem, not theirs.
Through the information they had gathered, they learned that the three Demons love to frequent a red district in Kyoto. This particular red-light district was popular amongst the underworld. Many big-name criminals go there, whether to exchange information or for pleasure.
Through weeks of observation and information sent from their spies, Uzui can be certain that these Demons visit the red light district at least once a week. They don’t have any preferred brothel. They would roam the street and look for whomever that catches their eyes.
Taking care of the three Demons wasn’t the main issue. The main issue was those human bodyguards hiding in the shadows watching over their boss. Criminals or not, it was against the Demon Slayer code to turn their blade against humans. That's why they needed to isolate those Demons from their bodyguards—along with the rest of the humans.
The only time that happens was when those Demons find a man that catches their eyes.
Yes, these three Demon’s tastes were into males.
Young and handsome males, to be exact.
The first thing that came to Uzui’s mind was that boar-headed brat. He was perfect for the job and what’s more, he didn’t belong to any division, so he was free to grab. Unfortunately, that idea was quickly discarded when they found out that these Demons liked to conquer their victims. They love pretty boys with strong resolves—especially ones that didn’t wear emotions on their faces—so they would get the sick sense of satisfaction when they break them in bed. They will play with their toy over and over until they get tired (which was in a week at most), devour the victim and move on to their next hunt.
That was how Uzui ended up in this kind of situation…because no matter how much he thought, Tomioka Giyuu who served under the Water Hashira was the only one that fitted the bill. On top of that, being ranked Kinoe meant Giyuu would have no problem taking care of himself should anything happen.
As if Oyakata was on his side, Sabito had been sent away for a one month trip in Korea.
It seemed that Demon Slayer branch in Korea was inadequate with their works so Sabito was sent to smack them into shape. After all, when it comes to teaching Sabito was the only reasonable choice among the Hashiras.
That was two weeks ago, which means there’s still another two weeks until Sabito returns!
In the beginning, Giyuu had walked away when Uzui flamboyantly told him to go with them on this mission. However, the moment the older man announced that this was an order from a Hashira, the raven—like the good soldier he was—reluctantly obliged.
Sure, Uzui had worried about Sabito finding out. After all, the man always has some ways to find out things when it came to Giyuu. However, with the Water Hashira out of the country and Giyuu never being one to tattle or gossip, Uzui was certain he could return Giyuu before Sabito even realized he was gone.
So why?
Why was Sabito who was supposed to be gone for another two weeks back in Japan?! Who the hell leaked their information?!
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Tomioka Giyuu was feeling extremely uneasy.
He stood under the roof of the brothel he had been assigned to as he stared at the rain falling from the grey clouds above.
He has been working here in the red light district for five days now, yet still no signs of Demons. The black-haired man gazed down at his clothes and wondered what Sabito will say if he sees him like this. Giyuu could still remember those four painful hours he spent with Uzui’s girlfriends as they dragged him off to shop for suitable clothes.
He was wearing two layers of tank tops. A plain black one underneath and a navy one with leopard prints on top. The black one was a size smaller than it should be, sticking uncomfortably tight against his skin with the navy tank top being a bit too big, causing the right strap to constantly slip off his pale shoulder.
Giyuu’s fingers itched to pull the strap back up, but every time he would remember Uzui’s girlfriends lecturing him how it’s supposed to be this way—just like the leather jacket he was half wearing. His arms were through the sleeves with the jacket itself pooling around his waist. For some reason, the girls had repeatedly told him not to pull the jacket over his shoulders. It was extremely awkward and very hard to move—which would be incredibly dangerous in battle. The leather pants sticking against his legs were also a huge restriction to his movement, matched with those tight boots and buckles.
Since his pants were rather low and his tank tops couldn’t cover much, his waist was revealed, showing off the beautiful abs and v-line disappearing into his pants.
If that wasn’t enough, his nails got painted blue to match his eyes and he even had to wear a black choker which Giyuu still sees as a collar. According to Uzui, this was a tracker so that his team would know his location at all time,
Giyuu heaved out a soft sigh and stepped outside.
He wasn’t the least bothered by the rain soaking into his body as he strolled down the quiet street. In one more hour, the brothels will be open for business and people will flood in. Giyuu walked over to the hydrangea garden at the center plaza. The hydrangeas were in full bloom during this season. The blue and purple flowers complemented each other beautifully as raindrops gently cleaned their petals.
He found this place on his second day of work. It was a good spot for him to relax and think. He reached out, about to touch a blue hydrangea when his senses went haywire.
Giyuu’s eyes narrowed just by a small fraction, but his hands continued to reach out, not even faltering as he gently brushed his finger over the soft petals.
“My, my, what’s a lovely thing like you doing here?” A voice spoke behind him as shadows passed over Giyuu. The water droplets that had been hitting against his body disappeared.
Giyuu turned to see an ordinary-looking businessman, dressed in gray suits and holding a black umbrella over him to shield him from the rain.
Giyuu didn’t say anything and just stared impassively at the man.
“Are you lost?” The businessman inquired politely as if he seriously believed Giyuu was some innocent young man lost in the underground red-light district.
“I work here," Giyuu deadpanned, turning his head away.  
“Oh?” The raven pretended not to notice the way the Demon’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “That must be harsh—pardon me, I shouldn’t say that. It’s just that you’re so charming that I couldn’t help but notice you. Where do you work? I’ll walk you back.”
“No need," Giyuu said curtly, stepping around the Demon as he walked away. While he never looked back at the Demon and acted like he didn’t care, Giyuu was actually focusing all his senses on him.
The Demon didn’t follow him. He acted casual, but Giyuu could feel the Demon’s gaze burning holes into his back.
Giyuu did not doubt that he will see him very soon.
After he returned to the brothel, he headed straight for his assigned room. He ignored the front desk lady who was too used to his cold shoulder to bother with him. He went up the stairs, passed by a couple of rooms with questionable sounds coming from behind closed doors, and shut himself inside his room.
It was only then that he relaxed just the slightest bit. He still couldn’t drop his guard, as there was no telling who might have come into his room or if this place has been bugged. For the hundredth time, Giyuu wanted to go home.
He missed the dorm he shared with Sabito.
He missed their bed that carried Sabito’s scent.
Most of all, he missed Sabito.
Giyuu slowly sat down on the corner of the room. It was the only place he ever used in this room, whether it was to sleep or eat. Never once did he touch any of the furniture within this small, confined space.
Giyuu pulled his knees up so he can rest his head. He closed his eyes, briefly wondering what Sabito was doing before deciding to get some rest.
Tonight will be busy.
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No one dared to speak.
Never has the Water Breathe users been so terrified of their Hashira. To them, Sabito has always been a mentor and an older brother figure. The Water Division has always been proud of their Hashira because unlike all other Hashiras, Sabito was normal gentle.
He treated his subordinates kindly. He taught them everything they needed to know. And most of all, he was extremely responsible in his work. Unlike some of the Hashiras that pushed all their paper works to their underlings, Sabito never did any of that. He was dutiful and efficient in everything he does.
Yes, their Hashira was the best.
Kind, strong and wise—except he was currently oozing bloodlust as he stood over his mahogany desk, glaring at the materials they’ve been ordered to steal gather from the Sound Division.
Makomo was perhaps the only one unaffected. Then again, rarely anything affects her. She was smiling—humming even—as if the entire situation was completely unrelated to her.
Never has the Water Breathe users wanted to beat up the Sound Hashira like they were doing in their hearts right now. What in the world was he thinking?! Why the heck did he make their second-in-command go undercover in a brothel of all places?! If they were capable, they would charge into the Sound Division just to give Uzui Tengen a piece of their minds!
Of all Water Breathe users, Tanjirou—their latest addition—had it the worst. Due to his sensitive nose, he was pretty much drowning in Sabito’s rage. The poor boy had to be supported by his sister who was also somewhat affected by the pressure Sabito was giving out.
Sabito wasn’t livid anymore.
There was no longer any words to describe the heat bubbling through his veins as he stared down at the pictures taken of Giyuu from the past couple of days. Giyuu who was dressed in all types of flimsy clothing he had never in his life wore before, living in a sex house and being eyed by men like a product.
Sabito had to use all his strength to hold himself back just from charging back into the Sound Division and giving Uzui another round of beating.
“Murata.” Despite the anger, Sabito still managed to speak so calmly. If the Water Breathe users didn't know their Hashira well, they would have all been fooled.
“Y-yes!” Murata was nearly in tears just from being called out. In his hast he almost dropped the laptop he was clenching onto.
“What is the current intel the Sound Division has gathered?”
“Yes!” Murata shouted as he looked down at his laptop. He stared at the screen of data coming from the Sound Division that he had secretly hacked into, praying desperately that the Sound Division hasn't noticed yet. If they throw up a firewall and kicks him out of their server, who knows what Sabito might do!
“The last information was sent an hour ago! G-Giyuu-san has made contact with one of the Demons. It’s very likely the Demons will make their move on him tonight!”
"Good," Sabito whirled around as the Water Breathe users shuddered at the calm and composed look on his face because they all knew Sabito was nowhere near calm or composed. “Makomo.”
“Yes, Sabito?” Makomo replied in that sweet and airy voice of hers, beautiful emerald eyes smiling up at her Hashira.
“Take care of the people from the Sound Division. There’s no need to worry about the Sound Hashira. He won’t be able to move tonight.”
What the heck did you do to the Sound Hashira?—was the thought flowing through all of their minds except Makomo and Tanjirou who was the witness to the crime scene.
“Tanjirou, Nezuko.”
“Yes!” The Kamado siblings straightened up at being called.
“You two will accompany me in tonight’s hunt. We leave in an hour. Murata, keep us updated with Giyuu’s location and status. Send Makomo the locations of the Demon Slayers from the Sound Division.”
“Yes sir!”
Sabito waved his hand, a signal of dismissal and all the Demon Slayers filed out, leaving Sabito to stand alone in his office. The man leaned back against his desk, swiping a picture of Giyuu and held it up over his head.
A small frown tugged on the man’s lips as silver eyes stared at the picture of the blue-eyed man standing next to the glowing red lantern in the night. Whoever took this picture had taken it high up in a building across the street.
Giyuu’s long black hair was brushed over his shoulder, a black chocker on his neck and wearing a crimson t-shirt with the collar so big it was sliding off his shoulders, showing off his defined collar bones. The raven’s ripped jeans seemed to hug his legs so tightly that Sabito doubt he could even bend down. And worst…Sabito could even see the edges of Giyuu’s underwear sticking out.
It was red.
Giyuu never wore or own red underwear.
The raven had his arms crossed, leaning against the doorframe with cornflower blue eyes gazing off into the distance. Sabito would have laughed at how the Giyuu in the picture was dozing off if not for the situation he was in. The warm light from the lanterns wrapped around his lithe frame, making him all the more eye-catching as well as giving him a delicate feature that only Sabito knew of.
Sabito felt like there was a tidal wave crashing around inside him, pushing his organs left and right.
He sighed, leaning his head back as he slowly closed his eyes.
“What should I do with you…Giyuu?”
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Night came faster than Giyuu had anticipated.
He had only gotten three hours of sleep before he was woken up by a sharp knock at the door and order to get to work.
Giyuu wasn’t liked by the workers at the brothel—not that he intended to be liked. He was only here for the mission. The raven walked down the street, ignoring the burning gazes of various men as their eyes raked over his body, accessing him like some sort of goods.
It was time to bring customers back to the brothel.
Giyuu tucked his hands in his pocket, feeling around the small bags of drugs hidden there. These drugs were given to him by Uzui, made by none other than Shinobu. Every time Giyuu finds a customer, he could bring them back into his room before smacking the entire pack of drug into their faces to send them off into dreamland.
The Sound Hashira did mention something about letting them drink it, but Giyuu found this method more efficient. With the help of the drugs, these people would hallucinate and believed they really had sex, leaving the brothel next day extremely satisfied and gave Giyuu enough tips to get him on the owner’s good grace.
Giyuu stopped upon feeling an arm snaking around his waist, grimy hands slipping under his tank tops to feel his skin.
It was disgusting.
“How much for a night, pretty boy?” Foul breath reached his nose.
Everything about this man was repulsive.
The touch, the sound, the smell…it was all wrong.
Giyuu spoke a price.
The man was delighted.
As easy as that, a deal has been struck.
The man pulled Giyuu close, muttering dirty promises into his ears, causing Giyuu to tilt his head away as the stench of alcohol wrapped around him. He closed his eyes, mentally counting to hold back the urge to lead this man into an alleyway and just knock him out.
It was at this moment that Giyuu felt it—the presence of Demons.
They’re here.
He kept his eyes closed, acting as normal as possible as he felt the slimy hand gliding up his skin—edging towards his chest.
One moment the hand was still there, the next, it was gone along with the man’s presence. Giyuu snapped opened his eyes just as he was pulled into a different embrace. The raven breathed into the fresh minty scent rolling off the clothes pressed against him. A normal person might be swooned by the delicacy of the person holding them, but if anything Giyuu was more disguised.
He felt nauseous.
Giyuu didn’t have Tanjirou’s sense of smell. He couldn’t sniff out the difference between human and Demons, but he could feel the Demon’s presence. It was a revolting feeling, like insects crawling in the layer between his skin and flesh. Being held within a Demon’s arms was more nauseating than any drunkard.
Right now, he wanted nothing more than to run a blade right through this Demon’s neck.
If only he had his sword…
“We meet again.” The Demon’s soft voice spoke. Giyuu looked up and just as he thought, it was the Demon from earlier. Beside him were two other Demon males. One looked more like the punk type with long wavy blond hair and the other looked rather shaggy with bushy beard.
The bearded Demon was gripping onto the drunkard, whispering something to him that had the man stumble away in fright.
“These are my friends.” The businessman Demon introduced with a perfect smile when he saw Giyuu eyeing his two other companions.
Giyuu didn’t say anything. He stepped out of the Demon’s arm and turned, about to leave when his wrist was caught. Giyuu looked up at the punk Demon.
“Now, now, we’re sorry for ruining your date.” He said with an arrogant smirk. “As compensation, how about you spend a night with the three of us?”
Giyuu stared at him for a long time before slowly nodding. The man whistled, wrapping an arm around Giyuu and pulling him against his body.
“Fuck you smell so good.”
Giyuu jolted when the man buried his face into his head and inhaled hard.
