#if they ever wanna make both peter and miles have the Spider-Man name
frog-with-no-therapy · 4 months
My favorite running gag of Spider-Man
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I'm like 90% convinced he has a hidden super power related to noticing hyphens
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello again! I was the anon that requested the spider noir and his daughter fic!! (I’m back again lol) I just wanted to let u know that the request you wrote for me was so adorable and I loved reading it!! Omg and the note at the end of peni being their adoptive daughter and being a big sister was so cute I almost cried reading it 😭😭😭 I would honestly love to request a fanfic or headcanons of peni being an adopted older sister but I didn’t want to be too much of a burden. But then again thank you so much for writing my requests!!! Make sure to take breaks :))
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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after the events of peter vanishing and coming back home from a mysterious portal opening up and bringing him to a foreign dimension, he came home with... a girl. he was holding her hand in his, much like how peter would hold your daughter's hand when they were out and about.
"peter, who... who's she?" you'd ask with a smile as the girl met your gaze and grinned widely. peter smiled back at you when he noticed you beam at her. "she's peni, peni parker. she's another spider person, just like me and ham." he explained. peni bowed in front of you and smiled yet again. "it's very nice to meet you, mx. parker!" she exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye.
you chuckled as lightly bowed back at her. "well hello to you, too, peni. peter, why don't we take her inside and you both, um... explain what's happening." you said as you let them in and closed the door. peter had explained that peni was visiting his dimension for a little while, there were some issues back at her home dimension that she couldn't really solve on her own, so as refuge, she sought for him and his home. he offered to peni before that his door was always open for her, and if she ever needed him, he'd be there right away.
you nodded along as he spoke, and you noticed that peni was, despite her chipper demeanor earlier, actually a little reserved. she sat in a tense manner; keeping her hands on her lap and her head down, with her shoulders involuntarily hunching a little to make herself smaller than the adults in the room--she was shy, and she avoided eye contact with you two as you two spoke, so as not to appear as if she were eavesdropping.
"ah, peni?" you called out for her. she was a little startled that you called her, she hadn't expected that. "oh! y-yes, ms. parker?" she stammered. "would you, uh... like to play with our daughter for a bit? she's quite eager to meet you, it seems." you said as you picked up your daughter, who was staring at peni the whole time as she chewed on noir's rubicks cube.
peni looked over at the little girl, her expression becoming one of endearment as she waved at her. "if it's okay, i'd love to." she said with a small smile. noir put a hand on peni's shoulder, "why, acting like a wonderful big sister, aren't you?" he teased as peni gave a small chuckle back. "well, if i'll be around you guys for a while, i'd really love to hang out with this little cutie you guys have here." she said as you picked up your daughter and sat her next to peni.
peni looked at your daughter, and your daughter looked up at her. giggling, she extended her pudgy little arms out for peni, and peni reached her hands out for hers. "hi there, little baby... i'm peni." she said in a slow, gradual, big sisterly way as the baby babbled her name. "puh-puh... peh!" she babbled. peni giggled as you and noir watched from a distance, with you urging peter to get the camera to film this moment, with him cursing under his breath how he didn't accept miles' offer for a phone.
peni smiled wider. "that's right! pe-ni." "peh... pehn... pehhhh-ni!" she exclaimed. you and peni gasped in awe. "did you--did you hear that? mx. parker? she said my name, she, she said my name!" she exclaimed as your daughter wobbled up and fell into peni's arms. "i did, i did hear it!" you said with the biggest smile on your face.
peter came back down, rushing with old-timey camera equipment and with lopsided glasses on his face. "did i miss it?" he asked exasperatedly. he witnessed as peni and your daughter were giggling and repeating saying her name, and noir melted at the sight, nearly dropping the very expensive equipment.
you giggled as you went over to help peter set the camera up. "even if you missed her saying her name, we can... take a photo of this momentous occasion." you offered as peter took your hand. peni was all aboard for it, she loved being a part of this little family you two had, even if she wasn't related to you guys by blood. peter set up the camera, and this time, he wasn't going to miss this moment. as the camera clicked, out came the beautiful portrait of this new family peni was now a part of, your family.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fictarian @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @ii01vp @connors-cumslurper
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lifeonmvrs · 1 year
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[Image Description: two digital drawings of void-crawler (my spider-sona). the character is drawn five different times throughout the whole canvas. on the top left corner, void-crawler is unmasked, smiling and doing a peace sign. there are two white text boxes representing void’s internal thoughts that read “gotta love hammerspace. how else would my hair fit otherwise?*”. underneath there’s a turquoise text box that reads “*editor’s note: it would not.” in the middle left side of the canvas, void-crawler is shown with a surprised expression and the spidey sense lines. there’s a white bubble text that reads “omg i have squiggly lines!!”. near that drawing, there’s a smaller one with a chibi head of void doing a salute with a turquoise bubble text with a white center reading “of course, officer!”. an arrow points to text saying “talking with hero voice (a.k.a. deeper)”. on the bottom left corner, there’s an unfinished but colored drawing of void-crawler drinking a milkshake with half their mask off and with little hearts on the side. there’s an arrow pointing at the drawing accompanied by text that reads “pretend this is okay [heart emoticon] and finished…” on the right side of the canvas, there’s a full-body drawing of void-crawler. void has a hand near the face in a thinking manner and the other near the hip. to the right, there’s a written text that says “void-crawler!” in all caps. the background is a yellow note-taking paper texture. the second image shows the front and back design with some mannequin models as template. background is white. /end ID]
more info below:
alright guys, let’s do this one last time. my name is mars walker. i was bitten by a radioactive spider. and for the last 2 years, i’ve been the one and only void-crawler. i’m pretty sure y’all know the rest. i saved a bunch of people. got spider-man to be my mentor. did a couple of team-ups with him and deadpool. i saved the city but i… couldn’t save peter. i stopped fighting for a while. changed my suit and hero name. and now i’m back, stronger than ever, wahoo! because no matter how hard life gets, i always find a way to come back and save the city. cuz who else will if not me?
amazing intro proving i’m a hero… check!
whole backstory explained… on hold
hi! finally posted this, i made it like a week ago. anyway, i think i would have some extra powers, as a treat.
first of all, enhanced spidey sense. i don’t only perceive near danger but FUTURE danger as well. basically i get visions, premonitions, prophecies, whatever you wanna call them. they are always about danger and there IS a way to change them. i dont know how that would work with time and space continuum and all those complicated things, but who wants logic, boring!! (i’ll solve the plot hole soon, dw 😭🛐) (if any of y’all have any idea how to solve it, pls tell me)
i would be able to break the 4th wall cuz i constantly do irl anyway,, sometimes life follows a specific storytelling pattern and has very notorious plot armor and that makes me think “huh… weird”
i would also have sensitive senses, and that includes night vision! (i already have sensitive hearing irl and it’s a nightmare! good luck void-crawler). i could also “change” my appearance? i would not physically change it, but i would release some kind of chemicals or stuff that would make people see other thing. this is inspired by the ant mimicry spiders do. spiders DO change physically, but i think mine would be just psychologically. idk, i thought that would be cool :P
the design of my spidey suit is inspired by, spidey of course, but also by deadpool’s suit. cuz i’m obsessed with both of them atm, so had to add that to my story 👍 AND IT WILL MAKE SENSE STORY WISE MUAHAHAHA! cant wait to tell y’all the backstory.
yk that thing miles and gwen do when talking to their dad while in the spidey suit (deeper voice)? well i would do that all the time i’m talking with people that are not aware void-crawler is mars walker. and my bubble text would show that by being mostly turquoise with a bit of white in the center :3
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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Hey there people of today and robots of tomorrow! It's me, Clark, back at least with another #throwbackthursday, just in time for the highly-anticipated Across the Spider-Verse! With Miles set to swing across the big screen again, I figured how would be a good time to show off this piece I made in 2020 featuring my characters from 3K. 3K is set in the year 3000 (hence the super subtle name) where robots are as common as people. So much so that a group of them band together in order to defend the planet from internal and external threats. One of its founding members is AH, a robot who went blind after seeing years of war now fighting for peace. Yet in another dimension she is one of a handful of robots who is infused with the powers of a spider, AH herself dawning the mantle of SpidAH-Girl. She fights crime in New York City alongside her friend ERN-E (Classic Spidey) and EMIL-E (Spider-Gwen).
In case this pic doesn't make it super obvious, I am a huge fan of Mayday Parker's Spider-Girl, her series acting as a gateway for my eventual love of comic books. Having fallen in love with the Raimi trilogy around the same time I discovered Google, I stumbled across the cover for The Amazing Spider Girl #1 and my life was never the same after. May zigged in everyway her father zagged. While she wasn't as physically strong as Peter was, I'd argue she was mentally and morally stronger than her old man ever was. Where Pete thinks that someone dies every time he fails, May sees it as somebody lives every time she succeeds. Along with that she has faster reflexes, a keener spider sense, can magnetize surfaces with her adhesion abilities, and even inherited her mother Mary Jane's sense of style. This is most evident by the fact that she looks way better in Ben Reily's spider suit than Ben himself ever did. On top of that she's a big brother, which is also cool.
I have draw AH as Spider-Girl before, as seen with this sketch from 2019-
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However, this pic didn't keep me up until 1 or 2 AM. What can I say, when I get an idea in my head, nothing stops me until I see it completed. Especially when the end result turned out so great. I liked how AH looks in both her super suit and casual clothes, not to mention her lil' logo was a nice personal touch. If I were to change anything now it'd be to swap out EMIL-E's Spider-Gwen outfit for MJ's Spinneret from Renew Your Vows. EMIL-E and ERN-E are supposed to be a couple and by now I've jumped aboard the Miles x Gwen ship. It's the one time I will ever ship a Spider-Man with Gwen outside of Spectacular Spider-Man. Otherwise the reason I drew EMIL-E like this was because of a Halloween pinup my friends SIM-N and I did for Halloween back in 2016.
Looking back now, I wish we had named these pin ups something other than Playbot. Chock it up to be being a dumb teenager. Speaking of dumb, hey tumblr, screw you and your limit on image size! This is an art sharing website, I should be able to upload files regardless of size! Especially when I wanna share these old Halloween pin-ups later this year!
For now though, there's other retro Spidey art to show! Such as this DUDEL I made for SIM-N back in 2016.
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For those of you wondering, the robot in the Jessica Drew suit is Monova, a bad@$$ character he designed that he now criminally underutilizes. I'd ask him why that is, but he never gives me straight answers! However, he did leave this comment when he saw this pic:
Monova: Okay you two definitively need to get married soon
So, y'know, that was funny. XD
With all that said, I hope you all enjoy this nostalgic trip through my past Spider-3K work and enjoy Across the Spider-Verse when it comes out tomorrow! I know I will! Until then, MAY THE GLASSES BE WITH YOU!
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Training Session [Peter Parker]
pairing - peter parker x fem!stark’s daughter!reader
type - fluff
note - hope you enjoy! also idk ANYTHING about martial arts or combat fighting so lol dont take i wrote too seriously
summary - peter finds out mr. stark has a daughter and you two are put together for a training session.
warnings - lil suggestive
*gif isnt mine*
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“How do you like it?” Sam asked.
You turned to the mirror, eyes wide and mouth agape, admiring your new suit.
“This is awesome!” You squealed.
Sam, Tony, and Nat had deisgned a new suit for you. After your last battle, your suit had been torn to shreds. It had been months since you were able to go out in the field and you’d be anxious to fight crime. Now that you had your new suit, you were now able to fight crime.
You were named Fox. You were sly, witty, and and charming. Not just in your moves, but your personality, too. You had been working alongside your dad, Iron Man, for 7 years. You were 10 when you started, obviously too young to actually be fighting, but you were his right hand woman at all times. You helped him with his suit, team, and plans on how to deal with missions.
Your suit was a dark orange body suit, much like Nat’s. You had fingerless gloves, black combat boots, and an orange mask that went around your eyes. You had a black stripe down your suit’s back, much like a fox’s. You also had a utility belt with a grapling hook, taser, and pepper spray — you could never be too careful in the city. You and Tony tried hard to keep your identity safe, especially since you were still in high school.
“Do you think we need to add anything?” Tony asked.
“Can I get rockets on the bottoms on my shoes like you?” You asked.
Tony chuckled, “We’d have to change the whole material of your suit, cupcake. You don’t like metal, remember?”
You grumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Well, I love it! Thank you guys so much.” You turned to them with a big smile.
“No problem, babe,” Nat smiled. “You have training with me today at five.”
You nodded, “Noted.”
“There will be someone else joining you in trianing today,” Tony said.
“Who? Is it Bucky?” You asked. “No, he’s new,” Tony said.
“Wow, that gives me a lot. Who is it?” You pressed. 
“You’ll see. He’s actually pretty good for just starting out,” Sam smirked. 
You sighed, knowing they were gonna make it a surprise. 
“Well, I can’t wait!” You faked enthusiasm. You didn’t like surprises. 
You went off and up to your room, changing out of your suit and into running shorts and a t-shirt. You decided to take a nap before your training.
You woke up 2 hours later, still as exhausted as before. You filled up your water bottle before going into the gym. You saw Nat and a brunette boy. He wasn’t too much taller and by the back of his head, he didn’t look too much older.
“Hey, Nat,” you greeted as you walked in and set your water bottle near the mat. 
“Hey, Y/n! This is our new recruit, Peter Parker. You probably know him as Spider-Man,” Nat smiled. Peter turned around and his eyes widened. 
His heart started to race and his face turned red as he looked over you. Your eyes were bright and lively, your smile being the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. Your skin flawless and you had no makeup on, but you still looked beautiful. 
“Hi,” you smiled. “I’m Y/n Stark,” you held out your hand. 
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a squeak. Nat and you chuckled at his shock. 
“H-hi. I’m Parker. No, Pe-Peter,” he stuttered and shook your hand. 
“Not used to meeting important people, huh?” You smirked. 
“Ye-yeah, but also pretty people,” he blurted. His face turned a darker shade of red and he slapped his mad over his mouth. 
The action made Nat giggle and his words made flustered as well.
“Thank you, Peter,” you said shyly and looked down at your shoes. 
“Ready to get to work, love birds?” Nat teased. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded. You took a long sip of water.
“We are gonna start on the treadmill, do some weights, and I’m gonna teach you some combat moves,” Nat instructed. 
You and Peter nodded and got up on the treadmills. 
“One mile today. Remember to pace yourself. If you get tired, don’t be afraid to slow down a little,” Nat said. 
You started the treadmill at 3.5 so you can warm up for a few minutes before running. You took a small sip of your water as you sped-walked. You looked over and saw Peter already running his mile. Your brows cocked upwards as you saw him running at 6.0 speed.
You worked your way up to 6.0 speed, finishing your mile in 6 minutes. Peter, however, finished 3 minutes after you. 
“I said pace yourself, kid,” Nat said. 
Peter blushed again and nodded. 
“Next time, follow Y/n’s lead. She paces herself nicely,” Nat said while you took a drink of water. 
“Thanks, Nat. I have been doing this for a long time,” you smiled. 
“How long? Are you a superhero?” Peter asked. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I’ve been helping my dad since I was 10. I’ve been a superhero for 3 years.”
“What’s your superhero name?” Peter asked. 
“Oh, my God! Really? I-I am such a big fan. You were what actually inspired me to become Spider-Man. I think it’s so cool how you save people and fight off bad guys without any superpowers,” Peter gushed. 
“Thank you, Pete,” you giggled at his excitement. 
“You’re welcome. Wow, this is so cool. I am working with Fox, Iron Man, Black Widow,” Peter smiled. 
“You’re lucky, kid,” Nat smiled and patted his back. “Okay, why don’t you all stretch. Peter, have you ever benched before?” 
Peter shook his head while stretching his hamstrings. 
“Okay, we’ll start you out with 45 pounds. If that’s too light, we’ll bump it up to 50,” Nat said and put the weights on the bar. “Y/n, what do you wanna do today?”
“Uh, I’ll do a leg and glute day today. My arms need a break,” you said. 
“Rock and roll, then. I’ll spot you, Parker,” Nat said. Peter went to bench press while you went to the kickback machine. 
You and Peter worked in weights for about an hour. You did a variety of workouts while Peter mainly focused on how to use each machine and which would be most beneficial for him. 
“Okay. Grab a drink, use the bathroom, whatever you need before we do some fighting,” Nat said. 
You both went to do your things before you were going to fight. You came back in the gym, stretching your arms while walking in.
“Ready to work, Pete?” You asked the boy and patted his back. He nodded and choked on his water when he looked up at you
You changed our of your shorts and t-shirt to black biker shorts and a grey sports bra. The biker shorts hugged your body perfectly and the top of your breats showed, making Peter stare.
You noticed and smirked. “My eyes are up here, kid.”
His eyes immediately shot up and his face blushed for what seemed like the 100th time today.
“I am so sorry. I just don’t see girls in bras, like, ever. In gym class we all wear t-shirts, which makes sense. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I swear I’m not a prevert or anything, you just look really uh... nice? I—”
Nat and you turned to each other, amusement played on your faces. You turned back to the rambling boy.
“It’s okay, Peter. I get it, boobs are nice to look at. Especially when you’re a hormonal, almost always horny, teenage boy,” you teased.
“I’m not horny!” He claimed, embarrassing himself more.
“Don’t worry, I never assumed you were. I was just speaking generally,” you smiled.
“Oh,” he said and he looked down sheepishly.
“No worries. Now, let’s get goin’,” you said.
Peter nodded and followed you to the mat. 
“So, we are going to practice some basic moves. Y/n, I know you already know them, but there is nothing wrong with reviewing,” Nat said. 
You both nodded, waiting for further instruction.
“So, the first one is simple, yet very dangerous. It’s also fairly easy, in my opinion. It’s called the rear neck choke,” Nat said. “Peter, you’re gonna stand behind Y/n and put your arm around her neck.”
Peter nodded and awkwardly stood behind you. Your butt brushed against his crotch, making him cough awkwardly. He put his arm around your neck. The skin-to-skin contact made your heart flutter. You cleared your throat, too, breathing deeply to try and slow your heart rate.
“Good. Now, you basically just squeeze until the person passes out. Y/n, why don’t you demenstrate the next move,” Nat said.
You smiled and took ahold of Peter’s arm. You then crouched down and pulled him over your head. You flipped him over on the mat.
