#Spider-Man with a hyphen
frog-with-no-therapy · 4 months
My favorite running gag of Spider-Man
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I'm like 90% convinced he has a hidden super power related to noticing hyphens
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Peter Parker: (works longer than agreed upon)
Tony Stark: GeT oUT your TimE iS oVEr!!!
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jazzadraws · 2 months
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omg it’s spider-man !! wait a minute isn’t he getting a bit too close- BONK
Based/referenced on the ending scene of ‘the amazing spider-man 2’ 🥰‼️
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blexbees · 13 days
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Some recent drawings of Mary Jane Watson and her Mister.
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abisalli · 1 year
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goodoldfisticuffs · 1 year
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I missed the boat last time so this time I had to make a Spider-Sona
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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i think i'm noticing some sort of pattern here [id in alt, textless versions under the cut!]
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hello! you are here so here's some bonus trivia: under the blocky "gay" in the text versions it says "spider-man"
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lovelesslittleloser · 7 months
Eddie Brock: news reporter
Peter Parker: photographer
Tim Drake-Wayne: photographer
I think I have a good idea for a new fanfic, you guys
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spider-man-sass · 2 months
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Spider-Man PS4 (2023) via @PlayStationUK
He's really fixated on the hyphen.
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Spider-Man (2022) #1
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fortunelowtier · 1 year
can i just say i absolutely love this new trend of superhero movies taking some bargain bin ass villain from the 90s and making them genuinely cool, one of the few things saving modern superhero movies fr fr
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magnoliasandarson · 3 months
To put it politely, Peter Parker was a walking disaster. He was half-convinced that he was born under a bad star or maybe had done something horrible in a past life. There was simply no scientific reason for catastrophe after catastrophe to plague his every move.
His day had started out decent enough (by his standards). There was some residual pain from his (likely broken) ribs, and the sun seemed a thousand times brighter than normal, but his bagel was half-price, and he was 99% sure that he had turned in all of his assignments on time- so silver linings?
Things went downhill the moment he walked through the frankly disgusting doors of his school. Flash snatched the back of his backpack so aggressively that the duct tape patch job he'd done weeks ago finally gave out, then the door to his locker jammed, forcing him to use some Spider Strength (trademark pending) to force it open, and when he finally got to class the bell rang and practically shattered his eardrums. Five minutes in, and Peter was ready to curl into a ball on the nearest surface and pretend he didn't exist.
At lunch, he managed to eat half a bag of Doritos before sensing a "disturbance." He ran to the front office, shouted something about appendicitis, and changed into his suit in the closest alley. The lenses of his suit blocked out some of the cursed sun's light, but absolutely no amount of earplugs could save him from Shriek and her stupid, loud screams. By the time he managed to web her mouth shut, his skull felt like it was caving in.
He swung away from Times Square (because New York villains lacked creativity) and practically crashed into the spire on top of the Empire State Building. Clutching the filthy metal, Peter squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered at the agony that wrapped around his skull like a vice.
When he crawled in the window of his shitty apartment, he collapsed onto the floor, not even making it to his bed. With great power comes great responsibility (and even greater burdens).
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virblaze · 10 months
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save me yaoimen (if i alr posted ignore that)
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Tony: how was this semesters exam season?
Peter Parker: Its over. At last!
Tony: okay. But was good? Okay? How do you feel?
Peter: ITS OVER!
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arachnozure · 4 months
thinking about how spider-man perfectly embodies the indomitable human spirit.
not just peter parker, but every iteration. anyone who wears the mask learns how to take a thousand hits and get back up from each one, yet still keep their morals close to them in the process.
heroes always gets back up again. so do humans. maybe we aren’t as far from earth 616 as we thought? :)!
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labwebs · 6 months
@inhcritance liked for a starter
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For not the first time since he'd moved back into the house, Peter briefly wondered just how he'd gotten away with coming and going as Spider-Man without being caught by his neighbors. Of course, at the moment, it was a bit more of a hazy impression of a thought as he clumsily mostly-fell through his bedroom window. It being the dead of night probably helped. Oooh. Bad choice of words, he thought to himself- unable to turn off the jokes even with the rather large gash in his side. Or maybe that was because of the rather large gash in his side. Either way, said gash really needed something done about it which meant getting up from where he'd fallen onto his bed and into the bathroom where he kept all of his first-aid supplies.
He'd webbed the wound up, of course- wouldn't do to be bleeding all over the city as he swung home. So maybe... maybe it could wait just a few moments? Surely? He felt a bit dizzy and his heart was racing but closing his eyes for just a bit seemed like the best idea possible at the moment. Yeah- yeah that's what he would do... Unconsciousness seemed like an amazing thing right now.
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spidey-official · 7 months
I spider 'till she hyphen on my man
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