The raven was barely holding back his disgust as he brought the three Demons to his brothel. They needed to dispose of them away from the eyes of public and their bodyguards. The best way to do that in such a crowded red-light district was in one of the brothel rooms.
Giyuu was certain Uzui and his subordinates were waiting for them already.  
This wasn’t the way the Water Division worked, but the Sound Division has always been trained in assassination more than face to face combat, so this method was the best for them.
Giyuu had to force himself to calm down when he felt a tongue running up his neck. If only he has his sword, he would behead this demon right here and now.
Giyuu frowned at the thought of his lover.
Really, he should never have taken Uzui’s request. Hashira’s order or not, he wasn’t part of the Sound Division, he has no obligation to listen to him. If Sabito was to find out, he would be extremely angry, wouldn’t he?
“Oh my, Sasaki-san! How wonderful it is to see you visiting us again!” The owner of the brothel ran up to welcomed the four of them the moment they stepped through the entrance. “I see you have found Yukio-chan! Such good eyes you have! Yukio-chan here is our latest addition! He’s been very popular with our guests!”
“Your name is Yukio?” The punk Demon purred as he licked the shell of the raven’s ear.
“Such a lovely name for a lovely person as yourself.” The businessman Demon hummed as he dropped a card into the owner’s hand. “We’ll take him.”
“Of course, Sasaki-san!” The owner was smiling so wide her lips were practically splitting her face apart as she ran the card through the card machine.  
“Yukio-chan, show our guests to the room, be sure to treat them well! I will have someone bring some appetizers and drink to you!”
“No need.” The gruff Demon snapped impatiently, reaching out to snatch Giyuu from his companion’s arms and sniffed him loudly. “Fuck, I already can’t wait.” He licked his lips, beard scratching over the raven’s pale skin and leaving red markings. He was practically running his hands all over the young male.
Giyuu closed his eyes, trying to hold down his anger before he stepped forward despite the hands all over his body.
The journey to his room felt like an eternity. More than once, Giyuu would be forced to stop, pushed against the walls as hungry lips attacked his throat. Many times these demons tried to claim his lips, but Giyuu had avoided all those attempts.
He pushed off the gruff Demon, muttering quietly about going into his room to escape their clutches. The Demons weren’t put off by his reluctance. If anything, they were only getting more and more excited.
Uzui wasn’t wrong when he told Giyuu to act like himself and the Demons will fall for him.
The moment Giyuu opened the door to his rooms, he was all but thrown onto the bed he had avoided touching ever since arriving at the brothel. Immediately, he was crushed under a large body with something hard pressed against his stomach.
His heart pounded as something he kept neglecting finally sank in.
It was fear.
It wasn’t the fear of possible death, but the fear of being touched any more than he already had been. Giyuu was about to push the man off when his wrists were grabbed and pinned over his head.
Azure blue stared as the demon's face distorted, losing that human appearance and becoming the Demon he was all too familiar of. His long tongue snaked out, licking Giyuu across the face, edging closer and closer to his lips when a foot suddenly slammed into the side of the Demon’s face.
It was as if time had slowed for that very moment.
Giyuu watched with wide, unblinking eyes as a black combat boot he was all too familiar with shattered the demon’s skull—distorting the entire shape of the demon’s head. As the demon was sent flying into the air and off of Giyuu, there was a flicker of silver light, moving so fast that the other two Demons didn’t even know what had happened.
Giyuu saw it clearly though.
That flicker of light was from a katana, running smoothly through the demon’s neck.
And that familiar colour and shape the blade…Giyuu only knew one person who wields it other than himself.
A leather-gloved hand grabbed Giyuu by the elbow, pulling up and secured him against the familiar black and navy coat that was not the Sound Division’s, but the Water Division’s uniform.
Giyuu’s heart was racing as the salty ocean scent of his lover filled his nose.
Sabito was here.
“Quiet, Giyuu.” Sabito voice was as cold as ice.
It was as if a bucket of cold water was dumped over his head, washing away the heat that started seeping through his body. Giyuu didn’t even dare to look up, fearing the expression he might see on Sabito’s face.
It also reminded him that if Sabito was here, then that means he must have seen everything.
“Fucking Demon Slayers!” The other two Demons snarled when they saw the Demon Slayer uniforms all Demons were made to be aware of as well, as well as the Nichirin blade that could end their lives.
Before they could react, two more people dropped down from the hole in the roof. One was a red-haired boy and the other a black-haired girl. Both youths were clad in the Water Division uniforms as they drew their swords.
“Water Breathe Fourth Form: Striking Tide!”
“Water Breathe Fourth Form: Water Wheel!”
Just from the sound, Giyuu knew the battle was over. Taken by surprise, the Demons couldn’t even react in time and just like that, their lives had ended.
Giyuu heard the rustling sound of clothes before Sabito removed the coat of his uniform and wrapped it around his body. This also reminded the raven how unsightly he must look right now.
Sabito didn’t say anything as he hooked an arm under Giyuu’s knees, sweeping the raven off his feet and holding him within his arms.
“Tanjirou, Nezuko, I will leave the rest to the two of you," Sabito ordered. Without waiting for a response, he disappeared from the room.
The entire way back to the headquarters, Sabito and Giyuu didn’t exchange a single word.
The moment they got back, the first thing Sabito did was go to their dorm. As Hashira, Sabito’s dorm was naturally bigger and more luxurious than the rest. While it’s still considered a dorm, it was more like a condo.
They have a wide bathroom with a large tub. While it couldn’t be compared to the public bathhouse, it was more than enough.
Despite Sabito’s rage, Giyuu found himself placed in the bathtub gently before warm water sprayed over his head.
“Don’t move.” Sabito’s tone was demanding as Giyuu froze. The raven stared at his feet, not daring to look up as Sabito began to lather his neck with soap.
So he has seen everything.
Sabito’s touch was soft as usual despite how much Giyuu wished he could just rub his skin raw to get rid of the disgusting feeling. In fact, that’s probably why Sabito was doing it…because as much as Sabito hated the idea of other beings—men or Demons—leaving their marks on Giyuu, he hated the idea of Giyuu getting hurt more.
Giyuu stared at the hands moving his view, noticing how the long sleeve of Sabito’s uniform was getting wet. He wanted to say something but decided against it.  
After all, what could he say in a situation like this?
There was no excuse behind his actions. Job or not, he went to work at a red light district while his lover was away on a business trip without even telling him.
“Close your eyes.”
Giyuu obeyed and felt a soft towel rubbing over his face, carrying the fresh scent of soap. After that, Sabito pulled down the showerhead to wash the soap off the raven’s face.
“Here, you can wash the rest can’t you, Giyuu?” Sabito put the towel into his lover’s hands. Despite sounding like a question, it was really a command.
Giyuu nodded mutely, still not daring to look up. Sabito sat on the edge of the tub for a little longer before he walked out of the bathroom.
“I don’t want to see any part of your skin scrubbed red.” Those were his parting words before the bathroom door closed, giving Giyuu his privacy.
Despite how angry Sabito must be, how could he still be so gentle?
Giyuu buried his face into his knees as warm water continued to splash over his body.
Thirty minutes later, Giyuu slowly walked out of the bathroom. He was dressed in a large, maroon t-shirt and baggy black sweat pants that Sabito had kindly left on the counter for him. Giyuu never had these clothes before, and he was certain Sabito didn’t have these either. They seemed new and the fabrics were unusually soft against his skin.
Giyuu didn’t need to think to know that Sabito must have gotten these for him during his time in Korea.  
The raven’s heart swelled with shame. Even in Korea, Sabito had been thinking about him and yet he…
Ocean blue eyes glanced across the room, landing on the man with coral pink hair sitting on the edge of their bed, looking through reports.
This was Giyuu’s first time seeing Sabito’s face after in two weeks.
His face was carefully blank with silvery gray eyes concentrating on the papers in his hand. However, Giyuu knew that Sabito was not even looking at those documents at all. His eyes were too distant and his posture too stiff.
Sabito didn’t look up as Giyuu slowly approached him. He didn’t even look up when Giyuu stopped right in front of him. He just turned to the next page and continued reading.
Giyuu felt more and more insecure as time went by. He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t even utter his lover’s name with how hard his lips were trembling.
Being ignored by Sabito of all people hurts.
He hated this feeling, but he got no right to complain.
“I’m sorry.” Giyuu finally mustered the courage to speak. Even his voice was trembling. “I’m sorry, Sabito.”
Sabito finally moved. He tilted his head back, looking up at Giyuu with eyes that seemed to have the power to suck his soul in.
“Sorry for what, Giyuu? You’ve done an excellent job in assisting the termination of three high ranked Demons. There’s nothing for you to be sorry of.”
It hurts.
It hurts so much to hear Sabito speak to him in such aloof tone. There wasn’t even the slightest bit of sarcasm in his voice. It’s like Sabito was sincerely stating a fact.
Giyuu stopped thinking for the first time in his life and acted on impulse. He threw himself against Sabito, wrapping his arms tightly around the other man’s neck and buried his face into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry…I should have talked to you. I shouldn’t have done this without consulting with you first. So please don’t ignore me, Sabito. I won’t do it ever again so…”
Sabito sighed. His arms came up, wrapping around Giyuu and flipped them around.
Giyuu hit the bed softly with Sabito on top of him, holding him so tightly that a normal human’s bone would probably crack from the sheer force. But to Giyuu, Sabito’s hug was so warm he could just melt into it.
"I'm angry, Giyuu," Sabito said through gritted teeth as he buried his face into the raven’s pale neck. “Do you have any idea how I felt when I got the news of you working undercover at a brothel taking in customers? Do you have any idea what I felt when I saw those demons running their hands and tongues over you? Giyuu I—do you have any idea how hurt I am when you left me in the dark?!”
“I know…I’m so sorry, Sabito," Giyuu whispered. "I hated it…I don't like feeling anyone else touching me. I never let them get far, I—!"
“This isn’t a matter of how far they went! They touched you! You put yourself in a position for other men to touch you!” Sabito shouted, pulling back as Giyuu saw the rage and bitterness mixed on his face. “And those clothes you wore—damn it Giyuu!”
That was the only warning Giyuu had before Sabito smashed their lips together. The raven gasped in surprise when Sabito’s tongue pushed its way inside his mouth, moving so violently it was as if he was being swept away by a tsunami.
The raven couldn’t do anything but shake within his lover’s tight arms as his mouth was ravished.
This was the first time Sabito had ever been so forceful.
Giyuu shivered when he felt large hands slipped into his pants and cupped his butt cheeks. They kneaded and squeezed the flesh while Sabito kissed him like a starved man. As Demon Slayers, their lung capacities were far greater than humans. However, even Giyuu couldn’t hold on from the onslaught of his Hashira.
Ten minutes later, he was practically drained. His lungs burned in pain and as if knowing that, Sabito allowed their lips to separate with a wet pop. The pink-haired man’s tongue was the last to withdraw from his mouth before he latched onto Giyuu’s neck, kissing and marking his skin like a painter painting over an empty canvas.
Giyuu let out a small gasp when the hands gripping his butt pulled him upward, causing his front to press into Sabito’s. The raven trembled. Through the soft fabric of their pants, Giyuu could feel the shape of Sabito’s cock and the heat radiating off it. When Sabito slid their hips to fit together better, he had to hold down a moan as pleasure jolted through his body.
“I’m sorry, Giyuu, but I won’t wait. I can’t.” Sabito breathed hotly into his ears before Giyuu felt his pants and underwear pulled down his legs.
He was then flipped around, face planting into the pillow as his hips were pulled up and held by firm hands.
Giyuu could hear the sound of bottle being unscrewed and instantly knew it was lotion. He bit down on his lower lip when cold fingers slipped inside of him. Usually, Sabito would warm up the lotion in his hands first, but it seemed Sabito had meant it when he said that he won't wait.
Giyuu panted into the pillow, burying his face inside as those fingers moved around inside him, checking to see if he was loose enough. Sabito’s fingers were quick to slide out before Giyuu felt the thick member rubbing against his entrance.
A soft wheeze was all that left his lips as Sabito began pushing himself inside. Giyuu shook as he felt the familiar shape of his lover smoothly sliding into his body until Sabito’s balls were pressed snugly against his ass.
“…!” Giyuu gritted his teeth, holding back a moan when Sabito experimentally rolled his hips.
“Giyuu.” Sabito suddenly called his name as his body draped over Giyuu’s. Their bodies slid against one another as Sabito overlapped his hands with Giyuu’s and laced their fingers tightly together. “Tell me, how many.”
“…What?” Giyuu panted weakly, already short of breath.
“I want—I need to know. Please Giyuu, how many men touched you?”
“I—ah?!” Because his mouth had opened to speak, Giyuu couldn’t contain the yelp that jumped out of his throat when Sabito thrust in him again. “Sabit—ngh!”
“How many, Giyuu.”
“F-four!” Giyuu wheezed. “J-just four…one…ahn…a day…!”
“And?” Sabito snapped his hip forward as Giyuu whimpered beneath him. “Do they all touch you the same way as the ones today?”
Giyuu’s mind wasn’t that far gone yet, so he keenly caught Sabito’s choice of words.
As the ones today?
Sabito didn’t specifically say Demons, which meant Sabito had also seen him on the street with that drunkard. His lover has seen the process of how he hooked up with other men…and yet there was nothing Sabito could do about it. Not without ruining the operation and endangering humans.
Shame and guilt filled Giyuu as he buried his face into the pillow. He gripped the bedsheets, which in turn tightened their fingers that were still laced together.
The raven's silence and action were more than enough answer for Sabito.
Goosebumps crawled over his skin upon feeling the change in Sabito’s aura. Before Giyuu could think about it, Sabito was pistoling in and out of him so fast that Giyuu couldn’t even hold back his voice.
Giyuu was never vocal in bed.
If anything, he barely makes a sound. No matter how good Sabito made him felt, he would always hold his voice in because he didn’t want to look unsightly in front of Sabito.
Sabito had only questioned about this one time. Even after he assured Giyuu that he could never look unsightly or how he would never hate his voice, Giyuu just couldn’t do it. Sabito was never bothered by this. After all, whether Giyuu wanted to let out his voice or not was his choice. All he ever wanted was to pamper and spoil his cute boyfriend.
