#Soulmate bunny au
onim5 · 1 month
Portgas D. Ace x reader Soulmate au
Soulmate bunny au
"This is weird."
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Ace, Marco, and Thatch stood in an alleyway. They peeked out at the Marines walking by. "If you hadn't seen them it be hard to get booze." Marco sighed, not feeling like fighting. "We could have, huh?" Ace stopped speaking as a glowing blue bunny sniffed on him. Marco and Thatch distance themselves from Ace and the bunny. "A soulmate bunny," Marco whispered. Ace carefully crouched down and put out his hand for it to sniff. The bunny's glow got stronger as it leaned on Ace's palm.
The bunny's ears shot up and its attention left Ace. Soon after took the bunny off, and Ace's instincts made him run after. "I ain't missing this," Thatch said as he ran after. Marco sighed and then ran after with a smile. The bunny was fast, but Ace had no problem following it. Marco turned into a Phoenix and followed it from above.
Your pov:
You slowly slopped on your way home. Feeling like shit, you stopped as a little blue glowing bunny sniffed right at your foot.
"A soulmate bunny? Oh shit a soulmate bunny!" You looked around for any sign of a partner. "This is not good." You sighed as you saw in the distance Marco the Phoenix fly, following a bunny. The thought of having him as a soulmate felt wrong. So you did what anyone else would and ran as fast as you could.
The bunny watched confused and then followed you. "Gah! Don't follow me! He's going to find me!!!" You whined, running faster, feeling like pray.
"Oi, Ace! I can see someone running from a soulmate bunny. It must be them!" Marco yelled. As he accelerated. "Why would they run?" Ace asked a little hurt. "Maybe realized pirates are on their way to them," Thatch said, running slightly behind Ace.
You looked up and saw the damn bird, too fucking close. "No!" You yelled. Running faster than ever before, you threw yourself on a sewer cover and opened it, then closed it. You were leaving the poor bunny behind. Marco flew down and threw the cover away, jumping down. Ace and Thatch jumped down soon after, Ace held both bunnies.
It was wet and cold down there and dirty. "Where did they go?" Thatch asked, looking around. Ace put the bunnies down and watched as both ran in the same direction. Ace soon ran after with both Marco and Thatch behind. "What a troublemaker, and why are they so fast?" Marco yelled. The bunny's light finally started to show a figure. And Ace all of a sudden accelerated faster than eh, possible. And all of a sudden you were in strong arms. "I'm not gonna hurt you," Ace said tightening the hug. You felt his breath on your neck and started to blush awkwardly. The two soulmate bunnies disappeared but left a blue glowing circle around you and Ace.
Wait, that's not Marco, it's um, Fire Fist Ace!!! Your mind screamed. Oh my god. Ah, my soulmate is a pirate!!! "Um, I have to go, home or something." You mumbled, trying to get out of his grip. "I come with you, I wanna get to know you," Ace said with a grin. No! Wait he's my soulmate, so yes then? "Mhm, sure whatever." You muttered. Ace grinned. "Name's Portgas D. Ace, that's Thatch, and the other one is Marco." Ace introduced them. "And I'm not gonna tell any of you my name, nice to meet you." You said sarcastically.  
Marco went up to Ace and put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "It's always awkward in the beginning, try to be patient." He said, Ace just sighed and then all of you made your way out of the sewers. "Why did you go down here?" Thatch whined. "Because I felt hunted." You mumbled a little pissed. 
"We go to the bar for Booze, have fun you two," Marco said, grabbing Thatch's arm. "See you two later." Ace waved goodbye. Grabbing Ace by the arm you dragged him away. You walked fast, to Ace's annoyance. "So~, I'm not gonna tell any of you my name, where do you live?" Ace asked carefully. You didn't answer and just walked. "Do you have something against soulmates?" He questioned. Taking a deep breath, and kicking a rock. "I do, my best friend got a soulmate and then I became a loser because that's what I was in her soulmate's eyes. And now she hates me." You explained, watching the rock you kicked roll away. 
"Oh, damn, that sucks," Ace answered. "Yeah, soulmates ruin everything." You added. "What did I do?" Ace asked worried. "Don't you know what's gonna happen to me when you leave? The navy is gonna destroy my home and then execute me. And if I don't want that to happen I'm gonna have to either come with you or get on the run. Either way, I lose everything I've got." Tears began to slowly slide down your eyes. Ace put his warm hand on your back. "I never thought about the consequences. But if you come with me I protect you." 
You unlocked your door and walked in immediately beginning to pack."Is your name Y/n?" Ace asked, looking at a name engraved on a bag. "So what if it is." You said, holding back tears. "I think it's pretty." Ace complimented. "Thanks." You threw a bag to Ace. "Hold this." He took the handle and looked at the black suitcase. "Are you a noble?" Ace asked as he looked around, the well-decorated place. "Yep, so now when your making me a wanted person, I'm screwed. Catch!" Ace caught the other suitcase. And then he heard a mumble that made his stomach drop. 
"What do you mean, take the train?" Ace asked placing down the two bags. "You think I can survive on the sea as a pirate, no, I'm a shitty noble who can't do anything useful out there." You explained. "But, don't you wanna be with me?" Ace asked worried. "Of course, after all, we're soulmates. But I'm sure that I can forget you if I don't get attached." You smiled grabbing your handbag. "Haven't you heard any soulmate's stories?" Ace asked confused. "Hey, I understand you have been going around dreaming about some kind of Prince Charming. But now you got me, and if 'we' try then I know we can do this. And we Whitebeard pirates know how to protect our soulmates." Ace smiled. 
"First no, I have not been going around wishing for some disgusting prince that believes he and I are all that matters, hehe no. Second, do you want a noble on the ship, I'm most likely a spoiled brat who wants everything perfect-------" Ace's head spaced out as you began to ramble on what 'his' opinion on nobles was. (bruh) Maybe I should just kidnap Y/n, that's what pirates do normally with their soulmates. Ace thought, seeing it as a simple solution. "----------------Are you even listening?" You asked. "No, what were you saying."
"I've decided I'm coming with you. IF YOU KEEP QUIET ABOUT ME BEING A SNOBBY BRAT!" You answer having just, (in super speed) discussed with yourself about your choices. "Are you a snobby brat though, because if I remember right, you without hesitation jumped down the sewers," Ace asked. "I'm sure, any noble would do that." You mumble knowing that is far from the truth. One of Ace's eyebrows just rose. "Okay, maybe not. I'm bad at being a noble alright." 
You put dinner on the table, and then you and Ace kept talking. "You better keep the other pirates away from me, to begin with. Their scary." You said, taking a bite. "Aren't I also scary?" Ace asked a little disappointed. You glanced at him up and down. "I think you are adorable and handsome, which is weird because normally it's only one." You said confused, like either a man is cute or cool, Ace is just all, somehow. "How am I adorable?" Ace asked, The last time he checked he was a dangerous pirate. "Your freckles, and when you fall asleep, good thing you have narcolepsy." You muttered. "You're the first one with that opinion." 
You hid behind Ace as the two of you walked onboard the Moby. "Pops, meet my soulmate," Ace said happily as he tried stepping away from you, so Whitebeard could see. "Hi." You mumbled so only Ace could hear and after that, you hid yourself behind him again. Whitebear's laugh was heard throughout the Moby. It was normal for his son's soulmates to act like that.
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bunni-v1 · 3 months
(Twenty) Nine Lives for Love
Chapter 1: Goodbyes
\\Next Chapter m.list
Tw: Reader literally is dead at the start lol; A lil angsty, in a good way!
Info: Kenma x Reader (eventually lol); Platonic Tanaka and Noya x Reader; Soulmate AU
Word count: 5k
🍓It's my spin on a soulmate AU! I apologize if the beginning is tedious, it's necessary to understand the AU though! Love you all! Eat up!
