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Brooklyn’s Finest Just Got A Whole Lot Finer- they/them -REQUESTS ARE CLOSED! masterlist
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bellero · 4 years ago
Hiii. How are you ?
I’m doing okay.
I’ve been in hospital for the past month and a half because of my pancreas, I’ve had so many tests and they’ve started me on a whole bunch of new medications. I’ve even had to have a feeding tube due to how much weight I’ve lost and loss of nutrients BUT they might be removing it today and I should be home sometime next week🤞
It’s been a really rough year so far but I’m hoping it gets better😅
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bellero · 4 years ago
thank you so much for the recommendation:’)
I can’t wait to be well enough to update the Parker twins for yall!!
Fic Rec Masterlist
Updated: 20/04/21
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bellero · 4 years ago
Like why
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bellero · 4 years ago
The Parker Twins Masterlist.
Summary: a retelling of the events from Civil War and onwards, where Peter Parker has a twin sister.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Infinity War
Part One
Part Two
The Parker Twins Tags-
@winchesters-favorite-girl @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @platonic-plots @daughters-and-winsisters @humanexile @family-business-one-shots @rosegoldquintis @saturn-aka-six @thegirlwholikestomanythings @zeusmyster @miyaint @deansdeliciouspies @emwinchester1 @lizlil @antiscocialfanwarrior @anothershorthuman @paintballkid711 @ixchel-9275 @steve-rogcrs @floral-marauders @havlindzk @bellamyblakemorley @ellaorelizabeth @klanceiscannon14 @sydm15 @thetruthisiamironwoman  @hazthotsterfield @booksandmischief @twobitss @sheerioasteroidpanda @supernatural-demigod @jiminslonglostjams @chloe-geoghegan1 @wiseeggspickleslime @tywys @griff1ndor @bisexual-disappointment @russian-romanova @xmermaidesx @eridanuswave @rebel4fandom @thesailbells @big-galaxy-chaos @wastefulsushi @jeffsbarbershop @chocolatecakeandme @gracefultrenchcoat494
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bellero · 4 years ago
I’m getting a lot of asks regarding where I’ve been, the Parker series and just general ‘lol u dead?’
I felt like I owed you guys an explanation for my disappearance, I haven’t updated any of my fics in... god knows how long.
If you’ve been with me for a long time then you’ll know I’ve been struggling with stomach issues since I was around 15, I’m 20 next month and they’re just getting worse.
I had my gallbladder removed last July because they thought that was the cause, it wasn’t.
I’ve been repeatedly in and out of hospital since November with pancreatitis attacks, I’ve spent more time in hospital than I have at home.
I’m really struggling at the moment, not only with my physical health but with my mental health. I’m getting help for both though, I’m waiting to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist.
My consultant also thinks he’s found the cause of my pancreatitis attacks so hopefully soon things will slowly get back to normal.
I do plan on updating the Parker twins series, I have HUGE HUUUGE ideas that I’m just so fucking excited to bring to life, I wanna write it to the best of my ability, which at the moment I’m not at my best ability.
Thank you all for being so wonderful and patient with me, yall are never mean or pushy which is something that I appreciate so much:’)
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bellero · 4 years ago
the chaos of it all....
do it
imagine a zoom of tumblr fanfic writers
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bellero · 4 years ago
Hey could you add me to the Parker twins taglist?
Also is there a part 3 for the infinity war bit?
I’m gonna start writing it either today or tomorrow.
Just been going through some maaad writers block and some other stuff has happened that’s kinda prevented me from writing rip
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bellero · 4 years ago
Ugh this chapter was perfection
Secrets Hidden in Yellow Paper [6]
Pairings: Bucky x Daughter.Reader
Words: 2.7k~
Warnings: Death, Murder, Verbal Fighting, Lies
Masterlist || Series Masterlist
While Bucky would never know the truth, she knew it was there, and even if he couldn’t see it, there it would forever be.  With a heavy sigh, her tears gave way to the relief of a decision, but the agony of its outcome, and she followed her father out into his apartment, deathly unprepared for what she didn’t know was about to come.  If you tell fate your plans, she laughs and tells you, you’re wrong.