The pink-haired man once told Giyuu that he enjoyed listening to Giyuu’s breathings. He loved listening to the different changes in his lover’s breaths. He even memorized every pitch and tempo. Sabito could tell how good Giyuu was feeling just from listening to the pattern of Giyuu’s breathing.
Their sex life had always been gentle and unhurried. Holding back his voice might have been hard, but never impossible like right now. Giyuu wailed as Sabito fucked him into the mattress, using strength he had never used in any of their lovemaking before.  
Each time the man’s balls slapped against his ass, Giyuu would be pushed forward from the force before Sabito jerked him back. Throughout that, he never once saw Sabito’s face. This made him extremely insecure as this was the first time they had sex without facing each other.
“Sa—Sabito…please ngh…l-let me…let me see you…!” Giyuu pleaded. He wanted to see Sabito so bad. He didn’t like this position despite the intense pleasure wrecking his body. He wanted to see Sabito so bad.
Unfortunately, Sabito didn’t listen. He didn’t even respond.
His movement got rougher and rougher, slamming into his prostate repeatedly as tears prickled the corner of Giyuu’s eyes.
With a half scream, half moan, Giyuu came. His seeds shot out, splattering against the mattress as Sabito tightened his hands over his. With a few more thrusts, Sabito plunged himself deep inside and with a low grunt, Giyuu felt burning hot fluid flooding into his body.
His body was shaking uncontrollably as he lay against the pillow, struggling to control his breathing.
Giyuu felt the hands gripping his slowly loosened before sliding away. He felt those hands taking each side of his hips, applying a bit of pressure as Sabito carefully began easing himself out of him.
Giyuu’s breathing hitched as Sabito did so. When his lover’s cock was completely out of him, he felt an uncomfortable emptiness and longing to feel his lover back inside. He closed his eyes, the unshed tears latching onto his dark eyelashes as he used his breath to calm himself back down.
A warm hand touched his shoulder, making Giyuu open his eyes as Sabito nudged him onto his back.
Giyuu blinked at the blinding light from the ceiling. When Giyuu finally saw Sabito’s face that was just inches away from his. The raven froze, completely forgetting his need for air.
Sabito hovered over Giyuu. His brows were furrowed as he gazed down at Giyuu with a sad smile on his face. A hand gently touched his face, fingers brushing away the extra moisture in his eyes before Sabito dipped his head to press their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry, Giyuu," Sabito whispered as his breath tickled Giyuu’s face. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. I just…”
Sabito couldn’t finish his words as he wrapped Giyuu into a tight hug and buried his face into his hair.
Giyuu was shocked by Sabito’s action. With his head tucked under Sabito’s jaw, he couldn’t see anything, but just from Sabito’s tone, Giyuu knew that his lover was feeling insecure…scared even. These were emotions Giyuu had never seen on Sabito before. He never even considered the possibility that Sabito could feel it. Even in the Final Selection when they faced Demons for the very first time, Sabito hadn’t shown any fear.
“I was scared, Giyuu.” Sabito finally admitted. “You’re strong. Even without your sword, I know you can protect yourself be it from Demons or humans. But when I saw you wearing all those exposing clothes and letting them run their hands—lips—all over you, I…!!”
Sabito paused. His lips were still parted, but no more words came through. He seemed conflicted, as if he wasn't sure whether or not he should say it to Giyuu. His silver eyes were also swirling with uncertainly—something that Giyuu also never seen on Sabito before.
Then after a long time, Sabito finally whispered out the last part of his sentence.
“…I wanted to kill them.”
That was no joke or exaggeration.
Sabito truly wanted to kill anyone that had violated his lover—even if it was simple touching. He was scared for Giyuu…as well as scared of himself. This was the first time he came so close to losing himself to rage. That was why he had brought Tanjirou and Nezuko with him. He needed someone to act as an anchor for him—to remind him of his responsibility as a Hashira and a Demon Slayer. Had he not brought them with him, he would most likely lose himself and do unspeakable things to those Demons that Oyakata will never approve of.
Worst of all, he might have done it in front of Giyuu…
Sabito was pulled from his thought when he felt Giyuu’s arms wrapped around him, giving him a firm squeeze.
“I’m sorry," Giyuu mumbled against his neck. “I…”
Giyuu thought back to the feeling of those hands roaming over his body and the tiny bit of fear he experienced at the time.
“I was scared.” He said quietly, feeling Sabito’s arms tightened around him. “When they were touching me, I was more afraid of their touches than the possibility of them killing me. But you came for me. Thank you, Sabito.”
“…Just promise me to never do that again, Giyuu?” Sabito sighed, voice much calmer now.
Giyuu responded with a small nod.
They stayed like that until Sabito locked their lips in a tight kiss.
Giyuu shivered when he felt Sabito’s tongue licking across his lips, requesting permission to enter. He didn’t hesitate to part his mouth, welcoming the tongue that slid inside and began playing around with his.
Sabito’s hands—calloused from the years of wielding swords—slid down the curves of his body, hooking onto the back of his left knee and hiked it over his hip. The gesture surprised Giyuu, causing him to gasp into his lover’s mouth before that gasp morphed into a long moan as Sabito’s hard cock slid back into his body.
“S-Sabito…” Giyuu pulled back with a thin thread of saliva stretching between their moist and kiss swollen lips.
“Sorry, Giyuu.” Sabito nestled himself inside that delicious heat. “But I can’t hold back.”
“Then don’t. There’s no need to hold back...” Giyuu shuddered, turning his face away to hide his embarrassment, only for Sabito to guide his head back by the chin.
“Let me see your face," Sabito said softly as he rested his palm against Giyuu’s cheek. The adoration within his silver eyes turned into sadness as he brought Giyuu closer.
“I’m sorry about before…did it hurt Giyuu? I know I was rough on you, I’m really—”
“No.” Giyuu leaned against Sabito’s touch. “It felt good. You’re always gentle, Sabito.”
Sabito frowned, silver eyes searching Giyuu’s face until he was certain there was no trace of lies anywhere in his words. And then, Sabito began to move. He rocked slowly against Giyuu, causing the raven to suck in a sharp breath of air.
“Sa…Sabi—…” Giyuu panted, grasping the wrist of the hand on his cheek. It was the only thing he could think of holding onto as his breathing started to become a mess all over again.
“I know…” Sabito groaned, leaning forward until their noses were lightly touching. “Ngh…You feel so good, Giyuu.”
Giyuu’s cheeks heated up at the compliment. Sabito always knew exactly how to set him off. It wasn’t fair.
“Giyuu?” Sabito’s eyes widened when Giyuu suddenly pulled his hand away from his face and grabbed him by the shoulder. With a burst of strength, the raven turned Sabito onto his back and seated himself on top of him. Both men had to fight down a moan as Sabito’s cock slipped deeper into Giyuu.
The raven was trembling hard with half-lidded eyes swirling with desire.
“Giyuu, you don’t need to—!” Sabito was cut off when Giyuu tried to lift himself. The Hashira’s hands instantly flew up to catch the raven by his hips. “Giyuu!”
“I want to do this," Giyuu said so quietly that Sabito almost didn’t hear him. “Please Sabito, let me do this.”
Sabito stared at Giyuu with wide eyes before he slowly lay back down. His hands still rested on those pale, boney hips, but they were no longer gripping Giyuu’s hips to restrict his movement.
“Just…tell me any time you’re tired—or when you want to stop," Sabito instructed him. As an afterthought, he grabbed his coat lying at the bedside and threw it over Giyuu’s shoulders.
Sabito was honestly just thinking about Giyuu’s wellbeing. Their room temperature wasn’t that high, and Giyuu’s naked. He just wanted to find something to provide him with some warmth. However, the visual was so mind-blowing that Sabito found himself blushing hard. The way his uniform hung off that beautiful, lithe body was incredible. The contract of Giyuu’s pale skin and the darkness of the coat were also amazing.
Sabito was certain he never had any weird kinks, but this came dangerously close.
“It’s…a bit cold…” Sabito stammered, trying hard to control himself while hoping that Giyuu didn’t feel the way his cock twitched inside him.
Rosy pink hue dusted over Giyuu’s pale cheeks. With that shy expression and beautiful blush on his usually stoic face, Giyuu looked enchanting. Sabito hurriedly swallowed the pool of saliva that had gathered in his mouth without him knowing.
Really, Giyuu will be the death of him one day.
“I-I’m…going to move.” Giyuu bashfully averted his eyes as the colours on his cheeks deepened.  
“Y…yeah…” Sabito swallowed hard as Giyuu lifted himself, then slowly lower back down until he was fully seated on Sabito.
Both men shuddered at the sensation.
“Ah…” Giyuu couldn’t contain his voice. It was deep, too deep. He didn’t know if it was because he was taking the initiative first time or if it was because of this position, Sabito’s cock was going into places it had never reached before.
“Sabito….Sabito…” Giyuu chanted Sabito’s name as his movements gradually became fluid. His speed began to pick up and when he sank down at just the right angle, his eyes widened upon feeling Sabito’s cock digging right into his prostate.
Giyuu screamed.
Having cummed not too long ago, Giyuu’s body was naturally sensitive. Just the slight aim into his prostate was enough to have him cumming over Sabito’s abdomen. The raven breathed heavily, his heart beating so hard he felt like he could have a heart attack at any moment.
But he wasn’t done.
He still needed to get Sabito off.
The thought of Sabito was the only thing keeping him moving. Even when Sabito called out his name and tightened his hold on his hip to stop him, Giyuu continued to move on trembling legs.
Then finally, Giyuu saw that familiar expression on Sabito’s face. It looked like a wince—as if he was trying to hold something back but couldn’t. The grips on his hips tightened to the point where Giyuu could no longer move, so he did the only thing he could think of. He squeezed his muscles, clamping his walls around Sabito and pushing him across that final line.
“Giyuu!” Sabito came with a gasp of his lover’s name.
Giyuu moaned faintly as he felt another wave of heat flowing into him. Finally, without any strength to keep himself upright, he collapsed onto Sabito. Sabito caught him in his arms and pulled the blanket under them, wrapping them up within a cocoon as he held onto Giyuu tightly.
Sabito’s cock was still buried deep within him, but Giyuu didn’t mind. He wanted to feel Sabito longer. Although it had only been two short weeks, he dearly missed his Hashira. He smuggled into Sabito’s warm embrace.
It was always strange to him how making love with Sabito could drain so much of his strength when he can go an entire night hunting down Demons.
“Did…it felt good…Sabito?” Giyuu asked quietly, heart pumping as he nervously waited for a response.
Sabito chuckled, his voice practically vibrating off his body and into Giyuu’s. The pink-haired man dipped his head and kissed Giyuu right between the eyes.
“You’re amazing, Giyuu.” He breathed, pulling Giyuu even tighter against him.
Giyuu let out a small, comfortable sigh. Azure blue eyes fluttered open to look up at Sabito.
“Welcome home.” Giyuu wrapped his arms around Sabito and snuggled against his chest, missing the way Sabito’s eyes widened before warmth and adoration filled those silver orbs.
“Yeah…” Sabito buried his face into Giyuu’s black hair. A small smile graced his lips. “I’m home.”
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Omake: Who snitched?
✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼
 “Murata-san.” Tanjirou greeted as he walked into the surveillance room with Nezuko poking her head from the doorway. “Nezuko and I are going to the cafeteria for our lunch break, do you want to join us?”
 “Ah, yes! I’ll go!” Murata said, shutting his laptop as he glanced up at all the security screens in the wall. He heaved out a heavy sigh he shoved his laptop into his bag. 
 “Were you busy?” Tanjirou frowned, hoping he didn’t intrude on Murata’s work. 
 “Oh, no!” Murata waved his hands. “I’m free! I’ll be free for a while...I think…” 
 The older man heaved out another sigh. 
 Tanjirou gave him a confused look, but didn’t question any further.
 As Murata finished packing his things, he secretly prayed to anyone who would bother listening to him. Please do not let the Sound Hashira—or any Hashiras for that matter—find out that it was him who had been tattling them to Sabito. 
 He had no choice! It was the job Sabito gave him after all! Since Giyuu never says anything, Murata had to keep an eye on Giyuu through the headquarters’ security cameras and report to Sabito whenever he sees anything unusual—such as a Hashira talking to Giyuu.
 If they ever find out…Murata shivered, not daring to think down that line. He hurriedly joined the Kamado siblings as they head for the cafeteria. 
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hozukitofu · 6 years ago
More chillis please
Being the person who assumes the landscape of their environment upon entering the room and often designated as kin of the furniture, Yachi is very happy when people speak at her and not to her, so that unnecessary conversations do not occur and everyone can go back to ignoring her as they did before.
Acquiring a retail job runs something similar to that vein.
A retail job in a relatively functional business is great. People still try to be friendly - older people, and older men, which, no - but it's not too unbearable.
She gets a message, one day, while she's getting a one-on-one tutoring session by Yours Truly, Chameleon Expert Man Himself, Kinoshita, on calculus and tactics of evading eye contact. They're revising what she should know, she's confident that going to the job, with these new skills, will maximise her invisibility, when her phone vibrates and seeing as the team shares absolutely zero boundaries, she pores over the message with Kinoshita, who bites into a slice of orange.
"New shift?" He chews, eyebrow lifted.
She's noting that down as a skill that she needs to be taught. Kiyoko-san does it very often and it makes grown men cry on the spot. Yachi can weaponise that and turn it on the creeps at work. It can work for her.
"Hmm," she nods, mouth full of orange slices. Kinoshita slaps a napkin to her face, picks up her phone and types a response out. By the time she swallows the pieces of citrusy goods and wipes herself dry of unwanted orange spit, there is a hovering screen with the line I'm good to go on Saturday. Same time as usual? waiting for her approval from her upperclassman.
"All good, Kinoshita-san," she gives him two thumbs up, because he deserves it.
"I'm going inside to tell Chikara we're almost done. Send it and pack up. We're bullying Ryuu to buy us food," he rises, takes his books with him, and gives her a jaunty wave at the doorway.
She hits send. Working at the bakery in Miyagi central shopping district with the locals is great, but working in busy Tokyo where she will know nobody and the customers will assume she is a speaking brick wall?
She sweeps all her books into her tote bag and sprints after Kinoshita.
The nature of the bakery franchise she works at is that she rings in all the sales when customers approach her with the baked goods and she restocks when bread is running low. That's the official job description.