“Ow,” he whined as he fell. He looked up at you and couldn’t help but smile. You stood tall, hands on your hips and a smile on your face.
“Now, Peter, what you can do when she does that is hook your legs on her ankles and pull so she looses balance. You then can reach for her ankle and throw her across the room. But, we arent going to do that. What you can do, though, is do the ankle bit I told you. Then you can pin her down,” Nat explained.
Peter looked at you two hesitantly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Y/n chuckled, “It’s all right. You won’t hurt me that bad, I promise.”
Peter nodded and did as he was told. He hooked his feet over your ankle and jerked you so your feet gave out beneth you. He then got up quickly to pin you down, but you were quicker.
You rolled over and pinned him down instead. Your left hand held his wrists above his head while your right held down his shoulder. Your legs went around his waist and squeezed slightly to make sure he wouldn’t move. Your head leaned down to his, a triumphant smile resting on your lips.
“W-wha-” Peter was at a loss for words. Not just because you beat him, but how close you two were.
He breathed in deeply, catching a whiff of your scent. You smelled like cherries and vanilla. Your skin was smooth, clear, and glowing from the sheer film of sweat on your face. You looked like an angel to him, nonetheless.
“And that is why you gotta be faster, Parker. But you’ll learn in time. You’re already pretty good on the field by yourself,” Nat said.
Peter nodded. You got up off of him and helped him up.
“Wanna try that again? I promise I won’t do that again,” you suggested.
“Sure,” Peter nodded and laid back on the mat.
He hooked onto your ankle again. As you promised, you let him pin you down. You watched the way he moved. He was swift and fast. The way his muscles flexed when he grabbed your wrist made your stomach flip.
He got on top of you, pinning both your wrists like you did to him. His free hand went to the side of your face, helping him support himself so he wouldn’t be laying directly on top of you.
Your heart rate quickened once more and you felt like it was hard to breathe. A few strands of his hair were hanging down from his head and he had sweat glistening on his forehead. His honey-brown eyes was something you found yourself getting lost in quickly. He was so handsome.
“Uh... Y/n?” Peter muttered, catching your attention.
You blinked rapidly and looked away in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he gave you a friendly smile and got off of you.
“Okay, water break. You two practice those few moves a few more times,” Nat said.
You got up and took a big sip of your water bottle. You then got back to training with Peter. He was a fast learner and almost every time pinned you down. You, however, were slightly faster.
Each time you got on top of him, Peter couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach. He’d never been this close to a girl before.
Thirty minutes later and the session was over.
“Good job, you two. Next time we’ll get into more moves involving punching and such. See you later, kiddos,” Nat smiled at you two. She left the gym and you turned to Peter.
“It was nice meeting you, Pete. Maybe we can hang out outside of training?” You suggested.
Peter’s eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.”
“Great. Give me your number next time. See you, Spidey,” you waved and left the gym.
Peter jumped up and down. He couldn’t wait to tell Ned.
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Strands of Webbing
A Spiderverse Fanfic
Prompts 121-132
“Leave it to the Professionals”
First | Previous | Next
121. Apprentice
“I got it!” crows Miles over the chat. “This is huge, man, I get to understudy this scientist and might even get some kind of job offer from it in future!”
The chat explodes.
“Wow, Miles! Congratulations!”
“I’m so proud of you!”
“Yay Miles!”
“You did good, kid.”
Miles laughs. “Heh, yeah, aw man this is neat.”
“So who’re you shadowing?” asks Peter.
“Wow, that was stupid, forgot to look, it’s Doctor Olivvvvv...”
The chat goes very, very quiet.
“Welp, I’m dead,” says Miles, matter-of-factly.
122. Bugle
“Put it like this,” says Robbie. “You’ve been freelancing for us long enough as a photographer. How do you feel about being a journalist?”
“What kind of journalism?” asks Peter.
“Science, in this case. You’ve still got your Masters in BioChem, right?”
“...still freelance?”
“Usual rates.”
Robbie names a figure. Peter doesn’t fall out of his chair because that would be unprofessional, but he considers it for a moment.
“Robbie...I appreciate this. Really, I do. But this is just...out of the blue, it’s—”
“Are you saying no?”
“Of course not.”
“Then welcome back, Mr. Parker,” says Robbie, standing up and shaking his hand. Then he smiles. “It’s been too long, buddy. Kinda wondering where you got to.”
“Dropped off the face of the earth for a while, I admit,” says Peter, and Robbie laughs.
Back at the paper. ...well, who knew? Maybe there’s a way to make this work. And it looks to pay better than the photographs, anyway. Way better.
He nearly backs out again when a visit to a vacuum-cleaner facility ends up involving the creation of a new villain called the Fanatic. (Yes. Fan-atic. Hilarious.) Nearly.
123. Inappropriate
“I mean, wasn’t there any other career you could have chosen?” asks Spider-Man in Spanish, dodging another blow. “Did someone really look at your skill-set and say, ‘Man, that guy would make a great murderous cyborg’?”
“Actually it was a natural extension of my talents,” the Scorpion replies. “The whole cocaine cartel business didn’t mix very well with my job as a professional wrestler after that accident blew off most of my limbs. This seemed like the best way to continue both.”
“...ay, chacho, you ever thought about therapy?”
“Nah. I couldn’t get a license to practice up here. Stupid lack of transfer programs.”
“...I’m sorry, what?”
124. Actual
“Language,” warns Gray.
“...Moses,” Peter B finishes sardonically, making Peni snort. “This is your version of the Rhino?”
The creature rampaging down the street is about twenty storeys high, with six horns roughly the size of small houses arranged along its face. Eight tiny mad eyes peer out at the world, and the greenish-grey skin seems to glow faintly.
“Yeah, normally I just lead him out of town again,” says Peni. “He’s a big softie when you get past the whole, well, mass destruction stuff.”
“Your town, your rules, hun,” says Gray.
(“Took you long enough,” mutters Peter B. “...oh my god I’m turning into my aunt.”)
Peni beams at the accidental endearment (which he can’t really see but SP//dr’s inFace is happy at least), then plugs in a flight path.
“Come on, let’s get him out of here. You’re gonna wanna see what happens next.”
SP//dr makes a loud sound, attracting the Rhino’s attention their way. Then it starts swinging away. The Rhino starts huffing and panting, and then it moves to charge.
And SP//dr is just soaring along in the breeze.
“Come see the future, they said. It’s got so many colours, they said. Did anyone mention the rhino? An angry, mega-mall-sized rhino? No, don’t bother bringing that up!”
With grumbling on one side and a kind of worried pride on the other, the Peters set out after their counterpart.
125. Sequel
Mary-Jane looks at the expectant cluster and tries, unsuccessfully, to hide a smile.
“Tiger,” she says, mildly reproachful, “we talked about yours already.”
Peter B looks (equally) mildly embarrassed. Miles and Gwen snicker.
“Miles, yours was pretty good. Although the advertisement right in the middle might get people confused.”
Gwen nudges an equally embarrassed Miles. “What did I say?”
“Gwen, yours was...eclectic.”
Gwen pouts. “Obviously your taste in music skipped a dimension.”
“You did a percussion-heavy death metal version of ‘O Holy Night’,” Peter B reminds her.
“And it was amazing, so what?”
“Mr. Parker,” Mary-Jane goes on, addressing Noir, “I was actually genuinely impressed. I didn’t even know there was a klezmer version of ‘We Three Kings’.”
“Aw, well, thanks kindly, ma’am. Got a couple of musician friends of mine to help.”
“Peni, I admit I don’t know the song, but it was very sweet.”
“Wait, ‘Sleigh Ride To The Moon’ hasn’t come out yet here? Aw, nuts...”
“I’d hate to see the copyright case for that one,” mutters her...boyfriend? Nearly-fiancé-again? Ex-ex? ...actually that last one doesn’t sound bad.
“Mr. Porker...”
“Before anything else, I’ll have you know that ‘Lament of a Christmas Turkey’ is a classic.”
“...and we’ll leave it at that. But overall, it’s really good, guys!”
The Spider-Gang whoops.
“But why did you get Norman Osborn reciting ‘Night Before Christmas’?”
“...honey, say that last bit again?”
126. Shoulder
Peter roars with laughter.
Miles’ face flushes, even if he is trying not to laugh at Gwen’s expression himself. “Seriously? You gonna do that every time we meet up?”
“What? It’s our thing.”
Miles sighs, unsuccessfully hides a smile, and makes an effort to suffer in silence, which Peter obviously has no appreciation for.
127. Bicker
"It's…a little awkward, when they start swearing at one another in different languages," says Peter.
Noir nods. "Don't think either of them understands what the other is saying, to be honest."
A stream of rapid-fire Japanese curses fly overhead.
"…but I'm pretty sure from the little I know that Peni's not too happy."
The issue, as Miguel later rants about to Peter, is actually ridiculously simple: whether or not to incorporate "future" weapons into other Spiders' suits. Miguel is all for it. Peni is very much against it. Miguel thinks Peni is a child and a hypocrite. Peni seems to be under the misguided impression that Miguel's missing the point. Miguel has no idea what that [unprintable] point is supposed to be. (This sort of censorship always happens around Peter Porker when he's Abroad and he thinks it's just the multiverse out to get him.) Peni tried to indicate that he could look for that point…where the sun does not shine. And so on and so forth.
That one takes a little while to sort out.
In the end, Noir's happy to stick with his regular weapons but accepts a "pressure modulation shield" that slows incoming bullets, most of the Spiders vote not to be fitted with anything (Peni's concerns about restocking and potential glitching during combat convinces a few, but mostly it's just not their style), Hobie Brown goes away with half an armoury woven into his suit and a grin like a jack-o'-lantern, and Miguel—to everyone's surprise—opts out completely. And then it's on to the next big thing in multiversal tech.
128. Revitalize
When Mary-Jane Parker opened the door to Peter B. Parker for the first time in nearly a year, she wasn't sure what to expect. But they were adults, now, not hormonal teenagers. They'd both lived through too much. And Peter had a habit of running when things got too scary. No, that's not fair—he ran when he thought things were going to get deadly. When he thought he risked hurting someone.
So it was genuinely a surprise to see him there, suit on, a little chubby but with eyes full of hope.
They split up because...well, many reasons, in fact. But one of the biggest was that neither of them had any real faith in themselves to take care of the other. Or in the other to listen.
Maybe...just maybe...she could let a little hope back into her life too.
Besides, it was just going out for lunch. What could happen?
129. Placement
“Normally people change careers every few decades,” says Peni. “Just to keep things moving.” She smiles, and gives SP//dr a noogie. “But normally people don’t have a friend like Takara.” She sighs. “Or a ninety-year contract with Oscorp, that’s a bit of a pain.”
130. Gumshoe
Peter is still a detective, first and foremost.
So when Peter B calls him—“We gotta keep the kids out of this”—he comes over as Peter Parker, Private Eye, not the Spider-Man.
A new Earth, one from the ‘90s by the look of it. (The 1890s, of course.) A new New York. A new Spider-Man.
A dead Spider-Man.
“It’s like he was burned alive,” says Peter B, grimly. “Kaine Parker. That was my grandfather’s name.”
“Mine’s was Leopold. Leopold Poyker. Only they made him change it at the border.”
Behind the mask, Kaine Parker looks a lot like the Peters. A harrowing thought. The burning handprint on his front tells another story—it’s still glowing red-hot, incisions where fingernails—or talons—dug in livid and lava-like.
“Think it’s a local villain?”
“I don’t know,” says Peter B. “But what I do know is, this is a new kind of threat. Look at the goober.”
One of Miguel’s new toys. (He was unbearably smug about it for a fortnight, according to Peni.) Detects quantities of non-local matter compared to the regular variation within each universe. If already from a logged world, it would display the number.
This is his number.
“One of my villains did this?”
“Maybe. Peter, we’ve got to keep this on the downlow.”
“No, that’s exactly what we shouldn’t do. The kids need to know that they might be in danger. So does Porker. And Miguel.”
Peter grimaces. “...we gotta tell them when it’s quiet, then. Miles and Gwen and Mayday have exams at the moment, they don’t need the extra stress.”
“I’m telling Peni and Porker,” Peter insists.
“Fine. But carefully. I’ll get Miguel up to speed. We’ll plan telling the others later, and plan some kind of security check system.”
They look down again at the body of Kaine Parker, now being carried away by the local police.
“We can’t let this happen to any of ours.”
And Peter agrees with that statement with all his heart.
131. Sundae
“Victory!” crows Peni. A beaming Mr. Lee claps her on the shoulder as the small crowd cheers.
“Does this happen a lot in your world?” Miles asks Gwen.
“You mean, do my villains routinely agree to ice-cream-eating competitions with teenagers? Generally, no. That is not a regular thing.”
“Stupid lactose intolerance,” groans the Koala Kommander, slumping forward and holding his stomach. “Nigel, you got my pills?”
Nigel the Koala is indeed holding a medication bottle in his paws.
“...more believable with this guy, though.”
132. Spectre
Of course Peter hears it first. The humans know the Web, but they aren’t born for webs like he is. But it is a little odd. He’s on his way from Gwen’s world to Noir’s (his first time) when he hears...a rumbling, of some sort. A vibration.
Someone—something?—is walking on the Web between dimensions. Or…bouncing? Someone who feels, to Peter’s Web-Sense (Spider-Sense, guys, honestly? That's just speciesist), strangely familiar.
In free-fall through the void, he says, “You’re making a lot of noise. Mind keeping it down a bit?”
The bouncing stops.
The strange words—the spoken laughs—come out of nowhere.
“Glad to see I haven’t lost my touch.”
“Now that’s just rude.”
“You know, has anyone ever told you that you can be really annoying?”
And Peter drops out of the void and into Noir’s apartment with a strange sense of foreboding.
(But he can let it slip. What’s one kinda bratty somewhat familiar-sounding eldritch voice against Spider-Ham?)
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traincat · 4 years
I’ve read through your entire AO3 catalogue (SO amazing by the way), and now I’m wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing a rec list of your personal favorite spideytorch fics?
First off, thanks for reading my fic! I’m super glad you enjoyed -- there’s more coming! I know I keep saying that but I do mean it! Second off, I am really bad at making reclists generally because I am not an organized person and I always feel like I’m forgetting someone and etc etc. But I figured I should probably do something about that so I did finally bookmark a bunch of my favorite fics on Ao3. (You’ll have to scroll past a bunch of The Untamed fic at the top but after that everything there so far is Spider-Man and Fantastic Four fic.) I’m probably missing some favorites in there because I did those fast, but, it’s a work in progress. And I’m going to endeavor to be better about bookmarking things in the future so there’ll be a semi-organized little functional reclist sitting right there. Also, I blanket rec everything by Gleesquid and OneShinyApple. They’re both terrific.
That being said, some of my Spideytorch favorites:
A Melody That's Calling Your Name by gleesquid (rated T)
When a boy gets trapped in the Baxter Building fire, Peter must make a quick choice: let the boy die terrified in the flames or gain his trust by showing him what's underneath his mask. In the end, it's no choice at all.
But when that same boy shows up on the first day of senior year, Peter finds himself caught in a spiraling lie. The next thing he knows, he's got a boyfriend, he's starring in a musical, he's going to rich kids' costume parties, and he's realizing that maybe there are worse things than having someone know your biggest secret.
You'd think high school couldn't get any weirder than a radioactive spider bite, but that's just the Parker Luck.
Between the Smoke and Ruins by gleesquid (rated T)
The Fantastic Four: Heroes. Villains. Gods. Ghosts.
Oh, how the mighty do fall.
In which Johnny Storm tries to save his family, Spider-Man tries to save the world, and they might as well save each other along the way.
sweet like honey, don't need money (all i need is you) by gleesquid (unrated)
“I can’t do it anymore. I’m kicking you out."
“That’s too bad, Johnny,” Peter said. “But I guess I’ll still see you out in the field."
“Both of you,” said Sue. “Until you learn to behave yourselves in shared living quarters, you’re not living here anymore.”
you light my morning sky by gleesquid (rated T)
“I dunno, maybe the huge flaming words in the sky that said, ‘MEET ME AT THE USUAL PLACE. IT’S URGENT.’ In my ever so humble opinion, ‘urgent’ usually means fire, or ‘all my super powered teammates have been kidnapped,’ or ‘the stock market’s about to crash so you better buy bread now.’ Not ‘I ran outta hairspray.’”
Johnny touched a hand to his hair – which, admittedly, felt a bit stiff. “You think I used too much?”
“I’m a real fan of Elvis, honest.” Spidey ruffled Johnny’s hair. Johnny could feel his flame curling in his stomach, his toes, and every inch that Spidey’s gloved hand touched. “But you might not wanna take styling tips from him.”
Or: The year is 1966, and Johnny Storm loves hairspray and Spider-Man a little too much.
The World, reversed by Euphorion (rated T)
Julia leaned forward and plucked the card she’d given him from his hand like she was cheating at Go Fish, holding it up so he could see the figure. “The Fool,” she said. “They’re like—the protagonist of the Tarot, or, conversely, maybe its subject. All the other cards—the minor and major arcana—are ways they feel about things, or things that happen to them, or people who they meets along the way who change them.” Her finger tapped the card, indicating the figure’s raised, bell-adorned foot, and the cliff beyond. “The Fool is the beginning of the personal journey. See? One more step takes them over the edge.”
“Huh,” said Peter. “Good thing Johnny can fly.”
Built To Fall Apart (and Back Together) by oneshinyapple (rated E)
The day after Johnny kissed him on top of the Statue of Liberty, Spider-Man disappeared. One year later, multimillionaire-in-the-making Peter Parker launches a company with his best friend, Harry Osborn. The last thing he needs is a complication like Johnny. But what was meant to be a one-night stand quickly spirals into something else, and everything is further turned upside-down when mysterious portals to another universe appear and they learn that there are two constants in the life of Johnny Storm: Peter Parker, and being left behind.
the things that you want (are so hard to find) by oneshinyapple (rated E)
“No, trust me, you don’t want to die by anaconda the way they do it in the movies, Johnny. It would be terrible.”
“It’s gotta be better than being eaten by a shark.” He pointed at the TV. “Look at them screaming in pain!”
“You wouldn’t actually feel anything. The brain tends to shut out pain in the face of—”
“Oh, God. No. Don’t science it.”
In Love At a Coffee Shop by oneshinyapple (rated T)
Teen pop sensation Johnny Storm stumbles into a coffee shop while escaping from a horde of fans. Who else should save him but Peter Parker, grumpy barista extraordinaire?