The first thing you notice when waking up is the sound of water. It’s a steady, gentle sound you could easily miss if you weren’t looking for it. The second thing is that you feel the soft tickling of just too long grass on your exposed skin, the light breeze caressing your face kindly. It was all so calming. So relaxing. It could put you right back to sleep… only, you knew in the back of your mind you did not fall asleep outside, and it was most definitely still winter where you lived.
The panic kicked in all at once, and you were shooting up from your spot without a second thought, groaning as the world around you spun painfully. You gripped your head, rubbing at your temples to ease the pain you’d caused in your panic. Taking a few deep breaths, you finally opened your eyes. The sun above was bright enough that it stung to look around. The breeze tossed your hair around, almost playful. Ahead of you, just as expected, was a river flowing steady and strong. 
Relief kicked in as you recalled exactly where you were. Textbooks called this place “The In-between,” a simple way of saying the place between life and death. Your transfer from your last life to your next. You were quite familiar with the concept. How many lives have you been through now? Twenty-five? Or was it closer to Thirty? They begin to blend together after so long.
You spent your most recent gamble at life trying to study this damn place – you were achieved too! Plenty of awards for your research. Books, journals, experiments, interviews, and so on. Fifty long years of passion and drive, you would say it was a good life you’d lived. It meant nothing in the long run, though, your research was thrown out as more and more of the public decided this place was just a fairytale. Too romantic to be true. 
A place between life and death meant to guide you to your soulmate – the person your eternity was destined to? No one had ever seen it and lived to tell the tale. Ironic isn’t it? Your research found that the average person only caught glimpses through “deja vu”, though there were a few rare cases where others could see their past lives. By and large, it was usually little glimpses, which obviously would cause doubt in the average person. Nothing was provable, truly, which is why people stopped taking you seriously as technology advanced. 
Disappointing, but you couldn’t blame the public. It was ridiculous sounding, not to mention overly confusing, and most of all horrifying to think about. But here you were. In it. If you were alive (which was obviously not possible) you would be cackling at the idiots who threw your life's work out the window.
You looked around again, trying to take in as much detail as possible. It was important, after all. Any little thing could be a hint to who your eternity was. Standing, you brushed yourself off before making your way down to the ever-sturdy river that had been flowing since this place showed up. Since you showed up. You crouched over the side of it, reaching down to let it flow between your fingers.
“Hi,” you said, and it bubbled in response. You laughed, removing your hand and wiping it off on your leg draping it over your other knee, “Are you going to help me out, or should I just wander around until something hits me in the face.”
The river splashed up at your bare feet, scolding you for your sass. You chuckle at it, splashing it back with a swift smack.
“I know, I know,” you sigh, standing up again, “I’ll take a little walk, that usually works.”
You walk close to the riverbed, making idle chatter with the mysterious entity meant to reflect your inner self. Its responses only came in rushes and bubbles, but you understood it all the same. Along your walk you come across several animals of varying types, peculiar, as you’d never really had other living things here – other than the river, which you weren’t sure could be declared as a ‘living’ thing. Still, it was a welcome change, making the place feel less lonely. Each animal was particularly drawn to you, rubbing their little bodies excitedly against your legs. You made sure to give each of them as much attention as they’d allow, delighting in the attention they gave you.
There was one odd little creature, though.
It was a little calico cat, body lithe and eyes sharp as it watched you from a distance on the stump of a long-gone tree. It had a strange pattern of yellow and black on the top of its head that almost looked like hair. It hadn’t approached you, but it seemed to… watch. Not in the way an animal would, but the way a conscious being might. Like it was considering you as a fellow intelligent lifeform. 
It shouldn’t have been possible, of course. Everyone had one ‘guide’, yours had always been the river. This cat was an outlier in the statistics, which made the scientist of your past life buzz in excitement. A new set of data to analyze, what does this mean? How could this affect your previous research?
You shook your head. Truly, deeply, within your very core, all you wanted to do was to pet its cute little head. The logic and statistics didn’t matter to you, because the you – the next you, or the person you were going to become; the person you are – just wanted to cuddle up to the little thing.
A splash of water at your feet caught your attention, and you turned a glare at your old friend. In return, it gave you a series of urging rushes.
“What?” It did the same thing, stubbornly, “Do you want me to go… talk to it?”
It slowed all at once, a sign of affirmation, and you sighed. You turned on your heels and made your way across the grassy field, heading for the cat straight on. It stared at you, blinking in a way that was far too human, before hopping off of its perch and trotting down a dirt path just a few feet next to its wooden seating. You groaned, not wanting to chase after this cat's affections, but it paused at the sound of your voice. It looked back expectantly, tail curling up happily in the air. You couldn’t say no to such a happy little kitty, could you?
No, of course not. So you followed it, grumbling as dirt caked your wet feet, but the cat did not seem to care. It only looked back occasionally to ensure you were still following it. At some point, the pretty open fields turned into walls of city buildings, and the gentle rush of your river friend became the sounds of city life. The sun began setting, its rays casting shadows of towering buildings across the sidewalks. Eerie, how such an empty place felt so full of life.
It was… odd. A complete and total shake of what you knew to be true. You never heard about such extreme physical changes in the In-between. Consistency, consistency, consistency. That was the way of the universe that you had studied. To change so dramatically so… suddenly… You didn’t have much time to dwell on it, as the little kitty turned into a rather well-off neighborhood, its pace picking up rapidly.
You couldn’t take anything in, too busy running after the suddenly very athletic cat. It passed several large buildings before hopping over the gate of a compact little home. You sighed, slowing your pace a bit as its beady little eyes peered at you through the bars of a gate.
“You are a pain, you know that little kitty,” you complain.
The cat just tilts its head, and walks toward the front of the house, looking back expectantly. You give a final sigh and push open the gate with little to no resistance. Then, the front door of the house. You feel like an intruder, despite knowing there is no one around here other than you and the little kitty. Who has not stopped its pursuit, expertly moving through the house until it hops into a room, which you quickly realize is someone’s bedroom as you step in.
The cat hops up on the bed and has the nerve to meow at you. You glare at it, approaching to give it a few harsh pets from its head to its tail. That’ll teach it! You're successful in your lesson, as it lazily flops onto its side and bats at your hands. You settle down next to it, laughing as it harmlessly bites at your fingers.
“You sure are pretty, though,” you coo absentmindedly, and it gives a meow in response.
You’re sure to give the kitty plenty of loving and attention, a reward for your efforts before you make the executive decision to take in the room around you. It must be important if this is where the cat wants you to be. It better be, the ache in your legs insists.
The room was compact, only made worse by the fact that there were so many things in it. A bed, of course, but this person had a full gaming PC set up on their desk. It wasn’t cheap either – at least… it didn’t look it. You didn’t know much about games and the like, but you could tell what a nice piece of technology looked like. On the other side of the room, in front of the bed, was a medium-sized TV with an assortment of gaming consoles. Most of which were either Sony or Nintendo and new-ish. The controllers were well-loved, joysticks worn smooth from years of use.
A bump from your side catches your attention, and you look to see the kitty rubbing its side against a shelf. You walk over, scooping the cat up in your arms, chuckling as it goes limp in your cradle. The shelf itself was full, absolutely full, of video games and collectible figures of what you could only assume were characters from these games. On the top shelf were several different textbooks: English, Science, Math, and one on Volleyball techniques. 
You move to set the cat down to get a better look at some of the shelves, bumping a rather beat-up volleyball in the process you hadn’t noticed before. The cat nudges it toward you, tail flicking around in… delight, you think. So, you crouch and pick it up, turning it in your hands. It’s got several chunks taken out of it, and it’s covered in dirt, but you can just barely make out the initials written in black Sharpie. ‘K.K.’ it read. The cat presses itself into your leg, and you give it a good ruffle on the top of its head.
“Are these… hints?” you gamble, asking the cat.