Recently the bakery, influenced a little by by multiculturalism and mostly by the owner being completely smitten with the Vietnamese literature teacher with the dimpled smile who passes by their bakery every second day, they also have a banh mi side gig.
According to Suga-san, what the workplace is doing is very similar to Subway, but more Asian. Regardless of the plagiarism of what had been done in food chain stores, this is her job and if she wants to save up for a nicer tablet for graphic design then she just has to suck it up princess and cry her way through the world of earning hard cold cash.
So now she makes bread. Per order of the customers who now have to interact with her, human to human.
It is just as uncomfortable for her as it is for the customers so - equivalent exchange?
Anyways. Now she has Stories. The team sets aside time to provide group therapy for Yachi and the Woes of Being a Slave to Capitalism. It is aptly named group therapy because it is a bunch of highschoolers sitting in a loose collection of volley playing brats and consoling a little blonde girl of her retail hardships.
Today's story, she muses as she runs nose first into Asahi's abruptly stopped back, must be the More Chillis Please episide.
It happens like this -
It is 10 o'clock, she had been there for two hours and made, to the worst of her memory and knowledge, at least twenty individual banh mi. She is righteously outraged by the smell of egg mayonnaise, and if somebody shows up in the store again she will Scream.
Anyways, once the moment of Mandatory Two Hour Fury manifested and dissipated, she settles back into greeting customers, offering her services, and registering sales.
She sees the two boys, clad in similar sports jackets, not a uniform, but it is close enough, on their very very tall and lanky frames.
She is immediately brought back to the sight of Kei and Asahi, except Asahi is twice as wide as one of these guys.
Yachi ties up the package for her current customer, bides them farewell and good luck on their date, and turns to the two boys, her Customer Service Voice already on its routine greeting and question.
"Hi, welcome to Dreamworks Bakery. How can I help you today?"
The slightly shorter boy, with bushy eyebrows and wow those really look like caterpillars, wait until the team hears about this, leans forward, friendly smile fixed across his crooked front teeth.
"Hi there, if you don't mind, can I have one pork roll please, that's cut in half."
Yachi sets to work, doesn't think too much or too hard at why there are two boys and only one bread. She picks up the tongs, considering the viable options -
They are sharing this tiny loaf of Vietnamese bread roll, which, is never going to be enough, even for her, and she eats roughly a sixth of the amount Kageyama eats, so that says Something. Maybe it's just a snack. Who knows
The grumpy boy with the face mask willingly walked his friend or walked with him to this busy bakery to wait for him to buy a small snack, which, Amazing Dedication
She finishes it up, takes the knife to cut the bread in half but wonkily, because she has a healthy fear of knives, you know, as a normal sensible human person would. The boys have been chattering between themselves, the one who ordered constantly bumping into his companion, grinning and tugging on his arm. While from the companion's end there is the long suffering Stop being annoying universal eye roll and sigh combo, it's done with the same degree of exasperated fondness Kei huffs at Tadashi, the unspoken but loud What am I going to do with you, you troublesome creature?
Yachi thinks that everything happening is meant to both be a private moment and a routine, and she shouldn't pry. She also thinks that she is reading too much into this, that toxic masculinity is slowly eroding away with her generation and boys can care for each other deeply without the gross gushing of others around them of Amazing, uwu, yaoi babies.
That had actually happened with Suga-san and Akiteru while they were running an errand so Ew. She's not going to become one of those people.
It's not really a big moment of deep euphoria when the shorter boy with the bushy caterpillar eyebrows slips a hand into the other's pocket, leaning right up into his side, under his retreated chin. It is a cuddle manifesting slowly in front of her eyes, and she pauses in her struggle with the paper bags and her two pieces of bread, to blink and the scene make an Ah sound in her lizard brain.
"Cool," she hums.
"Sorry again, but," Caterpillar Brow leans up against the glass, "would you mind adding chillis onto one half?"
Yachi is already stretching one nearest to her hand open. "Tell me when to stop."
He flashes her another winning smile. "You're so valid."
She grins, sprinkling chillis in the tiny half. After a good half of the bread is covered, and he asks her to stop.
Only for the masked friend to lean forward, tug down his face mask, and speak softly.
"Add more, please."
Because Yachi assumes things, as she does, like a presumptuous idiot, she goes on fulfilling the request and thinking that it's for the masked friend. The masked friend doesn't like ordering so his friend had taken up that responsibility for him and he has the taste bud of titanium which explains the excessive chilli situation.
"Is this," she is afraid to ask, "enough?"
She tries to make eye contact with both boys, but because the Presumptuous Moron Energy is on high visibility that day, the masked companion tugs his mask up and draws out his wallet, sighing softly.
"This one," he jerks his head to his companion, "likes his food to strip off skin when he eats. I hold no jurisdiction over his questionable tastes."
It's all kinds of a wonderful, wonderful plot twist. She accepts the payment and wishes them farewell in a rather mechanical manner, and spends a good half of the day just processing everything that transpired. Everything from the masked friend taking the bread from her and pulling the strap onto his wrist so he can hold the other boy's hand, to them knocking heads as they walk away, the excitable companion speaking onto his neck as they disappear into the throng of people.
Asahi apologises for almost running her over and into a medically induced concussion, but she reassures him that she's fine, I've been the victim of a spike before, Asahi-san, this is like a small shove next to that, oh no don't cry, please, I'll live.
Story time is going to be Lit.
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lordyouko · 6 years ago
Chapter 3 - Lace [Inucest Kinktober]
[For October 9 prompts :Titfucking| Sthenolagnia (Strength/Muscles) | Bondage | Lingerie]
Warnings:Sthenolagnia (Strength/Muscles), Bondage, Lingerie, sort of feminization, humiliation kink, Inucest, yaoi, lemon. Inuyasha is a little OOC.
In which Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha have just begun their relationship as more than brothers and Inuyasha is finding himself very turned on by his brother’s practically unlimited  strength. And Inuyasha is wearing lacy underwear. Occurs during canon era.
Inuyasha tried very hard to keep down the colour from his cheeks as he sat on a little rock and watched his bare-chested brother effortlessly dispel monstrous youkai that had attacked them out of nowhere while they were bathing.
This was still very new to him, being the one standing on the sidelines while someone else handled the threat. All this while, with Kikyou, with Kagome and Shippou, he was always the one rushing to the forefront of the battle, taking the worst on himself and trying to keep everyone safe.
In his defence, he’d offered to help Sesshoumaru too, but the demon Lord had just told him in a bored voice that if he was so keen on killing the demons himself, he was welcome to do it alone. Otherwise, sit down and shut up.
That left Inuyasha with a great view and a really good excuse to stare at his brother while he dealt with the errant youkai. How had he never noticed before how magnificent the demon lord was in battle? His body was lithe, but with rock-hard muscles. Sunlight reflected off the thin layer of water on them. Every movement seemed effortless, and yet were filled with unimaginable power.
Inuyasha glanced down at his own bare arms and chest. He was by no means unfit, but his muscle definition was light compared to his brother. His arms were almost slender, and his chest had barely any definition. Inuyasha blushed more as darker thoughts entered his mind.
That was, unfortunately, the case with everything. When it came to their… sizes, there was a vast difference down there too. Growing up in almost the wild, Inuyasha wasn’t a stranger to the… average size of the male organ. He had seen human boys, and even youkai. He was aware he was… on the smaller side. It hadn’t been much of an issue when he’d thought he would spend his life with girls. But when he and Sesshoumaru got together, their size difference became painfully obvious. While Inuyasha was smaller than average, the demon Lord was most definitely larger than average. The elder had even teased him lightly about it when they lay together. Inuyasha would have been offended if he hadn’t been so aroused by the humiliating words.
But that was just when they slept together. Inuyasha hadn’t given it much thought later, until today. It made him think of some other things he felt that were decidedly unusual…
The hanyou quickly shook his head to clear his mind of the bad thoughts. The last of the youkai were slain and Sesshoumaru was calmly walking back towards him.
When the demon lord reached the hanyou, he found Inuyasha staring at him with an awed look on his face. He raised an eyebrow at him, and Inuyasha seemed to shake it off. They continued on their way and the demon lord didn’t bring it up.
Later that night as they lay together in the forest, the demon Lord found his brother struggling against him where he lay under him. The demon Lord released him immediately.
“What’s wrong?” he asked cautiously, sitting back, looking sideways at his brother. Their turbulent history was still very fresh for them both, and he didn’t want to force the hanyou in any way, or remind him of their past.
Breathing hard, Inuyasha turned away from him and closed his eyes. If the demon Lord didn’t know better, he was sure the younger man was disappointed.
A few days later, there was another youkai attack, and Inuyasha saw his chance.
The youkai could emit some kind of energy from its mouth that could level a small town. Anything that got in its path would not survive. Something had injured its eyes, and it was now blindly shooting energy every which way. The obvious move, of course, was to stay out of the way till it exhausted itself, and then, when it took a pause to regain its energy, bring it down. However, Inuyasha had an ulterior motive while fighting this demon and he braced himself to charge head on just when it was about to release another blast of energy.
Sesshoumaru looked at him in surprise. The hanyou was making no effort to conceal himself from the demon or even to come at him from a direction he would not be expecting. He grabbed his brother by the neck and slammed him into a tree.
“What are you doing?” he hissed at his younger brother. “Wait for it to wear itself out.”
“No!” Inuyasha shouted. “I can take it at its full strength!”
The demon Lord drew back in surprise at this new level of bullheadedness. The hanyou began struggling against him in earnest. The demon Lord braced a forearm against his chest and forced himself to stay in place.
“What has gotten into you?” Sesshoumaru demanded.
Inuyasha said nothing, only continued struggling harder.
Golden eyes narrowed in annoyance and the demon Lord punched him in the gut, just hard enough to knock the wind out of him.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened in surprise as he was forced to double over. Even as he was wheezing, the demon Lord forced him to straighten up and crushed him back against the tree.
“You’re not moving from here,” the demon Lord told him in a velvety, even voice that Inuyasha knew to be an implacable threat and command. “I will take care of this demon and if I see any more foolishness from you, I will knock you out.”
Inuyasha stayed still then. Ever since he’d noticed his brother in battle, the insidious thought had taken root in his head of what it would be like to be the one on the receiving end of that power now. He had, of course, been the victim of that strength many a times before, and it had not been at all pleasant any of those times. But it was different, now that they were more than brothers. The thought of being overpowered by that strength hadn’t been leaving him alone, these past few days. He’d had to do something to test his new-found perversion. But never had he imagined it would feel so amazing.
The demon Lord’s hold on him was strong; the rock hard muscles of his forearm could crush his ribcage easily where it held him right now. He could smell the other’s musky scent, slightly darker with the killing intent of battle. He could feel the weight of those pissed off golden eyes that would easily make good their threat if Inuyasha annoyed him further. The hanyou stood there quietly, mind in utter bliss, and tried not to cream his pants.
A few days later, when they once again lay entwined in the night, Inuyasha began struggling against him. Sesshoumaru once again released him immediately.
Moonlight fell lightly on the hanyou’s snowy white hair, and to his surprise, puppy ears flooped dejectedly. Inuyasha looked away from him and wouldn’t meet his eyes. “What is it, Inuyasha?” the demon Lord demanded.
“It’s nothing,” Inuyasha said again, still refusing to look at him.
Sesshoumaru frowned. “This has happened twice now. It’s not nothing. Now tell me what is bothering you.”
To his surprise, Inuyasha turned pink. “I can’t tell you,” he mumbled.
The demon Lord interestedly watched puppy ears stand up straight with embarrassment. “Why is that?” he asked.
The hanyou gathered his knees to his chest, put his arms around them and rested his chin on them dejectedly. “…it’s too embarrassing and weird. I can’t tell you.”
Clawed fingers reached over to caress puppy ears reassuringly. “You can tell me anything,” the demon Lord told him almost gently.
Inuyasha turned bright red from the rare gesture of affection from his brother. Hiding his face on his knees, he mumbled something.
“I can’t understand you, pup,” the demon Lord informed him, waiting patiently for Inuyasha to come out of the hiding place he seemed to have created for himself.
Inuyasha took a deep breath and raised his head just enough to say, “I said, earlier, when I was… ya know, pushin’ against you, I didn’t exactly want you to stop,” and then his head flooped back into its hiding place.
The demon Lord waited patiently. After a moment, Inuyasha looked up again.
“I mean, I’m glad you stopped, you know, but it’s… not that I wanted you to,” he tried to explain.
“…I’m afraid I’m going to need more than that,” the demon Lord told him.
Inuyasha took a deep breath. Sesshoumaru waited.
His younger brother seemed to be thinking furiously. The demon Lord could practically see the wheels turning in his head. After a long moment, the hanyou seemed to come to some kind of conclusion.
“Alright I’ll tell you but it’s a little weird, so – so don’t laugh at me, alright?” he asked, voice strangely vulnerable.
That couldn’t have been easy for the hanyou to say. Cold golden eyes warmed slightly in response and Sesshoumaru nodded.
Inuyasha blushed, and looked down, fidgeting with the sleeves of his haori. “I- I want you to – I would like you to hold me down while we… while we do it,” he said in a rush.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at him. “You want me to force you…?”
Inuyasha shook his head vehemently. “No, you wouldn’t really be forcing me coz I want to. I just want to… struggle a little and ya don’t let me go and I can’t – I can’t get away…? Alright that was stupid forget I said anything,” Inuyasha huffed, turning his face away, hiding his eyes behind his bangs to try and conceal his extreme embarrassment.
Then a thought occurred to him and he looked up worriedly. “I really don’t want you to force me, ever,” he said quietly.
“I understand,” the demon Lord told him, looking at him steadily, not a hint of laughter on his face. Inuyasha searched his face in surprise. “Really?” he asked tentatively.
“Yes,” the demon Lord said. “I believe so.”
“How can you possibly understand,” Inuyasha said softly, eyes vulnerable in a way only his brother seemed to recognize, though Kagome and the other humans had seen them too.
“Let’s see,” the demon Lord said, leaning down to kiss him.
At first, the hanyou reciprocated just as eagerly. He didn’t struggle, didn’t try anything.
After a while, he pushed back against his chest minutely. This time, the elder didn’t pull away. Emboldened, Inuyasha began struggling against him harder.