Any caffeine addict would probably be just a little bit in love with their coffee dealer, and baristas were just automatically hotter when they were drizzling caramel all over someone’s whipped cream.
picture this by lowfuellight (rated M)
Peter sighed heavily. The young boy of about ten standing beside him didn’t look up from his handheld device. “It’s a child, Torch,” said Peter. “You’ve seen children before.” 
Bring That Summer by pommenade (rated T)
Juggling the duties of Spider-Man as well as his life as CEO of Parker Industries was easy. Peter Parker had years of practice. Add in a clandestine relationship with Johnny Storm and things got a bit more complicated. Add in Johnny's Instagram account, and suddenly Peter's life is impossible.
Better in Picture by weekend_conspiracy_theorist (rated T)
In which Peter Parker has no interest in sleeping with Matt Murdock, no matter what anyone seems to think.
all of these thousand miles by hippolytas (rated T)
One year after the Fantastic Four have disappeared: where are they now?
No one really has a clue, and Johnny seems to be the only one still searching for answers. When the universe (or someone with control over it) starts sending him signals, Johnny decides that it's time to go looking. Peter's just coming along to make sure he survives the experience. It all goes about as well as can be expected.
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drunk-onsunlight · 4 years
"I have been doing it since I was little"
 "He's kidding with me, right?" it's the only thing that crosses my mind when I heard the words coming out of his mouth. But no, he actually grabs a few towels and goes to the bathroom, and guess what, he closed AND LOCKED THE DOOR! Why he needs so many towels, btw? I definitely hate him! I know you must be thinking "what the hell is she talking about?” Well let's say I have the hots (maybe I'm in love or whatever) for a guy that it's a total dork. Lucky me! But I will tell you the full story while the loser takes his stupid shower... Without me.
Read on Ao3
"He's kidding with me, right?" it's the only thing that crosses my mind when I heard the words coming out of his mouth. But no, he actually grabs a few towels and goes to the bathroom, and guess what, he closed AND LOCKED THE DOOR! Why he needs so many towels, btw? I definitely hate him! I know you must be thinking "what the hell is she talking about?” Well let's say I have the hots (maybe I'm in love or whatever) for a guy that it's a total dork. Lucky me! But I will tell you the full story while the loser takes his stupid shower... Without me. I met this sweet, amazing, totally idiot of a man when we were in high school. I got kind of obsessed with him but he never knew that, not that he needs to know. And things happened (by things I mean he got bit by a fucking radioactive spider and got some weird and sticky superpowers and long story short, he is spider-man), we got closer after lots of decathlon practices, homework nights and yeah, I fell for the guy. Peter Parker is a loser, but a cool loser. I will never accept that to his face, never! It's been 5 years since we became friends, 3 since he told me he is Spider-Man and 4 and a half since I figured out he was Spider-Man. Ned, Peter's best friend (dork/loser #2), is the only one that knows about my little and insignificant crush on Peter. Don't worry, I treated him a little just in case he gets the amazing idea of telling Peter about my feelings, none existent feelings... Whatever, let's move on. Why was I talking about Ned? Oh, yes! It's his fault I'm in my room, flirting with Peter Parker and obviously falling. Ok, I covered very fast who the dork and his friend is, how we meet and blablabla. Now let me tell you what led me to this exact moment. It was 10pm and I was talking to Ned over the phone about how winter break was going, how he manages to do college, a part time job and being Spider-Man's right hand (I have a soft spot for the nerd and I worry about him, ok?) when he got a message about a big fight between fishbowl man and Spidey somewhere in New York. As soon as I heard Ned saying to Peter that we were ok and that he needed to trust his Spidey senses, I knew something was up. The fishbowl man, better known as Mysterio for everyone out there, uses very high tech and illusions to set Peter off, it's not the first time they have crossed paths. And just in case you are wondering, I call him fishbowl man because he literally uses a fishbowl as a "helmet". Look, the man is a dick, the name and the fishbowl are proof of that. Let along that he tried to befriend Peter and ended up using all the info he could get from him to torture him with his stupid illusions. Now you get why I'm not very fond of Mysterio "Ned, what's happening with Peter? Please tell me that idiot is not getting in his head with us because or I will personally go and end him" I was being a little dramatic and Ned knew that. Very not like me, I learned that from Peter.
"Not much, you know Mysterio. He is trying to get the best out of Spidey so he was just checking that we are both save at our respective apartments. No biggie" I have never tell Ned how much I admire him for what he does every day with the Spidey thing, his job, college and dating Betty. The man is a champ. One day I will tell him, probably not sober. "Ok. I hope he actually listens to you for once and trust his Spidey senses." I was being serious here. Peter needs to listen to Ned more. He was a bit of a bad adviser back in high school but now it's actually very wise men (Betty's words, not mine).
“He is doing quite well MJ, you don’t need to worry about him. You two are the worst friends ever.” Wait, what?
“Worst friends ever? What do you mean?” Now I was a little bit offended
“Blind, just blind” Again, what? Ok, poor Ned it’s just losing his mind
“Whatever you say loser” I can hear him laughing and mumbling something to Betty but I can hear what they are saying, and I’m definitely not asking. None of my business. We keep talking while Peter on the other end is still fighting Mysterio.
Peter is still fighting fishbowl man, Ned is eating something with Betty so we are no longer on the phone, it’s 11pm and I´m on my third glass of wine. What a lovely night. But that’s not the point, remember I have the very stupid Peter Parker taking a shower on his own, on my bathroom, right? You must be asking “well, what happened MJ? How Peter got to your apartment and why are you so surprised he is taking a shower alone?” Ok, now that you asked me I can tell you. Serve yourself with some popcorn or your favorite food, maybe even something to drink and enjoy my misery.
I was drinking that third glass of wine, feeling a little bit tipsy when I heard a knock on the window of the living-room. Can you take a guess who that was? Yeap, Spidey, well, actually Peter but you get the idea. I didn’t move from the couch I was very comfortable because the window was open and he knew that. He is knocking because one day he almost gave me a heart attack when he got in and “walked” on the ceiling and dropped himself next to me while I was cooking… yes, I almost killed him with a pan. Anyway, he got inside, took his mask of and I can tell he is fucking tired by just taking a brief look at him. His face has been always an open book. I’m actually surprised no one else knows that he is Spider-Man.
He drops himself on the couch next to where I am and releases a deep breath, he is too quiet for Peter Parker, and damn, he is too quiet even for Spider-Man. But I’m not gonna talk if he doesn’t want to, God knows what Mysterio made him see today. I poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. He took it while looking at the table in front of the couch. No words needed and I knew it had to be bad. I put on my "I don't care" face, the same I have been using since high school, the same one that Peter learned to read all too well, he knew I cared a lot for things and I just wanted to keep people away from me so I didn't get to attached to them.
"That bad, huh?" I couldn't resist, ok? Don't judge me.
"Yeap" Damn, he sounded off, like a mile away from me. His head haven't moved an inch, his eyes fixed on the table and the glass of wine intact in his hand. I wanted him to feel better but I knew he needed time to process what happened and be back to reality. So I got up from the couch, headed to my room and let him for a bit, he didn't need me there checking on him, he needed time to breathe.
Ten minutes later he walked inside my bedroom and sat at the end of the bed. Remember the three glasses of wine? Well, they decided to kick me right there! My mind literally went like "ooohh, he is in your bed, tired, maybe a little massage or maybe even a kiss will help him relax!! Yes! Let's do that!" what an idiot right? The man just had a terrible and probably traumatic night and all I could think of doing was kissing him! Very intelligent of me.
"You wanna change into normal clothes?" I heard him a few times saying his suit wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world so normal clothes maybe could make him feel better.
" I'm glad you are ok. He made me saw you fall from the Empire State and I couldn't get to you" See? I was a total idiot. Peter faced my dead, on illusion tech that apparently looked too real and there I was, thinking about kissing him to nonsense.
"Peter I'm fine. You need to rest, relax or sleep. Maybe all of them. Look at me, I'm perfectly fine" He actually looked at me with so much fear in his eyes that everything seemed to disappear around us. I wanted him to be fine again, the bubbly, too chatty Peter Parker.
"When I fight him, I know anything it's real. But he knows how to get to me with little things. Tonight was the first time he put you in one of his illusions, that threw me off completely" He was checking my face like he never saw it before.
"You just realized that your life would be totally miserable without me, Parker" I needed to break the tension somehow, ok? And those kind of comments where always my to-go. And guess what, I made him laugh!!
"Maybe… just maybe. You can be a total headache when you want!" and he made me laugh, internally, I wasn't going to show him how true and funny that was for me, but I was tipsy so sue me for what I did right after.
"Oh, stop suffering. You love this headache" but sue him too because I wasn't waiting for his answer either.
"Do I? Ok, yes. Maybe I do love this headache" And the kissing think was back! I wanted to kiss his stupid smile away from his face "But don't flatter yourself a lot, I'm here just because of what Ned told me" remember I said that it was Ned's fault that I was in that room with Peter Parker flirting? Well, yeap. As soon as he said that I started planning the murder of Ned Leeds.
"What did he tell you?" Very good MJ, pretend you don't know what he is talking about. Not like I know but you get me, right?
"That you threatened to go end Mysterio by yourself if he used you guys on his illusions and that you were worried about me" yeap, poor Betty, Peter and I would be attending Leeds funeral very soon.
"I do wanted to kick that fishbowl man and I do worry about you Peter. Nothing new" the wine is speaking, not me. And that actually took him out of ward.
"You look nice today, by the way" hold the spicy and stupid comeback that's one your tongue MJ, you can do it!
"Thanks dork. I could tell that you look nice but you actually look terribly tired and your suit is full of dirt" I tried!! I swear I tried to have a nice comment, I'm terrible at flirting and the compliments thing. Good thing: He is laughing now
"Sorry. You are right, my suit it's full of dirt and I'm here just sitting on your bed and probably you want to kill me for getting dirt on your bedsheets" He started to lift from the bed and my reaction was to… Hold his hand. It was a little weird with the gloves he used with the suit.
"I actually don't mind. I like having you here. I can always just wash them or whatever" I pulled him back to the bed but this time we were a little bit closer.
"That's cool. And just for the record, you are not a headache, I was messing with you" maybe Ned was right, we were the worst friends and totally blind. Cancel the funeral people
"I know. I actually like when you tease me like that" bless that wine
"I like it too. Among other things" and there we were. Looking at each other like we wanted to do more than looking. I could feel the tension rising between us and I felt that was my chance to make a move. It was a now or never moment and I was tipsy so, why not?
"Would you like to take a bath?" ok, the ball was at his side. He needed to make a move now
"Actually, yes. I would love that" oh men. It's happening! It's actually happening!! Keep you shit together Michelle.
"You want me to help you?" brave move Michelle. I was giving myself a little pat on the shoulder but then… The dork had to ruin it
"No, it's fine. I have been doing it since I was little" and the mood was death, the tension gone and my wants to rebook the funeral back!
"Ammm… Ok. Cool. Yeah" I'm not gonna lie. He took me completely off ward! I was waiting for a million things but that… That wasn't one of them!
He headed to the closet, grabbed like three towels and walked to the bathroom. You know the rest. He closed and locked the door and I was left there, sitting like an idiot thinking he is somehow just messing with me, or that maybe I'm an idiot because he is actually really tired and I shouldn't be trying anything tonight, not when he told me he had to see me die because he couldn't save me, even if it was fake. It's been like 20 minutes since that and now I can hear the water stop from falling. I just hope I didn't mess anything up. After all, Peter is my best friend.
"Hey! Better?" oh no. I wish you could see what I'm looking right now. His hair is really curly and the drops are falling to his shoulders and some to his face. I can see every freckle on his nose and he looks adorable. Now I understand why he took the three towels, one for his hips, one around his chest and one for his hair.
"Yeah. I feel so much better. Now I just feel very like I need to sleep for a week" the dark circles under his eyes were clear. I take a look at the clock and I see it's almost midnight. We definitely should go to sleep.
"Well, you can take the bed. You need it more than me and I'm not letting you leave until you get some sleep" see? That was the right thing to do. Offer the bed, let him rest, maybe try to make a move other day with less traumatic events.
"Just with one condition. You stay with me, if that's fine with you, of course. I just want to know that you are really ok" and I wouldn't dare to say no to that. How could I?
"Ok. I'm staying with you. Just let me change in something more comfortable" I grab some oversized shirt and ran to the bathroom to change my clothes. When I go out he is already on the bed, under the covers wearing some sweatpants from his drawer and I walk to my bed. When I get under the covers he pulls me closer and I try not to shake from the sensation. I'm pretty sure he can hear my heartbeat go faster but he doesn't say anything.
"Thanks, MJ. I really appreciate this" He hugs me and I put my head in his chest and my left hand is hugging him from the middle. I can feel every muscle in his abs and I can see some bruises and cuts healing. I instantly knew they looked worst just minutes ago.
"No problem, loser. Anytime" I can feel myself falling asleep, side effects of the wine.
"Em?" He is whispering but we are so close that I can hear him clearly.
"Yes?" I'm too tired and sleepy so I whisper back my answer.
"I was messing with you. When I answered you about the shower. I did wanted you to go with me but I knew what it looked like under the suit. Not a nice view" For God's sakes, he is an idiot!
"Peter, you are an idiot" If I wasn't this sleepy I would totally have more words to say, right now we just need to sleep, and we can talk about this properly tomorrow.
"Well, you love this idiot" he has a point. And maybe this is the moment we stop being idiots and actually do something about this weird thing that has been going on since we were in high school.
"I do" in that moment I look back at his face and decide to go for that want I had a few hours ago. I give him a soft kiss in the lips and separate just a little to look at his eyes. Bright, happy, sleepy eyes. And this time he is the one that closes the space between us and we are kissing again. A really soft kiss that last a few seconds that feels like hours. When we break apart he is smiling at me and I can help but smile back at him. We don't need to say anything, I readjust myself on his chest and he hugs me closer.
Maybe I am in love with the dork and maybe I should thank Ned for telling Peter what I said and maybe we can take that shower together tomorrow. But for now we need to sleep the fake illusions away and take care of reality and feelings tomorrow.
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redstarwriting · 5 years
I Love Her, Mr. Stark
Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader
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Request: “hi! are your requests open? if yes, peter parker x avenger!reader pls? while battling the vulture, reader came in to help him, they defeated him but reader got injured (like stabbed or something) then peter realizes his feelings for her (like he loves her and doesn’t want to lose her) angsty but fluffy pls!!”
Word Count: 2,609
Genre: Fluff | Angst
Warnings: Swearing, bad injury, sad and panicking Peter Parker, Stabbing
A/N: After my brain decided to actually let me do things and make me not feel like a waste of space, I went off. I didn’t expect this one to be this long, but I feel really bad for not uploading anything recently. I feel like an extra long one was necessary. I’m going to try to actually start writing a lot again and not be lame, so yeah, hopefully that works out. I hope you enjoy this one and I just wanna say sorry for taking so long to post again. I feel really bad about it. (P.S. I threw a reference to the Spider-Man PS4 Game since I started to replay it recently, points to you if you know what it is)
Adrian Toomes recently escaped from prison and was wreaking havoc again. Currently, he and Peter are having an aerial battle around the Freedom Tower. Peter is trying to web him and force him to become stuck to the antenna, but it’s proving to be a little more difficult than he had planned. Luckily for him, he has close friends who happen to be in New York who can help him. This close friend is you. And you show up at the perfect time, considering Peter is dangling from his “talons,” his webs connected to the edge of the Freedom Tower as he uses his superhuman strength to keep from being flown up even higher and then dropped.
“Hey, Itsy, need some help?” Your voice rings in Peter’s ear, and he instantly feels himself be let go as you land a direct “magic” hit on the Vulture. Your powers were similar to Wanda’s, but instead of being based off of the mind stone, your powers were based off of the space stone. Peter always found it crazy interesting, because similar to Wanda, you could control energy and shoot energy blasts basically, but he always called it magic. Seeing blue energy shoot out of his best friend’s hands was high-key classified as straight magic and he didn’t care what anyone else said. Sometimes it bothered you when he bragged about his “best friend’s” magic. But that’s only because of the tiny huge crush you had on the kid. “Wow, so glad NASA could make it to help little old me,” he says, quickly recovering and shooting webs at a caught off guard Vulture, managing to slow him down even more. “Oh please, NASA wishes they had me. So what’s the plan with this guy?”
“Easy. Disorient him enough that I can web him to this here antenna so he can’t move until a police helicopter comes and gets him. Oh, and maybe destroy his wings. That would be pretty useful.” “You got it, Spinderella,” you say, immediately flying up to the Vulture. You push him back with your powers, forcing him closer to the antenna and the top of the building in general. It proves to be a harder feat than you anticipate, mainly because he’s upgraded his armor to be able to withstand superhuman strength and abilities. After all, his suit is made from Chitauri technology. You grit your teeth in frustration, pushing him back with all your might, all the while dodging his attacks of Chitauri blasts coming from mini guns he somehow made into armbands. “Damn, old man really knows how to put up a fight,” you mumble under your breath, blasting him with a handful of cosmic energy. he shoots backwards, getting in just the right range for Peter to web him up, which he immediately starts to do. You quickly begin tearing apart his wings with your powers, but it’s another task that’s more difficult than you’d imagined it would be. Chitauri tech was not easy to pull apart, even with your power. Although it was hard, you were doing it slowly but surely. While he was distracted by his wings being completely destroyed, Peter was busy webbing his weapons and webbing him down. When he was completely webbed down, Peter started to help you immobilize him.
“How did this bird brain even escape from prison again?” you ask, pulling apart his one wing while Peter literally just pulls the other one off of his back. “Did you just call me a bird brain?”
“Yeah, she did just call you a bird brain. And now I’m gonna call the police and you’re gonna go right back to prison. But while you’re still here, how did you upgrade your wings?! Those things were so much stronger than last time did you find more Chitauri tech or-”
“Kid, if you don’t stop talking, I will get Schultz to pummel you.” Peter looks at you with his eyes as wide as they can go, and you laugh. “Calm down there, Spidey, you can take ‘The Shocker’ any day,” you tell him, pushing his shoulder. He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. The police should be up here pretty fast, so what do you say we go grab some food at Mick’s and send a bunch of pictures of burgers to Mr. Stark to annoy him?” You two begin walking away from Vulture towards the edge of the building. “That sounds great, especially that last part. Remember that time he literally blew the window up there because he got mad at us for constantly sending him cheeseburger pictures when he was in a business meeting and then immediately felt bad and paid for everyone’s meals and gave the owner of Mick’s like ten thousand dollars for repairs?”
