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browsethestacks · 4 years ago
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Vintage Comic - Spindelmannen #05 (1974) (Swedish)
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darnedsockfactory · 2 years ago
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spindelman hittad död
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giftwhat · 2 years ago
Spider Man Fun Collection and DIY Robot Spider 【 GiftWhat 】
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elfenbensord · 7 years ago
je t’aime
Summary: Peter tries to confess about his feelings to (Y/N), convinced she’d never like him back, but is pleasantly surprised at her reaction.
“I can’t believe that Flash actually tried – and succeeded – to ask Lacey out for prom.” I blew out a cloud of white as I wiggled my toes in my winter boots. The frost coloured the pavement a shade lighter than usual, and the snow-covered windows happily blinked at me, reflecting the lights of the lampposts and other windows. Peter walked beside me, his cheeks all red from the cold. I’d told him to bring a scarf, but he wouldn’t have it. Now the top of his cheekbones and his red were flushed scarlet. The on-the-go coffee cup in his hands almost glowed with warmth, and I could see how he clasped his cold hands around them to try not to lose any stray fingers. After he’d thrown it into a bin, he tried to catch some warmth to his frozen fingers by rubbing them together. Looking down on my own glove-covered hands, I could feel my own face go red as I quickly grabbed his hand in mine.
“Wouldn’t want your hands to become ice before Aunt May can scold you for not wearing mittens.” I watched how a white cloud with words flew from my mouth, and proceeded to hide my red cheeks in my scarf. Peter laughed and grabbed my hands even tighter. “I guess not.”
We settled quiet, just watching people dealing with the unexpected cold and snow. After a few minutes, he said: “I’ve got something to tell you.”
I closed my mouth, having opened it to say something myself before he cut me off. “Ok”, I raised an eyebrow, “Shoot.”
“I’m…”, he took a shaky breath. “I’m in love.” He looked at me, his hazel eyes glistening.
“But that’s great!” I exclaimed, smiling at him. Quickly dropping his warm hand, I flushed as I realised what this meant. The one whom he loved was probably, most definitely not me. He looked a little disappointed, before settling his hands in his pockets. I kicked a pebble on the ground in front of me, missing the his warmth of his smooth hand, but far too shy to do anything about it.
“She’d never like me, anyway”, he later added, kicking the same pebble I’d just attacked with my own snow-boot. Sure, like anyone could dislike you, a voice in my mind objected.
“Sure, like anyone could dislike you”, I heard myself say. Damn it, mouth, don’t eavesdrop on my brain!
Peter snorted a short laugh. “Ha.”
I felt myself go red, and tried my best to hide my face in my scarf. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“Anyway, like I said; The girl I like would never like me in that way, so it’s kind of a closed case”, Peter continued, adding an adorable sigh at the end.
Smiling sadly to myself, I said: “Hmm. It’s kind of the same thing for me.”
“What?” he exclaimed, looking at me.
“The boy I like doesn’t like me back”, I rolled my eyes slightly, “Not in that way.”
“That’s absurd, you’re the best!” He blew out a cloud of white air through his nose, looking at me with kind, sad eyes.
After laughing a little at his reaction, I said: “No, no, really. It’s a lost cause. Guess it’s just my usual bad luck.”
“Who’s the lucky guy, anyway?” Peter asked with eager eyes.
This was an insanely tricky position. I decided to go with the easiest way out: lying.
“It’s… someone.” I tried to be as vague as I possibly could, but Peter wouldn’t have it. He kept on asking, and I kept on giving uncertain answers.
“But if I can’t have you, then please let me know how can!” Peter blurted out, his brown eyes glazed over with tears. I stared at him, my mind racing with all kinds of thoughts in the style of Oh my God what is happening.
Peter looked at me, his face apologetic. “Shit, I’m sorry-”
“No, no. Don’t be”, I breathed, feeling how my cheeks grew even hotter. Summoning all of my courage, I intertwined my fingers with his. “Because I think you’ll find that it’s not quite so impossible that the girl likes you too.”
Peter turned his head to me, a goofy smile stretching out his mouth as he said: “You do?”
“Hmh.” I nodded, looking deep into his eyes, before focusing on the snow-covered road before us.
“If you say so”, he smiled, grabbing my hand in his fully and swinging our arms together. I laughed at him, feeling how an exciting feeling lit a fire in my blood. My mind was buzzing with happy thoughts, and I couldn’t contain my smile.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
We walked down the streets together, our hands carefully twisted together. The both of us knew that if we’d only known each other, we would have confessed about our feelings earlier, but I couldn’t bare to feel regret as I felt how his steps melted into my pace. Snow covered up our footsteps, and no-one would know about this moment and this feeling, except us two.
not gonna read this again it was probably never edited in the first place i know aren’t i such a good writerr?