His hands were captured in one large clawed hand of his brothers and slammed over his head.
Inuyasha looked up at him, startled. But the grip on his wrists wasn’t hard or painful at all. He moved his wrists experimentally. He could even wiggle them a little if he wanted.
He moaned against his brother, pushing against him with his hips. As he’d thought, he couldn’t so much as budge the other man.
The demon Lord was watching his eyes, watching in case he got really uncomfortable. The moment he struggled seriously, starting to get a little panicked, the demon Lord let him go. Inuyasha breathed deeply, thoroughly relieved.
Later, when they were lying together, it occurred to him, they hadn’t been together that long. But Sesshoumaru could read him so fucking well. He blushed as he looked up into those golden eyes and he roughly pulled the demon Lord’s head down to kiss him.
The demon Lord smiled at him and when he withdrew, his chin was caught in flawed fingers, forcing the hanyou to look up.
“You can tell me anything,” the demon Lord repeated to him in a whisper. “Your brother will take care of all your needs. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” Inuyasha burrowed his head in the elder’s chest and considered his words, wondering if he could trust him with an even more embarrassing secret.
A few days later, Inuyasha made up his mind. It was a little past sunset, and Inuyasha was looking at his brother tentatively.
“I- I – can I show you something?” he asked hesitantly.
“Of course,” the demon Lord told him, wondering why his brother felt the need to ask.
Inuyasha squirmed uncomfortably. “I-It’s kind of embarrassing,” he warned.
The demon Lord’s interest was piqued. “What is it?” he asked.
Looking around furtively, Inuyasha shrugged out of his haori and pulled his hakama down.
The demon Lord’s eyes darkened when he saw what his brother was wearing.
Inuyasha squirmed in his maroon lace panties, feeling naked and exposed under his brother’s gaze.
“T-these are women’s underwear,” he explained in a rush. “Kagome got them for me from her time when I – when I told her I would like to wear them…”
“You want to wear women’s underwear?” Sesshoumaru asked him emotionlessly. “Why?”
Inuyasha tried to read something in his face and his voice but failed. He blushed bright red. “A-at first, it was just something, you know, something I liked. But now, ever since we - Well, now I don’t just want to wear them. I want to wear them around you, when we do stuff. I want to wear them knowing you know I’m wearing them.”
Sesshoumaru was staring at his nude form as Inuyasha stood there in just his underwear. This wasn’t the first time he’d seen the boy naked, far from it. But wearing what he was wearing today, his entire posture seemed to have changed. His shoulders were minutely slumped forward and his back was just slightly bent. He looked more uncertain, more delicate.
“Well, you do look quite fetching in them, hanyou,” the demon Lord said darkly. “I know there’s a hard little cock down there, but when you’re wearing those… well, there could almost not be one at all.”
A sudden spear of heat hit Inuyasha to hear his brother talk like that. Inuyasha rubbed his thighs together as the panties suddenly got uncomfortably tight.
The demon Lord was intrigued. The humiliating words seemed to be turning his brother on. This was certainly a new development but not one that he was at all averse to.
Later, Inuyasha almost regretted the fact that the panties were just so much shredded cloth once his brother was done with them. The night had been spectacular. It was a shame he wouldn’t get to wear them again.
“Kagome,” the demon Lord of the West called, striding into their little camp one evening startling everyone. “Might I have a word?”
Kagome frowned but nodded, standing up to follow him a little ways away from the others.
The youkai lord watched her as she walked beside him. If it was any other human, especially a miko, they would have thought twice about following a youkai alone. But she had never cared about that. She was the only one of the little troupe to be almost unafraid of him.
He stopped when he was sure they were out of earshot of the others, especially Inuyasha.
“It’s about the lacy underwear,” the demon Lord told her blandly and Kagome’s face flamed red.
“Wh-what!” she shouted. In the distance, Inuyasha heard her raised voice and hurried towards the source of the location.
Sesshoumaru felt his approach and frowned fiercely. “Not a word of this to the hanyou,” he commanded her imperiously.
Kagome, who was not ready to even think about the conversation they almost had, was in no mood to tell Inuyasha anything.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” Inuyasha asked suspiciously, looking from Kagome who was looking flabberghasted to his brother who was looking extra supercilious and prissy.
“None of your business, hanyou,” Sesshoumaru informed him. “Kagome, we will finish our conversation at a later date,”
“Sure,” Kagome squeaked. “Whatever.”
The next time, Sesshoumaru made sure Inuyasha was nowhere around when he went to see Kagome. But the conversation was proving to be more difficult than he’d intended.
“Y-you want me t- to get you… what?” she squeaked.
“Exactly what I said,” Sesshoumaru informed her.
“But there are so many styles and designs. Why would you want so many of the same?”
“There are different ones as well?” Sesshoumaru asked, suddenly interested. “Can you tell me what they are?”
Kagome found herself praying to all the gods above for she was about to do, something which was probably a very blasphemous thing for a miko to be doing. But this was for Inuyasha, and the idiot deserved every bit of happiness coming to him now.
“Actually,” she said in a choked sort of voice. “I can show you.”
So saying, she reached into her bag and pulled out a lingerie catalogue.
Sesshoumaru’s eyes lit up deviously, and she instantly regretted her decision to do this.
“Look, I’m sorry, I just can’t afford so many, alright?” Kagome told him breathlessly. “Those are really expensive and I got Inuyasha a couple out of my allowance, but these ones that caught your eye are totally out of my budget.”
“Afford?” the demon Lord asked her blankly.
Kagome blinked at him. “I don’t have any money,” she clarified.
The demon Lord’s eyes lit up with understanding. “Ah I see. You are leaving the day after tomorrow, yes? You will be paid in full tomorrow.”
Kagome looked at him for a long moment. She had had her doubts when Inuyasha had told her about him and Sesshoumaru. It was clear the hanyou worshipped the ground he walked on. But she didn’t see the cold, ruthless youkai treating him well.
But this whole exchange had changed her mind. To think that the demon Lord would go to such lengths to make the hanyou happy made her think maybe he’d not made the wrong decision after all.
Sesshoumaru was mildly surprised when the miko smiled at him almost approvingly. “Alright, I’ll do it,” she told him.
The next day, she stared at the little bag the demon Lord had thrown at her.
“Are these gold?” she asked in shock.
“Of course,” Sesshoumaru said. “What else do you humans use for money?”
Kagome opened her mouth to say ‘paper’ but then decided that was a whole conversation she did not need to be having right now.
“….you could buy a carwith this kind of money,” she said in a hushed voice. “Or – or a house…”
“I don’t need a house,” Sesshoumaru told her, rolling his eyes.
Kagome shook her head vehemently. She reached into the bag, plucked out a few coins and then handed the bag back to him. “This will be more than enough,” she told him.
The demon Lord looked doubtfully at the coins in her hand. Whatever could be bought with those wasn’t something that would be considered expensive. But that was her problem, not his.
Then something occurred to him. When Kagome went back to her friends, he walked back with her.
“Sango,” he said, and the demon slayer looked up at him distrustfully. “I could use your help as well.”
Sango scowled at him. “What on earth makes you think there’s anything that would convince me to help you?”
Sesshoumaru told her.
She looked shocked for a moment, and then a large grin split Sango’s face. Next to her, Kirara mewed her approval. Sango glanced at her and nodded to the demon Lord. “Kirara and I are at your disposal,” she informed him.
“Hey, wait a sec there he goes meeting Kagome in secret again,” Inuyasha said to Miroku, a couple of days later when he’d come to meet his friends. “Hold on, I need to - mother of god what are you doing-?” he screeched.
Sango, riding atop Kirara, had just flown by. Kirara had picked him up in her mouth by the back of his haori and was now serenely flying away with him.
“Put me the fuck down what the hell-” Inuyasha struggled.
“Sorry Inuyasha,” Sango told him, not sounding sorry at all. “Your brother’s orders.”
Inuyasha, crossed his arms across his chest as he was flown away, and grumbled under his breath. In the distance, he could just make out Kagome handing a rather large package to his brother.
Inuyasha hadn’t taken the news of his brother having purchased a whole lot underwear through Kagome as well as he’d expected. There was a great deal of outrage and denial and cussing, but at the end it was all worth it to Sesshoumaru on seeing the look on Inuyasha’s face when he put the lingerie on.
There was no denying that it was a little awkward at first; it took a while for Inuyasha to get comfortable with the idea that his brother wasn’t at all put off by his odd desires. On the contrary, he seemed quite on board with them.
But after a while, Inuyasha found his desires in bed taken to heights he had only dreamed about. Sesshoumaru had surprisingly quickly understood just what he needed better than Inuyasha himself.
One night when Inuyasha seemed to more in the mood to fight against him than usual, that the elder brother made him realize something he himself hadn’t known he needed.
“Behave yourself, or I will tie you down, Inuyasha,” the demon lord had threatened, in that dark, velvety voice of his.
Inuyasha, who had already been all worked up from the cock deep inside of him, had groaned almost lewdly, thrusting up and cumming into his brother’s hand without warning.
A few months later, Inuyasha had lost the inhibitions he’d had about realizing all of his secret desires. He had come to realize that his brother did not judge him for the odd, sinful things that he liked. Granted, the demon Lord mercilessly used every little thing he learned about Inuyasha to his advantaged, but if Inuyasha had minded that about him, he wouldn’t have been with him in the first place.
Tonight, with the full moon shining down upon him, he was dressed in a purple bustier made out of some soft but firm lace material, and a matching lace collar around his neck. The matching panties were pulled down to his thighs, restraining the movement of his legs, and exposing his ass to the balmy night air. He was tied face down on the ground, with his wrists tied together up above his head.
His brother was pushing into him slowly from behind at his own pace, the younger’s oil-slicked asshole working to accommodate his large girth.
“Did you enjoy wearing that under your haori and hakama all day?” the demon Lord murmured to him as he fucked him.
Inuyasha squirmed under him, for once glad to be face down so he could hide his face a little. He had found he loved being tied down like this, at his brother’s mercy. Because Sesshoumaru had never needed to resort to cheap tricks if he wanted to harm him. And he wouldn’t allow anything else to harm Inuyasha while he was totally vulnerable like this either.
“Nngh! Y-you didn’t have to tease me like that, not in front of others,” he scolded half-heartedly.
They’d been in the company of other youkai, his brother’s associates, and the whole time, Sesshoumaru had been ghosting little touches on him, on his ass over the outline of his panties, and on the small of his back, playing with the hem of the bustier.
The demon Lord above him grinned, golden eyes glinting wickedly, silver hair cascading around his face and onto Inuyasha’s sweaty, lace-clad back. “You were the one who was hard and wanting for me, right in front of everyone,” the demon lord retorted.
Inuyasha blushed right to the roots of his white hair. Damn now how had his brother known that?
“Y-you – ungh – you were just playin’ with me, makin’ me all hot n’ bothered,” he accused.
“Your little cock was hard inside those panties, wasn’t it, slut?” Sesshoumaru asked him, voice hard and heavy. “Tell me, did you get them all wet with precum from that tiny little boycock?”
Inuyasha shuddered under the heavy words, electric arousal travelling up his spine. He had been hard and leaking under his brother’s soft touches, anticipating what would be done to him come nightfall. He’d leaked so much precum, they’d been soaked.
“Is it hard right now?” the demon Lord asked, reaching under him and winding his fingers around Inuyasha’s length.
The elder brother’s long, bony fingers squeezed the shaft casually, almost too hard. Inuyasha jolted as though he’d been electrocuted.
“A-ah… please, I – I need to cum, please,” he panted.
Sesshoumaru laughed coldly above him. “Cum, then, hanyou. I’m not stopping you.”
He didn’t stop stroking his shaft casually, but not with nearly enough pressure to get him off. Inuyasha clenched his fists on the dirty ground.
“Y-you know what I want,” he said accusingly. “Fuck me harder, dammit.”
The demon Lord thrust hard into him at a painful angle in punishment. Inuyasha screamed, and Sesshoumaru ground into him lazily.
“I-I’m sorry,” Inuyasha panted. “I’m sorry, I mean please, please fuck me harder, brother,”
The demon Lord hmmed softly in response, and continued fucking him at the same leisurely pace.
“You can’t cum without being filled, can you, hanyou?” Sesshoumaru asked him. “That’s what you wanted today, to have something hard ram deep into that ass, filling you up right in front of them…”
Inuyasha gasped at the thought, unsuccessfully trying to push up onto his brother’s cock. “N-not - nngh -  not just anything, brother,” he gasped. “You… only you… I only want you in me, makin’ me take it without mercy…”
The angle of the thrusts in his ass changed minutely, and Inuyasha moaned as his prostate was struck head on. The demon Lord casually kneaded the arousal in his hands. The reward spurred Inuyasha to keep talking.
“I – they’re all wet because of you,” he panted. “All I could think about was you pulling them down and just taking me whenever you wanted, whenever you wanted a warm heat to fuck– ”
“That’s enough,” came his brother’s deep, heavy voice, that tone of slight disapproval making Inuyasha’s cock throb. “I don’t need to hear your filthy thoughts while I take you, slut.”
Inuyasha gasped when the panties around his thighs were ripped off of him, leaving a stinging burn on the sensitive skin of his thighs. Clawed hands turned his face to the side forcibly, and Inuyasha just caught a glimpse of pleasure-filled, cruel golden eyes before his precum-soaked panties were stuffed into his mouth.
“That should shut you up,” Sesshoumaru said languidly, starting to thrust hard into his younger brother. “They’re filthy, but so is your mouth, hanyou.”
Inuyasha shuddered from the humiliation; having to taste his own precum and sweat on the delicate lace panties he’d been wearing all day. But the fact that it was Sesshoumaru forcing it upon him while he was bound there helpless, increased his arousal tenfold. When the demon Lord began to stroke Inuyasha in time with his thrusts, the younger man could only let out muffled, pleading moans.
Not long after, he released deep inside Inuyasha, just as the hanyou came hard into his hand. When Sesshoumaru reached up to untie him, the hanyou just flopped onto the hard ground; he had passed out from the intensity of his release.
“Damn you’re a kinky bastard too, aren’t you,” Inuyasha said almost admiringly later, when he came to, glancing up at his brother where he was nestled in the crook of his arm. “No one would guess, how prim and proper you look from the outside.”