“Yeah, that was terrifyingly hilarious.” Peter says as you start flying off of the side of the building. You turn to look at him and challenge him to a race when a sharp pain spreads through your abdomen. You look down to see one of the talons from Adrian’s boots has pierced your stomach. You slowly raise your head to look at Peter, who is looking directly at your stomach. You manage to whisper out Peter’s name before shock takes over, and you lose consciousness. This is really bad for you considering you were already hovering in the air. 1,776 feet in the air to be exact. Now? You’re plummeting towards the ground. “(Y/N)!” Peter screams, instantly diving after you. He manages to catch you in midair, swinging to a rooftop as far away from the crowd that gathered under the Freedom Tower. His mask disappears and he starts to panic even more than he already was. “Shit shit shit, (Y/N)? (Y/N) please wake up. (Y/N), wake up… shit please,” he has your head in his lap, and he notices his tears landing on your face. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck,” he starts swearing, his mask finding it’s way back onto his head. “Shit, Karen? Call Mr. Stark please like right now,” he frantically says. “Okay Peter, calling Tony right now,” Karen responds, and Peter immediately hears the ringing of Tony’s phone. After about two rings he hears Tony’s voice. “Hey, kid. I see you and (Y/N/N) are together and I swear if you two start spamming me with pictures of food I-”
“Mr. Stark! I need help like right now, please- oh my god- I don’t know what to-”
“Woah woah woah, kid, calm down. What happened? Are you okay?” “I”m fine! It’s (Y/N)! She’s hurt, Vulture stabbed her with something a-and now she… she isn’t conscious and I just- please hurry up Mr. Stark, I’m scared! She isn’t waking up!” Peter is full on sobbing at this point and definitely panicking even more than he was before. “Okay, Peter just stay where you are. I’m coming to both of you right now,” Tony tells him, and Peter musters out an ‘okay’ before the phone call ends.
Although Tony got there in around three minutes, it felt like 3 days to Peter. He just kept looking at your pale face and thinking about everything you two have ever done together. It ranged from fighting together, then to pranking all the other avengers, then to just hanging out and playing video games or eating, until he started thinking about the little things you did. Like how your head would fly back when he’d say something funny or how your eyes would light up when you saw your favorite food. Or how you always knew how to make him feel better, whether it was you being physically there to support him or just a quick text telling him that you believe in him. He even starts thinking about the dumb little nicknames you constantly come up with. Then he thinks about what he would do if he actually lost you, and started to freak out even more than he was already. He couldn’t lose you. You were his best friend… or did he feel more than that? The thought of losing you just made his heart shatter into a million pieces. He always knew he loved you and you loved him, but he thought it was a platonic love. But was it? His mind was goin a mile a minute, and he was only pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Iron Man himself. “Mr. Stark-”
“Look, I have a lot of questions that you’re going to answer but right now we need to get her to the tower. One of Banner’s friends is in town, she’ll know how to fix this,” With that, Tony picks your unconscious body off the ground and takes off. Peter begins webbing after him, keeping his eye on you the whole time. Well when he can see you through his tears, that is.  When you all arrive at the tower, Tony takes you straight to the lab where Helen Cho is. She takes one look at you and immediately goes into doctor mode. “Do you think you can help her?”
“I can, but it will take a while. We don’t have time to talk about it though, give me her and I’ll do what I can,” she responds as Tony lays you down on a makeshift operating table, leaving the room for Helen to do her work. He walks outside to see a very distraught Peter sitting on the edge of the building with his head in his hands. Tony walks over, sitting next to him. “This is all my fault, Mr. Stark,” Peter says in a small voice, fresh tears finding their way down his cheeks. “No, kid. Shit happens. I just would like to know what exactly this shit that happened was,” Tony says, glancing over to him. Peter manages to tell him the whole story of what happened through tears, how you two defeated… well thought you defeated Vulture. But he upgraded his suit, and his talons could be shot out at things if he was ever in a dire situation. “I should’ve webbed down his legs, but I was too focused on his wings. I thought he wouldn’t be able to do anything if his wings were down and I was completely wrong and now (Y/N)’s hurt and she might die and it’s all my fault and I’m the worst hero ever and-”
“Peter. Mistakes happen. She’s going to be okay, Helen Cho is very gifted. I know you’re worried because she’s your friend but-”
“I love her,” Peter blurts out, and Tony raises an eyebrow at him. “I… I really love her, Mr. Stark. I can’t lose her,” he says, his voice breaking signifying a new wave of sobs rushing over his body. Tony puts his hand on Peter’s back, trying to comfort him. “It’ll be okay, kid,” Tony tries to stay positive, but he’s definitely worried. He’s never seen Peter like this, and he honestly hates seeing him this broken down. “It’s probably going to take a while for Dr. Cho to fix her up. Why don’t you come inside and try to get some sleep? After all of this you have to be exhausted. Not only did you finish fighting a bad guy an hour ago, but you also had school today and probably just cried your body weight and mine. I think going to bed early would be a good idea,” Tony suggests. Peter only nods, but stands up, walking inside the tower. Tony goes after him and watches as Peter walks to the couch in the living room area, promptly plopping himself down onto it and curling into a ball. Tony goes and gets him a blanket and a pillow, draping the blanket over him and wiggling the pillow under his head. “Get some sleep, Peter. I’m sure when you wake up she’ll be okay.”
Peter hears Tony walk away, but he doesn’t say anything or move. He just stares at the back of the couch, curled up under a blanket in his spider suit as silent tears escape his eyes and millions of thoughts running through his head. This is the exact position he falls asleep in, waking up the next day at around nine in the morning. He’s confused as to where he is for a moment, but then he remembers what happened yesterday, and he immediately feels his stomach start to twist in knots. He throws the blanket off of him, standing up to see Steve sitting in a chair, reading the news. He glances up, his eyes landing on a very disheveled Peter Parker, but Tony let all of the Avengers know what happened. They all were kept updated on the situation, and around two hours ago, Helen finished the procedure on you and you were recovering. “Hey, Queens. I’d go to the lab if I were you.”
Peter began making his way there without hesitation. The minute he walked in he saw you lying there, still sleeping. Tony was standing next to you, and he looked up when he heard Peter walk in the room. “Hey, kid. So good news, she’s okay. She’s going to be okay, Dr. Cho literally saved her life, and she’s just recovering right now.” Those words made Peter feel relieved immediately, and he basically tackles Tony in a hug, which Tony actually returns. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“Don’t thank me, thank Dr. Cho. I mean, thank her when she’s awake. She worked on (Y/N) for ten hours straight. She’s getting some well-deserved rest.”
After Peter breaks away from the hug, Tony pats his shoulder before walking out of the room. Peter walks over to where you’re laying, and he takes a deep breath. You’re still asleep, so he just pulls a chair up next to you, sitting down in it. He grabs your hand, grazing over it with his thumb before sighing. He knows you’re asleep, but he really just needs to apologize for everything. And to tell you how he really feels. Especially since you’re asleep. That way he won’t embarrass himself. “I’m really sorry, (Y/N). I should have seen that coming… I was so scared. Like, it felt like I was watching Uncle Ben all over again and I… just the thought of losing you hurts. I can’t deal with that. The idea of waking up one day without a text from you calling me ‘Spider Face’ or ‘Daddy Long Legs’ or some other demented nickname you can think up in that weird brain of yours just… it sucks. I don’t want that to ever happen. I need you, (Y/N). I really do. I never realized it before, but I really do love you. And not in a platonic way. Definitely not in a platonic way.”
“Took you long enough.” He freezes when he hears your whispery, weak voice. “You’re awake?!” You laugh at his horrified expression due to his confession that he thought you didn’t hear. “Don’t look so scared, Aragog. I feel the same way about you.” “…You do?”
“Yes, dummy. Of course, I do.”
“Oh… well in that case, when you get better, how about we make that Mick’s run I mentioned yesterday a date…? Maybe…?” You smile at his sheepish expression, weakly nodding your head. “I’d like that.” From that moment on, Peter was far more protective of you not only in fights, but just in general. He almost lost you once, and now he was determined to never even let you get a scratch on your body. He loved you far too much for that.
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fandomsumthing · 5 years
Early Release
Written with @im-a-star-boy
Okay, so this one is triggering for a lot of reasons. If you know of the character Skip from the Spider-Man comics, then you know how much of an absolute trash person he is. If you do not, look him up before reading.
Metions of rape, doesn’t go into detail
Facing trauma
The young brunet looked up from the book he was writing in, to see May Parker looking into his room with a worried look on her face. “Yeah Aunt May?”
“Can I come in?”
Peter raised an eyebrow. It was unusual for her to ask to come in, and not just barge in and playfully joke about it later. “Yeah, what’s up?” He asked, closing his book and sitting up.
May entered the room and closed the door softly. She approached Peter slowly, as if he was a wild animal, and kept her eyes trained worriedly on him as she sat on his desk chair. She scooted towards Peter, and leaned over, making eye contact with Peter. “Peter, we just got a call from Rykers.” She said softly.
Peter watched her and nodded. “Okay, what did they want?” He asked calmly.
“They called to give us a heads up.” She hesitated.
“A heads up about what?
May stared at him with a pained look for a few moments, before taking a deep breath. “Skip was released yesterday.”
.oOo.oOo.oOo. One Week Later .oOo.oOo.oOo.
Harry paced irritatedly, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt in one hand and staring at his phone with the other. “Harry, I’m sure Peter’s fine. You know how he gets when he ghosts everyone for-” Miles began.
“He never ghosts anyone for longer than a day or two. And he’s been avoiding me all week- and haven’t you noticed? He won't pick up calls, it goes straight to voicemail, he’s not just not answering them- he’s denying them!”
“Maybe his phones dead.” Anya offered.
“Two things wrong with that. One, his phones never dead. He always has it charging. Two, it rings, it rings a couple of times before it goes to voicemail. When your phones off or dead- it doesn’t do that. Just- he’s avoiding us. And I don’t know why.” Harry sighed, looking defeated.
“Why don’t you just… talk to him? Go over to his house and talk to him- one on one. A heart to heart, you know?” Gwen proposed.
“I don’t really have any other options, do I?” He sighed.
"You could just wait it out.” Miles offered.
Harry cringed at the idea. "I'll go check on him. I'll let you know what I find."
Harry looked up at the house, the curtains were drawn, they were also darker than usual, almost like blackout curtains. He furrowed his brow worriedly, before approaching the house, and knocking. There was shuffling, then silence. He knocked again. There were a few uneventful moments before the door creaked open. It was Peter.
His hair was disheveled, but not in the cute morning way. In the, ‘I haven’t showered in days, nor have I brushed it' way. There were dark bags under his eyes, and he looked like he’d been crying. “H-Harry?” He murmured.
Harry stared at Peter for a moment, all words caught in his throat. Peter looked so… broken. Peter shuffled anxiously, looked hesitantly over Harry’s shoulder, before looking at Harry again. Finally, he managed to choke out a few words. “Peter? What happened? Are you okay?” He whimpered, quickly rushing towards his boyfriend.
Peter took a panicked step back, as a fearful look crossed his face. Harry froze his hands in the air. Peter made a strangled noise, before asking, “Is anyone else with you?”
Harry shook his head quietly. Peter stared at him for a moment, before pushing the door the rest of the way open, inviting Harry in. Harry stepped lightly, knowing something big must’ve happened, and followed Peter to the couch. Peter crossed his legs and hung his head looking sad. “What happened Peter?” Harry whispered softly.
Peter took a shaky breath, before replying. “A man named Steven Westcott was released from prison a few days ago.” Harry nodded encouragingly. “Um… he was released early on good behavior. They called us to tell us because he...”
Peter choked up, his face paling as tears began to drip down his face. He watched Peter’s face contort into a pained look as he shook his head softly. Harry grabbed Peter’s hand gently. Peter flinched violently away, causing him to hesitate. “S-sorry, sorry…” He murmured.
Peter shook his head. “No, no it’s alright.” He mumbled back, before hesitatingly scooting closer to Harry.
He adjusted to Peter could lean against him. He felt a pang of sadness when Peter stiffened for a moment, before letting out a slow sigh, and slowly began to lean into him. It took almost a full minute before his full weight was against Harry’s chest. Peter shuttered as Harry gently ran his fingers through his hair. There were a few moments of silence before he let out a soft sob. Harry’s heart broke at the sound, but he didn’t speak as Peter took a moment to cry. Peter shook his head against Harry’s chest, before whimpering, “I tried to tell him no… that I didn’t like it but…”
Harry froze. He thought he knew what Peter meant, but god he was hoping he was wrong. “What did he do?” Harry asked softly.
Peter let out a pained whimper. “He… he didn’t stop.” Peter couldn’t bring himself to say what Skip had done, he was already in tears by the end of that one sentence. Saying it would make everything real again. It would send him back to those days with Skip that he tried so hard to forget. He tried so hard to separate himself from what took place. He didn’t want what Skip did to him to dictate his life, and he thought he had until he learned the news. Yeah, he could beat Skip in a fight now, but Peter knew he’d be sent back if he even heard his voice.
Harry felt his heart drop as Peter began sobbing and sniffling into his chest. Peter never once mentioned any of this to him until now. Of course he had questions, but he knew better than to ask. His questions would only make Peter feel more vulnerable than he already did. He realized that he had added to his unease by trying to get in their house earlier.
“Peter.” Harry’s voice cracked slightly. “I’m so sorry.” He held him closer and Peter sobs became harder.
“Why would they let him out?!” Peter wailed sounding angry, fearful, regretful, broken. “He didn’t change! I know it! Is he just that good at deceiving?”
Harry held him close. "I don't know bug… but I promise. I won't let him anywhere near you." He promised.
He wanted to squeeze and nuzzle Peter, to promise him that nothing would ever hurt him again, but he knew that would only make the situation worse. He was scared enough as it is. Peter cried into his chest, his arms trembling violently. Peter shook his head. "Harry- I'm scared…" His voice was weak and pitiful. It made Harry's heart shatter in his chest.
"It's… it's okay to be scared. Especially after what he did. It's okay to cry…" He murmured, feeling his own tears build up in his eyes.
“He knows where I live.” Peter sniffled.
“He won’t hurt you. I’ll be right by your side for as long as you need it. That is if you want me to stay?” Harry consoled.
“DON’T GO!” Peter blurted out, now looking up at Harry. “Please! I...I don’t want to be alone again...”
“I won’t then.” Harry thought about Peter’s words. “Where’s May?” He asked.
“At court,” Peter mumbled. “She’s trying to get a restraining order against Skip for me.”
Harry nodded. The words brought him some comfort, knowing he would have a bit of protection from Skip. He ran his fingers gently through Peter's hair and kissed his forehead. "How about we head into town? Just for a little coffee date, to get your mind off of it." Harry asked gently, moving Peter's hair out of his face.
He hesitated at the idea. "It'll be okay, just a little bit of exercise. God knows how long you've been cooped up in here." Harry joked.
Peter laughed softly and looked down. "Hmm… okay. I trust you." He murmured after a few minutes of consideration.
Harry smiled and kissed Peter's head. "Alright. Do you wanna change or no?" Harry asked softly.
Peter let out a breath that sounded slightly like a laugh. “I look like a mess, don’t I?” He wiped the tears on his face. “I know this might sound weird, but could you stand outside the bathroom while I take a shower?”
“It’s not weird if it makes you feel safe.” Harry hummed as Peter stood.
Peter nodded stiffly, before standing up. He gave Harry a hesitant look and he began leading him to the bathroom. Harry let out a sad sigh. He didn’t miss how Peter gave him a skeptical look, like he was uncomfortable with the idea of Harry walking behind him. He didn’t blame him either. Peter gave Harry a sad smile, before kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom. Harry smiled back as he heard Peter lock the door behind him. Harry stopped as he realized that Peter had forgotten both clothes and a towel. He walked quickly to his bedroom and picked out one of his sweatshirts that Peter had stolen about a week prior, and a pair of comfortable jeans and boxers. He grabbed a towel and knocked on the door lightly. “Hey, Pete, you forgot your clothes and a towel, can I come in?” He asked calmly.
Peter made a noise, before saying, “I locked the door.”
Harry let out a sigh. “I’ll hold onto them until you’re done, alright?”
Peter didn’t reply, but Harry could imagine him nodding quietly. “Okay.”
The shower started up and Harry sat with his back to the door. He got to thinking about how someone could do such a thing to Peter or anyone for that matter. Skip took advantage of Peter and was able to get out on good behavior? The idea to kill Skip had popped into his head and he knew it was a good idea, but he wouldn’t hunt him down. If, and this is a huge if, he was able to get near Peter, then the idea would turn into an action.
The shower turned off after twenty minutes and Harry heard the door click. He stood up so that Peter could open the door slightly. He hand reached out from behind the door and grabbed the clothes and towel before shutting the door. Harry smiled softly. It was still his Peter in there. He was here. He was okay. Harry took a deep breath and moved out of the way of the door. He smiled as the door opened, and waved to Peter. “Hey Pete.” He greeted.
Peter jumped, surprised by Harry’s sudden voice. He gave him a wide-eyed look, before relaxing after a moment. “Hey…” He murmured.
Harry smiled softly. His sweatshirt swamped Peter’s figure as usual, making him look even smaller than he was. The jeans were a bit more slim-fitting than Harry had intended, but Peter seemed comfortable. Harry put out his hand, a gentle smile on his face. Peter smiled softly back, and took it. Harry’s smile grew, and Harry began to lead him out of his house. “Wanna go to that new coffee place down the road?”
Peter smiled quietly and nodded. “Okay.”
Harry led Peter down the stairs slowly and towards the door. Peter hesitated before placing his hand on the door knob and turning it. Sun shimmered through the small opening and slowly filled the room as the door widened. Peter blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust.
Harry stepped out before Peter, so that he knew he was protected from the front and back. If he decided right there that he didn’t want to go then Harry would walk back in if he wanted him to follow. Harry smiled as Peter took a hesitant step outside. He played with Peter's hair for a moment, loving how fluffy it was freshly washed. Peter purred softly at the contact and Harry grinned.