The door clicked closed behind them as Bucky and Irina entered his apartment and headed toward the kitchen.  But as they entered, a curse fell off Bucky’s lips and he scrambled to the island counter, sweeping things into his hands, “Uh, sorry, I was supposed to clean this up before you got here, but then Nat came over and—”
“Natasha stopped by?” Irina interrupted, stepping over to help him when she froze in place, stiffening at the sight before her.  Her heart pounded in her chest and echoed in her ears until it drowned out all sense of the present.  Random things spread across the counter, but her eyes fell on the pictures.
Her hands shook as she lifted one up, “Who’s this?” she asked, looking to Bucky who seemed like he’d seen a ghost.  His face paled, and his jaw ticked tightly, and for a moment, he looked angry, but it quickly melted away into something she couldn’t define.
He took the photo and placed it in a box along with the others. It took a moment, but when he spoke his voice wasn’t as strong as before, “M-my daughter…”
Irina’s heart dropped as her eyes widened, “D-daughter?” she said, shock overtaking her tone, but finality sealing her in her place. Bucky nodded, but he never met her eyes.
“Yea…she was so little back then,” he said, a laugh forcing its way from his lungs all too tightly, and she turned away.
“I didn’t know you were married…”
“It was a long time ago.”
“What happened?” Irina asked.  She knew she shouldn’t, she knew she was invading his privacy, but everything ached for answers.  Her skin crawled, and her mind screamed.  Her heart begged her to stop, though, as she fought the lump crawling up her throat.  
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bellero · 4 years ago
just a special shout-out to @joemazzellofan98 for being an absolute SAVIOUR!
I’ve been stuck in the biggest writing rut, none of my ideas seemed good enough and I was struggling for the life of me to write and create.
HOWEVER, this human messaged me a couple days ago and we’ve been talking about writing and marvel, we’ve been bouncing ideas off each other and oh my goodness I am ITCHING to finish the infinity war section of the Parker twins.
I have biiig ideas for endgame and even biiiiigger ideas for far from home AND IM SO EXCITED FOR IT TO COME TO LIFE!
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bellero · 4 years ago
definitely did not spend all day binging this master list ☠️
I’m absolutely obsessed with these and I can’t wait to read more ah!
Marvel + Dc Master list
Daddy issues series
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
You will remember my name
So warm and tender
Steve Rogers x daughter! Reader
Life is a mission
Mission In progress
Mission accomplished
Life is a mission hc
Bruce Banner x daughter!reader
You can’t smash your way out of this one.
Pt 1
Loki x daughter!reader
Oh, what am I supposed to do without you.
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bellero · 4 years ago
I’m streaming among us!!
come watch and chat!
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bellero · 4 years ago
What to do when you’re having a poor executive function day/been sitting in front of your computer for a few hours wondering why you can’t do your work: 
1. Take a deep breath - Let out all that anxiety over the project you’re doing so you can think clearly
2. Pull up a clean sheet of paper and something to write with - You can use a fresh word doc, new page in your journal or planner or whatever else works for you, the idea is that after this you will have a physical list to look at to help keep you on task.
3. Identify your obstacles (i.e. What is keeping you from doing this task?) - For example: Is it scary? If so, why? Does it feel too hard? Is there something else that you feel needs to be done first? Write these down!
4. Plan how to overcome your obstacles - This can take some creativity and some thinking to best figure out how to overcome the obstacle. I’ve included examples below for potential plans.
Example 1:
Obstacle: I don’t know the best way to approach this task.
Plan: Brainstorm on paper ways that you might be able to approach this task. Google ways to accomplish this task. Review lecture notes or example homework problems on how to accomplish this task. Ask a friend/coworker/classmate how they might start the task. Write down everything you feel might be relevant until you feel like you know where to start and where to go.
Example 2:
Obstacle: This feels too big and overwhelming so I don’t want to do it.
Plan: Break down the tasks into smaller, tiny tasks. Make them as small as you need to make them feel manageable. Write down all these tasks check them off as you go. 