The demon Lord hmmed in agreement, one hand holding his brother close, the other ghosting over the material of his lace collar, making the hanyou squirm where he was lying.
He would take off the bustier and the collar in the morning. Hopefully after the night he’d had, he wouldn’t need to put these on for a while, until the need came back. He was guessing tonight had earned him at least a couple of weeks.
Right now, he was just enjoying lying there in the night with his brother, unafraid of being attacked, not having to sleep with one eye open. He never slept so well as with his brother’s calm, steady youki enveloping his own, letting him know on a primal level that he was safe.
“Inuyasha?” came his brother’s voice, and the hanyou hmmed softly to let him know he was listening. The sound of his brother’s deep voice was already lulling him to sleep.
“Since when do you like not being able to fight me off?” the demon Lord asked, voicing what he’d been wondering for a while.
Inuyasha curled into him a little, hiding from him by snuggling into him. He breathed in deeply and happily found himself inhaling a lung full of his brother’s scent.
“I …guess since I realized I don’t have to,” Inuyasha told him softly. “Since you won’t hurt me if I don’t.”
The demon lord gathered him close and placed a chaste kiss on the top his head between his puppy ears. The ears heartily approved of this and flickered happily. The demon Lord watched them and smiled.
Inuyasha slept.
A/N:That was my first time writing anything with lingerie. I hope I did it justice…? I dunno… ya’ll tell me.
If I do end up doing the whole Kinktober this year, there’s going to be a hell of a lot of first times with my writing. I’m looking forward to it.
I was thinking of making up the first 6 days by continuing this series into November. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep up with one update a day throughout the month. So any day that I miss out on will be continued in November.
Also,where are all the other Inucest kinktober writers? Am I the only one doing a kinktober thing with this ship this year? If you’re a Inucest writer doing the kinktober series, or you know of any such stories, please add them to the collection and community I’ve started for the same. There’s an Inucest Kinktober 2018 collection on AO3 and an Inucest Kinktober community on FF. The details are also on my Tumblr.
Thanks for reading!
Tomorrow’s prompt is: Hair-pulling | Waxplay | Micro/Macro | Bonds (Telepathic or Empathic)
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writteninsunshine · 3 years ago
It’s Never A Dream - One-Sided Blitzo/Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona - SFWish
Title: It’s Never A Dream
Author: Keith
Fandom: Helluva Boss
Setting: Blitzo and Loona’s Apartment
Pairing: Blitzo & Fizzarolli, Blitzo & Loona
Characters: Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Loona
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Family
Rating: T
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 667
Type Of Work: One-Shot
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Dubcon Kisses, Unwanted Kisses, One-Sided Blitzo/Fizzarolli, Unrequited Love, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, More Comfort Than I Thought Would Happen, Stolas Mention, A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: Blitzo never stood a chance whenever he had dreams about his past.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Tumblr/Twitter!
Welp, my husband found me a prompt, and here we are! I really wanted to write something for this, and I was hit with the urge so I went ahead and did it. I managed to sit down and do this in one sitting, and I’m proud of getting it all ready pretty quickly. I have other fics to finish/edit, but I’m being a little bit slow on them. I hope y’all are looking forward to it! I’m so surprised that I’m getting any interaction at all, I’m used to writing for small ships/fandoms.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Prepare for some pain, I think.
Helluva Boss Fic Masterlist
It’s Never A Dream
It didn’t even occur to him that anything was wrong here, that things weren’t what they were really meant to be.
Basking in the glory that was a teenaged Fizzarolli, happy and bouncy and playful, Blitzo was happy to laugh and smile with him. Even if f he didn’t recognize their surroundings, it didn’t matter, because they were together again, they were close, they didn’t have the vitriolic poison between them. 
They walked the streets of some old town that hadn’t updated itself for the century, hand in hand as Fizz told him jokes that even he thought were corny. A giggle left the other Alpha, who grinned at him in a way that really showed off that mouth that he was so in love with. Something about it was so perfect, so ripe with a feeling deep within Blitzo’s gut that he couldn’t help himself.
He stopped them, tugging Fizzarolli back by his wrist, then his arm as he pulled him in for a hug. It quickly turned desperate, and he gripped the other clown in a frenzied embrace, trying to stop what he knew was inevitable, now. There was no denying it anymore.
“Blitzo…? You uh, you okay?” Fizzarolli sounded so genuinely confused, but Blitzo didn’t have any words, no answer coming to mind. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t, Blitzo knew less than Fizzarolli did, at this point. He lurched forward suddenly, crashing their lips together without a single thought in his head other than need.
What he hadn’t quite expected was to suddenly be shoved back hard to the ground, Fizz wiping at his mouth with a cold glare. Abruptly, the landscape swirled and distorted around them, and Blitzo seemed to age like he was in a high school to now montage, sitting there on his ass with his knees tented and spread, arms behind him. His tail snapped as Fizzarolli changed with him, becoming the slutty (but not hot!), half-robotic sellout he was, now.
“What the fuck are you doing, Blitz?” Fizzarolli laughed cruelly, a sneer on his lips as he mocked his ex-best friend, “Everyone left you. Even the people who loved you couldn’t wait to get away from you. Can you not see how you’re the problem?”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit!” But Blitz’s voice quivered and Fizz seemed to take that as an admittance of defeat.
“Ah, so you do know that you’re a failure! You hurt everyone in your life when they don’t compare to your picture-perfect expectations!” The other imp laughed again, deep and guttural as his voice warped into some disfigured, too breathy bubbly of words, like talking underwater, “Nobody loves you, nobody will ever love you because you can’t stand being confi–”
Shooting up on the couch, Blitzo let out a loud, broken shriek only for it to turn to a groan of pain when his head connected with Loona’s with a loud crack.
“Satan’s tits, Blitz!” Loona howled, reeling back with her hand on her snout, the eye closest to the injury closed tightly. Blitz was busy rubbing his own forehead, glancing up at her with tears still in his eyes, “What the fuck!?”
“...S-Sorry, Loony.” He murmured, voice quiet and cracking in the middle. The Hellhound’s tail tucked a little, her ears tipped back, and she shook her head.
“You were crying in your sleep again.” She offered softly, almost somber, and he hated it. He hated that she saw him like this, he hated that he was a goddamn mess lately, and he hated that he wanted to lash out, to make her leave. He didn’t want to prove that nightmare bastard right.
Nobody will ever love you because you can’t stand being what? Confident? Configured? Confi-gruent? He couldn’t put his finger on the word that he must have meant, and he hated that he’d cut it off there.
Loona sighed when he didn’t respond, setting a bottle of water and a box of tissues on the floor next to the couch. Pulling the blanket she’d brought out of his room off the back of the couch, she moved to tuck the imp into ‘bed,’ hoping to help soothe him. Much as she didn’t like his overwhelming attention most times, she did care for him.
“Do you want to watch TV or something?” She asked, trying on her usual voice. Blitz, thoroughly swaddled into the soft blanket off of his bed, just nodded wordlessly, scooting into a sitting position with his knees up. He looked rather like an odd caterpillar scooching around like that, and she smirked as she grabbed the remote and turned on some mind-numbing gossip show. 
She had to change the channel when something about Stolas came on and he flinched so hard she felt it beside her. Scooting over again and leaning into her, Blitz stopped her on a channel with old kids’ shows on it. Closing his eyes as he listened to the basic, easy puzzles on screen, he felt vaguely safe hiding in a show he watched as a kid, even if more memories of Fizzarolli filled his mind. It didn’t take long for him to fall back asleep, and she was glad to hold him through some easier dreams.
Despite this, when he woke up, he was resolute. He wouldn’t push Loona away, he needed her, and he hoped that she would need him, too.
AN: My husband saw this prompt and sent it to me, and I absolutely had to do something with it with these two. I couldn’t help myself, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing this.
Prompt: “Everyone left you. Even the people who loved you couldn’t wait to get away from you. Can you not see how you’re the problem?”
“Shut the fuck up. You don’t know shit.” - From @prompts-in-a-barrel
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Alright fandom, I’m about to bring up a topic that has pissed me off for way too long. Way back to one of my favourite arcs, Book of Circus.
A topic that has not only been something personal to me, but another reason that Sebastian Michaelis is one of the most disgusting characters and if SebaCiel was real, it’d be indeed a heavily toxic relationship. Also, a counter argument to everyone that brings this up as a point to hate Our!Ciel.
Today, I’m going to discuss my heavy belief and theory, that during this scene, Ciel was forced into a PTSD attack.
Look at the following three pictures.
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PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) -  a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.
With this in mind, PTSD has to be triggered by something, not just when Ciel walks in and sees the exact duplicate of a room he was trapped in for a month. These three photos are so important because it shows exactly how this connected to that day. The doctor representing the cultists, Ciel is now forced to remember all those terrible memories, his traumatic memories scratching the surface. How heavily these two scenes correlate is so important.
Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?
At this exact moment in time, we lost Ciel, he was gone and reliving everything. The outside world completely falling apart to him, having no idea what happened anymore after this moment.
Now, showing the actual attack.
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‘Stop it’.
‘Stop it’.
What do you assume from the black text boxes? To me, this appears to be happening in Ciel’s mind, he is now reliving this all over again until the end of the arc. I will go more in depth in that later.
Right now, he is calling out to someone right now, he wants someone to get him out of this hell hole, just like he did that day.
My point is, and I can’t stress this enough, he believes he is back there in the cage, and he wants out. He is gonna do everything to get out.
To make more sense of this before moving on to my next point of the actual PTSD attack, here are the symptoms of an attack.
Behavioral: agitation, irritability, hostility, hypervigilance, self-destructive behavior, or social isolation.
Psychological: flashback, fear, severe anxiety, or mistrust.
Mood: loss of interest or pleasure in activities, guilt, or loneliness.
Sleep: insomnia or nightmares.
Also common: emotional detachment or unwanted thoughts.
Now, I have put in bold the ones Ciel is suffering from AND signs that he has shown previous to this. Guilt and nightmares are the biggest examples of that.
Right now, he is having extreme emotional detachment and unwanted thoughts, with flashbacks fueling fear and severe anxiety. He is suffering much more than what he appears to be.
Now, here is my second point to this that involves Sebastian:
For anyone that wants to argue that Sebastian isn’t as bad, or he sincerely cares for Ciel. I’m about to throw those words back in your face.
Sebastian Michaelis is a demon, he does not give a single fuck about our!Ciel, sorry if I have to be the one to tell you this, but he doesn’t and this is the first example I’d give anybody to show them.
‘Young master, is there something you’re afraid of?’
‘You’re outside of the cage right now, my Lord.’
‘Call my name.’
Those sentences, are the biggest forms of manipulation I’ve ever seen coming from this demon. He didn’t break Ciel out of the PTSD attack, I’ve seen other people saying that, but that is far from the truth. I will show that through the next set of pictures. 
Right now, I want to explain what I believe to be Sebastian’s intentions. This goes if he understood what was happening or not. I start to believe more and more that he did, because focus on the look on Sebastian’s face. He is smirking, he seems more than pleased by the situation because he gains from it. He tells him to call his name, say it, because Ciel believes he is in the cage and has just called the demon to come and save him. Sebastian, being aware he wants to be saved, he wanted help, used him, his asthma and PTSD attack, and he did it to make not only their contract stronger but to make Ciel’s soul better.
Revenge, sorrow, pain, all these things that make Ciel’s soul the best that it is, the want to be stronger than his enemies, Sebastian knows this.
Sebastian used this for his own agenda, he didn’t do it because he wanted to help Ciel find himself, because he didn’t. All that demon wanted was to help himself with his meal, that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.
When Ciel then acts out, screaming to ‘kill these guys’, you think he means the doctor and Joker right?
I’m afraid, far from it, saying Ciel is mixing his reality with the past, he believes he is telling Sebastian to kill the same people he already killed three years ago. He does not remember the reality before him. What he is seeing, is so much different than to what you and I were seeing.
The most important point in this post is:
Ciel had no idea who he was killing, he thought he was in the cage, he didn’t care who died, he wanted the cultists stopped.
Another message (SebaCiel):
I don’t care what you ship, I really don’t.
However, if you look at this scene and sexualize it, I don’t mean ironically (joking is fine), I mean you truly look at this and think this is a great example of SebaCiel, I’m sorry, but you piss me off and quite frankly I feel you are not only spiting in Ciel’s face, but the people who suffer from PTSD.
Have you ever seen someone have a PTSD attack? It’s terrifying, it is one of the hardest things to deal with, pulling someone out of those memories and making them feel safe again-. It is difficult, and I’ll say it once more.
No, Ciel calling Sebastian’s name, did not break him out of his trance.
To romanticize and sexualize PTSD and his asthma attack is disgusting, and a pathetic way of filling your yaoi quota.
Off of that rant, I’m gonna move on to the last bit of this.
Burning the children.
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As you can see, Ciel just denied the Queen’s orders.
Ciel just denied the Queen’s orders.
He’s never done that before in his entire career, isn’t that off to you?
Of course it is, because he in his mind doesn’t work for her yet, what Sebastian says to him is not processing to him. Sebastian isn’t aware of this more than likely, but I promise you nothing anybody is saying is entering Ciel’s ears and he is understanding it unless it relates to that day. When he says to burn down the place, he believes he is getting rid of the place that caused him aching pain and suffering for an entire month. Not just for him but his beloved brother.
Reliving these memories, Ciel wanted nothing more than it to go away.
Let me say again, Sebastian asking if he was ‘sure’ wouldn’t have helped at all. To open your mind a bit, here are the very few ways to help PTSD. Most of the time the person needs to take medication and probably go to sleep.
Cognitive behavioral therapy - A talk therapy focused on modifying negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotional responses associated with psychological distress.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing - Psychological treatment that reduces the stress of traumatic events through eye movements.
Exposure and response prevention - A talk therapy based on exposing feared or traumatic experiences within a safe setting in order to help reduce any associated psychological distress.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) - Eases symptoms of depressed mood and anxiety.
Now, these are modern treatments, which are very few to begin with.
You know what they had back then? Nothing. No, that is not a joke, PTSD was not recognized until 1980. So needless to say, Ciel was fucked, and the only and best way Sebastian could’ve helped would’ve been knocking him out after killing the threats. Not even quite sure if Ciel would’ve been okay after waking, or if he’d even remember what happened, which would’ve been best because now he has the guilt of killing all these children for the rest of his life.