He led Peter down the sidewalk talking to him happily. Peter didn't reply other than one-word answers and facial expressions, but Harry was more than happy to just be out and about with him. After not seeing him for a month, he grew really lonely.
They were walking side by side down the street. As much as he wanted to hold Peter’s hand again, he decided it was best if Peter made the move. Harry gave Peter a gentle smile. The two walked down the road, Harey leading Peter happily. After a while it walking, Peter took light hold of Harry's hand. He smiled and pulled his hand up lightly, kissing his knuckles. Peter blushed before laughing. "Har, stop." He said playfully.
Harry grinned. "Whyyyy." He whined teasingly. Peter smiled and leaned into Harry slightly while they walked. This was the first time he felt safe in a while. He’d only checked behind himself once and felt like that was enough.
“You’re like a puppy.” Peter sighed contently and his hand tightened slightly around Harry’s.
Harry laughed at the idea. "I'm the puppy? Have you seen how fluffy your hair is?! And just how cute you are in general!" He argued. "You're the puppy in this relationship."
Peter smiled. "Well then I'm your puppy." He said, blushing lightly and nudging him playfully and happily.
Harry smiled. "That's another nickname."
Peter rolled his eyes. "How many do you have for me now? Three? Four?"
“About eight.” Peter replied.
“Eight?” Harry asked, a laugh laced in his voice. “I don’t think I’ve heard some of those, have I?”
“I call you different nicknames depending on the person I’m talking to.” Peter explained as they neared the doors to the coffee shop.
It was a small place, not one of the popular coffee spots but still good. One of the reasons the couple liked it so much. They got their privacy to be a couple without having to worry about anyone snitching. Plus, the coffee wasn’t that expensive.
“Should I get us a table?” Peter asked. Harry looked at him with cautious eyes.
“Only if you feel comfortable with getting it.” Harry hesitated letting go of Peter’s hand.
“I’ll be alright.” Peter reassured. He wasn’t just reassuring Harry, but also himself. Before heading off, Peter’s gave Harry a peck on the cheek which got Harry to smile.
Peter slipped his hand out of Harry’s and went to the table closest to the wall and sat with his back facing the wall. Nothing could sneak up on him now and he got a full view of the coffee shop so if... he did show up, Peter would know. After a moment of talking, a server approached him. "Hello, what would you boys like?" She asked, a kind and curious look on her face.
"I'll take a hot chocolate." Peter replied, a hopeful look on his face.
The waitress nodded and wrote that down. "And you?" She asked, turning to Harry.
"I'll have a vanilla chai latte please."
She nodded happily and wrote them down as well. "Would you like anything to eat?"
Harry shrugged. "Pete?"
Peter looked up from a brief daze. "Huh? Yeah? Oh, uh, sure. Can I get banana bread?" He asked.
Harry chuckled as the waitress wrote it down. "I'll be back with your drinks in a minute." She walked back to the kitchen, leaving the couple to chat amongst themselves.
Harry started to explain what Peter had missed at school. “I’m pretty sure that you’d get it in a day. After all, it was mostly all reviews with things branching off.” Harry rambled.
He continued to ramble on until he saw Peter tense. He hadn’t seen anything, his eyes weren’t focused on anything, so it had to be his spider senses going off.
“Peter?” Harry asked softly. Peter shot out of his trance and looked over at Harry, seeing his concern.
“I think it was just a fly.” Peter mumbled.
He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it was either really small or approaching.
Harry looked around the cafe for a moment, before sighing and forcing a laugh. “God this place just opened and there’s already flies. Not a good sign if you ask me.”
Peter laughed at that, his spidey sense progressively getting louder. He smiled and grabbed Harry’s hand, wanting some form of comfort. Harry caught on quickly to Peter’s anxiety, and began rubbing his hand with his thumb. “I love you, Pete.” He asked, a small smile.
Peter forced a smile. “I love you too.” He murmured.
The waitress came with their drinks. “Your banana bread will be out in a second.” She said, a kind smile on her face.
Peter smiled and thanked her, taking a small sip of his hot chocolate, before pulling away and hissing softly. “Hot?” Harry asked, chuckling.
Peter nodded, but took another sip. Harry couldn’t help but laugh. The hot chocolate was in a red mug with green details. It was filled to the brim, topped with whipped cream which had marshmallows, chocolate shavings, and chocolate syrup. Peter seemed happy with the drink as he took another sip though.
Mid sip, Peter grabbed his head. He put his hot chocolate own so he wouldn’t spill it. His spider senses were going nuts. They were screaming at him to run.
“Peter?” Harry consoled, he looked like he was going to get up to help Peter. “Is something wrong?”
The door opened an a ding followed it. “It wasn’t a fly, Harry.” Peter realized and looked at the door, fear filling his eyes.
Harry grabbed Peter's hands gently. "Peter? Pete, are you okay?"
Peter looked down, squeezing his eyes shut. He had a look of fear on his face. "Harry…" he whimpered. Harry could hear that Peter was close to crying. He looked up to see a tall man standing in line, chatting with the cashier. He had pale hair, almost white. As if he felt the eyes on him, he turned to the two boys sitting at the table. Peter glanced up for a moment, before immediately turning away.
The man smirked, saying something else to the cashier, before strutting in their direction. "Hey there Einstein," He said, grinning at Peter.
Harry felt Peter began to shake and watched as he tried to close his eyes even tighter. “Wow, can’t even look at me?” The man acknowledged, his grin still plastered on his face. Harry put it together and glared at Skip.
“Excuse me, but you’re interrupting something here.” Harry had a mock kindness in his voice, it wasn’t that convincing. Skip jumped slightly at Harry’s voice, having just notice him.
“Oh you have a-“ Skip looked down at Harry’s and Peter’s intertwined hands. “Oh.” There was a slight venom in Skip’s voice now.
"Would you mind getting the fuck out?" Harry growled, scooting closer to Peter.
Skip made a face. "You're that one kid who was friends with him." He recognized, an angry look crossing his face.
He stopped as the waitress stepped over, putting Peter's banana bread in front of him. She saw his distressed look and turned to Harry. "Is something wrong?" She asked.
"Nah, everything's good here." Skip interrupted.
Harry got an angry look. "Everything is not good, can you get this man to leave us alone?" Harry hissed through his teeth. Every second Skip stood in front of him was a second closer that Harry was to punch him.
The waitress nodded. "Sir you need to leave these two immediately or I'll have to get security." She said.
She didn't quite know what was going on but she could tell it wasn't anything good. Skip scowled, before pushing himself up violently and stalking out of the building.
The waitress gave them a look, before walking away silently, as Peter practically crawled into Harry's lap. "Hey, it's okay bug, he's gone." Harry reassured, feeling Peter tremble violently.
“H-Harry… he’s still there. He’s waiting.” Peter could sense him standing outside, and he was angry. It wasn’t good when he was angry. Harry held Peter close to him.
“I’ll take care of it. I’ll have a staff member stay right here, if he comes in again, then he won’t walk again.” Harry said.
“Don’t.” Peter replied firmly, tears slipping from his eyes. “Harry, he’s angry. He’s awful when he’s mad.”
Harry felt his heart break at that. What had Skip done to him? He shook off the chilling thought and pressed a kiss against Peter's head. "Don't worry Pete, I'm a vigilante, remember?" He murmured softly. "I'll be back in just a second."
Peter didn't argue, but watched teary-eyed as Harry stepped through the door.
"Westcott." Harry snapped, an anger flaring up in his gut.
The man, as Peter predicted, looked up from leaning on the side of the building. "I've got a bone to pick with you." Harry snarled.
Skip scowled. "This is your last chance kid. You better screw off and let me-" Before he had a chance to finish, Harry launched forward and punched him in the nose.
He staggered back in alarm as blood began washing down his face. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" He screamed, clutching his nose.
Harry grabbed his collar. “You listen to me right now. You are not in a place of power here. You might think you are still in control of Peter, but you’re not. He could beat the absolute shit out of your sorry ass. Now, the best thing you can do is try and rebuild your life that you destroyed the moment you destroyed Peter’s innocents.” He growled. Skip took a minute and laughed right in Harry’s face.
“Little Pet could hurt mwah?” He chuckled. “He couldn’t even hold the door shut tight enough to stop me from coming in.”
Harry kneed him in the crotch and Skip groaned and pulled away from Harry. In a couple of minutes he was able to recover and he was pissed.
“You think you know Peter as well as me? Huh? Just because you got to watch him grow up?” Skip hissed, then smiled. “He grew up rather nicely, no? You want to grow old with him? Sadly you won’t be able to.”
Skip pulled out a pocket knife and longed at Harry. It was so unexpected and yet not. Harry knew that Skip might turn violent, he didn’t see him having a knife. He was luckily able to step back before the knife went down, but the second time the knife was right above him and it was coming down fast and Harry closed his eyes and prepared for the pain.
The door swung open and the pain never came. Harry’s eyes open and saw Peter grabbing Skips wrist. He still had the tear stained cheeks and fear in his eyes, but there was also anger.
“What the hell are you doing?” Peter hissed.
“Pet! I was just-“ Skip gasped as Peter’s gripped tightened.
“Don’t call me that.” Peter hissed again.
Skip growler at that and tried to throw Peter off. He stumbled, before tightening his grip. "Get out." Peter warned Skip.
Skip growled. "You can't get rid of me that easily." He snapped, before throwing a wobbly punch with his other arm.
Peter ducked under it, and twisted Skip's arm, which he was still holding. There was a sickening crack and Skip let out an alarmed cry as Peter refused to let go, possibly breaking Skip's wrist with how hard he was squeezing it. Harry could see Peter's light trembling, but it was overcome with a rush of adrenaline. "Now you listen here, Westcott." Peter hissed, with a layer of venom in his voice that Harry had never heard before. "If you ever try to touch me or my boyfriend ever again I will kill you. You hear me?" He threatened, as he released his arm.
Skip's other hand flew to his arm as Peter stepped back. Harry moved forward, his hands shaking as he touched Peter's shoulder. He jumped, startled by the sudden contact, before immediately turning to hug Harry.
“Fine. I’ll leave for now.” Skip snarled. “But I will be back.”
Harry growled and then a light bulb went off in his head. “Aren’t you supposed have a probation officer with you?” They watched as some color drained from Skip’s face.
He looked like he was about to run for a moment, before scoffing. "I- I only have to see him once a month thank you!" He shouted.
Harry scowled at that. "Well believe me, this incident wont go unreported."
Before Skip could reply, two officers approached the group. "Hey, the owners of this place called us. Apparently there was a threat here? Mind telling us what happened?" One asked, eyeing Skip's broken arm.
"These fucking maniacs attacked me!" Skip shouted immediately.
Harry gave him a dumbfounded look. "You have got to be fucking with me."
"Okay okay, enough of the language!" The female officer shouted. "Come with me, I have some questions." She said, pulling Skip aside.
Harry straightened. "I'll gladly answer any questions you have!" He felt Peter shudder against him and frowned. "I'll also speak for him."
The male officer nodded. "We'll need verbal confirmation for anything you say for him." He warned.
"I'm okay with that." Peter murmured, pulling away slightly. Harry felt a rush of sadness at the loss of contact.
The officer asked the usual question and then started going into the details of the call. “The owner said that two patrons were sitting at a table, which I presume to be you two, and a guy walked up to them and made them uncomfortable. Then one stayed in while the other left after the guy. What exactly happened?”
Harry felt Peter stiffen up at that. He immediately began running his fingers through Peter’s hair. “If you wanna go sit inside for this part you can.” Harry reassured gently.
Peter mumbled a soft, “I gotta confirm stuff…”
Harry nodded gently, before pressing a kiss to Peter’s head and pulling him into another hug. “That guy’s name, it’s Steven Westcott. A few years back he did… bad stuff to Peter. He hurt him. As in-”
“As in rape.” Peter finished. He could feel how Harry tensed under his bluntness, but he really just wanted to get this over with then go home and hide under the covers.
Harry nodded. “Yeah. He got out of prison a week ago I think, and he recognized Peter and started harassing us. I told him to go away and he did, but he was waiting outside for us and I left to go try and get him to leave. Then he just started saying stuff and I got pissed and punched him.” Harry admitted.
“But then he pulled a knife on you and tried to stab you.” Peter argued, pulling away to look Harry in the eyes.
“If Peter hadn’t stepped out then I’d be bleeding right now.” Harry said quickly to the officer then looked at Peter. “I only escalated the situation Peter, I should have just waited with you until he left.”
“I do agree that you coming out here was a slight escalation, but with Westcott’s history with him, I can see why you’d want to get out of the premises.” The officer then leaned into his walkie. “Hey Sarah, check him for a pocket knife.”
“I can see pecking out of his front pocket.” Her voice buzzed from the walkie.
The man nodded. "Alright, can we get your guys' names and numbers? We'll have to contact you later for further questioning."
The two nodded and easily passed the information. Peter pulled out his phone with shaky hands. "I should call May." He mumbled.
Harry nodded, wrapping his arms around Peter's waist. "I'm right here if you need me." He murmured.
Peter nodded silently, and dialed May's number. After a moment, she picked up. "Hey Aunt May? We uh… we've got a bit of a problem…"
“What happened? I’ve been trying to get in contact for a few minutes now. I got good news too.” May sounded happy or relieved.
“Me and Harry went out to that little coffee an-and Skip-“ Peter sniffled, his voice cracking.
“Skip? He broke the restraining order already?” May hissed.
“What?” Peter gasped.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you. Maybe my messages haven’t sent, but I sent you how the courts approved it just a few minutes ago. He was here and then left after it was approved.” She said.
Peter let out a sigh. "Then yeah he broke restraining order."
Harry noticed how Peter's voice sounded both relieved and scared at the same time. He grabbed Peter's hand gently and began running circles with his thumb on the back of Peter's hand. He looked up and smiled softly, before returning to the phone call.
"There are a few officers here, Harry got in s fist fight with him and I think I broke his arm when he tried to stab Harry." Peter sniffled.
May laughed. "Good riddance, he deserves that and much more." Peter made a displeased noise. "Pete, why don't you head home if you can. I can make us some wheatcakes."
Peter smiled. "Thank you…" He murmured, hanging up.
"So we going to your place for 'wheatcakes'?" Harry teased.
Peter elbowed him. "Hush."
"They're called pancakes, Peter! You and May are the only people I've ever met who call them 'wheatcakes'! Its dumb!" He teased further.
Peter laughed and shoved him. "Be quiet! Aunt May's wheatcakes are the best thing to grace this earth."
“I will agree that they’re the best pancakes around.” Harry agreed as he received another shove from Peter.
“I dare you to say that they’re pancakes in front of May. You’d get your ass beat.” Peter replied as Harry laughed.
“May beating me up?” Harry couldn’t even imagine it. Well, he couldn’t imagine Peter beating him up until Peter came close to doing so.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "She will."
Harry raised his hands in surrender. "Alright alright. Come on. Let's go."
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
sickly lovely cuddles
summary: peter visits you in the hospital! writing this for my fellow sick kids out there bc i'm in the hospital a lot and need this. to any of my chronically ill babes out there, i love u, keep fighting! and i love everyone!
warnings: hospitals, mentions of blood and needles, gtubes, ox tubes, overall fluff 1.2k+ words
peter was currently in the elevator headed to your floor in a NYC children's hospital. it was a bit far from his apartment in queens, but he would go miles to see you, especially when you were sicker than normal.
he carried a bouquet of fake flowers he got from a craft shop, because he knew real ones affected your allergies and ability to breathe. he wanted you to be happy and see that beautiful smile of yours, even if it was from fake flowers. and he even stopped in the cafeteria to get you and him cups of hot chocolate, a great replacement for your beloved coffee you oh so missed. (yes, us heart failure patients cannot even have decaf coffee! ever since my several heart disease diagnosis, i have left coffee behind and was given a hot chocolate replacement)
once he got off the elevator, he smiled, saying hi to the nurses at the nurse station and heading to your room. peter was obviously a frequented visitor and many nurses and a few doctors knew him by name.
upon reaching your door, he looked in the window to see you laying in bed watching tv. you had comfy pyjamas on and spider-man socks peter got you a few weeks ago. you had bags under your eyes and bruises on your arms from needle upon needle and IVs. you also had a grey beanie on, one that was peter's that he left here accidentally. it looked great on you.
he tapped the door with his foot to get your attention. you turned your head over slowly, expecting your nurse, but immediately peeled up when you saw peter. you smiled and waved for him to come in. he pushed the door open and set the flowers and hot cocoa on your tray table. (bruh i've run a tray table over my foot ONE TOO MANY TIMES)
"hi y/n/n," he said, calling you your favorite nickname.
"hi peter!" you said, reaching out to hug him.
he embraced you in a long and warm hug before smiling and motioned to your table, "i got you some goodies!"
"ooo what did ya get me?"
he picked up the fake flowers first, handing the neat bouquet to you.
"they are fake of course, because, ya know," he motioned to your nasal cannula, "your allergies make you breathe bad."
you laughed, adjusting the tube behind your ear, "yes, yes they do."
"andddd," he began before picking up the hot cocoa, "hot cocoa!"
"yay! gimme!"
he handed you a cup, brushing your fingers in the process.
"thank you peter," you said before taking a sip, "gosh this hospital hot chocolate hits different."
"of course, anything for you."
you smiled, both sipping your drinks.
"so, i'm gonna ask the dreaded question because that's who i am, how are you feeling today? physically? mentally? emotionally?"
you sighed, "well i had severe hypotension at 2 am and have been awake since, getting filled with meds while almost passing out isn't fun. oh and my iv is being annoying and keeps getting in the way as usual."
you pointed to the sticker and the long tube that was all over your room.
"geez i'm sorry," peter said sincerely.
"but hey," you lifted up your shirt a little bit to show your stomach, "g tube is removed!"
"yay!" peter literally screamed causing you to laugh. he knew how much you hated that darn g tube.
"but mentally and emotionally i'm doing...okay. better now that you're here."
"i'm glad," he smiled.
you took a big gulp of your steaming cocoa then started having a coughing attack because sometimes you forget to breathe when drinking.
peter stood up, rubbing your back, "you okay?"
you finished coughing and cleared your throat, giving him a thumbs up.
"yes now get in bed and cuddle with me," you demanded and adjusted the bed to yours and his liking.
peter crawled into bed with you after kicking off his sneakers.
"watch out for my oxygen, don't wanna sit on it and make me stop breathing."