It gives you a meow, purring out its affirmative response. You give it a little scratch on the bottom of his chin as thanks. In return, it bites at your fingers lovingly, licking after itself to soothe the spot. As the cat loves on you, you think long and hard about everything that happened to you in such a short amount of time. In the many lives you’ve lived, the many times you’ve been here, none of this has ever happened before… it’s an entirely undocumented phenomenon. The little thread of hope in your stomach strums an excited song. Maybe, just maybe, this is a sign that this life – this time, you’ll get it right.
The sun settles itself below the horizon, bathing the room in darkness. You let out a sigh, rubbing the cat’s head for good luck.
“Let's hope this is the one, right little guy?” The cat meows, golden eyes watching you in the dark.
You can only hope that the universe isn’t playing tricks on you.
.·:*˚¨¨ ≈★≈ ¨¨˚*:·.
You sit on the floor of your room – what used to be your room, at least – flipping through the pages of a textbook you’d snuck from the boxes of your mother's old stuff. Written in the early seventies by some Professor of the Sciences in the UK, it details the concepts of soulmates. While most of their work was regarded as illogical and ridiculous, your mother had kept all of their textbooks from when she was in college – ever the hopeless romantic she was. Since discovering them in the basement while moving, skimming through the books, and reading all the evidence compiled in favor of the existence of soulmates has become your favorite pastime.
It was silly for someone your age to be considering the idea of ‘soulmates’, most people abandon the thought in middle school, but not you. You had to believe in soulmates. If you didn’t, your mom leaving wouldn’t make any sense. Nothing in your life would make sense. (A bit dramatic, but at 17 years old, everything feels that big).
You sigh, thumbing the edge of a page that your mother had written in. A paragraph defining the ‘spark’ that two soulmates feel when seeing each other was underlined three times in blue pen. Your Mom noted it as important for some exam she’d taken. Her handwriting was pretty, a lot like yours. You missed her a lot. Sure you still got to visit once every few months, and of course, she sent you letters, but you couldn’t help the ache in your chest when you thought of her.
You blinked back the tears building up in your eyes. You hated crying over stupid stuff like this. You were happy for your mom, you were. She found her soulmate and was living in the lap of luxury with her new family… You just wished that you and Dad could’ve been part of that happy life she has now.
Something soft brushes against your leg, and a tentative ‘meow’ comes from below you. Glancing down, you see your cat you’ve had since you were eight, Maki. She was a calico you picked up off the street and domesticated with nothing but a cat’s for dummies book and a whole lot of patience. You’d owned numerous animals throughout your life – most of which were rodents bought at pet stores who couldn’t have lived longer no matter how much you tried – but Maki was your favorite. She just… understood you in a way that no other living creature could’ve, as crazy as that sounded. 
You give her a careful scratch behind her ears, grinning as she purrs in delight. She has no idea she’s going in a crate in a few hours, poor thing. You close up the book, carefully hiding it away beneath several of your textbooks, and tape up the box aptly labeled ‘textbooks’. Satisfied, you pull Maki into your lap and give her cuddles, which she begrudgingly accepts.
Your room and all of your items were packed up – including the air mattress you’d been sleeping on for the past few days while your actual bed was transported all the way to Tokyo. All you had to do was put the last few boxes in the car, and you and your father would leave later that day after lunch. Which meant if you wanted to meet with your friends, you had to get your butt moving. You scooped Maki up in your arms and quickly headed downstairs, smiling a little to yourself as you saw your dad fighting to zip up his suitcase in the barren living room.
“You all good old man?” You called, trying hard not to laugh at him.
“I had more clothes than I thought,” he huffed, “help your old man out, come sit on it while I zip.”
You hop down the remaining stairs and settle yourself squarely in the middle of the giant thing, Maki taking the chance to hop out of your arms and wander off into the empty kitchen. Your father gives a big grunt, and finally manages to zip his suitcase closed.
He leans back, wiping his brow of the sweat he accumulated from moving boxes all day, “I thought your clothes were bad! I’m no better!”
You laugh, “That’s cause you refuse to get rid of anything, even the stuff you never wear.”
“I’m keeping them because they have–”
“‘Sentimental value.’ Yeah, Dad, I know the speech.” You drawl.
He smiles at you and ruffles the top of your head. Something like pride shines in his eyes, and you almost feel like a normal family for a second. 
“You all packed up sweetheart?” he asks, and you give him a nod, “I know you’re going to see your friends, so I’ll put the last of your things in the car.”
You step up and give him a big, warm hug, which he returns happily. “Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you too pumpkin’,” he pulled away, straightening out your jacket, “be safe, and don’t let those two idiots get you in trouble on your last day here.”
You laugh, shaking your head at the idea. Sure, Noya and Tanaka were a bit rough around the edges, but they were good people. Speaking of, the two of them were already waiting outside of your gate when you stepped out of the house. Noya was holding a volleyball under his arm, and Tanaka was flushed and panting.
“Did you two play a whole set while you were waiting,” you laughed, stepping around and closing your gate.
“Nah, Tanaka just ran here 'cause he was late,” Noya explains simply.
Tanaka groans, and you pat his back awkwardly, hoping he won’t double over and die the last time you get to see him for a while. He gives a final gruff gasp for air before he straightens up and gives you a bright grin as if he hadn’t almost died at your feet. You shake your head at him, used to the behavior.
“You didn’t have to run all the way here, you moron.” You scold, giving him a firm smack on the head.
He grumbles, rubbing at the spot you hit, “We both wanted to be here at the same time… and Saeko was holdin’ me up.”
“Mhm, whatever you say. Still, no excuse to try and kill yourself before I even leave.” 
The three of you begin your usual walk to the convenience store nearby, on the mission to get some delicious meat buns, then pass the volleyball around for a couple of hours while you talk about life and things like that. Simple stuff so you don’t have to think too hard about the fact that you won’t be seeing your best friends for at least a few months after today. As you walk, you reflect on the people you hold dear from here. Feeling more sentimental than you usually let yourself be.
You had known Nishinoya since you were in diapers, having lived close to him and his family your whole life. You were practically raised by his grandpa who taught you all the most important life lessons, like riding a bike or how to play rough with the boys at school. Your favorite thing about being Noya’s friend, though, was his grandpa's stories about soulmates. He would sit the two of you down at night and tell stories of how he met his precious soulmate, and how precious each life lived with her has been – though he doesn’t remember any of them. He was the main reason you didn’t resent your mother, stepping in where your father couldn’t soothe you when she left in middle school.
Not to mention, being Noya’s friend was just fun. When you were little he was always taking you on ‘adventures in the wild’, which was just the two of you terrorizing the rice farmers in the surrounding area. You would swim in the river with him during the hottest days of summer, having epic water gun battles for the ages until you inevitably hit an adult and got a stern scolding. During winters you’d curl up in front of your TV and play with the console your father bought for your tenth birthday – usually Mario Kart or party games that always ended in an argument between the two of you, and an inevitable week ban on the console. Where Noya was, you were sure to be close behind, and the same applied in reverse.
Being friends with Noya, inevitably, led to you befriending his closest friend from Karasuno: Tanaka. As well as every other member of the volleyball team – like Daichi and Sugawara, who were the most ‘senpai’ senpai you might’ve ever met. Asahi, who looked at least ten years older than he was, was just a sweetheart. Unfortunately, he and Noya weren’t on speaking terms, so neither were you.  And, of course, the ever-lovely Kiyoko Shimizu, who was trying to get you to manage the volleyball team with her before she found out you were leaving this year. Tanaka was convinced they were soulmates, like real actual soulmates, but she hardly glanced his way. You kinda felt bad for him, but he couldn’t be convinced otherwise. (It didn’t help that Noya fed into his fantasies so much).
Long story short, you had a life here. A good one that you loved with friends that you wanted to keep… but life hasn’t been fair to you for a long time. Your dad got a good promotion, and that meant you had to move to Tokyo. So, instead of continuing high school here, you would be uprooted and moved to Tokyo Metropolis – specifically, you’d be going to Nekoma High School. A much larger high school than Karasuno with people you’ve never met in a city you’ve only visited a handful of times.