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tlmst · 5 years ago
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’Lazzie goes to Woodstock’ #lazzie #lassie + #läderlappen + #spindelmannen + #buffalobill + helikopter ifrån #Tarzan https://www.instagram.com/p/B8OPjhvpHw-/?igshid=1ikrhysqbbwel
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tittadomsnackar · 6 years ago
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195: SPIDER-MAN INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Gustav ville prata om Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, så då gör dom det. * Avsnittet innehåller spoilers * Avsnittet går att ladda ner via den här länken.
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alexanderenlund · 8 years ago
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Ladies and gentlemen... The Amazing Spider-Man! . #drawing #art #illustration #ink #watercolor #teckning #spindelmannen #spiderman #spidermanfanart #spidermanhomecoming #sketch #doodle #brushpen #portrait #superhero #peterparker
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regius-on-youtube · 8 years ago
Learn Colors and Cartoons for Kids - Barnprogram Babblarna !! ✔
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stalbjornen · 8 years ago
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#stålbjörnen #mussepigg #spindelmannen #serier #parodi
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stickalittle · 6 years ago
Stan Lee
Gondolkodtam rajta, hogy mit köszönhetek neki. És valójában kurva sokat. Ha nem lett volna, soha nem ismerem meg a Pókembert, és sokkal szegényebb lett volna a gyerekkorom. A gyerekkori betevő képregényemet zöldalmáért cserélte anyám. Minden karácsonykor kaptam egy adag svéd és dán képregényt, még akkor, amikor Magyarországon nehezen lehetett beszerezni ilyesmit. A svédek és a dánok Magyarországon nyomtatták a Marvel képregényeket, és a nyomdában dolgozók lopták őket haza. Anyám zöldalmáért cserélte őket augusztusban, és egészen karácsonyig dugdosta a képregény-csomagot. Emlékszem, milyen mohó lelkesedéssel nyitottam ki a pakkot, és túrtam át, hogy van-e közte Spindelmannen vagy Edderkoppen (a Pókember svéd és dán megfelelője), esetlen egy X-mentől lett még orgazmusom. Természetesen egy kukkot sem értettem a szövegből, de képregények voltak, tele gyönyörű rajzokkal! Aztán gyűjteni kezdtem őket. A nyomdából lopó nő a zöldalmán kívül mást is szeretett, ezért eléggé elítélhető módon nem csak anyámnak adott képregényeket, így a falumban begyűjtöttem szinte mindegyik Pókembert, ami fellelhető volt. Adtam érte bármit, ami cserealap lehetett. Matchboxtól kezdve pornómagazinig mindent. És igen, végül nekem lett a legnagyobb gyűjteményem a környéken.  Ez volt a legkorábbi, amit fel lehetett lelni a faluban:
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Hát nem gyönyörű? Na, ennyivel lettem volna szegényebb, ha nincs Stan Lee. Köszönöm, Stan!
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marvelman901 · 3 years ago
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Found these gems at a Thrift-store in Kungälv, Sweden! . 1st slide is Spindelmannen 22 (1994) The 1st issue featuring Maximum Carnage (in Swedish). Art by Ron Lim. 2nd slide is Stålmannen (Superman) (1991). 3rd slide is X-Men (1991). 4th slide is Conan (1994). 5th slide is Fantastiska Fyran (Fantastic Four) (1981). 6th slide is the Superman Collection (DVD featuring the Superman TV show from 1941) . #marvel #dc #superhero #spiderman #xmen #longshot #conan #80s #90s #maximumcarnage #carnage #ronlim #comics #superman #justiceleague #havok #serpent #snake #thing #fantasticfour #misterfantastic #invisiblewoman #humantorch (på/i Kungälv) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYt_MvEsCc6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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browsethestacks · 4 years ago
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Comic - Spindelmannen Special #01 (1996) (Swedish)
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pogono · 6 years ago
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När jag var liten gillade jag att sy. Jag gillade även Spindelmannen väldigt mycket. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuWSHD9h1gA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m5wen0lqyt1j
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cactus-joke · 8 years ago
Lmao, yes, the latest Wolverine was pretty good, and the new Spindelmannen looks to be good too, but these assholes get like endless chances to get better movies if one or two are a flop like Wolfer Origins, meanwhile, all the untapped potential of female superheroes sits and stews in a swamp of misogynistic reluctance, and is brought up out of the swamp once in a blue moon, with horrible promotional material.
And we all know, unlike male centered films, female centered films cannot flop at all if we want more of them any time soon.
Fucking hell. Give me three different attempts at a Black Widow movie IMMEDIATELY RIGHT NOW YOU ALL GODDAMN ASSHOLES.
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annol · 8 years ago
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Först regnade det, sedan blev allt vackert
I början av mars gick vi till favoriten La Lonja och åt hummer, musslor och räkor. Så gott! Och trevligt sällskap hade vi också: Pedro, Isa och Luz. Men spanska luncher är inte att leka med så när vi gick hem var klockan väldigt sent och jag hade för länge sedan slutat fota.
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vcrossiblogger · 8 years ago
Tjugo färska nyheter Sony planerar Black Cat/Silver Sable-spinoff utan Spindelmannen http://ift.tt/2nsNNY5
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