"oh my gosh," peter said shocked, he was always careful, "dont say stuff like that! you're concerning me."
you laughed, "i'm joking i'm joking! it wasn't even near your butt anyways."
you cuddled up into peter's side and watched tv together for awhile. he eventually put his arm around you which caused your heart rate to soar, sending a loud sound from your monitor and in game your nurse.
"oh gosh," you groaned.
"you okay y/n-" your nurse asked before seeing you and peter, "ooo sorry kids, hi peter."
"hi meg."
"your heart rate went up, just checking in."
"i'm fine meg, thanks," you said blushing and gesturing over to peter cuddled up with you.
"ah, i see. call me if you need me."
you waved.
peter spent the rest of the day with you, migrating from your room to the craft area, to the outside lookout. he pushed you around in a wheelchair when you felt too tired or weak. he fixed your sweater when it got caught around a tube or two. he laughed with you. and he hugged you. a lot. it seemed like stuff someone who loved you did, not just a best friend. you wondered if he liked you back. but how could he like a sick kid? you were gonna be in the hospital for awhile. he couldn't get used to that.
but oh, how he could and would. because he loved you. sick kid or not.
time was ticking towards ten pm. the time they usually kicked peter out even though visiting hours ended at eight pm. he rubbed your arm and fixed your beanie before getting out of bed.
you grabbed onto his arm, "stay?"
peter sighed and smiled sadly, "you know i cant. they kick me out at ten."
"lemme just ask meg, she won't mind if-"
"y/n, it's okay. i'll be back first thing in the morning."
"you will?"
"of course i will," he smiled, causing you to grin.
you yawned sleepily. you only stayed up this late when peter was here. usually you'd be out like a light by 7:30 or 8. but you managed when he was around.
you were still holding his hand at this point, his thumb rubbing across yours.
"love you," you whispered.
"i love you too," he whispered back.
he hesitated, then kissed you softly on the cheek.
"see you in the morning y/n/n."
"see you, pete."
he let go of your hand walking to the door before using some hand sanitizer and smiling at you.
you smiled at him, blushing, while he left. he closed the door behind him. he peeked thru the little window on the door and blew you a kiss. you caught it and laughed. he laughed too. you waved again, and he walked away.
minutes later, you were out like a light, dreaming about that boy.
meanwhile, peter was on the phone with may, "yeah i'm on my way home...i'll be careful...ha yeah, yeah i do. i really love her."
hi guys hope u enjoyed! even my non sick ones. hope you're all healthy and happy. i love u all. know i'm here for u and don't hesitate to dm me if u need anything <3 love, your fave spoonie, juli
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afterglowparker · 5 years
Speak Low if You Speak Love
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 3,425
Warnings: None! It’s fluffy and super sweet.
“Please don’t forget about me.”
“You look cute in that shirt.”
Summary: One need not speak loud, to speak love.
A/N: Title of the story comes both from the band of the same name, but it’s also from Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. If you have any idea on either of the two, you probably know where this is piece is going. I’ve just been in a soft, fluffy mood—for once in my life. I’m also just really big on the silent, subtle aspect of love. ((also, shoutout to @upsidedownparker for actually giving me the strength to post this, because i almost scrapped the entire thing!)
This is also my entry for @hillsnholland‘s writing challenge, as well as @hollandsosterfield & @spidey-caps writing challenge! happy (very early) birthday to all three of you!
The sounds of car horns and pedestrians on their morning commute leaked into your open window, accompanied by the morning sun that peaked through the curtains—both breaking into your subconscious. You felt yourself slowly come out of your dreams, as the weight around your waist became heavier; if it wasn’t for the heat radiating from the boy that always ran a few degrees too hot, the morning air would’ve caused goosebumps to raise on your skin.
Willing your mind to quiet down and fall back into the expanse of your thoughts, you tried to prevent your eyes from fluttering open. But no more than a minute later, your eyes were open and zoning in on the sight in front of you. You were laying on your left side, legs intertwined with the sleeping man whose arms were wrapped firmly around your figure; you had to crane your head up slightly to look at him. Your eyes slightly burn, not yet having time to properly adjust, but you’d admit that waking up to the sight of a sleepy Peter made it a little easier to deal with the discomfort; it always did.
Your attention is drawn to the way the hairs of his left eyebrow are splayed in different directions, how his eyelashes kiss his cheeks, the tiny crook of his nose, and the way his mouth is parted slightly and soft snores left his pink lips. Like many mornings before, you slowly lift your arm from its resting place on his waist, afraid of waking the boy who rarely sleeps, and let your fingers slowly trace over his features. Your fingerprints stain the porcelain skin as they took in the beauty set before them. First over his eyebrow, trying to smooth out the messy hairs, then softly over his eyes; they continued their journey by caressing the side of his face, feather-light touches down his cheek before they landed on his lips. The skin was slightly chapped and the soft snores that had been leaving them had stopped, and it was then that your eyes flickered back up, seeing warm pools of melted chocolate staring back at you. You felt the skin underneath your fingers curl upwards at the corners, as his hand came up slightly to hold your hand in his, stopping to place a kiss on the palm, before lowering your now intertwined hands to rest between your chests.
“G’morning,” he quietly whispered, as if any sound louder would cause the peaceful moment to dissipate into thin air, “having fun there, darling?”
“Mmm…just admiring the view,” you quipped back, the smile sat on your lips just as soft, as you breathed deeply, enjoying his eyes on you, “it gets better every day.”
“You’re quite the sight for sore morning eyes, yourself.”
“Truly poetic, Parker.”
“Yeah, I try.”
You both let the silence settle between you both, as you just stare into the other’s eyes, having your own conversation without words; comforted by the fact the other was there and in your arms. You almost fall back asleep, but the alarm on your phone rings out, informing you it’s officially time to start the day. You lightly groan, and bury your head into the crook of Peter’s neck, moving with him as he lays flat on his back. He stretches his arm to grab your phone from the nightstand and he makes quick work of shutting off the obnoxious buzzing.
“Why did I ever set that thing last night?”
Peter presses a soft kiss to your head, as you watch the way his chest rises and falls.
“Because we decided it would be a good idea to stay up till 3am binge-watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”
“And it was a good idea.”
“Yeah,” Peter squeezed your hip lightly, “it was. But now we have to get up, cuz you’ve got a university to be at.”
“Trying to get rid of me already, Parker?”
“Oh, yeah. You know it. I can’t wait to get you out of my hair. Damn near give me a heart attack everyday! I think I’m aging faster around you.” You slap his chest lightly, as he lets a laugh slip past his lips. “I’m only joking, love. You know I’m not gonna wanna let you go.”
“That’s what I thought,” you untangle you limbs from his, reaching over his body to grab your phone from the nightstand, before sitting up and checking your messages, ensuring no last minute emails from your university had been sent out. Looking back down at your boyfriend, you found his eyes firmly glued to your figure, eyebrows raised slightly, as his eyes were blown wide with adoration, “What?”
“You look cute in that shirt.”
You looked down, seeing the way that the worn and lightly faded physics is theoretical but the fun is real black tee sat on your figure
“Hmm…Yeah. Definitely better on me than my boyfriend.”
“Interesting way to accept a compliment. Your boyfriend might have to rethink letting you wear his clothes.”
“I’m way past the point of asking.”
“Trust me. He knows,” his hand that was still by your waist tapped on it lightly, “You do look cute though. I like when you wear my clothes.”
“You’re such a cliché Peter Parker,” you shook your head softly, smiling down at him, pushing his head slightly away from you, enjoying the way your heart fluttered at the sound of his laugh, “but I find it cute and endearing, so I think I’ll keep you around. Besides, you’re my ride to Syracuse later, so can’t have you going anywhere now.”
He pulls you down, causing you to yelp in surprise as you fall onto his chest. His lips instantly finding yours, as his right hand cups your cheek, pulling you deeper into the kiss, while his left hand sits on you lower back. He lets your lips move against his for a few moments, before pulling back, his nose slightly bumping yours, as he stared into your eyes.
“Today, it’s just you and me,” he spoke quietly, “Promise.”
“What? Spider-Man doesn’t call today?” You smiled, teasing lilt in your tone.
“He might. But he’s gonna have to take a rain check. I think Miles is more than capable of handling a night of patrol by himself.”
“You’re sweet, you know that? That kid absolutely adores you.” Peter had been mentoring a new, young spider-kid for the past few months, and while it caused Peter’s nerves to skyrocket through the roof, it was blatant in the way he talked about Miles how much he cared for him; it made your heart swell, and you couldn’t wait till you were older and could watch Peter tear his hair out while chasing your own children around, “You know you’re not gonna be able to leave him here without worrying.”
“Yeah, I know. But he knows to call if he really needs help.”
The idea of having a boyfriend constantly on call (crime and the threat to civilian safety being his employer, his heart of gold a faithful employee) and a moments notice away from leaving you, not guaranteed to come home was too overwhelming for some. But for you? It filled you with pride knowing that the man you had fallen in love with had such a genuine love for the people around him. He never asked for anything in return and that was an act of heroism in itself in your eyes. Peter Parker was so much more than what meets the eye and you wanted to shout it from the rooftops how amazing the man that laid before you was. Instead, you settled for pressing a kiss to his cheek, pulling back to see pink dusting where your lips had been and a wide set smile on his face, all traces of sleep completely gone.
“Okay, so here’s my thought process,” Peter started as he got out of your bed, pulling you up with him, as his eyes searched for his shirt he discarded last night, “we get ready, grab breakfast at your favorite place because as much as I would like to cook for you, I’d like to stay on good terms with your parents, and burning your kitchen down doesn’t seem like the way to do it. And then we grab some sandwiches from Delmar’s for the road, because they’re the best sandwiches in Queens, dare I say the world, and you can’t leave without having one. And then we kick this road trip off so you can sing horribly off-key to all the songs on my playlist.”
You grab the shirt from the back of your desk chair, chucking it in his direction, before you started walking to the bathroom, Peter hot on your tail.
“Sounds like a plan, Spider-Boy.”
Peter rolls his eyes, as you both grab your toothbrushes and work around each other, his hand grabbing the tube of toothpaste from your hand.
“I’m gonna let that slide just cuz it’s your last day.”
“All right Spider-Boy.”
And though he tried to act annoyed, his smiling figure in the mirror told you otherwise.
“I’m going to miss Breadboard so much while in Syracuse. I’m truly convinced nowhere has breakfast as good as them. Can I make it a rule that if you visit, you have to bring me something from Breadboard?”
“What, like my presence isn’t enough?”
“Of course it is, but like. If I could have waffles and you? I think that would just enhance the experience. I mean, think about it-”
Peter’s eyes crinkled at your antics, the smile that had placed itself on his face that morning yet to make an exit, as he listened to you ramble on. You were both walking down the street, intertwined hands swinging slightly in between you both. You were walking on the inside of the sidewalk, while Peter walked on the side by the road; he never verbalized that this was how he preferred to walk, but he was always sure to place himself between you and any possible danger, even if there wasn’t any obvious malevolent force staring you down. As you rounded the corner, Peter pulled softly on your arm before crossing the street, your body mindlessly reacting to his, so that his eyes could quickly flick side to side to ensure you were both safe, before crossing the road. Approaching the front of the shop, Peter opens the door for you, causing the small bell above it to chime, the older shop owner grinning as he sees two of his favorite customers arrive.
“Mr. Parker! Miss. Y/L/N! Haven’t seen your faces in here in awhile. Found a new sandwich shop?”
You laugh, letting go of Peter’s hand as you approach the counter, Peter instantly turning to the wall of snacks, and shook your head.
“Never, Mr. Delmar. You know you have the best sandwiches in Queens! We’d never even think about going elsewhere.”
“That’s what I like to hear. So, a number eleven and a number five, right?”
“Yes, and on the five could you please add pickles? No need to smush it down flat this time around.” You smile, finishing Peter’s preferred order when not on patrol. Mr. Delmar passes your order on, before turning back to face you.
“So, how are you? You back in school?”
“No sir, not yet. Clinging to my last moments of freedom before college starts up as we speak.”
Peter places down three bags of gummy worms, one bag of crisps, and his right hand finds its way back to your left as he inserts himself into the conversation.
“We’re actually on our way to Syracuse right now.”
“Syracuse? Bit of a trip from here.”
“Yeah, I know, but the program was too good to pass up. And by that I mean the scholarship, because wow college is expensive.”
“It is, but you’re both bright. Stay in school, otherwise-“
“We’ll end up like you.” You and Peter drone, finishing Mr. Delmar’s mantra.
“Still doesn’t seem like a bad way to end up, Mr. Delmar,” Peter starts again, bending down slightly to grab a pack of Oreos from under the counter, finishing as he gave them to Mr. Delmar to be rung up, “You really do have the best sandwiches in all of Queens.”
You nod eagerly.
“He wouldn’t let me leave without making sure I got my fix.”
“Smart young man you’ve got yourself there.” Mr. Delmar jokes, as he places the bag with your sandwiches on the counter, throwing in the other snacks as well, “That’s $10.”
“Mr. Delmar, you can’t-”
“It’s my shop and I can. The extra snacks are on me. As long as you promise to come back and visit when you’re back in the city, I think I can let this slide.”
You smile, Peter speaking as he pays.
“Don’t worry Mr. Delmar. I’ll come visit all the time.”
Mr. Delmar rolls his eyes, grinning at Peter’s antics.
“Think you could keep him in Syracuse with you, Y/N?”
Peter scoffs, but you laugh with a wide grin tugging at your lips. You slightly shake your head.
“Trust me, I tried. Unfortunately, I think you’re gonna be stuck with him while I’m away.”
“Geez, don’t fight over me. Truly, I feel the love.” Peter speaks, sarcasm thick on his tongue, his free hand grabbing the bag with your food from the counter, “Anyways, we really should get going.”
Peter squeezes your hand as you nod, smiling at Mr. Delmar once more before bidding him goodbye and exiting the shop.
“Wait I love this song!”
You yelled out, stopping Peter’s hand from skipping any further. The Maine’s “Numb Without You” rang throughout the car, as you began to lightly rock your head back and forth, singing along to the lyrics.
Peter kept his eyes on the road, but enjoyed the show he was getting from his peripheral. As the chorus kicked in, you shouted at Peter, squeezing his hand lightly.
“Pete, you’ve gotta sing along! C’mon, I know you know it.”
He just shook his head, before singing along with you, albeit out of tune, but you didn’t seem to mind as you danced in your seat, having fun throwing your own personal concert. As the song came to a close, you settled down with a huff, waiting to see what song shuffle put on next.
Peter lifted your intertwined hands from their resting place on the center console, towards his lips, where he placed a feather-light kiss on the back of your hand. He glanced at you briefly, smile stretching further across his face, as your cheeks showed the faintest sign of a blush. Without much further thought, you quickly leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek, before sitting back in your chair, leaning your head against the window, keeping your eyes trained on his profile. Peter swears he felt his heart grow another two sizes.
You collapsed on the bed, as Peter placed the last box of your things at the foot of your bed, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he stares at your body splayed across the bed.
“Yeah, don’t worry about your things, I’ve got it.”
“One, I’ve been helping you for the past two hours; two, you have superhuman strength, so I think me keeping up with you is a victory in itself; and three, that was the last box you’re just a drama queen.”
Peter launched himself onto the bed, a grunt of surprise forcing it’s way from your throat, as the curly haired boy in question laid his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around you best he could. He looked up at you, grinning.
“Yeah, but I’m you’re drama queen.”
“Yeah,” you said softly, running your fingers through the unruly mess on his head, “you are. Think I’ll keep you around for a little while longer.”
Your fingers scratched at his scalp slightly and the light pull on the tufts of hair was calming and Peter found himself drifting off. His eyes were trained on a medium sized shadow box frame sat on your bedside table, and he felt himself smile at the memories running through his mind—it was the gift Peter had given you for your two-year anniversary.
Inside the box sat a thin line of twine from which Peter hung three of his favorite photos from your relationship. The photo on the right was of you both in your Midtown Decathlon jackets, back to back, as you posed like Charlie’s Angels, wide smiles on both of your faces. The photo on left was of you and Peter before Senior Prom; he was carrying you bridal style, your dress billowing around you, and your hand was placed firmly on his chest, over his heart, showing off the corsage he had gotten you—his forehead was resting against yours as you shared a kiss. The final photo in the middle was his favorite. It was just of you. It had been on a spontaneous day trip you both took on a weekend and even though you both got chewed out by your parents when you got home, he swore that single shot of you alone was worth it. You were washed in light, the glow of the setting sun making you appear more angelic and heavenly than usual. You were running away from the crashing waves on the beach’s shoreline, smile stretching from eye to eye, as you ran back towards Peter, who had been taking photos of you for the better part of the last half-hour. That day would always be one of his favorites. Above the photos in simple roman numerals was the date he had officially asked you to be his girlfriend, and the bottom of the shadow box was filled with a thin layer of dried flower petals from the bouquet he had brought you prom night. The homemade project was no Monet, but you swore up and down that it belonged in the Met. You also swore he belonged in the Met, but that was a story for another time.
Peter fell out of his memories as he heard your heartbeat even out slightly, and your breathing became even, a telltale sign that you too were almost lost to your subconscious. His thumb lightly ran over the exposed skin of your hipbone, where your—his—shirt had risen. He stretched up, just enough to place a tender kiss to your neck.
“I love you…” he whispered, voice so faint it was almost swept into the still air of the room, “I love you so much. You are everything.”
“I love you,” You smiled, out of habit, as your heart rate rose slightly, still not used to the way the words made you feel. You don’t think you ever would be and you were fine with that, “to the moon and back, and then some.”
A comfortable silence blanketed the room, your fingers not stopping their motions through Peter’s hair, and it wasn’t until his fingers stopped moving against your skin that you pressed your lips to his hairline, letting them linger, before you whispered your one request from the doe-eyed boy laying in your arms.
“Please don’t forget about me.”
Peter lifted his head from the crook of your neck and rested his weight on his forearms so he could properly stare at you. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, hearing the truth in your gentle tone and the unwavering of your heartbeat. He shuffled up the bed, so that his nose brushed against yours lightly as he nudged his face a little closer to yours; his soft breathing warming the surface of your skin and his forehead rested against yours. He grabbed your hand and placed it palm down over his heart, and even in the absence of heightened senses, you could feel the strong, rapid beat of his heart.
“Not possible.”