Buying the meat buns was quick, and the three of you ended up at a park doing exactly what you figured you would. Mostly, it was Noya and Tanaka messing around with the ball, which you would have to dodge occasionally to keep your head on your shoulders. There was a sense of peace at the moment, just watching them try and best each other as the sun rose high in the sky. You wished you could freeze this moment and live in it forever. You wished you didn’t have to leave. You wished you fought your Dad harder on moving. You wished and wished, but wishes don’t change the past, and they certainly won’t affect the future. 
The ball whizzed right past your face – an intentional shot from your shorter friend. You barely managed to duck out of the way, sending a glare his way. Your balder friend laughs at you as he runs to grab the ball. 
“What the hell was that for?” You shout, smoothing over your frazzled hair.
“You’re doing too much thinking and not enough playing.” He states simply, “Get out of your head and enjoy the moment you have now, or else you’ll miss out on it.” 
Ever the poet Noya (accidentally) was, you acquiesced holding your hands up in surrender. You were here to spend time with your friends, not mourn the fact that you wouldn’t be able to do it anymore.
“Alright, toss me the ball,” you sigh, standing from your spot.
Tanaka bumps the ball to you, an easy toss since you rarely ever played volleyball outside of this ritual the three of you formed. Your mind is so busy trying to keep up with your much more talented friends, that you hardly have time to think about how sad you were. As you dive after the ball and scrape up your chin, you don’t even remember what had you so upset in the first place. It was just you and your friends like the world had intended. 
By the time you had finished, the three of you were covered head to toe in scratches and dirt – like you were three little kids who played too rough. You were sweating and breathing hard by the end of it, though you could tell he and Tanaka still had plenty of energy to spare – unlike you. Perks of being athletes, you guessed. Downing what Noya had left of his water, you checked your phone and cursed. 12:30 and two missed calls from your dad. He’s gonna be so pissed.
“What’s wrong?” Tanaka pants out, leaning over your shoulder, “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, shit is right. I’m gonna get such a lecture when I get back.” You groan, dramatically slinging your arm over your eyes.
“Oh please, all your old man’s gonna worry about is your scraped-up knees.” Noya corrected snarkily.
“Whatever loser, I gotta get back regardless.” you sigh, brushing as much dirt off your clothes as you can manage.
You begin your pursuit toward your house, and the two boys follow behind without any arguing. Eventually, the three of you fall into step next to each other, sandwiched between them as you talk about various things. Video games, exams (that they passed by a hair), the next volleyball season (even though Noya is adamant he won’t participate without Asahi), and so on. No one wants to breach the topic at hand: you leaving. It’s depressing, but someone has to bring it up, or else it’ll stick to your skin like summer heat and leave you feeling hot with regret.
“I’m gonna miss you guys a lot.” You announce, looking up to the sky to avoid crying.
The two of them are quiet as they exchange a look across you. You can feel the mental battle between the two of them – a metaphorical game of rock, paper, scissors happens in their eyes. Tanaka loses, it seems, as he’s the first to speak.
“I mean, it’s not like we’ll never see each other again…” he pauses, “right? You’re going to visit for sure.”
You nod eagerly, “Of course I am, I just… I dunno how often I’ll be able to. It’s gonna be hard without you guys.”
Noya punches your shoulder, “Don’t be depressing about it, dummy! This is a new opportunity – you could even-” he pauses, looking around and lowering his voice, “you could meet your soulmate.”
“Ohhh, like Tanaka totally met his.” You snark.
“Kiyoko is my soulmate!” He retaliates, voice breaking in the middle.
“Come on!” Noya groans, hopping in your path and halting all movement, “This is a change you need! It’s like I always say, there's never a bad change 'cause everything’s part of the universe’s great plan for us.”
“Alright Noya, I get it. Can’t a girl just be a little melancholic sometimes?” 
“No. Now let's get you home before your old man has a reason to yell at us too.” He shouts, suddenly breaking into a sprint.
“Hey, you little bastard, get back here!” You shout back, quickly taking after him.
“Come on guys!” Came Tanaka as he picked up his pace to keep up with you.
.·:*˚¨¨ ≈★≈ ¨¨˚*:·.
Noya was correct, your Dad’s only concern when he saw you was how messy you had become. You gave your two friends a big hug with the promise that you’d keep each other up to date on everything, and then they left for Noya’s to do god knows what. You had a hearty lunch that your Dad picked up from a Chinese place while you were gone, tried and failed to crate Maki who ended up in your lap in the front seat, and then you were off to Tokyo. A nearly five-hour drive that your father thought would be good bonding time.
If by bonding he meant two hours of shitty music you didn’t like and off-key singing, you two were practically chemically bonded at this point. You couldn’t bring yourself to be anything more than mildly annoyed, huffing out an amused laugh as your old man struggled through another verse of a song you didn’t know. He nudged you, laughing at your face.
“What? Not enjoying your old man’s musical talent?” He jokes.
You roll your eyes at him, and he laughs, leaning over to finally turn down the music. He holds his hand up in surrender as he pulls back, apologizing lightheartedly, and you can’t stop the smile from growing on your face. He reaches over and squeezes your knee gently.
“You doing okay kiddo?” He asks, softly, as if you might break if he spoke any louder.
You nod, “Just a little… sad… you know.”
He sighs, nodding back at you. He looked tired, and this was the first time you considered that… maybe the move was as hard on him as it was on you.
“I grew up in that house, and all my friends are in Miyagi… it just feels like such a shame to leave it all behind.”
“I know honey. But… I think this move is gonna be good for us. I’ll make more money to support us, and you’ll have more opportunities in the big city.” He says excitedly.
“Yeah… I know.” you sigh, and there’s a tense lull in the conversation. 
Your Dad has a hard time comforting you, that was always your mom's job, and he never figured out how to do it by himself. You always ended up having to pick up the pieces for both of you.
“I, Uhm, I saw that there was a shelter near where we live that lets high schoolers volunteer on weekends – sometimes they even give long-time helpers permanent positions through college.” You offer up.
“Now that is exactly something that you would love doing, isn’t it?” He responds with a smile.
“Yeah, I already applied for it.” You laugh, “I was excited, but they haven’t gotten back to me yet.”
“Wow! Look at you, already so responsible! Where’s my little girl, I want her back,” he teases, pinching your cheek.
“Dad! It’s nothing serious, just an application!”
“But I’m still so proud of you. You’re already taking steps to adjust, that's real maturity, honey.”
You flush, nervously running your fingers through Maki’s fur. It didn’t feel like it was such a big deal, but you were happy that you were making your Dad proud of you.
“I’m gonna miss all my friends, but I’m excited to go to Nekoma. I mean, a bigger school means a much wider curriculum, so maybe I can take some classes focused on animals and stuff.” You say hopefully.
“You for sure could, I think I saw some of those classes when I was looking into the school.” He encourages.
“Yeah, and I can make some new friends who like the same stuff I do! Noya even said that I could find my soulmate!” You exclaim, before you can even realize what you’re saying, and when you catch yourself it's already too late.
“Hon… you know how I feel about that… soulmate stuff.”
“I know. I’m sorry. It’s just… exciting, and… I guess I’m hopeful.”
He sighs, frustration clear on his face, “You’re a little too old to be hopeful about something like that.”
“I-it’s just a nice thought, that there's someone out there who’s made for me. My other half…”
“I know you don’t like it because of what happened with Mom, but there's evidence–”
“Just stop!” He shouts, then bites his lip, “Please, honey, just don’t.”
You nod, “I’m sorry Dad.”
He doesn’t respond, instead turning up the music. You don’t talk to each other unless you have to. You focus your attention on Maki, giving her attention until she hops off your lap and you have to focus on your phone. It’s about eight o’clock when you get to the new house. It’s… nice, much bigger than your old one, and much nicer. 
