#Source: Submission
writerswho · 2 years
Enid: Is it called 'sand' because it's in between the sea and the land?
Wednesday: …
Enid: I'm serious-
Wednesday: I know you're serious.
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tf2incorrectquotes · 5 months
Medic, pointing: May I sit there?
Heavy: That Heavy’s lap..
Medic: That doesn't answer my question, Heavy.
Medic: You better answer the fucking question!
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Howdy: Frank isn’t answering their phone...
Eddie: I’ll call him!
Howdy: Sally and I have both tried it six times each. What makes you thi-
Frank: Hello?
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Stiles: I'm giving up on dating for a while.
Sheriff: But you never know when you're gonna find your dream person. Anybody on the street could be...they.
Stiles: It feels like you just googled "How to talk to your bisexual son."
Sheriff: I did.
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Stiles: I'm giving up on dating for a while. Sheriff: But you never know when you're gonna find your dream person. Anybody on the street could be...they. Stiles: It feels like you just googled "How to talk to your bisexual son." Sheriff: I did.
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The Narrator : Every time i look back at you, you have that stupid face on your face. Stanley: Which one.
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Can you do one for old man winter girl aka the Ice girl backgroundner?
absolutely! thanks again @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom for the request!
Daughter of Old Man Winter
backgrounder knows as snow girl (via wiki)
~ possible name: Noelle Winter
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hair inspo
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everyday clothes
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formal outfits
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*everything can be found on pinterest*
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N: Well, color me surprised!
J: Surprised isn't a color, dumbass.
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incorrectuksies · 1 year
jack: look, we're under the mistletoe, you know what that means...
davey: jack, that isn't mistletoe.
*later that night*
davey, waking up at 3am: oh my god he was flirting with me.
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Olivia, in the SVU groupchat: Guys, I'll be late. Alex is trying to rescue a cat from under the car.
Fin: You’re gonna have a cat now.
Olivia: No. We're not keeping it. I just didn't want to run over it.
*Later at the precinct*
Olivia: So... We now have a cat.
Alex: Her name is Kitty Cat!
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Zag: What’s 6 times 9?
Gabby: 58?
Jonah: 69!!!!!!!
Francis: I got potato. I dunno how-
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pkmnincorrectquotes · 13 days
Alain: *to Petrel* So, I hear you do impressions.
Petrel: Unlike the Trio, I am no cheap vaudevillian.
James: *affronted* It takes a lot of money to look this cheap!
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writerswho · 2 years
Wednesday: Send dudes.
Enid: Do you mean nudes?
Wednesday: No, I'm in a fight. I need more men.
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tf2incorrectquotes · 6 months
Medic: do you love me?
Heavy: we’re literally married.
Medic: Ja, but as friends or-
Heavy: *naked under the sheets, patiently shows his wedding ring* We had a wedding, Fritz.
Medic: *also naked under sheets* Yes, I remember, but was it a "Friendship Wedding" or-
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Wally and Eddie
Yeup, that sounds about right!
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Stiles: I found a multiverse spell!!
The Pack: NO!!!
(pouty) Stiles: Scaredy cats.
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Stiles: I found a multiverse spell!! The Pack: NO!!! (pouty) Stiles: Scaredy cats.
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marsdeathdefiances · 2 years
Odysseus: your boyfriend ate a hot pepper and is suffering.
Patroclus: I know. I tried to stop him and he ate five.
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