You weren’t sure if you believed in soulmates, but you did believe in the idea of being able to love deeply; so deep sometimes you thought you’d drown. There were a lot of new challenges to navigate this next year away from home, but right there, in your cramped dorm room, on a bed much too small, with a mess of your belongings surrounding you, you kissed the boy your heart belonged too. You let yourself get lost in the pressure of his lips against yours, his soft caress, and in the way he leaned into your touch; tender declarations of love embracing you both fondly.
Permanent Taglist: @marvelousmorales @mercurys-rhapsody @sunrisespidey @upsidedownparker
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bellero · 6 years
The Parker Twins (prologue).
Summary- This is just a re-imagined version of Homecoming but Peter has a twin sister.
Warnings- swearing and mentions of bullying.
NOTE- I’ve decided to make a series masterlist so I’m gonna be using that instead of my forever tags, I’ve already tagged  people who I hope will be interested but drop me an ask if you wanna be added!
The Parker Twins Masterlist
 You let out an annoyed grunt as Peter continued to ignore you. He walked into the apartment, you hastily followed him as you slammed the door shut behind you, waving hello to your aunt you marched over to Peter and snatched his ear phones out of his ears “Peter, how many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” you saw him roll his eyes as he continued to hunt through the refrigerator “that depends, do you actually mean it?” he asked turning to you. 
You were both completely oblivious to your aunt and the man who were sat on the sofa staring at you both, May shook her head slightly and reassured him that this was a regular occurrence, that you two always fought over something minuscule and stupid.
You scoffed, “of course not! Flash has always been a dick to you so I bit back, what’s so bad about that?” you asked, he let out a sighed, he went to speak but you interrupted him “I mean, you’ve gotta admit seeing him squirm like that was extremely fulfilling” you snorted, he turned to look at you with an apple in his hand. Letting out a grin he shook his head and closed the refrigerator “it did feel good to see him run out of the school like that” you both laughed, you snatched the apple out of his hand, he went to protest but you had already bitten into it. 
You had already turned around and inhaled sharply causing you to choke on the partially eaten apple, Peter started hitting you between the shoulder blades causing you to shove him, he laughed but quickly stopped when he saw Tony Stark sat on his couch. Your eyes were fixated on the billionaire as you started to slap your brother, “dude, are you seeing what I’m seeing or am I going crazy?” you whispered “duh, now stop hitting me!” he grumbled causing you to smirk.
Tony smiled at the two of you .
Peter stuffed his headphones in his pocket and nervously crossed his arms “what are… What are you - What are you - What are you doing here?” he asked with a small but confused smile on his face, you rolled your eyes at your brother. “It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?” Tony asked him, you looked between them with narrowed eyes. “You didn't tell me about the grant.” May smiled at the boy who looked even more confused, Tony decided to jump in and save his embarrassment “the September Foundation. Remember when you applied?” he asked, Peter nodded his head, “I approved, so now we're in business.” Tony said whilst he clapped his hands together causing you to jump at the sudden noise, you glared when you saw him try not to laugh at you.
May narrowed her eyes slightly “you didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?” she asked, Peter quickly turned to her and shook his head “I just, I just… I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know…Anyway, what did I apply for?” Peter asked Tony, you let out a sigh as you walked around and sat in between your aunt and Tony who sent you a weird look, you just smiled back and turned your notebook that you were currently writing an essay in. Tony shook his head at you and turned back to your brother “that's what I'm here to hash out”, Peter nodded his head, “It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt.” Tony said gesturing to your aunt. You turned to him with a look of disgust on your face, he raised a brow you just shook your head, “this walnut date loaf is exceptional” he said, you flipped a few pages forward and started writing something whilst May questioned Peter about school.
‘You are exceptionally awful at flirting’ 
You turned it towards Tony who craned his neck to read what you had written, you saw him scrunch his face up. He quickly snatched the pen and notebook out of your hand and wrote something else before tossing them back onto your lap before turning back to continue his conversation with Peter.
‘That’s rich coming from a twelve year old’
Letting out a snort of amusement you closed your notebook and put it back in your bag before looking at Tony and Peter as they walked towards his room, you stood up “I’ve got a lot of homework so I’m gonna go do that... homework” you muttered before speed walking to your room which was located next to your brothers.
You threw your bag on your bed as you pushed your window open, you climbed onto the fire escape, crawled towards your brothers window and pushed it up causing Tony to jump, you smirked as you stood next to him, patted his shoulder and sat on Peter’s bed. Tony pointed towards you, “does she need to be here?” he asked your older brother who smirked and shook his head, you glared at the older man “yes, I have to be here. Also, I have a name... you dumbass” you muttered under your breath, Tony glared and you glared back. “I know your name. You’re y/n Parker, you are two minutes younger than him,” he pointed to your brother, “you attend the same school and I also happen to know that you hack into SHIELD, NASA and Stark Industries in your spare time” your eyes widened, you leant back against the wall and crossed your arms “nobody like a stalker” you grumbled.
“Anyway I have a quick question of the rhetorical variety.” He pulled out his phone which projected a video of Peter in his Spiderman outfit causing you and your brother to glance at each other, “that's you, right?” he asked whilst his eyes flicked between your brother and the video. Peter scoffed and shook his head “um, no. What do you. What do you mean?” He asked, his voice raised in pitch which was a clear indicator that he was lying, Tony pointed at the video, “look at you go” the video then showed Peter jumping in front of a bus to stop it from crashing, “wow! Nice catch. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's not easy. You got mad skills” Tony complimented whilst he put his phone away, Peter shook his head “that's all- that's all on YouTube, though, right? I mean, that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer” you held in a laugh as you watched your brother try to wiggle his way out, Tony just hummed in agreement and walked over to where your brother was once stood, which also happened to be right underneath a hatch which hid his suit “yeah yeah yeah… Oh you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?” he asked, you waved and caught his attention, he looked to where you were pointing and sent you a wink. 
“Oh, what have we here?” he asked sarcastically as he made the suit fall from the ceiling, Peter quickly jumped up and threw it in his closet causing you to laugh, your brother glared at you as he tried to come up with an excuse. “So. You're the… Spider… ling. Crime-fighting Spider… You're Spider-Boy?” He guessed the name causing you to shake your head with a smile on your face, “it’s Spiderman” Peter glared as he walked over to the other side of his room. Tony sat in a chair that was located next to the closet, “who else knows? Anybody?” He asked Peter, you raised your hand with a grin which caused Peter to smile slightly and Tony to roll his eyes, “who do you think came up with the name?” you asked him with a shrug. Tony let out a snort and leant forward as if to intimidate you but you just did the same, “you came up with ‘Spider-man’?” he asked putting air quotes around it, “yeah, well Spiderling, Crime-Fighting Spider and Spider-boy doesn’t really strike fear into the hearts of his enemies” you sarcastically replied, Tony narrowed his eyes at you before chuckling, “so nobody else knows? Not even your unusually attractive aunt?” he asked causing you and Peter to grimace, “do you really have to call her hot?” you asked with a groan, Tony rose a brow in confusion, he leant back in the chair “I didn’t say hot” he said causing you to roll your eyes, “yeah, but everybody knows that ‘attractive’ really means hot... like, I call Thor ‘attractive’ all the time but what I really mean is that he is the hottest thing to ever grace our Earth” you replied leaning back against the wall with a grin on your face, “also no, our Aunt May doesn’t know. If she knew, she’d freak out and when she freaks out, we freak out” you gestured between you and your brother.
Tony nodded his head, Peter was now stood by the door and Tony was back by the desk, he picked up something and showed it to Peter “you know what I think is really cool? This webbing. That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?” he asked.
“I did” Peter replied.
“Climbing the walls, how you doing that? Cohesive gloves.” Tony guessed whilst picking up your brothers goggled, he held them up to his eyes and pulled a weird face making you giggle, “lordy! Can you even see in these?” he asked, Peter snatched them out of his hand “yes. Yes, I can! I can see in those. Okay? It's just that… when whatever happened, happened… it's like my senses have been dialled to 11. There's way too much input, so… they just kinda help me focus” he explained placing them back on his desk.
Tony let out a sigh and stood up, leaning against the wall. “You're in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic, top to bottom. 100-point restoration. That's why I'm here”  Peter sat on the bed and looked at Tony. “Why you doing this? I gotta know. What's your MO? What gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?” He asked, you sat up and crossed your legs, “because… l've been me my whole life, and l've had these powers for 6 months, I read books, I build computers… And-And yeah. I would love to play football. But I couldn't then so I shouldn't now.” you shuffled towards your brother and leant your head on his shoulder, it was little things like this that showed you were there for each other. Whether it was a shoulder squeeze, a hand hold or something as simple as this, it was important that you both knew you could depend on each other.
“Sure, because you're different” Tony responded to Peter’s previous statement, “exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't…and then the bad things happen… they happen because of you” he explained with a sigh. “So you wanna look out for the little guy. You wanna do your part? Make the world a better place, right?” he asked, Peter nodded his head “yeah. Yeah just looking out for the little guy. That's-That's what it is”.
Tony hummed as he stood, he walked over to Peter whose leg was stretched out on the bed, Tony looked down at it “I'm gonna sit here, so you move the leg. You got a passport?” he asked after he sat down, Peter shook his head “uh, no. I don't even have a driver's license” you smiled slightly at what he said, you closed your eyes as you continued to listen in on the conversation.
“You ever been to Germany?” Tony asked, you knew Peter had shook his head no, you heard Ton clasp a hand on his shoulder “oh, you'll love it” you shot your head up and opened your eyes. “He can’t go to Germany!” you exclaimed, Tony furrowed his eyebrows at you “why?” he asked, you looked between your brother, playing with your fingers you let out a small sigh, “because... we- we’ve got homework” you muttered. 
Tony pointed towards you “I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that” you rolled your eyes “I'm-I'm being serious! He can't just drop out of school!” Tony’s eyes widened at your small outburst, “relax, Chipmunk. I only need to borrow him for the weekend. Besides, why can’t you do his homework?” he asked, you leant forward and gave him an exasperated look “hmm, I don’t know... maybe because I too have homework... besides the last time we tried that it didn’t work” you grumbled and crossed your arms, “it would’ve worked if you didn’t accidentally put your name on my History essay” Peter said with a smirk on his face, Tony turned to you with amusement in his eyes, you pointed a finger at him, “before you say anything, I finished writing his essay at five in the morning and I was sleep deprived” you grumbled whilst not so subtly hitting Peter. 
Tony stood up “it might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a field trip” he muttered walking towards the door, Peter shot up and webbed his hand to the door, “don’t tell Aunt May” he begged, you rolled your eyes “and stop calling her hot, it’s weird!”. Tony looked between the two of you before looking at your brother “alright, Spiderman” they shared a look before Tony gestured towards his hand, “get me out of this” he demanded, you smirked as Peter walked to his desk to get a pair of scissors.
“Nooo, don’t cut him out! let him stay there for a while” you said whilst taking a few photos on your phone, Tony narrowed his eyes at the young girl “watch it, or I’ll tell the US Government about your little hacking hobby” he threatened with a finger pointed at you, you let a smile grow on your face “I dare you” you replied, the man let out a soft smile towards you as Peter cut him loose.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. There’ll be a car outside in the morning, be ready” he said to Peter, he then turned towards you and pointed at you, “and I hope to never see you again” he said, he then walked out the door smirking to himself when he heard you yell “asshole!”.
Series Tags-
@winchesters-favorite-girl @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @platonic-plots @daughters-and-winsisters @just4muggles @humanexile @family-business-one-shots @rosegoldquintis @sassy-specter 
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spideymjlove · 5 years
Avengers’ Complex - Requested
It was a hot day in New York, temperatures never seeming to drop no matter what time of day it was. Michelle found herself having to fan herself with her boyfriend’s finished math worksheet as she and Peter rode in the backseat of Happy’s SUV. Even though Happy had the air conditioning on high, the two teens were more than ready to get into the large building that they could see about a half a mile away. 
“Now you’re positive they’re okay with you bringing your girlfriend here, Pete? I’m not breaking any rules by driving you two, am I?” Happy questioned for what felt like the hundredth time since Peter and Michelle had first entered the vehicle at Midtown High School. “‘Cause knowing Sam, he’s not gonna be too pleased if--”
“They’re fine with it, Happy.” Peter quickly cutoff, biting his inner cheek and cursing at himself mentally for lying. “You can just drop us off at the entrance--if that’s cool.” 
“Fine with me. I’ve gotta head to Pep’s place to babysit Morgan for her while she’s at the tower.” Happy replied as he drove the SUV up to the front doors of the Avengers’ complex. He pressed on the breaks, making Peter and Michelle jolt slightly, before putting the vehicle in park mode. “Alright, have fun. I’ll pick Michelle and you up at six, and no later.” 
“Um, I go by MJ.” Michelle corrected quietly as she and Peter opened their doors and began to climb out of the SUV. 
“Oh, sorry, forgot.” Happy apologized sincerely. 
Once on their feet outside, Michelle and Peter waved goodbye to Happy as he drove off. A few moments passed of the teens watching the SUV disappear, before Peter took Michelle’s hand and offered her a smile. “You’re gonna love it here. It’s super cool.” 
“As long as it’s air conditioned, I’ll be happy.” Michelle practically panted, walking up the steps with Peter and opening the large glass door, frowning when it felt warmer inside the building than it did outside. “I thought you said this place was fancy.” 
“It is! I guess the Avengers haven’t put on the air conditioning yet.” 
“It’s evening.” 
“Sooooo they should have it on. It feels like this place is on fire, eating away at out flesh and guts.” Michelle stated bitterly, following Peter down the hall and furrowing her eyebrows when he seemed to stop in his tracks repeatedly. It took her a few seconds to piece two and two together, and couldn’t help but widen her eyes at him when he glanced at her. “They don’t know I’m here, do they?” 
“Well, not exactly--no, no they don’t.” Peter confessed, running a hand through his curls with a huff. He took a moment to try to detect any sounds nearby, happy to report that he didn’t hear any after a little while of intense listening. “Sweet, I think they’re out. That’s probably why the air isn’t on yet.” 
“Cool, so what was it you wanna show me?” Michelle asked patiently, hands in her jacket pockets and blowing her hair out of the side of her face from her ponytail. 
“Oh right, follow me!” Peter grinned, running further down the hall and making a sharp turn to the right, sneakers squeaking on the hard flooring. Not wasting a second, he bolted to the closet of the rather cluttered room, opening the door and reaching his arms to the top shelf, taking out a cardboard box with the words ‘Star Wars’ on it. He chuckled when he saw Michelle enter the room herself, her dark eyes widening all the more at what she saw. “This is my room that they made for me. Well, Mr. Stark gave it to me before...well, you know…” 
“I can tell. Lots of Star Wars and Legos.” Michelle nodded her head slowly, taking notice of the Lego constructed playsets and Star Wars posters hanging from the walls on each side of the room. She staggered back in surprise when Peter pressed the cardboard box he was holding to her chest, wanting her to take it, which she did by instinct. “What’s this?” 
“The figures I wanted to show you! They’re vintage.” Peter explained excitedly, taking out a Yoda and Stormtrooper figure. “Someone left the Yoda one in the dumpster down the street from my apartment. Can you believe that? These things are so old! They should be kept in glass cases if you ask me, but I’m not rich, so I can’t afford that.” 
Michelle couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her boyfriend, finding his enthusiasm quite humorous. “So let me get this straight: You snuck me to the Avengers’ complex so you could show me your Star Wars figures?” 
“Yeah, plus I wanted you to see all my Legos Ned and I have built throughout the years--I would have transported them to the apartment, but I didn’t wanna take a chance on breaking any of them--”
“You’re such a dork.” Michelle giggled fondly, setting the box of Star Wars figures down on the floor and pecking Peter on the cheek lovingly. “But somehow I still love you.” 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” 
Peter and Michelle whipped their heads to the doorway, hearts beating fast when they saw Clint staring at them with a smile. He took a few steps forward, chuckling when Peter and Michelle stepped back a little. “Relax, I’m not here to yell at you two or anything. I’m just surprised Peter brought a girl here. Especially without asking permission.” Clint explained casually, glancing at Peter, who looked down at his shoes. 
“He was worried you wouldn’t say yes--he just wants to show me his Legos and Star Wars stuff.” Michelle defended matter of factly, swallowing thickly when Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey appeared behind Clint, all wearing slightly confused expressions as they stared at her and Peter. “My name is Michelle, but people call me MJ.” 
“Well it’s very nice to meet you, MJ. Are you a friend of Peter’s?” Rhodey asked, walking past Clint and taking out his hand for Michelle to shake, which she did quickly. “Or are you two more than that?” 
“She’s, she’s my girlfriend--” Peter began, cheeks becoming flushed when Clint made an ooing sound. “We’ve been dating for a few months--ever since the trip to Europe I told you guys about.” 
“I like her.” Wanda spoke up, crossing her arms and staring at Michelle, as if analyzing her. “She’s strong. I can tell.” 
“Sometimes stronger than Spider-Man.” Michelle teased, giggling when Peter casted a small glare her way. 
“Oh wow, those are strong words. Wanda’s right about you.” Sam agreed, shaking Michelle’s hand with a smile before looking at Peter, who was staring at him worriedly. “Next time, just ask. We trust you, which means we know you won’t bring someone bad in here.” 
“Thank you, and I’m sorry. I promise I’ll ask from now on. I guess I was just too excited to show her my collectibles--”
“They are quite impressive, I will admit.” Clint replied fondly, glancing about the teen’s bedroom before turning around on his heels, the rest of the Avengers following behind him. “Let’s let Peter finish showing his collection while we fix the air conditioning. I’m burning up.” 
Once Peter knew they were gone, he turned to Michelle--though furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when he didn’t see her. “MJ?” He asked, smiling when he saw her laying in his bed, one thin blanket over her. “I thought you were hot. Why do you have a blanket on?” 
“‘Cause my pants are off, dork. Sweatpants are not the best thing to wear when it’s over a hundred degrees.” Michelle explained casually, pointing at her black sweatpants, which were in a pile on the floor against the bed frame. “Show me the Legos.” 
“Oh, right! Um, let’s start with the Death Star.” Peter decided, running to the other end of the room and grabbing the large Lego piece with both arms, carrying it to the bed. “Ned and I built this together a while ago.” He explained, sitting down beside Michelle and holding the piece so that his girlfriend could take a good look at it. “See how many pieces we had to put together? It took us a long time, but we did it, and Ned and I agree that this was the best one we have ever built.” 