The two of you grab your suitcases and a few assorted boxes to bring in (Maki following after you like a trained dog), too tired to unpack the whole car. You trudge your way across the house to your room – already furnished with bed made, thanks to the moving service your dad booked. You set your things down and collapse into your familiar sheets. They still smell like home, and that brings you more comfort than you thought you needed.
Maki, ever the mind reader, hops up and nudges her way under your arm. You tug her close, pressing a thankful kiss to her forehead. The house was nice, and so was the neighborhood from what you saw outside of your window. You hoped the school was too, you wouldn’t see it until you went to register for classes later this week. You didn’t have much room to feel anything but depressed after you argued with your Dad. You shouldn’t have pushed it so much, but it frustrated you to no end that he was so in denial of what happened. 
You were exhausted, and thinking was taking up way too much brain power. You snuggled up to your cat, sighing at the familiar smell of her healthy coat.
“Tomorrow’s another day,” you mumbled, “let's hope it’s easier than today.”
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 9 months
Currently thinking of a pidw native shixiong shen yuan au scenario where at the beginning of his tenure as a qing jing peak disciple him and shen qingqiu did have like a weird father-son esque bond. That like, slowly started to deteriorate as shen yuan got older and befriended binghe, slowly but surely being dissilutioned for his teacher/father figure/role model as time goes by and the more mature shen yuan is. Once shen yuan is like in his early 20s and is completely attached at the hip with luo binghe, shen yuan just. Finds it hard to love or respect shen qingqiu the same now after everything he's learned what he did to binghe and some other things he's done running the peak. But surely it can't get worse right?
And then the immortal Alliance conference happens. I'm thinking maybe either shen yuan missed out on the conference or wasnt around when the abyss opened, whatever the case, shen qingqiu comes back without luo binghe. Says he unfortunately died during the conference. And shen yuan privately thinks, for a horrible moment, "did he really?"
And because of that moment of doubt any sort of positive relationship between the two turns to dust.
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benevolenterrancy · 3 months
Do any NieYao (or general 3zun) shippers follow me? I've been tossing around the idea of a nieyao fic but I'm getting tripped up by timeline shit because good lord JGY's life is a nightmare... is there anyone who wouldn't mind either:
a) chatting with me about timeline/canon stuff to help me get sorted
b) sending me recs of their favourite nieyao fics 👀 for, uh, strictly research related purposes for sure for sure
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 28
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You and T'Challa were standing in a chapel like building, black twine encircling both of your wrists while the Wakandan. . . priest(?) spoke Wakandan during the entire ritual. You and T'Challa stood there, staring into each others eyes before the black twine was burned, letting it all burn away to ashes below your feet.
T'Challa swept you up into a passionate kiss in front of all of Wakanda, which was met with the cheers of the people, screams of little kids, and a few cat calls from some of his friends from the border tribe.
Soon after, you were saying good-bye to Okoye, Nakia, Shuri, and his mother before very quickly heading onto the Quinjet and heading home.
Though you had loved Wakanda, you couldn't wait to be back in New York. The others seemed to feel the same way.
You were curled up between Tony and Stephen, both of them holding you. You were feeling uncomfortable on the plane ride there, every bump made you groan in pain, willing yourself not to throw up. You wished Stephen would just portal you guys to the Avengers compound.
However when the Quinjet finally touched down the ramp unloaded, you saw that you weren't near the Avengers tower. In fact, you weren't even in the city. You weren't even sure you were still in New York.
"Where are we?" You asked, looking around.
There was a very, very large mansion spread out on a large plane of green grass. There was large forest surrounding it around the back and sides. Both the front and back lawns looked absolutely huge and upon looking around, you could tell that this place would have everything you guys needed.
"Welcome home." Tony said with a grin.
Your heart melted a little. Bucky picked you up, carrying you over the threshold before putting you down inside the house.
The inside of the house was huge, but there wasn't a single spot of room wasted. There was a living room, a dining room, a very large kitchen and breakfast room, three offices, two bathrooms, and a very large library on the bottom floor. Upstairs was another two bathrooms, a dozen bedrooms, and a few balconies, one of which led out to the deck outside.
There was also a basement that contained a movie theater, a workout room, a gaming area completely with both board/physical games, a pool table, an air hockey table, along with two TVs that were equipped with every device available.
The backyard was very large, with only a huge pool, complete with a diving board and water slide alone with a greenhouse farther out. There were several fruits and vegetables growing in the greenhouse.
"This place is amazing Tony." You complimented after you guys had settled back down in the living room. Your stomach was rolling a little, but you weren't sure if that was because you were getting pre-period cramps, or if you were still feeling guilty about the whole Dora Milaje incident.
Tony grinned, proud of himself, "Glad you like it gorgeous."
"What state are we in?" You asked, curious.
"Ohio." Tony said with a shrug. "It's not to far from New York, but it had a lot more land than the ones we were looking at in New York. Besides, it's a bit quieter out here in the country."
"This is actually set on a nice plot of land." Stephen said next to you. "you could technically start an entire farm on here if you wanted."
"Maybe we could bring Samantha and Stella over, eh Buck?" You asked, winking at him.
He chuckled nervously, brushing his hair back from his face as Sam and Steve both turned to look at him.
"Who are Samantha and Stella?" Steve asked.
"His goats in Wakanda." T'Challa answered. "His milk goats."
You were now imagining all of them living on a farm. Wearing plaid flannel shirts and blue jeans. Chopping wood. Milking cows. Shearing sheep. Feeding the pigs and chickens. Collecting eggs. You could imagine some of them in the gardens, working the plants.
Steve, Bucky, and Sam were the easiest to imagine this scene along with Rhodey, Clint, and Fury. The others just seemed impossible. You didn't think you'd seen Loki wear jeans once. Thor maybe as well could pull off the farmer look as well. T'Challa, Tony, and Stephen on the other hand? Absolutely not. Tony only wore suits, Stephen rarely changed out of his wizarding clothes, and T'Challa wore traditional clothes almost all of the time.
As the night wore on, movies playing on the TV, you started to drift off. You could feel Stephen picking you up in his arms, bidding the others good-night as he carried you up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms. You knew Tony was around as you could hear him talking softly to Stephen.
"Hey sweetheart," Tony said softly as they sat you upright on the bed. You blinked before leaning your head on his shoulder, trying to fall asleep. He chuckled gently. "You gotta get into some pajamas. You're going to be uncomfortable if you stay in that dress all night."
You ignored him, making him sigh in fake exasperation. "You want me to undress you then?"
You nodded, already half-asleep. You could feel his fingers unzipping the dress behind you, sliding the shoulders of it off, before you were nodding off.
The last thing you felt was being slipped under silk sheets, a warm arm holding you tightly to their chest.
You bolted upright, leaping out of the bed, stumbling into the bathroom, the door banging against the wall behind you.
"Sweetheart?" Tony's tired voice was drowned out as you vomited into the toilet. You heard feet hit the floor behind you before Tony was pulling your hair back as you emptied your stomach into the bowl.
Once you were done, you rested your forehead on your arms.
"Darling?" Stephen's voice was behind you now as well.
"Shit." You groaned. "I feel terrible."
Stephen's hand landed on your forehead, "You do feel warm. Tones, do you mind going downstairs, grabbing the ginger ale and some saltine crackers. I think there might already be a thermometer up here."
"There is." Tony said, knocking on one of the drawers as he passed by to leave the room.
Stephen rummaged in the drawer to pull out the under the tongue temperature reader. He pulled off the plastic cap, writing your name on the back with sharpie before crouching in front of you. "Open Y/N."
You did, letting him stick it under your tongue. You held it there until it beeped, showing that you had a 103 degree fever. The news made you vomit again, this time Stephen being the one to hold your hair back.