To all the people that use this heavily as a point for disliking Ciel:
I’d just like to say, you don’t have to like Ciel, but don’t you EVER come at me with this shit and telling me how it’s his fault. He didn’t want to do that, if Ciel had been in his right mind and knew what he was doing, he would’ve never made the move he did.
He thought he was killing the cultists all over again.
After all the comments, discussion and controversy with this that I’ve seen, from fulfilling fangirl’s yaoi dreams to completely blaming Ciel for a serious mental disorder, I have to say-
The conversation around this entire situation in Book of Circus inside this fandom, is beyond disgusting to me.
Sorry for my amount of salt in this post, but this topic to me is personal, and I’m tired of it being treated not as seriously as it really is.
This is my theory, my opinions on Ciel’s PTSD, and I don’t believe he should be blamed for something he didn’t ask for.
I apologize for rambling, that’s it.
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dialoversotaka · 7 years ago
DL Character Meme
Hey guys! Another DL tag game, yay! Thanks for tagging me, ma’ bros @vampiretsuki and @mythicamagic (i feel so loved, srsly)! Anyway, here we go:
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And the answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ayato 2. Subaru 3. Shin 4. Carla 5. Reiji 6. Ruki 7. Yuma 8. Kou 9. Shuu 10. Azusa
1. Number 5 (Reiji) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend? Wooah, that’s so crazy! Tbh, idk if Reiji would listen to my opinions... anyway, I’d reccommend respectable, but stylish clothes, I think they suit him well
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Subaru) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react? I’d start to laugh and cringe at the same time, then I’d make him go out and start listening to ‘’The Sound of Silence’’ trying to make sense of what just happenned and be traumatized for life
3. Number 7 (Yuma) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go? Idk how Yuma thinks very well, so idk a good way for me to convince him... my strategy is usually sweet talk first, and if that doesn't work, threatening is right after, but it wouldn’t work on Yuma since i wouldn’t make him afraid haha
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Ruki) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it? I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t ask for anything sexual, but i’m too lazy and doing chores is a pain in the ass for me! But I guess it’s better to put up with it if I don’t want to get punished
5. Number 4 (Carla) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react? ...There’s just NO WAY he’d do it, srsly! What about his pride as a Founder King? I mean, I wouldn’t tease him for it, but I’d sure think there’s something rlly wrong with him that day, thinking like ‘’His Endzeit must be affecting him deeply, not only phiscally but also mentally...’’
6. Number 9 (Shuu) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it? Oh... i must be very special for Shuu if he gets up to bake a cake for me... I guess I would? But before i’d say ‘’...If you put something inside on purpose and i don’t feel good, i’ll make you my butler until i feel better, you hear me?!’’
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond? Kou, I like you, but I wouldn’t, srry! I’d let you have my room and I’d even clean up yours so you could go back to it, I’d even sleep in the dungeons but i wouldn’t share, srry babe
8. Number 1 (Ayato) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do? Ayato, my dear husbando, sometimes you go off the edge! But i don’t think he’d listen if i complained anyway, so i’d let it go till a certain extent, and then when i exploded... well, let’s just say that he would be handling a throwing tantrum Kanato, haha...
9. Number 10 (Azusa) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do? Aww man! How can I say no to cutie Azusa? I’d go once, but more than that I don’t think I would... it’s too embarassing and i don’t like cats so much
10. Number 4 (Carla) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do? I’d be rlly suspicious and still think that the Endzeit’s effects were too strong that day, so i’d say there’s no problem and then wait till he was asleep to get the hell outta there and sleep somewhere else (i’m cunning and kinda deceiving when i feel threatened)
11. Number 3 (Shin) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them? I’d laugh (srry), but then i’d say that he needs to start doing some flexibility exercises every day and gradually he’d be able to pursue his dream
12. Number 7 (Yuma) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say? I’d thank him for the effort and say that it’s good, but that it doesn’t look like me so much and say ‘’if you want to try again some other time, just ask me and i’ll do it with joy ok? Don’t be sad! I took 1 year to draw bearable things to the eye and 3 years to get a good looking Foxy OC, so don’t lose hope ok!’’
13. Number 5 (Reiji) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond? i’d say like ‘’...Wow, Reiji... i mean, i knew you didn’t like me and eventually wanted to kill me, but i didn’t know you wanted to do so in such a horrible way... If you don’t want me here just say so, you stupid four-eyed pidgeon!’’ and then i’d get rlly mad and lock myself in my room till i got calmer...
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Ruki) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do? I guess we’d stay in a rlly akward silence and i’d try not to make eye contact with him until he gets annoyed by it and maybe we start having a normal conversation? I hope it would turn out like this, srsly
15. Number 2 (Subaru) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action? I guess I’d point it out like ‘’oooh, so you wanted to play with me just so you could freely touch me, ya punk? Who d’ya think you are?!’’ just to see his tsundere reaction and enjoy how cute it’d be haha (srry, I’m S, i can’t control it)
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Shin) standing in it. How do you react? ‘’...Wtf??’’
17. Number 1 (Ayato) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do? ‘’Accidentally’’, yeah right! Me knowing Ayato, that’d probably be on purpose and he wouldn’t quit unless it was troublesome, so i’d do my best to piss him off and make him find the key. I mean, unless he wants to spend an afternoon with tantrum Kanato, I’d suggest he found it the quicker he could
18. Number 10 (Azusa) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react? Oooh man... I’d be so heartbroken to have to turn him down since I love Ayato... but of course, i’d do it gently and explain to him as calmly as i could, choosing well my words, but i’d feel guilty after... aaah, srry Azusa!
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how? I’d say ‘’how tf did you lose it, srsly?’’ but after i’d help him find it and if we couldn’t, i’d go and buy him a new one
20. Number 5 (Reiji) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it? Ohoho, I don’t even want to think what it’d be like... it’d end up badly for sure, but still be funny
21. Number 7 (Yuma) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Shin) a strip tease. What happens? Shin would be sooo pissed haha and i would laugh and cringe (laugh cuz it’d be funny and cringe cuz i don’t like yaoi, just by imagining it i get nauseated)
22. Number 6 (Ruki) and number 2 (Subaru) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why? Idk! I don’t have such a great imagination for things like this... i’d have to see it happen to have a conclusion (srry)
23. Number 1 (Ayato) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Shuu) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do? That is just so predictable, Ayato ruining things haha! I guess Shuu’s most prized possession is his violin? We wouldn’t be able to cover it up, I think he’d find out and we’d be DEAD
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Carla) and number 10 (Azusa) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now? ...I’d have no idea of what happened, but i’d scream and think the worse scenarios... probably kill myself if they didn’t explain it either
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Shuu), number 6 (Ruki) and number 3 (Shin). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together? Haha, i thin they’d be fighting and nagging about everything the other does and i’d find it funny till it begins to annoy me and shout “STOP FIGHTING, GODDAMNIT!”
26. Number 9 (Shuu) and number 4 (Carla) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal? I think Shuu wouldn’t care so much apart from the Endzeit and i bet Carla would be outraged haha it’d be funny, but i’d ask if Reiji or Ruki could help in some way
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Reiji), number 7 (Yuma), and number 10 (Azusa). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage? Reiji wins of course, the rest goes bankrupt and Idk if Yuma would rage... i think noone would rage, it’s just a game rlly
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Subaru). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do? It’s a possible scenario haha, I bet Subaru would get pissed and they start fighting, but i’d say ‘’calm down for a second and listen!’’ and i’d suggest we rest for a bit and try to find ourselves the right way by analyzing the map well and then keep going once we’re sure of the way
29. Number 1 (Ayato) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react? He’d be angry if i got honest and said it wasn’t... ideal, but to keep practicing so he could be the best!
30. Number 1 (Ayato) and number 2 (Subaru) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond? Aaah why do you have to divide me like that?? I mean, it wouldn’t be bad to marry Succhan, but my #1 is Ayato! But if he liked me for who I am and not bcz i’m food, i’d have no problem on accepting it
I tag: @shadyraisincookie @soranokiku @tabooneko and @firstbloodkingdl 
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poinsciuri · 7 years ago
Hey maybe it's uncool to police what gay shit queer content creators are Allowed to make or not and turn parts of our community against each other just because you personally don't like a gay ship. I've lost count of how many times i've been accused of being a yaoi fangirl for liking mlm content by people like you as a cheap way to shit on creators/content they have a personal issue with is so maybe Chill with those accusations and stop demonizing people just for making positive mlm content Thx
i don’t even dislike dir/kjake as a ship. you are making some serious jumping to conclusions about what i am saying and my reasons behind it
im not policing anything. i’m criticizing something i see as a flaw and pointing out troubling patterns that occur in fandom. i have not said anything about what people are and are not allowed to do
i would not give a single shit if cityinthesea had drawn dirkja/ke as catboys on their own blog. i have issues with it being sold as merchandise! which is as much me having a problem with welovefine’s quality control and what pumpkin’s business practices as it is me having a problem with an individual artist
that said, she and i have never, once, interacted, and overall i’ve had a pretty neutral opinion on her and her art until now
being a “queer” content creator is not a free pass from criticism. especially if they are drawing demographics that they are not a part of.
as a gay person who has been in fandom for so long, i am hypersensitive to certain things. the way people treat gay characters can get very odd and seemingly innocent fanworks can touch nerves even without any mal-intent. me saying something is mostly about breaking an established pattern i have seen for years
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oumakokichi · 8 years ago
Do you have any thoughts on the endless comments about how Oumasai is just like Komahina and that Kodaka just put in Ouma's crush on Saihara to "pander" to Komahina shippers? Because like you said, those characters are different and the similarities are only superficial. And I know it's not perfect, but I'll take whatever hints that a character is gay that I can get (and I like that Saihara is bi too) so having it dismissed as just "yaoi pandering" by so many is rubbing me the wrong way.
I think quite a lot of thepeople making these kinds of comments are either people who haven’t actuallyplayed the game for themselves yet and have only heard bits and pieces ofmisinformation or fake spoilers. That, or they’re likely just intentionallytrying to start up drama.
I know for sure the rude anon whosent me a couple of messages was going around harassing other people in thefandom for shipping saiouma, and that they called it “yaoi pandering” onseveral occasions. In my experience, accusations like those, as well as some ofthe other comments they made, are just for the sake of starting up a fuss.
It’s pretty impossible toreason with people who already have their minds set on harassing people nomatter how incomprehensible or twisted their logic gets, moreso if they refuse toput a name to their opinions. Anonymity can make people feel safe enough to saypretty rude things that they wouldn’t say otherwise, rather unfortunately.
The “yaoi pandering” accusationis something that I’ve seen a lot of in my time, not only in the DR fandom butin many others as well. It’s usually one of the first that people rely onwhenever there’s confirmation of a character being gay. Sadly, even oneconfirmed gay character among an entire cast of straight characters is too muchfor people to handle sometimes, and the word “pandering” gets thrown around alot when the word they’re really looking for is “representation.”
No matter how little fanservicethere is and no matter how plot-relevant and important a gay character’sromantic feelings are to driving the plot, there are always people who aregoing to deny it or make excuses that it’s “just pandering.” People don’t talkabout it much, but there were similar accusations back when dr3 was firstairing, about how all the foreshadowing that Juzo was gay was “justbaiting/pandering.” Many, many people denied that it was actually the case atthe time, stating that they were “just leaving it ambiguous on purpose topander” to people who shipped Juzo and Munakata, but that it was “clear thatJuzo really had feelings for Chisa.”
Of course, we know how thatturned out. Juzo’s orientation and romantic feelings wound up being anextremely plot-relevant matter, and the foreshadowing was always there. Butuntil the direct confirmation happened, it got entirely dismissed as “pandering”by quite a few people.
I think that’s pretty much thesame thing that’s going on now. Much like Juzo’s feelings for Munakata wereconfirmed one-sidedly, Ouma is also directly confirmed to have feelings forSaihara. I’ve talked at length in plenty of asks about how the language he usesisn’t platonic or ambiguous in that scene; people who try to pass it off assuch fail to realize, I think, that he uses the exact same phrase for fallingin love with Saihara that Maki uses for Momota later on.
Much like Juzo’s feelings forMunakata, Ouma’s feelings for Saihara are also a plot-relevant matter. If itwere truly “pandering,” then there would be only ship-bait and no substance.But Ouma’s interest in Saihara is something alluded to as early as Chapter 2,when Saihara begins to take on a clearly different role from what wasoriginally intended for him in the killing game, and it culminates in Chapter4, with Ouma becoming so fixated on him that, paranoid as he is, he actuallydoes want to team up with him, because he clearly thinks Saihara is one of thepeople he can trust the most.
Even though he can’t quitetrust him fully, even though he can’t quite figure him out according to hiswhiteboard, he still takes an interest in him, and finds him fascinating. HisFTEs are proof of the fact that he’s plenty encouraging when he wants to be;for all his teasing and taunting and cryptic remarks, he pushes Saihara tobecome stronger and to question the world around him. Ouma is just asinfluential in pushing Saihara to trust in his talent and decisions as Kaedeand Momota are, in my opinion—the problem is that by Chapter 4, Ouma pushes toohard.
Ouma’s desire to be “solved”and “understood” is at direct odds with his paranoia and refusal to trust inanyone. He’s a phantom thief at heart, something hilariously lampshaded by hislove hotel scene (which also points out that the dynamic there between himselfand Saihara is really not any different at all from their normal dynamic), andthat means that deep down, he does want someone to chase after him and “figurehim out,” because he thinks he’s this huge enigmatic mystery that only someonereally interesting could ever hope to solve.
But because of the killing gameitself, because trusting in people only gets you killed and exposes your ownweakness, he refuses to trust in the rest of the group, and he refuses to everopen up to Saihara completely. Rather than telling him what’s on his minddirectly or coming clean about his plans to end the killing game, he refuses toever fully put his trust in Saihara even when he’s so clearly interested inhim. This inability to reach out to others or let himself be reached out to isalso directly alluded to in his final FTE with Saihara, where Saihara expressesan interest in wanting to get to know him more, but Ouma declares that they’redone spending time together from that point on.