“That’s pretty neat.” Michelle admitted, laying her head on Peter’s shoulder and watching as he slowly spun the circular Lego piece so she could see and admire every angle. “It’s cool. Like, really cool.”
“Yeah, Ned and I are proud.” Peter said, setting the Death Star on the side table carefully before glancing down at Michelle, whose head was still on his shoulder. “So, you want a tour of the place? I don’t wanna bore you with my stuff--”
“I don’t have pants on, and I refuse to put them back on until they fix the air conditioning.” Michelle stated simply, giggling when Peter gave a small snort of laughter. “Oh my gosh, you sound like a pig!” 
“I’m sorry, you’re just really funny.” Peter chuckled, kissing the top of Michelle’s head lovingly, inhaling the scent of her shampoo in her hair before pulling back, “So, you wanna watch a movie maybe then?” 
“Depends. What are our options?” 
���Star Wars, um, uh…..” Peter struggled to think of any more movies he happened to have on DVD, realizing that he most likely didn’t have any more for now. “I think that’s all I have...sorry.” 
“I like the one with the Teddy Bears.” Michelle replied, snickering when she succeeded in annoying Peter, his gaze turning into one of shock and hurt. “Relax Parker, I know they’re called Ewoks. Let’s watch that one.” 
Peter jumped off the bed, grabbing the DVD from his closet and walking to the large TV at the front of the bed, turning it on and setting the movie up. Michelle couldn’t help but admire the way Peter seemed to always be so much more excited and joyful when he was around her, and even more so when they watched his favorite movie series together.
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l1ana · 6 years
Dating Peter Parker while being Eddies' younger sister would include...
Dedicated to @gaynessnyoom for giving me this idea tysm bb
Tumblr media
You had moved in with Eddie, claiming that you needed a place to crash at for some time
Which was odd since you were in college
Whatever, Eddie loved you with his entire being. Obviously, he let you in without hesitation
To be quite frank, he was getting tired of being alone accompanied with a blood hungy parasite every day
You staying at his place clearly made days much more brighter
You both loved exchanging stories about one another during your time apart and laughed it up
When Venom came into the picture, things didn't really change much besides you and him having constant arguments on which sort of sweets were better
Venom made an oath at the moment he saw you to protect you from whatever harm may come your way with the same amount of force that he protects Eddie with
They both loved you like a daughter — In spite of Eddie being your older brother
Your pictures of different monuments and various attractions served as good fuel for his career
Photography was your more proficient skill
One day while you were walking around the city, snapping a few pics, you saw it— Or rather, him
Spider-man, the hero of Queens
Lounging in an alleyway, sat in a hammock made of spiderwebs with a pair of headphones on
His red and blue color pallet immediately caught your eyes and you took a picture with no second thoughts
While you were fawning over catching a picture of someone so famous, the camera flash had caused the spandex-attired male to turn in your direction
Oh dear how he felt his heartbeat speed up three times than usual
Good lord you were a goddess in his eyes
He was stammering and tripping over his own words, unable to get anything out
There goes his spiderman charm
“So you're the real deal, huh?” You asked, stepping into the alleyway while looking up at him
“M-mhm, yup. In the flesh— whoa!” He stood up in his hammock but immediately lost balance, slipping and falling into the dumpster besides you. His head popped up from the pile of garbage bags
“More like in the spandex...” A gag came from your lips. “...And rotten foods.” You giggled, plucking a half-eaten banana from off his head
‘Im in love’ He thought then and there
From that point on, a beautiful relationship formed between you and Spiderman, the both of you meeting up in secluded areas of the city and exchanging joyous words every day
The time you and his geeky self -aka Peter Parker- met up was when you and Eddie paid a visit to the Bugle, in search for some juicy news to cover and report on
Peter had intentionally bumped into you in hopes to start up any sort of small talk. It was then that he found out that you wanted to dig deeper into Spidermans background and find out more about him
He promised to take you out, claiming that he had some “interesting spots that Spiderman likes to hang out at”
Of course, you took his words and set off with him
Eddie and Venom were definitely cautious of Peter
‘We should bite his head off.’ “Venom, no.” ‘What if he takes advantage of her?’ “He seems like a nice guy. Besides, [Name] can take care of herself.” ‘He's checking her out, Eddie.’ “...” ‘Exactly.’
Eddie sighed, speaking up to call your name. “Hey, uh, [Name],” You whipped your head around, grabbing Peters hand to stop him from walking off without you. “Yeah? What's up?” Eddie sighed again, probably anticipating you to feel offense to what he said: “I know that you're, uh, grown and all but... Y'know, be safe out there. Don't wander into the unknown, kay?” But instead you laughed at him in the most innocent way possible. “Don't worry, don't worry. I can stand my own.” And smiled so brightly it made his worries wash away.
And just like that, you were gone
‘We should follow them’ “Can you not? I'd like to respect her privacy as a grown woman, thank you very much.”
Sightseeing new places was definetly checked off of your bucket list
Peter practically dragged you everywhere he found to be a great site for dates
Yes, he was trying to find a way to turn this into a date
And yes, he was worried on whether you'd catch on to it or not
Most of the places he went to, he was commonly known in
“Hey Peter, who's the lucky girl?”
Que the blushing nerd
“She's, uh, new in town. I'm just taking her to some places Spiderman likes to stop by to. A-also, we're just aqquantices.”
“Haha, yeah. Well try not to confuse where the line ends at, okay?”
You and him were pretty much already talked about to be a couple
It was extremely embarassing for Peter, whilst you displayed no problem with what they were saying
Soon enough, you earned a spot in the Bugle as a worker, right in the same position as Peter
“[Name]? Wh-what are you-” “Guess who found a new job?~” He swore his heartbeat could be heard from miles away
You and Peter poking fun at one another
When he first grew the balls and finally asked you on a date, your affirmation had him absolutely ecstatic
Him taking you to one of the places he told you that his alter-ego liked to hang out at, which to say was spotted at a high-up place where you could see the city sparkle beautifully
“D-dude... This is awesome...!” “Not as awesome as you.” Peter would whisper under his breath, to which you'd clocked your head round and ask him to repeat what he said. “Nothing.” He replied with a sweat
A devious grin grew on your face. “Peeeeeettteeerr~” You sang. At that moment, the brunet knew he was screwed. “You like me don't you?”
Time to jump off the building and hopefully land into another dumpster ans roll away never to be seen again
“I-I-I mean, well, I guess if you mean by having a strong sense of attraction towards you then... M-maybe I...” “Awww, you totally do~” You have him a quick peck on the lips, then ruffling his hair. “Well, I like you more so don't start thinking that I don't!” Poor boy fainted on the spot
Eddie and Venom getting a tad bit worried of you whenever you claimed you were going out late at night
‘Where is she going?’ “To mind her own business, much like you should be doing.”
Most of the time when you did do so, you'd be skipping to Peters apartment
q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶ r̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ a̶n̶d̶ p̶e̶t̶e̶ a̶r̶e̶ a̶d̶u̶l̶t̶s̶, l̶i̶k̶e̶ i̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ 1̶9̶s̶
Whenever Eddie heard you enter the apartment at such a late time at night, he'd just start fearing that you would walk right back out
He loved you so much and really didn't want to see you leave his life again
The concern on his face when he'd found out you brought your own appartment room had mortified you
“You're honestly... Gonna go?”
“Oh chill out Ed. I'm just down the street, okay? Nothing bad is gonna happen to your little sister so quit whining.” You'd reassure with a light kiss on his forehead. “You too, Venom. I know you're worried about me and as flattering as that is I'd appreciate it if you saw me capable to take care of myself, thanks.”
Of course, you paid visits to them every now and then just so that neither would get this feeling of loneliness again
Peter helped spruce up your apartment room with some of his own decor
“You sure this okay?” “Of course, I've always wanted a part of me inside you—” He mentally slapped himself to stop something he knew was inevitable. “I-I-I mean, like, I uh.... I...”
Quick and steamy makeout sessions to stop his stammering
Very gentle™ when having sex
Like, neither of you are virgins and are aware of what goes on during intercourse but still
Also, he made sure to put a condom on so dw
Remember kids: You can't make love without a glove
Don't be a fool, cover your tool
Don't be silly and wrap your willy-
You loved running your fingers into his hair w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ h̶e̶ r̶e̶a̶r̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶d̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ i̶n̶s̶i̶d̶e̶s̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ h̶i̶s̶ d̶i̶c̶k̶ because of how soft and curly they were
Apparently he was sensitive to you tugging his hair cuz the moment you did he was melting into your body
G̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ w̶h̶o̶ f̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ a̶ w̶a̶y̶ t̶o̶ t̶u̶r̶n̶ P̶e̶t̶e̶r̶ P̶a̶r̶k̶e̶r̶ i̶n̶t̶o̶ a̶ s̶u̶b̶?
Eddie would drop by your job sometimes just to check in on you, and would usually catch you in mid-talk with Peter
‘Is this the guy she's been going out late at night with?' “Can you at least try to be supportive of her decisions?” ‘You're worried for her... WE'RE worried for her.’
He always came in unnoticed and left unnoticed, much to his relief because he didn't want to seem like a stalker in your eyes
When you finally decided to let both Eddie and Venom into your house, they had devoured a quarter of your food that was meant to be for Peter for tomorrows dinner
Not like you told him that you and Peter were a thing
“We're sorry for eating all your food...” “It's okay. I understand. We all get hungry sometimes.”
Later that same night after Peter dropped by, you both setteled for pizza with a side of takeout
“So do I wanna know about the how, where and why a majority of your food is gone?”
“No,” You took a bite of your pizza “No you do not.”
Romcoms were tonights theme
“Do you think we'll ever be like those guys on TV?” “Peter, we're even better than them.”
Smothering him in smooches whenever he's feeling down
Lots of snuggles
Always coming through the fire escape part of his apartment and greeting him from there
Too bad big brother Venom and Eddie were stalking you
“When were you going to tell us about your male companion?” A familiar voice asked as you unlocked your apartment door and walked in, the lights clicking on
Oh fuck
Okay I've reached the limit, time to make a part 2
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secretagentdreamer · 5 years
Day 20: Trembling
Fandom: Marvel. Character(s): Peter Parker. Tony Stark, Morgan Stark. Warnings: nightmares, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of (not-quite) character death. Word Count: 1791
“When’s Penny gonna be home?” Morgan asks as she bounces around the house.
“Soon Morgana, soon,” Tony chuckles, catching her by the waist and pulling her up into a hug. “Aunt May picked her up from the airport an hour ago so they should be here in any minute now.” It had been agreed upon (by Pepper and May: Tony was outvoted) that May (with Happy in the car for extra precaution) would pick Penny up from the airport after her school trip.
“But I want Penny now! It’s been ages since I saw her.” She complains, dragging out the word ages. Morgan squirms briefly before flopping against Tony’s chest and hugging a soft plush bear (one of Penny’s old toys Tony realizes with a smile) close to her chest. Tony shakes his head at his youngest daughter but secretly he can’t help but agree with her. Tony hadn’t even wanted to let Penny go on this school trip.
He had just gotten her back after Thanos and The Blip (Tony absolutely cannot stand that name, but the whole population has apparently agreed upon the name so Tony has to just live with it.) only a couple of months ago after all. So, after five years of believing that his daughter was gone for good, he had been (in his opinion, righteously so) reluctant to let her go overseas for a school trip for a week.
Pepper and May had sat him down one afternoon before the trip when he had still been refusing to give Penny permission, and given him a stern talking to about not being a helicopter parent and allowing Penny the freedom she needed as a teenager before she started to resent him for sheltering her so much.
So, Tony had allowed the trip. Even though the thought of sending Penny overseas without him (or even, at least, Happy. Because that idea had been shut down as well by Pepper and May. With a resounding no from Pep: ‘Do you want your daughter to hate you, Tony, cause that’s where you’re heading.’) had been sending him into panic attacks and bringing back nightmares of an alien planet and dust-soaked hands.
And all his fears had been justified to make it worse!
Tony hadn’t wanted to be correct. Why, just this one time, couldn’t have Tony been proven wrong. Penny had nearly died: killed by a man who Tony couldn’t even remember and Tony hadn’t been able to go and help his daughter. He had tried to get in contact with Steve and Barnes but they had been over in some exotic mountains somewhere with little to no service. In their defense (something Tony will never admit to out loud: defending Roger and Barnes, disgusting) Steve and Barnes had actually hopped on a plane to go help his daughter. But Tony’s daughter is so much of a hero that she had nearly defeated the villain by the time the two super soldiers had arrived in London.
The presences of the soldiers had however helped to subdue Beck before Penny was forced to do something that any seventeen-year-old shouldn’t ever have to do. And thankfully Beck is securely locked away somewhere so hidden and away from the human population that Tony would eat his shoes if he ever got out somehow. Tony had spent many hours perfecting the security of the prison, had taken a great deal of petty pleasure out of it in fact.
Because sadly, he wasn’t allowed to kill the man who had tried to murder his daughter to get some revenge at him.  
Tony holds Morgan a little tighter at the thought. If Morgan ever has the ridiculous idea to try and be a superhero, he’s going to honestly cry. Between Iron Man, Spider-Girl, Extremis and Killian and losing an arm to bring back the population, Tony Stark has had enough with the Super Hero business to cause a lifetime worth of aneurisms.
Tony will be glad to have both his daughters back home and safe. As it should be.
“Penny will be home soon, Morgana,” He repeats. “Do you wanna go play outside so we can see when they get here?” He suggests and Morgan nods eagerly, squirming out of Tony’s grip and racing outside. Tony follows, eager to get all the time he can with Morgan until she gets too old and doesn’t want to spend any time with her father. (He dreads the day already.)
Father and daughter maybe spend a total of thirty minutes outside, playing tag and then with Morgan’s dolls before May Parker’s dark red car comes into view. May and Happy are sitting in the front, talking to each other and Penny is sitting in the back, the grin on her face, while looking at Morgan and Tony, is a mile wide and Tony returns it enthusiastically. The car has barely pulled to a stop before Penny is stumbling out of the back and racing towards Tony and Morgan.
“Penny!” Morgan screams, jumping into Penny’s awaiting arms. “I missed you Penny: Daddy isn’t as fun to play with as you!”
Tony squawks in mock offense. “Oh, I see how it is. Betrayed by own flesh and blood.” He laments but he’s so happy that even Morgan can easily tell he’s joking.
“I missed you too, Morgs. I got you a present from Venice: you’re going to love it!” Penny says, nuzzling her head against Morgan’s and making the little girl squeal with giggles.
Penny sets Morgan down and Morgan is instantly back to jumping around and yelling about her present. “No hug for your old man? I see how it is then.” Tony jokes opening his arms for the hug he knows is coming.
Penny grins and falls into the hug, tucking herself under Tony’s chin and into his arms like she’s still a little girl. (Which she always will be in Tony’s eyes.) And Tony finally relaxes in a way he hasn’t done since Penny left for the airport a week ago. Finally, his family is safe.
Tony has gotten better at having a proper sleep schedule over the last five years, Morgan’s birth was a definite help but occasionally he would pull the rare full-nighter or occasionally be woken up by a panic-inducing nightmare. These nightmares had been more frequent in the past few months and had been happening every night for the last week. With Penny now finally home safe, Tony thought he might’ve finally been given a reprieve from the nightmares.
But as he jerks awake at three o’clock in the morning, he curses his optimism.  
On top of the nightmares, he’s also experiencing phantom pains from his non-existent arm so he knows he’s not getting back to sleep anytime soon. Carefully, as to not wake the sleeping Pepper, Tony maneuverers himself out of bed and walks downstairs to the kitchen in search of hot cocoa before maybe going to work on a project.
As he pads downstairs, he’s surprised to see that there’s a faint light coming from the living room, so he changes his destination and heads into there instead. In the living room, he finds Penny curled up underneath a big blanket on the sofa. One of the newer Disney movies (one that had come out during The Blip) is playing on the TV but Penny doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to it.
Her shoulders are shaking and Tony’s heart breaks a little when he realizes it’s because she’s crying.
“Oh Pen,” He says softly as to not startle her but Penny still jumps. She whirls around, looking at Tony with wide and red eyes.
“I had a bad dream.” Penny mumbles, sounding so much younger than she actually was. “Can I have a hug please?”
“Oh, baby, you never have to ask me that. I’m always going to hug when you’re upset. Even when you aren’t upset, I’m still going to hug you.” He jokes feebly as he sweeps around the sofa, Penny has opened up her blanket cocoon and Tony worms his way inside and hugs Penny to his chest. Tony is very glad that he wore his prosthetic to bed so he can hug Penny with both arms. “Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?”
Penny gives a weak sounding laugh at his bad joke before burrowing against his chest. She’s trembling like a leaf against him and Tony has another strong urge to go hurt Quentin Beck for hurting his baby girl. Tony thinks that maybe Penny won’t talk about her dream, she’s silent for a long time, just taking comfort from him, and Tony won’t push her.
“I killed him,” Penny whispers out of the blue. “In my dream, I mean. In my dream, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes didn’t turn up and I kicked one of the drones and it shot him. There was no one else there. You weren’t there either Daddy and I don’t know why. I watched him die in my dream Daddy. And the worse part is, is that I wasn’t even sorry to watch him die.”
Tony could kill Quentin Beck.
Instead however, he pushes Penny’s curls away from her face and kisses her forehead. “It was just a dream, baby, Beck is alive and is going to be locked away for the rest of his life. And even if he had died it wouldn’t be the worse thing in the world.” Penny makes a pained sound in her throat and Tony knows that that was the wrong thing to say. “It was just a dream, sweetheart. You have the biggest heart out of anyone I know (well maybe you and Morgan are tied) you’re so trusting and caring and I don’t know how you came from me because you are nothing like me: you are everything that I wish I could be. I love you so much, baby. You saved all those people and even after all Beck did too you, you still made sure that even he didn’t die. You are the best person I know baby, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.”
Penny’s trembling has lessened slightly and her crying is lighter now. “I love you, Daddy,” Is all she whispers back.
Tony plants another kiss to her forehead. “I love you to bug. Now, how about you try and sleep a little? I’ll be right here for you if you have any more bad dreams okay?” Penny’s only answer is to nod slightly, burrowing into Tony’s arms as he manages to pull the blanket tightly around without letting go of Penny too much. In a matter of moments, Penny has fallen asleep and only a little while later, Tony falls asleep too.
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