After he figured you were done, he helped you gently back into bed. Tony came back with a cool glass of ginger ale, so cold that perspiration was already dropping down the side of the cup. A box of saltine crackers was under his arm and he was holding a large pot in the other hand- probably so you could throw up without running to the bathroom.
"Here we go baby girl." Tony said, sitting next to me on the bed.
"Tony, you'll get sick." You mumbled, taking a small sip of the ginger ale, nibbling at a cracker.
"You need to keep up your fluids," Stephen said, completely disregarding your worry. "Salt isn't particularly good when you're sick so if you're going to be eating crackers to settle your stomach, you need to keep it balanced with plenty of water and ginger ale." [You could supplement with Sprite if you want to]
You nodded.
"I'm kind've disappointed." Tony said softly and both you and Stephen looked at him. He gave a small shrug, "Was kind've hoping you had morning sickness."
You smiled a little, "Sorry."
Tony shook his head, "I just want you to get better."
The others visited you throughout the day, which was met with your weak protests. But they figured if they were going to get sick, it was better they were all sick at once than having them someone sick every three days for a month.
They were all so sweet and attentive, laying with you, making sure that you got enough fluids. Loki loved coming in and reading more of that poetry to you. For example, the poem the second poem that he read you had laughing so hard that you got hiccups:
starkle, starkle, little twink, Who the hell are you I think. I'm not under what you call The alcofluence of incohol. I'm just a little slort of sheep, I'm not drunk like thinkle peep. I don't know who is me yet, But the drunker I stand here the longer I get So just give me one more fink to drill my cup, 'Cause I got all day sober to Sunday up.
Loki, not knowing the song of twinkle twinkle little star was a bit confused about why you liked the poem so much. Despite this, he enjoyed that you were laughing at it, and let you read it over and over as you hiccuped, tears streaming down your face with laughter.
[I mean- I though it was funny]
And then there was another one that sounded just beautiful, if not a little creepy.
There's a truth not many know, About the world while you're asleep That the wind slips through your window, To steal the secrets that you keep, And if you don't believe me, Then you're welcome to your doubt, But have you never stopped to wonder, What it's whispering about? What else in the world Could make the treetops bend and sway But the weight of all the words, that no one ever dared to say? And since it's while your sleeping Secrets are easiest to take It's no surprise those with the deepest are the ones kept wide awake.
"Is that why you don't sleep?" You asked Loki teasingly.
Loki chuckled, appreciating your humor. "Naturally my Queen."
After you'd gotten better, most everyone else had either gotten it and it had passed, or they hadn't gotten it at all. Except Bucky who had it really bad.
He was shivering under his blankets, his nose red and his lips blue. Except that he always kept saying he was hot, trying to throw the blanket off of him.
For the most part, Steve, Sam, and Stephen stayed with him, taking care of him. But you tried to get some time with him, curling up with him while he pressed his cold face into your neck.
You wanted to surprised him for when he got better, so you grabbed Loki and the two of you went out into the town.
"What are we getting?" Loki questioned, following you along. You both ignored pointing fingers and stares from passerby's.
"You'll see." You said, gripping his hand before dragging him to a pet store. You and Loki looked around before you found two kittens and a puppy that you both wanted and were sure that the others would want.
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[The two kittens are a species called Munchkin kitties. I don't know the dog breed I'm sorry]
The first kitten was a white kitten with grey eyes that reminded you of Bucky. The second kitten was black with such blue eyes you could've sworn that it was Loki impersonated. And the puppy was just to cute to pass up on.
"Okay, this one is adorable." Loki said, cradling the black kitten in his arms. The puppy was on a leash while you tried keeping the other kitten in your hands. It was a very squirmy kitten and it took a minute before it finally settled contentedly on your shoulder. You were sure that it wouldn't last long.
"Are we getting any other pets?" Loki asked as you moved through a second pet store.
"Yes." You said. "I want two rabbits as well. I think it's only fitting, after all, I want pets that everyone wants. And I absolutely adore rabbits."
"Why two?" Loki asked.
"Rabbits are very social creatures. They can actually die of depression so if you get a rabbit, you should always get two so that they are never lonely. Human interaction can only be so much for them."
"Interesting." Loki mused as you looked over the English lops that were sitting in the area. The kitten in your hands sniffed at them in interest. One of the bunnies stood up on its hind legs, sniffing at the kitten before tentatively starting to groom it behind the ears. The kitten purred, closing its' eyes. You and Loki exchanged a look.
"That one." The two of you said together.
[There are four pictures. The first picture is them as a baby. The second picture is them full-sized]
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"They're adorable." You cooed. The brown Miniature English Lop eared was a girl and the blue miniature lionhead was a male.
"They are quite cute." Loki admitted, holding the cardboard carrier case with the two bunnies inside gingerly. "This kitten is still my favorite though."
"I got him specifically because he looks like you." You said with a smile, feeling giddy as the two of you got back to the car. Loki said he would sit in the back with all of the animals.
You drove slowly so that you didn't make any sudden stops, turns, or starts. When you got home, Rhodey and Clint came out to see where you guys had gone.
"Oh Fury is going to freak." Clint said with delight, picking up the white ball of fluff in one hand. The cat peered up at him.
"That one is kind've Bucky's." You admitted. "and the black cat is kind've Loki's. But the dog and the bunnies are all of ours."
Rhodey picked the puppy up, which immediately started to lick his face energetically.
You took the white cat from Clint, trading the two bunnies for her. You carefully made your way up the stairs while the others downstairs started crowding the other animals.
You knocked on the door, hearing Steve say, "Come in."
"Cover his eyes Steve." You said before you entered the room.
You heard Bucky mumble a weak protest as you came in, making your way over to the bed. You watched Steve's eyes widen and then a smile break out on his face. You sat down on the edge of the bed. "Okay."
Steve removed his hand and Bucky looked at you and then at the white fluff in your hands. Bucky's face lit up in delight and you quickly reached out, placing the kitten in his hands.
The kitten stood up in his two hands, starting to nuzzle and knead the metal hand like it a toy. Then it hopped off his hands, making her way up to his chest, curling up into the tiniest ball you'd ever seen.
Bucky was grinning so wide it was like he had never been sick. "She's adorable. What a good little kitty." He petted her with two fingers. "Does she have a name?"
"No, you can name her." You said.
Bucky continued to look down at her, petting her, "Alpine."
"Cute." You commented. "I wonder what Loki will name his cat."
"There's another cat?" Bucky's eyes lit up even more if that was possible.
"And a puppy and two bunnies." You said sheepishly. "I wanted to make sure everyone had a pet that they liked. I mean, for the most part we're sharing the animals. Like how we'll share kids. But I thought you'd like your own cat."
Bucky motioned for you to lean over so that he could kiss your forehead. "Thank you doll."
"Anything for you Buckaroo."
Clint, Sam, and Rhodey came upstairs at that moment, bringing in the bunnies and puppy to see Bucky as well.
Bucky smiled, watching how attentive the bunnies were with the puppy, both of them climbing all over the poor dog.
"We thought you'd name the bunnies Y/N." Rhodey said with a grin.
You smiled back, "That's Cinnamon roll and that's Boba." You said without any hesitation.
Steve chuckled behind you, "Cute names."
"What's the dogs name?" You asked.
"We haven't decided yet." Rhodey said.
Suddenly you heard the door open downstairs and you heard Fury give a strangled cry before he shouted, "What the F-"
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 months
More than Words
When the Nogitsune spat Stiles out into a new body, a different body from the one he was born in, defeating the demon overrode any other concerns at the time. It's only when Scott turns eighteen and eagerly writes his first Words on his skin that an awful thought occurs to Stiles.
When his eighteenth birthday comes and his Words go unanswered, don't even sink into his skin like real Words do, he's devastated.
Scott tries to remind him that Bonds are sealed with a kiss, and other Bonds have been sealed and confirmed that way before people can even share Words, but Stiles didn't want to guess, he wanted his soulmate.
