#Spiders tw
beetlejuce · 16 days
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raccoonscity · 5 months
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HADES 2 + Characters
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 days
I got attacked by a giant tarantula made of rats, then ended up shooting God in the forehead with a comically large flintlock pistol.
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moralesmilesanhour · 6 months
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The Spider Within: A Spiderverse Story (2024) // Miles Morales: Suspended by Jason Reynolds
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mortimermcmirestinks · 3 months
for fuck's sake, can we start being nicer about spiders?
every time I want to talk about cute or cool or badass spiders I get at least one fucking japester who's like "oh I bet it won't be tiresome and irritating if I write trite and unprompted flash fiction about murdering innocent and harmless animals with fire (a particularly torturous form of death) THIS time", and they're wrong every single fucking time.
I would rather have ten people telling me they are horny for spiders every time I mention an arachnid from now until the day I die than have to continue living in a world where one of my favourite animals is most well-known on the internet for being the centre of a quote-unquote "joke" about extreme and pointlessly cruel animal abuse.
jesus christ, guys. spiders are just animals. they're not even, like, pests, or invasive, or anything. the vast overwhelming majority of them can't even hurt humans, and the ones that can don't want to.
like, shit, sorry for the graphic image, but how would you feel if every time you posted a picture of a cute cat you got replies saying "if I saw that in my house I'd put it in a fucking beartrap"? because that's how I'm starting to feel about the "burn the house down when you see a spider" joke.
and before you get on my ass about arachnophobia, I am arachnophobic, being in the immediate IRL presence of spiders gives me an uncontrollable physical fear response, but the existence of arachnophobes does not give you free reign to jack off to the idea of being able to freely torture and murder animals that "give you the ick". you cannot trot out arachnophobia here as an excuse. there are tons of people who are scared of dogs. doesn't mean you gotta be a dick about dogs. same with spiders.
one of the most popular superheroes in the world is spider-themed and you still got fuckers out here thinking they're the funniest man alive for making jokes about killing spiders holy shit
anyway, rant over. picture of a cute spider under the cut ->
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just a little guy! hello! if he was a character in a video game he'd have a squeaky little voice and ask you to help him find his buttons!
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jdsgothwife · 2 months
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Man-Spider concept art for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse by Kris Anka
He unfortunately didn’t make into the film, but of my absolute favorite designs I did was for (Man-Spider)
I pitched a gag that he was the Spider Society cafeteria cook because his arms
- Kris Anka on Twitter
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rattyexplores · 6 months
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S. violacea, a very round species of jumping spider.
14/01/24 - Simaethula violacea
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onesacrificiallamb · 3 months
Egg sack cookie ehehgegehehhe
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She is a drider
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william-snekspeare · 1 year
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gender is (little guys) vs (BIG!).
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vaporwary · 7 months
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oceantoyz · 11 months
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vinmauro · 4 months
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oh god, i'm gonna be fine
(a remake)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was being chased by tarantulas but they were blonde, like golden Oreos. The black ones were like regular Oreos, so it made perfect sense.
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onewingedangels · 11 months
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KAR'NISS BALDUR'S GATE 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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My favorite Conduit Of The Horrors 🩵
Rambles and art stuff under the cut
I love thinking about the primary trio post-nmpd, and there have been some really cool headcanons floating around, and long story short I rewatched Yellow Jacket and I have some ideas in the works. I don't know if this is post-Yellow Jacket or in the middle of it or what, I'm not actually thinking that deep about it I'm just having fun lol. For reasons I needed to have a finalized design for Hannah soooo-
I managed to seriously screw myself over by deciding to try and draw 2 characters I adore that are played by four extremely different looking actors. It was frustrating, but interesting to try and pick out what I thought the most important features of each version was.
So like, for BF Hannah I just used Kendall Nicole as the reference, easy peasy. But aging her up was a bit of a juggle. Eventually I ended up kind of grafting Lauren's expressions onto her face shape, which I also referenced Angela Giarratana for. Just to get that familial connection in there. It really helps that they both have that distinct chiseled chin, it's really fun to draw and fairly easy to replicate. (Side note, Lauren has an incredible ability to suddenly look like a deer in the headlights out of nowhere. The nervous energy that rang through her performance as Hannah was amazing, and I couldn't get over how damn expressive her eyes were)
I was gonna have a more detailed drawing of Ethan in there, because I absolutely love their relationship, but I chickened out. I ended up basically just drawing Joey's version with slightly shorter hair that is longer on one side, like a half-mullet thing. This is partially to try and synthesize the two versions in my head aesthetically, but mostly it's to differentiate him from Pete. Pete is a little difficult too, I actually really like how Nick Lang played him and wanted to incorporate some features from there, but I decided to save it for another day because I was giving myself a headache. Honestly a lot of the stuff is just hair texture, cause one of the most defining traits for their designs in my head was the way their curly hair was styled. But at the same time Joey's current haircut is damn iconic and I love being able to swing it around for the drama Ghibli-style
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