Example 3:
Obstacle: I’m waiting for someone to get back to me with comments on this project but they’re taking too long.
Plan: Follow up with this person and identify what you can do without their comments. For example, if you’re waiting for someone to sent you a section of a project or paper, write your section to the best of your ability. Can you have someone else review this project and still get good feedback. Or tell yourself you’ll revise/edit your project and integrate their comments later when you get to them. Often when I identify what feels out of order, I can move past it or put it farther down my list so I’m no longer just stuck waiting.
5. Encourage yourself and commend yourself for filling in the gaps actively that your brain couldn’t do on it’s own today. - You’re doing a great job!
A Graduate Student with Adult ADHD
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bellero · 4 years ago
My heart broke reading this.
RSD is so fucking horrible!
I hope u do a part two where they talk about it :’)
Christmas Shirt
Words: Nothing
Warnings: arguments, ADHD
Summary: YN gets into a fight with her oldest brother about her Christmas wardrobe.
AN- thanks to @cherryblossomflowers​ as always.
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“I got the job, Dean!” YN raced down the bunker steps.  
“You did?” He beamed.  Turning to face her, he gave her a big hug. “I’m so proud of you!” 
“Okay, big bro, going to work now!” YN raced by him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran up the stairs.  
“Hey, Sam! Check this out.” YN ran into the common area where she found her older brother pouring over books of lore and history.  She pulled out a Christmas-themed shirt.  “I’m going to wear this tomorrow for my clients!” 
Sam smiled.  
“They are going to love it!” 
“You’re seriously going to wear that? That’s not business casual at all.” Dean walked through the room.  
“You’re the one that wanted this job, and you’re going to wear that? If you want to risk your job by wearing some stupid Christmas outfit,” he dismissed it, “go right ahead.  Just don’t come running to us when there is an issue.” Dean groaned.  
“DEAN!” Sam shouted. 
“You’re right. It’s stupid.  I won’t wear it.” YN ran out of the room.
“You don’t know about her job, and you just gave her the third degree.” Sam rolled his eyes. 
“And you do?” Dean crossed his arms. 
“Yeah, because I don’t judge her like that.” 
YN ran into her room.  
It’s just the Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
It’s just ADHD. 
Don’t cry.
YN tried to hold in a sob, but she couldn’t do it.  She was hurt and she couldn’t keep it in.  
He doesn’t understand.
The clients would love it. 
I wouldn’t get in trouble.
It would be fine.
YN pulled her blankets over her body until she was covered.  She wiped the tears from her eyes with her top sheet and breathed deeply.  Eventually, YN  fell asleep.  
After a half hour, Dean hadn’t heard a peep from his sister’s room.  He walked by but saw that her light was out.  
Probably asleep. 
The next day, YN got dressed and walked out to pull her lunch from the fridge, She turned to exit when she saw Dean enter.  They both froze.  YN tried to continue toward the door after a breath.  
“Don’t worry about me dressing too casual.  I got rid of the shirt.” YN said in passing, defeated.  “Have a good day, Dee.” 
“I won’t cause a problem again.” She didn’t dare turn to face him. Instead, she ran to the door of the bunker and it slammed behind her.  
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bellero · 4 years ago
I'm so so obsessed ahh
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Summary: A DNA test gone wrong or gone right? An orphan for the last five years, Irina finds out she’s the daughter of James Barnes, an Avenger, a hero, a legend. When she gets accepted into an internship at Stark Industries, she’s around the man himself…but will he accept her as his own? That is, if she ever has the guts to tell him…
Pairings: Bucky x Daughter.Reader
Warnings: Parental death, orphan, physical disabilities mentioned, anxiety, (more to be announced)
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three coming soon!
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bellero · 4 years ago
Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks. New Year’s Day 2021. 
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bellero · 4 years ago
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bellero · 4 years ago
still waiting to find out what caused my pancreatitis, gonna have an mri which should be interesting.
I post this from a hospital bed with my frog shirt and my YANA bear beside me.
hospitals are becoming my second home now at this point it's quite comical.
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