(another plot bunny I can see going multiple different ways in terms of pairing, the only thing that changes is whether or not the pairing is a true soulmate match or if they decide to deny fate)
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Round 3, Poll 2
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To Spoon Feed You Comfort v. Soul Traitor
To Spoon Feed You Comfort: (Accidental Marriage AU)
Have a conversation. Bilbo could certainly do that. He’s learned quite a bit on how to talk to dwarves on this quest after all. He shot to his feet, looking around the room, only for his eyes to meet Thorin’s own. It felt like the dwarf’s gaze was boring into Bilbo, trying to discover his every secret the hobbit had. Courage leaving him, Bilbo opted instead for a walk through the gardens to get his head right. 
It was much later when Bilbo returned to the dwarven common room, only to discover they had made a little fire pit in the center of it. Not wanting to be a part of vandalism, Bilbo found his way onto the outer balconies. 
He has enjoyed the peace and beauty of Rivendell. It was somewhere he’s always wanted to visit after listening to his mother’s stories. He leaned against the railing, watching the fireflies start to appear when he heard a noise behind him. When he turned, he saw Thorin standing there staring at him. Bilbo’s jaw dropped. This was his chance. Before he could utter a word though, a conversation from below captured his attention.
Elrond and Gandalf appeared to be arguing over the state of their quest. Bilbo furrowed his brows, casting a glance at Thorin who also appeared to be listening intently.
“Have you forgotten? A strain of madness runs in that family…”
Bilbo could feel himself getting worked up. A bunch of Shire gossips, that’s all they were. He would have expected better from the immortal pair. When Bilbo turned around to tell Thorin it was okay, he found the dwarf had already ducked inside the hallway. Bilbo sprinted after him, hollering his name.
“Wait! Thorin, it’s okay!”
Suddenly, a hand caught his wrist spinning him around and pinning his back against the wall in the dark alcove.
“What do you know of it?” Thorin growled, pressing close to him. “What do you know of watching your grandfather’s mind wither until there was not a thought left but that of gold? What do you know of watching your father, your brother, yourself for signs of that same sickness with dread? You in your comfortable little hole. What right do you have to tell me it’s okay?”
Bilbo felt his nose twitch as he took a sharp breath. Thorin let him go, and Bilbo quickly grabbed his jacket to keep him from leaving.
“I know nothing of sickness of the mind or gold. But I know you. Or at least I think I’ve come to know you. I’ve watched you care for your company, every single member. I know how seriously you carry your burdens. But Thorin, I’ve never once worried for your sanity, mad quest to burgle from a dragon aside.”
Bilbo hadn’t meant to say that last bit, and he froze worried he might have offended Thorin by making light of it. Instead, the dwarf gave a small chuckle. A noise that had Bilbo’s heart pounding faster. This was it. This was the exact moment where he should tell him.
Soul Traitor: (Reincarnated Soulmates)
A memory from far away came bidden to Bilbo’s mind as his lips ticked upwards slightly.
“And most amusing for you?” He finished.
Gandalf chuckled. “The only thing I will find amusing is when the dwarves realize how wrong they are about you.” He lowered his voice as if he were about to impart a secret. “A rather stubborn race that tends to stick to their own preconceived notions until proven otherwise.”
Bilbo shook his head with a sigh. Just how was he supposed to prove them wrong if they wouldn’t even give him the time of day? He had the strangest urge to hug Gandalf close like a child hiding in their mother’s skirt. However, if there was one thing in the world more stubborn than dwarves, it was wizards when they got an idea in their head. 
“If I asked you to take me back home to the Shire instead, would that be on your way?”
“I’m afraid not.” Gandalf smiled gently. “You will either be traveling to Rivendell with the company, or back home to the Shire alone.”
Bilbo sighed. His mother used to travel alone. Surely, Bilbo could retrace his steps easily enough. 
“Halfling!” Thorin barked. “Let’s go. The day will get away from us if we don’t depart now.”
Bilbo looked over to see all the dwarves already in their saddles, waiting for him to finish his conversation with Gandalf. Bilbo turned back to the wizard who merely gave him a wink.
“I will see you again. I promise, Bilbo.”
Something in Bilbo settled at his words even knowing that could mean in another life. Bilbo hugged the wizard tightly before turning back to Thorin and company. He gave a single nod as he grabbed Myrtle's saddlehorn, pulling himself up onto her back. Seeing him finally ready to go, Thorin swiftly pulled his pony’s reins around, leading their group out of town. Most of the dwarves rode in pairs, conversing with each other in low tones leaving Bilbo at the back of the group alone. He turned back to give one last look at Gandalf, but the wizard was already gone. Bilbo took a deep breath as he came upon a fork in the road. One path taking him home, the other following the company. 
He contemplated his options. Did he want to go home? Or did he want to see this through? He knew what his head was screaming at him, but his heart…his heart knew he would go back to being a shell of a hobbit in the Shire. He needed to do this. Regardless of how uncomfortable it was. Besides, Rivendell has always been somewhere he’s wanted to see. Maybe he would finally find peace amongst the rumored beauty of the Last Homely House. Ever so gently, Bilbo nudged Myrtle along after the dwarves. His eyes glued to the backside of the pony in front of him hoping he was not about to regret this decision.
Bilbo had gotten a taste of living off the road from his short journey with Gandalf, but it still wasn’t enough to prepare him for camping with the dwarves. 
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fanarchoslashivist · 2 years
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Doodled the Bunny making faces scenes instead of writing the Jack does something brick stupid scenes because the faces cannot really be described to my satisfaction.
Bunny with barely contained rage. Bunny in speechless horror. Bunny getting interrupted mid cool dramatic hero pose with snowballs.
This is why Jack keeps bullying you Bunny.
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changbinholic · 1 year
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If it ain't you then who?
↬for the bunny boy week day 4 - friends to lovers - canon compliant - soulmate
↬pairing: Lee Minho | Lee know/Seo Changbin
↬Changbin gets his soulmark. Two bunnies sitting side by side, so close together one could almost think they were glued together. It reminds him the one he loves. But with Changbin’s luck his soulmate is probably not him.
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blueparadis · 2 years
damn bestie, (link to the memories post you tagged me in, it's safe) guess it's time for our soulmate au slow burn mutuals to lovers 40,000+ word fanfic
also i guess it's a code that just adds a username you might have recently interacted with, it's different for every blog idk i can be wrong🤷
Hahahaha you bet. I love slow burn
It is but it's just fun seeing different moots being my match made in heaven every end of the month.
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Okay so soulmate au right? The one where you have a mark/tattoo on the first place your soulmate touches you?
What if your soulmate is a surgeon and the first place they touch you is like, your kidney or something?
Imagine going through your whole life thinking that you have no soulmate, then you have major surgery and wake up to the surgeon looking shy and being like, so, I have good news and better news.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
Tony made sure that everything was in order. He now had a suit, a fancier one than he'd made in the caves, that was for sure. It was higher tech, with more gadgets. Not to mention slimmer, fitting to his body better. Still needed to be painted.
Of course, flight was a big more difficult, but he was working on that when Pepper wasn't around.
Pumpkin had healed up nicely and he was always amused and little struck by the grace that she ran around on her playground with.
The two of them together had experimented with different rabbit chew toys. There was this wooden atom ball and they would play a form of fetch with it. Tony wasn't sure though if they were really bonding.
He loved petting her in his lab. She came in sometimes when she wanted comfort and would sit on top of his desk, practically sleeping as he stroked her fur. Very rarely, she would sometimes lick his fingers, which was really adorable, he had to admit.
Her friend had proven harder to track though. The girl hadn't been seen in the cameras much as she'd mostly stayed in her car and then driven through the drive through the following morning to grab doughnuts on the way back to wherever she had come.
Her license plates had been a bit easier to track, leading him to find that the girl lived somewhere in Carson City, Nevada. But it seemed on the outskirts in the suburbs. Once he was in the suburbs, he knew tracking down the parents of Pumpkin would be harder.