My point is, Ouma lets hisemotions interfere with his plans for the first time in Chapter 4. Logically,he refuses to trust, but emotionally, he still wants to form an alliance andteam up with Saihara. The result is the grand disaster and boiling point thatis the Chapter 4 trial, where he and Momota spend hours nearly tugging Saiharain half by forcing him to “pick a side.” Ouma wants him to cut his ties withMomota and everyone else, because he can’t cooperate with him as long asSaihara is cooperating with the others. And Saihara thankfully puts his footdown at the end of the trial and calls Ouma out on his selfish, hypocriticalbullshit.
Ouma was someone who wasclearly capable of predicting outcomes and other people’s behavior to anincredible amount—otherwise he would never have been able to write a script thesize of a telephone book in Chapter 5 that had “multi-branching routes” andaccurately predicted nearly every single one of his classmates’ lines. Thislevel of prediction and analysis closely mimics talents found in characterslike Junko and Kamukura, both of whom are closely associated with the idea of “boredom.”
And we know that Ouma himselfsimilarly detests boredom. His desire to treat things as a “game,” to playeverything on “hard mode,” stems from an urge to make things more exciting,even if he has to rely on childish or silly (or bratty) means to do so.Regardless of whether people like him as a character or not, the fact that he’svery, very smart has to beacknowledged, objectively. And like other smart characters before him, hesought anything at all that would distract him or alleviate his boredom.
His interest in Saihara wasclearly just that: it was unexpected. He didn’t foresee taking an interest inhim. In fact, I think he was bored by him in Chapter 1. It’s only when Saiharabegins straying away from his pre-written role in the killing game anddemonstrating a surprising amount of willpower and resolve, despite the factthat he is still anxious and scaredof everything, that Ouma seems to have reevaluated his opinion of him.
More than anything, I don’tthink he ever expected his own feelings for Saihara to escalate to the levelthat they did. Ouma was someone who wanted to believe he was capable of makingany sacrifices necessary, no matter how cold or how harsh. Despite his bestefforts to keep himself removed from the group and trust no one, he clearlystill got attached to Saihara and was surprised to realize as much in Chapter4. The fact that he goes so completely blank and immediately stops his ramblingvillain routine in the Chapter 4 post-trial is clear proof of that.
He thought he could get bywithout ever getting close to anyone in the killing game, and he was surprisedto realize that he actually did care what Saihara thought of him. What’s more,he had clearly been expecting Saihara to “figure him out” and realize what hewas up to, despite making it completely impossible to do so by acting somysteriously and antagonistically, and was irritated and put off upon realizingthis after Saihara called him out on his shitty behavior.
His feelings for Saihara areclearly directly tied to his actionsin the plot. Whether Saihara ever could reciprocate under other circumstancesis a matter of pure speculation, but Ouma’s feelings at least are canonicallystated in Chapter 4, and the scene is extremely plot-relevant and unskippable. Tocall that “yaoi pandering” simply… misses the point, I think. Pandering andbaiting certainly do occur in media, and it’s important to keep an eye out forthose things and to think critically about the media we consume. But dismissingevery new canon confirmation of a character being gay as “pandering” is counterproductive,in my opinion.
Gay representation is very hardto come by as it is. As someone who is gay myself and who has been disappointedand let down many times by ships which mostly relied on baiting, rather thansubstance, I have since learned to keep an eye out for these things and torecognize them as they occur. In my opinion, Ouma having canonically confirmedfeelings for Saihara is hardly “pandering,” any more than Juzo’s feelings forMunakata were.
His feelings are directly linkedwith why he acts the way he does, and his mistakes and flaws get called out andaddressed within the narrative rather than glossed over or idealized for “shippy”reasons. As you mentioned, anon, Saihara and Ouma are both drasticallydifferent characters from Hinata and Komaeda, so saying that Ouma’s crush wasthrown in simply to pander back to komahina shippers is like saying Hinata andNanami’s interactions were only added to sdr2 to pander to naegiri shippers. It’sa false equivocation, a comparison of two things that don’t actually haveanything to do with one another but that sounds convincing when brought up inan argument.
The best advice I can give ismostly what I said at the beginning of this ask: just ignore those people if theycome seeking an argument. That kind of argumentative language is usuallysomething people only use if they’re clearly looking to inspire a reaction ormake people angry, so the best thing is to just not pay them any attention. It’sfrustrating when people who are rude are extremely loud and vocal about theiropinions, of course, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, and there’s nopoint in arguing with them if their minds are already made up.
I’m very much of the sameopinion as you: I like representation where I can get it, and I was hardlyexpecting another canon gay character so soon after Juzo, so I was extremelysurprised and pleased when Ouma’s feelings were confirmed. The inclusion oflove hotel scenes with the guys for Saihara was something else that I’m happyabout, even if there are a number of problems with the love hotel scenes ingeneral—often, the option isn’t even presented to have a protagonist interactoptionally in a romantic context with people of the same gender, if the Personafranchise is any example.
Having even a few more LGBTcharacters confirmed by the narrative makes me happy. Those accusations of “pandering”have always been a thing in fandom and will probably continue to be a thing,but I try not to pay it much mind. Thank you for giving me a chance to talkabout my feelings on the matter, anon! I’m glad I had a chance to go morein-depth with this particular topic.
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razberryyum · 8 years ago
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Gintama manga chap 640
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
I knew I needn't have wasted even one brain cell worrying about Matako's situation last week; I hope you will forgive me for even having one inkling of doubt on how her predicament would be resolved. I feel rather shameful now that I even gave any credence to my concerns that she would either be denigrated to the role of a damsel in distress in need of rescuing by Takasugi or caught up in a melodramatic moment with him that is unworthy of her devotion and feelings for him. I actually imagined a scenario where seeing her vulnerable and hurt like that would soften Takasugi up and he would immediately rush to aid her and then they'd look into each other's eyes and acknowledge their feelings for one another, etc. I should have known you would have better tricks up your sleeve than that, and yet, in my wildest imagination, I never would have predicted that you would make a sharp turn and transform what could have been an turning point for Takasugi and Matako's relationship into a significant moment for Takasugi and Bansai instead. TakaBan!  It happened so suddenly that it actually took me a few minutes to realize what just occurred and then I couldn't stop laughing out of sheer delight.  Poor Matako can't even catch a break even when her life is endangered: Takasugi practically brushed her to the side in favor of her senpai. And I love the fact that you naturally elevated what could have been a corny scene into a moment befitting Takasugi's persona. Really, why do I ever question you? I am so stupid sometimes.  
After such a touching display between them, I hope you will understand that I have to believe that Takasugi and Bansai are now a canon pair. You can of course always change your mind, especially since Matako is just as lovable and deserving of Takasugi's devotion, and Gintama is a shonen series after all, but until then, with my personal apologies to Kamui and Zura whom I have also paired Takasugi up with in the past, Bansai from now on, as far as I'm concerned, is Takasugi's Magellanic penguin.  
Aside from that little surprise, I wonder if the next trick that you will reveal from your sleeve of wonders has to do with Henpeita transforming from creepy lolicon into Luke Skywalker. Of course along those lines, that might also mean that he would not have to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Death St—Hinokagutsuchi.  Or would he?  I was trying to do the heroic death math: in order for Takasugi, Matako and Bansai to be able to escape the Hinokagutsuchi, they would have to leave by ship, which Henpeita is providing by piloting over to them, therefore he cannot just drive it into the weapon's core to destroy it. I know that Takasugi cannot die yet without reuniting with the Joui boys to face off against Utsuro, so he would definitely get on that ship...and since both Matako and Bansai had their life-in-jeopardy moment already, I am sure you would not repeat that scenario for them again, so that means the two of them will also board the rescue ship, leaving Henpeita as the unknown integer.   I guess he could somehow have to sacrifice himself in order to turn off the weapon, but would Takasugi just leave him? I rather doubt it, especially after his change of heart on walking over the corpses of his comrades in order to achieve his goal. So my money is on Henpeita lives, the Kiheitai 4 is preserved, happy ending for all of them...unless earth is destroyed or Takasugi loses his fight against his old teacher, that is. I hope we will find out next week, but knowing you, we will probably jump back to Earth instead to see who didn't get melted in the Altana blasts and have to wait just a little bit longer to discover the fate of the Kiheitai and the others. Not that I would really complain: I am still anxiously wondering about the state of Kondou. I hope you will let us know soon and that it won't be as bad as it looked.  
Yours truly,  
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: No Gintoki and Hijikata in sight again, and since I already spoke enough about TakaBan, I thought I should take this space to voice my appreciation at the fact that you managed to make Henpeita look heroic and still creepy as can be at the same time. Quite impressive of you. 
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controversy-themind · 8 years ago
Thoughts on Scum’s Wish (Kuzu no Honkai)
Firstly, some people need to get off their high horse and stop acting like everyone in the anime is so ‘evil’ and ‘disgusting’
One of the things I enjoy most about this anime is how ‘human’ most of the characters feel. These are characters struggling with emotions that happen every day in society. Nobody in this world is pure and free of problematic thoughts, actions and/or behaviors.
Not to say you’d come across a giant cluster-fuck like this very often. But still, there are people out here experiences these emotions. If you can’t handle it, and feel the anime’s nature of relationships doesn’t suit your  ‘tastes’, then kindly move on and go watch some generic shit. There’s plenty of material out there.
Now what I really came here for:
I just finished episode 10 and swimming through the Kuzu no Honkai tag, from what I’m seeing opinions on the characters are divided pretty well. It’s good when an anime does that; it shows that the character aren’t flat and are being projected realistically.
So I thought I’d contribute some of my own thoughts on the characters so far. Starting from my most favorite to least favorite: 
#1 Yasuraoka Hanabi I still don't understand why, but this is my favorite character. I think it's mostly because I can identify with some of the thoughts that come to her mind when she encounters something emotionally challenging. I love that she is headstrong, yet fragile. Stubborn, yet meek. And that although she does make bad choices, she is highly introspective when faced with any issues she comes across. As much as I thought her and Sanae would make a cute couple, I want her to end up with Mugi. They are becoming distant, but I think her and Mugi feed off of each other in a way that is uniquely their own.
Now for the unpopular guy himself: #2 Awaya Mugi. 
The pervert in me finds how he takes control in many situations pretty sexy. I enjoy that, but I also enjoy the shyness that comes with it. For someone who pretends to hold all the cards when Hanabi or Noriko is around, his resolve is actually pretty weak. I think what he did to Noriko was pretty shitty, but I'm happy he didn't go through with it cause that girl would have taken the D in a heartbeat. Rather than seeing him as scum, he just reminds me of young boy unsure of how to deal with the abundance of emotions: love and lust. Now I don't like Akane, but I am happy he is finally getting his turn with her (just like the rest of the men in the area lol). He expects her to change for him, which is very flawed, but in some angst-filled way at least he will have the memories when (if) things don’t work out. I feel like what he is experiencing is not love but infatuation. And with infatuation, sometimes you just gotta ride it out.
#3 Ebato Sanae Bless this girl's heart. She has got to be one of the most honest (notice i said 'most') people in this entire anime. I could give 0 fucks if she came on to Hanabi too strong at some points; I like her a lot. I like her passion, how she was willing to destroy herself just to be able to touch Hanabi, and frankly I think her love is the most intense in the entire show. I especially love her character design; they didn't make her take the ‘masculine’ role or anything, and I appreciate that.
I like her cousin too, but I would prefer they don't end up together. Their dynamic is weird; it feels like it has no room for romantic cultivation. It hasn't blatantly been stated that she likes only girls, but if she is in fact a lesbian, I wish for her to end up with another girl. She has so much love to offer, and I hope things go well for her.
Kanai Narumi This man is soooooo boring. I admit it, but from what I've seen he has a really big heart. He is honestly the purest character in the show. So much that I’m waiting for the creators to reveal that hidden bdsm kink. 
lol But anyways, the episode where he held Hanabi tight after she confessed made me transition from ‘not caring’ to actually ‘liking’ him. He's a good guy, and shot me in the foot if you want, but I really hope he can change Akane. I like him so much that I want him to be with the women he loves. I want her to change for him. It's contradicting as fuck (with Mugi and all), but part of me would be okay if things happen that way. Man, he deserves waaay better but you cant stop people from loving who they love that easily. so we'll see what happens.
Kirishima Atsuya I see sooo many people shitting on him cause he likes Sanae. It’s really uncalled for. I mean really? How much damage has he actually done compared to everyone else in the show? The hate is so biased and unnecessary. Kinda like how fujoshi's harbor unnecessary hate when a female character shows up in a yaoi/shounen ai anime. 
I like how he told Hanabi to high-key stop stringing Sanae along. Even if the reasoning was selfish, it was bold, and I admire it. 
Now, I still don't want him to be with Sanae. He may like her alot, but his character is a bit ditsy and dull, so his ‘love’ isn't projected very well in the series. Honestly, it’s so weakly projected that though I like him, I'm not too invested in his ending.
Kamomebata Noriko Loli-esque Princess types are my pet peeve. So I probably wouldn't have liked Noriko no matter how she was introduced. BUT, after episode 10 I feel like I kinda do like some things about her. I think she handled the date with Mugi pretty well considering he was a boring fuck the entire time. And (so far) I think she is on the road to healing faster than everyone else. And I do hope she heals and actually finds a guy worthy of being called her Prince.
I try to find more reasons not to like this girl, but admittedly she's just in love like everyone else. Her pestering and whinny voice may get on my nerves, but that’s just her personality.
Minagawa Akane Introducing, the fabulous floozy, the treacherous tramp, and almighty harlot herself. Akane-sensei. Now, there are so many women like her in the real world. If she were just a slut I'd be A-okay cause she can fuck anyone she wants, but to actually take pleasure in taking the man, love-interest, or crush of another woman?While simultaneously being uninterested in the men themselves? Not their money, looks, dick size, or influence..That is some crazy off the wall shit. 
Most of the series I've disliked her and now I am asking the creators what makes her worthy of both Narumi AND Mugi's affection? Absolutely nothing. She honestly deserves to continue her vicious cycle until her beauty fades and she ends up alone.
But. Also.
Part of me, say the part that feels people can change their ways, hopes she genuinely changes. I hope something bad happens that makes this change occur, but I don’t think that's gonna happen. So, i guess something good wouldn't be bad IF SHE INFACT CHANGES. Honestly I cannot stand her, but as mentioned before, I want Narumi to have what he wants, so she better change for him or she gotta go.
And this is the end. I look forward to reading more of what this fandom thinks about all the characters in this anime.
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