He had attempted to get a name from the girl herself, whose name he had found out was Elizabeth Lightwood. However, when he finally got a phone number and called the house, he was told that the girls' eighteenth birthday had passed and she was a Cheetah, unable to talk right now.
A cheetah? He had thought about that as he set the phone down, glancing over at where Pumpkin was adorably sprawled on her side, eyes closed, little nose twitching as she slept.
He sighed, rubbing his jaw. There was no reason whatsoever to feel bad about his soulmate. In fact, he had many theories about why she had become a rabbit. It had to have something to do with her parents. She had been scared her entire life, so she had become a prey animal in her soulmate life as well.
Instead of feeling jealous he hadn't gotten an exotic creature, he told himself, he should be trying to make her feel safe with him.
He sighed as he clicked off the map of the suburbs of Carson City. He couldn't use them now. He would take care of the parents later.
He picked up the gauntlet and got back to work.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You rolled over, waking up from your nap to see that Tony was still wide awake- or maybe slightly awake- and working on some sort of gauntlet. He had been building something for weeks now and it was all coming together to look like some sort of metal suit. You knew it could fly, though you had no idea what the billionaire wanted with it.
Probably just to put it in the glass case and look at something he had built. Or maybe it was a symbol of how he escaped from the Afghanistan caves. He had told you many stories about his time over there, and stories about his time beyond. He was very careful not to tell you any stories of past women.
Of course, you knew he was a playboy so if he had shared any stories of him and other women, it wouldn't have been a surprise. But at least he was being considerate enough of your feelings not to.
Of course, you and Tony weren't bonding that much. He was very immersed in his projects, which often required both concentration and both hands. But you stayed in there, enjoying the silent company. There was something pleasurable about watching the great Tony Stark build something right in front of you.
Pepper was always so kind, making sure you had eaten and drank. That Tony had eaten and gotten fluids. He rarely let her into the lab so he always left for those 'check-ups' as he called them. But you could tell he was pleased that someone cared enough about him to check up on him.
Pepper and Happy didn't live in Tony's house, but they had a small property down the hill that they lived on. That way, it was close enough for Pepper's job as Tony's assistant- and Happy being what Tony called the 'forehead of security'- but also so that they had their separate place.
You had also been introduced to a darker man named Rhodey. Apparently they were best friends though Rhodey was often exhausted with Tony's flamboyant behavior, he himself being a man of principle. But soon Rhodey was off doing missions with the Air force so you didn't see him as much either.
And then, there was Obadiah Stane. Apparently, he had been like a second father figure to Tony or something like that. They were very close, but Obadiah was trying to convince Tony to turn back to making weapons because there was no industry in peacemaking.
He liked you a little to much, liking to hold you as he talked to Tony. Tony always seemed to frown a little at that though. You didn't really like it either, his big hands around your tiny body. You were always terrified that if he got to angry at Tony or something, he would crush you.
You often squirmed out of his lap to sit down next to Tony, who would give you soothing pets while not breaking stride as he spoke to Obadiah.
You got to your paws now, sitting back on your back legs so that you could use your front paws to clean your face and ears. Tony looked over and smiled. "Adorable as always Pumpkin."
You hopped around a little bit, sniffing at the strange things in his lab. You liked marking your territory with the gland under your chin, rubbing it on everything Tony was using to work on while he watched in amusement.
"You know, since you like messing with my work so much, I think I'll make you a costume just for you." Tony laughed as he yanked his screw driver away from you to continue fixing up his glove. "I can just see you now in a little red and gold metal flying costume. You'll probably break all the lights in the building though."
You turned your head to start cleaning your back.
"Jarvis, put that in the idea bin." Tony called out.
"What? The ridiculous notion of a flying rabbit? Or the flying rabbit suit?" Jarvis asked.
Tony glared up at the unseeable AI. "A suit for a rabbit. Period."
"You do realize that pet stores make clothes for pets." Jarvis replied, though there was a ding as the idea was added to a special task bar.
"Yeah, but no Iron man rabbit suits." Tony pointed out. "Of course, I'll have to come up with a better name for it."
"It's a ridiculous notion." Jarvis repeated.
You gave your ears good licks until you felt nice and clean. Tony petted you when he put the screwdriver down, naturally messing up your fur once more but you didn't care. You nudged his hand with your nose and he picked you up and put you on the floor.
The two of you had silently learned each others communication habits. There were lots of noiseless actions you performed and he had learned what all of them meant and had memorized them.
You licked up some water from your bowl and then watched as Tony stopped having more conversation with Jarvis on the suit he was working on and asked, "Jarvis, did we get an invite for that?"
"I have no record of an invitation, sir." Jarvis replied.
You turned away from your water bowl to see a blond lady on the TV talking about some sort of firefighter fundraiser.
Tony picked up one of the Iron man masks, putting it over his face to stare at the TV while the lady behind the screen talked about how Tony hadn't been seen since his last press conference.
He lowered it as they continued to talk about how he was dealing with PTSD and must have been bed-ridden for weeks. You hopped back over to the chair.
"The render is complete." Jarvis interrupted the TV program.
You couldn't see the screen but Tony sat up and asked, "A little ostentatious, don't you think?"
Tony turned in the chair, nearly hitting you to put his glass on the other counter. He quickly picked you up and put you down on the surface he was working on.
"What was I thinking?" Jarvis asked sarcastically. "You're usually so discreet."
"Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod red in there."
"Yes. That should help you keep a low profile." There was a pause as you watched the completely gold suit became more red than gold and it looked really good. You approved of the colour scheme anyways. You looked up to where Tony was still drinking that nasty green gunk for his health. "Render is complete."
"Hey, I like it. Fabricate it. Paint it." Tony commanded.
"Commencing automated assembly." Jarvis replied. "Estimated completion time is five hours."
Tony stood up, checking his watch and said, "Don't wait up for me honey."
You weren't sure if he was talking to you or Jarvis.
He pocked the watch, putting you down on the ground, and then headed out of the room. 
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 months
Walking through Waking Dreams
Every Spark has a Guardian, a fated partner who will help keep the Spark safe from harm. Each Spark meets their Guardian in their dreams to keep the Spark's identity secret.
Stiles' parents prepared him for his Dreams. They didn't prepare him for a comatose Guardian who doesn't know he's dreaming.
Peter is trapped in his mind, reliving memories he's desperate to change or never leave. The realization that he's been abandoned by his pack sinks in as he feels a feral, Omega madness slowly taking over.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 2 months
Round 1, Poll 7
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Soul Traitor: (Reincarnated Soulmates)
Those walking past, eyed the little hobbit strangely after his outburst, but Bilbo just couldn’t bring himself to care. His eyes remained glued to the wizard before him. Even the dwarves who had stopped what they were doing to watch the fight couldn’t hold his attention. 
“Bilbo, my dear hobbit, there’s no need to get yourself in such a fit. I only ever meant to bring you to Tharbad. I have other duties to see to, and going to Rivendell is not exactly on the way.”
If Bilbo’s past lives were sentient beings, he would imagine they would be laughing at him right now.
Oakenshield's Fourteen: (Heist AU)
“Do you have any ale, Mr. Baggins?” One of the men asked, poking around in his kitchen. “Oh wait! I found it.”
“Come on, Bombur! Fry us up some of this fish. I’m starved!”
Bilbo thought he was actually going to pass out. He could feel the screaming in his head die down to white noise and his legs become wobbly. Maybe if he did, they would all leave. Although, considering how little they were paying attention to him, the more obvious consequence would be they wouldn’t even notice him sprawled across the floor unconscious. So Bilbo pulled himself together and decided he was going to take charge of the situation considering it was his house.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 7 months
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cobaltfluff · 1 year
you know you're in a bit too deep when you have:
your Warrior of Light
an OC based off your WoL
an AU version of that OC based off your WoL
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